Home Nutrition Loudspeaker connection diagram. Correct connection and installation of the tweeter Connect the horn loudspeaker to the car radio

Loudspeaker connection diagram. Correct connection and installation of the tweeter Connect the horn loudspeaker to the car radio

Horn acoustics

Horn acoustics has always been more expensive than usual. And it is not surprising that the most ardent fans of such acoustics are those users who once owned traditional speakers.
There is nothing surprising in this. A sophisticated listener will always appreciate the overall harmony, integrity of perception and naturalness of sound.
The user himself likes horn acoustics in view of their musicality and ability to capture the listener.

What it is

Modern audio equipment is capable of reproducing the entire range of required frequencies. This is enough to transmit musical compositions, but not enough to create a sense of the presence of the listener.
As any music lover will tell you, there is something that is responsible for the transmission of not just music, melody, but also for the transmission of the performer's emotions. Horn acoustics just perfectly copes with this matter.
Horn acoustics are not designed like conventional ones. The speaker (see) in it is not quite large in size and it joins the horn, which increases the volume of its sound.
This can be compared with the case when a person, in order to shout to an interlocutor at a great distance, folds his hands with a mouthpiece.

Note. If you are thinking about purchasing horn speakers in your car, we hasten to warn you: the difference between good and bad horn speakers is very significant than is observed in traditional versions.
Cheap horn acoustics made by an unscrupulous manufacturer cannot in any way act as a comparison. It was these cheap options that gave rise to rumors that supposedly horn acoustics are good, but the sound in them is colored.

As for high-quality horn speakers, they are always expensive. They always use Alnico magnets and exotic metal diaphragms.
Horn acoustics are always assembled according to strict tolerances and dimensions. In a word, such a production technology cannot imply any compromises and cost reduction.

Let's give examples. A two-inch TAD compression driver, used in all Cesaro horn acoustics, costs about 1,000 euros. At the same time, the most expensive tweeter to date is the beryllium-diaphragm Scan Speke, which only costs about $600.

Horn acoustics for cars are always unique products produced in series. The names of some in gold letters are inscribed in the history of car audio.
For example, this is the Japanese horn acoustics Maxonik, which has been produced since 1932. Today Maxonic always presents high-tech products.
When creating, expensive technologies are always used with the use of magnetic systems in emitters.



  • It will be interesting to know that the very first loudspeakers in the world were horn-type. They appeared in the 20s of the last century.
    The technology of creation was the only one and then they simply did not know how to make other acoustic systems;
  • Ten years later, speakers appear that are already similar to today's versions of traditional acoustics. They immediately gained great popularity, but forgot about horn acoustics.
    Then it was mistakenly believed that the ideal place for horn acoustics would be the sounding of large spaces, and for pleasant listening to music, it is simply not suitable;
  • Another ten years pass and the famous American engineer creates a completely new design of horn acoustics. It was Paul Klipsch (that was the name of the engineer) who proved that horn acoustics would make it possible to reproduce musical compositions with very high quality.

Note. It was then that the engineer founded a company producing horn acoustics, which to this day is a world leader. The company was called Klipsch, and speakers of this type were called Klipsch.

  • Interestingly, music lovers immediately "figured out" that the "clips" reproduce music in a special way. Since that time, horn acoustics have become the choice of a rather narrow circle of connoisseurs of real music;
  • The second half of the last century was marked by the appearance of completely new carriers. In addition, there are new developments and new approaches for processing and amplifying the audio signal;
  • Finally, having reached the apogee of modernization and improvement, people began to realize that the sound had not been able to give "liveness". And then the eyes of many turned to horn acoustics, which began a real boom about three years ago.

The magical sound of horn systems


  • The fact that horn acoustics sounds in a special way is not difficult to verify. And for such a sound there are all the prerequisites. Firstly, horn acoustics are highly sensitive. This makes it possible to reproduce the most subtle nuances, convey the emotions of the performer;
  • Secondly, horn speakers produce sound waves that are more "natural" in nature compared to the air vibrations coming out of traditional speakers;
  • Horn acoustics can reproduce low frequencies, but its dimensions depend on this. In other words, the lower frequencies you have to reproduce, the larger the size of the horn speaker should be.

Note. It is for this reason that horn acoustics are used for the most part for reproducing midrange and treble, but if you choose more speakers for yourself, then bass will be reproduced at the highest level.

  • And that is not all. Low frequencies will be reproduced not just like that, but at the highest level. True, only the most subtle connoisseurs of sound can distinguish the difference in reproduction.

Note. It is interesting that recently quite often there are speakers where only the tweeters are made in the form of a horn. For example, the same speakers of the Clipsch Reference series are made according to this model.

  • The high frequencies reproduced by horn speakers sound much louder. Needless to say, the HF quality is better than when using conventional tweeters.

Recently, among the manufacturers of horn acoustics, I would like to single out the Italian company Zingali separately. The engineers of this company have created an original horn radiator that simultaneously reproduces midrange and high frequencies, and at the same time looks beautiful.

Horn acoustics in a car

Needless to say, all traditional car speakers do not allow you to achieve high sound quality. It's not about anything, but in a cramped cabin.
Here the horn ones will give a chance to significantly exalt the sound, create the effect of presence (as if you are sitting in a studio or at a concert). The explanation can be simple: the horn increases the distance over which sound waves propagate, while increasing the density of sound and giving a characteristic melody.
Technical solutions for placing such acoustics in a car can be different:

  • So, the most popular way is to install the loudspeaker in front, frontally on the wall of the case, inside which the main waveguide is formed. It has an outlet to the outside;
  • Another option involves a horn system, where there is a woofer. It is placed in a separate building. The same fate is followed by tweeters and midrange speakers, which are also placed in the corresponding case separately from each other.

Advantages and disadvantages of horn acoustics

This concludes our review of horn acoustic systems. Recently, they have been increasingly installed in cars with their own hands, using step-by-step instructions, useful video reviews, drawings and photo materials.
The price of good horn acoustics is very high, but this will not stop ardent music lovers.

The quality of car audio depends both on the class of the reproducing equipment and on the properties of the speakers. The latter are important not only to choose the right ones according to their characteristics, but also to place them in the passenger compartment in such a way as to use their capabilities to the maximum. To equip a car with high-quality sound, it is not necessary to turn to professionals. Connecting tweeters to the radio with your own hands is within the power of almost any driver.

Varieties of speakers for cars

Any speaker intended for use in a vehicle interior is one of the following types:

  • broadband - manufacturers usually equip their cars with such speakers at the factory;
  • coaxial (coaxial);
  • component.

The single speaker of the broadband speaker reproduces the entire spectrum of audio frequencies. This is the cheapest solution, usually used in standard audio systems.

The single speaker of a full-range speaker is capable of reproducing a wide range of audio frequencies

The sound quality will improve if you divide the sound spectrum into several bands and entrust the reproduction of each of them to a separate emitter.

Several sound emitters are installed in a coaxial speaker in a single housing, which significantly improves sound quality

In a coaxial speaker in a single housing, usually on the same axis, several (2–5, more often 3) emitters are installed along with filters that select the sound frequencies that are optimal for each head.

Speakers of the component system are spaced apart in the space of the car

Component speaker systems have the widest range of high-quality reproduction. In them, as in coaxial speakers, the sound signal is reproduced by several emitters, but each is made as a separate speaker.

Two-component systems: tweeters and crossovers

Tweeters or tweeters are called high-frequency speakers, whose task is to reproduce the frequencies of the upper band of the sound spectrum. Regular tweeters are flat or slightly convex. Horn tweeters are slightly larger than conventional ones, as they are equipped with an element that forms a clear radiation pattern - a horn.

Tweeters or tweeters are called tweeters.

To select bands in component systems, crossovers are used, made in the form of separate blocks of audio frequency separation filters.

Crossovers can have from one to four stages: the more there are, the better the sound quality.

Component sound systems are the most difficult to install. However, the separation of the speakers in space provides the highest quality and surround sound.

The right choice of speakers and radio

First of all, specialized sound equipment is intended for installation in the car interior. Manufacturers of car speakers take into account not only the sound quality, but also difficult operating conditions: vibration, dust, temperature changes, and so on.

Is it possible to put household or pop speakers in a car

Computer and concert loudspeakers are designed for more forgiving conditions. In a car, they most likely will not live long.

In addition, computer speakers usually require not only a sound source, but also a separate power supply, without which they will not work, while car speakers are connected only to the output of an amplifier or radio.

As a rule, it is advisable to buy speakers where it is possible to assess the sound quality. Appearance does not play a special role, since in the car interior the speakers are usually covered with a decorative mesh or grille.

The choice of suitable speakers for a car consists in determining the basic requirements for them and comparing the technical characteristics of several models of the same price category.

Installation of car speakers

In consumer acoustic systems, the right and left speakers are usually at the same distance from the listener and approximately at the level of his head. It is unrealistic to meet such conditions in a car, therefore, when installing a component speaker, the need to achieve a possible approximation to the ideal comes to the fore.

Speaker placement options: where you can install the speakers

Experimentally, it was found that for frontal acoustics, the placement of speakers on the edges of the dashboard and the part of the front pillars adjacent to them is considered optimal. In this case, you need to ensure that the speakers are moved forward as far as possible.

Experts also advise placing different-frequency speakers related to the same channel in close proximity to each other. This will ensure the integrity and consistency of the sound. You can orient the speakers in opposite directions: one point at the driver, the other at the windshield of the car so that sound waves are reflected from it.

Unfortunately, large-sized speakers are difficult to place on the edges of the dashboard. Therefore, many car owners choose a compromise option.

It makes sense to place the woofers and midrange speakers in the lower front corner of the door, and the tweeters on the A-pillar or in the same corner of the dashboard. Such a scheme gives acceptable sound quality at a lower cost of time and money.

Such a creative option for placing speakers on a car door will be appreciated only by the most desperate music lovers.

Do-it-yourself replacement of standard loudspeakers

The least expensive way, both in terms of money and effort, to improve the sound in the car interior is to replace the standard broadband speakers with two- or three-way coaxial ones.

The standard place for "native" speakers is the lower front corner of the doors. For replacement, it is desirable to choose speakers of the same size as the regular ones. Larger speakers generally sound better, but you will need to widen the mounting hole in the door to fit them.

Installation Tools

You may need the following tool to replace speakers:

  • jigsaw,
  • electric drill,
  • Phillips and flat screwdrivers
  • soldering iron,
  • pliers,
  • car key set
  • panel puller,
  • file,
  • insulating tape,
  • plastic clamps for fastening wires.

Video: learning to connect speakers to a car radio on our own

Preparatory work: how to remove the trim

Before performing work, turn off the ignition and disconnect the negative cable from the battery. Then proceed like this:

How to remove the stock speaker and install a new one

Further work will require patience and care from you. Only compliance with the following sequence of actions guarantees the correct installation of the speakers.

How to connect speakers to the front or back door

It happens that the new column, coinciding with the old one in diameter, does not “sit down” on the standard podium (ring or ledge) or turns out to be thicker and starts to bulge too much. Sometimes the stand is completely missing. In this case, proceed as follows:

Video: how to install acoustics on a car

Location of component sound sources

The sound quality of coaxial speakers satisfies most motorists, but not all. The design disadvantage of coaxial sound is that high-frequency tweeters are placed in inaccessible places along with front speakers. To overcome this shortcoming, component systems with spaced speakers are used.

The features of high-frequency sound propagation require that, firstly, the tweeters be oriented towards the listener, and, secondly, there are no obstacles between them and the ear.

Due to the layout of the car interior, it is difficult to choose the ideal location for the location of the tweeters. The most acceptable compromise between price and quality is the placement of low and medium frequency speakers in their original place and the removal of high-frequency heads to the dashboard or to the front pillar.

Connecting tweeters

The procedure for mounting component speakers is as follows:

How to connect speakers in two-piece systems

Approximately 80% of motorists who install component sound systems are limited to installing additional tweeters. For some, this is not enough, since it is impossible to achieve the highest sound quality without “drawing” the lower frequencies of the sound spectrum on the verge of the limits of human hearing.

Obstacles in the path of propagation of vibrations of the lowest frequencies degrade the quality slightly. Therefore, huge subwoofers operating in the lower sound band are placed in the trunk or on the rear shelf of the passenger compartment.

Component car audio system can contain from 2 (including tweeter) speakers per channel up to 4, 6 or more

Thus, a component car audio system can contain from 2 (including tweeter) speakers per channel to 4, 6 or more. Practical implementation depends on the aesthetic requirements of the car owner, his desire to spend money and time to achieve them.

Scheme of channel-by-channel connection of AC components

All components of the audio system are interconnected by wires. Weak tweeters can be connected with almost any wire. Subwoofers are a completely different matter. With a power of 100 W, the speaker will need a current of about 8 A. In order not to be mistaken, it is best to use a specialized speaker cable with a wire cross section of at least 2.5 square meters. mm.

To connect the wires to each other and to the speakers, depending on the design features, use standard connectors, terminals or twisting with mandatory soldering

The wires for connecting the speakers are laid in inaccessible places, hiding under removable skins as far as possible from the rest of the bundles. In the door, sound lines are brought in through regular rubber accordion covers.

Following the above recommendations, any owner will be able to equip his car with good sound. How many speakers will be used, where exactly they will be installed - depends on the design features of the machine and the desire of its owner. And the secret of success lies in the availability of the necessary components and accuracy in the performance of work.

In the process of installing a new speaker system, the owner may have the following task - how to connect tweeters (tweeters) so that they work efficiently and without problems?

The essence of the issue is the complexity of the device of modern stereo systems. For this reason, in practice, there are often cases when the installed tweeters either work with distortion or do not work at all. By adhering to the installation rules, you can avoid possible difficulties - the procedure will be as quick and simple as possible.

What is a tweeter?

Modern tweeters are a kind of sound sources, the task of which is to reproduce the high-frequency component. Therefore, they are called so - high-frequency speakers or tweeters. It should be noted that, having a compact size and a specific purpose, tweeters are easier to install than large speakers. They produce a directional sound, and are easier to place to create high-quality detail and accurate portrayal of the sound range, which the listener will immediately feel.

Where is it recommended to install tweeters?

Manufacturers recommend many places where tweeters can be placed, most often at ear level. In other words, aim them as high as possible at the listener. But not everyone agrees with this opinion. This setting is not always convenient. It depends on the specific circumstances. And the number of installation options is quite large.

For example:

  • Mirror corners. During the trip, they will not cause additional discomfort. Moreover, they will beautifully fit into the interior of the vehicle;
  • Dashboard. Installation can be done even with double-sided tape;
  • Podiums. There are two options here. The first is to put the tweeters in a regular podium (which comes with a tweeter), the second is to make the podium yourself. The latter case is more complicated, but it guarantees a better result.

Where is the best place to send tweeters?

When designing a car audio, you can choose one of two options:

  1. each tweeter is directed towards the listener. That is, the right squeaker is sent to the driver, the left - also to him;
  2. diagonal setting. In other words, the tweeter on the right is routed to the left seat, while the left speaker is routed to the right.

The choice of one or another option depends on the individual preferences of the owner. To begin with, you can direct the tweeters towards yourself, and then try the diagonal method. After testing, the owner himself will decide whether to choose the first method, or give preference to the second.

Connection Features

A tweeter is an element of a stereo system whose task is to reproduce sound with a frequency of 3,000 to 20,000 hertz. The radio tape recorder produces a full range of frequencies, ranging from five hertz to 25,000 hertz.

The tweeter can only reproduce high-quality car audio, the frequency of which is at least two thousand hertz. If a lower-frequency signal is applied to it, it will not be played, and with a sufficiently large power for which mid- and low-frequency speakers are designed, the tweeter may fail. At the same time, there can be no question of any quality of playback. For durable and reliable operation of the tweeter, you should get rid of the low-frequency components that are present in the overall spectrum. That is, make sure that only the recommended operating frequency range falls on it.

The first and easiest way to cut off the low-frequency component is to install a capacitor in series. It passes the high frequency band well, starting from two thousand hertz and more. And does not pass frequencies below 2000 Hz. In fact, this is the simplest filter, the possibilities of which are limited.

As a rule, the capacitor is already present in the speaker system, so it does not need to be purchased additionally. You should think about buying it if the owner decided to get a used radio, and did not find a capacitor in the tweeter kit. It may look like this:

  • A special box to which a signal is applied and then transmitted directly to the tweeters.
  • The capacitor is mounted on a wire.
  • The capacitor is built directly into the tweeter itself.

If you did not see any of the listed options, you should buy the capacitor separately and install it yourself. In radio stores, their assortment is large and diverse.

The filtered frequency range depends on the type of capacitor installed. For example, the owner can install a capacitor that will limit the frequency range supplied to the speakers to three or four thousand hertz.

Note! The higher the frequency of the signal fed to the tweeter, the more detail the sound can achieve.

In the presence of a two-way system, you can make a choice in favor of a cutoff from two to four and a half thousand hertz.


The connection of the tweeter is as follows, it is connected directly to the speaker that is located in your door, plus the tweeter is connected to the plus of the speaker and the minus to the minus, while the capacitor must be connected to the plus. This is practical advice for those who don't know how to connect tweeters without a crossover.

An alternative connection option is -. In some models of speaker systems for cars, it is already included in the kit. If not available, you can purchase it separately.

Other features

To date, the most common tweeter option is an electrodynamic system. Structurally, it consists of a housing, a magnet, a coil with a winding, a diaphragm with a membrane and power wires with terminals. When a signal is applied, a current flows in the coil, an electromagnetic field is formed. It interacts with the magnet, mechanical vibrations occur, which are transmitted to the diaphragm. The latter creates acoustic waves, sound is heard. To increase the efficiency of sound reproduction, the membrane has a specific dome shape.
Automotive tweeters typically use silk membranes. To obtain additional rigidity, the membrane is impregnated with a special compound. Silk is characterized by the ability to more effectively cope with high loads, temperature changes and dampness.
In the most expensive tweeters, the membrane is made of thin aluminum or titanium. You can meet this only on very prestigious acoustic systems. In a conventional car audio system, they come across quite rarely.
The cheapest option is a paper membrane.

In addition to the fact that the sound is worse than in the previous two cases, such equipment has an extremely short service life. And this is not surprising, since paper cannot ensure high-quality operation of the tweeter in conditions of low temperature, high levels of humidity and high load. When the machine increases the engine speed, an extraneous sound may be felt.

Do not forget that you can also set up the buzzer using the radio. Even the cheapest models have the ability to adjust the high frequencies. In particular, models of the middle price range have a built-in equalizer, which greatly simplifies the task.

Video how to install tweeters

Wiring diagram for 100V loudspeakers for the background sound system and fire alarm in the premises

This article will talk about how loudspeakers for 100V lines are connected in sound systems.

Why did we choose speakers that operate in 100 volt mode? - Because this architecture has proven itself only from the good side in the market of sounding premises. The installation of such systems is so simple that even a person who has never dealt with similar systems can cope with this task. All that is needed to install and run the system is a minimal set of tools, or even improvised means, with which you can strip the wire and make holes.

So, if you have already decided on the required number of speakers, then let's move on to detailed instructions. Loudspeakers for 100 volt lines are connected to each other in parallel with a ShVVP 2x0.75 wire (two in the marking indicates the number of conductors in the wire, and 0.75 is their cross section; the color of the insulation in the conductors of such a wire is usually blue and brown). This wire can be found in any market and is inexpensive, making this architecture not only simple but also economical.

Loudspeakers for 100 volt lines come in different configurations. We will try to show how the most common ones are connected:

1. wall speaker has two terminals or clamps for 100V line input (red and black). We connect the red conductor to the red terminal, the blue one to the black one, as in the figure below:

If the loudspeaker is not the closing (end) in the system, but is one of the links in the chain, then we connect the incoming and outgoing wire to it, having previously connected it by color (blue to blue, red to red). This is the essence of parallel connection:

2. Ceiling speakers with a fixed power value are connected similarly to wall-mounted ones.

3. Ceiling and horn loudspeakers with variable and fixed power parameter Sometimes do not have terminals. Instead, from two to 7 wires of different colors are used. You can find the meanings of these colors in the connection manual that comes with the loudspeaker. Nevertheless, the principle is as follows - one of these transactions has the value COM or it is also called "0". Here we connect our blue conductor to this zero, and to one of the others (depending on the required power) - red.

Such an input group is uniquely present in spherical pendant loudspeakers.

Now let's go directly to the process of connecting the speakers to the amplifier. It doesn't matter what type of amplifier you choose: a mixer amplifier or a broadcast amplifier, connecting to them is equally simple. On the rear panel of the amplifier there are either terminals or clips for output to the speakers. You need to use the values ​​COM (or "0" it is sometimes called) and 100V. We connect the blue wire to the COM pin, which comes from the speakers, and the red wire to the 100V pin.

That's it, the background sound system or fire alarm system is over. Now you need to connect the sound source (DVD player, MP3 player, mobile phone, computer, etc.) to the amplifier using standard cables and enjoy high-quality playback of musical compositions. Inputs for sources on the amplifier are labeled Line-in or AUX and have standard "Tulip Mom" ​​connectors. Connectors are arranged in pairs and have color marks - red and white.

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