Home Transmission Is it possible to get insurance? Is it possible to insure a car without an owner? Registration of a compulsory motor insurance policy in the absence of the car owner

Is it possible to get insurance? Is it possible to insure a car without an owner? Registration of a compulsory motor insurance policy in the absence of the car owner

Registration of an MTPL policy on your own via the Internet is not yet very popular among drivers. It seems to us that it is safer to come to the insurance company in person and conclude an agreement in person, having clarified all the existing questions regarding insurance services.

On the other hand, those who insure their car with the same organization year after year are not averse to renewing compulsory motor liability insurance via the Internet - no new questions arise, the algorithm of actions has long become a habit, but they do not always know how to do it correctly. An additional bonus can be saving time and even money - some insurers offer a discount if you contact them online. Read this article on how to properly insure your car online.

Saving time and money

The real opportunity to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance via the Internet appeared not so long ago. So, at first the policy could only be extended in this way (from 07/01/2015), and only later (from 10/01/2015) motorists began to issue it “from scratch”.

It is no secret that many insurers have recently been imposing additional services in the form of life or real estate insurance. We all know that forcing people to purchase additional services is far from the law, but you can’t drive without compulsory motor insurance either. That’s why motorists buy the entire package of services, paying exorbitant prices for it and thereby increasing the profits of insurance organizations. When issuing an electronic policy, this is excluded: the client selects only the type of insurance that he really needs.

In addition, drivers living in remote areas can no longer waste time traveling to large cities to sign insurance contracts. Also, insurers who do not want to provide services under compulsory motor liability insurance and justify the refusal by the lack of forms will not be able to do this on the Internet: electronic forms are always available. Legal entities are allowed to issue policies via the World Wide Web from 07/01/2016.

How to choose an insurer to obtain an MTPL policy online

If you have been concluding contracts with the same insurer for many years, there is probably no point in changing it. But what if your company has not yet established a process for drawing up contracts electronically? Experts still believe that it is better to wait for progress to spread to other insurers and for now to issue a regular paper OSAGO form, because too often, due to the imperfections of the insurance system in Russia, problems arise related to the non-use of CBM.

Currently, you can insure a car via the Internet and obtain an electronic MTPL policy from about twenty companies:

  • MSC Moscow Insurance Company (http://sgmsk.ru/);
  • Paritet-SK (http://www.paritet-sk.ru/);
  • Rosgosstrakh (http://www.rgs.ru/);
  • Energogarant (https://www.energogarant.ru/);
  • Consent (https://www.soglasie.ru/);
  • VSK Military Insurance Company (http://www.vsk.ru/);
  • Alfastrakhovanie (http://www.alfastrah.ru/);
  • Reso-guarantee (http://www.reso.ru/) and some others.

From January 1, 2017, all insurance companies are required to provide citizens with the opportunity to obtain an MTPL policy online.

When choosing an organization, you should read customer reviews, as well as the information provided on the company’s official website, and pay attention to:

  • size of the authorized capital (the larger the better);
  • period of work (longer than eight years is preferred);
  • rating among insurance companies - such information can be found on the Internet, as well as on the RSA website.

To select an insurance company in your region and compare prices, it is convenient to use integrator sites.

Insurance registration procedure

The procedure for applying for compulsory motor liability insurance is quite simple. Having chosen the company whose services you intend to use, you need to go to its website, after which:

  • register by providing your personal data (including passport series and number), as well as telephone number and residential address;
  • Log in to your personal account using your login and unique code (password), which will be received as an SMS message or email. The password can also be obtained from the company office. In addition, if you use the government services portal, then the same password and login can be used to log into the personal account of any insurance organization;
  • in your personal account you need to fill out an application for renewal or issuance of a new policy. It must contain the same information as when receiving the policy “the old fashioned way”, and an electronic signature is used. If you do not have such a signature, you can enter the password given to you - you can also use it to verify your data;
  • If everything is done correctly and you have passed the check in the Automated Information System (AIS), then a message from the insurer will appear in your personal account, in which you will see the calculation of the contract price and the payment method. The cost of the service can be paid with bank cards from almost all Russian banks; in large insurance companies you can use funds from electronic wallets of popular payment systems;
  • After payment, the electronic MTPL policy will appear in your personal account and will be additionally sent to your mailbox. We recommend that you print out the policy and have it with you while driving - not all regions have an ideal unified database where you can check the availability of insurance by state number. In such large companies as Rossgostrakh, after purchasing insurance on the Internet, a paper policy is delivered to the client’s home free of charge. Along with the document, information about contacts, an algorithm on the procedure for action in the event of an insured event, etc. are sent to the car owner by mail. They can also be printed for use.

According to paragraphs 4 and 7.2 of Article 15 of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, a printed electronic policy completely replaces the original paper policy on Gosznak letterhead.

Simplified design option

Recently, large insurers, realizing that it is difficult for a citizen to independently issue an electronic policy, send out an SMS with an offer to renew on the website a few days before the expiration of the contract. The message looks something like this:

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! Your MTPL policy series YAYA number 0101010101 ends on 12/01/2019. You can renew it online: we have prepared an electronic MTPL policy for you. To confirm your data and pay directly on the website, follow the link www.RGS./ru/eOSAGO, then follow the instructions. Your pin code is 010101.

If you received such an SMS (in the example, the Rossgosstrakh link is used), then the procedure for applying for insurance on the Internet is significantly simplified for you. Your actions are:

  1. Follow the link provided, you will be asked to indicate your phone number and PIN code from SMS - this is how the system will find the document prepared for you.
  2. You will be offered a personal account password, which will be sent by email. Change this temporary password and use the new one to log into your account on the insurance company’s website.
  3. In your personal account, you will be asked to review the prepared policy with the data already entered. You need to get the previous one and check the details of the car, the main and additional drivers, the validity period, etc. If everything matches, check the box to indicate agreement.
  4. After this, you will be prompted to go to the payment page, where you go through the procedure of a regular online purchase.
  5. After payment, you will receive a policy and all related documents that need to be printed by email.

Let us remind you once again that only large insurers operate in this mode. By using this simplified procedure for electronically drawing up an MTPL policy, you will save as much money and time as possible, and also avoid technical problems and possible errors in the text that you could have made if you filled it out yourself.

If something went wrong

The most common failures in issuing an electronic MTPL policy may be:

Lack of confirmation of driver data in the unified AIS system

Without this, the user will not be able to fill out the application and receive the service. It is difficult to say why such a problem exists and how to fix it - perhaps your data was not entered on time or a failure occurred in the insurer's program;


Considering that there is no need to submit any documents to the office, the insurer’s employees check all the data provided by the driver against the database. So, when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance on the Internet, they will definitely check the availability of information about technical inspection, accidents involving the client’s car, its length of service, as well as all data about the vehicle (year of manufacture, date of issue of documents, driver’s license, etc.). In some cases (it must be admitted that they have become fewer in number lately), the check stops at some stage - for example, information about passing a mandatory technical inspection has not been received, without which no one will issue a policy. For a conscientious car owner, it becomes incomprehensible why a timely technical inspection is not displayed in the program and, thus, becomes an obstacle to obtaining an electronic MTPL. The reason for this circumstance may be the erroneous entry of data during a technical inspection or a malfunction in the system;

Technical errors

When filling out, you need to be extremely careful, since all errors that were made in the application will become the basis for refusal to issue a policy, both on paper and electronic. The AIS system will show that the car owner with the data specified in the application does not exist, so it will not be possible to draw up an agreement. You need to notify the insurance company about such confusion and insist on entering data about your experience, previous insurance contracts and driver's license series/number;

Not by proxy

Today, only the owner of the car can issue a policy online; it is not yet possible to do this by power of attorney. There are also problems with registering a new car - while it is not registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, there is no data about it in the AIS database - therefore, transport can only be insured by visiting the office in person;


When it became possible to use online services, many intermediaries appeared on the Internet offering services for filling out the form. We do not recommend turning to them for help - after all, you will need to pay for the services on your behalf, and no one will give you a guarantee of the absence of fraudulent intentions in this case. Attackers can easily obtain unique information about a bank card. In addition, there is a risk of subsequent use of your personal data for dubious purposes;

Regional problems

According to the current rules, it is impossible to order an electronic policy from a company that does not have a representative office in the region where the car owner lives. The availability of the service in a particular organization will be displayed when filling out the form;

Problems on insurers' websites

Users still encounter technical problems on insurers' websites: from a very long check of entered data in the PCA to a complete stop of the site. At the same time, the ability to provide services is improving, so you should not give up the opportunity to keep up with the times and process documents remotely.

The obligation to take out an MTPL policy applies to all owners of vehicles used on the territory of the Russian Federation. The procedure for its registration is the same in all insurance companies.

1. Who can take out an MTPL insurance policy?

An insurance policy can be issued by any person who has the right to drive a vehicle: the owner of a vehicle or a driver driving a car with the consent of the owner.

2. Documents required to purchase an MTPL policy:

  • application for concluding a contract of compulsory civil liability insurance (issued by a representative of the insurer);
  • identification document (usually a passport is required);
  • PTS and vehicle registration certificate;
  • driver's license (copy) of all people allowed to drive a vehicle;
  • certificate of ownership of the car;
  • diagnostic card or technical inspection certificate issued before July 30, 2012*;
  • previous MTPL policy, if any (in relation to the owner of the vehicle and each person allowed to drive the vehicle).

3. What is needed to apply for an MTPL policy:

  • fill out an application for concluding a contract;
  • submit the necessary documents;
  • check the data specified in the application, insurance policy, and sign;
  • pay for the policy.

Taking into account the fact that the MTPL policy implies insurance of the liability of the owner and/or driver of the car, there is no need to show the vehicle itself to the insurer.

4. How can I get an MTPL insurance policy?

You can order an MTPL policy by personally visiting the office of the selected insurance company, or by leaving a request through the insurer’s website or by phone. At the same time, as a rule, insurance companies give clients the opportunity to send a package of documents by e-mail so that the insurer fills out the MTPL policy in advance. After which you can simply drive up to the company, immediately pay for the policy and pick it up, after showing the original documents.

If the insurer provides courier delivery, then its employee will come to a place convenient for you (home or work) and bring the MTPL policy along with a receipt for payment.

Please note that it can be filled out either on a computer and then printed, or printed out and then filled out by hand, depending on where and how the policy is issued.

* An MTPL policy can be purchased without providing a diagnostic card (inspection coupon) in the following cases:

  • purchasing a car for the purpose of traveling to the place of registration of the vehicle;
  • proceeding to the place of technical inspection.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Cases when a car is registered in the name of one person, but another person uses it, are not uncommon. Due to various life circumstances, the legal owner may not drive at all, and may even live far from the area where his car drives. This situation can continue for years without causing any problems. In this case, the car driver will need to figure out whether it is possible to insure the car without the owner.

What is auto liability insurance?

The MTPL compulsory motor liability insurance program provides guarantees that in the event of material and physical damage will be compensated. In other words, the auto insurance policy does not insure the car or the driver, but the liability to third parties arising as a result of an insured event.

At the same time, insurance compensation in the form of vehicle repairs or cash payments is provided only for the injured party. The driver who caused the accident will receive nothing from the insurance company.

How to apply for a motor vehicle license if the owner and driver are different people

At the same time, there are often cases when the driver and the owner live in different regions and do not even meet for a long time. In such a situation, the question arises as to whether the driver can fill out an insurance policy himself or, in other words, whether it is possible to make compulsory motor liability insurance without the owner of the car.

According to the current law, the absence of the car owner from the insurance company when concluding an MTPL agreement is not an obstacle to obtaining insurance.

Therefore, it is not at all necessary to create unnecessary inconvenience and bring the owner of the vehicle to the insurer’s office.

In this case, filling out the contract and paying the cost of insurance are made by the driver of the car, provided that he presents a power of attorney to drive this vehicle.

Insurance agents do not have the right to refuse to issue a policy to a person who is not the owner, or to require that the owner of the car be present at the conclusion of the contract. If, nevertheless, a dispute arises with the insurer over whether a car owner who is not the owner of the car can apply for compulsory motor liability insurance, the driver should refer to the federal law on compulsory motor liability insurance of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ, which protects his interests.

What documents are required to conclude a contract?

Before contacting an insurance company to conclude a compulsory motor liability insurance contract, the driver of the car should prepare the necessary package of documents.

It includes:

  • diagnostic card with the results of the technical inspection;
  • vehicle passport;
  • The policyholder's personal passport and driver's license.

This list is valid both when taking out insurance by the car owner and the driver.

In addition, we repeat: in accordance with the rules on how to obtain insurance for a car without an owner, when purchasing a policy by a non-owner, a power of attorney will be required to drive this vehicle.

Some insurance companies require that when concluding a compulsory motor liability insurance contract, two passports must be presented: the driver’s and the owner’s. In others, it is enough just to indicate the passport details of the owner of the car.

Insurance when buying or selling a used car

When concluding a purchase and sale agreement for a used car, the owner should take care of the correct execution of all documents for the vehicle, including the MTPL policy.

First of all, you should know that in such cases, special rules apply regarding the duration of insurance. Thus, the new owner of the car cannot use the policy of the previous one, even if the validity period of the document has not expired at the time of purchase. Therefore, when purchasing a used vehicle, the driver must obtain a new policy, which will begin to be valid from the moment of registration.

This requirement is explained by the fact that when concluding a new MTPL agreement, the new owner will have to re-issue both the technical passport and the diagnostic card in his name. Since these documents indicate the name of the owner, the insurance must be issued to the appropriate person. Otherwise, if an insured event occurs, the new owner of the car will not be able to use the auto insurance.

Who will receive the insurance payment when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance not for the owner?

Having an MTPL policy gives the insured a guarantee that in the event of an accident, the costs of repairing the damaged vehicle or compensation for damage to the health of the victims will be fully or partially covered by the insurance company.

At the same time, according to the law, monetary compensation is due to the injured person, regardless of whether he has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. The main thing is that the person at fault has insurance. Whether he is the owner of the vehicle or not does not matter.

You can receive monetary compensation for health damage in the event of an insured event either in cash at the insurance company's cash desk or by bank transfer by providing the recipient's details to the bank.

This payment procedure is also valid after the entry into force in 2017 of the provision on replacing payments under compulsory motor liability insurance with the provision of services in the form. The fact is that the new law specifies some cases for which monetary compensation will continue to be provided.

Who can renew insurance

A motorist who is not the owner of the car can nevertheless drive it for as long as he likes. At the same time, he must have with him documents for the car (STS, PTS) and MTPL insurance. A power of attorney is currently no longer required.

But the validity period of the auto insurance policy is only one year. Therefore, after this period, the question of extending the insurance will inevitably arise, and therefore also the question of whether a non-owner of the car can extend compulsory motor liability insurance.

In this regard, the law on compulsory motor liability insurance indicates that to extend the validity of the insurance, the personal participation of the owner of the car is not required if the previous insurance policy was issued in the name of the driver of the car.

Consequently, a person who is not the owner of the car, but who has previously entered into an auto liability agreement, has the right to renew it annually. This can be done an unlimited number of times, that is, for many years.

Information on drawing up a compulsory insurance contract, its validity period and the procedure for renewal is provided in the article “”.

Is it possible to add another driver to the policy?

In the MTPL policy, the owner enters the data of persons authorized to drive the vehicle. However, do not forget that the cost of insurance depends on the number of persons indicated in the document. Therefore, only those who use the machine constantly should be entered.

If the insurance is taken out not by the owner of the car, but by the driver, he may not include the owner of the car, since the very fact of having a policy gives the car owner the right to use it.

How to choose an insurance company

In order to take out MTPL insurance from a reliable company, you should first of all carefully study the data of different insurers.

When purchasing a compulsory insurance policy, it is first recommended to pay attention to the size of the base rate. The minimum and maximum size of this indicator is established by law depending on the category of vehicle. It may differ in different companies, but cannot be less or more than the standard (Central Bank Directive No. 5000-U).

In addition, you should inquire about the size of the company’s authorized capital and the presence of branches in different regions of the country.

In this case, the choice can be made based on the data given in the article “”.

How to make an MTPL policy: Video

Every car owner wants to protect themselves from unexpected costs in the event of an accident. To achieve this goal, you should insure not only your car, but also your own liability for an accident. This process, in accordance with the law, is called OSAGO

By contacting us, you can get an MTPL policy for your car at the best price. You must remember that if you become the owner of a car, then you are required to make compulsory motor insurance before your status as the owner of the vehicle is legally confirmed.

You can order a policy from us at any time , thereby saving your free time. The timely receipt of such a policy is constantly monitored, which allows for a positive impact on the number of accidents that occur on the roads. Therefore, you should definitely take out MTPL insurance and, if you drive your vehicle carefully, receive benefits for purchasing the next such policy.

Package of documents for issuing a policy

To get an MTPL policy for a car, you must prepare documents.

Required documents regarding the identity of the vehicle owner:

  • Russian passport;
  • driver's license of the owner or a copy of this document of the person who will drive the vehicle.
  • vehicle registration certificate, which appears in the contract;
  • registration certificate or technical certificate;
  • vehicle passport;
  • certificate of full compliance of the specified vehicle with all safety requirements (technological map).

Changes in legislation regarding compulsory motor liability insurance

Along with the planned increase in the base tariff, the limit on compensation payments has also increased. By taking out an MTPL policy with us, you receive reliable financial support in the amount of up to 500,000 rubles. If an accident occurs through your fault, you will not have to compensate the victim for losses from your own pocket. Your insurance company will do this, because the MTPL policy works for you, and not against you.

Also, the procedure for submitting an application for concluding an agreement will soon be somewhat simplified. You will not need to attach your personal account ID to your signature under the agreement.

Changes in the procedure for calculating the cost of car parts, which is now based on a single electronic catalogue, have increased the amount of payments for spare parts to 20%. This fact is also very beneficial for you.

Online payment - fast and convenient

However, the most important innovation of the year was the ability to make compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance online. Quickly and easily, at any convenient time, without leaving your home, you can visit our website and issue a policy online.

The entire procedure for issuing a policy using this method takes extremely little time and allows you to avoid the usual, but not particularly pleasant, waiting for your turn.

If you have any doubts about the correctness of filling out documents, our consultants will always help you.
Features of the online calculator

With us you can also find out in advance the cost of the premium for your policy. You don't need to add, subtract and multiply amounts yourself, and you don't even have to wait for our specialist to do it. An online calculator will cope with this task perfectly - the calculation is done much faster and with maximum accuracy.

What is required of you? Just enter your data in the appropriate fields of the calculator, select the type of car, type of insurance and click the “result” button. The program will immediately show the amount required for the contribution.

The calculator takes into account all current OSAGO coefficients and calculates the premium in accordance with the insurance rates of your region.

Where to get compulsory motor insurance for a car?

Our agents pre-conduct free consultations on issuing an insurance policy for each client individually. If you have doubts about any of the nuances of compulsory car insurance, we will help you figure it out and issue a compulsory motor liability insurance policy on the terms that are most beneficial for you.

We highly value each of our clients. You can be sure of:

  • full compliance with all legal norms and requirements in the matter of insurance relations, in accordance with our agreement with you;
  • mandatory and timely assistance from our agents when applying for a policy;
  • ongoing support on emerging issues throughout the entire period of the contract;
  • reliable guarantees from the insurance companies with which we cooperate for the payment of insurance, after the occurrence of appropriate conditions;
  • the relevance and truthfulness of all information provided to you by our employees;
  • providing for your use the widest possible range of services from our company.

Our main concern is your well-being.

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