Home Generator Personal employee card form t 2 nature of work. Filling out the T2 card (sample). Employee's personal card. Step-by-step instructions for filling out

Personal employee card form t 2 nature of work. Filling out the T2 card (sample). Employee's personal card. Step-by-step instructions for filling out

The personnel officer must correctly enter all information about the employee into the T-2 form. A personal employee card is created for each hired worker:

  • enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership;
  • individual entrepreneurs.

What information does it contain?

T-2 (as the described form is briefly called) was approved in 2004 (Decree of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 01/04/04). In practice, three forms are used:

  • general;
  • T-2 GS is used to record information about municipal and government employees;
  • with the help of T-4 they save information about scientific and pedagogical workers.

Important: You must print the form according to the following rules:

  • on cardboard;
  • using duplex printing.

The described form is made up of several blocks:

  1. Personal Information.
  2. Information about military registration.
  3. Recruitment and promotion (transfer).
  4. Information about passing certification.
  5. Professional retraining.
  6. Rewarding.
  7. Information about vacations.
  8. Social benefits.
  9. Additional Information.
  10. Dismissal.

The requirements for registration of workers must be strictly observed:

  • The personal registration form is kept by law for 75 years;
  • upon completion of the individual entrepreneur’s activities, it must be transferred to an archival institution, as it is proof of a person’s employment.

Attention: the card is issued exclusively for essential workers. Part-time workers are not provided with a separate accounting form.

Download for viewing and printing:

Filling Features

Data in the form is entered according to strict rules:

  1. The first two pages are filled out when a person is hired for service.
  2. Subsequent ones are in progress.
  3. Data must be taken from official documents.
  4. Each special entry is accompanied by details of the original source.
Attention: it is allowed to use the electronic system for maintaining this form at the initial stage (then it will have to be printed on cardboard in order to enter information about vacations and career promotions).

Sample of filling out a card

Sample of filling out a card. Stage 2.

Reasons for entering information

When filling out T-2, you must rely on the following documents:

  1. employee passport;
  2. documents drawn up upon admission to service:
    • contract;
    • order;
  3. person's work record;
  4. other documentary evidence of experience;
  5. SNILS;
  6. diploma of education (certificate);
  7. military ID;
  8. certificates of completion:
    • advanced training courses;
    • recertification;
    • other;
  9. orders:
    • by personnel;
    • about vacations;
  10. additional (in some cases).
Please note: there are no statutory deadlines for completing the form. In practice, they fill it out when applying for services (it’s more convenient this way).

Personal Information

It is necessary to rewrite information from the employee’s documents:

  • passports;
  • diploma;
  • others (as needed).
Tip: You should answer the questions on the form.

For reference: in the column about knowledge of a foreign language, write optionally (according to the worker):

  • fluent;
  • can explain himself;
  • translates with a dictionary.

Information about length of service (clause 8) must be taken from the work book and other documents provided. The personnel officer is obliged to calculate it accurately, since the information affects the amount of sick leave accruals and other payments.

Subtleties of entering general information

Personnel officers include the following features of entering personal information:

  1. The month of birth must be written in a word, and in the “Code” cell the date is repeated in digital format.
  2. It is advisable to write down the place of birth in full, without using abbreviations for the categories of settlements.
  3. If the worker has a second citizenship, then the name of the country is entered.
  4. The full names of family members of the worker must be entered in full.
  5. Two address positions exist in order to record separate locations:
    • registration;
    • accommodation.

The encoding is based on reference books. The employer must provide the HR officer with access to them:

  • OKATO - locality code;
  • OKIN - citizenship:
    • 1 - Russian;
    • 2 - double;
    • 3 - foreign;
    • 4 - lack of citizenship.
  • OKSO and OKPDTR - specialty codes (according to diploma).
For reference: it is unacceptable to demand codes from a worker.

Information about military registration

Completing section 2 is based on the current legislation regarding military training that of citizens:

  • If the person is a reserve officer, then item 1 is not completed.
  • In paragraph 3, the composition should be written in full:
    • command;
    • private;
    • sailors and so on.
  • Fitness for military duty (clause 5) is indicated as follows:
    • A - fully fit;
    • B - suitable with minor restrictions;
    • B - limited ability;
    • G - temporarily unfit.
Attention: the information must correspond to the contents of the military ID. If there are no specific instructions in the document, then the code “A” should be entered. It is assigned to everyone automatically.
  • Point 7 is divided into two lines:
    • “a” must be filled out when a reserve soldier has a mobilization order;
    • in “b” information about the organization’s reservation for the period of martial law is entered.
It is important to know: for workers subject to conscription, only item 2 of the second section is filled out in the form (the encoding is described above).

It is important to strictly adhere to the legality of entries on the form. And this means the following:

  1. Information about admission and dismissal must include:
    • strictly wording of the relevant orders;
    • have the details of the administrative document;
    • The employee’s signature is placed next to it, indicating familiarization with the text.
  2. In the “Certification” column, the most important line is “Commission decision”:
    • its text is taken from the minutes of the commission meeting and looks like this:
      • corresponds to the position;
      • does not comply with (recommendations);
    • The details of the base document are entered next to it.
  3. Information on advanced training is recorded according to the document received based on its results (with details).
  4. All information is entered in the awards section:
    • about incentives;
    • about gratitude;
    • on conferring honorary titles and more.
  5. The section on social benefits indicates the name of the document indicating that the worker has preferences at any level.
  6. The “Additional data” column is most often not used. It includes working notes necessary for internal accounting (if one is maintained).

Vacation section

In this part of the form it is necessary to record all days of rest provided to the employee in accordance with the orders.

  • start and end dates;
  • type of vacation;
  • the periods for which it was provided;
  • details of the relevant order;
  • adjustment information (if the person was recalled from vacation or it was completed earlier than the scheduled date for another reason).

This part records the following vacations (or parts thereof):

  • basic;
  • additional;
  • at your own expense;
  • for child care.
Attention: if the lines on the card run out (this happens when a person has been working at the enterprise for a long time), then it is necessary to create an addition to the form. It must contain a primary page about personal data that is copied from the original.

Card storage

All completed forms are official documents. They should be arranged in alphabetical order and kept separately from the personal files of workers (in another safe).

For reference: after a person is dismissed, his uniform is transferred to the archives of the enterprise according to the act.

Watch a video about filling out the T-2 form

An employee’s personal card in form No. T-2 is one of the unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment. The form was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. Despite the fact that from 01/01/2013 the use of this form is not mandatory (Information of the Ministry of Finance No. PZ-10/2012), it continues to be widely used. And this is no coincidence, because the personal card contains all the information an employer needs about its employees.

Information that is not on the personal card can be added there, because the employer can change the form and content of the T-2 form. To record other data about the employee, the employer can also create other cards along with the unified form. For example, a driver’s personal card, the form and sample of which we reviewed in a separate section.

It is important to remember that when collecting and storing personal data of employees, it is necessary to ensure.

Form T-2 (personal employee card): form

For an employee’s personal card (form T-2), you can download the form from the link below:

Personal card T-2 (form): in Word format.

The personal card (form T-2) consists of 11 sections:

Section number Section name What information is reflected
I General information FULL NAME. employee, date and place of birth, knowledge of foreign languages, education, work experience, marital status, family composition, information about the employee’s passport and place of residence, etc.
II Information about military registration Reserve category, military rank, fitness category for military service, etc.
III Recruitment
and transfers to another job
Dates and reasons for hiring and transferring an employee to another job, position, salary, etc.
IV Certification Certification dates, commission decisions, etc.
V Training Start and end dates of training, types of advanced training, names of educational institutions, etc.
VI Professional retraining Start and end dates of retraining, specialty, etc.
VII Awards (encourages), honorary titles Names of awards or incentives, name, number and date of the document that is the basis for the award (incentive)
VIII Vacation Types of leave, periods of work for which leave is granted, its duration, start and end dates, grounds for leave
IX Social benefits,
to which the employee is entitled in accordance with the law
Name of benefits, their basis, number and date of the document giving the right to the benefit
X additional information For example, about the time of removal from work, periods of downtime, etc.
XI Grounds for termination
employment contract (dismissal)
The basis for dismissal, the date of dismissal and details of the relevant order are indicated.

Form T2 “Employee Personal Card”: sample filling

Let's show an example of filling out a T-2 employee’s personal card.

A sample employee personal card form can be downloaded from the link:

Employee personal card (Unified form No. T-2)

Excerpt from the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment”:

Filled out by a personnel service employee for persons hired on the basis of: an order (instruction) on hiring (form N T-1 or N T-1a); passport or other identity document; work book or document confirming work experience; insurance certificate of state pension insurance; military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service; a document on education, qualifications or the presence of special knowledge - when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training, as well as information provided by the employee. In some cases, taking into account the specifics of the work, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, it may be necessary to present additional documents.

When filling out clause 5 “Knowledge of a foreign language” of Section 1 of the forms, the degree of knowledge of the language is indicated: “I speak fluently”, “I read and can explain myself”, “I read and translate with a dictionary”.

Work experience (general, continuous, giving the right to a bonus for length of service, giving the right to other benefits established in the organization, etc.) is calculated on the basis of entries in the work book and (or) other documents confirming the relevant length of service.

When information about an employee changes, the corresponding data is entered into his personal card, which is certified by the signature of a personnel service employee.

The main documents on the basis of which section II “Information on military registration” is filled out are:

  • military ID (or temporary certificate issued instead of a military ID) - for citizens in the reserve;
  • certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service - for citizens subject to conscription for military service.

For citizens in reserve:

  • clause 1 “Reserve category” for reserve officers is not filled in;
  • clause 3 “Composition (profile)” - filled in without abbreviation (for example, “command”, “medical” or “soldiers”, “sailors”, etc.);
  • clause 4 “Full code designation VUS” - the full designation is written down (six digits, for example “021101” or six digits and a letter, for example “113194A”);
  • Clause 5 “Category of fitness for military service” - written in letters: A (fit for military service), B (fit for military service with minor restrictions), C (limitedly fit for military service) or D (temporarily unfit for military service ). If there are no entries in the corresponding paragraphs of the military ID, category “A” is indicated;
  • in paragraph 7 “Registered with the military” is filled in (in pencil):
    • line a) - in cases where there is a mobilization order and (or) a stamp on the issuance and withdrawal of mobilization orders;
    • line b) - for citizens reserved with the organization for the period of mobilization and during wartime.

For citizens subject to conscription for military service:

  • paragraphs: paragraph 1 “Reserve category”, paragraph 3 “Composition (profile)”, paragraph 4 “Full code designation of military personnel” and paragraph 7 “Registered with the military” are not filled in;
  • clause 2 “Military rank” - the entry “subject to conscription” is made;
  • Clause 5 “Category of fitness for military service” - written in letters: A (fit for military service), B (fit for military service with minor restrictions), C (limitedly fit for military service), D (temporarily unfit for military service ) or D (not fit for military service). Filled out based on the entry in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service;

Filling out items not specifically specified in the Instructions is carried out on the basis of information from the listed documents.

In paragraph 8 of Section II of the personal card of a citizen who has reached the age limit for being in the reserve, or a citizen declared unfit for military service due to health reasons, a note is made in the free line “removed from military registration due to age” or “removed from military registration due to condition health."

In the section “Hiring, transfers to another job” with each entry made on the basis of an order (instruction) on hiring (form N T-1 or N T-1a) and an order (instruction) on transfer to another job ( form N T-5), the administration is obliged to familiarize the employee with a signature in column 6 of the form.

In the "Vacation" section, records are kept of all types of vacations provided to the employee during the period of work in the organization.

The “Additional information” section is filled out to ensure completeness of recording information about employees studying in educational institutions, recording disabled workers, etc.

An employee’s personal card is a document that contains basic information about the employee, his education, work history, awards, etc. It is filled out when hiring, but since it is a fairly voluminous document, HR specialists often have questions about its preparation. Let's look at what the T-2 card form looks like and where to get the form of this document, and also show an example of filling out a T-2 card.

What is this form and when is it needed?

Before talking about a sample of filling out the T-2 form, we note that its form is approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. The document is kept for each individual employee. This is convenient because it allows the employer to have a complete dossier on the employee, so to speak. The fact is that the following information is recorded on the card:

  • about the date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • education, including additional education, and professional training;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • work experience;
  • family composition;
  • registration and residence address;
  • attitude towards military service;
  • certification results;
  • awards;
  • vacations;
  • benefits;
  • other information.

All this data is accumulated by the employer to fulfill the obligations provided for by law. For example, information about family composition will allow the employee’s children to be included in the list of recipients of New Year’s gifts or vouchers to summer camps. Information about additional education or knowledge of foreign languages ​​will make it possible to offer the employee another position or send him on a business trip abroad. Data on awards and length of service can be considered as a basis for sending a colleague’s documents for awards at a higher level. So an employee’s personal card is a very convenient and useful source of information for employers.

Who is required to maintain personal employee records?

Some employers believe that if the primary accounting forms given in the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia are not mandatory, then they may not exist in the organization at all. However, not all so simple. The Labor Code, indeed, does not directly oblige managers to maintain and fill out these forms. However, paragraph 12 of Government Decree No. 225 dated April 16, 2003 “On Work Books” states that the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with all changes made to the work book. In this case, the employee must confirm his consent by signing a personal card, in which all entries made in the work book are duplicated.

In addition, you need to know that the T-2 form is one of the military registration documents, according to paragraph 27 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719. Thus, maintaining this document is mandatory for all organizations and entrepreneurs. You will find a sample of filling out, or how to fill out a personal T-2 employee card, just below, and you can download it at the end of this article.

General rules for filling out form T-2

A small note before telling and showing how to fill out the T-2 card and a sample of filling out each item. There is a standardized form that is recommended to be used. The employer has the opportunity to change it, or rather, supplement it with information that, in his opinion, is missing, but nothing can be removed from it. At the same time, it is important to understand that the form approved at the state level was developed taking into account the protection of the citizen’s personal data. And the employer, if he wants to make additions to the T-2 form, must also take into account the specifics of the legislation in this area. An example of filling out a T-2 employee’s personal card, which will be presented in this article, is given on the basis of a unified form.

The next point you need to know is that the personal card is kept by a person authorized to maintain personnel records in the organization. This is done upon hiring within a week. The document is issued exclusively in paper form. If you are comfortable duplicating information from it in electronic format, you can do so. But while digital signatures are not common in Russia within the framework of labor relations, and employees sign with their own hands, T-2 cards must be kept on paper and all data must be entered into them manually. In this regard, we note that there are no requirements for the color of the ink used.

As for errors and corrections, unfortunately, they cannot be avoided. If an inaccuracy was made when filling out, the incorrect entry must be crossed out with one line (the entry must remain readable), write the correct wording next to it, then add “Believe the corrected” and sign.

Sample of filling out the T-2 card

Let's consider a specific example of filling out an employee's personal card (form T-2 2019). Let’s say that economist Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov gets a job at Svetly Put LLC in February 2019. When hiring a new employee, the following documents will be required (based on them, data will be recorded in the form):

  • identification;
  • work book (if available);
  • SNILS;
  • military registration documents;
  • documents on received education and qualifications;
  • other papers, if they are required for admission to perform a job function.

The personnel officer also needs a hiring order.

When all the papers are collected, you can begin to fill out the form. A sample of filling out a T-2 employee personal card will be presented step by step, but if you wish, you can download the fully completed document at the end of the article.

We start filling out the form from the header. Here you should indicate:

  • full and abbreviated name of the employing organization;
  • date of drawing up the card;
  • personnel number, INN (if available) and SNILS of the new employee, his gender (abbreviated as “M” or “F”);
  • the nature of the work - permanent or temporary;
  • type of work - main or part-time. In this cell, words must be written in full; abbreviations are not allowed;
  • the “Alphabet” field is filled in with the letter with which the employee’s last name begins (in our example it is “I”).

Section I is called "General Information". Here are the following:

  • number of the employment contract and the date of its conclusion;
  • FULL NAME. employee, date and place of birth, citizenship;
  • degree of proficiency in a foreign language (one or more);
  • information about education and profession.

Already from the second line, HR officers may have difficulties because they do not understand what codes need to be entered and where to get them from. OKATO code is the number of a settlement (its district) in the All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division. Changes are often made to it, so when filling it out, it is advisable to find out accurate information from trusted sources.

As for the abbreviation OKIN, it stands for All-Russian Classifier of Population Information. From this list of codes, which are divided into 293 categories, information is taken to fill out. For the convenience of readers, we provide a summary table of codes that will be needed when creating lines 4, 5 and 6.

What to write in a line

Which OKIN code should I indicate?

Line "Citizenship"

Citizen of the Russian Federation

Citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign state (Republic of Belarus) (indicate in brackets the country of which the employee is a national)

Foreign citizen of the Republic of Belarus (indicate the country of which the employee is a national)

A stateless person

Foreign languages








Other languages ​​(if they are not in the classifier)

Degree of language proficiency

Speak fluently

I read and can explain myself

I read and translate with a dictionary


Initial (general)

Basic general

Average total

Secondary vocational

Higher education - bachelor's degree

Higher education - specialty, master's degree

Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel

Professional education

Additional professional

Information about education must also be supplemented with details from the diploma: who issued it and when, in what specialty. At least one line must be filled in. If in the future the employee brings additional education diplomas, this information will need to be added.

When filling out the tabular part, you will also need a code from OKSO - a classifier of specialties by education. In this part, you can write words abbreviated, but in such a way that the entry remains understandable. For example, you can write “to them.” instead of "name".

In the next line - the seventh - you must indicate your profession. To do this, you will have to use OKPDTR - a classifier of worker professions, employee positions and tariff categories. The profession of economist has code 27728.

In the “Work Experience” field, you need to fill out all the lines, if possible. If not, then fill out only the first line - about the total length of service at the time of concluding the employment contract from the work book.

Let us remind you that the total length of service is the period of activity that gives the right to an old-age pension. Continuous takes into account only the period that is used when assigning benefits, and the length of service that gives the right to a long service bonus is work in certain government organizations in certain government positions (a detailed list is presented in Section II of the Regulations approved)

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