Home Generator What is a transponder for toll roads? Where to buy a transponder for M4 "Don"? Transponders for the M4 "Don" toll road How to top up the account on the transponder main road

What is a transponder for toll roads? Where to buy a transponder for M4 "Don"? Transponders for the M4 "Don" toll road How to top up the account on the transponder main road

A transponder is a very useful thing that allows you not to waste time paying for toll roads. Just attach the device to the windshield and the scanner will automatically debit you for the required amount. There are many ways to top up this device. This article will focus on exactly this.

Topping up your transponder account at sales centers

This is the slowest way to pay for a transponder. You can top up your device account either in cash or by credit card at any sales and service center. The operation is very simple - tell the cashier the transponder or contract number, choose the payment method and you're done.

Top up your transponder account online

Of course, you can also top up your device online. There are several ways, depending on which payment method you want to use:

  • Online wallets. To top up your device, you can use all the major online wallets that operate in Russia (WebMoney, YandexMoney, Qiwi). To complete the operation, you need to register on the toll roads website and create your account. After registration, you must go to your personal account, which will provide instructions on how to top up your device with electronic money.
  • If you are a client of Sberbank, then you can make a payment through the Sberbank website or its mobile application. To do this, you need to log into your online banking account and select payment for toll roads in the service payments section. The “Autopayment” service is also available for transponders. You can also top up your account through Tinkoff, Rosbank, Finservice, Lipetsk Bank.
  • You can also fill out the transponder directly on the Avtodor toll road website itself, without any registration. To do this, follow the link and follow the instructions.

Top up via mobile phone

In order to top up the transponder via a mobile phone, you need to dial the USSD code, which looks like this: *390*1*1# . By typing this code, you will have to go through a short registration procedure, after which you will be able to check and fill out your transponder account at any convenient time.

Replenishment via ATMs

Eleksent ATMs are quite common on the streets. They are found throughout Russia, in every city. You can fill the device for quick and convenient passage through the toll road checkpoint using this ATM.

Refill at Lukoil gas station

You can instruct the operator to refuel not only your car, but also the transponder. To do this, you again need to provide the device or contract number. This is very convenient, because the Lukoil gas station is located in front of many checkpoints.

As you may have noticed, there are a lot of ways. Choose the one that suits you best. And if you use toll roads and still don't have a transponder, be sure to purchase one.

The Avtodor transponder is a small device that transmits reception and provides the opportunity for non-stop high-speed travel at toll points. Such a device must be installed on the windshield of the vehicle. To make a quick payment, you just need to reduce your speed to 20-30 km/h, and the money will be debited from your personal account automatically.

Such a transponder is perfect for all toll sections of the M-4 Don highway, the toll section km 258 - km 334 (bypass of Vyshny Volochok), the M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg highway and the toll section of the M-3 Ukraine highway km 124 - km 173 .

Toll sections of roads If you think that it is easier to pay for travel in cash to a cashier, then you are very mistaken. Since a client who has a transponder automatically becomes the owner of many advantages. By purchasing an Avtodor transponder you have the following advantages:

1. 20% discount when traveling on all toll sections M-4 “Don”, M-11 “Moscow-St. Petersburg” (bypass of Vyshny Volochok) and M-3 “Ukraine” (section km 124 - km 173) ;
2. 50% discount on travel along the M-4 Don section in the Moscow region (km 21 - km 211) during the day and 30% at night;
3. 50% discount on travel along the M-4 “Don” section in the Voronezh region (km 517 - km 544) during the daytime for vehicles of classes 3 and 4;
4. Discount on transponder fares up to 10% (loyalty program of the State Company "Avtodor");
5. Non-stop high-speed passage through the toll booth;
6. Dedicated lanes, equipped specifically for travel using transponders only;
7. Autonomous operation of the device, which does not require additional power or recharging;
8. Lack of action on the part of the driver and cashier-controller to make the payment;
9. Possibility of obtaining an account statement;
10. Linking all devices to a single personal account for centralized replenishment.

Transponder capabilities

If you change your mind about wasting time in queues at toll booths, then purchase an Avtodor transponder at the following sales points:
1. Online store;
2. Sales and service centers;
3. At gas stations of partner networks;
4. Cafe of the "Mcafe" chain on the section km 258 - km 330 of the M-11 "Moscow - St. Petersburg" highway (bypassing the city of Vyshny Volochok).

Avtodor sales and service center

To personalize the device, you will need to provide your passport and contact information. Next, you need to pay for the transponder costing 1000 rubles and activate it by making a minimum advance payment of 500 rubles. If you buy a device at gas stations of partner networks, then its price may differ from the cost of the Avtodor transponder in sales centers and online stores.
The transponder can be borrowed; for this you will need to draw up a contract for paid use at any Sales and Service Center.

Avtodor transponder
After purchasing a transponder, you will need to check the status of your personal account before each trip. This is due to the fact that if you do not have enough money on your transponder, you will not be able to pass through the toll booth. If you see that there is a small amount left, then top up your account.
You can top up your Avtodor transponder account in the following ways:
1. By bank card in your personal account;
2. At Sales and Service Centers;
3. Through instant payment terminals and Eleksnet online services.
To receive the full range of services provided (travel details, credit card replenishment, etc.), you must personalize the device by providing passport and contact information. This can be done at any time convenient for you through your personal account on the official website of Avtodor-Toll Roads or in the Sales and Service Center.
Non-personalized Avtodor transponder cannot be returned or exchanged. In case of loss, it is not restored (in accordance with the Regulations for payment for services). If you think that personalizing a transponder is not so important, then you are greatly mistaken.

Transponder personification

An unpersonalized device loses the following advantages:
1. There is no possibility of “linking” the device with a valid personal account;
2. It is not possible to combine 2 or more devices with one personal account;
3. If you replenish your personal account by mistake, a refund is not possible.
Using an Avtodor transponder is convenient, reasonable and cost-effective today. With this device, your passage through toll roads will become faster and easier.

T-pass sign

And if you print out a "T-pass" sign and place it under your car's windshield as you cross the toll plaza, the officers will be able to see that you are using a transponder, and it will also help save you time in case of increased traffic at the toll plaza.

Northern Capital Highway LLC manages a consortium engaged in the development and control of the operation of the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter (WHSD) highway in St. Petersburg. As an alternative to contact payment at the Toll Point, drivers can use a transponder by signing a contract for it. You can top up your device balance and monitor its usage statistics through your WHSD personal account. The device is mounted inside the vehicle in the area behind the far-view mirror; funds are debited automatically when passing a payment point at a slow speed, without interaction with the operator.

Personal account features

By creating a personal WHSD account, the owner of the transponder makes it easier for himself to use the device. The service is useful due to the following functions:

  • Non-cash transfer of funds to the transponder account:*
    • from a Visa / MIR / Mastercard bank card;
    • from the balance of your personal mobile account;
    • from the QIWI electronic system wallet;
    • from Yandex wallet.
  • Tracking the history of completed trips.
  • View online and offline transactions carried out on the transponder’s personal account.
  • Electronic reporting documents for each month.

* The possibility of non-cash payment is implemented through the payment service “MOBI.Money”. The official website of the WHSD allows payment without authorization - to do this, the client must open the “Payment” section of the website, accept the payment terms and enter/select:

  • Contract number.
  • The amount of the transfer in rubles.
  • Replenishment method.
  • Cell phone number.

Registration and login to your personal account

You can go to the WHSD personal account section by clicking on the item with the portfolio icon in the first tab of the menu displayed on all pages of the site.

To work with a personal account, an existing client needs to obtain a password on the website using the contract numbers, transponder and contact information - email or phone number; all this data has already been registered in the system automatically.

The user will be allowed into the closed service WHSD personal account after specifying the username, password and clicking the “Login” button. For each authorization, you must enter the characters from the picture - the procedure is necessary to protect the system from bots.

How to pay for an M4 transponder through Sberbank Online? This is a very relevant question that many drivers ask. In our material we will tell you about payment methods for M4 and WHSD transporters.

Toll roads are gradually appearing in our country. They have a number of advantages:

  • High-quality road surface has been laid.
  • You can travel at optimal speed.
  • There is no need to be afraid of getting your wheel into a hole.
  • You can quickly get to your destination.

But when creating toll roads, the question arose about how to make payments. For example, in Europe, money is deposited in cash or by card at a checkpoint. But the disadvantage of this method is that each person must spend some time paying, which results in a decrease in the checkpoint throughput.

In Russia, a modern method was proposed - using a conveyor and contactless payments. This is a very convenient method that saves a lot of time.

The disadvantage of this method is that you need to buy equipment and control the current account balance. It also needs to be topped up from time to time to pay for travel. But this option is still much more convenient than depositing money in cash or directly from a card.

What methods of replenishment through Sberbank exist?

  1. In the terminal.
  2. In an online service via the Internet.
  3. In the smartphone application.

The last two options are very popular. Why is it worth topping up your account with a bank card via the Internet?

  • It saves a lot of time.
  • The money will be credited to your account quickly.
  • No need to look for the nearest terminal.
  • You can urgently perform an operation if you suddenly run out of funds.

Payment through the bank portal

How to pay for an Avtodor transponder through Sberbank Online? The scheme is simple:

  • Visit the institution's website.
  • Please login.
  • Open the payments section.
  • Among the services, find “Transport”.
  • Select Avtodor.
  • A form to fill out will appear.
  • Enter ID and amount.
  • Confirm the operation.

The procedure will take a couple of minutes. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to go through complex authorization on the portal. But this fact should not become a serious problem for users.

How to pay for a WHSD transponder in Sberbank Online from your phone

Many users carry out the transaction through the application. It has a number of advantages:

  1. Versions have been released for major platforms.
  2. You can run the application on various smartphones.
  3. It has a simple interface.
  4. You can master the program in a short time.
  5. Authorization must be completed once. In the future, login occurs using a password.
  6. The program has many useful features.
  7. Its capabilities only expand over time.
  8. The program received an advanced protection system.
  9. Theft of personal data from the application is excluded.

How to top up a WHSD transponder through Sberbank Online in the program? The scheme is similar to the site:

  • Log in to the program and enter your password.
  • You will be logged in.
  • Open the payments section.
  • Find "Transport" among the services.
  • Choose Avtodor.
  • Fill out the form, enter the ID and amount.
  • Confirm the operation.

How to activate automatic payment?

The bank has an automatic account replenishment function. Now you don't have to perform the operation manually; you can trust the system to do it. How to activate automatic payment on the bank's website?

  1. Visit the portal and log in.
  2. Open the section with automatic payments.
  3. Select the item to connect a new one.
  4. Specify the service type “Transport”.
  5. The recipient will be Avtodor.
  6. Please provide the requested IDs and amount.
  7. Confirm the connection of the service.

You no longer need to log into the service. The system will automatically replenish the account without the owner's participation. You can save a lot of time by not constantly entering payment data.

Payment at an ATM or terminal

You can replenish the conveyor through self-service devices. What the whole diagram looks like:

  • Find your nearest terminal.
  • Insert your card or select an option to pay in cash.
  • Go to other categories.
  • Find “Products and Services” in the list.
  • Select the "Transport" option.
  • Go to the “Highway” item.
  • Provide IDs.
  • Enter the amount.
  • Confirm the operation.

A transponder (another name is T-pass) is a device that is installed on a car and is used to automatically pay for toll roads. In this case, contactless payment technology is used, which provides for the establishment of communication between the device and the gearbox antenna while the vehicle is moving at low speed.

The number of toll sections of highways in Russia is increasing every year, so the number of regularly used transponders is also growing steadily. Naturally, in order for payment to be collected without problems, the balance of the device must be periodically replenished. Quite often, the popular Sberbank Online service is used for this.

Instructions for paying for Avtodor services through Sberbank Online

As the leader of the country's financial sector, Sberbank is actively involved in promoting the most modern information technologies, which include replenishing the personal account of transponders used to pay for travel on toll roads, for example, M4 Don, etc. In this case, both the Sberbank Online personal account and the Mobile Bank application can be used.

In Internet Banking

The procedure for replenishing an account through Sberbank Online using a computer is quite simple. First you need to log in to your personal account. Then the following operations are carried out:

  • opening the “Payments and Transfers” tab;
  • search for payment “Avtodor - toll roads”;
  • entering bank card details and personal account number, client number or agreement concluded by the owner of the vehicle with Avtodor;
  • indication of the amount followed by confirmation of payment using a one-time code received by SMS message.

Payment via mobile application

Almost the same procedure as described above is performed when paying from mobile devices. To do this, you first need to download and install the Mobile Bank application, which has essentially identical functionality to the Sberbank Online service.

Autopayment service

To simplify the procedure for replenishing the personal account of a car owner, Sberbank Online provides the function of setting up auto payment. In this case, when the established minimum limit of funds in the account is reached, it will be automatically replenished from the Sberbank card. To enable this function you need:

  • log into your personal account of the Sberbank Online Internet service;
  • then sequentially go through the following tabs and buttons: first “Personal Menu”, then “My Auto Payments”, and then launch the “Connect Auto Payment” service;
  • after that, in the search bar you need to enter “Avtodor - toll roads” and fill in the empty fields in the auto payment form that opens.

Other payment methods

The thoughtful and convenient service offered to clients by Sberbank of Russia provides several more options for paying for Avtodor services.

Payment by Sberbank card

One of the popular ways to top up a transponder’s personal account is to pay from a Sberbank card using your phone. It is carried out in the following order:

  • a command of the form *390*1*2*1*amount*2# is sent by pressing the “Call” key;
  • then to confirm the payment, the number 1 and the code sent by SMS are sent;
  • after this, the service will display a list of bank cards linked to the phone from which the payment is made;
  • then the client will only have to select the desired card and confirm the payment via SMS message.

To pay using a card, you can also use a Sberbank ATM.

Payment in cash at Sberbank terminals

Another simple and convenient option for replenishing a T-pass personal account is to deposit cash using one of the many Sberbank terminals with similar capabilities.

Nuances and limitations

The size of the maximum payment and the number of replenishments depends on the option of replenishing the personal account chosen by the vehicle owner. For example, when paying from a bank card using a mobile phone, the payment amount cannot exceed 25 thousand rubles.

Commission for paying for Avtodor transponder through Sberbank Online

The amount of commission that is charged when carrying out the described financial transactions depends on the type of payment and the method used. When paying through Sberbank Online, the commission amount is indicated directly when entering the replenishment amount. When making a transfer from a card using a telephone, the commission is 3.9%.

Safety regulations

The main rule that must be followed when using any payment options for toll roads is maintaining the confidentiality of the logins, passwords and even one-time codes used. In this case, the client’s funds are reliably protected by modern technologies that are used in the work of Sberbank services.

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