Home Locks Porridge and everything about porridge. All about porridge. Porridge for breakfast is healthy

Porridge and everything about porridge. All about porridge. Porridge for breakfast is healthy

Mothers, trying to feed their children porridge, talk about its amazing benefits. But is it? Let's try to find out everything about porridge: benefits and harms, what prevails?

Useful properties of cereals

Are porridges healthy? The answer to this question will be positive, because cereals are made from grain crops known for their benefits. It is not for nothing that in Rus' porridge was a symbol of wealth and family prosperity.

Porridges have many beneficial properties:

  • quickly saturate the body, as they are characterized by a high content of fiber, vitamins, vegetable protein and “slow carbohydrates”;
  • at the same time, the calorie content of porridges is low if you do not eat them with butter and sugar;
  • charge the body with the necessary energy;
  • restore the functioning of the digestive system;
  • naturally cleanse the body of waste and toxins;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • make the skin elastic;
  • reduce the risk of carcinogenic formations by 20%.

The properties of porridges are influenced by the type of cereal and the method of its preparation. Depending on the amount of liquid remaining in the porridge, it can be viscous or crumbly.

What cereals are best to eat?

Let's try to find out which cereals are healthy?

Refined and unrefined grains are used to prepare porridges. But since all the useful substances are in the shell, the cereal freed from it loses all the necessary substances. If the cereal is also highly crushed, then it can only supply unnecessary calories to the body. The most purified and ground grain is semolina.

Nutritionists say that porridge with milk is better absorbed than porridge cooked with water. But you need to take skim milk so as not to add extra calories.

To make porridge healthier, sugar is replaced with honey, fruits and berries.

All about porridge

Porridges prepared from various varieties of cereals serve as an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, then vegetable protein and fat. In this regard, the nutritional value of cereals is beyond doubt, however, each cereal has its own list of advantages and disadvantages, which ultimately affect the mass preferences of bodybuilding enthusiasts. All types of cereals differ in the concentration of vitamins and microelements in them, the content of healthy dietary fiber, as well as the mass fraction of vegetable protein and its actual digestibility.

General useful information

Thus, the maximum content of dietary fiber differs in: oatmeal, buckwheat and wheat cereals. The minimum is the popular semolina and rice porridge. At the same time, semolina porridge is the leader in the lack of dietary fiber.

Vegetable protein from cereals, unlike protein of animal origin, contains an incomplete set of amino acids. And to increase the protein content of porridges, it is recommended to consume them together with milk, cottage cheese, meat and liver. Due to this plant-animal combination, the balance of individual amino acids improves, which leads to their better utilization. It is important to remember that heat treatment, boiling and grinding of cereals improve the quality of their digestion, and, consequently, their nutritional value.

The grain shells of wheat, oats, barley, and rye contain the hard-to-digest vegetable protein gluten. For this reason, semolina and oatmeal are not recommended for small children under the age of 1 year. Large amounts of gluten can cause deterioration of intestinal motility and, as a result of stagnation of food masses, allergic reactions. Young children are deficient in peptidase, an enzyme designed to digest cereal gluten. In turn, buckwheat, rice and corn cereals do not contain gluten. They belong to the so-called gluten-free porridges, which are better digestible and hypoallergenic (for both children and adults).


Buckwheat contains 12-13 g of protein, 2-3 g of fat, 68 g of carbohydrates, of which 63 g are starch (the rest are mono- and disaccharides). The glycemic index (GI) of buckwheat is 50-55 units. Buckwheat is the leader in vitamin B2 content; it also contains vitamins B1 and B6. It contains a lot of iron; in this regard, buckwheat is second only to rice. Due to the large proportion of iron, buckwheat is recommended for anemia, because Its regular use helps to increase the level of hemoglobin, the main oxygen carrier. Buckwheat contains a record amount of vitamin PP (4 times more than oatmeal). Eating buckwheat porridge helps normalize blood pressure, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and eliminate heavy metal ions. There is 4 times more magnesium in buckwheat than in rice. Steamed buckwheat loses some of its nutritional value (this applies to all cereals). Buckwheat porridge contains lysine, which is usually found in small quantities in baked goods. But with prolonged cooking, lysine loses part of its bioavailability, which leads to the preparation of porridges containing it (buckwheat and oatmeal) with preliminary soaking and bringing only to a boil. Buckwheat is the leader in the content of phosphorus salts, surpassing other cereals in this indicator by more than 5 times. It may take 3 to 6 hours to digest an average portion of buckwheat porridge, which should certainly be taken into account when consuming it after a workout and in the evening before bed. The digestibility of buckwheat porridge protein is 45%.


Oatmeal contains 12 g of protein, 6 g of fat, 65 g of carbohydrates (54 g of starch). The glycemic index of oatmeal ranges from 40 to 66 units. (raw – 40-50, instant – 66). Oatmeal contains a lot of phosphorus, only slightly ahead of this parameter in rice. Oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber, fiber, gluten, and has a beneficial effect on cholesterol metabolism. Due to its low GI, it is recommended to be consumed for diabetes. Compared to buckwheat, oatmeal contains 2 times more vegetable fats. It contains zinc, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, vitamins B1, B2, PP, A, E, K. It is always better to give preference to whole oatmeal, because Instant oatmeal porridges lack some trace elements and vitamins and also have a higher GI. Oatmeal is rich in biotin, which the body needs for weakness, muscle pain and depression, as well as catalyzing enzymes that accelerate the digestion of fats in the intestines. Oatmeal contains the essential amino acids tryptophan and lysine. Tryptophan promotes the production of growth hormone and serotonin, which is responsible for quality night sleep. A lack of lysine in the body leads to loss of muscle weight and a decrease in hemoglobin levels. It is also involved in the synthesis of vital enzymes and hormones, as well as carnitine, which enhances lipid metabolism. Oatmeal is a gluten-free cereal. Its constant use contributes to the leaching of calcium from bone tissue, which should be taken into account if there are problems with calcium metabolism. The digestibility of oatmeal protein is 44%.

Rice porrige

Rice contains - 7 g of protein, 1 g of fat, 74 g of carbohydrates (55-60 g of starch). The glycemic index of unprocessed white rice is 60 units, 70 for steamed rice, 57 for wild rice, 50 for brown rice. Rice groats are the leader in potassium content - almost 2 times higher than oatmeal and corn, and the others even more so. It also leads in calcium, ahead of pea, buckwheat and oatmeal. Rice contains a large amount of iron, 2 times higher than that in buckwheat, oatmeal, and wheat cereals. Rice is rich in vitamin B1. In general, rice contains less protein and minerals than buckwheat and oatmeal. Wild and brown rice contain slightly more of them, but have a lower glycemic index. All rice cereals have a “fixing” effect, they are hypoallergenic and well digestible (do not contain gluten). However, the digestibility of rice porridge protein is 41%.

Wheat porridge

Wheat porridge contains 16 g of protein, 1 g of fat, 69 g of carbohydrates, of which 64 g of starch. The glycemic index of millet is 71 units. Millet porridge is rich in iron, cobalt and vitamin B1. It contains copper, silicon, fluorine and manganese, which take an active part in tissue metabolism. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E and PP are also included in millet cereals. Millet porridge is easily digestible; its consumption (in moderation) does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Just like oatmeal, millet porridge (with water, without oil and sugar) has a beneficial effect on cholesterol metabolism and helps remove heavy metal salts. The digestibility of millet porridge protein is 32%.

Barley porridge

Pearl barley contains 9 g of protein, 1 g of fat, 67 g of carbohydrates. Its glycemic index is 22. Pearl barley is rich in phosphorus, which helps increase the speed and strength of muscle contractions, as well as lysine, which, among its other functions, takes part in the formation of collagen. So pearl barley porridge, without a doubt, should appear in a bodybuilder’s diet from time to time. The digestibility of pearl barley porridge protein is less than 30%.


Semolina porridge contains 10 g of protein, 1 g of fat, 73 g of carbohydrates, of which 70 g of starch. Glycemic index of semolina porridge – 65 units. Among cereals, semolina has a minimal fiber content, hence its high GI. Semolina porridge has a negative effect on the absorption of iron and vitamin D, which is the basis only for occasional use. Contrary to popular belief, modern nutritionists do not recommend semolina porridge for children under one year of age, because... Semolina is a gluten-free cereal that makes digestion difficult. The protein digestibility of semolina porridge is 38%.

Corn porridge

Corn grits contain - 8 g protein, 1 g fat, 75 g carbohydrates, 70 g starch. Vitamins A, B, E, PP, silicon and iron were found in it. Corn porridge helps remove toxic compounds of chlorine and fluorine, as well as organic mercury. Corn porridge is low in calcium and phosphorus and requires long-term heat treatment, which further reduces the concentration of beneficial vitamins. The digestibility of corn porridge protein is low - less than 30%.

Pea porridge

Pea cereal contains 21 g of protein, 2 g of fat, 50 g of carbohydrates. The glycemic index of pea porridge is 22. (For comparison: lentils - 24 g protein, 2 g fat, 46 g carbohydrates, GI - 25-27). Pea porridge is rich in potassium. In terms of energy indicators, it is superior to buckwheat; it and its close relatives are often called a vegetable meat substitute. However, the accompanying gas production interferes with the digestion process and reduces the absorption of nutrients. To increase them, it is considered best to soak the peas for several hours before cooking, then cook in the same water, adding a little new water if necessary. In this case, gas formation will occur even before cooking, and the bioavailability of pea protein will increase. Pea porridge contains a large amount of antioxidant substances, which promotes better tissue restoration.

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Interesting facts about cereals

Porridge is a healthy, nutritious, tasty and inexpensive product. Cereals are an important source of vegetable proteins and carbohydrates, the latter being represented mainly by starch. They contain quite a lot of minerals and B vitamins.

People called porridge the “foremother of bread.”

In ancient Rus', porridge was a cult dish. It was prepared for holidays, feasts, and funerals. Not a single big or small event in people's lives was complete without porridge. Everyone ate porridge - both poor and rich.

Porridges were not only an object of veneration and an indispensable attribute of various household and religious rituals. There were a great variety of ways to tell fortunes using porridge. Most often they wondered about the future harvest. In some areas on the eve of Christmas, when they ate kutya, an unusual way of predicting the harvest was common. The owner of the house, having scooped up a spoonful of this porridge, threw it at the ceiling: the more grains stick to the ceiling, the richer the harvest.

In Ancient Rus', a working artel was also called “Porridge”. Since they ate from one pot, the porridge was called “artel”. This is where the expression comes from: “he and I are from the same mess.” This meaning of “porridge” lasted especially long on the Don and in other places where Russian freemen settled.

According to the chronicle, in 1239, Prince Alexander Nevsky staged a big mess in Toropets, and then in Novgorod. In those days, the word “porridge” meant “holiday, feast, solemn event.”

The Russians had a custom, when concluding a peace treaty with their enemies, to cook porridge, and then eat it as a sign of reconciliation (by the way, this is where the saying “You can’t cook porridge with him”) came from.

In the old days, at school, the beginning of a new stage of education was celebrated with a joint meal - everyone treated themselves to porridge. This is where the word “classmate” comes from.

In Ancient Rus', oatmeal jelly was revered.

There is a legend that even pancakes appeared as a thick porridge into which cereals were transferred.

In Russian cuisine, porridges have long been divided into 3 types: kashitsy (liquid porridge), smears (or viscous porridge), and steep (crumbly).

They cook porridge from any grain: buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, barley, pearl barley, rice and others. They cook porridge from vegetables and even fish! In the 19th century, one of the Russian magazines even published a recipe for porridge made from... roses!

Buckwheat porridge is considered the most delicious and healthy.

Oatmeal is considered the most nutritious. Just 100 g of this product contains about 15 g of protein, which is almost 1/4 of a person’s daily requirement. Oatmeal is superior to all others in zinc content.

Semolina porridge is very high in calories, that is, the highest in calories among all (100 g contains 331 kcal), this porridge also contains vitamins B1, B2, and the mineral potassium.

Wheat and semolina porridges are prepared from crushed wheat (wheat porridge) and ground (semolina).

In some Russian regions, during matchmaking, the bride had to serve millet porridge to the guests. Only the one whose porridge turned out crumbly and without a specific bitterness was married.

Peter I was very fond of barley porridge and recognized it as “the most delicious and delicious.” With his help, barley porridge became part of the diet of the Russian army.

In Russia, porridge has always been the most common hot food in the army, especially in field conditions. This is where the often used name for the profession of an army cook comes from - “cook”.

Suvorov's porridge also became famous. According to legend, during one of the campaigns Suvorov had a few different types of cereals left. If you cook only one type, there won’t be enough for the whole army. So Suvorov suggested boiling all the cereals together. The soldiers really liked this porridge, and they called it “Suvorov”.

Soldiers give some porridges slang nicknames, for example, pearl barley porridge in the army is called shrapnel or bolts for its characteristic appearance.

There is a famous Russian fairy tale about how a soldier cooked porridge from an axe.

In 1883, at a dinner in honor of the coronation of Nicholas II, barley porridge was served to the guests.

The great Russian commander Suvorov called buckwheat porridge heroic.

The most refined variety of semolina porridge is Guryev porridge. This delicacy made with milk with the addition of nuts, creamy foam and dried fruits was invented at the beginning of the 19th century by the Minister of Finance Count Guryev, although there are other versions of its origin.

Nowadays, Guryev porridge is served as a dessert.

In the 1920s, when the All-Union Children's Pioneer Camp was formed, semolina porridge - a cheap and satisfying dish - became the basis of the children's diet. Processed wheat porridges help you gain weight, but contain almost no beneficial elements.

Oatmeal is cooked from flattened oat grains.

“Oatmeal” is most popular in Scotland; there is even a championship in the preparation of this dish. And Edinburgh has the world's only oatmeal bar.

At a competition in Louisiana, a chef from Chicago ate 9.5 kilograms of corn porridge in 10 minutes. True, their dish is called grits.

The first stall offering visitors oatmeal instead of hamburgers has opened in London. In this way, the residents of the United Kingdom decided to return to the forgotten traditional breakfast.

They write that Putin starts every morning with porridge, and it can be different all the time: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat...

The average American child eats 7 kilograms of cereal per year.

According to the results of studies, people who regularly eat porridge in the morning are not as susceptible to depression, and are in better physical shape than those who do not eat porridge. And American nutritionists believe that people who eat porridge for breakfast are less likely to feel irritable.

Modern dietetics has confirmed that porridge from several types of cereals is healthier than porridge from one specific cereal.

Porridge is an integral element of baby food.

The industry produces many types of instant cereals. This is very convenient, but there is debate about the usefulness of these cereals.

Porridge holidays

  • June 26 - Buckwheat Akulina. On this day, buckwheat porridge was supposed to be cooked before planting buckwheat.
  • Babe's porridge. This holiday was celebrated on January 8, on this day it was customary to honor midwives. They were brought generous gifts and treats.
  • Christmas kutia in many homes is still a traditional dish served on the table in honor of the Nativity of Christ.
  • The charity festival “Porridge Festival” is held in Moscow.
  • A porridge festival is taking place in Kashin, Tver region.
An interactive museum of porridge and Kashin traditions has opened in Kashin. In the museum you can find out what kind of porridge our ancestors ate, how they celebrated the holiday of porridge, what fairy tales, proverbs and sayings are dedicated to it.

The word "porridge" is widely used in toponymy. The cities of Kashino, Kashin and other derivatives of the word “porridge” are found in different regions of the country. There are even more villages and villages with such names.

Proverbs and sayings about porridge

  • Porridge is our nurse.
  • Without porridge, lunch is not lunch.
  • Cabbage soup and porridge are our food.
  • Borsch without porridge is a widower, porridge without borsch is a widow.
  • The porridge is good, but the cup is small.
  • Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our dear father.
  • You can't spoil porridge with oil.
  • You can’t feed a Russian peasant without porridge.
  • There is no porridge - more cabbage soup.
  • Oatmeal boasted that it was born with cow's butter.
  • And a fool would cook porridge, it would be millet.
  • I was about to cook some porridge, but the chickens pecked at the cereal.
  • When the wood is burning, then they make a mess.
  • Porridge is our mother, and bread is our breadwinner.
  • The porridge is thick, but the bowl is empty.
  • The cook lives better than the prince.
  • The gruel is lean, and even without cereals.
  • The porridge is sweet, and the makhotka is small.
  • You can't spoil porridge with oil.
  • Cook the porridge and put it in your mouth.
  • The porridge is not ours - the cauldron is not ours.
  • In your own family the porridge is thicker.
  • Buckwheat porridge praises itself: I think it’s good with butter.
  • Thick porridge will not disperse a family.
  • Porridge is our mother.
  • The cook lives better than the prince.
  • You can't over-oil the porridge.
  • You don't need to eat porridge with your teeth.
  • I ate the porridge and the cup hit the floor.
  • Our food is not nuts, but ours is porridge.
  • It's such a cool mess that you can't even put your finger on it.
  • This porridge is our snack.
  • To toothless, porridge is his father, and jelly is his brother.
  • I made the porridge, so don’t skimp on the butter!
  • He looks like a morel and braids the porridge like a hero.
Porridge in expressions
  • Brew porridge - start some troublesome business.
  • I ate little porridge - figurative meaning: young, inexperienced or not strong enough.
  • A mess in someone's head is something disordered, confusion in the head.
  • If you don’t cook porridge, you won’t come to an agreement, you won’t do business with someone.
  • They ask for porridge (shoes, boots) (colloquial jokingly) - they are worn out to holes.
  • Porridge in someone’s mouth (colloquial) – about someone who speaks unclearly, indistinctly.
  • Clear up the mess (colloquially disapprovingly) - unravel a troublesome matter. We made some porridge, and I’ll go ahead and clear it up. Give birch porridge - they warn about possible punishment for some offenses
  • Porridge-malasha - this is what they say when they see some kind of blatant confusion.
More about porridges and cereals

There are different types of porridge. Buckwheat and rice, with water and milk, lean and with meat. Porridge can be tasty and undercooked, “empty” and filling. One word - different dishes.

What types of porridges are there?

According to their composition, there are viscous, liquid and crumbly. Crumbly ones are obtained from rice, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley and some other cereals. Liquid porridge - from semolina, rice, millet, oatmeal. Viscous can be obtained from rice, pearl barley and semolina. In a properly prepared dish, the cereal is well cooked, but does not spread on the plate and holds its shape.

Porridges are prepared with water or milk, or broth (vegetable or meat). Season with butter or vegetable oil, onions, lard, fruits and vegetables.

The types of porridges are even more diverse: buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal, millet, barley, semolina, pea, corn, bearberry, lentil, “dubinushka”, Guryevskaya, Suvorovskaya, monastery. There are as many cereals as there are dishes. And not only from them you can cook porridge. Vegetables are often used to prepare the dish. For example, pumpkin porridge is very tasty. And besides this, there are lesser-known sorghum, rye, quinoa, teff, amaranth and spelt. Mixed versions are also in use - Suvorov, Guryev, “Dubinushka”, monastic.

Moreover, if quinoa, amaranth and African teff are rather exotic strangers, then our ancestors actively and extensively prepared spelled and rye.

Types of porridges in Ukraine

In Ukraine, this dish was prepared regularly and with skill. It is enough to read a dozen Ukrainian folk tales - and in half of them the heroes cook porridge. Already 5 thousand years ago, people in this area knew millet, barley and wheat. The benefits of porridge among the Slavs were successfully complemented by traditions.

The most famous Ukrainian porridge - kutya - was prepared for Christmas.

Some researchers trace the age of this ritual dish back to Neolithic times. Previously, wheat and barley were used for kuti, now rice is used more often. According to tradition, this dish is prepared three times: on Holy Evening, before the Old New Year and on the day before Water Baptism.

Not only Ukrainians had Kutya: other peoples, including Belarusians, Russians, Poles, etc., have this dish and similar rituals associated with it.

Russians and Belarusians have porridge

It is difficult to clearly separate some Slavs from others when we are talking about the 12-13th century. Olga Fomina in her book “Traditions of Russian Meals” writes that porridge was one of the most famous national dishes, in second place after cabbage soup. This dish was used not only as a nourishing and affordable meal, but also for ritual purposes.

They prepared various types of porridges. Porridge was eaten during weddings, at wakes, at christenings, before and after battles. There was a different recipe for each occasion - one for Christmas, another for Agrafena Bathing Day.

Modern Belarusians also have the custom of cooking “babin’s porridge” for christenings. After all, this dish is delicious and, perhaps, that’s why it has survived to this day.

How to cook porridge

There are several basic ways to prepare the dish and many variations on the theme. The main methods: porridge with water, with milk, a combination of the first and second. Side dishes from cereals and salad components are often prepared with water, and independent dishes, especially for children, are prepared with milk.

One of the cooking options is to cook the porridge in vegetable broth. As additives to it you can use vegetables, fruits, salt, sugar, herbs, various oils and spices, nuts and dried fruits.

Lenten dish on water

To get a tasty dish, you need to pay attention to the quality of the cereal, the water, the dishes, and the stove. There are absolutely no trifles in this matter; every moment of cooking changes the taste in one direction or another.

Cereals for porridge should be free of debris and husks. Whole grain cereals are very useful, for example, unpolished rice, barley, pearl barley. Everything except Hercules and semolina must be washed before cooking.

Porridge with water tastes better if it is cooked in “soft” or boiled liquid. Salt, sugar, spices and other ingredients improve and change the taste of a dish for the better. The main thing is to add them on time and in the right quantity.

The cooking algorithm is common for most cereals:

  • If necessary, sort through and rinse with warm or hot water (no need to wash semolina and oatmeal). Drain the water.
  • Put water in a saucepan on fire.
  • When the water boils, add cereal to it. and water is different for each type of cereal - it all depends on whether we want to get viscous, liquid or crumbly porridge.
  • Rice and buckwheat are prepared differently - first the cereal is poured in, then poured with cold water and put on fire.
  • When the cereal absorbs water, turn off the fire. But the porridge is left to “ripen”.
  • Once it has stood, you can add nuts, fruits, dried fruits, etc.

Milk porridge

This dish is great for breakfast, dinner and baby food. Porridge with milk is prepared in almost the same way as with water, only instead of water, a dairy product is poured into the pan. Rice, buckwheat, and millet may not cook well in milk, so you should first boil them until half cooked in water, and then bring them to “condition” with milk.

General rules for cooking with milk:

  • the cereal is poured into boiling liquid;
  • First we salt the milk, then add the cereal to it;
  • you need a little more salt than for dishes on water;
  • after cooking, the porridge in milk should “cook” and evaporate (in the classic version - as long as it stood on the fire);
  • There are cereals that first need to be boiled in water, and only then in milk, for example, rice, buckwheat, millet.

Porridge "Suvorovskaya"

Very tasty dishes are made with vegetable and meat broth. The principle here is the same as with porridge in plain water. But the most nutritious, rich in proteins, vitamins and micro- and macroelements are types of porridges made from several cereals. For example, Suvorovskaya porridge.

As the legend says, this story happened in the 90s of the 18th century. During a military campaign, the famous commander was informed that there were very few products left in stock - a little barley, millet and peas.

It was impossible to cook food for the soldiers - not one, not the other, not the third was in sufficient quantity. Suvorov was not at a loss - he ordered all three products to be mixed and cooked from a mixture of cereals. The health benefits of porridge for soldiers were undeniable, so this dish was often prepared in the army. In addition, the price of cereals is low, which also contributes to the successful inclusion of the dish in the diet of military personnel.

They still know about Suvorov’s porridge today. Housewives often pamper their household with it. The recipe for Suvorov porridge exists in several versions. The ingredient list is similar. Almost all recipes contain carrots, onions, and, of course, cereals. They use anything - from barley, millet and peas, to pearl barley, rice and buckwheat or peas and millet.

How to cook porridge in Suvorov style? It necessarily includes onions, carrots and several cereals equally. Vegetables are stewed in a separate frying pan, porridge is cooked separately. At the end, all ingredients are mixed and served.

Guryevskaya porridge

This is a very interesting dish. It is made from semolina, creamy foam, nuts, and dried fruits. It is believed that it was invented by the cook of Georgy Yurisovsky, a retired major of the Orenburg Dragoon Regiment. It got its name from Count Dmitry Guryev, who stayed with the major for some time. Another version claims that Count Guryev himself invented the porridge.

Guryevskaya is considered a traditional dish in Russian cuisine, although it appeared only at the beginning of the 19th century, while other types of porridges have been known for several centuries. The recipe for the dish uses kaymak - it is laid out in layers in a wide saucepan, interspersed with semolina, boiled and ground with nuts. Afterwards, the dish “finishes” in the oven and is finally decorated with jam or fruit.

This porridge has its own secrets and preparation nuances. It is believed that it was the favorite dish of Alexander III. Moreover, legend says that this is what he ate just before the train crash in 1888.

How to cook Guryev porridge? One of the recipes advises doing this: cook good viscous semolina. Cool, beat the whites, grind the yolks with sugar, fry the walnuts in butter and mix it all with semolina. Take a frying pan with thick walls, pour cream and put on fire. Place the skimmed foam in a saucepan or a suitable frying pan - a layer of foam, a layer of semolina, a layer of foam. The top layer should be a layer of porridge.

The layered dessert porridge should be baked in the oven at 180°C until a golden crust appears. Can be served both hot and chilled.

For decoration, jam, chopped nuts, fruits or dried fruits are suitable, and as a drink - milk and coffee cocktails, sweet liqueurs.

Porridge "Dubinushka"

Another very tasty and interesting type of porridge is “Dubinushka”. It, like Guryev’s, consists of layers, only here there are many more of them.

In different porridge recipes, recipes with photos offer a different set of products. However, in general, the dish is prepared like this: the bottom of a thick dish with high walls (such that it can be placed in the oven) is greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, grated beets are laid out on them.

After that come cucumbers (fresh) and fresh finely chopped greens. The sixth layer is buckwheat. Onions are placed on it, and barley grits are placed on the onions. On top, the ninth layer is grated pumpkin.

The layered workpiece is poured with hot water and cooked over a fire for about 20 minutes, after which it is placed in a preheated oven at low temperature.

When the liquid has evaporated, you can tip the pan onto a dish and get a nice multi-layered “pie”. Instead of cucumbers and peppers, you can use meat. Then you will get not lean, but a very nourishing and tasty porridge with meat, which you wouldn’t be ashamed to include in the restaurant menu.

Monastic porridge

This is another remarkable dish that, according to the name, came from the monks. Russian Orthodox monasteries had different rules and attitudes towards permitted and forbidden food. But they weren't bad cooks. There are different types of this porridge. Recipes with photos convince us that it is prepared with both cereals and vegetables. Prepared correctly and expertly, this porridge is a tasty, filling and inexpensive dish.

It is usually prepared from four ingredients, for example, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley and millet. Vegetables and spices are often added - onions, carrots, black and red peppers, mushrooms. Porridge is perfect for fasting and dieting, and if you add mushrooms, it will become a complete source of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Pumpkin porridge

Pumpkin is not a cereal at all, but the porridge it makes is delicious, aromatic and healthy. This vegetable contains vitamin T (B11, carnitine, L-carnitine), which affects physiological processes in the body. Pumpkin is prepared in different ways. It is baked, boiled, mixed with cereals. One of the cooking options is pumpkin porridge in milk with the addition of cinnamon, salt and sugar.

To do this, the vegetable needs to be cut into pieces. Heat the milk. When it boils, add pumpkin pieces, salt and sugar to taste and a little cinnamon powder on the tip of a spoon. Cook the porridge over low heat, stirring until the pumpkin dissolves. The result is a rather liquid, but very tasty and healthy dish.

Each type is necessary for health. Fiber, proteins, slow carbohydrates (as opposed to fast carbohydrates in cakes and sugar), macro- and microelements - and all this is affordable. All that remains is to learn how to cook delicious porridge.

municipal government educational institution

"Krasnoseltsevskaya secondary school"

Bykovsky municipal district of Volgograd region

Research project

on this topic:

“Why are porridges healthy?”


3rd grade students


Davletkalieva Lidiya Andreevna,

primary school teacher

With. Krasnoselets 2015

Project development algorithm



    Main part……………………………………………………….7

    1. History and reasons for this study……...7

      What is porridge?........................................................ .....................................8

      What is the history of the appearance of porridge in Rus'?............................................10

      What types of porridges are there?........................................................ ...........................eleven

      How is porridge useful?........................................................ ..............................12

      Conducting a questionnaire…………………………………….14


List of references……………………………………………………….17



It’s hard to imagine the morning of a person who cares about his health without porridge. But many people don’t want to eat porridge. Some say it makes you fat, others say it takes a long time to cook. But breakfast brings great benefits to the body.

The relevance of this project is the fact that There is no healthier thing on earth than breakfast. Breakfast should make up 25% of the daily diet. Porridge is one of the oldest dishes in Russia. Porridge is the very product that, thanks to the content of nutrients, gives strength and health to everyone!

Many parents do not know how to cook porridge either for themselves or for their children. Porridges are gradually going out of fashion, and no one wants to mess with them in the world of fast food. Therefore, children do not want to eat porridge in the morning for breakfast, although this healthy dish is available to every family; necessary in a healthy diet.

Porridge is a valuable storehouse of vitamins (especially group B), fiber, proteins and so-called “slow” carbohydrates, since they consist of cereals. Cereals are grains of all kinds and different methods of preparation. In addition, porridges are distinguished by their low calorie content. At least until they're topped with butter and sugar.

Objective of the project: prove that porridge is a nourishing and healthy dish, develop recommendations that will increase the popularity of porridge among children

Project objectives:

    study literature on the topic;

    analyze the concept of “porridge”;

    get acquainted with different types of grain crops used for preparing cereals;

    find out what porridge is and how it is useful;

    find ancient recipes for making porridge;

    select illustrative material to accompany this work;

    conduct a study of the school breakfast menu and peers’ opinions about cereals using a questionnaire;

    consolidate ideas about the work of a cook and introduce them to the work of a cook through observations; cultivate respect for working people.

Project type: research

Object of study:

- canteen of MKOU "Krasnoseltsevskaya Secondary School"

Porridge as a food product

Subject of study: beneficial properties of porridge

Project participants:

School students


School cook

Medical worker

Research methods:

    from theoretical methods - analysis of literature, analysis of concepts;

    from general scientific sociological methods - questioning (or questionnaire);

    One of the empirical research methods is observation.


    electronic resources

Project duration: short.

Age of project participants: 9-10 years


When asking children “What do you like to eat most for breakfast? “Not a single student said that they eat porridge for breakfast. Children believe that cereals are not tasty and do not have to be eaten.

Therefore, before us there aroseproblem - how to help children discover the valuable qualities of dairy products and cereals, their importance for the development of the child’s body.

A problem has emerged: children have insufficiently formed ideas about the importance of eating cereals for the growth and health of children.

Research hypothesis :

We assume that as a result of the study we will prove that eating porridge has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Practical importance Our research is to develop recommendations that increase the popularity of porridge as a high-quality and healthy food product.


Porridge is the very product that, thanks to the content of nutrients, gives strength and health to everyone! Porridge is the best breakfast.The usefulness of breakfast with porridge is that it allows you to feel full for quite a long time.

Practical importance research :

Expected Result:

    ideas will be formed about the benefits of cereals in the baby’s diet, the importance of their consumption for growth and health.

    will develop an interest in preserving one’s own health.

    if children know more about the benefits of porridge, then perhaps they will love this dish or, at least, change their attitude towards porridge for the better;

    If children at school are happy to eat porridge for breakfast, they will get sick less, and therefore a healthy generation in our country will grow up.



One of the main childhood memories is porridge!When we were younger, we didn't understand why our mothers sometimes just forced us to eat porridge. They told us that eating porridge is healthy, that porridge helps us grow strong and healthy -“One more spoon for grandma!”, “Until the plate is clean, you won’t go for a walk!”When we became schoolchildren, we noticed that in the school canteen on the days when we were fed porridge for breakfast, some children did not want to eat it and did not listen to the cook who said that porridge was healthy. Nowadays, porridge is considered the food of the elderly, children and sick people. But is this really so? Why do many children often refuse to eat porridge? We wondered - is porridge really healthy, why do many children not want to eat it? What is porridge anyway, and what types of porridge are there?

Collecting information about the benefits of porridge and its nutritional properties.

1.2. WHAT IS PORridge?

From the literature we learned that there are many scientific definitions of the concept of porridge. For example, in the large explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language D.N. Ushakov gives the following interpretation of this word:

PORridge, porridge, · women

1. A dish made from cereals boiled in water or milk.Buckwheat porridge. Milk porridge. with an unsuccessful blow a figure in a game of gorodki or skittles, whenever

2. trans. About the fact that, when liquefied, it becomes similar to this food ( preim. about dirt; · colloquial ). After the thaw and the first rains, the road turned into some kind of dirty mess.

3. trans. Confusion, disorder (in thoughts;· colloquial femme ). He has a mess in his head.

4. One town crushed, not a single pin knocked out of line ( sport. ). Make porridge .


Interesting facts about porridge:

1. The Chinese were the first to cultivate millet, from which millet cereal is made. Then millet came from China to other countries. Millet porridge was loved in Rus' for its yellow color. Millet porridge is rich in B vitamins and many microelements. Substances contained in millet prevent fat deposition.

In some Russian regions, during matchmaking, the bride had to serve millet porridge to the guests. Only the one whose porridge turned out crumbly and without a specific bitterness was married.

2. Buckwheat is made from buckwheat seeds. But this porridge is eaten only in the CIS countries; the rest of the world feeds pheasants with “base grains” and stuffs their pillows with buckwheat husks. Due to its high iron content, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and accelerates wound healing.

3. Pearl barley and barley porridge are cooked from barley grains (whole polished ones are used for pearl barley, crushed ones for barley).

Barley is an ancient cereal that was a valuable commodity and even a standard of weight for many cultures. Nowadays pearl barley porridge is not very popular because its preparation requires time and skill. Meanwhile, Japanese researcher Yoshihie Hagiwara, who spent 13 years studying 150 types of cereals, came to the conclusion that barley is the best source of nutrients. In addition, this cereal removes toxins from the body and successfully fights infections.

Excavations of ancient settlements near Kyiv confirm that barley was the main grain of these lands and all lands located to the north. In the 10th and 11th centuries, the transition to wheat forced farmers to destroy barley crops. Some historians believe that this is what indirectly influenced the change in the climate of central Russia from moderately mild (as in Europe) to more damp and cold. The fact is that forests were destroyed for wheat crops; it was more profitable to grow wheat, since it was more expensive. But more land was required for it, unlike barley, which was more unpretentious, and its yield was higher.

Barley was also grown in America.

Perlovka owes its name to its resemblance to freshwater pearls (from the word “pearl” - pearl). Yachka is healthier than pearl barley because it is not polished and retains more vitamins.

4. Wheat and semolina porridge are prepared from crushed wheat (wheat porridge) and ground (semolina). The most refined variety of semolina is Guryev porridge. The delicacy made with milk with the addition of nuts, creamy foam and dried fruits was invented at the beginning of the 19th century by the Minister of Finance, Count Guryev.

In the 1920s, when the All-Union Children's Pioneer Camp was formed, a cheap and satisfying dish became the basis of the children's diet. Processed wheat cereals help you gain weight. But they contain almost no useful elements.

5. Oatmeal is cooked from flattened oat grains.

“Oatmeal” is most popular in Scotland, where a championship in the preparation of this dish is held. And Edinburgh has the world's only oatmeal bar.

Oatmeal increases the body's resistance, improves metabolic processes and heart function. Three quarters of a glass of dry cereal covers a person's daily fiber requirement.

6. Mamalyga or corn porridge. Cooked from corn flour. This porridge was the main dish of Romanian and Moldavian peasants, because corn was not taxed. Corn porridge improves metabolic processes in the brain and strengthens memory. It does not contain fat, cholesterol or gluten, so it is recommended for those who suffer from allergies.

7. Rice porridge. Made from rice grains. Rice originated about 15,000 years ago in the area of ​​South Korea. Later it was brought to Europe by Alexander the Great. But in Russia they tried rice only under Peter the Great and called it “Saracenic millet.” The word "rice" did not appear until the end of the 19th century.

In Japanese, the word "rice" and "eat" are the same word. In China, the expression “breaking a bowl of rice” means leaving work.

Rice contains amino acids and B vitamins that are beneficial for humans and does not contain gluten.


The cereal is poured into the pan,
Fill with cold water,
And they put it on the stove to cook.
And what can happen here?(answer: porridge)

Black, little baby,
And there is a lot of land in it,
They will cook in the water,
The guys will eat it.

(answer: porridge)

Black, little baby,
and there is a lot of land in it;
They'll cook it in the water and the kids will eat it.
(answer: porridge)

In the city of Torzhok
They sell a woman in a pot.
(answer: porridge)


The pot is small, but it cooks porridge.
The porridge is good, but the cup is small.
Once you’ve made the porridge, don’t skimp on the oil.
To be without porridge if there is no butter.
Grandma with porridge, and grandfather with a spoon.
You made the porridge yourself, so you can disentangle it yourself.
And a fool will understand how they put butter into the porridge.
Without bread and without porridge, our labors are worthless.

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