Home Nutrition A BMW with AMP numbers beat up a girl for not giving way! "Mataev has hatred for the entire middle class"

A BMW with AMP numbers beat up a girl for not giving way! "Mataev has hatred for the entire middle class"

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  • Friends, another snickering Hamlo, decided to show who is the boss in the city. The passenger of an expensive car did not hesitate to offend the girl because she had the courage to fix the offense. As soon as passers-by saw the lawlessness and paid attention to it, security intervened. The status and position of the owner of a foreign car do not allow passing serfs to even look in the direction of his car, and then she decided to shoot. Not in order!
    Let's get together, if possible, to twist this topic. In our country, the only remedy against such scum is public outcry.

    Original taken from general_ivanoff in BMW, whose passenger beat a girl on Stary Arbat, belongs to an influential mountain Jew

    The incident took place this afternoon in the center of Moscow. A black BMW 7-series car was moving along the pedestrian zone on Stary Arbat. The girl decided to film such boorish behavior of the motorist. Noticing this, the passenger of the foreign car jumped out of the car and attacked a passer-by. The man knocked out her mobile phone with one blow, which fell on the asphalt and crashed. Also, a BMW passenger hit the girl on the head several times.

    Other passers-by, who witnessed the conflict, stood up for the woman. After the attack, the hooligan returned to the car and drove off.
    Eyewitnesses called the police, and the violators hurried to escape, forcing people to leave the pedestrian zone. The woman filed a complaint with the police about the incident.

    More complete video

    A BMW car with a license plate of the AMP 77 series, which took part in the incident, has already been caught on the road more than once. In particular, he was seen driving in the oncoming lane and a dedicated line on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

    Its owner, according to media reports, turned out to be a businessman and official, an influential member of the Mountain Jewish community, an adherent of Chabad, ex-assistant to the Minister of National Policy of the Russian Federation Ramazan Abdulatipova, a former adviser to the Vice Mayor of Moscow for social development Leonid Pechatnikov, a former (until March of this 2009) Director General of the State Public Institution "Sotsenergo" of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow and the current General Director of the State Enterprise "Mosmedkomplekt" of the same Department, 49-year-old native of Makhachkala Erast Iosifovich Mataev.

    Let's look at the Jewish glossy magazine "Moscow - Tel Aviv" ().

    Erast Iosifovich Mataev, General Director of the Sotsenergo State Institution of the Moscow Healthcare Department, is a modern and successful person. ...A prayer in Hebrew is heard every day in his study, and the Torah is his reference book.
    MT: Erast Iosifovich, tell us a little about yourself.
    Erast Iosifovich: I am a Mountain Jew. Although I don’t like to use the word “Mountain” in this context, because I believe that European and Mountain Jews are one people. Born in 1966 in the southern multinational city of Makhachkala, in a family of ballet dancers. My father Iosif Mataev is a People's Artist of Russia, folk dance choreographer, one of the founders of the Lezginka Academic Dance Ensemble.
    MT:Do you feel like a person chosen by God?
    Erast Iosifovich:All Jews are chosen by God.
    MT:Have you ever been insulted for your Jewish origin, humiliated, frightened?
    Erast Iosifovich:When I'm scared, I get excited.
    MT:But what about Russian anti-Semitism?
    Erast Iosifovich:Russian anti-Semitism exists, both ideologically and everyday.
    MT:What is your native language?
    Erast Iosifovich:Russian and Jewish. ... At home, in order to hide something from the children, we speak Jewish. True, this does not help much, since the children understand Jewish.
    MT:Who was your main teacher in life?
    Erast Iosifovich:My first teacher is the Lord God, through whom I was born. The second teachers are my parents, as they are second only to G-d on earth. I have teachers whom I chose myself. Ramazan Gadzhimuradovich Abdulatipov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development Leonid Mikhailovich Pechatnikov.
    ...My mother taught me to set goals and achieve them when I was a child. And do it quickly and, if necessary, hard. She even called me Hurricane.
    MT:But it is difficult to evoke love in people with rigidity ...
    Erast Iosifovich:I know that not everyone likes me.
    MT:How do you feel about poverty?
    Erast Iosifovich:In my book Catch the Goldfish, I compiled a list of 16 swine viciousness viruses. Among them, I single out "poverty as a militant opposition to wealth."
    MT:Sometimes one hears that Christianity is a variant of Judaism, so to speak, "Judaism for export." They even use such an expression as "Judeo-Christian civilization" ...
    Erast Iosifovich:Judaism is a holistic doctrine and does not need any variants.

    Overgrown with new details. The girl who suffered from his hands, who blocked the movement of a black BMW, told her version of what happened. She decided to talk to the press only after the media began to accuse her of provocation and filming on a mobile phone.

    "Publicity in the media"

    The video of the crime of 49-year-old Erast Mataev appeared on social networks on June 25. A black BMW was moving along the pedestrian old Arbat. Suddenly a girl stood in his way. She began to film the violation on a smartphone camera. This infuriated the passenger and he allegedly jumped out of the car and began to beat the girl. Then he grabbed a smartphone from her hands and smashed it. Autoham began to rush at other passers-by. Soon he came to his senses, returned to the car and left. While the girl went to the police to write a statement, the video of the brawl had already appeared on social networks. According to the numbers, the bloggers figured out that the car belongs to the ex-official Erast Mataev. Until December 2015, he worked as an adviser to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow Leonid Pechatnikov.

    Soon the police detained the BMW driver Artem Yermakov. He, as it turned out, had previously been deprived of a driver's license. Yermakov was arrested for 15 days. Mataev himself is still at large. Although a criminal case under article 167 part 2 and an administrative case for petty hooliganism have been opened. The issue of initiating a case under the article "beatings" is being decided.

    The criminal case was reclassified from part 1 to part 2, and this is already a crime of medium gravity. You won't get fined. It already threatens up to five years in prison. Surveillance cameras clearly recorded how Mataev takes the phone and beats the girl. We hope that this is enough for the police, - said Anton Tsvetkov, deputy chairman of the Public Council of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow.

    "I was made guilty"

    For almost a week, the victim herself refused to be interviewed by journalists. But she kept track of the news and was horrified when she read that it was she who was to blame. Like, it was not necessary to film what was happening on the phone, then no one would have beaten her. Therefore, Yevgenia Khrapova went to reporters and told how it was to be beaten in her hometown on the main street. She says that she did not want either fame or anti-glory. He says a little about himself: a Muscovite, not married, works.

    I walked along the Arbat. It was a planned trip. I wanted to get to the exhibition about the marshals of the Soviet Union, which was held near the house 32. I went around there in circles in search of General Chernyakhovsky, with whom my grandmother fought together. She even has a Courage Award. And suddenly I saw that there was a car on the sidewalk, - Evgenia Khrapova recalls.

    A passer-by was already standing near the car and trying to find out why the driver was violating. The girl also asked, but there was no answer from the man in the formal suit who got out of the car. Khrapova saw government passes and "AMP" signs on the windshield and assumed that it was an official's car.

    I started filming the breach. Didn't touch the car itself. And I didn’t see the owner, - Evgenia emphasized.

    I didn't see him because he wasn't there at the time. Erast Mataev was returning to the car and saw that the girl was filming. So he grabbed the phone from her back and threw it against the wall of the building. Then he kicked the girl in the back. She tried to run away, then he grabbed her by the hair and began to shake from side to side. When the girl began to call for help, he kicked her in the elbow. And after a passer-by shouted: “Why are you beating a girl?” Mataev got into the car and drove off.

    "I want Mataev not to consider himself superior to others"

    After that, the girl, in a state of passion, went to the police, where she wrote a statement. But, according to Khrapova, if it were not for the publicity in the media, it is unlikely that a criminal case would have been opened against Mataev. The next day, at the police station, the victim had to face the offender head-on. Mataev did not admit his guilt and asked to be excused that he accidentally broke her phone. Accidentally! The ex-official offered her 10 thousand dollars, but the girl refused to bribe. And chose to act according to the law.

    I want him to publicly admit his guilt and apologize for the beatings and humiliation of the woman. And so that he does not associate himself with representatives of the authorities, - said Evgenia Khrapova. - I did not consider myself superior to other people.

    The girl also plans to file a civil lawsuit, where she will demand compensation from Mataev for moral damages for the broken Sony Xperia Z2 phone, which she bought for 23,000 rubles. From the phone, the girl managed to restore the very video that she shot until Mataev threw it at the wall (look at kp.ru).

    Khrapova did not admit exactly where she works, but her profession is not connected with the control of public order and politics. But this is not the first time she filmed a similar automobile offense. In two cases, she did not plan to post the video on social networks or send it to the traffic police - more for the sake of intimidation and to stop violations. But even after she was beaten, Evgenia will continue to remove offenses. The girl is not afraid of the fact that Mataev is still at large.

    "Mataev has hatred for the entire middle class"

    Now I feel better. But my back still hurts. The dizziness was at the police station. But then I didn’t think about myself and even refused the ambulance,” Khrapova admitted. - Everything is fine. I do not want to disturb my mother, she is worried.

    Law enforcement agencies recorded the beatings of the girl. According to the girl's lawyer, Mataev shows hatred for the entire middle class with this crime.

    This is a crime, not a conflict, said Stalin's lawyer Gurevich. - Mataev behaves freely on the roads of Moscow, ignoring the rules of law and traffic rules. And he clearly showed disdain for the citizens, who also decided to stop such actions of his. He showed that his position in society allegedly allows him to put himself above others, to humiliate and beat middle-class people. We want to raise this issue as well, because his actions speak of hatred for a whole class of people.

    "There was no apology or communication"

    At the same time, there were reports in the media that Erast Mataev allegedly apologized and was already communicating normally with Khrapova, things were moving towards reconciliation. He justified his actions with heat and haste on business.

    Nobody asked me for forgiveness. We did not communicate with him. We saw each other only once at the police station, when he offered money, - Evgenia Khrapova was indignant.

    He did not communicate with either the girl's lawyer or Anton Tsvetkov, deputy chairman of the Public Council of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow. However, he sent an appeal to the latter, in which he apologized to Khrapova and indicated that he was ready to cooperate and compensate for the damage caused.

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    Video from the phone of a girl who suffered from an ex-official on the Arbat. Yevgenia Khrapova refused 10 thousand dollars with which Mataev wanted to hush up the criminal case.


    Erast Mataev, who beat the girl on the Arbat, wants to escape punishment

    Rebel businessman Erast Mataev is still at large and has not received any punishment for driving a black BMW in broad daylight along the Arbat and beating up a girl who decided to shame him. In the Presnensky Court on June 27, an administrative case was to be considered, and Erast Mataev himself arrived there, who, while still on the street, began to tell reporters that he was not guilty (

    The police are establishing the identity of the driver and passenger of a BMW who drove a foreign car with VIP numbers to the pedestrian Old Arbat and beat up a girl who filmed what was happening on her mobile phone. Against the background of the almost complete indifference of passers-by, the aggressive car drivers managed to escape. The incident may be related to the former adviser to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Erast Mataev, who allegedly owns BMW. Previously, a special signal was installed on this car, and the foreign car itself often grossly violated traffic rules. [...]

    Leonid Pechatnikov's assistant, Galina Vodyakova, said that Erast Mataev was a voluntary councilor in the mayor's office two years ago.

    “He worked as an adviser on a voluntary basis, he was not even on the staff. Therefore, Leonid Mikhailovich cannot give any comment, he has nothing to do with him, ”she told the radio station“ Moscow Speaks ”, adding that Pechatnikov and Mataev were unfamiliar.

    After that, Pechatnikov himself commented on the incident. "Not all Moscow hooligans are officials or ex-officials of the capital's mayor's office," Pechatnikov told Interfax.

    Note that driving on bicycle or pedestrian paths or sidewalks is considered a violation of the Rules of the Road and is punishable by an administrative fine of 2 thousand rubles in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 12.15 Administrative Code. However, if a BMW passenger is nevertheless detained, then, according to the law, he is already threatened with criminal liability for the destruction of other people's property and assault.

    However, after a public outcry, not only representatives of the law are ready to protect the victim. Members of the organization "Officers of Russia" are ready to provide protection to the girl.

    “Such a boorish attitude towards the townspeople is unacceptable. Not only did they impudently drive along one of the main pedestrian streets of the capital, they also used force against those who made a remark. I spoke with the head of the Arbat police department, he personally keeps this issue under control. I am sure that he will approach him responsibly, in the near future the participants in the incident will be found and brought to justice, ”Anton Tsvetkov, chairman of the security commission of the Civic Chamber of Russia, told RIA Novosti.

    According to him, the information that the foreign car has "thieves" numbers, and the main character of the video may be a former high-ranking official, causes concern, therefore, pressure on the course of the investigation and on the victim herself is possible.

    “There are people who are able to provide the victim with protection in case of such a need. The all-Russian public organization “Officers of Russia”, which unites veterans and active officers of many law enforcement agencies, is ready to take this woman under protection if any pressure is exerted on her,” Tsvetkov said.

    The head of the OP commission contacted Viktor Kovalenko, head of the UGIBDD of Moscow, and asked to take control of the check against the BMW driver. “Unfortunately, there is no serious responsibility for these actions, but we intend to ensure that the perpetrators are punished to the maximum,” he said.

    [TASS, 06/27/2016, "Criminal case initiated against ex-official after scandal in Arbat pedestrian zone" : Criminal case initiated against former Moscow government official Erast Mataev after scandal in Arbat pedestrian zone. The case is being investigated under the article "Deliberate destruction or damage to property" (part 1 of article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). This was announced to TASS by the chairman of the security commission of the Public Chamber of Russia Anton Tsvetkov.
    "With regard to Mataev, the metropolitan police initiated a criminal case under the article on the deliberate destruction of property," he said. [...]
    On the eve of all the participants in the conflict came to the police department for investigation.
    In addition, Tsvetkov also added that several administrative protocols had been initiated against the driver of the car. In particular, two protocols for non-payment of fines (Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), one - for driving into the oncoming lane. He was also stripped of his driver's license. - Inset K.ru]

    A black BMW 7-series car was moving along the pedestrian zone on Stary Arbat. The girl decided to film such boorish behavior of the motorist. Noticing this, the passenger of the foreign car jumped out of the car and attacked a passer-by. The man knocked out her mobile phone with one blow, which fell on the asphalt and crashed. Also, a BMW passenger hit the girl on the head several times.

    Other passers-by, who witnessed the conflict, stood up for the woman. After the attack, the hooligan returned to the car and drove away.
    Eyewitnesses called the police, and the violators hurried to escape, forcing people to leave the pedestrian zone. The woman filed a complaint with the police about the incident.

    A BMW car with a license plate of the AMP 77 series, which took part in the incident, has already been caught on the road more than once. In particular, he was seen driving in the oncoming lane and a dedicated line on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

    Its owner, according to media reports, turned out to be a businessman and official, an influential member of the Mountain Jewish community, an adherent of Chabad, ex-assistant to the Minister of National Policy of the Russian Federation Ramazan Abdulatipova, a former adviser to the Vice Mayor of Moscow for social development Leonid Pechatnikov, a former (until March of this 2009) Director General of the State Public Institution "Sotsenergo" of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow and the current General Director of the State Enterprise "Mosmedkomplekt" of the same Department, 49-year-old native of Makhachkala Erast Iosifovich Mataev.

    Let's look at the Jewish glossy magazine "Moscow - Tel Aviv" ().

    Erast Iosifovich Mataev, General Director of the state institution Sotsenergo of the Moscow Health Department, is a modern and successful person. ...A prayer in Hebrew is heard every day in his study, and the Torah is his reference book.
    MT: Erast Iosifovich, tell us a little about yourself.
    Erast Iosifovich: I am a Mountain Jew. Although I do not like to use the word "Mountain" in this context, because I believe that European and Mountain Jews are one people. Born in 1966 in the southern multinational city of Makhachkala, in a family of ballet dancers. My father Iosif Mataev is a People's Artist of Russia, folk dance choreographer, one of the founders of the Lezginka Academic Dance Ensemble.
    MT: Do you feel like a person chosen by God?
    Erast Iosifovich: All Jews are chosen by God.
    MT: Have you ever been insulted for your Jewish origin, humiliated, frightened?
    Erast Iosifovich: When I'm scared, I get excited.
    MT: But what about Russian anti-Semitism?
    Erast Iosifovich: Russian anti-Semitism exists, both ideologically and everyday.
    MT: What is your native language?
    Erast Iosifovich: Russian and Jewish. ... At home, in order to hide something from the children, we speak Jewish. True, this does not help much, since the children understand Jewish.
    MT: Who was your main teacher in life?
    Erast Iosifovich: My first teacher is the Lord G-d, thanks to whom I was born. The second teachers are my parents, as they are second only to G-d on earth. I have teachers whom I chose myself. Ramazan Gadzhimuradovich Abdulatipov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development Leonid Mikhailovich Pechatnikov.
    ...My mother taught me to set goals and achieve them when I was a child. And do it quickly and, if necessary, hard. She even called me Hurricane.
    MT: But it is difficult to evoke love in people with rigidity ...
    Erast Iosifovich: I know that not everyone likes me.
    MT: How do you feel about poverty?
    Erast Iosifovich: In my book Catch the Goldfish, I compiled a list of 16 swine viciousness viruses. Among them, I single out "poverty as a militant opposition to wealth."
    MT: Sometimes one hears that Christianity is a variant of Judaism, so to speak, "Judaism for export." They even use such an expression as “Judeo-Christian civilization” ...
    Erast Iosifovich: Judaism is a holistic doctrine and does not need any variants.

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