Home Steering Http pavel globa. Pavel Globa: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Attention! Higher astrological education in Ufa

Http pavel globa. Pavel Globa: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Attention! Higher astrological education in Ufa

Biography of Pavel Globa

Pavel Globa, a descendant of the noble family of Gantimurovs, Iranian Zoroastrians on his mother’s side, was surrounded by creative and extraordinary people from childhood. His father, Pavel Filippovich, who came from the Little Russian nobility, was a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, and served in the studio of military artists. Mom, Nina Ivanovna, was a doctor at the Sklifosofsky Institute and was engaged in healing. Her father, Ivan Nikolaevich, Pavel Globa’s grandfather, was a military doctor, and also an adherent of Zoroastrianism, one of the founders of the Zoroastrian community in St. Petersburg. He awakened in his grandson, finding in him a grateful listener, an interest in astrology, ancient books and manuscripts, which he researched and collected. Young Pavel even signed up for the astronomy club at the Palace of Pioneers and went to the planetarium to listen to lectures.

After finishing school, Pavel Globa entered medical school, but the desire to study there and become a doctor, like his mother, gradually passed, and he was very tired, working at night unloading cars with bread. And in the end he was expelled for poor academic performance. Since he was a little over 17 years old, he immediately ended up in the army, in a construction battalion. Having returned safe and sound, Globa entered the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute to major in historian-archivist. After graduating from university, Pavel Globa worked in the Moscow Central Historical Archive and unofficially gave lectures on astrology in apartments, at the First Medical Institute, even in the Leningrad House of Scientists. Ultimately, he was fired from the archives for his lectures, and was even placed in a pre-trial detention center for a month for anti-Soviet propaganda. After the isolation ward, he was sent to the Serbsky Institute of Psychiatry for three months. Fortunately, it all ended without any health consequences. For several years, Globa was forced to work part-time as a night watchman and operator in a boiler room. But every cloud has a silver lining - he spent night vigils with

benefit: thinking, studying, improving professionally.
In the late 80s - 90s in Russia, due to the unstable economic situation and complete uncertainty in the future, people began to take an active interest in astrology. In the wake of this interest, popularity came to Pavel Globa. His advice became available not only to selected celebrities who knew him through word of mouth, but also to ordinary citizens through television and print media, where Globa acted as a consultant. In addition to participating in television and radio programs, the scientist writes popular science books on astrology, in which he shares his knowledge and experience.

Personal life of Pavel Globa

This is the case when a person not only does not want to advertise his personal life, but makes it practically a secret. Of his four wives, the most famous is Tamara Globa (Erzova). They agreed on their love for astrology and got married. The marriage produced a son, Bogdan (1987). However, the couple did not live together for ten years.

From previous relationships, Pavel Globa has a son, Maxim (1977), and a daughter, Irina (1985).

  • Pavel Globa collects death masks; his collection totals 200 pieces
  • In medical school, the astrologer had the nickname Hemoglobin
  • Many criticize Globa, accusing him of inaccurate forecasts. But in general it is believed that the error in his predictions does not exceed 20%.
  • Globa helps, among other things, in the investigation of crimes. However, he has no right to disclose details. But it is quite acceptable to talk about methods in artistic form, which is what he did in the detective novel “Astrologer. Master code." By the way, here he also revealed many details of his personal life.

Our reader today will be able to meet an unusual person. First of all, Pavel Globa is known all over the world for his astrological forecasts regarding the future of the planet. Considering that the accuracy of his predictions is most often high, some information causes great resonance in the media. Thanks to these factors, many call our today's hero a modern Nostradamus.

In addition, he has many scientific works to his credit, which are used by modern astrologers as training. Let's look at the path to Paul's international fame and thanks to whom he became interested in astrological science.

Of course, for people who do not act in films and almost never perform in front of the general public, it is less of a priority to monitor their own figure. But, despite this, many are still interested in the external data of this or that person, even astrologers. Our case is no exception, so we will present to your attention height, weight, age. How old is Pavel Globa, you ask after reading the beginning of the article - we will be happy to answer all your questions.

So, the astrologer’s approximate height is 175 centimeters, and his weight is no more than 82 kilograms. He is now 64 years old. To find out how Pavel Globa changed in appearance, photos in his youth and now will help with this matter. If you are interested in how he gained his popularity and became one of the most famous astrologers in the world, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with his life in more detail.

Biography and personal life of Pavel Globa

The biography and personal life of Pavel Globa will be of interest to those who are at least somehow familiar with the works of the astrologer. He was born in the summer of 1953, in Moscow. His family was of noble origin. Father, Pavel Filippovich, painted pictures, and mother, Nina Ivanovna, was a traditional healer.

Astrology has been interesting to Pavel since childhood - all because his grandfather studied it. Along with this, he was engaged in medical activities and had a lot of knowledge from various fields. Many of the books that the young astrologer learned from were inherited from his grandfather, along with a large store of knowledge.

Being at school age, he tried not to waste time on walks, but only studied - he wanted to become a scientist. And these sacrifices were justified - any school subject was learned very easily by the young men. During his studies, he did not attach much importance to astrological science, but when the forecasts began to come true, he became seriously interested in this matter.

Thus, he began to study his grandfather’s library, where he discovered very rare and unique publications that described the stars and everything connected with them. Also, there were numerous manuscripts written many centuries ago.

After graduating from school, Pavel entered the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute, where he received higher education. After that, he works at the Moscow Archive, and teaches along the way. Pavel introduces astrological works to university students, but he does all this secretly from the leaders, which will not turn out very well for him.

In the USSR, it was impossible to engage in such activities, therefore, the astrologer is fired and kept in a pre-trial detention center for some time, so as to “discourage him.” It is noteworthy that in addition to dialectical materialism, it was impossible to study other worldviews in the Soviet country. After this, from 1985, for three years, Pavel had to do odd jobs and study science in his free minutes.

The beginning of the 90s was marked by the fact that his horoscopes began to be printed. At the same time, the first book is published. A little later, he is invited to television, where he gives astrological lectures. Also, he has the opportunity to found his own Astrological Center, which is what he did. By the way, it still exists and bears the name of its creator.

Real fame began to come when the book “What the Moon is Silent” was published. Such a successful breakthrough made him a career as an astrologer-predictor, and a large number of people began to turn to him. He communicates personally with everyone, and also consults printed publications on astrology. Throughout the 90s, a large number of books by Pavel were published.

Already in 1997, the astrologer clearly chose his course. He very often appears in various television programs - there he educates and advises viewers regarding various processes in the country - from economic to political. Along the way, he continues to write books, and at the moment there are more than 50 of them. As already mentioned, many astrologers study precisely from these publications. He also led his own projects on television.

Several times he starred in documentaries, where he, as is already clear, plays himself. One of the astrologer’s most important projects is the “Global News” project, which was shown on television in the period 1998-2008.

As for personal life, everything is hidden from prying eyes and there is very little specific information. Society and the media talk about four wives of the famous astrologer, but at the moment, only one is officially known - Tamara. Now Pavel has a granddaughter, Polina.

In 2010, a series of books was released that described the signs of the zodiac, as well as their famous representatives. In the spring of 2017, Pavel was invited to the Komsomolskaya Pravda studio, where he read his own forecast regarding the economic and political future in the country. In the same year, he was invited to one of the issues of “Let Them Talk,” where some climate changes on the planet were discussed. Also, to this day, the astrologer continues to collect death masks. He himself notes that this is a great cultural heritage that cannot just be thrown away.

Recently, the popularity of the astrologer has been gradually decreasing. But Pavel himself is not at all worried - he achieved what he wanted in his time. He also wrote a large number of works that will help future generations master astrology, based on Globa’s research.

Family and children of Pavel Globa

As we have already mentioned, Pavel Globa’s family and children are a rather hidden topic from other people. However, we will present you only with certainty known data. As previously mentioned, Pavel inherited astrological skills from his maternal grandfather - she was also a healer and practiced alternative medicine. Despite this, she had a medical education. Both parents came from noble families. My father was a respected artist in the USSR - he worked in the field of landscapes and battles.

During his marriage to Tamara, Pavel had two children. And in 2006, the famous astrologer gave birth to a granddaughter, who was named Polina.

Son of Pavel Globa - Bogdan

The son of Pavel Globa, Bogdan, was born in 1987, when the astrologer was married to Tamara Globa. It is noteworthy that this is the mother’s second child - the first was born premature due to multiple stresses and died some time later. As Tamara herself notes, Pavel is almost not interested in his son’s life and very rarely communicates with him. Several years ago, Bogdan had an accident and he urgently needed help, but his father did not pay attention to his requests.

It is noteworthy that the son did not follow in his father’s footsteps and recently graduated from one of the Moscow universities, and still continues to live in the capital of his vast homeland. Also, there are rumors about another son of the astrologer, Maxim, but this data cannot be confirmed in any way, primarily due to the fact that it is impossible to identify the mother.

Daughter of Pavel Globa - Anastasia

Pavel Globa’s daughter, Anastasia, was born in 1983. Now, it is very difficult to find information about her; it is known that she lives in the capital of Russia. It can't even be confirmed who the real mother is. It all has to do with the fact that the astrologer does not like to talk about his personal life with journalists and other people. Therefore, the biography contains some aspects that still remain unknown.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that Pavel does not want to spoil his reputation. Or, he simply doesn’t like to remember emotional topics with people he doesn’t know. We hope that we will be able to find out more information about his life.

Pavel Globa's ex-wife - Tamara

Pavel Globa’s ex-wife, Tamara Erzova, is also involved in predictions and astrology. She was born in 1957, and has already had three marriages. Tamara also began her passion for forecasting at an early age. Already during her school years, she read a book on palmistry and predicted the future for her peers. After meeting Pavel in 1983 (this was her second marriage), they spent a lot of time together, and then began publishing joint publications. When she lost her first child, the astrologer hoped that the second could strengthen the marriage, which was already on the brink. But nothing helped, and after giving birth to Bogdan, my mother stayed with him herself. The divorce passed without scandals, but, nevertheless, it was very difficult for Tamara.

Although she is not offended by her husband’s actions, the only thing that plunges her into shock is her father’s indifferent attitude towards the life and fate of her son. Despite the fact that the last year of marriage was destructive, the remaining six years were happy, Tamara notes. According to her guesses, her husband’s head was turned by the increased popularity, which he achieved, by the way, not without the help of his wife. Afterwards, she had another unsuccessful marriage, and now she continues to make individual forecasts.

Instagram and Wikipedia Pavel Globa

Many famous personalities start a page on a social network to keep fans up to date with the latest events in their lives. At the moment, we are interested in Instagram and Wikipedia. Pavel Globa, as we know, is not on any social network. However, the page in the free encyclopedia contains a sufficient amount of basic data about his life, as well as some predictions. This list, by the way, is a stumbling block for many ill-wishers and skeptics who expose the teachings of the astrologer.

In addition, Pavel has his own website, where everyone can read the biography of the popular astrologer, as well as contact him to receive an individual forecast. In addition, on the website you can sign up to study at the institute founded by Globa.

Globa Pavel - famous astrologer and historian, internationally recognized academician of astrology (International Astrological Society, Canada), rector of the Astrological Institute, president of the International Avestan Astrological Association, co-founder of the Union of Professional Astrologers, author of more than 50 popular science books. He inherited his astrological knowledge from his ancestors from Persia, whose roots go back many millennia. His forecasts for the future development of our Country and the situation in the World are realized with a probability of at least 85 percent. Here are some of the forecasts: the collapse of the USSR, the Chernobyl accident, the Estonia ferry disaster, the earthquake in Armenia, the August 1998 crisis, the resignation of B.N. Yeltsin, V.V.’s rise to power Putin, the September 11 terrorist attack, the US attack on Iraq and Georgia on South Ossetia, the rise to power of the “black president” Barack Obama in the US, the global economic crisis.

People who heeded his warnings saved us from many troubles - in 1993, the first unit of the Rivne NPP was sent for preventive maintenance, in March 1995, extraordinary preventive maintenance was carried out at the Ignalina NPP. November 1994, an accident at the ammonia plant in the city of Ventspils was prevented, and these are just some of the generally accepted facts. Every year he shares his forecasts, trying to warn humanity against fatal mistakes, to avoid various disasters and wrong political decisions. Now many politicians, major businessmen and famous people consult Pavel Globa. Hopefully someday we'll get to know some names.

The main direction of Pavel Pavlovich’s activity is a deep study of astrological science and its popularization, systematization of knowledge and training of professional astrologers. Most of the now famous astrologers studied astrology from Pavel Globa, because he has been doing this for about thirty years. Some are proud of this, some hide it, but there is no astrologer who has not read his books and studied his works.

In 1989, Pavel Globa opened a number of astrological schools on the territory of the Soviet Union, in particular in Leningrad, Moscow, Minsk, Kyiv, and Odessa. The number of people wishing to gain knowledge about cosmic laws numbered in the thousands. In subsequent years, Pavel Pavlovich opened schools in other cities, in particular, in Pskov, Novgorod, Murmansk, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Perm, etc. By this time, a young generation of astrology teachers - students of P. Globa - had formed professionally. It was to them that P. Globa entrusted regular training in the astrological schools he opened.

We have astrologers working with perennial experience.

Contact us for help people who find themselves in a difficult situation, either at critical moments in life, or at very responsible, fateful moments, turn to us. And the quality of the entire future life, sometimes not only of the applicant, but also of his immediate environment, depends on the correctness of the decision.

Many people want to get a ready answer to the question asked, forgetting that the greatest value given to man by the Lord God is freedom of choice. Therefore, an astrologer will never make a decision for his client. It will only reveal the options for fate that can unfold in a person’s life. After all, our destiny always has options for its development, and astrology helps to understand this. The right to make decisions remains with the client.

Here you can find out your strengths and weaknesses. How to correctly use these qualities to influence destiny. You will understand the importance of the role of partners and other people around you.

Learn to make a correct assessment of the most unpredictable situations and find a way out of them.

Professional astrological consultations

  • Forecast of events for life, for a year, for a month, for a day, for the development of a business.
  • Choosing a favorable time to start important events.
  • Astropsychology.
  • Career guidance.
  • Family and business compatibility.
  • Selecting a good name based on your personal horoscope.
  • Astrological support for business.

Attention! Higher astrological education in Ufa!

The Ural Astrological Institute (Avestan School of Astrology) P. Globa is recruiting for the 1st year.

Here you will learn:

    Build an individual horoscope and make predictions.

    Find a way out in difficult life situations.

    Objectively determine your strengths and weaknesses.

    Get rid of hidden internal complexes.

    You will be able to reveal your talents and abilities.

    Find a purpose in life and self-realization.

    Choose a profession and achieve success.

    Improve relationships at home and at work.

    Understand the causes of illnesses and life crises and learn to avoid them.

You can help not only yourself, but also your loved ones!

Astrology- science for people striving for success and wanting to know their place and purpose in this world.

The Avestan School of Astrology provides us with a unique chance: to take control of our own destiny, achieve our goals, avoid dangers, learn to use all our hidden reserves and abilities.

Who can become an astrologer?

Any person who has the patience, willpower and courage to not only penetrate the treasury of ancient knowledge, but also be able to extract from it a diamond destined only for him, the cutting of which may take a lifetime. We must understand that the time given to us to study the subject of astrology is not limited by anything, it does not have a final point. The Institute is able to set the direction, provide the basis for further growth, and form the core of future development. A diploma is not the final goal of a journey into the world of astrology. The most interesting thing awaits us later, when knowledge begins to be embodied in real life. However, the future fate of the entire enterprise depends on how the start will be. Competent presentation of material, correctly placed accents, expansion of the boundaries of perception - all this at first becomes an indispensable pass to the science called astrology.

The difference between the Avestan astrological tradition and other schools The fact is that its roots go back thousands of years, and the method of working with the conscious and subconscious combines a complex of both ancient and more modern practices, the experience of various complementary sources of knowledge about a person (including chirology, phrenology, physiognomy, numerology) . It is in the combination of all these powerful factors that lies the power, consistency and accuracy of astrology. It is also important that the foundation of calculations and projections for the future in our school is a comprehensive analysis of the Solar and Lunar calendars.

What will the study of astrology give us?

Understanding the rhythm of life, both individually and globally. We will begin to grasp the laws on which our dialogue with the cosmos, God, and the entire world around us is based. Further, this awareness will begin to act proactively; the levers for controlling our own life, which is still absolutely subject to the elements, will be revealed to us. Foresight, the ability to avoid trouble, to be in the right place on time, abilities that were previously unknown are only the beginning of an exciting journey into the world of one’s own possibilities. How to use the acquired knowledge is a personal matter. For some, it is enough to structure their lifestyle; for others, they want to continue their development in science and help others. One thing is certain - your life will change, and the changes will happen for the better.

Education at the school is structured according to a three-stage system

  • I course - Cosmogram. Human karmic program. Basic concepts and foundations of Avestan astrology. This is an initial course, an astrological educational program, the minimum necessary for a person to understand himself and those around him, understand his task and determine his most vulnerable place, learn to live in accordance with cosmic rhythms.
  • II course - Horoscope. Events in various spheres of human life. Expanding knowledge in the field of horoscope interpretation. Exploring the mystery of your destiny. If the first course can be compared to primary school, then this course gives you the knowledge of secondary school.
  • III course - Predictive astrology. Transits, progressions, directions and much more, which gives the astrologer a powerful tool in predicting future events. This course is for professionals. In-depth study of various forecasting methods, understanding the essence and principles of current events, the ability to withstand the blows of fate. This is akin to learning aerobatic maneuvers.

Total academic year in each course of the Avestan School of Astrology (Institute) Pavel Globa is 108 academic hours or 50 two-hour lectures and seminars in the mode Sunday schools. At the end of 3 years of study, upon passing the qualifying exam, a diploma from the Institute is issued.

For those who have a basic level of astrological knowledge, master classes and advanced training courses are held.

Among the popular special courses can be called such as “General, family and children's astropsychology”, “Medical astrology”, “Phytotherapy”, “Esoteric astrology”, “Harmonization of life”, “Astronumerology and numerical mandala”, “Cosmogenesis”, “Genoscope”, “Astroalchemy” ", "Astrology of professions", "Lunar astrology and conception horoscope", "The Art of Feng Shui", "Astrology of relationships", "Karmic astrology", "Guardians of the sky", "Octoscope", "Astrogeography and Astrocartography", "Higher Zodiac ", "Traps of evil and traffic lights", "Fractal predictive astrology", "Internal horoscope and Microzodiac", "Life expectancy factors", "Astrology of business and management", "Fundamentals of Horary and Electional astrology", "Keys to Radix", " Fundamentals of Political Astrology", "Astrology of Success".

The Avestan School of Astrology of Pavel Globa is the oldest and largest school of professional astrological education in the vastness of the former USSR. Over the 30 years of its existence (since 1982), over 50 thousand people have been trained within its walls. Of these, about 2000 are in the Ural Schools of Pavel Globa (Perm, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk, Chelyabinsk, Miass, Magnitogorsk, Yoshkar-Ola, Ufa, Kazan, Tyumen, Kirov, Surgut, etc.). The Avestan School of Astrology is a co-founder of the Union of Professional Astrologers. The Avestan Astrological School of Pavel Globa is also represented within the framework of the International University of Fundamental Education (IUFE) of the Oxford Educational Network. There is an opportunity for ASHA students to prepare and defend master's degrees, candidates and doctors of science (in Avestan astrology) within the framework of the IUFS with the issuance of international diplomas of the Oxford educational network.

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge.ru"

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