Home Salon Antifreeze for Hyundai Solaris: which one to fill and how to replace it with your own hands. What antifreeze is poured into Hyundai Solaris Antifreeze in Solaris what year

Antifreeze for Hyundai Solaris: which one to fill and how to replace it with your own hands. What antifreeze is poured into Hyundai Solaris Antifreeze in Solaris what year

At the same time, the Gamma power plant on the Hyundai Solaris is no exception. The cooling system must be closely monitored and properly maintained. Next, we will consider what a simple car enthusiast can do, how to choose antifreeze for Solaris, as well as when to change the coolant, how often to replace it, and what to look for.

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Hyundai Solaris antifreeze: what you need to know

To begin with, modern ones are very different from motors of past generations. On the one hand, the engines themselves have become more forced and loaded, the temperature of the thermostating has increased, etc. On the other hand, lightweight aluminum alloys are used for manufacturing and steel, which have both pros and cons compared to cast iron.

Moreover, it is no secret to anyone that today lightweight aluminum blocks and block heads are considered by many experienced drivers and ICE repair specialists to be more "capricious" and even disposable. As for the Solaris model, the engine also has an aluminum block with thin-walled dry cast iron liners. These sleeves are molded into the block during the manufacturing process. Also, the motor on Solaris has a phase change system and many other solutions.

The result is that a modern engine is technologically advanced and demanding on the quality of service. Also, a motor to get more output from a unit with a small displacement and at the same time to increase the fuel efficiency and environmental friendliness of the internal combustion engine. Of course, such a power plant heats up to high temperatures during operation.

Of course, if even a slight overheating occurs, the parts are deformed and the engine can be seriously damaged. This means that against the background of a decrease in strength and an increased tendency of new motors to, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the cooling system.

  • If we talk about normal operation, keeping the cooling system clean and monitoring the coolant level in the system allows you to get high-quality cooling of the power plant. In turn, this affects. The main thing is to choose the right antifreeze in Solaris. Let's figure out which antifreeze is better to fill in Hyundai Solaris.

So, first of all, it is important to understand what kind of antifreeze is poured into Solaris from the factory. The fact is that there is no clear description of the coolant brands in the manual. It is only indicated that you need to pour a mixture of concentrated ethylene glycol antifreezes and distilled water (proportions 1: 1).

At the same time, antifreeze is different on cars produced in different years, as well as depending on the country of assembly of the car. So, the Koreans at the factory pour Hyundai Long Life Coolant (specification MS-591-08). As for the Russian-assembled Solaris model, CoolStream A-110 and Crоwn LLC A-110 are poured into them.

So, these types of coolant are produced in Russia, the price is more affordable and they fall on the conveyor. There is also the original Hyundai fluid, but the price will be noticeably higher. In any case, the Solaris manufacturers strongly discourage the use of any other types of coolant.

On the one hand, this is correct, but on the other hand, it may seem that the manufacturer is trying to force the pouring of only those liquids that are determined by the factory itself. In fact, this is not the case.

It is quite possible to pick up and actively use other analogs. It is only important not to make a mistake when choosing antifreeze of other brands by type and properties. You also need to take into account a number of nuances, which we will talk about below.

  • First of all, you should pour antifreeze into Solaris and only that. It is forbidden to pour TOSOL! However, this is not all. It should be borne in mind that modern coolants are usually divided into groups. In other words, antifreezes differ in composition and in their properties.

To put it simply, in addition to heat extraction, the coolant performs a number of additional functions in the system: lubrication of parts, protection against corrosion, etc. Also, this liquid should not boil and foam, and still retain the declared properties for a certain service life.

So, these properties are determined by the additives in the antifreeze composition, which are added to the base base. So, if the base, for example, sodium phosphate (), in such coolants there are absolutely no corrosion inhibitors.

In turn, this liquid is not able to protect aluminum from destruction when heated. Of course, the use of such a liquid on the Solaris model will quickly disable the BC, radiator, etc.

  • Let's go further. Silicate-based antifreezes are an obsolete coolant. Although they are good at protecting against rust, the compounds also form deposits on the walls of the cooling system, which significantly impairs the heat transfer of the engine. It turns out that such antifreeze Hyundai Solaris will not "digest" either, the motor will overheat.

As for more modern solutions, this is carboxylate antifreeze, where aluminum and engine alloys protect organic acids from corrosion. Such antifreeze does not form plaque, has an acceptable service life, however, it must be changed strictly according to the regulations. The reason is that over time, the anti-corrosion properties of the liquid deteriorate rapidly and strongly.

All antifreezes of the latest generations are divided into 5 main groups:. So, it is forbidden to pour nitrite antifreeze with TL marking into Hyundai Solaris. In fact, the harm will be the same as from TOSOL.

What antifreeze to pour in Solaris

Recommended antifreeze for Hyundai Solaris must be at least G12. More precisely, it is optimal to fill in G12, G12 + and G12 ++. By the way, it is also important to take into account that green antifreeze is poured at the plant.

So, third-party antifreeze in the store can be of any color, and this does not in any way indicate compliance with one or another class. In other words, both G11 and G12 or G12 + can be green in color. It turns out that you shouldn't be guided by color in any way. You need to look at the class of the coolant itself.

For example, the recommended G12, G12 + and G12 ++ are usually red (G12 ++ can be pink or purple). So, it is quite possible to change the green factory antifreeze to red G12 or G12 +, and it is not particularly important what the manufacturer of the antifreeze will be like.

Please note that even the most modern classes of antifreeze must be changed. In practice, the G12 and G12 + trains are recommended to be completely renewed every 3-4 years of operation or 60-80 thousand km. mileage. In other words, Solaris antifreeze is not filled for the entire service life of the car and also needs to be replaced.

As for the replacement of antifreeze itself, it must be borne in mind that mixing antifreeze from different manufacturers is strongly discouraged. This means that even when fluids are of the same class and conditionally compatible (for example, G12),.

The reason is that each manufacturer uses a unique package of additives that can enter into an undesirable reaction (precipitation, flakes in antifreeze, discoloration, coolant properties, etc.). It turns out that in the event of an emergency leak, it is possible to mix antifreezes of the same class within the framework of topping up, but such a mixture at the end of the trip should still be drained as soon as possible.

Also, after mixing or when replacing the factory antifreeze with any other, it is recommended to completely flush the cooling system. The fact is that when replacing, it is not possible to completely drain the old antifreeze, the remnants of which are then mixed with fresh liquid.

To prevent this from happening, at least you need distilled water. Pi this best option would be to use special flushes for the engine cooling system. Such flushes allow you to clean the channels of the system, as well as remove the remnants of the old fluid.

Let's summarize

Taking into account the above information, it becomes clear that only the latest generations of antifreezes are suitable for Hyundai Solaris. In this case, you should not fill in both the cheapest G11 and the expensive G13. It is optimal to opt for G12, G12 + or G12 ++. The only thing is, it is also desirable to separately take into account the individual features and properties of these fluids in order to choose the most suitable option.

Finally, we note that subject to the correct selection and regular replacement of Hyundai Solaris antifreeze, the cooling system of this car is highly efficient and stable. In turn, this is a reliable protection of the power plant from general or local overheating, which significantly increases the resource of the internal combustion engine.

Replacing any operating fluid is a standard procedure. Car owners need to regularly monitor the condition of the lubricants in the vehicle, check the oil, the transmission mixture. On this, the list of used compositions is not limited. Be sure to worry about replacing the coolant - antifreeze.

I have a fashionable, but budget car - Solaris 1.6 liter. The car is comfortable, but has a not too powerful engine. However, it is still necessary to use a cooler. In this article I will talk about what kind of antifreeze to pour into Solaris, and how to choose the right product?

The instructions for the car do not contain any specific explanations as to which antifreeze is better to fill in Solaris. There is a lot of information about the volume of the system and how the cooler works. One important point is indicated - a mixture of ethylene glycol concentrated coolers and a distillant must be poured into the car.

The proportion is 1: 1. This option is provided in the overwhelming majority of cases. However, for cars of different years from release, a completely different cooler is used:

  • Long Life Coolant (specification MS-591-08) - is poured into cars assembled in Korea;
  • antifreezes produced in Russia. They differ in their low cost.

The original antifreeze is very expensive, so vehicle owners rarely buy it. Some users note that the product is of lower quality than domestic antifreezes. Car manufacturers do not recommend filling in a product that has low technical characteristics. This is by

What properties should coolers have?

All types of antifreeze can be divided into several groups. The distribution is based on what properties a particular composition has:

  • does not freeze in the cold and does not cause corrosion in the motor;
  • lubricates the pump;
  • does not boil at a temperature of 130-140 degrees Celsius;
  • with this product you can flush the cooling system;
  • does not allow foam to form.

All these properties are made available through the use of unique additive complexes. There are a few antifreezes that are not recommended to be put into the engine as they can cause serious damage to the vehicle. Especially harmful in this regard, the compounds are colored blue. I do not advise pouring Soviet antifreeze into Solaris, since the auto components will end very quickly. From modern, it is not necessary to fill in the nitrite composition with the TL marking.

The original antifreeze for such a car is green. On the packaging, there are company logos. Color coding is a very important parameter, but not a determining one. Thanks to the use of a special dye, one can easily distinguish a liquid of one class from another.

Is it allowed to mix different brands of antifreeze?

It is not worth combining products of different brands, although there are also exceptions. For topping up a small amount, it is worth using distilled or plain water. In the future, it is better to completely replace all antifreeze than to mix it with another liquid. Before pouring in a new refrigerant, it is recommended to flush the system with distillate.

The first signal that a fluid change is required is a loss of color. The second point is the operating conditions. The higher the temperature, the more liquid evaporates. This means that for vehicles operating in difficult conditions, the antifreeze must be changed more often. Each car has its own rules for replacement, here it is important to act strictly according to the instructions.

Replacing antifreeze in Hyundai Solaris - step by step instructions

Immediately before starting to change the fluid, it is worth studying the layout of the corresponding tank. The decision to replace should be made after a decrease in coolant level has been identified.

When the consumption is more than a liter per 10 thousand km, this indicates a malfunction in the system, which means it is time to start replacing the product. You need to act like this:

  1. Remove the reservoir cap and radiator cap. Remove the shield that protects the power plant from dirt.
  2. Unscrew the drain valve carefully, but not completely. This will reduce the degree of pressure and the volume of the drained mixture. Place a container under the old antifreeze.
  3. When draining antifreeze, check the condition of the O-ring. If it is cracked, then you need to change.
  4. Remove the remaining coolant with a special syringe or syringe bulb.
  5. Close the tap and pour the coolant into the tank up to the level with the letter "L". Close the plug and start the car.

After the replacement, an airlock may appear in the car, but within an hour or two it will go away on its own.


At the end of the presented review, we can draw conclusions:

  1. Every driver must take care that there is enough antifreeze in the system. The composition is required to cool the internal combustion engine and ensure its full operation.
  2. For Solaris, it is better to purchase original antifreeze, but it is very expensive, therefore, many drivers prefer to choose domestically produced products.
  3. You should not mix antifreezes from different manufacturers, and also pour old class coolers into the system. Harmful antifreezes are predominantly blue in color.

Sooner or later, all motorists have to face one problem - the replacement of the coolant. In this article, we will try to give a detailed answer to the question of which antifreeze to fill in Hyundai Solaris, to what extent and how to properly replace the coolant.

The instructions that come with the Hyundai Solaris car say that the first coolant replacement should be carried out no earlier than after 200,000 kilometers. However, those motorists who rarely use the car, this indicator is determined not in mileage, but in years - and here the indicator is 10 years. Further, the replacement must be carried out after 30 thousand kilometers or every two years of operation.


Preparing to replace

The process of replacing the refrigerant is simple and you can handle it yourself without resorting to the help of a master or service station services.

What kind of coolant to pour?

Immediately, we say that the Hyundai Solaris needs to be filled with coolant only based on ethylene glycol. Fluid change is carried out only on a cold engine.

Attention! Do not forget that any brand of antifreeze is very toxic, as a result of this, all necessary precautions must be taken when working with it. You need to work in rubber gloves, do not allow contact with open areas of the body. If this happens, then immediately rinse this place with clean water. Keep coolant out of the reach of children and animals, because, having a sweetish odor, it can attract their attention.

When starting the Hyundai engine, make sure that all radiator and reservoir plugs are tightly tightened. During operation, the cooling system is under pressure, as a result of which coolant may leak from under a poorly tightened plug.

We are replacing

For convenience, it is better to carry out all work on an overpass or an inspection pit on a cooled engine, otherwise there is a risk of burns.



  1. Using the key "10", unscrew the bolts securing the left mudguard of the motor.
  2. We remove the mudguard.
  3. Opening the hood lid, unscrew and remove the filler cap.
  4. We put the prepared container under the radiator drain hole, which is on the left.
  5. We unscrew the coolant drain plug on the radiator.
  6. We completely drain the old antifreeze.
  7. We tighten the cork.
  8. Using pliers, squeeze the ears of the lower hose clamp, which is connected to the radiator. We put a container under the hose, and then remove it from the radiator neck.
  9. We drain the liquid from the Hyundai engine.
  10. We put the hose back.
  11. We fix it with a clamp.
  12. We unscrew the cap of the expansion tank.
  13. With the help of a pear, we pump out the rest of the refrigerant.
  14. We take a canister with a new coolant and slowly pour it into the neck. Pour to mark F.
  15. We start the engine and wait for the fan to start working.
  16. We turn off the engine and check the coolant level in the reservoir. Top up if necessary.
  17. Often, after changing the antifreeze, air locks remain in the system. To eliminate them, you need to wait for the complete cooling of the motor.
  18. We unscrew the plug on the neck and, starting the engine, let it run for five minutes.
  19. We put in place and tighten the cork.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and a motorist of any qualification can handle this work on his own, spending no more than an hour of time and saving money.

Antifreeze for Hyundai Solaris

The table shows the type and color of the required antifreeze for filling in Hyundai Solaris,
produced from 2010 to 2014.
Year Engine Type of Colour Lifetime Recommended manufacturers
2010 gasoline, diesel G12 + Red5 yearsHavoline, AWM, G-Energy, Freecor
2011 gasoline, diesel G12 + Red5 yearsFrostschutzmittel A, VAG, FEBI, Zerex G
2012 gasoline, diesel G12 ++ Redfrom 5 to 7 yearsFreecor QR, Freecor DSC, Glysantin G 40, FEBI
2013 gasoline, diesel G12 ++ Redfrom 5 to 7 yearsFEBI, VAG, Castrol Radicool Si OAT
2014 gasoline, diesel G12 ++ Redfrom 5 to 7 yearsFrostschutzmittel A, FEBI, VAG

When buying, you need to know the shade - Colour and Type of the correct antifreeze for the year of manufacture of your Solaris. Select the manufacturer at your discretion. Do not forget - each type of fluid has its own service life.
For example: for Hyundai Solaris (1st generation) 2010 onwards, with a gasoline or diesel engine type, the carboxylate class of antifreeze, type G12 + with shades of red, is suitable. The approximate next replacement time is 5 years. If possible, check the selected fluid to meet the vehicle manufacturer's specifications and service intervals. It's important to know Each type of liquid has its own color. There are rare cases when a type is tinted with a different color.
The color of red antifreeze can be from purple to light pink (green and yellow have the same principles).
Mix liquid from different manufacturers - can if their types match the mixing conditions. G11 can be mixed with G11 analogues G11 cannot be mixed with G12 G11 can be mixed G12 + G11 can be mixed G12 ++ G11 can be mixed G13 G12 can be mixed with G12 analogues G12 cannot be mixed with G11 G12 can be mixed with G12 + G12 cannot be mixed with G12 ++ G12 cannot be mixed with G13 G12 +, G12 ++ and G13 can be mixed with each other Mixing of Antifreeze with Antifreeze is not allowed. No way! Antifreeze and Antifreeze are very different in quality. Antifreeze is the trade name of the traditional type (TL) of the old-style coolant. At the end of its service life, the liquid completely discolours or becomes very dull. Before changing one type of fluid to another, flush the car's radiator with plain water.

There are rules and regulations for replacing technical fluids in a car, there are requirements for changing antifreeze. Replacing the Hyundai Solaris coolant is made in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation for the car.

The boiling point of antifreeze is 110 degrees, and it gradually evaporates. Consequently, the more intensively the vehicle is used, the more often replacement is required.

Do-it-yourself replacement of the Hyundai Solaris coolant begins with its selection and purchase. Not every type of antifreeze is suitable for Hyundai Solaris; there are certain requirements for its composition.

You can consult an authorized dealer which coolant is poured into the Hyundai Solaris, you can use the general replacement rules. When choosing a brand, you should not be guided by color, it does not provide useful information, but only has distinctive functions.

Grades vary not only in the type of base (mineral, synthetic), but also in the additives added to them. Official dealers recommend that you pay attention to the recent factory novelties that have an index after the name (G12 ++ and G13).

They are based on organic compounds. Mineral inhibitors enhance certain properties and quality of cooling.

If these brands seem too expensive, you can choose factory antifreeze with the G12 + index. This is a high-quality organic matter based on carboxylic acids.

She serves up to 5 years. absorption of liquid in places of corrosion of engine elements with a particle size of up to 0.1 microns can become a problem. If, after checking, a decision is made to change it to a brand with an increased number, it is necessary to completely drain.

When to change antifreeze?

According to the general rules established in the technical documentation, the first replacement is carried out:

  • after the car has run the first 200 thousand kilometers;
  • 10 years after the car was released from the factory. When applying this rule, it should be borne in mind that the service life of original brands of coolant can be only 5 years.

After reaching this threshold, the change should be made more often, every two years or 30 thousand km. Intensive use of the machine will change these terms downward. The Hyundai Solaris coolant temperature sensor also plays an important role.

Checking and replacing fluid

On the car device diagram, you can easily find where the coolant tank is located in the Hyundai Solaris. You can make a decision about the need for replacement after checking the coolant level of the Hyundai Solaris, the driver makes sure that it is impossible to pull further. If its consumption is more than 1 liter per 10 thousand km, this may indicate a malfunction in the system.

Topping up antifreeze

There is nothing complicated in how to change the coolant on a Hyundai Solaris, no. The first step is to purchase the required amount of antifreeze. For Solaris, it is 5.3 liters. In addition to the antifreeze itself, you will need to acquire containers for draining. Allow the engine to cool completely before replacing.

Further work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Too much pressure in the system must be relieved. To do this, remove the reservoir cap and the radiator cap.
  2. To the left of the engine and a little behind it is a shield that serves to protect the power plant from dirt. It needs to be dismantled.
  3. Access to the drain valve is opened, which should be carefully unscrewed, but not completely, leaving 1-2 turns. This will significantly reduce the intensity of the head and the amount of fluid being drained. A container of the required volume should be placed under the tap.
  4. At this stage of the work, it may turn out that the O-ring on the tap is deformed, cracked and requires replacement. It needs to be replaced. Assuming the presence of this risk, it is better to buy the necessary part according to the corresponding catalog number before the process of changing the antifreeze.
  5. After, according to the calculations and the volume of the filled vessels, almost all the antifreeze has flowed out, the remnants of it must be removed with a syringe or syringe bulb.
  6. The tap is twisted and fixed. Next, the coolant is poured into the tank until it reaches the level indicated by the letter "L".
  7. After closing the tank with a stopper, the car starts up.

At this moment, the fan may suddenly work, which indicates that the automation has diagnosed the problem. The antifreeze level has dropped. The engine is turned off and the fluid is topped up to the required volume.

The resulting airlock in most cases goes away on its own after an hour or two of operation.

How to choose the right coolant?

In the proposed video, you can find out what kind of coolant to fill in the Hyundai Solaris. Wizards will tell you how to choose the most suitable train, based on the conditions and features of vehicle operation. In addition to suitable ones, you should know which brands of fluids should not be used.

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