Home Transmission Car rear view camera device. Rear view camera and the sad experience of disassembling it. Connecting a video camera to a navigator and navigation devices

Car rear view camera device. Rear view camera and the sad experience of disassembling it. Connecting a video camera to a navigator and navigation devices

Many modern cars today are equipped with rear view cameras (RVC). This device allows for a clear view of the space behind the car, allowing the driver to park without any problems. How to choose the right device and how to install a rear view camera? You can find answers to these questions below.


Selection options

How to properly install and connect the device to the monitor of a navigator or car radio?

In principle, there is nothing complicated about this, but first we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic parameters for choosing a KZV:

  1. First of all, you need to decide what type of KZV you are interested in, since this will determine where and how the device will be connected in the car. The device can be mounted in the rear bumper of a car, in a license plate, and some models are equipped with special mounts. Cameras are divided into wireless and wired. Naturally, the first option is considered more technologically advanced, since connecting the device does not require laying wires and cables throughout the cabin. But in this case, you should start from your financial capabilities.
  2. Select the device case type. Typically, device lenses are made in the shape of a square or rectangle, but there are also round devices. Before you buy and install the KZV, you should inspect the rear bumper - if the car is newer, it should have a place for installation.
  3. Decide on the basic parameters of the device; in particular, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the viewing angle of the device. If it is too small, visibility may be difficult. The higher the viewing angle, the more space behind the car the lens can capture and, accordingly, transfer it to the monitor.

Installation instructions

Before you begin installing and connecting the device, prepare all the necessary tools, and also check the kit for the presence of a diagram and all adapters. The presence of a diagram is very important, since it indicates the pinout, which the car owner must know when connecting.


What is the preparation for installation:

  1. First you should check the luggage compartment. You will need to mark all the necessary places through which the wiring will be laid, if we are talking about wired devices. Typically, the luggage compartment lining contains all the necessary stowage plugs. If necessary, drill additional holes in the casing.
  2. Mounting the lens is allowed in the rear bumper or in the license plate; in this case, the choice of mounting depends on your preferences. You can find a KZV with a frame on sale; in this case, you will simply need to replace the frame on the license plate with a new one. If you decide to use a bumper, then you will need to dismantle it in order to drill the appropriate places for installation.
  3. In addition, in order to connect all the elements of the electrical circuit, you will most likely need to remove some of the facing elements in the car interior, on the center console. Usually it has to be completely removed, but this depends on the design features of the vehicle. If your car has a KZV installed and you plan to connect it to its display, then the audio system will have to be removed in any case (the author of the video is the volodamdes channel).

Installation process

The procedure for installing the KZV is as follows:

  1. First you need to disconnect the battery and install the lens. As mentioned above, to do this you will need to either replace the license plate or make a corresponding hole in the bumper. If there are plugs in the bumper, then you can remove one of them, located in the center, and install the lens in the resulting hole. If there are no plugs, then remove the bumper and start drilling. When the hole is ready, install a peephole in it and fix this element with glue.
  2. After this, all the necessary wires are laid in the trunk. First, you need to connect the ground cable, that is, the minus cable, to the vehicle body; usually this wire is painted black. You can connect the wire to an existing ground, or make a new hole.
    Before connecting, clean the bolt installation area from rust and dust to ensure good contact. The positive wire connects to the reverse light wires. This will ensure automatic activation of the equipment when reverse gear is engaged.
  3. The next step will be to lay the wiring through the interior to the center console. To do this, you will have to remove the upholstery and lay the wiring underneath. It is important to prevent the camera's electrical circuit from coming into contact with moving parts of the body.
  4. When the wires are laid, the device is connected. To do this, either an existing monitor is used, for example, from a GPS navigator or car radio, or a new display is installed. To connect to a standard screen, you will most likely need an adapter. If the monitor is made in the form of a rearview mirror, then it will need to be installed instead of the standard mirror.
    The connection procedure itself should not cause difficulties. If something is not clear to you, refer to the diagram that should come with the device.
  5. If you are using an additional display, it will need to be connected to the vehicle's power supply and fixed to the center console. The negative wire is connected to the car body, that is, ground, and the positive wire is connected to the wiring of the reversing lights. Typically, the power wire to which you need to connect is located in the area of ​​the transmission lever. The screen is fixed using self-tapping screws or double-sided tape (the author of the video is the Technomania channel).

Checking and setting up the camera

Performance diagnostics are performed as follows.

A rear view camera helps the driver when parking the car. It is very important to choose a model that meets all the requirements for these devices. The article will help you understand the existing types of devices, their characteristics, and the right choice.


Technical parameters of the rear view camera

The rear view camera is designed to transmit video images from behind the car to a monitor inside the cabin. It connects to a standard monitor, video navigator or an additional screen installed. Such parking devices are present in almost all modern cars. With IR illumination and changing viewing angles, they help the driver assess the situation behind the car and park correctly, even in complete darkness.

When choosing a parking camera kit for a car, it is important to know the main characteristics of these devices and take into account the following factors:

  1. The image must be mirrored, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use the device.
  2. The viewing angle of the device should exceed 110 degrees, but it is better if it is 150 or 170 degrees.
  3. Resistant to environmental influences. This parameter determines how capable the device is to operate under adverse conditions: snow, rain, dust. Determines its temperature range and protection class of the device.
  4. The clarity and quality of the image depends on the resolution. Inexpensive kits have a resolution of 720x576 or 582x500. More expensive models are HD and Full HD.
  5. An important parameter for parking video cameras is markings; it makes it possible to park with an accuracy of 10-15 cm; The rear view camera with dynamic markings is especially convenient.
  6. Additional illumination is very important in order to obtain a high-quality image, especially in the dark; IR illumination increases visibility at night.

An important parameter of a video device is its matrix.

One of the following technologies is used in its production:

  • complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS, English CMOS);
  • devices having surface-charge coupling (CCD, English CCD).

Matrices made using CMOS technology do not work well in low light, transmitting images with poorer quality. Despite this, matrices of this type have two advantages: progressive scanning - both high-quality and low-quality signal lines are sequentially transmitted to the monitor; they are cheaper than PSZ matrices.

Devices with surface charge coupling transmit a higher-quality image to the monitor in low light, but require more energy and are inferior to cheap analogues in operating speed (video author - Volodamdes).


There is a wide variety of parking cameras on the automotive market.

They can be divided into the following three types according to location:

  • universal, which are mounted in specially designated places;
  • devices that are built into the license plate frame and are sold complete with them;
  • standard cameras that come from the factory and are developed individually for each car.

Universal cameras have many advantages over their standard counterparts. They have a simple design, so by purchasing a kit, the universal device can easily be installed anywhere in the car. The shape of the universal video camera resembles a butterfly. The main advantage of these devices is their low price. Universal video cameras are sealed, thanks to modern materials, they are resistant to scratches and moisture.

There are universal devices that are mounted in the rear bumper of a car. They are equipped with IR illumination, which provides visibility in the dark.

The disadvantage of these universal models:

  • to install them you need to drill the car bumper;
  • insufficiently protected from mechanical damage;
  • There is no way to adjust the viewing angle up to 170 degrees.

The simplest option is a rear view camera built into the license plate. It comes included and does not require installation; the driver does not need to think about installation. In addition, the driver can adjust the viewing angle in relation to the horizon of the video camera built into the license plate.

An important advantage of built-in devices is the ability to install them on cars of any make and model.

The device transmits a clear picture. Its design is sealed and weatherproof. Can be used at temperatures from -30 to +50 degrees. To improve visibility at night, IR illumination is installed. The disadvantage is that it is easy to access and anyone can damage or remove the device.

A standard rear view camera is the best option. It is installed in places provided by the manufacturer. Typically, the place of standard installation is the trunk opening handle and the IR license plate light. IR illumination improves visibility at night.

Advantages of standard video cameras:

  • are developed for specific car models;
  • equipped with IR illumination;
  • During installation, the optimal viewing angle and height are set.

A convenient option for viewing the space behind the car is the rear view mirror, to which the video camera is attached with a tripod. A mirror option is available that has a built-in rear view camera and a video recorder for a car with a monitor. The car can be equipped with a retractable rear view camera with IR illumination.

According to the installation method, the video camera can be mortise or case-mounted.


The image from the rearview video camera can be transmitted to a specially installed monitor, a standard car screen and to a car navigator. To connect the device to any type of monitor, you need a video output that supports a PAL or NTSC TV signal. It is important that the devices are compatible. The instructions include a connection diagram.

Transferring an image to the screen can be done in two ways:

  1. A video cable is stretched through the entire interior of the car to the screen, which is installed on the dashboard. This installation method reliably transmits a signal that is protected from radio interference. The disadvantage of this installation is the need to dismantle the car interior trim.
  2. With the wireless method, signal transmission is carried out by radio waves. The system is easy to install, but has many disadvantages: short transmission range (no more than 15 meters), a large amount of electromagnetic interference, etc.

Installation by car service specialists is expensive. It is more profitable in terms of finances and time to buy a kit and install it yourself, using the connection diagram.


The choice of video cameras is large, it is better to select a standard device, but problems may arise with the size and shape, since each car model has its own standard camera. If you have problems finding a standard device, you can purchase a universal one that will fit the parameters.

A rear view camera with dynamic markings will be useful for drivers who have to constantly park their car in unfamiliar places. Thanks to the video image received on the monitor, the driver will be able to see all the obstacles in the parking lot. He won’t have to turn his head like in the old days to assess the situation behind the car. For the dark, the cars are equipped with IR illumination.

The rear view camera can be used as an addition to the car, making up a set of video devices with which you can record your journey. Information from cameras can be used to identify those at fault in an accident.

Video “Overview of parking cameras”

This video provides an overview of wired and wireless parking cameras, and also demonstrates the process of connecting devices (the author of the video is Observer Krasnodar).

The modern market offers buy universal rear view cameras two types: CMOS and CCD. They differ in the technology of manufacturing the matrix, which forms a digital image. Each type of camera has its own strengths and weaknesses, so making the final choice is not always easy. Let's learn about the features of each type.

Features of CMOS cameras

Cameras with CMOS matrices are characterized by low power consumption, and in addition, cells can be read randomly, but this feature is not possible with a CCD matrix. This allows you to get rid of the smearing or “smearing” effect, when bright point objects lead to the formation of vertical columns of light. In addition, in CMOS cameras, a significant portion of the electronics is located on the cell itself, which increases the ability to control both the image and the sensor itself.

However, cameras with CMOS sensors have a number of weaknesses. One of them is the small dimensions of the photosensitive element in relation to the overall pixel size. In addition, due to the location of the electronics on a significant part of the pixel, the area of ​​the photosensitive elements is reduced. This leads to a decrease in these characteristics.

Also, the pixel undergoes electronic processing, as a result of which the amount of noise appearing in the picture increases. Another weakness of cameras with CMOS matrices is the presence of the “rolling shutter” effect, which is associated with the short duration of scanning the matrix. It occurs when the object or operator moves at high speed, which can lead to horizontal stripes appearing on the image, distortion of the object, etc.

Distinctive features of CCD cameras

Universal rear view cameras CCD, which is more expensive than CMOS devices, allows for higher quality images. Shooting creates less noise, and it’s easier to dissipate it. Also, matrices of this type are known for their excellent efficiency. Their fill factor is almost 100%, with only 5% of photons not registered by the matrix. It is noteworthy that in the human eye this figure is only 1%.

If we talk about the disadvantages of CCD matrices, the processes occurring in them are highly complex. The camera uses various additional devices, which increases the energy consumption and cost of the device. In addition, products with a CCD matrix are more capricious to use.

The rear view cameras presented in our store have a detailed description of the characteristics, so you can easily purchase the most suitable device. And if necessary, store employees will help you make the right choice.

Rear view cameras are mainly used for parking purposes. However, they not only allow you to correctly calculate the distance to an obstacle, but can also provide evidence in the event of an accident or other illegal actions directed against the vehicle and its owner.

Selection criteria and main technical characteristics

A rear view camera for a car with a monitor consists of an optical monoblock, inside of which a signal amplifier, an optical sensor and an image processing chip are mounted. The optics of inexpensive models are usually made of optical polymers, while those of higher quality and more expensive devices are made of glass. Video cameras have a static focal length, and they also do not have an automatic or manual focusing mechanism, which has a positive effect on the cost of the equipment.

IMPORTANT! Only expensive premium models have the simplest focusing mechanisms. At the same time, cameras have only two or three fixed focal lengths.

Classification of parking cameras

  • Reach-View – a budget option that provides fairly high-quality images.
  • OmniSpecial – products in the middle price range that provide high-quality color reproduction and higher resolution images.
  • Avangard – high-quality devices that provide the highest quality high-definition images. It has good light sensitivity and, in most cases, infrared illumination for effective use in the dark.

Depending on the installation method of the rear view camera, there are:

  • wired,
  • wireless.

Installation of devices of the second type is simpler, but their cost is much higher, and the technical characteristics are at an average level (even for premium models).

Installation Features

In most cases, the rear view camera is installed in technological niches near the license plate. This position provides optimal visibility and also provides access to the standard body openings for routing wires. It should be remembered that even a wireless rear view camera for a car requires wires to connect power.

The power requirements of most models allow rear view cameras to be connected to a power supply that provides license plate illumination.

IMPORTANT! Wireless backup cameras are most useful when installed on trucks and semi-trucks. The signal transmission range of such devices is at least 50 m, which is quite enough for a large car of any class.

Image output devices

The image from the rear view camera can be obtained as follows ways:

  1. Standard car monitor (7 inches or more). The device must have a multimedia interface to receive a video signal.
  2. New models of radio tape recorders with a display or on-site monitor (1 or 2 din). Such devices are usually equipped with a video input.
  3. Separate TV for the car. This solution is justified only for cars of older brands that do not have the above devices.


Universal camera E300

Universal camera - model E300


  • resolution - 628x586;
  • viewing angle - 170°;
  • availability of parking lines;
  • operating temperature range -20…+70;
  • housing class - IP 68;
  • manufacturer - OEM.


  • resolution - 628x582/628x512;
  • viewing angle - 170°;
  • presence of a mirror image;
  • availability of parking lines;
  • operating temperature range -25…+65;
  • housing class - IP 66;
  • manufacturer - Toyota.

Or directly), we offer you tips, and sometimes even requirements, for connecting the camera’s power in a car, as well as a short but very detailed video instruction. Let's conditionally divide the article into several parts:

  • What to do if the installed camera does not work or is unstable?

Connecting power to a rear view camera in a car.

Connecting power to a rear view camera is an important and much more labor-intensive process than it might seem at first glance. Incorrect power supply can lead to breakdown of the device itself, damage to the car wiring, incorrect operation of the camera, or poor or unstable picture quality.

First of all, The "+" and "-" of all connected devices must come from the same place. This is an axiom and the cornerstone of connecting electronics in a car.

Secondly, study the operating logic of the installed equipment. As a result, the connected camera should not stand out from the overall picture. What does this mean in practice:

If, according to the operating logic of the already installed equipment, all electronics are turned on at the moment power is supplied to the head unit / monitor, then the camera must be connected accordingly. In many cars, the standard reverse camera (even if there is none) is designed to turn on simultaneously with the car's ignition. This approach ensures that the matrix is ​​already warmed up and excellent image quality, especially in the dark, and also, in some cars, activates the video input for the camera.

  • If you want to connect your camera this way, you need to research the camera's minimum power threshold and use a voltage converter. This is a small block that, from an input of 7-30 V, produces the voltage required for the camera at the output. It must be selected depending on the battery of the camera itself. For example, in our assortment for this purpose there are voltage converters for , and 7.5 V, respectively.
  • If the rear view camera (note, not the image from the camera, but the camera) is activated when reverse gear is engaged, you can connect power to the rear lights. If there is a “pure” plus and minus there, feel free to connect. If the signal is pulsating (PWM ripple), then to level the signal it is necessary to use a filter, for example, a capacitor.

Our engineer, whom you all know, told us how to properly connect the camera’s power. We highly recommend viewing. And don't forget to like the video and subscribe to our YouTube channel, if you haven't already done so.

  • Camera activation. When connecting a rear view camera via a video interface, activation, depending on the vehicle, occurs via the CAN bus or using +12 V from the reversing lamps. Therefore, when connecting a video interface, you need to go to the engineering menu (Factory menu) and configure the activation method (CAN bus or Rear wire).
  • Monitor Definition. When connecting a video interface, it is necessary to correctly determine the diagonal / resolution / type (in some cases) / monitor manufacturer (in some cases) and set the DIP switches accordingly.
  • Definition of standard/non-standard camera. When connecting a video interface, you must correctly set the position of the DIP switch, which is responsible for determining which camera the picture should be output from. That is, if you connect a non-standard rear view camera, the video interface must identify this camera and activate the image when reverse gear is engaged. If the car already has a standard camera installed, and you use the video interface to connect navigation or video devices, then set the DIP switch to the appropriate position. The instructions for the video interface will help you with this.
  • Definition of color system. Before purchasing a camera, find out which video signal standard your car supports (PAL or NTSC). The standard of the camera and the car must be the same. Many people believe that the video interface somehow adjusts the signal to the desired standard. However, this is a misconception. The video interface passes the signal as it is. If you still bought a camera with a different signal standard, use a converter.

Typical mistakes when connecting a rear view camera

  • Food taken from different places. In most cases, “+” is taken from the reverse lamp, and “-” from the body. We strongly, strongly ask you not to do this, we even insist. In such cases, a phenomenon called a potential difference arises, and at different points the voltage may differ and constantly change. This phenomenon affects the operation of the electronics of connected devices and leads to destabilization and poor or unstable picture quality. ALWAYS take the plus and minus from the same place!!! For example, from a monitor or head unit.
  • Power connected to pulsating signal from the reverse lights. In many cars, especially German ones, the signal on the reversing headlights pulsates. This was done specifically to diagnose the performance of the light bulb in the headlights. So, if you have just such a signal, you need to level it and install a filter, which, in turn, needs to be separated from the system by an LED. If you install a capacitor to smooth the signal, but do not separate it from the standard system, then the already smoothed signal will go to the reverse lamp, and the on-board computer (the unit that processes this lamp) will receive incorrect data. (see video).
  • Connecting the camera according to the principle of constant operation without using a voltage converter. Then there is a very high probability that your camera will simply burn out. And by the way, this happens repeatedly.
  • Video signal standard mismatch cameras and car multimedia systems.

What to do if the installed camera does not work or is unstable?

  • First, never install a camera without checking it first. This will save you and your clients a lot of time and nerves. We test the devices we sell, however the camera may be damaged due to shipping or other circumstances. Therefore, first make the connection “in weight”. If everything works, feel free to carry out the installation.
  • Check the connection cable. The supplied cable is usually from 3 to 5 meters long. Accordingly, when laying it, it may bend or break. This is quite common.
  • Check that the power connection is correct
    • Are the plus and minus taken from the same place?
    • Does the connected rear view camera work according to the same logic as all installed electronics?
    • Is a voltage converter used?
    • What signal is supplied to the camera, pulsating or constant (for more details, see above in the article and in our video)
  • If switching to image fails from the rear view camera when you engage reverse gear, that is, it sometimes switches, sometimes it doesn’t, which means you connected power to the pulsating signal of the reverse lights. Level it up. And do not forget to separate the capacitor from the system with a diode. (see information above and video).
  • If when connecting the camera via the video interface the image is not displayed or the image is of poor quality, check the camera activation settings in the Factory menu, as well as the correct positions of the DIP switches.
  • If the image is distorted or instead of an image there is a black and white picture, or no picture is displayed at all, most likely the video signal standards of the rear view camera and the car’s multimedia system do not match. Buy a camera that supports your car's color system, or use a converter.

Now you know everything about properly connecting a rear view camera. Stick to these rules and you will have a very useful and stable assistant. If, after connecting, your camera is unstable or produces a bad picture, you know what to ask your installer.

We strongly recommend that you contact only trusted workshops and installers who know a lot about electronics. Otherwise, you can lose time, money, and nerves. If you are not sure about the master, let him read this article and video. This will greatly increase the chances of a successful installation. ☺

If you still have questions about connecting the rear view camera purchased from the Car Solutions store, contact our technical support. Our technical specialists will try to help you.

And in the next article we will tell you how to choose and where best to install a rear view camera. Subscribe to the newsletter and you'll know when it's available. We will also inform you about new products, promotions, video reviews, etc.

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