Home Locks Sample cash limit order for micro organizations. An order establishing a limit on the cash balance at the cash register. General principle for determining indicators for calculation

Sample cash limit order for micro organizations. An order establishing a limit on the cash balance at the cash register. General principle for determining indicators for calculation

Starting in June 2014, some entrepreneurs and organizations were able to cancel the balance limit for cash on hand.

Who can exercise this right? What should an order to cancel the cash balance limit look like? More on this later.

What it is

The following business entities can cancel the limit:

  • employing up to 100 people;
  • who earn up to 400 million rubles a year.

The setting of the limit is canceled by issuing an appropriate order. The creation of the order is based on the Directive of the Bank of Russia No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014.

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What does the order form look like?

The 2017 form is available for review on our website:

How to create an order

You can understand how an order is filled out by studying the example of filling out an order provided above.

Who can cancel the limit in 2017

On July 25, 2015, the Government increased the revenue limit for small businesses.

Previously, enterprises that earned up to 400 million rubles per year could cancel the limit. Now, enterprises whose annual earnings do not exceed 800 million rubles have been added to the small category.

Organizations need to meet two more conditions:

  1. The number of employees should not exceed 100 people.
  2. The share of the authorized capital of other organizations should be 49%.
Note! Businesses must simultaneously comply with all three conditions described above.

Is it permissible to issue an order in the middle of the year?

An organization whose annual income does not exceed 800 million rubles can cancel the limit at any time, even in the middle of the calendar year. For this purpose, it is necessary to issue an order confirming the lifting of the limit.

Important! An organization that has canceled the limit can register in a special register.

Although this is not required, it is best to complete this step to obtain written confirmation of your entry into the small business category.

How to fill out an order

When drawing up an order to cancel the limit, it is necessary to include language about storing money without setting a limit.

The document should indicate that the cashier hands over the currency to the cash desk on the verbal order of the head of the organization. There is no need to fill out any supporting papers.

You should know! Some companies believe that the limit is canceled immediately after the relevant order is issued. But they still have to cancel the previous order that set the limit. If this is not done, the organization may receive a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Watch the video about the remaining limit at the cash register

On the same topic

The cashier of every company, with the exception of small ones, must comply with the cash balance limit in the cash register. The company calculates it independently. The limit must be approved by order of the manager.

Document preparation period

The company has the right to change the limit at any time and as many times as necessary. In addition, the effect of the order itself on approval of the limit is not limited.

What must be included in the order to establish a cash limit?

All companies have the right to choose whether to count the limit from the volume of cash receipts or cash withdrawals (paragraph 2, clause 2 of Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014). The selected indicator must be written down in the order. The document should also include the calculation of the limit itself (sample 1).

All divisions that hand over cash proceeds to the bank, and not to the head office, need their own limit (paragraph 4, paragraph 2 of instruction No. 3210-U). Therefore, for those departments that deposit cash to the bank, it is necessary to determine the limit and approve it with a separate order (sample 2). When calculating it, it is necessary to take into account the revenue or amount of money deposited for a specific separate office. Moreover, if the company approves separate limits for the head office and divisions, it is safer to calculate them from the same indicators, either from the volume of cash receipts or from the volume of their issuance.

Small businesses have the right not to set a cash limit (clause 2 of instruction No. 3210-U). These include companies that simultaneously meet the following conditions: revenue for 2015 does not exceed 400 million rubles, the average number of employees for 2014 is not higher than 100 people, and the share of third-party organizations in the authorized capital is not more than 25 percent (Part 1 of Article 4 Federal Law dated July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ). If an organization falls under these criteria, it can cancel the previously established limit. To do this, you also need to issue an order (sample 3).

In the order approving the limit, you only need to write down the period from which it is valid. The company has the right to set a new limit at any time. And if the calculated indicator suits the organization, you can not change the limit for at least several years. If the order has a limited validity period, a new one will need to be issued.

The company calculates the balance limit taking into account the revenue of the divisions, if they themselves do not deposit money with the bank, but transfer it to the company’s cash desk (paragraph 5 of article 2 of instruction No. 3210-U). To avoid mistakes, it is worth writing down in the order which offices the company took into account the revenue in calculating the limit.

Companies have the right to decide for themselves which indicators to use to determine the limit - the volume of receipts or cash disbursements. To avoid confusion, the order must provide the indicator from which the company calculated the amount of the limitation.

For companies that hand over proceeds to collectors, when calculating the limit, it is safer to take into account the period between the days of handing over the proceeds, which follows from the agreement with the bank.

For offices that deposit money directly to the bank, the company determines its cash balance limit. For these purposes, a separate order must be issued so that a copy of it is transferred to the unit.

The order to approve the cash limit for divisions must be approved by the director of the company. The head of a separate office does not have such powers. Otherwise, the order will be invalid and the limit will be zero.

Some companies that have received small status immediately stop taking into account the cash limit. But in order not to hand over money to the bank, you must first cancel the old limit order. Otherwise, during the inspection, a fine for the company of up to 50 thousand rubles under Article 15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation cannot be ruled out.

It is worth writing in the order that the cashier will hand over money to the bank if necessary, upon verbal orders from the manager. The company does not have the right to draw up any papers about this.

The criteria under which a company is considered small are listed in Part 1 of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007. If the organization violates at least one of the conditions, it will be necessary to calculate the limit and issue a new order.

It is approved by order. And if you later need to cancel this limit, how to do it? Create another order.

About canceling the cash limit

The cash balance limit approved by the organization may become irrelevant over time. And the organization may want to increase it or decrease it. Let us remind you that when calculating the cash register limit, the volume of cash receipts or cash withdrawals is taken for a certain billing period. Accordingly, when using a different billing period, the cash limit may change. Is it necessary in this case to issue an order to cancel the “old” cash limit? The law does not require this. If a new limit is introduced from a certain date, the previous limit automatically becomes invalid. After all, the order approving the limit indicates the date from which such a limit applies.

An order to cancel the limit is usually issued when the organization completely abandons the cash limit. For example, an organization decides that all cash in a separate division must now either be deposited at the bank or transferred to the cash desk of the parent organization. Accordingly, the head office can deprive a separate division of the right to accumulate money in its cash register by issuing an order to lift the limit.

Another reason for the abolition of the cash register limit is that starting from 06/01/2014, individual entrepreneurs and small enterprises have the right not to set a cash register limit. This is due to the entry into force of the Directive of the Central Bank of Russia dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U. If before this date the organization or individual entrepreneur had an open-ended order on the cash register limit, or the organization (IP) adopted an order on the limit after 06/01/2014, such an order had to be applied. Accordingly, it is possible to refuse the approved limit only by issuing an appropriate order.

We draw up an order to approve the cash limit

An order to cancel the cash limit is drawn up in any form. It usually provides the reason for canceling the cash register limit, provides a link to the order by which the limit was previously approved, and also indicates the date from which the limit is considered non-applicable. The order to cancel the cash limit must be familiarized with signature to the persons responsible for conducting cash transactions in the organization. As a rule, this is a cashier, chief accountant.

Let's give an example of filling out an order to cancel the cash limit at a small enterprise.

Cash balance limit- this is the maximum allowable amount of cash that can be in the organization’s cash register at the end of the working day.

For example, by order of the manager, a limit of 100,000 rubles was established. Everything that exceeds this amount accumulates in the cash register for the entire working day must be handed over to the bank.

BUT: in two cases it is allowed to have cash in the cash register in excess of the established limit:

1) On days of various payments to employees (salary, vacation pay, stipend, etc.). In this case, payments must be made within 5 working days.

2) On weekends and non-working holidays, if cash transactions were carried out at that time.

It's worth noting that if you don't install limit of money in the cash register, then it will be equal to zero, which means that any amount of money in the cash register at the end of the working day will be considered above the limit, which may entail administrative liability.

Order to establish/cancel a cash limit

The head of the organization or individual entrepreneur must issue an order on the established cash limit. The limit can be approved for any period (month, quarter, year, etc.), but it is also possible not to indicate its validity period. Then you can work with this limit as much as you like until you publish a new document with new indicators.

However, from June 1, 2014, individual entrepreneurs and small organizations (no more than 100 employees and revenue up to 800 million rubles per year) are no longer required to establish cash limit at the cash register.

Those. they can work with or without a limit, at their discretion. Those who want to abandon the limit must definitely issue an order to cancel the cash register limit.

Calculation of limit amounts

Companies now (from June 1, 2014) have the opportunity to choose how to calculate cash balance limit– based on cash revenue or cash expenses. That is, in practice, you can calculate the cash limit using both formulas and choose the most profitable method for you.

However, companies that do not have cash receipts due to the specifics of their activities naturally use the expense formula. The cash balance limit is set in rubles without kopecks. It is rounded according to the usual rules: an amount less than 50 kopecks is discarded, and an amount of 50 kopecks is rounded to the nearest ruble.


L = V/ P * Nc


V- the volume of cash receipts for goods sold, work performed, services rendered for the billing period in rubles (newly created organizations and individual entrepreneurs indicate the expected volume of receipts).

P- the billing period for which the volume of cash receipts is taken into account. The selected billing period includes all working days, even those that were for some reason working on weekends and holidays. This can be any period of time not exceeding 92 working days, for example:

  • The previous period (calculate for the 1st quarter of 2017 based on the data of the 4th quarter of 2016)
  • The same period for the previous year (calculation for the 1st quarter of 2018 - based on data from the 1st quarter of 2017)
  • Peak revenue period

Nc- the period of time (in working days) between the day you receive cash and the day you deposit this money at the bank. This period should not exceed 7 working days, and if located in a locality where there is no bank - 14 working days.

For example, if money is deposited at the bank once every 2 working days, then Nc=2.

Sample calculation: Fantik LLC sets the cash limit for 2017, taking September 2016 (24 working days) as the billing period. During this time, the company received 435,000 rubles in cash proceeds. The proceeds were handed over to the bank every 3 days. Thus:

Cash balance limit = RUB 54,375. (RUB 435,000 / 24 days * 3 days)


Using this formula you can set cash limit at the cash register regardless of whether you have cash receipts or not (clause 2 of Directive No. 3210-U). For example, if you have little cash income, then it would be more profitable to set a limit using this formula:

L = R / P * Nn

L- cash balance limit in rubles

R- the volume of cash issued for the billing period in rubles, with the exception of amounts intended for various payments to employees (salaries, vacation pay, stipends, etc.). Newly created organizations and individual entrepreneurs indicate the expected volume of issues.

P- the billing period for which the volume of cash disbursements is taken into account. This can be any period of time not exceeding 92 working days. Examples of such periods are given in description 1 of the formula. Just don't forget to adjust for expenses.

Nn- the period of time (in working days) between the days of receiving cash from the bank, with the exception of amounts intended for various payments to employees (salaries, vacation pay, stipends, etc.). This period should not exceed 7 working days, and if located in a locality where there is no bank - 14 working days. For example, if money is withdrawn from the bank once every 2 business days, then Nc=2.

Sample calculation: Fantik LLC is engaged in the wholesale sale of sugar. Installing cash balance limit for 2018 year in terms of cash expenses, the company took June, July, August 2017 for the billing period.

The company has a 5-day working week, which means the billing period is 65 working days (21 + 23 + 21). During this time, the company paid suppliers 900,000 rubles in cash, withdrawn from a bank account every 4 days. Thus:

Cash balance limit = RUB 55,385. (RUB 900,000 / 65 days * 4 days)

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