Home Heating When the icon falls. An icon fell - what is it for, what does it mean. The icon fell - a warning sign

When the icon falls. An icon fell - what is it for, what does it mean. The icon fell - a warning sign

It is known that if an icon falls, this is certainly a bad omen. There are many signs and ancient traditions that are associated with images of saints. For example, the question of whether it is possible to give an icon cannot be answered unambiguously; the found image of a saint is also a rather contradictory sign.

In the article:

An icon fell - a sign

If an icon has fallen in your house, or even worse - images of saints are constantly falling, this is a bad omen. First you should pick her up, kiss her and put her back in the place where she was before she fell. And after that, think about why the icon fell, because this sign has more than one meaning.

A fallen icon may indicate the presence of evil spirits in the house. Sometimes icons fall in houses where a very good man lives, who, although considered a kind creature, is still in a difficult relationship with the church. If you think that evil spirits might have settled in your place, then go to the premises. You can read about ways to expel from an apartment what should not be there on our website.

Occasionally, paintings are damaged when dropped - severely scratched or broken. If this is the image of the Mother of God, it means that you will experience the loss or serious illness of a loved one or relative. If an icon of the Savior or one of the saints breaks, this foreshadows the death or serious illness of someone among distant relatives.

Sometimes consecrated objects fall to warn you of some kind of test or that you are making a mistake or behaving incorrectly. All the signs about fallen icons are true if it fell on its own, that is, it was not pushed by a pet or someone in the household.

After the fall of the icon, it is advisable to go to church, talk to the priest, and confess. Prayers to the saint depicted on it are obligatory. You can order a prayer service for him. Blessing a fallen object in a church is also a good measure. If you think that these are the consequences of your mistake or bad deed, correct what you did.

Is it possible to give icons and signs?

To the question of whether it is possible to give icons for any holidays, signs give a positive answer. An icon is an Orthodox shrine, but it should be given only to someone who appreciates it, with the best wishes. Then, in principle, such a gift cannot bring misfortune.

There are several rules that should be followed. For example, personalized icons are usually given for birthdays. A sick person is presented with images of saints who... If you are going to give a gift to a business partner, boss or colleague, choose an image of a saint who helps in business. In any case, a good option would be the patron of a person’s profession or favorite activity. There are also family images; they are given if the gift is intended for the whole family and not just one person.

Icons are required to be given to newlyweds for a wedding, but only parents or other close relatives should do this. The bride is given the image of the Virgin Mary, and the groom is given the image of Jesus Christ. They must be beautiful, expensive, and have high-quality salaries. The fact is that images of poor quality are rarely displayed, and this is not good; you should not hide the faces of saints in the closet.

There is an opinion that girls should be given images of female saints, and men - male ones.

Finding an icon on the street is a sign

Finding an icon somewhere on the street is a very contradictory sign. We have heard the concerns of our ancestors about things picked up on the street and especially near intersections. It is believed that they are damaged by damage and other negativity. Any thing that lies on the ground could be used in the ritual. As a rule, people don’t just throw things away.

Possible reasons for the previous owner's desire to get rid of the icon are atonement for a mortal sin, magical treatment of a fatal disease, or the finding of this image over a dead person. Not everyone knows that after such manipulations the image should be taken to the temple. Of course, you should never take such negativity home.

But still, the icon is a holy symbol, and it is not allowed to pass by it. At the same time, in the past it was believed that finding an icon was a good omen. It means the support of higher powers, a certain sign from above of a positive nature. Therefore, if you do not take away the ownerless icon lying on the ground, you may lose divine support.

But still, it is not recommended to immediately bring the find into the house. It is known that any icon must be consecrated in the church. If you find it, take it to the church and ask to be blessed. Some do not even take the found icons into the house because of superstitions and leave them in the temple. But after consecration, you can not be afraid of negative consequences and take into your home what is most likely intended just for you. After consecration, all the negativity that was placed on the icon will disappear without a trace.

Other signs about icons

An incorrect attitude towards icons can not only not help, but even incur the wrath of the Almighty on you. Few people know how to properly handle these objects of Orthodox worship.

The main rule is that you cannot pray to an image that has not been consecrated in the temple. If you don’t know whether special prayers were read over it by the priest in the church, then you should take the icon to be consecrated. If you decide to embroider or draw an image of a saint for yourself, it should also be subjected to this procedure.

You can't burn icons. There are many stories among people about communists who took them away from people and burned them in the same oven that was in the house. This can lead to bad consequences and even death.

There is no point in hanging images of saints on the wall. This is due to the method that Judas chose for his suicide. They are placed, not hung, it is disrespectful.

It was forbidden to swear or spit in front of them; they believed that this would lead to death. It's really not a good idea to behave indecently in a room where there are images of saints. If you are planning a party or noisy feast in such a room, move them temporarily or cover them with a cloth.

Icons crack before someone in the family dies. This is a warning; you should take a closer look at the well-being of your loved ones. Its consequences can be avoided if you introduce fasting and regularly read sincere prayers. How long to fast? Until the one that is going on at this time ends, or the next one, if there is no fast at the moment, or it is almost over.

Orthodoxy has a special, reverent attitude towards icons. Any fall of a holy image still causes almost sacred horror and gives rise to all sorts of superstitions on the topic “why does the icon fall?” Previously, every Russian hut always had a Red Corner with images of the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, and revered saints. Lamps and candles were burning in the corner, the icons were always in front of the household and guests, recalling the presence of the Higher Powers and filling the house with piety.

The persistence of superstitions

This is a century of amazing technological breakthroughs, scientific discoveries and computerization of all spheres of life. But signs and superstitions are easily passed down through generations and continue to influence the actions and thoughts of people. Just like a thousand years ago, when faced with the inexplicable, a person turns to age-old superstitions, not paying attention to their irrationality. People usually associate the unknown with danger - this evolutionary defense mechanism at one time allowed a person to survive. Therefore, any answer, even an awkward one, that explains an incomprehensible situation helps alleviate uncertainty and fear.

In addition, some psychologists believe that the ineradicability and seductiveness of superstition is based on the desire for control over events and one’s life. A person receives imaginary knowledge of the future and the illusion of power over circumstances, interpreting them with the help of all kinds of signs, beliefs, signs and signs.

For example, if an icon fell, several times and for no obvious reason, there will be a dozen signs that will helpfully explain why it happened and what to expect next.

Most common reasons

If you abandon mysticism and the machinations of evil spirits, then most often it turns out that the icon fell due to the fault of its owners, who placed the images in an unsafe place or poorly secured them. With due care, these causes are easily identified and eliminated. But many people prefer to see bad omens in falls and explain them with omens. Of their own free will, succumbing to superstitious fear, they introduce unnecessary worries and anticipation of troubles into their lives, alienating their souls from God.

The most common causes of falls are:

  • unstable position;
  • poor fastening;
  • vibrations from music, transport, repairs from neighbors;
  • children playing, pets, careless movements during cleaning.

The opinion of the priests

At all times, the church has had an extremely negative attitude towards superstition, rightly believing that it only alienates a Christian from the true faith and puts him in line with the godless pagans. And today, answering the question of what it means if an icon has fallen, competent priests reassure parishioners, urging them not to believe in vain and empty signs, but rather to put the icon in a more reliable place and pray.

A fallen icon is just an unfortunate incident, and not a good or bad sign from above. The Church teaches not to turn icons into objects of veneration. After all, this is how you can fall into the sin of idolatry. Icons are created for people by icon painters using paints and wood..

They help to tune in to prayer, but it is unlikely that Christ will begin to play with a person, sending him complex signs through a fallen image.

What do the signs say?

But superstitions are so deeply rooted in people’s minds that even reasonable and convincing arguments sometimes give in to them. A person is amazingly able to coexist true faith in the Savior and the desire to predict the future with the help of signs. And although priests never tire of teaching that all answers can be found in prayer, Orthodox women and men, when faced with incomprehensible phenomena, often turn to superstitions, which provide absurd explanations and bring confusion and fear into the souls of the questioners.

Here are just a few signs:

What's the best way to proceed?

If the icon has fallen, first of all, you do not need to believe the signs that advise cleansing your home of negativity and evil spirits through consecration, washing mirrors and corners. Of course, sometimes images fall, seemingly for inexplicable reasons. But as a rule, over time, reasonable explanations are always found, and the reasons turn out to be quite earthly.

Superstition is a sinful path that is dangerous for the soul of a Christian. It is enough to pick up a fallen icon, kiss it, put it in its place, check the reliability of its position, ask for forgiveness from the saint depicted on it, and pray to him.

If this does not help, then you should visit the temple, sincerely pray there, confess or simply talk with the priest. He will be able to reassure and give reasonable answers, to ward off the sin of idolatry and belief in pagan superstitions.

In this article you will find interpretations of signs associated with the fall of icons in the house.

Why did you drop an icon? An icon in a house falls from a wall, from a shelf: a folk sign. What happens after the icon falls?

An icon is a sacred object, it is an image of the Saint, which helps every person to communicate with the Almighty, pray and believe. Icons are always given a place of honor in the house. There are also many beliefs and signs associated with them, which are very important to listen to.

Signs and interpretations:

  • Deliberately throw an icon - bring trouble upon yourself. Expect quarrels with loved ones, health and financial problems. You should not be so impulsive and try not to throw your negativity at the icons, store them in an inaccessible and reliable, as well as safe place.
  • Accidentally drop an icon - the omen is bad, but you can avoid negativity, as well as bad incidents, if you ask the icon for forgiveness, kiss it and put it in a safe place.
  • The icon fell downwards - expect trouble, illness or debt. This is a bad omen that will take a lot of your strength and patience.
  • The icon fell upward - the omen is not good, but this sign tells you that you can avoid negativity.
  • The icon fell from the wall - a very bad sign, because it cannot fall on its own, which means that the Higher Powers are trying in every possible way to warn you of the approaching danger.
  • The icon fell from the table - expect a bad person, an envious person or an ill-wisher to come to your house.
  • The icon fell from the shelf - unpleasant message, bad news, be prepared for any troubles.
  • The icon broke - a very bad sign that portends a serious illness, loss or death.
  • Several icons fell - a sign that portends bad changes in your life and a series of failures that will follow one after another.

Why is an icon broken in the house?


  • Throw and break an icon in anger - a bad sign that will bring upon you a series of problems with health, money and relationships, with loved ones.
  • Accidentally break an icon - unexpected troubles will take you by surprise, but if you remain patient, you will be able to cope with them.
  • Break several icons - If you incur the “wrath of God” on yourself, you are in danger of a long period of failures, problems, difficulties, illnesses and misfortunes.

Why did the icon fall on your head?

Such unusual situations occur when an icon (especially a large one) falls off the floor, and then such signs should be interpreted in a special way:

  • The icon fell on his head - you have a lot of doubts and life requires you to make the right decision.
  • The icon fell on his chest - you are uneasy in your soul, you need to improve relationships with those with whom you are in a quarrel.
  • The icon fell on his shoulder - you lack support and self-confidence.
  • The icon fell into the hands - you will receive an important message or some news will affect your life.
  • The icon fell at my feet - You have a hard road and a long journey ahead.

Why does the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona, Jesus Christ, the wedding of the Savior, the Seven-Shot Mother of God, Xenia of St. Petersburg, the Mother of God fall?


  • The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker fell - expect events that will radically change your life and plans for the future.
  • The icon of the Matrona of Moscow fell - the sign portends you hard work and work.
  • The icon of Jesus Christ fell - you have an unresolved issue or matter that torments you and gives you no peace.
  • The wedding icon of the Savior fell - you are very vulnerable, expect health or financial problems.
  • The icon of the Mother of God of Seven Arrows fell - Someone is jealous of you and wishes harm, do not let strangers into your house.
  • The icon of the Mother of God fell - your children and loved ones are in danger.
  • The icon of Xenia of St. Petersburg fell - Expect health problems, illnesses of loved ones and relatives.

Why did the icon fall on the photograph of the deceased?

If an icon unexpectedly falls on a photo of the deceased (on an ordinary day or at a wake), this sign indicates that the deceased is present next to you and is trying in every possible way to give you a “sign” from the other world.

If an icon fell on the floor in the house: what to do, what prayer to read?

If your icon has fallen, there is no need to panic or be upset. Having done this by accident, you don’t need to attract negativity to yourself and be afraid of everything in the world. You should sincerely ask for forgiveness, cross yourself and read the Lord's Prayer. Prayer will strengthen your faith, confidence in yourself and that everything will be fine.

What to do with a broken icon?

A broken icon under no circumstances DO NOT THROW AWAY! It should be collected down to the last piece, wrapped and taken to church. There, explain your situation to the priest, ask for forgiveness and light a candle (to any image). The church will restore the icon.

Video: “Why do icons fall?”

Most people are seized with great anxiety if the image of God suddenly falls from its place. This is a completely natural feeling, since most believers treat it as a shrine.

The deepest secrets of the soul are entrusted to the icon, people turn to it with tearful requests and it is a talisman for the whole family. Therefore, the attitude towards her is the most reverent.

If an icon falls in the house, people begin to wonder what it is for. Many are sure that such an event does not bode well.

The powerful energy of higher powers is concentrated in the images of saints, and when something happens to them, such an event is filled with deep meaning.

Most often, it consists in the desire to warn the owner of the icon that trouble is approaching his home. It can be very significant, even to the point of someone's death.

When the glass behind which the image of the saint was placed breaks at the same time, the owner of the house is in for a real misfortune.

It can manifest itself in the form of:

  • Serious illness;
  • illness of someone close to you;
  • tragic accident;
  • someone's death;
  • irreparable injury.

A separate case is if the icon of the Mother of God fell. Such a sign symbolizes one of the most terrible signs. It foretells troubles, accidents, death or financial collapse.

Usually, images of saints suffer due to the accumulation of a huge amount of negative energy in a person’s home or the increased sinfulness of its owners.

If the icon fell so that the front side was visible, then this serves as a warning that people are currently moving through life in an unrighteous way.

They urgently need to repent by correcting their mistakes. Throughout the coming week, they need to attend church services, begging the Lord for forgiveness. For prayers, you should choose the same image that fell from the wall at home.

In cases where the face is at the bottom, the omen is definitely bad. Moreover, its effect will spread over many days and even years.

Holy Image fallen from different places

Many people place icons so that they can be seen from everywhere. Therefore, they are attached to the wall, stand on a shelf or are placed on a special iconostasis.

The best way to arrange them is on a large, solid surface. These include a secretary, a chest of drawers, glass shelves or a sideboard.

If the image has fallen, there is no need to immediately expect the worst. You should carefully examine the place where he was, trying to find the natural causes of the event.

It could break for the most trivial reasons: a child dropped it, a cat swiped it with its tail, or someone simply pushed the cabinet hard.

In cases where the nail could not stand it and the icon fell to the floor, such an event means impending trouble.

Higher powers try to prepare a person for it in advance so that he gains strength, patience and courage.

If the table was pushed and the image standing on it flew down, then most likely the owner of the house will receive a visit from a dangerous person.

Therefore, it is better to pray, asking the Lord for protection from him.

When an icon has fallen from a shelf that has shaken, and everything standing on it has fallen, then very unpleasant news awaits the person, including reports of someone’s death, bankruptcy or betrayal.

A sign regarding an incident with an image never bodes well for anything good. It can be especially dangerous if an entire iconostasis collapses. Then, most likely, a protracted period of terrible troubles or misfortunes awaits the person. They will be numerous. As soon as one sorrow ends, another begins immediately. Moreover, they can occur simultaneously.

An icon that fell on people - what does it mean?

The icon can not only fall to the floor, but be caught in the air by its owner or land on any part of his body. This can also be filled with meaning.

If it hits the head, then higher powers reproach the person for indecisiveness on an important issue, demanding an immediate solution.

The icon is capable of hitting the upper body. Such a sign indicates that its owner is overwhelmed by painful thoughts or is in a state of conflict with someone. It is advisable for him to urgently resolve everything that has been postponed or ask for forgiveness from the person offended by him.

If the image touched the upper part of the hand, but did not fall to the floor, then such a signal indicates that it is necessary to have more courage and inner strength. When the icon was cleverly caught, avoiding landing, this means receiving the most important news that can turn a person’s whole life upside down.

If it sank right to your feet, then the sign promises an unwanted journey, filled with worries and hardships.

In those cases when someone was sleeping and the icon fell on the bed, then he needs to remember where he made a mistake in the near future.

If in his pride he does not find any sins behind him, he faces terrible punishments, including illness or death.

What is the best thing to do if an icon falls

Despite the extremely negative meaning of the sign, you need to remain calm.

You should think about in which area of ​​life there is trouble, repent, pray, asking the Lord to forgive your sins.

You need to say the “Our Father” prayer loudly several times, and also turn to the saint whose icon fell. The Lord will hear the believer’s request, and he himself will strengthen himself.

If the image falls from a person’s hands, then such an incident does not bode well, but you must immediately pray fervently, ask for forgiveness from the Lord, as well as from the saint depicted on it.

After the icon has been crossed and kissed, it must be removed away, not taken out until the believer feels that salvation has been granted to him.

If the glass of the icon breaks or the icon itself is damaged, then it should be carefully folded, wrapped in thick paper, and then taken to the nearest church.

It needs to be placed in front of the image of the Mother of God and prayed fervently. It is advisable to leave it there overnight. This way you can ward off all troubles.

The icon must be taken home, hidden in an inaccessible place. It is very important to know what to do if the faces of saints in the apartment constantly fall. This can portend a chain of various troubles.

Higher powers can warn a person that the Lord’s patience is running out if the owner of the house is engaged in:

  • Fortune telling;
  • summoning spirits;
  • performing black rituals;
  • witchcraft;
  • evil eye;
  • love spells;
  • rituals to cause damage.

The blasphemy must be stopped immediately and the apartment thoroughly sanctified. A person must tearfully repent, fast for three months, and attend church daily.

If there are no serious sins on him, but icons fall regularly, then such a sign is a signal that dark forces have chosen his house as their place of abode.

In such a case, it should be blessed, sprinkled with holy water, paying special attention to the corners, as well as the door leaves.

Attitude to the acceptance of Orthodox ministers of the Church

It is necessary to mention how priests relate to omen. They categorically warn believers against following possible superstitions, believing that a person is being tempted by an evil spirit.

If an image of a saint falls in the house, this only means an oversight or an unpleasant set of circumstances, which in itself does not mean anything. You just need to install it more reliably and handle it more carefully.

In addition, the official church approves of the ownership of home icons, but believes that genuine prayer is possible only in the Temple, therefore it is advisable to treat it only as a constant reminder to a person of God.

The clergy clearly regard excessive attention to vain things as the machinations of the evil spirit.

He seduces the believer, distracting him from serving the Lord or turning his thoughts to dark trends.

Instead of praying, a person indulges in all sorts of tricks, forgetting about the Supreme and remembering only the forces of Evil.

In addition, he begins to doubt the infinite goodness of Jesus Christ, and also suspects that he can abandon those who believe in Him. Orthodox Christians at all times have highly revered the images of the Lord and saints.

Therefore, the most reverent attitude towards them has developed. People treat them as a talisman and a guarantee that everything will be fine with them and their loved ones. They carefully protect icons and are very worried if something unpleasant happens to them.

Therefore, in order not to think about the sign of the fall of the image, you need to carefully consider such an incident, pray, repent, and try to correct your sins.

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Great article 0

Author, there is no need to worry so much. It's just a thing! It is a pity that in the era of scientific and technological progress and enlightenment, people trust fables and superstitions more ((But the Bible teaches something completely different... One of the Ten Commandments reads: “You shall not make for yourself an idol or ANY IMAGE of anything that is in heaven above, and whatever is in the earth below, or whatever is in the water below the earth; you shall not worship them or serve them” (Exodus 20:4, 5, NKJV). icons" is a requirement of God that is repeated many times in the Bible. Icons do not bring us closer to God, but rather move us away from him. You can find the Bible online. It has all the answers to your questions regarding icons - Isaiah 44:( 13 The woodcarver draws a measuring cord, outlines the contours with red chalk, works with a cutter, makes markings with a compass, gives the product the appearance of a person, endows it with the beauty characteristic of a person, to place it in the house 14 But the man who cuts down cedars He chooses a tree for himself. a certain type, a large tree, and lets it grow stronger among the trees in the forest. He planted a laurel and the rain makes it grow. 15 It serves as fuel for man. He takes some of this to warm himself, makes a fire and bakes bread, and also makes a god to bow to, carves an idol and falls on his knees in front of him. 16 He burns half the tree in the fire, roasts meat on it to eat, and eats to his fill. He warms himself and says: “Oh, I’m warmed up and I’m looking at the flames.” 17 And from the remains of the tree he makes a god and carves an idol for himself. He falls to his knees in front of him, bows and prays to him: “Save me, because you are my god.” 18 They do not know and do not understand. Their eyes are covered so as not to see, and their hearts so as not to understand. 19 And no one takes it to heart, knows or understands to say: “I burned half the tree in the fire and baked bread on its coals, fried the meat and ate it. So will I really make an ABOMINATION out of the remaining part? Am I really going to fall to my knees in front of a dry piece of wood?” - Acts 17:24-30 ('God, who created the world and all that is in it, He, the Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples built with hands, 25 and human hands do not serve him, as if he were in any way needs, because he himself gives life and breath and everything to everyone. So, as the offspring of God, we should not think that God's Essence is like gold, silver or stone, like some carved work of art and invention of man.') - Ezekiel 14:6 (“Thus says the Lord God: Turn yourselves and turn away from your idols, and turn away your face from all your abominations.”) - Psalm 113:12-16 (“Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have lips, but they do not speak; They have eyes, but they do not see; They have ears, but they do not hear; They have nostrils, but they do not smell; They have hands, but they cannot touch; They have legs, but they don’t walk; and they do not utter a voice with their throat. Let those who make them and all who trust in them be like them.”) And so on... Author, this is the opinion of God, not the opinion of people. But the decision, of course, is up to you.

YES YES YES and YES again! I don’t accept icons at all! This is not according to the Bible! But people are simply being deceived!

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