Home Chassis Do-it-yourself engine running on water. How the inventors of water engines are ruined and killed. Creation of a prototype

Do-it-yourself engine running on water. How the inventors of water engines are ruined and killed. Creation of a prototype

The world's water reserves are inexhaustible. We are feverishly searching for the fuel of the future, while we ourselves are literally swimming in it. After all, in order to use water as fuel, you need to come up with some kind of device that works on it, or rather, on its components hydrogen and oxygen. From the basics of chemistry, methods of dissociation (methods of decomposition) of water into hydrogen and oxygen are known - thermal, electrical, under the influence of ionizing radiation, radio waves, etc.

Among motorists There have long been stories about internal combustion engines running on water. In popular scientific literature, sensational reports periodically appear about successful experiments in creating engines on water. However, it is very difficult to verify their authenticity. For example, Professor Sapogin told how his teacher Professor G.V. Dudko in 1951 participated in testing an internal combustion engine, which was a hybrid of a diesel engine with a carburetor engine. To start it, only a glass of gasoline was required, and then the ignition was turned off, ordinary water with special additives, preheated and highly compressed, was supplied to the combustion chambers by nozzles. The engine was installed on the boat, and the testers sailed on it for two days in the Sea of ​​Azov, drawing water from overboard instead of gasoline.

When asked why such engines have not yet been put into mass production, Professor Sapogin usually answered the journalist: “Such a question could only occur to a person who does not know life!”

There is probably some grain of truth in these stories. It is also clear that the countries of the international gasoline oligarchy, such as the USA and Russia, do not need such inventions, so they are reluctant to allow such inventions not only into industry, but also onto the pages of patent bulletins. It is now easy for them, united in the automobile-gasoline complex, to fight with scattered water engine enthusiasts also because the latter do not have a clear idea of ​​how the heat necessary for engine operation is generated from water. They made their developments using a blind trial method without illuminating the path to the goal with theory.

At the X International Symposium "Restructuring of Natural Sciences", held in 1999 in Volgodonsk, P. Maciukas from Vilnius reported that he had developed a substance whose tablet in a bucket of water turns water into a gasoline substitute for conventional engines. The cost of the tablet is 3 times lower than the cost of gasoline for the same duration of trip. The inventor keeps the composition of the tablet a secret.

Rummaging through the files of popular science magazines and newspapers, you can find many similar pseudo-scientific stories. Thus, in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" dated May 20, 1995, the story of A. G. Bakaev from Perm is given, whose attachment supposedly allows any car to run on water.

However, water engines are the prerogative of only inventors from the CIS countries. For example, a certain Y. Brown in the USA built a demonstration car in which water was poured into the tank, and R. Gunnerman in Germany modified a conventional internal combustion engine to run on a gas/water or alcohol/water mixture in a 55/45 ratio. J. Gruber also writes about the engine of the German inventor G. Poschl, running on a water/gasoline mixture in a 9/1 ratio.

But the most widely known engine, which decomposes water into hydrogen and oxygen, based on electrolysis, was designed by the American inventor Stanley Mayr. Dr. J. Gruber from Germany mentions the S. Meyer engine with water as fuel, patented in the USA in 1992 (US Patent No. 5149507). There was a TV broadcast about this engine on Channel 4 London Television on December 17, 1995.

Conventional electrolysis of water requires a current measured in amperes, while S. Meyer's electrolytic motor produces the same effect in milliamps. Moreover, ordinary tap water requires the addition of an electrolyte, such as sulfuric acid, to increase conductivity; The Mayer engine operates at enormous performance with ordinary water filtered from dirt.

According to eyewitnesses, the most striking aspect of the Mayer engine was that it remained cold even after hours of gas production.

Mayer's experiments, which he submitted for patenting, earned him a series of US patents filed under Section 101. It should be noted that filing a patent under this section is contingent on successfully demonstrating the invention to the Patent Review Board.

Rice. Electrolytic cell S. Meyer.

The Mayer electrolytic cell has many similarities with the electrolytic cell, except that it operates at high potential and low current better than other methods. The design is simple. The electrodes are made of parallel stainless steel plates, forming either a flat or concentric design. The gas output depends inversely on the distance between them; The distance of 1.5 mm proposed by the patent gives a good result.

Significant differences lie in the power supply to the engine. Mayer used an external inductance that oscillates with the cell's capacitance—pure water has a dielectric constant of about 5—to create a parallel resonant circuit.

It is excited by a powerful pulse generator, which, together with the cell capacitance and the rectifier diode, makes up the pump circuit. The high frequency pulses produce a stepwise increasing potential at the cell electrodes until a point is reached where the water molecule breaks apart and a brief pulse of current is generated. The supply current sensing circuit detects this surge and shuts down the pulse source for a few cycles, allowing the water to recover.

Rice. Electrical circuit of S. Meyer's electrolytic cell

A group of eyewitnesses from independent scientific observers in the UK testified that the American inventor, Stanley Mayer, successfully decomposes ordinary tap water into its constituent elements through a combination of high-voltage pulses, with an average current consumption measured in only milliamps. The recorded gas output was sufficient to indicate a hydrogen-oxygen flame that instantly melted the steel (about 0.5 liters per second).

Rice. Schematic diagram of S. Meyer's electrolytic cell

Compared to conventional high-current electrolysis, eyewitnesses noted the absence of any heating of the cell. Mayer declined to comment on details that would allow scientists to reproduce and evaluate his "water cell." However, he provided a sufficiently detailed description to the US Patent Office to convince them that he could substantiate his invention claim.

One demonstration cell was equipped with two parallel excitation electrodes. Once filled with tap water, the electrodes generated gas at very low current levels - no more than tenths of an amp, and even milliamps, Mayer states - with gas output increasing as the electrodes moved closer and decreasing as they moved further away. The potential in the pulse reached tens of thousands of volts.

The second cell contained 9 cells with double stainless steel tubes and produced much more gas. A series of photographs were taken showing gas production at milliampere levels. When the voltage was brought to its limit, gas came out in very impressive quantities.

Research chemist Keith Hindley described a demonstration of the Mayer cell: "After a day of presentations, the Griffin committee witnessed a number of important properties of the WFC (water fuel cell, as the inventor called it). "We noticed that the water at the top of the cell slowly began to turn from a pale cream to dark brown in color, we are almost certain of the effect of chlorine in heavily chlorinated tap water on the stainless steel tubing used for excitation. But the most surprising observation is that the WFC and all of its metal tubes remained completely cold to the touch, even after more than 20 minutes of operation.”

Rice. The mechanism of operation of the S. Meyer electrolytic cell

Thus, the obtained result indicates an efficient and controlled gas production that is safe to manage and operate. And gas production can be controlled by increasing and decreasing the electrode voltage.

According to the inventor himself, under the influence of an electric field, the water molecule is polarized, leading to the breaking of the bond.

In addition to the abundant release of oxygen and hydrogen and minimal heating of the cell, eyewitnesses also report that the water inside the cell disappears quickly, passing into its constituent parts in the form of an aerosol from a huge number of tiny bubbles covering the surface of the cell.

Mayer stated that the hydrogen-oxygen mixture converter has been working for him for the past 4 years, and consists of a chain of 6 cylindrical cells. He also stated that photonic stimulation of the reactor space with laser light through optical fiber increases gas production.

Rice. Changes in water molecules during plant operation

Effects observed during operation of the electrolytic water decomposition installation:

-sequence of states of a water molecule and/or hydrogen/oxygen/other atoms;

-orientation of water molecules along field lines;

- polarization of the water molecule;

- lengthening of the water molecule;

-breaking a covalent bond in a water molecule;

- release of gases from the installation.

Moreover, the optimal gas yield is achieved in a resonant circuit. The frequency is selected equal to the resonant frequency of the molecules.

For the manufacture of capacitor plates, preference is given to T-304 stainless steel, which does not interact with water, oxygen and hydrogen. The beginning of gas output is controlled by a decrease in operating parameters. Since the resonant frequency is fixed, performance can be controlled by varying the pulse voltage, pulse shape, or number of pulses.

The boost coil is wound on a regular toroidal ferrite core 1.50 inches in diameter and 0.25 inches thick. The primary coil contains 200 turns of 24 gauge, the secondary coil contains 600 turns of 36 gauge.
Diode type 1ISI1198 is used to rectify alternating voltage. Pulses with a duty cycle of 2 are supplied to the primary winding. The transformer provides a 5-fold increase in voltage, although the optimal coefficient is selected in practice.

The choke contains 100 turns of 24 gauge, 1 inch in diameter. There should be a short break in the pulse sequence.

No current flows through an ideal capacitor. By treating water as an ideal capacitor, no energy will be wasted to heat the water.

Water has some residual conductivity due to the presence of impurities. Ideally, the water in the cell will be chemically pure. No electrolyte is added to the water.

During electrical resonance, any potential level can be achieved, since the capacitance depends on the dielectric constant of the water and the size of the capacitor.

However, it should be remembered that hydrogen is an extremely dangerous explosive compound. Its detonation component is 1000 times stronger than gasoline. In addition, Stan Mayer had two heart attacks, after which he died, possibly from hydrogen poisoning.

Another, completely different in design, internal combustion engine running on water was developed back in 1994 by our inventor V.S. Kashcheev.

The figure on the right shows its design in section.

An internal combustion engine on water, developed by inventor V.S. Kashcheev

An internal combustion engine on water includes a cylinder 1, which houses a piston 2, connected, for example, by a crank mechanism to the engine crankshaft (not shown in Fig. 1). Cylinder 1 is equipped with a head 3, which, together with the walls of the cylinder 1 and the bottom of the piston 2, forms a combustion chamber 4. The sub-piston cavity 5 is connected to the atmosphere. There are 3 cylinders installed in the head:

intake valve 6, which communicates the combustion chamber 4 with the atmosphere when the piston 2 moves from top dead center to bottom and is driven, for example, from the engine camshaft (not shown in the figure);

check valves 7, which ensure the exhaust of products from the combustion chamber 4 into the atmosphere and seal the chamber after exhaust.

The combustion chamber 4 is made with at least one prechamber 8, in which a fuel mixture supply valve 9 and a spark plug 10 are installed, driven, for example, from a camshaft. Preferably, the prechamber 8 (or prechambers) is made in the side wall of the cylinder 1 above the piston when it is located at bottom dead center.

The engine works as follows:

When piston 2 moves from top dead center to bottom, inlet valve 6 is open and combustion chamber 4 is exposed to the atmosphere. The pressure acting on both sides of piston 2 is the same and equal to atmospheric pressure.

As piston 2 approaches bottom dead center, combustion chamber 4 is sealed, closing intake valve 6; Through valves 9, the fuel mixture is supplied to the pre-chambers 8 and ignited. A stoichiometric mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, the so-called detonating gas, is used as a fuel mixture.

When the fuel mixture burns, the pressure in the combustion chamber 4 increases sharply; This pressure opens the check valves 7 installed in the cylinder head 3 and releases products from the combustion chamber into the atmosphere. The pressure in the combustion chamber 4 drops sharply and the check valves 7 close, sealing the combustion chamber 4.

Piston 2, under atmospheric pressure acting from the side of the sub-piston cavity 5, moves from bottom to top dead center, making a working stroke.

When piston 2 reaches top dead center, inlet valve 6 opens and the cycle repeats. The products ejected from the combustion chamber are humidified air.

The production of a fuel mixture for the power plant of a vehicle with the proposed internal combustion engine can be carried out by electrolysis of water in an electrolyzer installed on this vehicle.

Another of our inventors, Muscovite Mikhail Vesengiriev, winner of the “Inventor and Innovator” magazine award, generally proposed using the most ordinary piston internal combustion engine (ICE) as a device that decomposes water into oxygen and hydrogen. He claims that existing internal combustion engines can be made to run on ordinary water using voltaic arc electrodes.

The combustion engine chamber, in the opinion of the inventor, is ideal for all types of exposure to water, causing its dissociation and the subsequent formation of a working mixture, its ignition and utilization of the released energy.

For this, the inventor M. Vesengiriev proposed using a four-stroke internal combustion engine (a positive decision on the application for RF patent No. 2004111492). It contains one cylinder with a liquid cooling system, a piston and cylinder head forming a combustion chamber, an exhaust valve, an electrolyte supply system (aqueous electrolyte solution) and an ignition system. The system for supplying electrolyte to the cylinder is made in the form of a high-pressure plunger pump and an injector with a cavitator (local narrowing of the channel). Moreover, the high-pressure pump is either kinematically or through a control unit connected to the crank mechanism of the engine.

The ignition system is made in the form of electrodes and a voltaic arc installed in the combustion chamber. The gap between them can be adjusted, and the current flows to them from the breaker-distributor, also kinematically or through a control unit associated with the crank mechanism.

Before starting the engine, the tank is filled with electrolyte (for example, an aqueous solution of caustic soda). By adjusting the cathode, the gap between the electrodes is set. And, turning on the ignition, direct current is supplied to the electrodes. Then the starter spins the engine shaft.

The piston moves from top dead center (TDC) to bottom dead center (BDC). The exhaust valve is closed. A vacuum is created in the cylinder. The high-pressure pump takes a cyclic dose of electrolyte from the electrolyte tank and delivers it to the cylinder through a nozzle with a cavitator. In the cavitator, due to an increase in speed and a drop in pressure to a critical value, partial dissociation of water and the finest atomization of electrolyte droplets occurs. Then, in the combustion chamber, due to the flow of direct electric current through the electrolyte, additional, already electrolytic, dissociation occurs.

The piston moves from BDC to TDC - the compression stroke. The volume occupied by the working mixture decreases, and its temperature increases: now thermal dissociation occurs. The third stroke is the working stroke. The electrode is moved by a spring and a camshaft (kinematically or through a control unit connected to the crank mechanism) until it comes into contact with the electrode, and a voltaic arc is ignited. Under the influence of its heat, the working mixture in the combustion chamber finally dissociates and ignites. The expanding gases move the piston from TDC to BDC. Even before the piston reaches BDC, the switch-distributor opens the contacts, briefly interrupts the supply of direct current to the electrodes of the voltaic arc and extinguishes it. Then the contacts of the breaker-distributor close again, and direct current again flows to the electrodes.

And finally, the fourth bar is release. The piston moves upward from BDC to TDC. The exhaust valve opens the exhaust port and the cylinder is freed of waste products. Subsequently, the process of engine operation is continuously repeated. In this case, the cylinder and cylinder head are cooled by the engine cooling system. Thus, an old-new internal combustion engine can run on water.

The designs of internal combustion engines on water are implemented in practice by various Western companies.

For example, just recently the Japanese company Genepax presented in Osaka (Japan) an electric car that uses water as fuel. According to Reuters, just one liter is enough to drive it for an hour at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

According to the developer, the machine can use water of any quality - rain, river and even sea. The fuel cell power plant is called the Water Energy System (WES). It is designed on the same principle as other fuel cell power plants that use hydrogen as fuel. The main feature of the Genepax system is that it uses a membrane electrode collector (MEA), which consists of a special material that can completely split water into hydrogen and oxygen through a chemical reaction.

This process, according to the developers, is similar to the mechanism for producing hydrogen through the reaction of metal hydride and water. However, the main difference between WES is the production of hydrogen from water over a long period of time. In addition, MEA does not require a special catalyst, and rare metals, particularly platinum, are required in the same quantities as in conventional filter systems of gasoline cars. There is also no need to use a hydrogen converter and a high pressure hydrogen tank.

In addition to the complete absence of harmful emissions, the Genepax power plant, according to the developer, is more durable, since the catalyst is not deteriorated by pollutants.

"The car will keep going as long as you have a bottle of water to fill it up from time to time," said Genepax CEO Kiyoshi Hirasawa. “Replenishing batteries with energy does not require the creation of infrastructure, in particular, charging stations, as for most modern electric vehicles.”

The car demonstrated in Osaka is the only example and will be used to obtain a patent for the invention. In the future, Genepax plans to start collaborating with Japanese automakers and reduce the cost of fuel cells through mass production.


To be continued in the next article on the site.

During the years of perestroika, the Soviet people betrayed their ancestors and supported the government, which trampled the state they created. The people silently or with approval watched as those in power drowned in the mud everything that their grandfathers created, for which they died and for which they lived. Now our people are paying for this betrayal of their fathers with weakness, apathy, and loss of the meaning of their existence. What should happen to a people who betray their children? The question is not abstract.

On December 5, the State Duma considered in its first reading a bill that would revolutionize the entire Russian information space. It lifts the ban on children's access to information that is currently classified as harmful to their health and development and the distribution of which is not allowed among children of certain age categories. This is a significant event, which, in essence, means that the state is abandoning the protection of our children. The bill removes the obligation from producers and broadcasters of information products to put age labels 0+, “6+”, “12+” and “16+”. The only exception will be the “18+” category, which includes a very meager set of types of information, including: pornography, calls for violence, suicide, propaganda of homosexuality. But this last category is also canceled for films whose screening is allowed without a distribution certificate (festival, educational films and film products created before 1991).

So now, under the new bill, very young children will be allowed to broadcast naturalistic depictions of violence and bodily harm that cause fear, horror or panic in children. As well as information that exploits interest in sex, a naturalistic description of sexual relations that is arousing in nature, a description of actions of a sexual nature (this kind of information is often classified not as pornography, but as erotica).

Want to know how the ban is lifted? Information products are declared a “cultural good”, and age restrictions for children from 0 to 16+ years old will be lifted for the broadcast of “cultural goods”, artistic works and their interpretations. According to the “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture,” a cultural good is “the conditions and services provided by organizations, other legal entities and individuals for citizens to satisfy their cultural needs.” This broad formulation makes it possible to recognize any low-quality and dubious production as a “cultural good” and broadcast it to children of all ages by any individual or legal entity operating in the field of theatrical and entertainment events.

The authors of the law proceed from the anti-scientific premise that if a work has cultural value, it is a priori harmless to children. In this case, the film interpretation of the work of the Marquis de Sade “The 120 Days of Sodom, or the School of Debauchery” by the famous director Paolo Pasolini can be shown in nurseries, kindergartens and schools, despite the presence of scenes of sexual depravity, sadism, and torture.

The authors of the bill point out that children are currently deprived of access to works of art due to age markings. “We are not talking about all information products, we are talking only about literature and art,” says one of the authors of the bill, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture, Elena Yampolskaya. “This is just a madhouse! We need to remove this barrier between children and culture,” she says. But Mrs. Yampolskaya is being somewhat disingenuous here. Works of significant artistic value are still not subject to mandatory labeling. Instead of creating a clear list of such works permitted for children, we are actually being asked to completely abandon the protection of children from harmful information.

Well, as usual, any bill that will undoubtedly cause a wave of indignation among the majority of citizens must be accompanied by an active PR campaign. A PR campaign is aimed at destroying the last dam holding back the flow of information dirt bursting from its banks, which has long been ready to collapse on the heads of our children. Namely, to the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) - to the structure that monitors compliance with the law on protecting children from information harmful to their health and development (Law No. 436-FZ).

It must be said that this department gives many reasons to criticize it. Among the Roskomnadzor experts, indeed, there are strange specialists recruited from nowhere, whose examinations are sometimes stuffed with conspiracy theories and ideas. There are also frankly unscrupulous experts among specialists, who, as a rule, perform examinations at the request of content producers, and then children gain access to content of a completely rotten and destructive nature.

The activities of this structure irritate major players in the information market. For example, a storm of indignation related to the activities of the RKN to protect children arose in the summer of 2012. Then the State Duma discussed a bill that proposed amendments to Law 436. The amendments concerned the creation of a register of prohibited sites publishing child pornography, information about obtaining or manufacturing drugs, as well as information about methods of committing suicide or calls for it. To the delight of pedophiles, the protests were led by the country's largest Internet platforms - Wikipedia, LiveJournal, VKontakte and Yandex. They organized a large-scale Internet strike, posted slogans on their main pages about the inadmissibility of censorship, the suppression of freedom of speech, etc. But, despite the protests of the Internet giants, the rights of children to appear in pornography, as well as to study methods of committing suicide and using drugs , were still seriously violated.

However, the law interferes not only with the largest Internet platforms. Protecting children from harmful information ties the hands of show business, organizers of concerts and entertainment events. It is this area of ​​activity that is written separately in Yampolskaya’s law. Law 436 has especially been hampering rap culture figures lately. It is noteworthy that the reason for attacks on Roskomnadzor in 2019 was the scandalous incident with the examination of songs by rap artist Yegor Creed. The examination really turned out to be ambiguous, filled with unfounded conclusions and accusations. An ideal reason to give Roskomnadzor a demonstrative flogging and teach other experts a lesson: don’t mess with rappers - business is under the control of serious people!

Recently, this business has begun to experience some difficulties. In 2018–2019, dozens of concerts by some rap artists were canceled. And all because the lyrics of their songs are filled with those same naturalistic descriptions of sexual acts, violence and propaganda of antisocial behavior, the broadcast of which is now prohibited by law 436. Probably, such a ban is one of those “barriers” that Mrs. Yampolskaya so wants to remove with her bill .

Meanwhile, rappers are incredibly popular among children and teenagers. In terms of popularity, they left rock music far behind. Rappers pack stadiums for their concerts. Their performances receive tens and hundreds of millions of views on YouTube. Why do they captivate today's Russian children so much?
The answer is simple: rappers sing about them, about these children. About how children were deprived of their hope, dream, future, their right to development and creativity.

“Please, Lisa, listen to my advice,
If you don't want poverty and loneliness,
Irrational for a young girl,
Spend your life on development and creativity!

It's better to light up with the boys at night in the club,
By making them happy, everyone would have fun.
Or I would cut my parents on YouTube,
There would be more likes than on videos with songs!” -

performer Lisa Monetochka sings while glamorous TV stars, injected with Botox, talk about the interiors of their villas in California. “20,000 every month, or 20 years behind bars. I can’t leave the feeling that life is rewinding... We’re all already here in hell, what’s next?”- asks rapper Ivan Dremin (pseudonym Face), while on a talk show they are discussing the success story of another thieving oligarch. But Russian children do not hear the answer. And they gradually realize that their country does not need them. “No love for them, like for me from my mother. My youth is a knife, there are scars on my heart.", they echo Dremin.

In these words one can hear bitter irony, pain, despair. Attempts to lull this pain with consumerism, to stuff people's throats with fast food, and to finally turn children into cattle do not lead to success. “I am happy that I am not a slave to philistine views”, - sings the most popular rapper Miron Fedorov (Oksimiron).

The phenomenal popularity of these particular performers should have told us that children are sick of the ideology of militant philistinism, so actively imposed on them by the authorities. In the depths of their souls, an answer, a voice of protest, is gradually born. And rappers hear this voice very well. “I don’t want to be beautiful, I don’t want to be rich. I want to be a machine gun that shoots people in the face.", - sings the rapper Husky. But if you suddenly decided that rap artists are modern representatives of populism, that they are new singers of folk truth or radical revolutionaries who are ready to do anything to bring children out of hell, then this is a false impression. It's just the opposite.

“Don’t wait until you’re old, die soon.
It's a pity that your parents are not childfree.
Burn in hell, burn in hell" -

The same Monetochka advises children along with another popular rapper Noise-MC. They don't feel bad for these children. No matter how the authors of the song later tried to justify themselves and assure that they wrote a provocative song for parents who allow their children to use gadgets uncontrollably. The excuse is crafty and weak. After all, these songs are not listened to by parents, but by children, who sometimes have not even reached adolescence. They won't see the hidden meaning in it. Yes, and it is not there, just as it was not in the words of the head of the youth policy department of the Sverdlovsk region, Olga Glatskikh, who said that the state did not ask to have children. It is naive to think that what has been said reflects only the point of view of an individual official who has lost her shores. The destruction of education, the destruction of free medicine and the system of social support for motherhood and childhood are all clear signs that the state is abandoning care for the younger generation. Children have become a burden to the authorities.

There is no saving meaning in the songs of the most popular Russian rap artist Alexey Uzenyuk, who sings under the pseudonym “Eldzhey”. “Hey, bio-trash, how did you like the party?”- he addresses the audience of the VKontakte festival, held in St. Petersburg in 2018. The crowd of spectators includes children aged 10–12 years. Alexey tells the children a lot, clearly and edifyingly, exactly how they should “die sooner”. Almost all of his “creativity” is devoted to the glorification of drug intoxication. “I spend my money on drugs and rags... People are like targets in a shooting gallery. They're so stupid. I could kill them if they paid me.", he tells the children, who look at him with admiration. And he is not alone. Propaganda of drug addiction and suicide has become the main theme of the work of many modern rap artists.

The rappers' lyrics are destructive, cynical and monstrously straightforward. And this is no longer heavy artillery, this is a weapon of mass destruction. “The world is terrible, you are worthless and you have no future, so go and destroy yourself. And before that, kill others too.", - this is the main message of many modern Russian rappers.

“Suicide, incest - we need to try other words as soon as possible”, - Monetochka offers the children. And the children listen. In 2018, the number of child suicides increased by 14%, Children's Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova recently said.

“I fly into the store, let the store out. I have a thousand reasons for this.", - sings the rapper Face. And the children listen. Just a few years ago, we thought that mass murders committed by children only happened in American schools. Now this is our Russian reality. One of the most famous and especially popular rappers, Oksimiron, released a song and video several years ago, in which he spoke in detail about exactly how and in what sequence one should shoot one’s peers at school. Russian children now also have thousands of reasons to commit mass brutal murders.

What are adults doing at this time? What does the government do with those who openly corrupt and push Russian children into the abyss? She flirts with molesters. The talents of Monetochka, who wants children to burn in hell, or Oksimiron, who glorifies mass murders and suicides, have been repeatedly reported on central state television channels. In 2017, Russia passed a law banning suicide propaganda. But songs and videos of rappers containing calls for suicide and drug use are easily found on the Internet, and their videos receive millions of views. When in 2018, in some regions of Russia, local authorities managed to cancel several concerts of the most odious musicians, all major media outlets immediately reported on the repression and oppression of poor rappers. The scandal reached all the way to the president, who promised to sort out the age labeling of concerts and entertainment events. The presenters of the TV channel "Russia 24" advised the regional authorities not to harass the rapper Husky, who calls “beggarden, piss on and burn” own country. And Deputy General Director of VGTRK Dmitry Kiselev even compared him with Yesenin.

And in general, there is no need to give rappers a nightmare, because they are mega-popular! Eldzhey’s tracks have been listened to more than a billion times, Kiselev says with admiration and envy. If cannibals are so popular, then we need to be friends with them and even support them with government grants. The initiative to provide state support for rap musicians as new “stadium poets” was put forward in 2018 by the Organizing Committee for the Support of Literature, Book Publishing and Reading in the Russian Federation.

The reason for such flirtations with rappers is clear. Those in power saw rap music as a powerful tool for influencing minds and decided to use it for their own purposes. The message from the authorities looks something like this: “You, of course, can corrupt children as you wish, sing to them about how great it would be for children to self-destruct, about the joys of using drugs and about promiscuity. The main thing is not to criticize the authorities and serve us.” However, repeated attempts to flirt with ghouls led to nothing. Rappers became the most active mouthpieces of protest rallies in 2019. They were largely responsible for the participation of children in protest rallies.

After what happened, Yampolskaya’s bill, which allows the new “Yesenins” to corrupt children on absolutely legal grounds, looks very ambiguous. “I pour kerosene into my eyes. Let everything burn, let everything burn", - sang the stadium poetess from the group IC3PEAK at an opposition rally held on August 10, 2019 in Moscow.

This is the anthem of the generation of modern teenagers, their ideology. The government has no ideology. And teenagers have it. What will the authorities oppose to it? Patriotism a la “the state didn’t ask you to give birth”? But will the children hear those who betrayed them? Will society continue to passively watch as its children are handed over to cannibals? If the people show treacherous weakness this time, then in a few years it will turn into a big fire in which “everything will burn”... this time completely.

Header image: William Blake. Suicide tree. 1824–1827

Many car owners are looking for ways to save fuel. A hydrogen generator for a car will radically solve this issue. Feedback from those who have installed this device suggests a significant reduction in costs when operating vehicles. So the topic is quite interesting. Below we will talk about how to make a hydrogen generator on your own.

ICE on hydrogen fuel

For several decades, there has been a search for the possibility of adapting internal combustion engines for full or hybrid operation on hydrogen fuel. In Great Britain, back in 1841, an engine running on an air-hydrogen mixture was patented. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Zeppelin concern used internal combustion engines running on hydrogen as the propulsion system for its famous airships.

The development of hydrogen energy was also facilitated by the global energy crisis that erupted in the 70s of the last century. However, with its end, hydrogen generators were quickly forgotten. And this despite a lot of advantages compared to conventional fuel:

  • ideal flammability of the fuel mixture based on air and hydrogen, which makes it possible to easily start the engine at any ambient temperature;
  • large heat release during gas combustion;
  • absolute environmental safety - exhaust gases turn into water;
  • the combustion rate is 4 times higher compared to a gasoline mixture;
  • the ability of the mixture to operate without detonation at a high compression ratio.

The main technical reason, which is an insurmountable obstacle to the use of hydrogen as a vehicle fuel, was the inability to fit a sufficient amount of gas on a vehicle. The size of the hydrogen fuel tank will be comparable to the parameters of the car itself. The high explosiveness of the gas should exclude the possibility of the slightest leak. In liquid form, a cryogenic installation is required. This method is also not very feasible in a car.

Brown's Gas

Today, hydrogen generators are gaining popularity among car enthusiasts. However, this is not exactly what was discussed above. By electrolysis, water is converted into the so-called Brown's gas, which is added to the fuel mixture. The main task that this gas solves is complete combustion of the fuel. This serves to increase power and reduce fuel consumption by a decent percentage. Some mechanics have achieved savings of 40%.

The surface area of ​​the electrodes is of decisive importance in the quantitative gas yield. Under the influence of an electric current, a water molecule begins to decompose into two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen. When burned, such a gas mixture releases almost 4 times more energy than the combustion of molecular hydrogen. Therefore, the use of this gas in internal combustion engines leads to more efficient combustion of the fuel mixture, reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, increases power and reduces the amount of fuel consumed.

Universal diagram of a hydrogen generator

For those who do not have the ability to design, a hydrogen generator for a car can be purchased from folk craftsmen who put the assembly and installation of such systems on stream. Today there are many such offers. The cost of the unit and installation is about 40 thousand rubles.

But you can assemble such a system yourself - there is nothing complicated about it. It consists of several simple elements combined into one whole:

  1. Installations for water electrolysis.
  2. Storage tank.
  3. Moisture trap from gas.
  4. Electronic control unit (current modulator).

Below is a diagram according to which you can easily assemble a hydrogen generator with your own hands. The drawings of the main installation producing Brown's gas are quite simple and understandable.

The circuit does not represent any engineering complexity; anyone who knows how to work with the tool can repeat it. For vehicles with a fuel injection system, it is also necessary to install a controller that regulates the level of gas supply to the fuel mixture and is connected to the vehicle’s on-board computer.


The amount of Brown gas produced depends on the area of ​​the electrodes and their material. If copper or iron plates are used as electrodes, the reactor will not be able to operate for a long time due to the rapid destruction of the plates.

The use of titanium sheets looks ideal. However, their use increases the cost of assembling the unit several times. It is considered optimal to use plates made of high-alloy stainless steel. This metal is available, it will not be difficult to purchase. You can also use a used washing machine tank. The only difficulty will be cutting out the plates of the required size.

Types of installations

Today, a hydrogen generator for a car can be equipped with three electrolyzers that differ in type, nature of operation and performance:

The first type of design is quite sufficient for many carburetor engines. There is no need to install a complex electronic circuit for a gas performance regulator, and the assembly of such an electrolyzer itself is not difficult.

For more powerful cars, it is preferable to assemble the second type of reactor. And for engines running on diesel fuel and heavy-duty vehicles, the third type of reactor is used.

Required performance

In order to truly save fuel, a hydrogen generator for a car must produce gas every minute at the rate of 1 liter per 1000 engine displacement. Based on these requirements, the number of plates for the reactor is selected.

To increase the surface of the electrodes, it is necessary to treat the surface with sandpaper in a perpendicular direction. This treatment is extremely important - it will increase the working area and avoid “sticking” of gas bubbles to the surface.

The latter leads to isolation of the electrode from the liquid and prevents normal electrolysis. Do not also forget that for normal operation of the electrolyzer, the water must be alkaline. Regular soda can serve as a catalyst.

Current regulator

A hydrogen generator on a car increases its productivity during operation. This is due to the release of heat during the electrolysis reaction. The working fluid of the reactor experiences heating, and the process proceeds much more intensely. To control the progress of the reaction, a current regulator is used.

If you do not lower it, the water may simply boil and the reactor will stop producing Brown gas. A special controller that regulates the operation of the reactor allows you to change productivity with increasing speed.

Carburetor models are equipped with a controller with a conventional switch for two operating modes: “Highway” and “City”.

Installation safety

Many craftsmen place plates in plastic containers. You shouldn't skimp on this. You need a stainless steel tank. If it is not there, you can use a design with open plates. In the latter case, it is necessary to use a high-quality current and water insulator for reliable operation of the reactor.

It is known that the combustion temperature of hydrogen is 2800. This is the most explosive gas in nature. Brown's gas is nothing more than an "explosive" mixture of hydrogen. Therefore, hydrogen generators in road transport require high-quality assembly of all system components and the presence of sensors to monitor the progress of the process.

A working fluid temperature sensor, pressure sensor and ammeter will not be superfluous in the design of the installation. Particular attention should be paid to the water seal at the outlet of the reactor. It is vital. If the mixture ignites, such a valve will prevent the flame from spreading into the reactor.

A hydrogen generator for heating residential and industrial premises, operating on the same principles, is distinguished by several times greater reactor productivity. In such installations, the absence of a water seal poses a mortal danger. In order to ensure safe and reliable operation of the system, it is also recommended to equip hydrogen generators on cars with such a check valve.

For now you can’t do without conventional fuel

There are several experimental models in the world that run entirely on Brown gas. However, technical solutions have not yet reached their perfection. Such systems are not available to ordinary inhabitants of the planet. Therefore, for now, car enthusiasts have to be content with “handicraft” developments that make it possible to reduce fuel costs.

A little about gullibility and naivety

Some enterprising businessmen offer for sale a hydrogen generator for cars. They talk about laser processing of the surface of electrodes or about the unique secret alloys from which they are made, special water catalysts developed in scientific laboratories around the world.

It all depends on the ability of the thoughts of such entrepreneurs to fly scientifically. Credulity can make you, at your own expense (sometimes not even small ones), the owner of an installation whose contact plates will collapse after two months of operation.

If you decide to save money in this way, then it is better to assemble the installation yourself. At least there will be no one to blame later.

In this article we will talk about the history of the Mayer cell and describe in detail how the Mayer cell works.

Quite a long time has passed since the invention of the water engine, or the so-called “fuel cell,” by the American Stanley (Steve) Mayer (Meier, or Mayer) - they just don’t call it the inventor. For those who don’t happen to know, let me explain: The Meyer cell is a device that consumes a small amount of electrical energy (actually “for free”) and produces a large amount of hydrogen-oxygen mixture from ordinary water. A large number of minds are currently struggling to understand how the Mayer cell works. Someone even claims that he managed to implement this “hydrogen generator,” but somehow this is done furtively, and then nothing happens: For some reason, we don’t switch to cars that run on water, because they simply don’t exist. I am also interested in this problem, I conducted experiments with the Mayer cell, so I suggest you look into it in this together.

Who knows, maybe my advice will help you, and soon you will declare that your car is running on water. Why not me? I’m not eager to go into the annals of history; for the next half of a year or a year, my main work takes a lot of time, and besides, I don’t have the conditions that would allow me to recreate Mayer’s cell in the “near future.” What, in my opinion, is necessary and how the Mayer cell generally works. We will figure it out together. You will read about this in subsequent articles.

For anyone who wants to see video material made by Mayer himself and his friends, he can go to the page Books, programs and videos for free download, which contains links to a large number of videos from demonstrations to conferences, as well as other material from the Cell's author, Stanley Mayer.

Before presenting the material, I would like to focus on the following: Experiments with hydrogen are extremely dangerous, you carry them out at your own peril and risk! The combustion rate of hydrogen is several orders of magnitude higher than the combustion rate of any other types of hydrocarbon fuels and their vapors. And the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen - the so-called “Explosive mixture” not only burns, but explodes with enormous force. Considering certain difficulties in manufacturing an installation for decomposing water into its components, I realize that a simple student will not make the installation himself. Since you are adults, I do not bear responsibility for your actions, and in addition, I declare that if you do not have sufficient knowledge, skills and abilities to ensure your safety, then I categorically do not recommend that you engage in the practical manufacture of hydrogen separation plants.

This article is intended to dispel your fantasies and ignorance, which appear in countless numbers on various forums. The radio circuits of Mayer Cells published on various sites, which must expend a minimum of energy to obtain water resonance, look funny. These are well-executed circuits that actually “work”, but absolutely all of them work on the principle of an ordinary Electrolyzer! What resonance, what accumulation? Complete nonsense!!!

Why was it only he himself who made the Mayer cell, and others couldn’t?

Let's start with the fact that there is a version that will not cause anyone to deny it. There is a “very small” group of people in the world with “very huge” opportunities, these are the oil magnates - the owners of the world's fuel reserves. They would really not like to lose their billions of billions, which they practically put into their pockets for free, pumping out the “blood of the Earth.” In fact, they live at the expense of all humanity. It is you and I who regularly pay them a lot of money, filling up our car, for something that, in fact, should not belong to them. And to ensure that this process of filling their pockets does not stop, they are doing everything to ensure that no one comes up with an alternative source of energy that is superior to petroleum products. There is, of course, Atom, but it is quickly abandoned, so Atom is not a competitor for oil. The oil barons employ hundreds of smart boys, including hackers, who remove “advanced” information from the media, including the Internet. These boys don’t think about conscience and the fact that due to poor ecology “humanity is on the verge of extinction”; the barons regularly pay them for their work. Therefore, only the tips of knowledge reach us, and the truth is in the roots. Moreover, the necessary information is replaced with false information, using which we will never create anything for the benefit of humanity if the “masters of the world” do not want it.

And in general, you have to understand that a water engine means the collapse of the world economic system. If oil prices fall sharply, the revolution of 1917 will occur, only on a global scale. Because the petrodollar determines the prices of other goods. At the beginning, for a year or two there will be a revaluation of everything, there will be nothing in the stores, and there will be “heaps” in landfills. Someone might say that these are lyrics in defense of the “bourgeois”.

Now let's get to the heart of the matter! How does the Mayer cell work? I will analyze what is written in the article “Water instead of gasoline,” which is available in large numbers on different sites. I will refute certain points, and highlight interesting points of the article. Later, I will analyze, in my opinion, the really important points of the article, which indicate that there is a high probability of making a Mayer cell with your own hands. It is worth noting that Mayer's patents are written in "technical" English. Any expert in “ordinary” English will not be able to correctly translate his patents into Russian. Site visitors can download Stanley Mayer's patents for free from the Deposit using the link. Meanwhile, we are starting to analyze the “Russian translation”!

1. Conventional water electrolysis requires a current measured in amperes; the Mayer cell produces the same effect in milliamps.

Let's evaluate this phrase taking into account most of the schemes that have appeared on the Internet. The device that measures the current consumed from the current source is an ordinary direct current ammeter, and after the ammeter there are no smoothing capacitors. Considering that the pulses arriving at the electrodes of the cell are short-term and have a high duty cycle, the ammeter, due to the inertia of the frame, should show a current of no more than one tenth of the actual current consumed, or even less.

2. Ordinary tap water requires the addition of an electrolyte, such as sulfuric acid, to increase conductivity, but the Mayer cell operates at enormous capacity with pure water.

Any electrolyzer with undistilled water, with a distance between electrodes of 1-2 mm, will work with enormous productivity. In addition, the article first says that Meyer uses tap water, and now they write about clean water. Not matching. In general, I had the idea that a lot of “useful” was cut out from the article, and a lot of “confusing our brains” was added - this is about oil barons and people who make money from sensations.

3. According to eyewitnesses, the most striking aspect of Mayer's cage was that it remained cold, even after hours of gas production.

For short-term impulses, nothing surprising.

4. Mayer's experiments, which he deemed eligible for patenting, earned him a series of U.S. patents filed under Section 101. The filing of a patent under this section is contingent on successful demonstration of the invention to the Patent Review Board.

I had to submit a scientific work to the famous Scientific Research Institute of Russia (I will not name it so as not to belittle its authority, but it is truly authoritative). This work had a lot of flaws, but it was highly appreciated. She was later sent to the All-Russian competition and for her I even got a medal from the Minister of Education. The work was promising, but it required time, which I did not have, and now it has become irrelevant. In addition, anything can be patented. Mayer, for example, separately patented his cell and a separate method for generating hydrogen, and separately patented a water-powered automobile engine. Strange fact. But maybe I’m wrong, and smart and attentive men of science sat on the Committee.

5. Mayer uses an external inductance that oscillates with the cell's capacitance—pure water appears to have a dielectric constant of about 81 (other papers say "about 5")—to create a parallel resonant circuit. It is excited by a powerful pulse generator, which, together with the cell capacitance and the rectifier diode, makes up the pump circuit. The high frequency pulses produce a stepwise rising potential across the cell electrodes until a point is reached where the water molecule breaks apart and a brief pulse of current is generated.

Here we are talking about some kind of oscillatory circuit. Guess which of the above diagrams shows the oscillatory circuit, left or right, or maybe you can find the pumping circuit? Judging by the diagrams given, there is no smell of a circuit here, and neither does a pumping circuit.

Energy pumping circuits for devices known in radio electronics at least have a storage line consisting of several capacitors and chokes. There is an easier way to “pump up”, but we will definitely talk about this later. And here, there is nothing at all except the discharge device - the cell plates, which prevent any accumulation at all. Moreover, accumulation in known systems occurs gradually, and then a short-term discharge occurs. And here, something else is described, completely incomprehensible to classical science.

6. Stanley Mayer successfully breaks down ordinary tap water into its constituent elements through a combination of high-voltage pulses, with an average current consumption measured in only milliamps.

See point 1.

7. Mayer declined to comment on details that would allow scientists to reproduce and evaluate his “water cell.” However, he provided a sufficiently detailed description to the US Patent Office to convince them that he could substantiate his invention claim.

Quite a strange fact. Has Mayer decided to become a “water tycoon”? Why did you refuse? A fan of wearing a patent, boasting about its cover, but not showing it to anyone? A patent is then valuable when its owner receives dividends from its sale!

8. As Mayer states, the gas output increased when the electrodes were moved closer and decreased when they moved away.

In any electrolyser, as the distance between the plates decreases, the gas productivity increases.

9. The second cell contained 9 cells with double stainless steel tubes and produced much more gas.

But I ask you to pay attention to this fact. I guess this is where the whole mystery of the cell lies.

10. The practical demonstration of the Mayer cell is significantly more convincing than the pseudo-scientific jargon that is used to explain it.

Copperfield also convincingly demonstrated his tricks, and as an explanation, like Mayer, he used pseudo-scientific jargon (he explained everything with “magic”).

11. The inventor personally spoke about the distortion and polarization of the water molecule, leading to the independent breaking of the bond, under the influence of an electric field gradient, resonance within the molecule, which enhances the effect.

Please pay attention to this, as in paragraph 9, we’ll talk about this later.

12. He also stated that photonic stimulation of the reactor space with laser light through optical fiber increases gas production.

At a certain frequency of the laser generator, it can actually enhance the resonance of molecules using frequency harmonics (division and multiplication).

13. The frequency of the pulses supplied to the capacitor is selected, corresponding to the natural resonance frequency of the molecule.

One thing has been written, but the presented diagrams and drawings are not capable of working at the resonance frequency of water molecules, but we will also write about the possibility of such an implementation later (as in points 9 and 11).

14. The boost coil is wound on a regular toroidal ferrite core 1.50 inches in diameter and 0.25 inches thick. The primary coil contains 200 turns of 24 gauge, the secondary coil contains 600 turns of 36 gauge. The transformer provides a 5-fold increase in voltage, although the optimal coefficient is selected practically.

With the specified number of turns of the primary and secondary windings, the voltage will increase exactly 3 (three) times, and not 5 (five), any radio technician will tell you this. With such a description, it will take you a long time to figure out how the Mayer cell works. You can read about how the transformation ratio is calculated in the article “Power transformer. Transformer calculation ". Does anyone know how a transformer works? I’ll answer, any master knows this: “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…..”.

15. Real water has some residual conductivity due to the presence of impurities. Ideally, the water in the cell will be chemically pure. No electrolyte is added to the water.

Chemically pure water is distilled water! And first they talked about the plumbing!

16. Two concentric cylinders 4 inches long form the condenser. The distance between the surfaces of the cylinders is 0.0625 inches.

Remember the sizes, we will return to them later along with points 9, 11 and 13.

17. The calculation of the resonant frequency is traditional. The second inductance is adjusted depending on the purity of the water so that the potential applied to the water is constant.

What is the “traditional” calculation? Were the authors of the article taught to calculate the resonance of an oscillatory circuit consisting of a capacitor, a coil and a semiconductor diode? There are no such “traditional” contours! Read more about traditional calculations in the article “Oscillating circuit. Resonance." And in general, what resonant frequency should I adjust to?

18. The outer tube fits 3/4" 16 gauge (0.06" wall thickness), 4" long. The inner tube is 1/2" diameter 18 gauge (0.049" wall, this is the approximate size for this tube, the actual gauge cannot be calculated from the patent documentation, but this size should work), 4" long.

Remember the sizes, we will return to them later along with points 9, 11, 13 and 16.

19. It is not specified whether there should be water inside the tube. It seems that it is there, but it does not affect the operation of the device at all.

And how can I say, everything may depend on this. This does not affect the copyist of this article! Let's return with points 9, 11, 13, 16 and 18.

20. The frequency was not printed, based on the size of the coils and transformer, the frequency does not exceed 50 Mhz. Don't be fooled by this fact, it's just my guess.

On what basis did the author guess about the frequency not exceeding 50 megahertz? Based on the parameters of the coils and transformer, without any calculations, any experienced radio amateur will say that the frequency will not reach 1 (one) megahertz. The author of the article, as he writes himself, really tried to “guess” it, but it turned out like in “Field of Miracles” - he played but didn’t guess.

Now you yourself understand why I initially treated this article as just another scam. Now I have the opposite opinion, but for it to be confirmed, everything needs to be sorted out.

In the next article, we will “take the noodles out of our ears” and reveal what is hidden behind points Nos. 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19 highlighted in this article. And this is exactly the link in the chain of mysteries that lies ahead of us expand to answer the question: How does the Mayer cell work?

Unique invention

Today, people are paying more and more attention to the environment, namely, this factor is directly influenced by human activity, as well as its offspring. For example, cars. Representatives of this type of transport emit an incredible amount of exhaust into the atmosphere every day. These harmful substances greatly affect the condition of the planet as a whole. There are more and more cars in the world every minute, and accordingly, there are more emissions too. Therefore, if this pollution is not stopped now, tomorrow it may be too late. Realizing this, Japanese developers began producing an environmentally friendly engine that would not affect the environment in such a detrimental way. And so, the Genepax company introduced the world to the brainchild of modern environmentally friendly production - an internal combustion engine on water.

Advantages of an engine on water

The state of the environment, as well as the shortage of gasoline, forced developers to think about a simply unimaginable concept - creating an engine on water. The very idea already cast doubt on the success of this project, but scientists from Japan were not used to giving up without a fight. Today they proudly demonstrate the operating principle of this engine, which can be fueled with river or sea water. “This is simply amazing! - experts from all over the world unanimously repeat, “which can be filled with ordinary water, while the harmful ones are zero.” According to Japanese developers, just 1 liter of water is enough to drive at a speed of 90 km/h for an hour. At the same time, a very important detail is that the engine can be filled with water of absolutely any quality: the car will drive as long as you have a container of water. Also, thanks to the internal combustion engine on water, there will be no need to build large-scale stations to recharge the batteries that are in the car.

The principle of operation of the new device

The engine on water was called Water Energy System. This system has no special differences from the hydrogen one. The water engine is built on exactly the same principle as its counterparts, which use hydrogen as fuel. How did the developers manage to get fuel from water? The fact is that Japanese scientists have invented a new technology, which is based on the splitting of water into oxygen and hydrogen using a special collector with membrane-type electrodes. The material that makes up the collector enters into a chemical reaction with water and splits its molecule into atoms, thereby providing the engine with fuel. We were not able to find out all the details of the splitting technology, because the developers have not yet managed to obtain a patent for their invention. But today we can safely say that this engine on water is capable of making a real revolution in the world of automotive manufacturing. In addition to the fact that this unit is completely environmentally friendly, it is also durable! The unique technology of using water makes the device practically indestructible.

Forecasts for the future

A new car with an internal combustion engine on water will soon be invented in the city of Osaka. This will be done so that developers can patent their invention. According to preliminary estimates, scientists say that the assembly of such a device currently costs 18 thousand dollars, but soon, due to mass production, the price will be reduced by 4 times, that is, to 4 thousand dollars for one engine on water.

This is simply an amazing invention that is designed to save our world from:

  1. Gasoline crisis.
  2. Global warming due to air pollution

We hope that the engine will soon go into mass production, and more and more car factories will use it in their models.

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