Home Brakes A rating of regions in which life is worst has been compiled. Application. Rating of socio-economic development of regions Rating of regions by level

A rating of regions in which life is worst has been compiled. Application. Rating of socio-economic development of regions Rating of regions by level

MOSCOW, January 14 - PRIME. In the ranking of regions by quality of life - 2016, the first positions are still occupied by Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region. The Republic of Ingushetia and the Republic of Tyva close the ranking. The position of the Republic of Crimea has improved most significantly.

The rating agency RIA "Rating" of the media group MIA "Russia Today" has prepared the next, sixth rating of the quality of life of the population in Russian regions. The rating was based on a comprehensive accounting of various indicators that record the actual state of certain aspects of living conditions and the situation in the social sphere. Based on the 72 indicators taken into account, a rating score was calculated, which serves as an assessment of interregional differences and a criterion for ranking regions.

The ranking results indicate that the stabilization of the economic situation in 2017 had a positive impact on the quality of life in most regions. The average rating score of all regions in the 2017 Rating of Regions for Quality of Life was 45.12, which is 1.16 points more than in the 2016 Rating. In the previous year, the average rating score of all regions increased by only 0.35 points. The composite rating score increased in the 71st region, which is due to an improvement in the indicators taken into account when calculating the rating. At the same time, of the fourteen regions whose composite rating score decreased, only five showed a decrease of more than 1 point.

As evidenced by the ranking results, the first and last ten regions remained virtually unchanged. At the same time, despite the relative stability of the distribution of regions at the poles of the ranking, the positions of a number of regions in the middle of the list have changed significantly. The positions of 14 regions changed by more than five places, of which ten positions improved, and four worsened.

The first positions in the ranking of regions in terms of quality of life are still occupied by Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region, whose combined rating score exceeds 70 (possible minimum - 1, possible maximum - 100). They are followed by the Republic of Tatarstan, Belgorod region, Krasnodar region, Voronezh region, Lipetsk region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and Kaliningrad region. In the 2016 Rating, most of these regions were also in the top ten. The only exception is the Kaliningrad region, which in the previous ranking took 11th place, and in the 2017 ranking rose one position and took 10th place. The Tyumen region, which ranks 13th in the current ranking, left the top ten. At the same time, the value of the combined rating score of the Tyumen region in the 2017 Rating increased by 0.68 points, thus, the decrease in its position in the ranking was largely due not to the deterioration of indicators, but to the fact that in a number of other regions indicators improved more significantly.

The composition of the top ten has not changed compared to the previous year. At the same time, five regions out of the last ten increased the value of the composite rating score, which indicates an improvement in most indicators taken into account when calculating the rating. Among the regions in the bottom ten, the combined rating score increased in the Republic of Kalmykia, the Republic of Tyva, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Kurgan Region and the Republic of Buryatia. However, the distance to the national average level for these regions is quite large.

Leaders of growth and decline

In the current ranking, ten regions showed an increase of more than 5 places. The most significant growth in positions was demonstrated by the Republic of Crimea, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and the Republic of Khakassia. The growth leader was the Republic of Crimea, which moved from 66th to 55th place. The Republic of Crimea has been demonstrating a significant improvement in its position for the second year, which is a consequence of positive changes in the social and economic spheres. The Republic is among the leaders among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of growth rates of many socio-economic indicators. The consolidated rating score of the Republic of Crimea in the 2017 Rating increased by 4.27 points. This was facilitated by the improvement of such indicators as the volume of deposits of individuals, the ratio of cash income to the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services, and the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level. Also in the Republic, the unemployment rate has decreased, the time it takes to find a job has shortened, mortality from external causes has decreased, the overall morbidity rate of the population has decreased, the provision of places for preschool children in preschool educational institutions has increased, the share of state (municipal) educational organizations that meet modern educational requirements has increased, and the a number of other indicators.

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has risen by 8 places and is in 16th place in the 2017 Rating. The composite rating score increased by 4.27 points. This result was the result of an increase in the supply of doctors, an increase in the capacity of outpatient clinics, a reduction in the crime rate, a decrease in mortality from external causes, a reduction in the share of utility networks (water supply, sewerage networks and heat and steam networks) in need of replacement, and an increase in security costs atmospheric air per unit of emissions. In addition, in the Autonomous Okrug the volume of individuals' deposits in banks has increased and a number of economic indicators have improved, including an increase in the production of goods and services and an increase in the share of profitable enterprises.

The Republic of Khakassia took 51st place in the 2017 Ranking, which is 7 positions higher than in the previous ranking. The region's composite rating score increased by 3.79 points. In the previous year, the republic also rose by 7 places. The main factors that contributed to the growth of the position of the Republic of Khakassia in the 2017 Ranking were a decrease in the unemployment rate, an increase in the volume of individual deposits in banks, a decrease in the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, a decrease in mortality from external causes and infant mortality, and an increase in the provision of preschool children places in preschool educational institutions, an increase in the share of state (municipal) general education organizations that meet modern educational requirements. Also in the republic, the housing supply of the population has increased, the share of profitable enterprises has increased, and a number of other indicators have improved.

The leaders in improving positions in the ranking also include the Tula region, Sevastopol, Khabarovsk Territory, the Udmurt Republic, the Murmansk region, the Amur region and the Chechen Republic. The positions of these regions of the Russian Federation in the ranking improved by 6 places.

The positions of the Komi Republic (-6 places), the Republic of Adygea (-7 places), the Oryol Region (-8 places) and the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (-15 places) decreased by more than 5 places.

The decline in the position of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is due to the deterioration of positions in a number of indicators, including: the ratio of the monetary income of the population to the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services, the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, the unemployment rate, the share of state (municipal) educational organizations, meeting modern training requirements. Some economic indicators have also worsened. The volume of production of goods and services decreased, and the share of profitable enterprises decreased. At the same time, it can be noted that a number of indicators of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania have improved. Among them are life expectancy at birth, infant mortality, the proportion of dilapidated and dilapidated housing and some others.

In the Oryol region, the ratio of the population's monetary income to the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services has worsened, unemployment has increased and the time it takes the unemployed to find work has increased, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary and mobile sources have increased, and the availability of hospital beds has decreased. In addition, the position in the ranking was negatively affected by the deterioration of some economic indicators, in particular: a reduction in investment in fixed assets, a decrease in the share of profitable enterprises. At the same time, in the Oryol region, positive dynamics of some indicators were recorded, for example, the crime rate decreased, mortality from external causes and infant mortality decreased. It should be noted that the composite rating score of the Oryol region decreased slightly - by only 0.33 points.

The Republic of Adygea worsened its position in the ranking due to an increase in the infant mortality rate, a decrease in the provision of places for preschool children in preschool educational institutions, a decrease in the capacity of outpatient clinics, a decrease in the provision of hospital beds, an increase in emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary and mobile sources, and an increase in time search for work by the unemployed and deterioration of a number of other indicators. At the same time, positive factors include a reduction in the proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, an increase in the provision of housing for the population, and a decrease in the crime rate.

The Komi Republic dropped 6 places in the ranking, but the value of the composite rating score decreased by only 0.23 points. Among the main factors that had a negative impact on the position of the Komi Republic in the ranking are an increase in the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, a deterioration in the ratio of cash income to the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services, and a decrease in the availability of hospital beds. In addition, investments in the republic have decreased and the share of profitable enterprises has decreased, which also contributed to a decrease in positions in the ranking. At the same time, a number of indicators taken into account when calculating the rating have improved. In particular, the unemployment rate in the republic has decreased, the crime rate and mortality from external causes have decreased, and emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere have decreased.

When calculating the rating, an analysis was carried out of 72 indicators, which were combined into 11 groups characterizing the main aspects of the quality of life in the region: the level of income of the population, employment and the labor market, living conditions of the population, safety of living, demographic situation, environmental and climatic conditions, public health and level of education, provision of social infrastructure, level of economic development, level of small business development, development of the territory and development of transport infrastructure.

The positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the final rating were determined on the basis of the integral rating score, which was calculated by aggregating the rating points of the regions of the Russian Federation for all analyzed groups. The rating score of a group was determined by aggregating the rating scores of the indicators included in the group.

For the fifth year in a row, the RIA Novosti agency has published a rating of the best regions of the Russian Federation in terms of quality of life. This concept is understood as a set of indicators that demonstrate how easy it is in a particular region to find a job, earn money, get education and medical care, live in normal housing, go to the movies and theaters and not suffer from environmental problems. A total of 72 such criteria were selected. The position of the region was determined based on the totality of the collected indicators - the higher the number, the more favorable the place for living.

10. Tyumen region – 55.13 rating points

At the end of 2016, the Tyumen region entered the top ten leaders. If in 2015 it took eleventh place, then last year it took a step forward. And the region’s population has increased - in terms of migration growth, the region is in sixth place, and in terms of changes in numbers in a positive sense - in third place.

9. Lipetsk region – 57.41 points

The unemployment rate in the Lipetsk region is one of the lowest among the regions (seventh place), and people do not spend a long time looking for work there (fourth place). And in general, the enterprises are profitable, because the region ranks seventh in the number of successful organizations.

8. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – 57.82 points

In addition to the Tyumen region, in the top 10 quality of life in the regions of Russia there is another representative of the Ural Federal District - Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Although its position has weakened compared to 2015 and it has dropped down a notch, living there is still not bad. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is in the top ten for several indicators, including the ratio of money/goods and services (fourth place) and the volume of deposits per person (ninth place). Separately, it is worth mentioning medical care - the infant mortality rate there is the lowest in the country.

7. Voronezh region – 58.87 points

Compared to 2015, life has become better in the Voronezh region; it has risen from eighth place to seventh. In terms of indicators, it is rather a strong average, since most of them are in the second and third ten.

6. Belgorod region – 61.82 points

The Belgorod region can rightfully be considered the most sports region in Russia - the number of sports facilities per person there is the highest in the country. The population itself also strives to stay in shape - in terms of the number of workers, students and pupils involved in sports, it is in third and fourth place, respectively.

5. Krasnodar region – 61.97 points

The leader of the southern regions of Russia was included in the top 10 best places to live. And it is not surprising - according to the assessment of the favorable climate, the Krasnodar Territory occupies one of the first places (along with Sevastopol, the Republic of Crimea and the Stavropol Territory). Krasnodar is also good for motorists, because the region is in the top three in terms of road quality.

4. Republic of Tatarstan – 63.12 points

Tatarstan has the least number of people in need - the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level is the lowest in Russia. In addition, residents of Tatarstan are among the most physically developed in the country. In terms of the number of people systematically involved in physical education, Tatarstan ranks third. Kazan leads in 2017.

3. Moscow region – 68.55 points

The Moscow region accounts for the largest number of square meters per capita. In terms of migration growth, it is even ahead of Moscow itself. And workers are always needed there - the unemployment rate in the Moscow region is one of the lowest in the country (fourth place). Although it takes a long time to find a job, the region ranks 24th in terms of job search duration.

2. St. Petersburg – 76.49 points

In terms of salary/expenses, St. Petersburg is second only to Moscow. Moreover, the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level is even lower there than in the capital. If Moscow is in seventh place in this indicator, then St. Petersburg is in second. In St. Petersburg there is a job for everyone - the unemployment rate there is the lowest of all regions and it is the fastest to find one (both indicators are in first place). In terms of housing, although St. Petersburg suffers from overpopulation (58th place), the share of dilapidated housing there is the lowest of all regions. And the apartments are the most comfortable in Russia.

1. Moscow – 76.54 points

The capital of Russia continues to hold its position as the most convenient place to live for many years now, although the northern capital is already beginning to step on its heels. The ratio of wages/consumer set of goods and services among other regions in Moscow is still the most profitable (first place). And the population prefers to store excess money in banks, which is why Moscow is in third place in terms of the volume of deposits per individual. Moscow also has the most modern educational institutions (first place). Muscovites suffer only from the housing problem - in terms of square meters per person, the capital has one of the lowest indicators (78). Although the existing housing has been renovated (third place) and improved (second place).

MOSCOW, 14 Feb- RIA News. Based on the results of 2017, the first positions in the quality of life of the population among the regions of Russia are occupied by Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region, Ingushetia and Tuva close the ranking. At the same time, in most regions of the Federation, including Crimea, the quality of life has improved over the past year, according to the results of the sixth study, which was prepared by experts from the RIA Rating rating agency of the MIA Rossiya Segodnya media group.

When calculating the rating, experts analyzed 72 indicators, which are combined into 11 groups characterizing the main aspects of quality of life: income level, employment and labor market, housing conditions, safety of living, demographic situation, environmental and climatic conditions, health and level of education, social infrastructure, economic development and small business development, territory development and transport development.

The scores for all groups were summed up, and on this basis the region’s place in the final ranking was determined. The study used data from Rosstat, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank and other open sources.

General improvement

RIA Rating experts note that the stabilization of the economic situation in 2017 had a positive impact on the quality of life in most regions. The average rating score was 45.12, which is 1.16 points more than a year earlier. The composite score increased in 71 regions, which was due to an improvement in the indicators taken into account in the calculation.

At the same time, the first and last tens remained practically the same, but the positions in the middle of the list changed significantly. In 14 regions they changed by more than five places: in ten they improved, and in four they worsened.

Top ten

The first positions are still occupied by Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region, whose combined rating score exceeds 70 (minimum 1, maximum 100). They are followed by Tatarstan, Krasnodar Territory, Voronezh, Belgorod, Lipetsk regions, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and Kaliningrad region.

A year earlier, most of these regions were also in the top ten. The only exception was the Kaliningrad region, which previously occupied 11th place, but has now risen one position. The Tyumen region left the top ten and is now 13th. At the same time, its composite score increased by 0.68 points, that is, the decline in the region’s position is due not so much to the deterioration of indicators, but to the fact that in other regions they grew more significantly.

The outsiders haven't changed

The final ten remained the same. At the same time, the composite score increased in five regions, which indicates an improvement in most indicators. These are Kalmykia, Tuva, the Jewish Autonomous and Kurgan regions, as well as Buryatia. Nevertheless, the lag behind the national average in these regions is quite large.

Showed growth

Ten regions showed an increase of more than five points, the most significant was demonstrated by Crimea, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khakassia. The leader here was Crimea, which moved from 66th to 55th place. RIA Rating experts note that the region has been demonstrating a significant improvement in its position for the second year, which indicates positive changes in the social and economic spheres.

The consolidated rating score of Crimea increased by 4.27 points. This was facilitated by the improvement of such indicators as the volume of deposits of individuals, the ratio of household income to the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services, and the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level. In the republic, the unemployment rate has decreased, the time it takes the unemployed to find work has shortened, mortality from external causes has decreased, the overall morbidity rate has decreased, the provision of preschool children with places in educational institutions has increased, the proportion of schools that meet modern educational requirements has increased, and other indicators have improved.

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug rose eight points to 16th place, and its composite score increased by 4.27 points. This result was the result of an increase in the supply of doctors, an increase in the capacity of outpatient clinics, a reduction in the crime rate, a decrease in mortality from external causes, a reduction in the share of utility networks in need of replacement, and an increase in the cost of air protection. In addition, in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug the volume of deposits from individuals has increased and some economic indicators have improved.

The Republic of Khakassia took 51st place, which is seven positions higher than in the previous study, and its composite score increased by 3.79 points. A year earlier, the republic also rose by seven points. This was influenced by a decrease in the unemployment rate, an increase in the volume of deposits of individuals, a decrease in the proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, a decrease in mortality from external causes and infant mortality, an increase in the provision of preschoolers with kindergartens, and an increase in the share of schools that meet modern educational requirements. Also in the republic, the housing supply has increased and the share of profitable enterprises has increased.

The leaders in improving positions also include the Tula region, Sevastopol, Khabarovsk Territory, Udmurtia, Murmansk and Amur regions, as well as Chechnya. Their positions rose by six points.

Lowered positions

Komi (-6), Adygea (-7) and Oryol region (-8) lost more than five positions. North Ossetia dropped the most in the ranking (-15) due to deterioration in such indicators as the ratio of the population's cash income to the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services, the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, the unemployment rate, and the share of schools that meet modern requirements training. Economic indicators also decreased—production volume and the share of profitable enterprises. At the same time, some indicators have improved: life expectancy, infant mortality, the share of dilapidated and dilapidated housing and others.

In the Oryol region, the ratio of the population's monetary income to the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services has worsened, unemployment has increased and the time it takes the unemployed to find work has increased, the volume of pollutant emissions has increased, and the availability of hospital beds has decreased. The position in the ranking was negatively affected by deteriorating economic indicators, namely a reduction in investment in fixed assets and a decrease in the share of profitable enterprises. At the same time, positive dynamics have been recorded in the region: crime rates, mortality from external causes and infant mortality have decreased. It should be noted that the combined rating score of the Oryol region dropped slightly - by only 0.33 points.

The Republic of Adygea worsened its position due to an increase in the infant mortality rate, a decrease in the provision of places for children in kindergartens and the capacity of outpatient clinics, a decrease in the supply of hospital beds, an increase in the volume of pollutant emissions, and an increase in the time it takes the unemployed to find a job. Experts cite a reduction in the proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, an increase in the supply of housing and a decrease in the crime rate as positive factors.

The Komi Republic dropped by six positions, but the composite score dropped by only 0.23 points. Among the main negative factors are an increase in the proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, a deterioration in the ratio of population income to the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services, and a decrease in the availability of hospital beds. In addition, investments in the republic have decreased and the share of profitable enterprises has decreased. However, in Komi the levels of unemployment, crime and mortality from external causes have decreased, and the volume of pollutant emissions has decreased.

According to statistics, every year in Russia approximately 3% of the population moves to a new place of residence. It would seem that the number is small. However, if we take into account that with the change of year the composition of migrants is almost completely renewed, it turns out that over a dozen years more than a quarter of Russians move to other places.

Where exactly are they going and where are they trying to quickly disappear from? The answer to this question is given by the RIA Novosti study, which determined the most the best regions of Russia in terms of living standards 2019. They have the highest standard of living, high salaries, little unemployment, good ecology and climate, decent healthcare and a developed transport network.

The study was based on data from the Ministry of Finance, Rosstat, Ministry of Health, Bank of Russia and other sources.

10. Kaliningrad region

In tenth place is a small region sandwiched between Lithuania and Poland. The Kaliningrad region has taken the best from Europe and the Baltic - from architecture to part of the Curonian Spit, a favorite vacation spot for Russians. Not many people live there - just over a million, and the largest city (Kaliningrad) has only 475 thousand inhabitants.

9. Lipetsk region

Compared to last year’s rating of the quality of life in the regions of the Russian Federation, things in the Lipetsk region are worse. She moved from eighth place to ninth. However, this has nothing to do with the national debt, quite the contrary. As a rule, the more money a region owes to the Ministry of Finance, the better it is doing. So far, the Lipetsk region occupies a modest 16th place in the list of debtors.

It leads in other indicators, and primarily in investment activity. The region, already famous for its developed industry, which even the nineties could not completely wipe out, is going to launch six new enterprises at once in 2019 in cooperation with foreign comrades. So there will be even more work for local residents.

8. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

But Ugra rose from ninth to eighth place in the list of the most prosperous regions of Russia. The only Siberian region in the top 10 received its rightful place primarily thanks to “oil money.” It’s no wonder that Surgut has some of the highest salaries among all Russian cities. He is in the top ten.

Unlike the “debt-ridden” Liptsk region, Ugra is completely self-sufficient, and has been a donor region for several years now. Despite the harsh Siberian climate, sweltering cold in winter and pervasive midge in summer, people continue to go there. Every year the population of the region grows steadily by at least 20 thousand people.

7. Voronezh region

For several years now, the Voronezh region has been in second place in terms of the number of visitors, both from the countries of the former CIS and Russians. They are attracted primarily by earning opportunities, since according to statistics, the unemployment rate in the region does not exceed 1%.

Voronezh residents work both at industrial enterprises and in rural areas - the Voronezh region is one of the leading regions in Russia for the production of grain crops and potatoes. In addition, it recently received first place in the ranking of the Ministry of Culture for “information activity of cultural life.” That’s it, otherwise it’s all “Peter, Peter.”

6. Krasnodar region

The debts of the Krasnodar Territory to the Russian Federation exceed 140 billion rubles. It is immediately clear which region our state considers valuable and is ready to lend it its mighty financial shoulder.

The Krasnodar region, already extremely important for the country as a breadbasket and one of the most popular regions for tourism, received even more importance in connection with the annexation of Crimea. It is through the bridge connecting the Taman Peninsula and Kerch that there is road communication with the new territory.

And in the Krasnodar Territory there will be a railway bridge, and a new railway, and another road. There will be a lot of work, as well as financial investments in the region. And besides work, the Krasnodar Territory also has excellent ecology, a wonderful climate, and the sea (albeit not too clean).

5. Belgorod region

In fifth place in the ranking of the best regions of Russia in terms of living standards is the owner of green fields and snow-white chalk mountains - the Belgorod region. 70% of its soil is black soil, so it is not surprising that from time immemorial people have been engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry here.

This year, the Belgorod administration decided to phase out drugs containing growth hormones and various stimulants when raising animals and poultry, which will make local livestock farming environmentally friendly.

True, Belgorod residents do not like everything - the region is among the leaders in the number of protests. Residents are most concerned about issues of infrastructure development and internal improvement.

4. Republic of Tatarstan

Tatarstan is unique to some extent. This is the only Russian region in the top ten where the majority of the population is not Russian. We can say that Tatarstan is a kind of state within a state that likes to be independent, but not too much.

This is achieved by the skillful maneuvering of the President of the Republic Rustam Minnikhanov, who, on the one hand, has established good ties with the center, and on the other hand, knows how to flatter, for example, the introduction of compulsory study of the Tatar language in school.

Tatarstan is one of the most economically developed donor regions of Russia, which is explained not only by oil production and developed industrial production, but also by efficient agriculture, as well as an excellent transport position. Tourism also played a role, because Russians love to go on excursions to Kazan.

3. Moscow region

The Moscow region owes its attractiveness to life, of course, to its neighbor, the capital. This is evidenced by the number of housing being built in the region. It accounts for 12-14% of all houses put into operation.

By the way, the results of the Moscow region also confirm the pattern - the more public debt a region has to the Ministry of Finance, the better it is to live there. The Moscow Region owes a modest amount of 128.8 billion rubles, which, although inferior to the indicators of the Krasnodar Territory, significantly exceeds all others. For comparison: the Yaroslavl region, next on the list of debtors, will someday have to return 37.2 billion rubles to the state treasury.

2. St. Petersburg

The northern capital is confidently gaining momentum, and may someday supplant the capital of all Rus'. St. Petersburg lags behind Moscow by some 1.6 points. Agree that in the scale of the rating, where the difference between cities usually ranges from 2 to 9 points, this figure is quite insignificant.

The number of internal migrants to St. Petersburg in recent years significantly exceeds the number of migrants to Moscow (11% of “new Muscovites” versus 28% of St. Petersburg “new arrivals”). St. Petersburg is famous not only for the abundance of jobs and high salaries, but also for its excellent infrastructure, abundance of retail outlets, and proximity to foreign countries. From there it's a stone's throw to Finland.

1. Moscow

Did anyone really have any doubts about which city would take first place in the ranking of regions in terms of living standards in 2019? Yes, yes, once again the capital of our Motherland won. Although she does not believe in tears, she, like a magnet, attracts everyone who wants to radically change their life.

However, the popularity of Moscow among internal migrants is slowly declining, in contrast to the popularity of St. Petersburg. But the Mother See continues to be the largest Russian source of personnel for the CIS countries and non-CIS countries.

Times are changing, but the prize list for the top ten regions of Russia in terms of living standards in 2019 remains almost the same as in the previous ranking. Except that there was a slight castling between the eighth and ninth places.

It is more interesting to observe the rest of the ranking, which has both bright ups (for example, the Magadan region jumped from 44th to 35th place) and dramatic falls (the indicators of the Udmurt Republic decreased from 36th to 43rd). And the worst life of all is for the inhabitants of the Republic of Tyva - as it was at 85, it remains so.

Full ranking of Russian regions by standard of living 2019 (table)

The subject of the Russian FederationPoints2017
1 Moscow77.371 1
2 Saint Petersburg75.687 2
3 Moscow region72.453 3
4 Republic of Tatarstan66.147 4
5 Belgorod region64.426 5
6 Krasnodar region63.973 6
7 Voronezh region60.757 7
8 Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra60.113 9
9 Lipetsk region59.245 8
10 Kaliningrad region58.935 10
11 Leningrad region58.148 12
12 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug57.966 16
13 Sverdlovsk region56.672 11
14 Tyumen region56.302 13
15 Kursk region55.391 15
16 Nizhny Novgorod Region55.077 14
17 Tula region54.769 17
18 Samara Region54.214 20
19 Rostov region54.124 18
20 Sevastopol53.527 23
21 Kaluga region53.043 19
22 Stavropol region53.016 22
23 Chelyabinsk region52.435 21
24 Novosibirsk region51.249 26
25 Republic of Bashkortostan50.201 24
26 Ryazan Oblast49.898 25
27 Yaroslavl region49.597 28
28 Ulyanovsk region48.779 31
29 Khabarovsk region48.778 30
30 Penza region48.511 27
31 Republic of Adygea47.973 29
32 Kamchatka Krai47.868 35
33 Orenburg region47.763 41
34 Vladimir region47.573 32
35 Magadan Region47.465 44
36 Murmansk region47.308 42
37 Volgograd region47.307 39
38 Saratov region47.222 33
39 Smolensk region47.184 37
40 Tambov Region46.955 34
41 Oryol Region46.924 43
42 Perm region46.650 44
43 Udmurt republic46.506 36
44 The Republic of Mordovia46.280 46
45 Krasnoyarsk region46.260 38
46 Sakhalin region45.978 53
47 Chuvash Republic45.925 40
48 Ivanovo region45.402 47
49 Bryansk region45.270 50
50 Primorsky Krai45.200 48
51 Tomsk region44.469 49
52 Republic of Crimea43.803 55
53 Amur region43.801 61
54 Kemerovo region43.260 56
55 The Republic of Khakassia42.166 51
56 Astrakhan region41.725 52
57 Omsk region41.681 54
58 Pskov region41.602 62
59 Tver region41.521 64
60 Kostroma region40.685 58
61 Novgorod region40.553 57
62 Vologda Region40.353 59
63 Kirov region40.183 60
64 Komi Republic39.984 65
65 Republic of North Ossetia–Alania39.827 72
66 Mari El Republic39.548 63
67 Nenets Autonomous Okrug39.255 67
68 Irkutsk region39.240 69
69 The Republic of Dagestan39.102 73
70 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug38.954 78
71 Chechen Republic38.766 68
72 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)37.617 71
73 Altai region37.609 66
74 Republic of Karelia36.324 70
75 Arhangelsk region35.676 74
76 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic34.148 75
77 The Republic of Buryatia30.526 76
78 Jewish Autonomous Region29.923 80
79 Kurgan region28.890 77
80 Altai Republic28.768 82
81 Republic of Kalmykia28.757 79
82 The Republic of Ingushetia28.533 84
83 Transbaikal region27.192 81
84 Karachay-Cherkess Republic25.300 83
85 Tyva Republic16.195 85

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