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Profession electrician. Training, required qualities. Electrician training courses What is electrician education?


Electrical phenomena were first noticed in ancient China, India, and later in ancient Greece. It is known that the ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus (640-550 BC) knew that amber rubbed with wool or fur could attract scraps of paper. Electricity (in Greek elektron - amber) is a set of phenomena in which the existence, movement and interaction of charged particles is revealed. With the development and establishment of the era of electricity, people were needed who would master this area. This is how electricians appeared.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Electrics are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Electricians.

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Description of activity

An electrician is a specialist who works in the field of electrical engineering. An electrician is constantly at risk; his profession requires attentiveness, knowledge of methods of protection against electric shock and methods of providing first aid to victims of electric current.
The activity of an electrician involves working with various types of devices and tools and using knowledge of the basics of electronics, applied mechanics and automation, and technical documentation.

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Electrics cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Electrics, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Secondary vocational education (college, technical school)

To work in a profession Electrics, it is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of secondary vocational education obtained from a college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

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Job responsibilities

The electrician ensures the maintenance of good condition, trouble-free and reliable operation of the serviced devices and electrical equipment. Installs new electrical networks. Conducts scheduled preventive maintenance of electrical equipment. Identifies the causes of wear and takes measures to prevent and eliminate them. Ensures proper operation, timely high-quality repairs in accordance with maintenance instructions, current technical conditions and standards. Eliminates malfunctions in the operation of devices, their repair, installation and adjustment. Complies with the internal rules of the workshop. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Type of labor

Mostly physical labor

As the survey results show, profession Electrics involves primarily physical labor. Electrician must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

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Features of career growth

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Electricians have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Electrics does not have a career path.

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The electrician profession has been and will be in demand, because... Every year, electricity consumption is only increasing, and electrical networks are spreading more and more throughout the planet. In this article we want to tell readers how to become an electrician from scratch, where to start and where to study in order to be a professional in your field.

First of all, it should be noted that an electrician can be an electrician, an electronics engineer, an auto electrician, an electrical engineer, a designer, an electromechanic, an electrical engineer, and even a power engineer, in general. As you understand, each profession has its own characteristics. To become an electrician, first you must choose a suitable specialty with which you decide to further connect your life or a separate period of time.

Our advice is that if you are really interested in everything related to electricity, it is better to plan ahead, choosing promising areas that are the key to scientific and technological progress. A very interesting job today is the profession of a power supply designer or an auto electrician diagnostician.

Where to start learning?

Today, you can become an electrician from scratch by studying at a university, technical school, college, vocational school, or even taking special emergency courses. It cannot be said that a higher educational institution is the foundation through which one can become a professional electrical installer. Quite a lot of specialists are generally self-taught, who graduated from technical school just to get their degrees and get a job at an enterprise.

Let's look at some of the most popular ways to become an electrician:

  1. University. Duration of training is from 4 to 5.5 years. Graduates can be engineers because... undergo the most comprehensive theoretical and practical course. Training may be free.
  2. Technical College. When entering after 9th grade, the course of study lasts from 3 to 4 years. After 11th grade, you will have 1.5 to 3 years to study. The qualification that graduates receive is a technician. There is an opportunity to study for free.
  3. College, vocational school – training from 1 to 3 years. After graduation, you can become an electrician repairing electrical equipment. As in the two previous cases, you can get education for free.
  4. Emergency courses – from 3 weeks to 2 months. The fastest way to become an electrician from scratch. Today, you can even learn a profession online thanks to Skype conferences and individual training. The cost of courses ranges from 10 to 17 thousand rubles (prices for 2017).
  5. Self-learning. Only suitable if you want to become an electrician at home. There are many books, paid courses and even websites, like ours, where you can learn almost everything in order to do simple electrical installation work yourself. We will dwell in more detail on this method, which allows you to become a competent electrician from scratch.

First steps to learning

A few words about self-taught

If you are interested in becoming an electrician only in order to independently perform simple electrical installation work, then it will be enough to study all the material from books and video courses, and then carry out simple connections and repairs from scratch. More than once we have met quite competent electricians who performed complex work without education, and we can say with confidence that they did it very professionally. At the same time, there were also would-be electricians with higher education, whom one would not dare call engineers.

All this leads to the fact that it is possible to become an electrician at home, but it still won’t hurt to consolidate the knowledge gained by taking courses. Another way to learn all the necessary skills is to ask to be an electrician’s assistant at a construction site. You can also advertise on various forums that you agree to help electrical installers on their “coven” for free or for a small percentage of the profit. Many specialists will not refuse help, such as “lifting it to the floor”, drilling it or helping with something else for a couple of hundred rubles. You, in turn, will be able to gain experience by watching a master at work. After a few months of such mutually beneficial work, you can start connecting sockets, circuit breakers, or even repairing lamps yourself. And then only experience and new objects will help you become a good electrician without education.

Well, the last thing we recommend is to learn the basics using our advice. To begin with, you can study the section, then go to and so on for all sections. In addition to this, it wouldn’t hurt to study the books that we will also talk about and find a suitable video course. As a result, if you have the desire and you pay attention to all the assigned tasks, you will certainly succeed in becoming an electrician at home.

So that you understand the prospects of such a profession, today there are a lot of lawyers, economists and other specialties where mental work is more needed. But enterprises are sorely short of labor. As a result, if you really want to, you can learn and find a high-paying job if you really show yourself as a specialist. The average salary of an electrician for 2017 is 35,000 rubles. Taking into account additional on-call work and an increase in rank, it will not be difficult to earn much more - from 50,000 rubles. These figures already clarify the picture more about whether it is promising to become an electrician.

In addition to all that has been said, I would like to recommend several sources of information:

  1. – the minimum set must be present from the very beginning of training.
  2. – a section in which we consider all the nuances and dangerous situations that you, as a beginner, should know about. Do not forget that the profession of an electrician has its main disadvantage - the work is dangerous, because... you will be dealing with electrical current.

It has been said more than once that organizing a comfortable life today is inextricably linked with the use of a variety of electrical appliances. Therefore, it is not surprising that the services of specialists whose work is related to the installation, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment are extremely popular both among the population and in the industrial production sector. These specialists also include representatives of the electrician profession.

It has been said more than once that organizing a comfortable life today is inextricably linked with the use of a variety of electrical appliances. Therefore, it is not surprising that the services of specialists whose work is related to the installation, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment are extremely popular both among the population and in the industrial production sector. These specialists include representatives electrician profession.

It should be noted that the uninitiated layman, as a rule, does not see the difference between an electrician, an electrician or an electrician. Any specialist who works with electricity and electrical engineering is simply called an electrician. And this is wrong, since an electrician, an electrician, and an electrician are different professions, whose representatives have their own responsibilities determined by the specifics of the work. You can learn about what electricians or electricians do from our articles devoted to these professions. And today we’ll talk about the features of an electrician’s work, and tell you what personal qualities you need to have to become a true professional.

What is an electrician?

A qualified specialist engaged in the repair and general maintenance of electrical equipment and electrical appliances (including ventilation and air conditioning systems) during their operation.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin ἤλεκτρον (amber, shiny metal) and the French monteur (editor). That is, in fact, these specialists edit (correct) the operation of electrical equipment, achieving maximum efficiency and durability of electrical equipment. The emergence and development of the profession became possible thanks to the technical genius of Nikola Tesla, an outstanding inventor and electrical engineer, whom contemporaries and biographers call nothing less than the “patron saint of electricity.”

Let’s say right away that in almost a hundred years of its existence, the profession has not changed much: as before, electricians monitor the operation of electrical equipment, and, as necessary, carry out routine repairs within the scope of their qualifications. Except that the list of equipment under their control has expanded noticeably, and the professional knowledge of specialists has become much more versatile than 100 years ago.

If we talk about duties of an electrician more specifically, modern specialists perform such work as:

  • ensuring uninterrupted operation of equipment (including diagnostics of mechanical and electrical circuits, elimination of identified faults, preventive washing of parts and cleaning of contacts);
  • studying the operating conditions of electrical equipment in order to identify the causes of premature wear and take measures to eliminate them;
  • conducting instructions for people who directly work with electrical appliances on operating rules and safety precautions;
  • participation in the assembly and installation of electrical equipment;
  • drawing up requests for the purchase of spare parts and special tools;
  • development and implementation of progressive methods of maintenance of controlled devices.

What personal qualities should an electrician have?

Electrician's work, as well as the activities of representatives of all “electrical” professions, is quite dangerous. After all, a specialist not only runs the risk of receiving an electric shock every day, but also very often performs his duties in rather unfavorable and cramped conditions. Therefore, the demands placed on these specialists are very high. In particular, an electrician must be physically strong, resilient and have the following personal qualities:

Since not only the comfort, but also the safety of our lives largely depends on electricians (imagine what happens if electrical equipment fails, for example, in a hospital, during a complex operation), high professional demands are also placed on specialists. A true professional must have real knowledge in the field of physics, chemistry, electromechanics, general energy, power generation, power supply, electronics, metrology, information and measuring technology, etc.

Advantages of being an electrician

It is not difficult to guess that the most significant advantage of being an electrician is in demand. Such specialists are needed always and everywhere, regardless of whether it is the private sector or the industrial production complex. Accordingly, it is quite easy for young professionals to get a job that will bring not only pleasure, but also benefit to people.

What attracts people to this profession is not only the possibility of easy employment, but also the quite decent level of pay. Today, the average monthly salary of electricians in Russia is about 30-40 thousand rubles. In addition, a good specialist has the opportunity to earn additional income by providing services privately. And truly talented and enterprising electricians can even create their own company to provide specialized services.

Another advantage of being an electrician is the ease of obtaining an education, since there are appropriate educational institutions in almost every city and it is quite easy to enroll in them.

Disadvantages of being an electrician

Talking about disadvantages of being an electrician First of all, we need to mention stressful and unsafe working conditions for human life. Not only can any careless movement cost, if not life, then health, but also troubleshooting often has to be done in a state of stress, when every minute counts.

Despite this, electricians, as a rule, work in shifts (that is, according to a fixed work schedule), in the event of an accident or emergency situation, specialists have to go to work. In other words, even if an electrician has a day off, he must be mentally prepared for the fact that he can be called to work at any time.

And most importantly, the profession of an electrician is one of those specialties where you cannot get by with just a diploma. Therefore, training must be taken very, very seriously. After all, even one missed tape or unlearned topic can subsequently cause the death of people.

Electrician- specialist in installation, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and electrical circuits. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics and drawing (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

An electrician can work on any electrical equipment: generators, electric motors, teleautomation, etc.

His specific responsibilities - installation, maintenance, disassembly, repair - depend on the place of work. For example, a city electrician can install power lines, install lights on poles, repair them, etc. At the factory, he can service the electrical network, as well as machine tools, generators, etc. By checking the electrical diagrams, he finds a breakdown and carries out repairs. At large enterprises, electricians work in teams and in shifts.

The modern world cannot be imagined without electricity. The failure of one electrical substation for half a day can literally paralyze a city. Many Muscovites remember May 25, 2005, when an accident occurred at the Chagino substation and a rolling blackout occurred. “Chagino” is only one of several Moscow substations, so only part of Moscow was de-energized, but this also hit people hard. Computers, televisions, and electric stoves instantly stopped working, elevators stopped working in buildings, and the water supply dried up. And soon a transport collapse was added to this.

Of the 170 operating metro stations, 52 were without power, and dozens of trains were stuck in tunnels. Even after reaching the surface, people could not go anywhere: traffic lights, trolleybuses and trams did not work. Alarmed people tried to call each other, but this was not always possible: some mobile communication base stations were de-energized, and the rest could not cope with the increased number of calls. And landline phones were mostly useless, because most modern Muscovites use modern electronic devices that cannot work without electricity.

That day, Muscovites looked around them with new eyes. On the one hand, they clearly sensed the vulnerability of the urban structure with its centralized infrastructure. On the other hand, they realized that the existence of modern man depends almost completely on electricity. Electricity is the lifeblood of modern civilization.

So an electrician is one of the most important professions of our time, although not everyone realizes this. Qualified electricians are in constant demand in the labor market.

Dangerous profession. Working with high voltage is dangerous, but an electrician is responsible not only for his own life, but also for the safety of the users of the equipment he installs or repairs. However, electric shock is not the only danger that an electrician is exposed to. Electricians often have to work at high altitudes, and this also requires special care.

Electricians have 6 categories indicating the level of qualification, and 5 groups of electrical safety approval. The group number depends on work experience, level of education and existing skills.
Group I is given to personnel who do not work with electricity, but near potentially dangerous devices.

Groups II and III allow handling electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V. Ordinary installers and service technicians should have such access groups, i.e. so-called electrical personnel. A beginner or minor electrician can only count on group II.

Groups IV and V should be held by electrical engineers, site managers, etc.

Electricians are among the working elite, because... their work requires intelligence and a lot of knowledge. And since technology is constantly updated, every electrician regularly undergoes technical retraining.


An electrician can work in production, in a construction organization, in transport enterprises (metro, tram, trolleybus), in the housing and communal services sector, etc. In office centers, large stores, institutes, schools, etc. There are also electricians who service internal electrical networks.


Salary as of November 20, 2019

Russia 19500—75000 ₽

Moscow 30000—65000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of an electrician requires logical thinking, a technical mindset, good fine motor skills, keen vision, attentiveness, accuracy, and responsibility. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, eyes, and nervous system are considered contraindications.

Knowledge and skills

An electrician must have basic knowledge of physics, mathematics, mechanics, drawing, be able to read diagrams and drawings, and apply formulas. He is also required to know the structure and technical characteristics of the devices he serves, and to master diagnostic and repair techniques. An electrician must know safety precautions and be able to provide first aid in case of electric shock and other injuries.

Training to become an Electrician (Electrician)

The profession of an electrician can be obtained at a vocational school, college, or through courses. To become an electrical engineer, you need to obtain a college degree.

Many people are well aware that against the backdrop of the labor market being saturated with specialists in intellectual professions, there is an acute shortage of blue-collar professionals, for example, plumbers, builders or electricians.

There are many private and public training centers in Moscow and other cities of Russia, where you can, after taking special courses, master the specialty of an electrician.

On the Internet, if you wish, you can easily find advertisements for electrician courses in Moscow. This is especially true for those who have just arrived in the capital and want to find a job, but do not have sufficient qualifications.

Advantages of being an electrician

Getting a profession as an electrician is not only profitable, since there is always a need for specialists in this profile, but also useful, because now you can apply your skills not only at work.

Naturally, to gain theoretical knowledge in this area and learn how to apply them in practice, you need to take special courses. If you want to find electrician courses in Moscow, then it is better to read reviews about certain training centers, what quality of knowledge they offer and how in demand graduates of these centers are in the labor market.

Among the advantages Electrician professions can be distinguished as follows:

  • an electrician is always included in the staffing table of almost every large enterprise or private organization;
  • These specialists are most often contacted for help when visiting utility companies;
  • qualified representatives of this profession never suffer from lack of work;
  • they have a stable income and can provide for themselves.

Who should attend the courses

If you have arrived in Moscow, but have not yet decided on your specialty, or if you want to get an additional profession in addition to studying at a university, you should sign up for such courses. Also, having mastered the profession of an electrician, you will be able to efficiently perform all work related to electricity at home or for close friends and relatives.

As a rule, most training centers in Moscow offer the following training conditions:

  • classrooms with modern equipment;
  • teachers have a huge amount of practical knowledge;
  • classes have an individual focus;
  • Upon completion of your studies, you are given a certificate, and some training centers provide assistance in terms of employment.

Features of taking courses

As we have already mentioned, specialized courses for electricians can be offered by specialized educational institutions or training centers. When choosing an institution, study the reviews and pay attention to the fact that the course program is extensive and combines practical training. In Moscow there is plenty to choose from, and in most other large cities too.

The peculiarity of training programs is that you can master a new profession in a relatively short period of time. Anyone can sign up for classes, regardless of age or education.

Also electrician courses have the following features:

  • You can attend classes at a convenient time without interrupting your main job or study;
  • you can choose a distance learning method (some institutions offer this option);
  • training using modern technologies;
  • It is possible to regulate the duration of classes.

What knowledge will you gain in the courses?

Most specialized electrician courses provide their students with the following: knowledge and skills:

  • basics of electrical engineering and electrical networks;
  • safety rules when working with electricity;
  • ability to understand electrical devices and engines;
  • ability to correctly use electrical equipment;
  • designing electrification schemes for buildings and premises of any purpose, from apartments to large industrial premises;
  • assembly of electrical circuits of varying complexity;
  • identifying and eliminating faults in the operation of electrical networks:
  • features of cable networks;
  • all types of electrical work and much more.

What does a student receive after completing the course?

Usually, after completing the course the graduate receives the following:

It is worth noting that the qualification rank you receive determines your electrical safety clearance group. The higher this group is, the greater the chances of getting a more interesting and highly paid job in this specialty. In addition, high qualifications will allow you to count on significant prospects in the future in terms of career growth and increased income.

As you can see, the profession of an electrician is one of those in demand on the labor market not only in Moscow, but in other cities of the country. The services of these specialists are always and everywhere in demand, and if you have received high qualifications, you can count not only on stable, but also on high earnings.

And if you are a full-time student and want to earn extra money in your free time, then such courses will help you with this, in addition, you will be able to use the acquired skills for personal purposes.

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