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How to create a study guide

The new stage in the development of education in Russia, associated with the transition to variable and specialized education, is accompanied by a variety of educational literature both at the federal and regional levels, and within individual educational institutions. In these conditions, the question of the need to clearly define the meaning and functions of each type of educational book, in particular, a textbook and a teaching aid, is legitimate.

Let us consider sequentially the definitions of the terms “educational book”, “educational literature”, “textbook”, “textbook”, which are given in special bibliological, research and pedagogical literature.

V.S. Tsetlin gives the following definition of the concept “educational book”: “ Utextbook– a teaching aid that is provided for teaching and learning in secondary schools in the form of a book or brochure . Educational books meet the requirements of the programs, contain didactically and methodologically processed material (as a rule) of one academic subject for one academic year. To a greater extent than other means of teaching, educational books serve to develop spiritual abilities and instill the ability to learn from books. They serve as the basis for self-education and lifelong learning. Educational books are necessary for teachers and students, both in the classroom and at home."

TO educational literature include textbooks, teaching aids, lecture texts, teaching aids, problem books, reference books and other printed materials used in training sessions. Educational literature is the most important element of methodological support for the educational process.

In the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002 “On the definition of the terms “textbook” and “educational aid” it is noted that “ Textbook is the main textbook for a specific discipline. It sets out a system of basic knowledge that is mandatory for students to master. The content of the textbook must meet the requirements of the state educational standard and fully disclose the approximate program for a specific discipline.”

In the works of other researchers textbook defined as:

1. “A mass educational book that sets out the subject content of education and defines the types of activities intended by the school curriculum for mandatory learning by students, taking into account their age or other characteristics.”

2. “An educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline or its section, part, corresponding to the state standard and curriculum and officially approved as this type of publication.”

3. “A set of reduced and systematized knowledge in the field of a certain science (educational and scientific discipline) or field of activity and the apparatus for organizing their assimilation; the most important source of educational information, the main didactic tool that ensures the activities of learning and teaching.”

4. “A book or other medium of information that contains systematic educational material necessary for organizing education for a specific training course.”

If we generalize the above definitions of the term “textbook”, we can conclude that textbook - This:

Learning Tool;

The main and leading type of educational literature.

The textbook is characterized by a systematic presentation of educational material in accordance with the curriculum. In addition, the textbook must contain at least 75% of the educational material provided by the program.

Tutorial , along with a textbook, is a type of educational literature. In the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002 “On the definition of the terms “textbook” and “educational aid”” it is noted that “ Tutorial is considered as an addition to the textbook. The textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only part (several sections) of the sample program. Unlike a textbook, a manual can include not only proven, generally accepted knowledge and provisions, but also different opinions on a particular issue. In the case when a new discipline is introduced into the curriculum or new topics are introduced into the curriculum, the publication of a textbook is initially organized. A textbook, as a rule, is created on the basis of a proven manual.”

In order to highlight the essential features of the textbook, we will consider a number of definitions of the concept “ tutorial ».

1. “Aids are those books that help you use textbooks faster and more fruitfully.”

2. “A textbook is a type of educational book that solves individual problems that are important for the development of students’ independence and their spiritual strength. Teaching aids include reference books, bibliographies, and revision books."

3. “A textbook is an addition to a textbook if it (the textbook) does not cover all issues of the curriculum or does not reflect the latest achievements of science and practice on certain issues.”

4. “Textbooks (readers, collections of problems and exercises, dictionaries, reference books, books for extracurricular reading, etc.) are a significant addition to the textbook. A distinctive feature of textbooks is that they present educational material in a more expanded manner, significantly supplementing and expanding the textbook material with the latest information and reference information.”

5. “The textbook should be considered as a source of educational information and a teaching tool that complements the textbook and contributes to the expansion, deepening and better assimilation of knowledge.”

6. “A textbook is a publication that partially or completely replaces or supplements a textbook, officially approved as a given type of publication.”

It should be noted that the last of the considered definitions introduces uncertainty into the interpretation of the concept of “textbook”, leads to confusion between the concepts of “textbook” and “textbook” due to the introduction into the definition of the attribute “partially (completely) replacing a textbook.”

Summarizing the above definitions of the term “textbook”, we can conclude that tutorial - This:

- learning tool;

Source of educational information;

- type of educational literature that complements the textbook.

For clarity, we present the results of the analysis schematically (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. General and specific features of a textbook and teaching aid

Thus, in this consideration, the textbook has a number of fundamental differences with the textbook: unlike a textbook, which is characterized by a systematic fundamental presentation of the academic discipline, the textbook is intended to obtain additional knowledge on the topics presented in the textbook with the aim of deeper independent study of the subject of a specific academic discipline . The study guide contains a larger volume of educational text and educational tasks compared to a textbook, which allows you to study and assimilate a specific educational topic in more depth.

  • Kraevsky V.V. Basics of training. Didactics and methodology: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments / V.V. Kraevsky, A.V. Khutorskoy. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2007. – 352 p.
  • Organizational and legal foundations of military education and technology of professionally oriented training. In two parts / Ed. B.N. Druganova. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house MVAA, 2005. – Part 2. – 278 p.
  • Pedagogy: A textbook for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges / Ed. P.I. Faggot. – M.: “Pedagogical Society of Russia”, 2004. – 608 p.
  • Smirnov V.I. Educational book in the system of didactic means // University book. – 2001. – No. 10. – P. 16–26.
  • Tsetlin V.S. The problem of the textbook in foreign didactics // Reference materials for the creators of educational books / Comp. V.G. Beilinson. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1991. – P. 269–304.
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    Kineshma 2015

    Ogoreltseva M.G.Methodological recommendations for the compilation and design of educational publications. Methodological manual for teachers of FCPOU "KTTI" Ministry of Labor of Russia.

    These guidelines have been compiled to help technical school teachers develop educational and methodological materials for the disciplines taught. The recommendations include uniform requirements for the structure, content and design of educational publications. - Kineshma, FCPOU "KTTI" Ministry of Labor of Russia, 2015. - 46 p.


    Explanatory note................................................... ...........................................4

    Types and types of educational publications.................................................... .................................5

    Requirements for educational and methodological publications....................................15

    General requirements ......................................................................................15

    Content requirements ..........................................................................15

    Structure requirements .............................................................................16

    Requirements for the text part ..................................................................20

    Presentation of certain types of text material ......................22

    Bibliography................................................................ ....................................35

    Applications........................................................ ........................................................ .......36

    Explanatory note

    The need to ensure high-quality implementation of the state educational standard of secondary vocational education has intensified the search by pedagogical science and practice for ways to increase the efficiency of the educational process and the quality of training of specialists. The content of secondary vocational education, teaching technologies, and forms of organizing the educational process are being intensively updated. The problem of educational and methodological support for the educational process has become important for teachers of the technological boarding school. Pedagogical practice convincingly proves that the quality and effectiveness of the educational process are significantly increased if this process is ensured in a comprehensive manner.

    In light of the requirements of the educational standard, technical school teachers must know the methodological foundations for designing complexes of didactic teaching aids, be able to develop these complexes and adapt them to the real conditions of the educational process.

    The purpose of these methodological recommendations is to assist teachers in developing educational and methodological materials, which are a necessary condition for ensuring the educational process in a technical school. Give teachers some specific recommendations and advice that will be useful and to some extent facilitate his difficult quest, and warn against many common mistakes. Along with this, it is necessary to acquaint teachers with educational and methodological support as such: its composition (structural structure), content (documents, technical objects), requirements for their development.

    Any work done by a teacher acquires real significance only when other people (teachers, students) have the opportunity to become familiar with its results. Therefore, an important stage of the activity is its registration.

    If a teacher wants his colleagues to know about his experience, he must keep in mind that in this case he acts in a new capacity - as an author. The author's development is a purely individual thing, a product of the teacher's creative activity, therefore his activity is subject to slightly different laws and requirements. It is necessary to explain clearly to colleagues what changes his experience in traditional practice, what is the effectiveness of his teaching activities. What are his ideas and approaches?

    The requirements for the design of teaching materials increase if the teacher intends to submit them for examination. This is due to the fact that experts evaluate the work in absentia and, not being able to ask questions that interest them personally, look for answers in the text itself. Therefore, it must be extremely clear and contain answers to all possible questions from experts. One of the tasks set in these methodological recommendations is to give teachers generalized and systematized ideas about the organization of the activity of creating teaching materials.

    The condition for the successful use of the proposed recommendations is the individual’s desire for self-improvement: it is necessary to constantly report to oneself in order to determine one’s future prospects.

    Types and types of educational publications determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    System of educational publications

    Educational publications

    Textbook - this is an educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline or its section, part, corresponding to the state educational standard and standard curriculum and officially approved as this type of publication.

    The only opportunity to become the author of a textbook is to receive the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and for this the textbook must be created at a high scientific and methodological level, fully comply with the federal component of the discipline of the state educational standard of the specialty, determined by the didactic units of the standard.

    Tutorial - This is an educational publication that partially or completely replaces or supplements a textbook and is officially approved by a higher authority as this type of publication for a certain category of educational institutions.

    To obtain the status of a teaching aid, the work must undergo the appropriate examination and receive the stamp “Approved” or “Recommended” for use in the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education.

    The textbook must correspond to the course program (section), contain new material that expands the content of the main textbook, reflect new current problems and trends, and be intended to expand, deepen and improve the assimilation of knowledge.

    Separate lecture - educational publication containing the text of one lecture. Reflects the content, volume and form of presentation of a lecture given by a specific teacher.

    Lecture texts - an educational and theoretical publication that fully or partially covers the content of an academic discipline or goes beyond the scope of the curriculum. Reflects material taught by a specific teacher.

    Lecture course - an educational publication (a set of individual lectures) that fully covers the content of the academic discipline. Reflects material taught by a specific teacher.

    Lecture notes - an educational publication that reflects in a compact form the material of the entire course taught by a specific teacher.

    Educational and methodological publications

    Educational and methodological manual is an educational and methodological publication containing systematized information of a scientific, practical and applied nature, presented in a form that is accessible and convenient from a methodological point of view for independent study and mastery of the academic discipline.

    A distinctive feature of the teaching aid is the comprehensive nature of the presentation of the material, i.e. theory in logical combination with practice.

    Educational and methodological manualmay contain, in addition to theoretical material, guidelines, recommendations, tasks, tasks for self-testing and self-analysis of the student’s work or samples of their solutions, etc.

    Thus, ifthe course of lectures has methodological support , i.e. answers the question:“How to use lectures in the educational process?” , - then it can be attributed toeducational and methodological aids.

    The same applies toworkshop . If in itincluded standards and algorithms for solving practical problems and exercises , facilitating the assimilation, consolidation, testing of knowledge, then the work isteaching aid .

    Guidelines - an educational and methodological publication containing materials on the methods of independent study or practical mastery by students of an academic discipline and preparation for testing knowledge. Methodological recommendations may include requirements for the content, design and defense of coursework and dissertations.

    Guidelines - an educational and methodological publication containing a general description of the discipline (goals, objectives of its study, the complex of subjects on which it is based), as well as forms and methods and types of independent work of students (studying literary sources, lecture notes, preparing for practical classes, compiling reports, etc.).

    How do methodological recommendations differ from methodological instructions?

    The term “instructions” is used in cases where the content suggests a certain algorithm of actions, which must be strictly followed to obtain a result, i.e. This is an instruction that explains the nature and sequence of actions when students perform a specific educational task.

    Recommendations often suggest possible stages of completing a task and describe the specifics of carrying out individual parts of the work. In this case, the student has the right to independently determine the algorithm for completing the task.

    Types of guidelines

      methodological instructions for seminar classes;

      methodological instructions for practical classes;

      guidelines for laboratory work;

      methodological instructions for studying individual sections (topics) of the course, etc.

    Methodological development - this is a set of educational and methodological materials that determine the content, order, methods and means of conducting classes on a topic or individual educational issues.

    Methodological development can be both individual and collective work. It is aimed at professional and pedagogical improvement of a teacher or master of industrial training or the quality of training in educational specialties

    Methodological development may be

      developing a specific lesson;

      developing a series of lessons;

      development of the topic of the academic discipline;

      development of extracurricular activities;

      development of a general methodology for teaching subjects;

      Development of new forms, methods or means of training and education

    Methodological developments for training sessions or course topics are clearly structured and reflect all components of the educational process.

    Methodological developments of lessons (lessons) - a type of educational and methodological publication to help the teacher, training master, in a systematic way reflecting the content and course of the lesson or lesson. Among the methodological developments of lessons (lessons), a distinction is made between lesson (lesson) plans and lesson (lesson) notes.

    Lesson plan - a logically ordered list of questions to be studied in the lesson, succinctly reflecting the sequence of presentation of the material and the course of the lesson.The most important requirement for a lesson plan - accuracy, meaningful brevity, i.e. the ability to reflect the content and course of the lesson as fully and accurately as possible in a minimum amount of text.

    Lesson summary - a combination of a plan and a brief written record of the content and sequence of stages of a lesson, which has an author’s, individualized character. Designed for subsequent restoration of educational information with varying degrees of completeness during the lesson. It is characterized by multi-address: teachers, teaching assistants, administration and/or representatives of educational authorities. Unlike the lesson planThe outline or lesson notes contains not only a list of issues discussed in the lesson and stages of the lesson, but also fragments of the teacher’s speech or the full text of the new material.

    Methodological developments summarizing teaching experience.

    This is the most complex type of methodological development, requiring experience in research activities, a creative approach to creation and design.

    The main features of advanced pedagogical experience are:

      high quantitative and qualitative indicators of the results of the educational process according to the main criteria of secondary vocational education;

      professional and labor experience of the teacher, i.e. the desire and availability of the necessary skills in various types of professional activities;

      the ability to analyze the process and result of professional pedagogical work;

      self-control, self-analysis of the work done, connection between theory and practice;

      rationalization approach to business;

      correction in the organization of the teacher’s work;

      optimality of teaching experience (achieving the best results in educational work with the least, economical expenditure of effort and time of teachers and students);

      stability, stability of experience, its long-term functioning;

      possibility of repetition and creative use by other teachers;

      prospects of experience;

      scientific validity of experience (scientific interpretation of pedagogical phenomena).

    To design a methodological development for generalizing pedagogical experience, it is necessary to study this experience.

    There are several stages in the study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

    First stage - detection of a contradiction between the existing forms and methods of work of a teacher or teaching staff, on the one hand, and the needs to increase its effectiveness, on the other. This contradiction is recognized, comprehended, and the problem is formulated in terms, concepts and categories of pedagogical science.

    Second phase - identification of finds, novelties in the work of individual teachers or entire teams that have certain achievements in educational work. The object of research, study and generalization of experience is determined.

    Third stage - drawing up a comprehensive program for studying and summarizing experience. To do this, the topic and goal are formulated, the object, subject of study and generalization are clarified. Research methods are outlined and specified, i.e. it is determined which issues will be studied and by what methods. Stages of work and calendar dates for studying specific objects are established. Diagnostic techniques are being developed to allow for the collection and analysis of information about teaching experience.

    Onfourth stage Work is underway to collect pedagogical facts and other empirical and informational material (based on the program). The received material is clarified and its accuracy is checked. For further study and generalization, the pedagogical experience must be described (name the authors, define the problem, consistently retell the content of the experience, describe the specific conditions and time in which it is implemented, show the successes of educational work related to the described experience.

    Onfifth stage the described experience is comprehended: facts are compared, compared, analyzed, relationships are identified, the nature of the dependence between them is determined, the nature of the dependence of the pedagogical process on specific conditions is determined. Specific conclusions follow from this.

    Sixth stage - preparation of methodological development. The structure of such development cannot be strictly regulated. However, it is advisable to reflect the following components:

      1. Explanatory note (justifies the reasons why the author proposes to organize the learning process in one way or another, characterizes the conditions for creating the development, determines the scope of its application).

        The main part (the content may include several sections and should answer the questions: What does the author propose? Why does he propose to do this? How should it be done to get a guaranteed result? What are the conditions for using the development?).



    Auxiliary publications

    Workshops - publications designed to consolidate the material covered and test knowledge using various methods. They contain practical tasks and exercises that facilitate the assimilation of the material covered and the formation of the necessary competencies.

    The workshops are aimed at:

      To consolidate knowledge and skills

      To develop practical work skills

      To master the forms and methods of cognition

      Reflect the main aspects of the training course with a more detailed consideration and consolidation

      May consist of:

      Questions and assignments

      Additional guidelines for their implementation

      Clarifications of the most difficult questions

    Workshops include:

      collection of tasks (exercises);

      laboratory workshop;

      collection of seminar lesson plans;

      collection of control tasks (tests), etc.

    Workbook - this is a methodological development for independent (classroom or extracurricular) work of students, which allows them to generalize, consolidate and systematize knowledge in the discipline, develop skills in applying acquired knowledge, and check the results of their work with the goal of a mandatory report.

    The structure of the workbook may be different, which, in turn, is due to:

      the content of the discipline being studied, the degree of its complexity;

      the nature (style) of managing students’ cognitive activity;

      the initial level of preparedness of the audience;

      age characteristics of listeners;

      learning conditions;

      creative abilities of the teacher.

    Let's consider a workbook model that includes 4 blocks: three main (mandatory) and one optional.

    First block (“Updating support activities”) represents the so-called mobilizing principle. It contains questions and tasks that allow you to recall previously acquired knowledge in your memory, which is required for understanding, comprehension and better memorization of new material. This block of tasks allows you to concentrate the student’s attention on the issue being studied and increase interest in the topic being studied. Reproduction of basic knowledge is proposed to be presented verbally.

    Second block is a structured summary reflecting the content of the material being studied.

    A structured outline is a kind of stencil for a lecture, containing silent drawings, diagrams, tables, empty frames, which are filled in during the lecture. All drawn objects either specify or complement the text part, that is, they help reveal the meaning of what is written. The use of such a model (structured notes) not only saves study time, but also instills note-taking skills, allows you to focus attention on the main issues of the topic, and cultivates accuracy and aesthetic qualities.

    Third block (“Self-control”) provides a system of didactic tasks that activate and organize students’ self-training. Performing training exercises contributes to:

      improving students’ skills to independently work on the content of the topic being studied;

      development of mental activity and analytical abilities of students;

      fostering interest and a responsible attitude towards doing homework.

    When selecting questions and tasks, a differentiated approach is implemented: the degree of complexity of tasks increases from control questions that require simple reproduction of a certain portion of known information, to tasks that establish interdisciplinary connections, or tasks that require the ability to compare, classify, analyze and make generalizations. All tasks begin with encouraging words:

      draw a diagram...

      make the appropriate notations...

      reproduce the diagrams...

      identify the main elements...

      highlight the distinctive features...

    Fourth block (optional) includes a list of abstract reports on the studied section of the discipline and recommended literature. This block is associated with independent work of students, a specific work program of the discipline.

    The information offered in this part of the workbook may interest students and serve as a stimulus for the further development of cognitive activity and creative activity.

    The distribution of tasks in the notebook according to the principle “from simple to complex” allows the student to determine his level of mastery of knowledge and skills.

    If, after the first stage of independent work with a notebook, a student finds out that he is classified as weak, average or strong in a given discipline, then after systematic, systematic work he will discover with satisfaction that now he is definitely classified as strong.

    The workbook is the assistant that gives the student guidelines that allow him to move forward. The workbook disciplines the process of learning and thinking, and helps to consistently master the knowledge system outlined by the curriculum.

    Handout didactic material has methodological value if the teacher approaches its creation systematically, drawing up methodological recommendations for its use in the educational process.

    Requirements for educational publications

    General requirements

    1. Educational and methodological publications must have a current focus:

      contain elements of analysis and comparison, generalization of pedagogical experience, taking into account the achievements of modern pedagogical science;

      ensure the connection of the studied material with modern pedagogical science;

      meet the requirements of educational standards.

    2. The material must be systematized and presented as simply and clearly as possible.

    3. The language of methodological development should be concise, competent, and convincing. The terminology used must correspond to the pedagogical (industrial) thesaurus

    4. Educational and methodological publications must be reviewed by the cycle methodological commission and approved by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs and recommended to teachers for use.

    Content requirements

      Contenteducational publicationmust be clearly relevant to the topic and purpose.

      Contenteducational publicationshould be such that teachers can obtain information about the most rational organization of the educational process, the effectiveness of methods and teaching techniques, forms of presentation of educational material, and the use of modern technical and information teaching aids.

      Author's (private) methods should not repeat the content of textbooks and curricula, describe the phenomena and technical objects being studied, or cover issues presented in general pedagogical literature.

      The material should be systematized and presented as simply and clearly as possible.

      Educational and methodological publicationshould take into account the specific material and technical conditions of the educational process, orient the organization of the educational process towards the widespread use of active forms and methods of teaching.

      Educational and methodological publicationshould reveal the question “How to teach.”

      Educational and methodological publicationshould contain specific materials that a teacher can use in his work (task cards, lesson plans, instructions for laboratory work, chart cards, tests, multi-level tasks, etc.).

      TOeducational publicationA multimedia presentation may be attached.

    The presentation should reflect:

      relevance of the chosen topic;

      compliance of the content of the presentation with the topic of the educational publication;

      compliance of the material with the modern level of development of science and technology;

      correct use of scientific, technical, methodological and other terminology;

      illustrative presentation material;

      readability and text design;

      presentation color scheme;

      optimal number of slides;

      effectiveness of animation.

    The presentation is attached to the educational publication in electronic form or on paper. The presentation is printed in the form of 2 slides per A4 sheet. It must be taken into account that a color image enhances the effectiveness of perception. The presentation is performed in programs installed on the technical school computers.

    Structure requirements

    General structure:

    1. Cover

    2. Title page

    3. Reverse side of the title page

    4. Contents

    5. List of symbols (if necessary);

    6. Introduction

    7. The main part, divided into chapters (if necessary, into paragraphs and


    8. Conclusion

    9. Dictionary /if required/

    10. Bibliography

    11. List of electronic resources

    12. Application

    The cover is not a required element.

    Title page is the first page of the publication, is filled out according to strictly defined rules and includes:

      the full name of the educational institution is at the top;

      name of the topic, type of material (methodological development, description of experience, program, etc.) - in the middle part;

      place and year of the job description - at the bottom

    Title reflects the object of the educational publication (name). The name is printed in capital letters.

    Subtitle is a type of document or type of publication. Printed in lowercase letters, except for the first capital. It is allowed to first indicate the type of document (methodological instructions, teaching aid, methodological development or others), and then the academic discipline or course to which it belongs. Other necessary, in the opinion of the author, data may also be provided.

    Reverse side of title page in order it contains: the surname and initials of the author(s), title of the work, place of publication, year of publication, number of pages.

    Below is a brief summary of the work (abstract), consisting of three to five sentences, which indicates what problem the educational publication is devoted to, what issues it reveals, and who may find it useful. Next, the cycle commission is indicated at whose meeting the work was considered, a recommendation for its application is given, the date of the commission meeting, the protocol number, and the signature of the commission chairman. Also below is the last name and initials of the reviewer(s) (if there is a review).

    An example of the design of the title page and the reverse side of the title page is given inAppendix 1 .

    After the title page the table of contents is placed.


    The concept “CONTENT” is written in the form of a heading symmetrically to the text in capital letters. Content headings should exactly match the headings in the text. They cannot be shortened or given in a different wording, sequence or subordination compared to the headings in the text. Headings of the same categories of categories must be placed one below the other. All headings begin with a capital letter without a period at the end. The last word of each heading is connected by an accent to its corresponding page number in the right column of the table of contents. The contents also include a list of appendices.

    The table of contents can be placed at the beginning of the educational publication - after the title page, or at the end of the educational publication - after the list of references.( Appendix 2 ).

    Introduction (preface, explanatory note - no more than 0.1% of the development volume).

    The function of this section is to justify the reasons why the author proposes to act in one way or another, reveal the logic of the presentation, argue the approach to solving a problem situation in the pedagogical process, etc. In essence, this is an introduction to the main part, so here it is necessary clearly state its key points, present in more detail the argumentation of the author’s main positions. So, the task of the introduction is to explain and justify.

    The introduction should show:

    1) the relevance and significance of this educational publication;

    2) the degree of development of this problem in scientific, pedagogical and methodological literature;

    3) educational, practical or scientific value;

    4) an explanation of the place of this publication (proposed goal and objectives) in this course of study and professional training system;

    5) special attention in the introduction is paid to the educational purpose of the work, that is, an explanation of what knowledge, abilities, skills should be acquired by the user as a result of working with the proposed educational publication.

    The introduction can also briefly present the logical structure of the educational publication or the general principle of working with it.

    Main part.

    The main part should be devoted to solving the problems posed in the introduction and fully reveal the essence of the educational publication.

    Conclusion (1-2 pages) of the educational and methodological publication is not just a list of the results obtained, but their final synthesis, i.e. formulating what is new that the author has introduced to solve the problem. The conclusion should not be replaced by a mechanical summation of conclusions.

    Dictionary (if required) - special words (characteristic of any type of activity) and their meaning are indicated that the author uses when writing an educational publication in order to explain their meaning to readers.

    Bibliography constitutes one of the essential parts and reflects the independent creative work of the author. It indicates the entire list of literature (printed, periodicals) used by the author to write an educational publication.Quotes and data must have links to sources.

    The content of information about sources must correspond to the examples according toAppendix 3.

    List of electronic resources - a list of electronic sources is indicated (Internet addresses, video, audio disks, electronic encyclopedias, etc.).

    Application (technological documents, drawings, tables, etc.) - this is a part of the main text that has an additional (usually reference) value, but is necessary for a more complete coverage of the material.Applicationsare drawn up on separate sheets.


    Availability of external review necessary for working training programs, which are approved by the deputy director for academic work of the technical school. External reviews are carried out by leading teachers of technical schools, colleges, specialists from universities, and enterprises of the relevant profile. The presence of internal reviews is necessary for all other types of educational publications in case of their submission to competitions, for publication in periodicals, i.e. for further widespread use. This type of review can be performed by experienced technical school teachers.

    The review must contain: the name of the topic and the author of the educational publication; mention of the quantitative volume of the text part and the number of appendices; a short list of the main issues presented in the work being reviewed; mandatory characterization of the content in terms of its relevance; a list of positive aspects and main disadvantages, assessment of the real significance of the educational publication; conclusion about the innovation of the work performed and the possibility of using it in the educational process for teachers or students; position and place of work of the reviewer, his signature.

    The review is attached to the educational publication.

    Requirements for the text part

      The text of the work is performed on a PC.

      All pages of text must correspond to the same A4 or A5 format. The volume of the educational and methodological publication must exceed 15 pages.

      The text should be placed on one side of a sheet of paper with the following margin sizes: A4 format - left - 3.0 cm, right - 1.5 cm, top - 2.0 cm, bottom - 2.0 cm in a text editorWordfont number 12TimesNewRoman, line spacing 1.15 or 1.5, aligned to page width.

      Page numbering: pages of text are numbered in Arabic numerals, observing continuous numbering throughout the text; the title page, as well as the table of contents, are included in the overall page numbering of the text. However, the page number is not placed on either the title page or the table of contents; Page numbers are numbered starting from the “Introduction”, which is located on the third (fourth) page.

      Chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs, subparagraphs of the text are numbered in Arabic numerals with a dot, for example: 1., 1.1., 1.1.1. etc.

      The introduction, main chapters, conclusion, bibliography, auxiliary indexes and appendices should start on a new page and have a title printed in capital letters. Paragraphs, paragraphs and subparagraphs are arranged in order one after another.

      Headings of structural elements of the text should be placed in the middle of the line without a period at the end, without underlining.Word hyphens are not allowed. The distance between headings and text should be at least 2-3 spaces. Fonts for headings of structural elements at different levels (chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs, subparagraphs) must be of the same type.

    The most common errors:

      dots are placed after headings, names of tables and appendices;

      A3 format can only be used for applications.

    Application design

    In cases where graphs, tables and other material are too voluminous and also inappropriate in the text, but carry additional semantic information, they must be placed in appendices.

    Applications are intended to make the content of the work easier to understand and may include:

      materials supplementing the text; supporting illustrations;

      characteristics of materials and tools used to perform the work;

      questionnaires and methods (including instructions; stimulus material, answer forms, keys and interpretation materials);

      test reports, answer sheets and forms filled out by test takers, etc.;

      auxiliary data tables; intermediate formulas and calculations.

    Application Submission Rules

      Applications are placed at the end of the methodological development.

      Each application must start on a new page and have a meaningful title.

      Applications are numbered in Arabic numerals and sequential numbering.

      The application number is placed in the upper right corner above the title after the word “Application”; there is no dot after this inscription.

      Appendices must have continuous page numbering in common with the rest of the educational publication.

      All applications in the main part of the methodological development should have the same type of links.

      In applications containing stimulus material, the use of color printing and the use of various fonts is permitted.

    Federal state-owned professional educational institution

    "Kineshma Technological College-Boarding School"

    Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation


    Methodological development of an open lesson by discipline: ______________________________________________________

    code and name of discipline

    Considered at the meeting of the Central Committee


    name of the commission

    Chairman of the Central Committee:

    _______ / __________________ /

    signature Full name

    Developed by the teacher:


    Full name

    Kineshma 20__ .



    At the meeting of the Central Committee _________________________________

    Protocol No._____ dated “___”_______________20__

    Chairman of the Central Committee ________ / Full name /

    Author's full name."Job title". Methodological development of an open lesson on the discipline ""

    annotation (3-4 sentences)

    Federal state-owned professional educational institution

    "Kineshma Technological College-Boarding School"

    Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation


    Methodological development of class hour

    Developed a cool one

    team leader ____


    Full name

    Kineshma 20__ .



    Deputy Director for VR

    _______ / ________________ /


    annotation (3-4 sentences)

    .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - Kineshma, FCPOU "KTTI" Ministry of Labor of Russia, 20__.

    Appendix 2


    Application................................................. ........................................................ .............

    Appendix 3

    Examples of source design

    Ioffe, I.L. Design of processes and apparatus of chemical technology: a textbook for secondary educational institutions / I.L. Ioffe. – L.: Chemistry, 1991. – 352 p.

    Baranov, D.A. Processes and devices: a textbook for secondary educational institutions / D.A. Baranov, A.M. Kutepov. – 2nd ed., stereotype. – M. ACADEMIA, 2005. – 304 p.

    Scobley, A.I. Processes and apparatus of the oil refining and petrochemical industry: a textbook for universities / A.I. Skoblo, I.A. Tregubova, Yu.K. Molokanov. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Chemistry, 1982. – 584 p.

    Installation of technological equipment of oil refineries and petrochemical plants: textbook. manual for technical schools / I.S. Goldenberg, L.Ya. Byzer, V.M. Ashmyan et al. - M.: Chemistry, 1967. - 380 p.

    Edited by

    Calculation and design of machines and apparatus for chemical production. Examples and tasks: study. manual for technical colleges/Under general. ed. M.F. Mikhaleva. – L.: Mechanical Engineering; Leningrad department, 1984. –

    302 pp.

    Multi-volume edition

    Anuriev, V.I. Handbook of mechanical engineering designer. In 3 volumes / V.I. Anuriev; edited by I.N. Tough. – 8th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Mechanical Engineering, 2001.

    A separate volume in a multi-volume edition

    Oil equipment. In 6 volumes. T.4. Equipment and equipment for oil refining: directory catalog / Ed. volume D.D. Abakumovsky, F.P. Smurov. – M.: State. scientific-technical Publishing House of Oil and Mining Fuel Literature, 1959. – 294 p.

    Digest of articles

    Improving methods of hydraulic calculations of culverts and wastewater treatment facilities: interuniversity scientific collection/Responsible. edited by L.I. Vysotsky. – Saratov: SSTU, 2002. – 98 p.

    Standard. Under the heading

    STB 5.3.-2003. National certification system of the Republic of Belarus. Procedure for certification of dry cleaning and dyeing services. – Enter. 01.11.03. – Minsk: BelGISS; State Standard of Belarus, 2003 – 20 p.

    Collection of standards

    System of occupational safety standards. – M.: Publishing house of standards, 2002. – 102 p. – (Interstate standards). – Contents: 16 documents


    Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels: approved. Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR 11/27/87: obligatory. for all estates, departments, enterprises and organizations. – M.: Metallurgy, 1989. – 154 p. – In the back: State. USSR Committee for Supervision of Safe Work in the Industry and Mining Supervision (Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR).

    Magazine article

    Makarov, V.M. New cars and devices. Research. Calculations [Text]/ V.M. Makarov // Chemical and petroleum engineering. – 1992. - No. 12. – P. 2 – 5.

    Newspaper article

    Bely, S. Electric power industry of Belarus: present and future / S. Bely // Republiclika. – 2005. - No. 126. – p.6.

    Abstracts of reports and conference materials

    Modern methods of machine design. Calculation, design and manufacturing technology: collection of proceedings of the first International conference, Minsk, December 11-13, 2002 / Edited by. ed. P.A. Vityaz. – Minsk: Technoprint, 2002. – 123 p.

    Often researchers engaged in scientific work and teachers need to publish an educational publication. This type of publication has a number of features compared to scientific preparation. These features and requirements for educational publications by leading educational and methodological associations will be discussed below.

    Let's start with the definition of the concept of “educational publication”. According to GOST 7.60-2003 educational publication- this is “a publication containing systematized information of a scientific or applied nature, presented in a form convenient for study and teaching, and designed for students of different ages and levels of education.”

    The same GOST identifies the following types of educational publications:

    Educational publications:

    • textbook: An educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline, its section, part, corresponding to the curriculum, and officially approved as this type of publication.
    • tutorial: An educational publication that supplements or replaces partially or completely a textbook officially approved as a given type of publication.
    • educational manual: An educational publication containing materials on the methods of teaching, studying an academic discipline, its section, part or education.
    • educational visual aid: An educational publication containing materials to aid learning, teaching or education.
    • workbook: A textbook that has a special didactic apparatus that facilitates the student’s independent work on mastering the subject.
    • tutorial: An educational publication for self-studying something without the help of a guide.
    • reader: An educational publication containing literary, artistic, historical and other works or excerpts from them that form the object of study of the academic discipline.
    • workshop: An educational publication containing practical tasks and exercises that facilitate the assimilation of what has been covered.
    • problem book: A workshop containing learning tasks.
    • training program: An educational publication that defines the content, volume, as well as the procedure for studying and teaching an academic discipline, its section, or part.
    • training kit: A set of educational publications intended for a certain level of education and including a textbook, study guide, workbook, and reference book.

    In the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002, we read “On the definition of the terms “textbook” and “textbook”” it is noted that “A textbook is the main educational book on a specific discipline. It sets out a system of basic knowledge that is mandatory for students to master. The content of the textbook must meet the requirements of the state educational standard and fully disclose the approximate program for a specific discipline. The title of the textbook must correspond to the name of the discipline of the federal component of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education.

    The study guide is considered as an addition to the textbook. The textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only part (several sections) of the sample program. Unlike a textbook, a manual can include not only proven, generally accepted knowledge and provisions, but also different opinions on a particular issue.”

    Thus, first feature of the educational publication– these are requirements for the title and content of the textbook to correspond to the name of the discipline of the federal component of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education (the portal of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education - http://fgosvo.ru and the portal “Russian Education” - http://www.edu.ru/)

    The second feature of the educational publication, in comparison with the monograph, is availability of methodological apparatus which may include:

    • questions for each paragraph of the textbook, reflecting its structure and allowing you to consolidate the material read;
    • assignments for the seminar lesson;
    • tasks for independent work at home;
    • analysis of specific situations using examples from practice;
    • various types of tests;
    • assignment to search (select) and review literature and electronic sources of information on an individually specified course problem;
    • assignment for completing a home test, which involves solving problems, performing exercises and given in practical classes;
    • assignment to prepare for tests and certifications;
    • topics of abstracts (essays, reports, scientific articles) on a given problem, etc.

    The methodological apparatus can be designed both for students and to assist the teacher in conducting classes.

    Also, the educational publication can be supplemented with various reference materials - a dictionary, glossary, regulations, samples and examples of documents, etc.

    The next feature of the educational publication is the requirements for its content. If a monograph must necessarily contain a certain novelty and the results of the author’s research, then an educational publication may be a compilation of various sources. The textbook must contain basic information on the discipline. Also, the educational publication must have such quality as clarity. The text should be accompanied by diagrams, drawings and photographs that facilitate the perception of the material, but do not repeat it.

    The structure of the educational publication may be as follows:

    Introduction and/or preface. An educational publication may include both an introduction and a preface, or just an introduction, as is most often the case. The introduction should include the goals of studying the discipline and educational information that, in terms of the content and scope of the discipline, is necessary and sufficient to implement the requirements of a specific state educational standard (the hours and goals of studying the discipline are taken into account). It is also fashionable to indicate the acquisition competencies that the discipline is aimed at studying, etc.

    Preface (according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) is an accompanying article placed at the beginning of the publication, which explains the goals and features of the content and structure of the work. It may contain a summary of each chapter.

    The introduction (again according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) is a structural part of the main text of the publication, which is its initial chapter and introduces the reader to the essence of the work’s problems.

    According to the same GOST, which we have already repeatedly referred to, the largest part of the text is the section. It is divided into chapters, which in turn are divided into paragraphs (§).

    A mandatory component of the educational publication is a list of used literature and other sources.

    An author who has written a worthy textbook, as a rule, wants to receive the stamp of an educational and methodological association stating that this educational publication is approved (or recommended) by the UMO as a textbook (electronic textbook) or teaching aid (electronic textbook) for students of higher educational institutions, students in the field (specialty) of higher education training. By following our recommended rules for preparing educational publications, you will easily cope with this task!

    In conclusion, we will give some tips on what you should pay attention to in order to minimize the amendments made to the text by editors and proofreaders.

    2. It is necessary to check the numbering of all figures, tables and formulas in the text. Check whether there is a reference to EVERY figure or table in the text, and whether there are figures and tables in the manuscript that are referenced in the text.

    3. List of references - if the list is voluminous and includes sources of different types, it is better to divide it into sections.

    4. Unscramble all abbreviations the first time you use them. Do not overload the text with abbreviations, especially those consisting of two letters. This makes it difficult for readers to perceive the text. Do not use abbreviations in headings.

    5. Avoid repeating too many times in references “Ibid. P. 220." Such links are inconvenient for the reader to use. Especially if the full link to the source was many pages before “Ibid. P.220."

    6. The manuscript must be PROOFED well. Experienced editors do not proofread manuscripts from a computer screen; they print out the text and read it intermittently, several pages at a time. The computer cannot always detect an error in a test. Notice that when typing, Word did not underline the word “in red” test", although we are, of course, not talking about a flour product, but about text. Such errors can only be noticed with careful proofreading. If the author does not want to do this, it is necessary to pay a proofreader for the work on the manuscript.

    Happy publishing!


    • Puzyrev A.V.
      “Aesthetics of language and assessment of the content of mass songs”
    • Filimonova L.V., Bykova E.A.
      Mathematics and computer science.
      (for students of humanities faculties of universities)

      The proposed textbook is intended for university students studying at faculties where mathematics and computer science are not subjects of specialization. It was compiled taking into account the requirements of the state standard and it sets out at an accessible level some fundamental issues included in the curriculum for the new subject “Mathematics and Computer Science”. This manual contains 11 paragraphs, each of which is devoted to the study of fundamental issues in mathematics and computer science. Its goal is to cultivate in a person a culture of rational methods of operating with existing knowledge and acquiring new knowledge, to familiarize students with some sections of higher mathematics, to deepen the knowledge acquired at school in computer science and information technology, to provide the necessary information about modern aspects of the use of computers and the latest achievements.

    • Kravchenko V.A.
      Reference material for preparing a course project (work) on the system of using fertilizers in crop rotations
      (for full-time and part-time students of the Faculty of Agriculture)

    • Guidelines for the implementation and defense of final qualification (diploma) theses
      (for students of the Faculty of Agriculture in the field of training for a certified specialist - 660200 "Agronomy")

      These guidelines have been revised on the basis of guidelines developed by teachers of the Faculty of Agronomy of the Voronezh State Agrarian University. K.D. Glinka - Kozlobaeva V.V. Fedotova V.A. Popova A.F. and have as their goal to provide the necessary information to students of the Faculty of Agriculture of Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin for independent preparation and defense of final (thesis) work.

    • Podaeva N.G., Zhuk D.A.
      Lectures on the basics of geometry
    • Podaeva N.G., Krasnikova L.V.
      Lines and surfaces in Euclidean space
      (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)
    • Podaeva N.G., Evsikov S.V.
      Lectures on topology elements
      (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)
    • Nosov V.A.
      Combinatorics and graph theory
    • Gubina T.N., Tarov D.A., Masina O.N., Tarova I.N.
      Methodological recommendations for preparing graduates of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics for the state final exam "Informatics"
    • Gubina T.N., Masina O.N., Gubin M.A.
      Working in Microsoft Office
    • Poznyak T.A., Tarova I.N., Karpacheva I.A., Budyakova T.P.
      Industrial practice for future computer science teachers
    • Tarov D.A., Tarova I.N., Gubina T.N., Masina O.N., Dyakina V.A.
      Testing and measuring materials on information disciplines.
    • Tarov D.A.
      Guidelines for writing term papers in information disciplines.
    • Tarova I.N., Terekhov Yu.P., Masina O.N., Skokov A.V.
      Workshop on solving problems on a computer.
    • Balashova T.N.
      Inheritance law
      (for full-time and part-time students)

      This manual aims to provide methodological assistance to students studying the discipline of Inheritance Law. It examines all the main sections of the discipline, offering test assignments, tests and tasks for each topic. The guidelines are compiled in accordance with the program on inheritance law for higher educational institutions. Recommended for law students. The manual is intended for full-time and part-time students of the Faculty of Law.

    • Zubova O.V.
      Educational and methodological materials on civil law (general part)

      These educational and methodological materials are intended for students and teachers of the Faculty of Law. The purpose of the manual is to provide assistance in studying the general part of civil law, as well as to facilitate the search for regulatory material and legal literature necessary to complete practical tasks.
      The collection contains practical assignments that students can use to master the main provisions of the training course in the process of self-preparation for classes in civil law, and teachers can use to monitor students’ knowledge.

    • Elective courses for students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool): Work programs [Text]

      The educational manual contains topics and content of elective courses for students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool). The manual consists of a preface and elective course syllabuses. The preface reveals the place of elective disciplines in the educational process of the faculty and their importance in the training of highly qualified specialists. The topics and content of elective courses were developed by teachers of the Department of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy. The educational and methodological manual is addressed to full-time and part-time students, university teachers, and practical workers.

    • Collection of work programs of psychological and pedagogical disciplines in specialty 050703 preschool pedagogy and psychology

      The collection contains work programs on the main list of psychological and pedagogical disciplines in the specialty "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology", developed by teachers of the departments of preschool and correctional pedagogy, developmental and educational psychology in accordance with GOST 2005, modern requirements and the level of development of science. Each work program includes the purpose and objectives of the discipline, the main content, practical and laboratory exercises, assignments for independent work, questions for tests and exams, lists of basic and additional literature, an approximate list of topics for essays and term papers, options for tests and examinations by semester etc. The work programs are approved by the Methodological Council of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Preschool Psychology. This educational program publication is addressed to students of the faculties of pedagogy and preschool psychology; it may be useful to teachers of pedagogical colleges and universities that train specialists in this profile.

    • Chuikova Zh.V.
      Historical and pedagogical analysis of the problem of teaching preschoolers their native language
      (for elective course)
    • V.N. Kartashova
      Deutsch 4: Mein Beruf ist Fr?hfremdsprachenlehrer
      (Tutorial on the practice of the German language for 4th year students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Preschool Psychology with an additional specialty "Foreign Language")

      The manual assumes the implementation of the principles of professional and communicative orientation, ensuring the active development of foreign language skills in the process of educational activities among students - future teachers of a foreign language for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. Orientation towards the student’s future specialty determined the selection of educational material. The manual contains original reading texts on pedagogical and regional studies topics. The textbook is intended for 4th year students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool), studying German as a second specialty.

    • Anufrieva O. V.
      Fine art of Germany.
      (for design students)

    • Constitutional (state) law of foreign countries.
      (for students of specialty 030501 - Jurisprudence of all forms of study)
    • Zakharova M.A.
      Pedagogical research in the format of coursework and thesis
    • I.A. Karpacheva, T.A. Poznyak
      Teaching practice.
      (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

      The educational and methodological manual is intended for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics studying in the specialty 032100.00 - Mathematics with an additional specialty (qualification as a mathematics teacher). The manual reflects the general provisions for organizing educational and practical training for students - future teachers, the rights and responsibilities of student interns, requirements for paperwork, and criteria for assessing student activities. In accordance with the stages of organizing practices, their content is consistently revealed, general pedagogical and methodological recommendations for organizing a modern lesson are formulated, research tasks are developed and recommendations for their implementation are proposed. The manual contains diagnostic techniques, plans and lesson notes.

    • Karpacheva I.A., Krikunov A.E.
      Methodological recommendations for studying pedagogy for part-time students.
      (for part-time students)

      The educational and methodological manual is intended for part-time students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, studying under an abbreviated program. At the same time, it will be useful for distance learning students of all pedagogical specialties. The manual presents the logic and structure of studying a pedagogy course throughout the entire period of study at the university, offers methodological recommendations and assignments for seminar classes, and assignments for independent work. Part-time students will find in the manual tasks on pedagogy that must be completed during teaching practice, as well as recommendations for completing coursework and final qualifying work.

    • V. N. Mezinov
      Introduction to teaching
    • T.P. Budyakova
      Coursework in psychology

      The educational manual discusses general methodological issues of writing and designing coursework in psychology. Methods for describing the results of scientific empirical research are proposed. For students of non-psychological specialties.

    • T.P. Budyakova
      Sign-symbolic activity and its genesis
      (for the course "Developmental and educational psychology" for specialty 031200 "Pedagogy and methods of primary education")

      The textbook reveals one of the most difficult sections of developmental and educational psychology to study: the development of sign-symbolic activity in ontogenesis. A definition of sign-symbolic activity is given, the ways of its formation and development in preschool and primary school age are described. The manual is addressed to students studying psychology.

    • T.P. Budyakova
      Legal and psychological aspects of the legal institution of compensation for moral damage
      (for the course "Legal Psychology" (for students studying in specialty 021100 "Jurisprudence"))

      The textbook is devoted to little-developed problems of legal psychology. In particular, legal and psychological aspects in the application of the norms of the civil law institution of compensation for moral damage are considered.

    • Morozova M.A.
      Modern Russian language. Morphology (verb, verb forms). Preparation plans for practical and individual lessons.
      (for independent work of full-time and part-time students of the specialty "050301 - Russian language and literature" with an additional specialty "050401 - History".)

      The manual contains a program on the morphology of the Russian language (verb and verb forms) for 3rd year students of the Faculty of Philology, practical lesson plans with reference to literature, classroom and homework assignments and samples of their implementation, a list of basic and additional literature for the course, two tests that can can also be used for independent preparation for classes and tests. The manual is intended for students and teachers teaching a course in the morphology of the Russian language (verb, verb forms).

    • Voevodina G.A.
      Unique affixes in modern Russian.
      (for students of the Faculty of Philology)

      The textbook for the special course examines questions related to the status of unique affixes that do not have a clear answer due to their insufficient knowledge. Consideration of questions about unique affixes helps to clarify the concept of a morpheme and its main features. This manual can be used for theoretical and practical understanding of language material, when studying an “Elective Course”, an elective, when preparing coursework and qualifying papers.

    • Biryukova T.G.
      Text analysis and synthesis

      The manual is a theoretical and practical course that helps you master the techniques of perceiving others and creating your own texts. Its main task is to develop the ability to communicate in various areas based on mastery of the most common genres of oral and written speech, and to teach how to use expressive means of language for effective communication. The manual provides a variety of work with text; the tasks are creative in nature and have practical significance. The book is intended for school graduates, as well as for students of various specialties who want to improve their speech culture.

    • IN AND. Kazarina
      Modern Russian syntax: structural organization of a simple sentence

      The textbook, which includes material on the problems of verbal and sentence connections, the structural scheme of a simple sentence as a linguistic sign, the signified of which is a standard proposition, and the positional scheme as a speech sign of an utterance, the structural and semantic organization of sentences, traditionally classified as mono-component with excursions into the history of the study, is intended First of all, for students of the Faculty of Philology, it will be useful for graduate students and school teachers, as well as for everyone who is interested in the problems of Russian syntax.

    • Filimonova L.V., Bobrova T.M.
      Methodological recommendations for laboratory classes to study the section of general physics "Mechanics". In two parts.
      (for students of engineering-physics and physics-mathematics faculties)

      The purpose of this manual is to assist students in preparing and performing laboratory work on topics from the section of general physics "Mechanics". The manual contains descriptions of 13 laboratory works. The works of the first part cover mainly material on kinematics, oscillations and waves, the movement of bodies in a viscous fluid; the second part contains works on the dynamics of a material point and a rigid body. For each work, a statement of the purpose of its implementation is given, a list of equipment used, a brief theory of the topic of the work, a description of the method, questions for admission, the content of experimental tasks, questions for the report. The material presented in each work is sufficient for its implementation, but requires the study of additional literary sources to prepare the report. The appendices provide brief information on calculating the error in the results of an educational experiment in physics, the necessary reference tables, and additional material. The educational and methodological manual is recommended for use in laboratory classes with students of the engineering-physics and physics-mathematics faculties of Yerevan State University in the mechanics laboratory.

    • Filimonova L.V.
      Methodological instructions for practical classes in general and experimental physics. Part two. MCT and thermodynamics.
      (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

      The purpose of these instructions is to assist students in mastering program material in physics through solving typical problems in the section “MKT and Thermodynamics”. The methodological instructions provide material for 6 practical lessons, containing questions for theoretical preparation for the lesson, detailed instructions for solving typical problems, and tasks for independent solution. The topics of practical classes are taken from the work program of the discipline "General and Experimental Physics" and cover theoretical material on the fundamentals of the molecular kinetic theory of matter and thermodynamics. For each practical lesson, detailed instructions are provided for solving a wide range of problems, highlighting the basic laws, concepts and methods reflected in the lecture material. The material presented in each topic through methodological instructions is sufficient for students to independently solve all the problems given at the end of each lesson. The appendices contain additional material on the concept of "degrees of freedom", mathematical methods for solving complex problems, a list of notations used and reference material. The methodological instructions are recommended for use in practical classes in physics with students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Yerevan State University. I.A. Bunin when studying the section of physics "MKT and thermodynamics".

    • Filimonova L.V.
      Methodological instructions for practical classes in general and experimental physics. Part three. Electricity.
      (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

      The purpose of these instructions is to assist students in mastering program material in physics through solving typical problems in the section of general and experimental physics “Electricity”. The guidelines provide material for 7 practical lessons, containing questions for theoretical preparation for the lesson, some comments on the theoretical material, detailed instructions for solving typical problems, and tasks for independent solution. The topics of practical classes cover the relevant lecture material, revealing the laws and principles, concepts and terms of electrostatics and electrodynamics, highlighting practical aspects and methods of applying the theory. The information presented in the instructions is sufficient for students to independently solve all the problems given at the end of each lesson. The appendices provide a list of notations used, a list of basic formulas, necessary reference material, additional material on the mathematical theory of a vector field, etc. The methodological instructions are recommended for use in practical classes in physics with students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Yerevan State University. I.A. Bunin while studying the section of physics "Electricity".

    • Filimonova L.V.
      Methodological instructions for practical classes in general and experimental physics. Part four. Electromagnetism.
      (for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

      The purpose of this manual is to assist students in mastering program material in physics by solving typical problems in the section "Electromagnetism". The manual provides material for 6 practical lessons, containing questions for theoretical preparation for the lesson, detailed instructions for solving typical problems, and tasks for independent solution. The topics of practical classes are taken from the work program of the discipline "General and Experimental Physics" and cover theoretical material on the fundamentals of magnetostatics, Maxwell's system of equations for the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic waves. For each practical lesson, detailed instructions are provided for solving a wide range of problems, highlighting the basic laws, concepts and methods reflected in the lecture material. The material presented in each topic through methodological instructions is sufficient for students to independently solve all the problems given at the end of each lesson. The appendices provide additional material on the subject, a list of symbols used and reference material. The educational and methodological manual is recommended for use in practical classes in physics with students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Yerevan State University. I.A. Bunin while studying the section of physics "Electromagnetism".

    • Voblikov S.N.
      Methodological guide for writing term papers on the theory of state and law
    • IN AND. Korotkikh, A.V. Usachev
      History of philosophy
      (Collection of educational and methodological materials for students of Yerevan State University named after I.A. Bunin, studying in the specialty "Religious Studies" with a reader, prologue and epilogue)
    • Goricheva V.L., Levashova O.V.
      Educational and methodological manual for writing coursework in the department of criminal law and procedure.

      This manual sets the task of providing methodological assistance to students writing coursework in the department of criminal law and procedure. The manual provides a detailed description of the process of preparing a term paper from choosing a topic to public defense. Particular attention is paid to the requirements for the volume, structure, content and design of the work, stages and methods of its implementation. The manual is intended for full-time and part-time students of the Faculty of Law.

    • E.V. Isaeva
      Methodological instructions for in-patient and general education students of the Faculty of Philology on preparing for practical classes in the course "History of Foreign Literature of the 17th-18th Centuries"
    • S.V. Vorobyov, E.G. Esina, N.S. Trubitsyna
      Information systems in economics: Access DBMS
      (Shortened version)

      This educational manual is devoted to problems associated with the automation of processing large volumes of information, namely, its organization in the Microsoft Access database management system. This application contains a wide range of tools for effective information management, including economic information. The study of the Access DBMS is included in the content of the discipline "Information Systems in Economics" and, first of all, is intended for students of the Faculty of Economics. The purpose of the work is to give students knowledge and practical skills in the field of applied computer science, to show methods for automated solution of various economic problems. The manual contains five, quite voluminous, laboratory works, in which there is the necessary minimum of theoretical material, examples of solving problems with their detailed descriptions are considered, and tasks are offered for independent implementation. The publication will be useful not only to students and graduate students of economics, but also to accountants, auditors, analysts and other categories of specialists involved in economic calculations.

    • V.E. Medvedev, S.V. Vorobiev
      Workshop on information systems in economics: calculations in an Excel spreadsheet
      (Shortened version)

      This publication is intended to help readers learn how to effectively use the built-in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet tools in the process of solving economic problems. The manual is divided into topics, each of which contains the minimum amount of theoretical information necessary to solve the assigned problems, practical tasks with a detailed explanation of the technology for solving them, as well as tasks for independent implementation. The material is presented in an accessible form according to the principle from simple to complex. The workshop can be used in laboratory classes in the process of studying the discipline "Information systems in economics" and other similar disciplines. The manual will be useful to students, graduate students and teachers of economic specialties, practicing accountants and economists who wish to independently improve and consolidate their level of knowledge and skills in the field of economic information systems and technologies.

    • Artyukhova G.A., Vorobiev S.V.
      Automation of trade operations and warehouse accounting
      (Shortened version)

      This training manual outlines the basic principles of maintaining automated warehouse accounting and trading operations of a company in the 1C: Enterprise system, namely, in the Trade and Warehouse configuration. The theoretical material of the manual is accompanied by practical tasks, most of which have a detailed description of the solution process. In addition, each topic offers tasks for independent solution. This manual is aimed at students of economic specialties and can be used as part of information disciplines, in special courses or electives in information technology. The manual will be useful to employees of economic departments of trading companies, accountants, and programmers.

    • Workshop on solving the problem of accounting in the 1C: ENTERPRISE system
      (Shortened version)

      The educational manual is a comprehensive set of tasks on accounting, presented in the form of a cross-cutting task on the main sections of accounting. The tasks are provided for the standard 1C: Accounting configuration, included in the 1C: Enterprise system version 7.7. This publication will be useful to students and graduate students of economic specialties, as well as practicing accountants and economists who wish to increase and consolidate their level of knowledge and skills in the field of economic information systems and technologies.

    • Vorobiev S.V.
      Automation of enterprise management in the integrated system "galaktika"
      (Shortened version)

      The educational manual contains a description of the basic principles of work in the domestic corporate information system "Galaktika". Technologies for organizing the enterprise management process are considered using examples of such internal contours as “Personnel Management”, “Logistics”, “Accounting”. Each topic contains theoretical material, which is accompanied by practical tasks with a detailed description of the solution, and each topic also offers tasks for independent solution. This manual is aimed at students of economic specialties and can be used within the disciplines of the information technology cycle, in special courses or electives in information technology. The manual will be useful for familiarization with employees of economic departments of manufacturing enterprises, accountants, as well as programmers.

    • M.V. Ilyashenko
      Pedagogical practice program in institutions of secondary vocational education for students of the distance learning department of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool)
      (for students of the distance learning department of the Faculty of PiD)
    • Bakaeva O.N., Gozhina O.L., Emelyanova I.D., Krakovskaya V.S., Krasova T.D., Ilyashenko M.V., Martynova L.N., Penkovskaya O.V., Pronina A. N., Faustova I.V., Fomenko L.K., Chuikova Zh.V.
      Pedagogical practice of students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool)

      The manual outlines the goals, objectives, content and methods of organizing all types of teaching practice for students in the specialty "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology", with additional specialties "Speech Therapy", "Pedagogy and Psychology", "Foreign Language". Tasks for student trainees are presented, allowing them to identify and develop the necessary professional skills. The requirements for documentation for each type of practice are reported, and the necessary samples are provided. Criteria for assessing student trainees have been developed. The responsibilities of practice managers and student interns are described.
      The educational and methodological manual can be used by students and teachers of the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology.

    • R.N. Flights
      HISTORY OF RUSSIA (from ancient times to the 18th century)
      (educational and methodological manual for practical classes and independent work for correspondence students majoring in history)

      The educational and methodological manual publishes materials necessary for distance learning students in the specialty “history”. They include practical exercises, historical terminology, tests, assignments on historical maps, etc.

    • Belkova N.A., Krasnova T.V., Tropin N.A.
      Museum and archaeological practice
      (practice programs and methodological recommendations)

      These educational materials were prepared by experienced teachers who have been leading the educational practices of students of the history and philology faculties for a number of years. The publication is intended for students of these faculties.

    • YES. Lyapin
      Serving land ownership of Yelets district at the end of the 16th-17th centuries.
      (special course program)

      The educational and methodological manual includes the author's content of a special course (specialization discipline), test tasks, topics of abstracts, a list of questions for reporting, and an extensive list of bibliographies. For students of the Faculty of History majoring in history.


    Toolkit- a type of educational and methodological publication that includes extensive systematized material that reveals the content, distinctive features of teaching methods for any educational course as a whole, or a significant section(s) of the course, or in the area of ​​educational work. In addition to theoretical material, it may contain lesson plans and notes, as well as didactic material in the form of illustrations, tables, diagrams, drawings, etc. It is characterized by a pronounced practical orientation, accessibility, and is intended to help the teacher in his daily work.

    Toolkit is a publication intended to help teachers for practical application in practice, in which the main emphasis is on teaching methods. Any manual is based on specific examples and recommendations.

    A methodological manual differs from methodological recommendations in that it contains, along with practical recommendations, also theoretical provisions that reveal existing points of view on the issue being presented in pedagogical science. In the methodological recommendations, the theory of the issue is given minimally.

    The authors of methodological manuals are, as a rule, experienced teachers and methodologists who are able to systematize the practical material of their own work and the work of professional colleagues, take into account and use theoretical developments of modern pedagogy in justifying the proposed methods.

    The task methodological manual is to provide practical assistance to teachers and methodologists of an educational institution in acquiring and mastering advanced knowledge of both theoretical and practical nature.

    Requirements for teaching aids

    Information content, maximum saturation (there should be no general phrases).

    Clarity and clarity of presentation (popularity).

    Clarity of structure.

    Availability of original ways of organizing relevant activities.

    The presence of either new methodological methods of forms of activity, or their new combination.

    Availability of confirmation of the effectiveness of the proposed approaches with examples, illustrations, or experimental testing materials.

    Structure of the manual includes:

    Introduction or explanatory note– up to 15% of the text, where the history of the issue is revealed, the state of science on this problem is analyzed, the presence or absence of similar methods and technologies that justify the need for this manual. The features of the construction of the manual, the purpose, and to whom it is addressed are described.

    Main part– up to 75% of the text; in the main part of the manual, depending on the purpose and goals, there may be various sections (chapters). Their name, quantity, and sequence are determined and logically arranged depending on the author’s intention.

    For example:

    Chapter 1 - outlines the theoretical material being studied;

    Chapter 2 - describes the main methods, technologies used or recommended for successfully resolving the issue;

    Chapter 3 - list and description of practical work with recommendations for their implementation;

    Chapter 4 - control tasks to check the mastery of the material.

    The theoretical part sets out in brief form (with reference to relevant works, if necessary) the scientific and pedagogical rationale for the content of the manual, and characterizes the author’s own methodological position in relation to the children’s education system, which has its own specific features.

    The practical part systematizes and classifies factual material, contains practical recommendations, and provides typical examples of certain forms and methods of work in an educational institution.

    The didactic part contains didactic materials (diagrams, tables, drawings, etc.) illustrating practical material.

    Conclusion– up to 10% of the text, sets out brief, clear conclusions and results that logically follow from the content of the methodological manual, in which direction it is planned to work further.

    Literature– the list of references is given in alphabetical order, indicating the author, full title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication.

    Applications include materials necessary for organizing the recommended type of activity using this manual, but not included in the main text. The applications may include various necessary regulatory documents, including those of an educational institution, the use of which will allow the teacher or methodologist to organize their work in accordance with existing requirements.

    Applications are located at the very end of the work in the order they are mentioned in the text. Each application starts on a new page and has its own name. In the upper right corner of the page write the word “Appendix” and put its number (for example, “Appendix 1”). The appendices have continuous page numbering (methodological recommendations end with page 16, the appendix starts with 17).

    Toolkit must contain all the components that are included in the publication, and in addition to the main text, the manuscript must include a cover, title page and back of the title page.

    On cover in the center is the title of the work, I.O.F. the author is placed above the title. You should remember that the initials are written first, and then the last name. At the bottom, in the center of the sheet, the name of the city or region and the year are indicated. There are no punctuation marks.

    Drawings and photographs on the cover must correspond to the content of the manuscript.

    On title page the title is written above the title I.O.F. author. At the top center is written the name of the organization on whose behalf the publication is published, with the name of the parent organization. At the bottom, in the center of the sheet, the name of the city or region and the year are indicated. There are no punctuation marks.

    Back of title page contains the surname, first name, patronymic of the author, position, place of work, qualification category or academic degree, as well as an abstract to the work. The abstract contains the following concise information:

    It is indicated what this manual is devoted to;

    The purpose of this teaching aid, i.e. what kind of help this work is intended to provide and to whom;

    possible areas of application of the proposed type of methodological products (where this manual can be used).

    Technical requirements for the design of the methodological manual

    The text part of the manuscript must be typed on a computer (A4: 210X297), format A 4. The spacing between lines is 1 or 1.5. To type text, formulas and tables, you must use the Microsoft Word editor for Windows. Font - Times New Roman, size 14. If it is necessary to highlight a word or sentence in the text, highlight it in bold or italics, but always in 14 font. Underlining is not allowed. Paragraphs begin with a red line. Red line – 1.27. Hyphenation and alignment in width are not allowed in the text. Words in headings and subheadings are not hyphenated. Underlining them is not allowed, and a period is not placed at the end of the title. The texts of structural elements - sections - should begin with a new paragraph. It is necessary to remember the importance of dividing (categorizing) the text using paragraphs - indenting a line when starting a new semantic part. Page numbers are in Arabic numerals, at the bottom of the page, centered, the title page is included in the overall numbering. Numbering begins with the main text.

    Constant fields:

    Top margin – 2 cm. Bottom margin – 2.5 cm.

    Left margin – 3 cm. Right margin – 1 cm.

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