Home Rack FM muffler circuits are powerful. A resounding success. How to jam FM, main characteristics of devices

FM muffler circuits are powerful. A resounding success. How to jam FM, main characteristics of devices

I sell jammers, noise generators, suppressors or signal blockers.
- FM Jammers
- FM jammers
- TV jammers
- Car alarm suppressors
- GPS jammers
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FM suppressor (jammer). Product view in the video. Designed to suppress radio signals in the entire FM broadcast range (87.5-108 MHz). Can be used in the office, at home, in the country to prevent listening to “annoying” music from neighbors. The effective suppression radius of the product is 20-27m. When removing broadcast transmitters, it reaches 50m(!). The range depends on the electromagnetic environment at the place of use, the proximity of the broadcast transmitters, the type of receiving device, and also on urban development.
Power supply 9V, "Krona" type battery. It is also possible to power the device from a 9-10V power supply, current not less than 70mA. The suppression band is 800KHz-1MHz, which is practically enough to suppress one or two radio stations. When this product is operating, there is a squeaking/crackling/noise in the receiver.
Tuning to the desired frequency is done using a knob located on the side.
Ranges to choose from: 87-108/93-108/100-108 MHz, (also “Our” VHF 68-74 MHz) depending on the region of use.
Everything is made in Russia.

Payment methods by agreement.

FM radio jammer. FM-Killer 2, modernized, using GKCh. Video review.
Designed to suppress radio broadcasting stations in the FM range 87.5-108 MHz.
Power supply is 9-10V, you can use either a Krona type battery or a 9V power supply with a current of at least 150mA.
Effective suppression radius of the product (under average electromagnetic conditions):
- 25-30m. when using battery/accumulator
- 40-50 when used from a power supply.
When removing broadcast transmitters, it reaches 100m(!).
Pros and cons compared to the previous version:
1. Full range suppression mode
2. The bandwidth in the tuning mode has been expanded to a frequency of up to 3 MHz
3. Good stability of technical parameters
1. Continuous operation of the product on battery power is no more than 2 hours
2. It fits in a jacket/jacket pocket, but not in smaller ones.

TV jammer (suppressor).

TV jammer!!! Designed to suppress signals in the range from 30 MHz to 850 MHz. Can be used in the office, at home, in the country to prevent listening to “annoying” TV from neighbors. The effective suppression radius of the product is 3-15m. When removing broadcast transmitters, it reaches ~25m(!). The range depends on the electromagnetic environment at the place of use, the proximity of broadcast transmitters, the type of receiving device and the antenna connected to the TV receiver.
Power supply from 12V power supply, current not less than 1.5-2A. The suppression band is from 30 MHz to 850 MHz, there are “holes” in the range. When this product is operating, the TV receiver experiences ripples/streaks/starts to “snow” or a complete loss of the TV channel (what this depends on is described above). The sound may "break through". Equipped with forced cooling.
Contents: Noise generator, power supply, two antennas (possible without power supply).
Everything is sent by Russian Post 1st class, a track code for tracking and a small user manual are provided.
Payment methods by agreement. Suppression of analogue and digital broadcasting.
Use of the product for illegal purposes is prohibited.

FM jammer is a device that will stop broadcasting FM radio stations in the specified range. An FM silencer will turn off unwanted music from neighbors, a radio station in a minibus or on the street.

Modern FM jammers are small in size and easy to carry, allowing you to take the device with you and use it at the right time. Place an order on our website and we will deliver it to you by courier or mail throughout Russia.

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How to mute FM

Radio stations broadcast on one of the radio frequency waves. If this frequency (or the entire frequency range) is clogged with an empty signal, interference or your own broadcast, the broadcast will be suspended. This way, you can drown out the annoying radio, and in some cases, even play your own music on a controlled frequency. Technically, this is not difficult to do if you have special equipment - a muffler for FM. Let's take a closer look at the process of selecting such equipment.

How to jam FM, main characteristics of devices

It is not difficult to find an FM jammer in Moscow and other cities. In our online store you can buy an FM jammer at a price of 3,300 rubles, without leaving your home. Simply place an order on the website and indicate the address to which you want the device to be delivered. Soon, the courier service will deliver the goods to your address.

Among the products there are:

  • jammer for the entire FM range;
  • muffler FM 88-108;
  • mobile FM jammer;
  • powerful FM muffler with a large range of action, on-site installation, permanent installation;
  • portable FM jammer;
  • custom FM jammer (with selected control features and frequency adjustment);
  • low-power FM jammer (this is a simple short-range FM jammer at a low price);

and other devices. You need to choose based on current requirements and potential tasks.

The following characteristics are also important:

  • Power options.
  • Signal strength, range.
  • Operating frequencies, frequency adjustment range.
  • Temperature operating conditions of the device.
  • Maximum air humidity level.
  • Dimensions of the device and all its components.
  • Weight of FM mufflers.

A person with bad taste in music is always a problem. And if it is your neighbor in the country, then the problem instantly takes on enormous proportions. We are talking about listening to FM radio stations, the rotation of which is mainly tasteless pop music, and even loudly (in the open air, after all).

Despite the scale of the problem, it is completely solvable. To do this, you will need a device - suppressors (jammers) of the FM range. FM jammer circuits, in fairly large quantities, can be found through search sites. But no one can guarantee the flawless operation of such an FM jammer according to the scheme. And even if it does work, the radius of propagation will be too small and will affect, at most, a couple of radio stations. Now, for those who suffer from terrible neighbor music, a scheme has appeared that can drown out the entire FM range within a radius of 50 meters. Impressive? Then read on.

How it works?

The operating principle of this wonderful device is as follows: the generator creates a large number of signal components, so-called harmonics, the circuit frequency is 100 plus/minus 10 MHz. The generator operates on a KT368 HF series transistor. Operation in this mode is ensured by the large capacitance of the capacitor, which is 12 pF. Make it possible to adjust the capacity, this is done using a trimmer.

Due to two broadband stages, the transistor signal is amplified. The design must include an antenna, which could well be a piece of copper wire, however, there is a risk of getting your own signal suppressed, so it is better to use a shielded cable.

Let's continue. Creating a carrier will not be enough, even if you make it broadband. More powerful broadcast stations simply will not notice such a jammer. So, we deprive our neighbor of the pleasure of listening to music, we modulate the signal from the transistor with a generator on, for example, K561LE5 (there are variations). Try to ensure the following modulation frequency: 1-3 KHz with a period of 0.1-0.3 s.

According to the diagram, PEL wire with a cross-section of 0.5-1 mm should be wound on the generator coil, this is done on a drill with a diameter of 5. You need to wind it as follows: make 10 turns and move them away from the middle. Then we will need chokes; we can use ready-made ones - 10 μH. An alternative to chokes can be 10 turns on a ferrite ring K7x4x2.

For normal operation of the suppressor, a voltage of 12 V is sufficient; more is allowed. The current strength must be at least 0.5A. A rectifier with a capacitor with a capacity of 2000 uF and a diode bridge of the simplest design are suitable.

This device is far from the jammer used in the state army, but the jammer will complete its assigned tasks in no time. Yes, we should not forget that using an FM jammer with such power is a violation of the law. If the diagram for you looks like just a set of lines and values, you shouldn’t torture yourself and try to assemble the device, because without the proper skills and knowledge you won’t be able to do anything useful. It’s better to choose and order ready-made jammers from us and use them for joy without painful homemade experiments.

Deputy Director for Development Kerimov Rostislav.

I present to your court the design of a frequency suppressor. A fairly simple and 100% working circuit is designed to suppress television and radio signals. The device will be able to jam almost any TV channel (except satellite, of course) at a distance of up to 15 meters from the TV. The device itself is an interference provider, the transmitter of which is made of only one transistor.

You can use literally any RF or microwave transistors. KT 368 (from the HF series) or KT 325, KT 399 (from the microwave series) are excellent. When using microwave transistors, the range increases to 50 meters. The circuit contains 5 - 6 turns of wire with a diameter of 0.5 - 0.7 mm, wound on a frame with a diameter of 4 mm. The circuit itself is quite simple and was taken from the radio bug circuit. The transmitting circuit was replaced, the circuit was changed so as to generate interference on the am-fm bands, because it is on these bands that many television and radio channels operate. The antenna is a piece of copper wire with a length of 20 - 15 cm, the latter can be excluded, but then the distance decreases. By rotating the variable capacitor, the device can be configured to specifically suppress channels that are in close ranges. The power of the device is enough for targeted suppression of 2 - 3 television or radio channels.

The jammer can be powered from 4 to 12 volts. Crown or corundum or any DC voltage sources that have a specified output rating are perfect for this purpose. Such a device can also be implemented using microwave field-effect transistors. The ratings of the radio components used can be deviated in one direction or another, we are talking about resistors, since capacitors in the circuit are critical and with a deviation of even 1 picofarad the circuit may not work at all or work with<< недугами >> - short range, high current consumption, unstable operation, etc.

The current consumption of the jammer should be somewhere between 5 and 7 mA from the crown. In order to reduce power, you can increase the value of the emitter resistor to 100 ohms. Thanks to this, you can achieve a power of a couple of watts. Using powerful field-effect transistors, you can suppress (jam) the GPS range, and therefore mobile communications; we’ll talk about a similar design next time.

FM signal suppressors "Antishanson"

FM signal suppressors "Antishanson" capable of effectively combating radio waves over a wide range. Many people are familiar with the unpleasant situation when the neighbor’s radio prevents them from sleeping at night and doing what they love during the day, and the music in the minibus is not at all the music that is preferred by the majority of passengers.

Antishanson - mobile, convenient and easy to use - makes it possible to avoid listening to unloved music anywhere.

Cellular jammers Voice recorder jammers GPS/Glonass jammers
Acoustic safes Anti-bugs / anti-wiretapping Drone jammers
FM Radio Jammers Protection of telephone conversations Nano phone case

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FM signal suppressors - radio suppression

FM suppressor is a device that will help interfere with the operation of FM radio stations. The FM radio jammer is sufficient to suppress most radio stations. This will help jam any known station operating on standard frequencies.

FM suppressor is the best tool in the fight against any radio

The modern Antichanson device is a device that can quietly suppress a selected radio frequency in the FM range. Frequency suppression is carried out by creating harmonic radio interference on a selected wave, or by creating a broadcast on a selected wave. Antishanson is simple in its design; in fact, it is a portable transmitter of small size. It can easily fit into a pocket or bag. The convenience of a frequency suppression device for radio receivers lies in the fact that, with its compact dimensions, it is capable of suppressing a signal within a radius of up to 15 meters.

The body has a frequency range adjustment knob that allows you to select the desired FM wave. In addition, some devices allow you to broadcast your own recordings. Due to its characteristics, the device has a wide range of applications; you can use it at work, in the car, in any public place where radio broadcasts begin to irritate you. It will prevent you from listening to unwanted music anywhere.

FM jammer: useful in modern society

A small but powerful and functional pocket suppressor for radios “Antishanson”, at its low price, is simply an indispensable device for many. The need to suppress a radio signal can arise in almost any ordinary citizen: tired of thieves' "chanson" in a minibus, noisy neighbors listening loudly to the radio at night, low-quality music in a street cafe or in a taxi - a frequency suppressor for radios of any model can easily cope with all this.

Using the device is extremely simple: one press of a button, easy adjustment of frequencies and no more annoying music or necessary radio broadcasts will interfere. At the same time, the innovative portable jammer is capable of generating interference that covers the FM frequency range from 80 to 300 MHz. This is quite enough to suppress any commercial radio stations operating in our country.

Today, the cost of a personal FM radio suppressor is quite affordable, and its range (about 15 meters) is quite sufficient for active use both on private property and in public places, and even in any transport. The small size and the absence of any additional large antennas allow you to conveniently place the Antichanson, both in your pocket and indoors or in vehicles.

Radio suppression occurs by launching an empty barrage signal at the frequency of the radio station. In this case, the radio receiver will only broadcast silence. The best way to do this is to use an FM radio suppressor. The FM suppressor is configured to jam frequencies in the range 87.5 - 108.0 MHz. The device may have operation indicators, as well as a display to display technical information.

How to suppress FM radio and device characteristics

Today anyone can purchase radio jammers. In Moscow you can buy an FM radio jammer with fast delivery to the specified address by courier service.

In our online store it is easy to find models of FM suppressors of various configurations, from light to premium models with a long range. You can easily buy FM signal suppressors from us at a price of 3,500 rubles. Before purchasing, please read the important technical parameters of the device indicated in the product description.

Their list looks something like this:

  • Full range of radio suppression.
  • The operating radius of the device is important, for example, when suppressing radio-controlled explosive devices and mine explosive devices.
  • The presence or absence of a monitor to display information.
  • The presence of a retractable antenna to increase the range.
  • Materials of manufacture, strength of the case.
  • Temperature operating conditions of the suppressor.
  • Device power supply parameters, battery type, battery operating time and the need for replacement or charging.
  • Maximum air humidity.
  • Exact dimensions of FM suppressor.
  • Device weight.
  • Convenience of installing the antenna, replacing batteries, controlling power, setting the desired frequency if it is a directional FM suppressor.

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