Home Heating What is the average speed of a pedestrian? Determination of the maximum permissible speed of a vehicle based on visibility conditions during an automotive technical examination Average pedestrian speed

What is the average speed of a pedestrian? Determination of the maximum permissible speed of a vehicle based on visibility conditions during an automotive technical examination Average pedestrian speed

Do you know how fast an ordinary pedestrian walks down the street? What is the average speed of a person when walking?

“It depends on the pedestrian,” you say. If you measure the speed of a student who is late for a lecture and the speed of a grandmother going to the store, there will be a fairly large spread.

Approximately 2.5 km/h to 7 km/h. Moreover, a speed of 7 km/h is almost running. Thus, we get the average speed of a person when walking - 4-5 km/hour.

Health walking speed

For those starting a sports career (no matter how old you are, 9 or 90), walking is the best form of fitness.

Firstly, the load on the joints is the most optimal: while walking, it is almost impossible to harm yourself.

Secondly, you will need minimal equipment.

Thirdly, you can practice walking in any weather: in good weather, walk along the street, but in rain and ice, walk on the treadmill in any fitness club...

If you want to lose weight, you need to turn up the speed more to start burning fat. This is a fast walk, almost on the verge of running: 6-7 km/hour.

If you just want to warm up and you don’t have excess weight, you can move more slowly - at a speed of 3-4 km/hour.

Walking shoes

It is very important to choose the right shoes. Sneakers are, of course, best for walking. Choose them carefully, making sure that the heel is tightly fixed.

Sneakers must bend well in their middle part, this makes walking easier.

Well, one more important detail - walking shoes must have a shock absorber. Therefore, when purchasing, if you are not sure of all these qualities, it is better to consult with the seller and explain that you need sneakers specifically for walking.

Correct body position

Walking will only benefit you if you maintain proper body posture. Namely: the feet should be exactly hip-width apart, the toes of the shoes “look” straight ahead.

Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, pressing your elbows to your body. Bring your shoulder blades together and stick out your chest! But your shoulders need to be lowered and pulled back a little.

Tighten your abdominal muscles, as if you were doing Pilates (squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and zip up your stomach).

To avoid getting bored, turn on your favorite music in the player. You can buy a small device. which hangs on your belt and counts the steps and kilometers you have walked. It's called a pedometer and is sold at any sporting goods store.

And remember: the average speed of a person when walking, if you want to get a healing effect, should be at least 4-5 km/h!

Pedestrian category Floor Slow step Calm step Quick step Calm running Fast run
Speed ​​limit Average speed Speed ​​limit average speed Speed ​​limit average speed Speed ​​limit average speed Speed ​​limit average speed
Schoolchildren from 7 to 8 years old M F 2,7-3,9 2,6-3,5 3,1 2,9 4,0-5,2 3,7-5,0 4,4 4,2 5,4-6,5 5,0-6,2 5,9 5,3 7,2-10,4 7,0-10,8 8,5 8,0 11,2-13,0 10,8-12,4 12,2 11,8
Schoolchildren from 8 to 10 years old M F 3,1-3,7 2,8-3,6 3,4 3,0 4,3-5,4 4,0-5,2 4,6 4,3 5,6-6,7 5,2-6,4 6,0 5,5 7,4-10,8 7,2-10,3 8,4 9,3 11,4-13,4 12,7-15,4 12,5 13,8
Schoolchildren from 10 to 12 years old M F 3,2-4,2 3,1-3,7 3,7 3,3 4,4-5,5 4,2-5,4 4,9 4,8 5,7-6,9 5,4-6,6 6,2 5,8 7,6-11,1 7,4-10,7 9,3 8,9 12,7-15,4 12,3-15,2 13,8 13,4
Schoolchildren from 12 to 15 years old M F 3,5-4,6 3,2-4,5 3,8 3,6 5,0-5,8 4,5-5,5 5,2 5,0 5,9-7,1 5,6-6,8 6,5 6,1 7,8-11,7 7,7-11,2 10,0 9,5 13,2-16,0 12,7-15,5 14,6 14,1
Schoolchildren from 15 to 20 years old M F 3,0-4,5 2,9-4,1 3,9 3,7 4,8-5,8 4,6-5,6 5,4 5,2 6,0-7,8 5,7-6,9 6,8 6,3 8,6-13,0 8,1-12,6 10,3 10,0 14,4-18,0 13,0-16,6 16,3 14,9
Young from 20 to 30 years old M F 3,5-4,6 3,4-4,6 4,2 4,1 4,8-6,2 4,7-5,9 5,7 5,3 6,3-7,8 6,0-7,4 6,9 6,6 8,8-13,0 8,5-12,8 11,0 10,6 14,4-18,0 13,8-17,0 16,7 15,3
Middle aged 30 to 40 years old M F 3,2-4,6 3,0-4,4 3,9 3,8 4,8-6,2 4,6-5,8 5,7 5,2 6,3-7,8 5,9-7,2 6,8 6,5 8,2-12,0 8,1-11,6 10,6 9,8 13,1-18,0 12,0-17,0 15,5 14,1
Middle aged 40 to 50 years old M F 2,9-4,3 2,8-4,1 3,8 3,6 4,6-5,8 4,4-5,4 5,3 4,9 6,0-7,2 5,5-7,2 6,6 6,1 7,6-11,1 7,6-10,6 9,6 8,9 11,3-17,0 10,8-16,0 14,3 12,7
Elderly from 50 to 60 years old M F 2,6-4,0 2,5-3,9 3,4 3,3 4,2-5,3 4,2-5,0 4,8 4,5 5,4-6,8 5,2-6,5 6,0 5,6 7,0-10,0 6,9-9,0 8,6 7,9 10,1-15,8 10,0-14,0 12,5 11,2

Rice. 8. Diagram of a vehicle collision with a pedestrian: V O, V, V n– vehicle speed, respectively, initial, at the beginning of the braking intensity and at the moment of impact; S– distance of the vehicle from the pedestrian line; S Yu, S H– skidding path and collision path; S P pedestrian path; S 4 – intensive vehicle braking path

In the absence of such data and when the driver, after a collision, is forced to quickly deliver a pedestrian to a medical facility in his vehicle, this coordinate and, accordingly, the path of the collision S H are often indicated very approximately.

But in the source materials on road accidents there is information about the injuries that the pedestrian received and data on their severity. Therefore, you can additionally use the results of studies of the mechanism of a vehicle collision with a pedestrian.

The results of targeted studies of the mechanism of collision with a pedestrian are presented in the work. Based on a detailed study, a connection was established between the severity of the consequences of injuries received by pedestrians and the speed of collisions with pedestrians by buses, trucks and cars, which is graphically shown in Fig. 9.

The severity of injuries was assessed using a scale agreed with doctors:

0 – no bodily injury;

0.5 – minor injuries without health problems;

1.5 – lungs with health disorders;

2.0 – less severe;

3.5 – serious, not resulting in death;

10.0 – serious, resulting in death.

Impact speed, km/h

Rice. 9. Dependence of the severity of injuries on the vehicle collision speed: A – buses;

G – cargo; L – passenger cars

The survey data obtained correspond to a 95% probability and, according to our experience in collision research, they can be used in practice.

The data generalized in this work on the relationship between the speed of a collision by a passenger car and the distance of a pedestrian’s throw can also be used L ABOUT:

V N = 0,1 + 0,31L O + 0.47 L O 2 (km/h);

L O = 0.24 V N+ 1.4×10 -3 V N 2 (m).

After clarifying the positions of the vehicle and the pedestrian at the time of the collision, it is necessary to determine their relative position at the moment of objective danger. This point is often determined and indicated by the investigation and the court. It is usually associated with the start of a pedestrian’s movement along the roadway and his approach to the vehicle’s lane without noticing the latter, or with the start of illogical actions of the pedestrian (sudden change in speed,

directions and trajectories). But based on calculations and graphical constructions, as well as an investigative experiment (together with an investigator), an expert can identify this point more reasonably than based on testimony.

The time of movement of the pedestrian from the moment of danger to the point of collision along the path of the pedestrian S P in the danger zone and the speed of his movement are found V P:

t P = S P /V P .

If the collision is made before the vehicle starts braking without changing its speed V Oh, then the distance of the vehicle from the collision site at the moment of danger is determined by the time of movement of the pedestrian:

S= V O · t p = V ABOUT S P / V P .

The initial speed of the vehicle is found as stated above.

If the collision is made during the braking process, then the removal of the vehicle is often found taking into account the reduction in its speed before the collision (see Fig. 8), taking V@ V Oh, like this:

S = V o S p / V P – (V ABOUT - V N) (t 4 – t N)/2;

; ;

; ;

S = V O S P / V P .

If no traces of skidding are recorded at the scene of the accident, then the value S 4 is found by expression


But more precisely, taking into account the decrease in the initial speed of the vehicle during the increase in deceleration, the removal is found through the impact speed V N:

S = V ABOUT S P / V P – (V ABOUT - V H) 2 /2 j T.

For the case of a pedestrian being struck by the side surface of a vehicle, the distance of the impact site from the front bumper is taken into account. L X:

S = V ABOUT S P / V PL X .

If the value of the impact path is unreliable, you have to use data on the severity of injuries and find the distance based on the impact speed:

S = V ABOUT S P / V P – (V ABOUT - V N) 2 /2j T.

To resolve the main issue of whether or not the driver has the technical ability to prevent a collision by timely braking, first compare the time the pedestrian moves in the danger zone with the total time before the vehicle starts braking:

t P « ( t 1 + t 2 + 0,5t 3) .

If time t P the result is less than the sum of the driver’s reaction time, the delay time of the drive and the increase in deceleration, i.e. the total time, that is, there is every reason to conclude that the driver does not have the technical ability to prevent a collision due to the pedestrian creating a danger in a very short time, since the actions of the pedestrian in fact, an emergency situation was immediately created.

At t P >> (t 1 + t 2 + 0,5t 3) the stopping distance of the vehicle is compared with the distance it is removed from the collision site at the moment of danger. If S ABOUT<S, that is, there is every reason to conclude that the driver has the technical ability to avoid a collision. If the stopping distance exceeds the distance by a small amount or if the pedestrian was hit by the front corner of the vehicle that is farthest along his approach (the side surface), then the possibility of the pedestrian leaving the lane of the vehicle if it brakes in a timely manner is determined. To do this, first find the time it takes the vehicle to move to the pedestrian’s line of movement with timely braking:

t a= t 1 + t 2 + 0,5t 3 +V o/j T - .

Using this time, the position of the pedestrian is determined at the moment the car approaches the collision site. It may turn out that at this moment the pedestrian already manages to leave the car’s lane with a safe lateral interval:


Where L– car length, m; VО – vehicle speed, km/h.

If the difference S ABOUT - S according to the calculation, the collision path will be significantly less according to the accident scheme, then by comparing the collision speed according to the calculated value S H = S ABOUT - S and indicated on the accident diagram, it is possible to identify the connection between the driver’s delayed actions and the severity of the consequences of the collision.

If a collision is made within the coverage area of ​​a speed limit sign, and the driver has exceeded this limit level, then the stopping distance of the vehicle is determined from the value of the limited speed and is compared with the removal distance at the speed of the vehicle in this case. This way, from a technical point of view, the causal connection between speeding and the fact of an accident and the severity of the consequences is revealed.

When colliding in conditions of insufficient visibility, it is necessary to take into account that the pedestrian’s visibility distance may be less than the calculated distance of the vehicle at the moment of the pedestrian’s dangerous exit.

A person spends most of his life on his feet. We constantly walk even when we have our own or public transport, which requires us to travel long distances throughout the day.

A person walks a lot in the office and even at home, doing various jobs, and is almost always on the move. If, for the sake of experimentation, you put a special step counter on your hand, then a decent number will accumulate in a day.

Recently, people have begun to actively monitor their health and give preference to walking: as soon as the opportunity arises, they refuse transport and cover the path on foot. But many of us have not even thought about what the average speed of a person is while walking.

As for the average walking speed of a person, it differs significantly from the average speed while running. People differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in the width of their steps. In fact, the average speed while walking directly depends on it. To determine it as accurately as possible, you need to understand some details.

If you study the sources of information that are used as the basis for many calculations, it becomes clear that the average speed at which an ordinary pedestrian walks is usually taken as 5 kilometers per hour. This figure may decrease if a person walks for a long time and gradually gets tired.

It's also important to note that the average speed for women and children may be slightly lower. The average changes if a person is in a hurry and at the same time speeds up his usual pace.

Step length plays an important role in determining your average speed. The wider the step, the higher the average speed.

Those people who want to improve their health and get rid of excess weight through walking need to walk at a speed of 5 km/h or higher. This average speed is often called fast walking and even running, but the latter starts at 9 km/h.

Every child knows how fast a car should travel. But how fast does a person move? We will discuss pedestrian speed further.

About speed

Few people think about the fact that each person, just like a vehicle, has his own speed of movement. Some people walk slowly, others simply rush along the sidewalks, constantly in a hurry. Scientists have calculated that the average speed of a pedestrian is 5 km/h. This is if we talk about an adult healthy person who is not in a hurry, but simply moves around the area familiar to him.

What affects pedestrian speed

No one will argue with the fact that the speed of a pedestrian depends on many factors:

  • primarily due to age - small children and elderly people walk much slower than an ordinary able-bodied person;
  • the physical fitness and health status of the pedestrian at the time of recording the indicators is also of great importance;
  • clothes and shoes, that is, their comfort, are the most important factor; no one will argue with the fact that a lady in high heels and a woman in sneakers will move at radically different speeds;
  • one of the main factors is the quality of the surface on which a person walks; the speed also changes depending on whether the person is moving over rough terrain or on the sidewalk;
  • scientists note that the speed of residents of densely populated areas is lower than those who move through deserted areas.

Changes in indicators

As already mentioned, the speed of a pedestrian depends on where exactly the person is walking. If he is moving over rough terrain, in a forest or in a field, then the average speed will be 3-4 km/h, if on a flat deserted sidewalk, then 5-6 km/h. If you move at a walking pace, the pedestrian’s speed will be no more than 2.5 km/h, or even less.

German Research

Scientists from Germany decided to study pedestrian speed. During their work, they interviewed 6,000 interested people in 20 cities. The result revealed that the average pedestrian speed in this country is 1.49 meters per second. These results turned out to be the most common and expected. After all, if we translate the obtained figures into indicators more familiar to domestic people, then the average speed of a German is 5.4 km/h.

Pedestrian speed limit

Some countries have decided to limit the speed of pedestrians as part of the speed limit for vehicles. For clarity, some background is needed. In Spain, a small town decided to limit car speed to 30 km/h. In this regard, the number of accidents on the roads has significantly decreased, and the number of injuries and deaths of pedestrians in collisions with cars has also decreased. At the same time, the town authorities decided to pay attention to the pace of movement of the people themselves. Pedestrians were also limited in their speed in crowded places. And athletes and lovers of morning jogging (and there are many such people there) were allocated special park areas where the increased pace of movement will not negatively affect the general mass of the people.

Walking is good for your health

Having figured out what a pedestrian's speed is (km/h), it should also be noted that walking is very good for health. By walking just 3-4 kilometers at a normal pace, which will take about 40-45 minutes, you can burn about 300-500 calories. It is especially important to move more for those people who have a so-called “sedentary” job. Most of the time, modern people are in a sitting position, which causes blood stagnation and the functions of other organs to be impaired. That is why doctors advise going up to the upper floors not by elevator, but by walking up the stairs. This will greatly help your lungs function and will also relieve stress on your cardiovascular system. There is no need to be lazy about walking home. After work, this will significantly relieve fatigue, and fresh air will help put your thoughts in order.

Driving in a car at night is considered the most dangerous, and for pedestrians who cross the roadway this time becomes deadly. It is worth reading this article to determine once and for all for yourself how fast you can drive on roads in conditions of limited visibility in the headlights of a car, in order to avoid becoming a murderer.

This speed can be determined by formula (1):


Where V dv – maximum permissible vehicle speed according to visibility conditions, km/h; T 1 – driver reaction time according to visibility conditions or driver reaction time when choosing a speed; S c – visibility from the driver’s seat in the direction of vehicle movement (as a rule, taken from the source data), m.

Thus: if V a > V dv, then the speed of the vehicle did not ensure traffic safety in terms of visibility and the driver’s actions do not comply with the requirements of clause 10.1 part 1 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations. In other words, if you, when driving at night on an unlit section of the road, moved with headlights on, low or high, outside a populated area, then your speed could not be equal to 90 km/h according to visibility conditions, but should have been significantly less. Moreover, any manipulations with the readings in this case threaten even greater problems for the driver, which we will show a little further.

If V A< V dv, then the speed of the vehicle did not ensure traffic safety in terms of visibility and the driver’s actions do not contradict the requirements of clause 10.1 part 1 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation.

The presence of a technical ability to avoid a collision is determined by formula (2).


where S o is the stopping distance of the vehicle in a given traffic vehicle, m; S у – distance of the vehicle from the place of collision with the pedestrian at the moment of danger to traffic.

The stopping distance of a vehicle at the maximum permissible vehicle speed in a given traffic vehicle according to visibility conditions will be determined by the following formula (3):


The distance of the vehicle from the place of collision with the pedestrian when the driver applies emergency braking when a danger to traffic arises (see Fig. 1) will be determined by formula (4):


where * is the distance traveled by the vehicle before the formation of brake skid marks, taking into account the driver’s reaction time and vehicle characteristics; S" t – the distance traveled by the vehicle from the beginning of the formation of braking marks to the point of collision with the pedestrian recorded on the incident diagram, m; L p.s. – length of the front overhang of the vehicle, m.

Rice. 1. Excessive speed

Thus: if S O< S y, then the driver had the technical ability to prevent an accident (collision with a pedestrian) by promptly and fully applying measures to reduce speed when a danger to traffic arose.

If S o > S y, then the driver did not have the technical ability to prevent an accident (collision with a pedestrian).

Now let's try to analyze a simple, but very often repeated example of such an accident. And describe the lies of the driver who hit the pedestrian to death.

The question that will interest us in this case is

  1. Is the version of the circumstances of the accident stated by the driver of the Ford Transit, born. XXXX, Ivanov I.I. from a technical point of view?

The first stage of automotive technical expertise and analysis of an accident when a pedestrian is hit is to determine the relative position of the participants in the incident at the time a dangerous situation arises. Solving this problem when reconstructing the mechanism of a car hitting a pedestrian presents particular difficulties, since a pedestrian, unlike a car, can move along the most uncertain trajectory and with a sharply changing speed. Since the true trajectory and actual speed of the pedestrian have not been established in the case materials, the expert assumes that the pedestrian moved along the roadway evenly and in a straight line. Pedestrian speed is taken according to tabular data from statistical studies of NILSE (Table 1)

Table 1. Movement speed (m/s) of male pedestriansdata from statistical studies of NILSE.

Characteristics of pedestrians








Schoolchildren, years:


2, 36

3, 39


0, 94

2, 47

3, 53


2, 58

3, 83


2, 77

4, 05

Young 15-20 years old


4, 53

» 20-30 years

3, 05


Average age 30-40 years

2, 84

4, 31

The same 40-50 years

2, 67

3, 97

Elderly 50-60 years old

0, 94

2, 39

3, 47

» 60-70 years

0, 83

1, 94

2, 92

Old people over 70 years old

0, 69

0, 89


2, 42

With prosthetic leg

0, 64

0, 94

1, 67

While intoxicated

0, 89

2, 27

2, 78

Leading a child by the hand

0, 75

1, 67

3, 14

With a child in your arms

0, 97

1, 86

With bulky things

1, 08

3, 25

Walking hand in hand

0, 97

2, 5

Depending on the main features that determine the collision mechanism, they are usually divided into three groups. Based on the nature of the vehicle's movement, a distinction is made between a collision during uniform motion and a collision during braking. Based on the magnitude of the angle between the speed vectors of the car and the pedestrian. And also by the location of the impact site on the car.

Taking into account the testimony of witnesses and the driver of the car, this collision can be classified as a collision during braking, transverse, side surface. This type of collision is the most common and well described in the expert literature.

It is necessary to determine the moment of danger for the movement of the vehicle. According to the protocol of the court hearing in civil case No. XXX, at the time of the collision with the pedestrian, the car was moving at a speed of about 10 km/h. After the impact, the car stopped, the pedestrian was lying behind the car. According to the explanations given on October 25, 2013, by the driver Ivanov I.I., he was moving at a speed of about 50 km/h after the collision, the car drove approximately one car length forward from the place where the hit pedestrian lay. Taking into account the above, we will determine the stopping distance of a Ford Transit vehicle with a registration number. XXX at a speed of 50 km.h.

Considering the nature of the collision, the cost of kinetic energy to throw the pedestrian can be neglected. Thus, taking into account the final position of the car, determined from the words of the driver Ivanov I.I. (see above) we can conclude that the car traveled about 25.5 meters from the place of danger to the final position of the pedestrian on the roadway. Taking into account the speed of movement of a pedestrian in a state of alcoholic intoxication and the width of the roadway, we can conclude that at the moment the danger to traffic arose, the pedestrian was moving at a speed of 2.78 m.s. and covered a distance of 5.2 meters in the vehicle's lane from the dividing strip to the collision site.

Thus, a Ford Transit car, moving at a speed of 13.9 m.sec, at a distance of 2.8 m from the right border of the roadway, hit a pedestrian crossing the street from left to right, at a speed of 2.78 m.sec. The overall width of the car is 2.08 m (without mirrors). The maximum deceleration that could be achieved in given road conditions varies depending on the temperature of the service brake system and can range from J=0.55 to J=0.72 m.sec 2 Therefore, for calculations we take the average value J=6.8 m .sec 2 (according to the requirements of GOST 25478-82)

Let's try to consider this scenario:

The pedestrian was hit by the left side surface of the car. The impact point is 0.5 m from the front of the vehicle.

The time of movement in the driver's field of vision is calculated using the formula t VP =5.2/2.78-0.5/13.9=1.87-0.03=1.84s.

The time during which the driver could observe the actions of the pedestrian is longer than the time required to activate the braking system. Consequently, by applying the brakes, the driver acted correctly from a technical point of view, using all possibilities to prevent a collision with a pedestrian.

The distance of the car from the collision site from the moment when the pedestrian suddenly ran in the other direction while crossing the roadway can be calculated using the formula:

Sy=5.2*13.9/2.78 – 0.5= 25.5

S O= (T1 + T2 + 0.5xT3)V D /3.6 + V D 2 /26J =

=(1.0+0.1+0.5x0.3)x50.0/3.6+50.0 2 /(26x6.8)= 31.5m,

where: T1 is the reaction time of the driver of a Ford Transit, Kolodina D.V. , in this DTS, T1 = 1.0s;

Т2 – delay time of the brake system response;

T3 – set time of increase in vehicle deceleration;

J – braking characteristics of a Ford Transit;

T2 =0.1s, T3 =0.3s, J = 6.8 m/s2;

V D – maximum permitted speed according to the testimony of driver Ivanov I.I. (see above) V D =50.0 km/h.

The stopping distance is greater than the distance of the car from the collision site, so the driver did not have the technical ability to prevent a collision with a pedestrian.

However, this scenario does not fit into the picture of isolated traceological signs recorded at the scene of the accident. Firstly, the place where the pedestrian fell is located at a considerable distance from the place of the collision recorded in the accident diagram, which is practically impossible in the case of a sliding side collision, and is only possible if the pedestrian is caught on the protruding parts of the car. Secondly, all small parts of clothing and shoes are located directly near the place where pools of blood form on the roadway. It should also be taken into account that the tracking situation at the scene of the incident was changed by the driver of the car - the car was moved, the victim was moved, while first aid was provided. Also, taking into account the testimony of the driver of the car, Ivanov I.I. and the location of the collision with the pedestrian indicated on the accident diagram, we can conclude that if the pedestrian created a danger for the movement of the car 25 meters from the place of the collision with him, then when the car stopped at a speed of 50 km. hour - 31.5 meters, the final position of the car should have been no more than 6 meters from the point where it collided with the pedestrian, which means that when it collided with the pedestrian, the speed of the Ford Transit was significantly higher than 50 km per hour.

Based on the above, when considering this accident, the driver’s version is untenable from a technical point of view.

We deliberately do not publish the entire study so as not to make life easier for criminals. However, to refute the driver’s version, there are also.

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