Home Lighting Two acoustic relay circuits. Turning the light on and off by cotton: self-installation of the device Acoustic switch on field-effect transistors

Two acoustic relay circuits. Turning the light on and off by cotton: self-installation of the device Acoustic switch on field-effect transistors

A person who lives in an apartment turned to me, and as usual, such people have a staircase, during the day they are usually even more or less illuminated by natural light, but at night or in the evening there is no light, and looking for a switch on the walls is not very convenient and not modern. It is better to do something to open the key and turn on the light bulb at a certain noise level or voice, which was done.

Device diagram

The scheme is well-known, you can also use analogues of parts if you are going to repeat this scheme, you can also import parts, as convenient and more affordable. Another good option, without chips, but with good sensitivity, see.

The microphone used an imported capsule, which has good sensitivity and good sensitivity, due to the fact that the pre-amplification stage is usually already placed inside such microphones - an electret microphone, as they are commonly called in narrow circles of radio amateurs, compared to conventional microphones, when powered through the output from which sound is removed, the internal amplifier of the microphone starts working, due to which, even with a low fluctuation of sound waves, a signal of a rather high level appears at the output and it is not necessary to block the preamplifiers on operational amplifiers. Only now, according to the signal and power, then you will have to make a decoupling and think over the power. But this is already much easier.

And another plus of the switch is that it hears, for example, the slam of the entrance or exit door, and with this it can turn on the light in its secondary circuit.

After the sounds stop, a kind of delay will turn on (from 5 seconds to 2 minutes), after which the lighting will turn off. The floor lighting circuit breaker has a high sensitivity, is powered directly from the lighting network and does not require the use of other stabilizers.

It works as follows: when an audio signal is detected, a weak alternating voltage from the microphone output through an isolation capacitor is supplied to a two-stage amplifier made on transistors VT1 and VT2, and after amplification to a voltage of 5 ... 8 V, through an isolation capacitor C4 is supplied to the inputs of the Schmitt trigger DD1.1, which generates rectangular pulses of positive polarity at the output. Each such pulse opens the emitter follower VT3, which amplifies the current signal, and quickly charges the capacitor C5. At the inputs of the DD1.2 element, a logic 1 level is formed, which, inverting, closes the key transistor VT4 and forms on its collector, thanks to the resistor R12, a logic 1 level voltage that allows the operation of the thyristor control circuit.

Sound relay and circuits to turn on the lighting with a call to a mobile phone. (10+)

Automatic lighting control - Mobile control. Sound control

Sometimes it is useful to be able to turn on the lights with a mobile phone call. For example, in order to reach my house at night, I need to turn on a spotlight that illuminates the road. The switch, of course, is at home.

I immediately decided that I would not open and solder a mobile phone inside. Firstly, it is illegal. Independent modification of devices subject to mandatory certification by law is not allowed. Secondly, there is no need for such a soldering.

As in previous devices, I chose the transformerless power option. This immediately necessitated galvanic isolation from the telephone. For security reasons, the mobile phone must not be directly connected to the lighting network. I settled on three variants of the scheme: acoustic, optical and transformer decoupling. All three schemes respond to a call to a mobile phone. Since the connection is not established, no money is debited, so the function is completely free if you select a tariff without a monthly fee for the phone in the control system. After the call, the lighting is switched on for a fixed time. After which it goes out, but it can be turned on by calling again.

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It is powered by a DC source with a voltage of 5 to 12 volts. Parts are available and not expensive, they can be purchased at any radio store. Personally, I used parts that I dropped from old boards. The circuit is really simple, and even if you are little familiar with radio electronics, then guided by this article, you will be able to assemble this device.)

Initially, I found this circuit without any description and of course there was no printed circuit board, so I had to make it myself in order to facilitate the assembly process for myself and of course you, so use it. Download PCB

Acoustic switch circuit:

The circuit consists of a microphone amplifier, which is assembled on two KT315 transistors and a power unit, on a KT3107 (BC557) transistor. To increase the sensitivity of the microphone, you can use more powerful transistors, such as KT368 and the like. In the power section, a wide selection of analogues is also sufficient, almost any PNP structure transistors, for example KT814 or KT818, are suitable, here you first need to look at the power of the power source used.

Below are photos of the necessary parts:

Acoustic Switch Parts List:

So, first you need to make printed circuit board. Please note that there are holes for the VD1 diode in the printed circuit board, since I plan to control room lighting and a 12 volt relay will be used as a load. The diode is needed to protect the transistor VT3 from the EMF of the relay coil. If you are going to connect a light load to the switch, then it can be replaced with a jumper.

After making the board, drill holes and heat it. Open the signet in the sprint-layout 6.0 program and, looking at the location of the parts, solder them in place.

Our acoustic switch is ready! Now I want to talk about a small nuance, the circuit uses a 1.5 kOhm resistor R8, I replaced it and set it to 2 Ohms, since the voltage at the load output dropped sharply and the relay did not work. If you have the same problem, then follow this advice. That's all, share the article below if you liked it.

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Buy an acoustic switch, kit for self-assembly:

An acoustic (or cotton) switch is an electronic device that is convenient to use in everyday life. It is a device for remote control of light sources. You can turn the lighting on and off by clapping your hands by transmitting a sound signal to the acoustic device. Such equipment has some features, but it is possible to assemble it yourself.

Application of the cotton switch

The acoustic (or cotton) switch is designed to control electricity in various rooms remotely, that is, without touching the toggle switch directly. This device works by clapping your hands. In addition to lighting sources, an acoustic controller can activate contactor coils, current converters, climate systems and other electrical and electronic equipment - the main thing is that there is enough power.

Acoustic switches in residential areas

Sound switches are best suited for relatively quiet areas in the house: bedrooms, libraries, offices, pantries, cellars. Installing such a device in the bedroom will allow you not to get out of bed to turn off the light after you read your favorite book at night and sit comfortably under the covers. To plunge the room into a cozy, enveloping darkness, you just need to clap your hands.

Installing a cotton switch in the bedroom allows you not to get out of bed to turn off the light

It is not advisable to mount such devices in noisy places and rooms, since extraneous sounds will regularly provoke unauthorized activation of the device. In this regard, the sound switch is not suitable for office and work areas, for kitchens, dining rooms and living rooms.

The cotton switch is very useful in everyday life for people moving in a wheelchair, it will also be useful for children. As a rule, for safety reasons in children's rooms, electrical devices are located at a height of 1.7 m. In order to turn on or off the light on their own, the child has to stand on a stool, and this is also unsafe: the baby may lose balance and fall. If you install a cotton switch, the child will not ask you every time to turn the light on or off. He just clap his hands and from this the light will turn on or go out.

Interfloor lighting

With the help of a switch that reacts to the clap, it is possible to control the light in the area between the floors. To do this, it must be equipped with a photorelay. The susceptibility of the motion sensor is controlled by a voltage divider with a resistor creating a photodiode. If the use of the motion sensor is not essential, it can be disabled. To do this, set the resistor to the lowest value.

With the help of a switch that reacts to the clap, it is possible to control the light in the area between floors

When lighting the interfloor space, you can use the K176LA7 chip. When using it, the automatic activation of electricity does not rattle on the upper and lower indicators. An electret microphone picks up an acoustic wave and transforms it into an electrical impulse. Then, due to the use of three-electrode transistors, the impulse is received by the logical sections of the microchip, which produce a signal lasting up to 10 seconds. During these 10 seconds, the lamp is in an activated, i.e. on, state. To turn it off during daylight hours, you need to send a signal from the output of the element.

How an acoustic switch works

The operation of the cotton device is very simple: the first cotton turns on the load, the second turns it off. A rather sensitive microphone receives an acoustic wave and, in the form of a signal, feeds it to an audio frequency power amplifier. Further, an intense signal enters the base of the key, the value of which allows you to activate the transistor. At the moment the key base receives a pulse, the electron-hole junction of the transistor opens and conducts an electric current that feeds the connected lighting device or a relay that controls the loads.

Acoustic (sound) and cotton switch are not exactly the same thing. The acoustic (sound) sensor responds to any sounds and noises, and the cotton one - only to clapping. Thus, we can say that the cotton switch is a kind of acoustic (sound).


Specifications of the cotton machine

Light switches that are activated by popping sounds can be found commercially or you can make your own. Consider the device "Ekosvet-X-200-L", manufactured by the Belarusian company "Nootekhnika". It has the following technical characteristics:

  • load power - up to 300 watts;
  • sound power - 30–150 decibels;
  • mains voltage - 220 volts.

Cotton switches "Ekosvet-X-300-L" are designed to turn on and off the lighting by loud and ringing sound

In addition to the switch itself, the kit includes a box and installation instructions. The price of this switch in comparison with similar devices from other manufacturers is quite democratic. The switch is produced in a protective housing class IP-30. It can work at temperatures from -20 ° C to +40 ° C. Such a device is combined with virtually any lamps: halogen, fluorescent, energy-saving, LED and standard incandescent lamps. The size of the device is no more than a matchbox, so it can be easily placed at the base of any light source. The switch is attached using double-sided construction tape or self-tapping screws.

Components of an audio switch

You can mount the acoustic switch yourself. Let's give an example using domestic-made KT315 transistors in a microphone amplifier. In the finishing stage, a high-power transistor switch on a KT818 bipolar transistor is used. If it is supposed to control lamps with power supply above 12 volts, then a relay is needed in the circuit. If the expected loads are less than this value, then the relay can be deleted. Copper wires are connected using Wago 222 terminals, which have their pros and cons.

Copper wires can be connected using Wago terminals

Advantages of Wago terminal blocks:

  • speed, accuracy and ease of connecting wires;
  • electrical safety;
  • no need to use a special electrician's tool;
  • reliability;
  • aesthetics and beauty.

Cons of Wago terminal blocks:

  • high price;
  • not very convenient location of the nest.

Wiring diagram and installation of the cotton switch

Below is a diagram of mounting the acoustic device "Ekosvet-X-300-L" into a light source with two compact fluorescent lamps, currently connected to a single-key toggle switch.

Cotton switch "Ekosvet-X-300-L" can be connected to a light source with two compact fluorescent lamps

Step-by-step instructions for connecting an acoustic switch

The principle of operation of the dimmer acoustic switch

Opto-acoustic switch is used for dimmer switch-on of electricity. It works like this:

  1. The sound signal (in our case, it is cotton) enters the sensitive membrane of the microphone. There, the sound is converted into an electrical impulse. When passing through the operational amplifier, the pulse power increases and the capacitor is charged. When the charge reaches a larger value than on the tank, the comparator switches. In this case, zero at the output is replaced by a pulse from the logical section.
  2. Such a chain is sequentially activated in the switch after receiving an acoustic signal from the microphone. Then the transistor generator starts, directing electrical impulses, and the triac opens. Through it, power is supplied to the light source.
  3. After a while, the capacitor loses its voltage level. In this case, the triac receives control electrical signals with an ever-increasing phase delay, as a result of which the light turns off smoothly. With the optimal selection of ratings, the light source turns off with a pause of up to three minutes.

Opto-acoustic switch is used for dimmer switch-on of electricity.

Acoustic Device Test

The acoustic sensor for turning on and off the light is tested for the likelihood of activation from any sharp sounds and noises, except for pops. As an experimental device, consider the domestically produced Claps Max switch. Let's check whether it will work on sounds - from hammer blows on the board, the included wrench, jigsaw and grinder, the clatter of a screwdriver on metal. Such sounds can trigger the activation of the device.

Video: test acoustic switch Claps Max

In our version, the device did not respond to the sound of the included power tools, nor to the sound of a hammer, nor to the clatter of a screwdriver. At the same time, it continued to respond to clapping. This can be called an excellent result.

Self-assembly and installation of an acoustic (or cotton) switch should be carried out in compliance with safety standards. After testing the instrument for susceptibility, you can make adjustments to its settings.

The scheme of this acoustic switch was found on one of the bourgeois sites. After checking, it became clear that the circuit was not working, after some experiments and alteration of the circuit - lo and behold! she earned!
Almost all the ratings of the components used were changed to make the circuit more accessible to beginner radio amateurs, and in the end this is what happened.

Perhaps this is the simplest scheme of all that can exist, it uses the minimum number of components that are available to everyone. As a result of the alteration, domestic parts were used, which greatly facilitates the selection. The microphone was taken from a Chinese tape recorder, you can also use domestic ones, such as pine.

The microphone amplifier is assembled on two KT315 transistors, but to increase the sensitivity of the microphone, it is advisable to use transistors of the KT368 type or its imported analogues, in general, transistors are not critical.

The power part of the circuit is a powerful bipolar transistor that controls the load, and in order to control large loads, a relay was used (for 12 24 or 220 volts).

The signal from the microphone is amplified and fed to the base of a powerful key, the transition opens and it is at this moment that the relay is activated, the microphone reacts to loud sounds (for example, clap), the sensitivity of such a circuit is 4-5 meters. At the second pop, the circuit is automatically turned off, therefore, the current supply to the load is stopped.

Electrolytic capacitors, the voltage is not so important, you can use the appropriate capacitors with a voltage of 10, 16, 25, 50 volts.

The supply voltage range is also quite wide - from 3.5 to 14 - 16 volts, the current consumption in idle mode (when the circuit is turned off) is almost zero. The circuit can be assembled both on a breadboard and by surface mounting, the part values ​​are not critical and may deviate by 20% in one direction or another, but try not to replace the capacitances of the capacitors used, since the best parameters are obtained with the capacitors indicated on the diagram.

List of radio elements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteShopMy notepad
bipolar transistor


2 To notepad
bipolar transistor


1 To notepad
rectifier diode


1 To notepad
electrolytic capacitor1 uF2 10-50V To notepad

10 kOhm

2 To notepad

3 MΩ

1 To notepad

48 kOhm

1 To notepad

1.8 kOhm

1 To notepad

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