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Winter tires. Winter tires. Catalog of winter tires Russian winter tires buy

It's time to study the Summer-2017 tire rating, purchase a set of new tires and safely enter the spring-summer-autumn season. Many motorists are already planning technical inspections of vehicles, preparing them for high temperatures, "hot" asphalt surfaces in the summer, lingering traffic jams, especially during summer holidays.

How to choose the right summer tires?

Rubber manufacturers compete in the sales market, regularly updating the model range in order to enter the rating of summer wheel tires and become a sales leader. Products differ in rubber composition, tread pattern, diameter and speed index. Choosing from a wide range of products, do not go wrong. What should you pay attention to?

A small list of those parameters is presented, which is recommended to pay attention to at the time of acquaintance with the assortment included in the rating of tires "Summer-2017". It is impossible to miscalculate in the choice, because summer tires are used for a longer period, especially in regions with a long off-season and snowless winter.

The consumer has the right to choose tire models from domestic or foreign manufacturers, they most often differ in price, presence or absence of innovative technologies, but the level of their quality is brought up to international standards.

Domestic tires

Tires of such brands as Cordiant, Amtel, Contyre and others are manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation. They often rank Russian summer tires, and are valued among motorists. An attractive range of products today is offered by the Kirov Tire Plant, which provides rubber to domestic giants responsible for the production of GAZ, VAZ, UAZ vehicles.


  • Reliable tread with asymmetric pattern
  • Economy class product
  • Acoustic comfort
  • Good grip on asphalt
  • At a speed of 110 km / h, the tire responds normally to steering requests
  • Neat corner entry without skidding and sidewall breakage

Thus, it is possible to pay attention to budget rubber, and the Matador Stella 2 model, known even abroad, belongs to it. Note that in 2013 this product was included in the international rating of summer wheel tires, having received a lot of positive ratings for its technical characteristics.


  • Acoustic comfort
  • Economy class product
  • Steering responsiveness even at high speeds
  • Gives good grip on asphalt, but with difficulty off-road, especially on wet grass
  • Wear resistance

Thus, car owners, who have appreciated the winter tires of the same brand, also buy Nokian Nordman SX and are by no means disappointed with the purchase. Moreover, the average price for a tire will be 2,000 rubles.


  • Soft upper tread layer designed to provide cushioning
  • The hard inner layer is responsible for the strength and durability of the product
  • Symmetrical tread pattern
  • Acoustic comfort
  • Ensuring stable and predictable maneuvering
  • There is a water drainage system in the tread pattern
  • Braking performance attributed

This makes the Cordiant Road Runner, a summer 2017 tire, a great choice. The product combines European quality and reasonable price.

And if you have not yet managed to purchase a set of summer tires in January-February, then today you can pay attention to economy-class models from domestic manufacturers - Matador Stella 2, Nokian Nordman SX, Cordiant Road Runner. The product may be subject to a system of discounts, and this is an attractive offer if the market price is set for the product - 2,000 rubles. Free shipping is sometimes offered.

So enjoy your shopping and make the right choice in the world of market diversity!

In the off-season, drivers have another headache associated with what to "change" their favorite car. And here most of them face a dilemma: buy Russian tires, which are not so widely advertised, or foreign ones. After all, it has long been believed that everything abroad is always better and of higher quality. And if until recently the last statement was true, today you can argue with it. Tire production in Russia does not stand still, and today domestic products can compete with imports in all respects: quality, manufacturability, composition, maneuverability and level of grip, durability and, which is important, price. The best Russian tires are practically in no way inferior, and in some aspects even surpass them.

Russian-made tires: myths and reality

It is developing rapidly in our country. It is represented by the products of the factories Amtel, Uralshin, Omskshina, Moskovsky, Yaroslavsky ShZ, Voronezhshina, Matador-Omskshina, Krasnoyarsk ShZ, etc. Today there are already more than a dozen factories producing tires for cars.

However, from the past many doubts have remained regarding the quality of domestic production in many industries. These are echoes of the past. At the same time, even today a significant number of consumers doubt quite strongly when choosing between cheaper Russian products or expensive imported goods. Many motorists today give preference to imports, ignoring Russian-made tires. This is motivated by the fact that Russian tire manufacturers do not know how to develop, in production they use low-grade material, do not monitor quality and use outdated technologies. However, today these are mostly just myths. The old equipment has long been replaced by new, foreign production (Krupp, Vi-Mi-I), which was introduced and adjusted by their own specialists. Tires are produced on the same machines all over the world.

Speaking about the qualitative composition of tires, the ratio of artificial and natural rubber, it should be noted that, as in imported rubber, the share of the latter is 10–20%, the rest is synthetic. There is no doubt about the quality of Russian artificial rubber. A large share of it is exported, for the production of all the same tires, only abroad.

Do not forget about modern technologies and quality control system. We use the latest technology. The well-known 2-layer protectors appeared in Russia at the same time as in Japan, and maybe even earlier. And Voronezh Amtel has been producing 4-layer protectors for several years.

The quality control system at the manufacturing plants also exists. Tire manufacturers in Russia reject low-quality material and label it accordingly. The only downside is that these tires still hit the shelves. They are handed over for sale at a discounted price for use as decoration, not for travel. However, in order to get profit, some sellers try to sell them at a regular price. And if you did not pay attention to the marking in time, you will receive a third-rate tire at the regular price or at a slightly reduced price. Hence the complaints about the quality from users. And in general, there are exactly the same number of complaints about quality in percentage terms as about foreign products.

What tires are produced in Russia?

The assortment and model range of tires is quite wide. Today on the market of domestic production for almost any car. Here you can find tires for trucks, cars, agricultural machinery, motor vehicles and even special machinery, aviation tires. The most recognizable brands of Russian tires today are: Contyre, Amtel, Cordiant, Voltyre, Uralshina, Omskshina, Nizhnekamskshina, KShZ, YaShZ.

Passenger car tires

When choosing rubber for passenger cars, consumers pay attention to many parameters. The most valuable characteristics of summer tires for an ordinary Russian car owner are its durability, efficiency, price-quality ratio. At the same time, fans of high-speed driving, racing or extreme types of driving pay more attention to such parameters as adhesion to the road surface, speed indicators, braking. The characteristics of resistance to aquaplaning, popularity, maneuverability on dry and wet roads, comfort, durability and many others are considered important.

The fourth in the overall rating and first place among the Russian ones was taken by the summer tire Nordman SX. Its main positive parameters are controllability, grip. In addition, it is quite quiet. But there are also disadvantages. Among them - a relatively low directional stability and smooth running.

The ninth and, accordingly, the second place belongs to the Cordiant Road Runner. It is quite rate-stable, manageable and has a smooth ride. However, it is uneconomical at low speed.

The top ten in the overall rating is closed by Matador Stella 2. They are suitable both for driving on the highway and on light off-road. Acoustically quiet, soft and economical enough at any speed. But at the same time, there is low adhesion to the roadway and poor handling.

The test of Russian summer tires Maloya Futura Primato from Amtel also showed excellent results. Despite the fact that they are produced at factories in Russia, it is almost impossible to find such tires on our shelves. They are mainly produced for export to European countries. These tires have very high ratings for durability and handling on any road surface. In addition, the price for them is very democratic.

SUV Tires

The type of car plays a very important role in the choice of tires. What is suitable for an ordinary light car is often not the best solution. That is why in the production of such tires, the emphasis is on completely different technical parameters. The level of grip, braking, handling and behavior on different types of road play a role here.

Popular tires from Cordiant, Amtel, Yaroslavl and Nizhnekamsk plants are among Russian manufacturers.

When choosing which Russian tires are better, Cordiant All Terrain should be highlighted. They are perfect for any type of surface in any weather. Can be used at any temperature. They have good acoustic parameters. The geometry of the pattern allows you to successfully remove water and dirt from the contact patch, which contributes to good grip and coordination.

Russian off-road tires Cordiant Off Road are great for off-road, they are economical, resistant to damage, have good grip and are resistant to aquaplaning.

Mud tires of Russian production Amtel K-151 are very maneuverable, thanks to a special pattern, which consists of many grooves, they remove dirt and water well from the contact patch, which provides better grip on the road surface and resistance to aquaplaning. They are great for driving on swampy terrain, off-road, sticky soils.

Yaroslavl ShZ has been producing Y-192 tires since the 70s. At one time they were widely used in military equipment. They, of course, do not have the best performance when driving on wet asphalt, but for real off-road conditions they are one of the best. They are used when it comes to driving on a rocky track, driving on snowy terrain or in mud.

I-471 - more modern tires for all-wheel drive SUVs from the same manufacturer. They are of good quality at a fairly low price. They have good performance when traveling both on sandy or swampy terrain, and on asphalt.

The assortment of the Nizhnekamsk plant also has several excellent models for SUVs.

I-502, I-520 - all-season tires for city trips and light off-road. They have good grip and a continuous contact patch, excellent braking performance.

Kama Euro 228 - radial tires that are included in the basic configuration of the Chevrolet Niva. They have a combined design and improved rubber composition, which significantly improve performance and contribute to wear resistance. At the same time, they have good grip and course stability when driving on asphalt and on a dirt road.

And finally!

Choosing a new "shoe" for a car, you should not pay attention only to the country of the manufacturer. Everything is important here: operational parameters, the applicability of the tire on a particular road surface, the type of car and even the personal preferences of each. And yet, do not forget about additional markings, which may indicate a lower grade of tire or marriage.

Car tires periodically lose their properties, so you need to buy new ones. The Russian market of goods for cars has a wide selection for every taste. Few people know, but our country produces high quality tires, which have been repeatedly noted at international competitions. Manufacturers claim that you should not pay attention to the price when buying, as this is far from an indicator of quality.

Russian tires

Tires are classified into:

  • premium class;
  • middle category;
  • inexpensive and budget options.

Some motorists stubbornly believe that they cannot produce high-quality goods in Russia. are produced according to modern world quality standards. The factories where the products are manufactured are equipped with the most necessary and modern equipment. Brands like Cordiant even ship to other countries. Tires are produced by robotic technology, and people only follow the production process. Development technologies are fully consistent with popular companies.

There is also a myth that tires from Russia are made of low quality materials. This is not true. Natural and artificial rubber is used for development. For more than 15 years, tires have not been manufactured in Russia from polyester, which was not famous for its good properties. The test of Russian tires proved that our country goes side by side with European companies in terms of product quality.

In terms of sales volume, Russian tires for passenger cars are 5 times ahead of foreign ones. As for the goods for SUVs, the numbers here are about the same. Experts recommend not chasing well-known brands of foreign companies, but trusting Russian tire manufacturers.

Rating of Russian tire manufacturers

1st place

Amtel tires are the undisputed leader in production in Russia. The company's plant is based in the city of Voronezh. The plant's products have passed many tests and comparisons, during which it was proved that they are not inferior to foreign competitors. The company has at its disposal scientific specialists who introduce new technologies into production. The plant makes tires of any category, which allows them to successfully gain a foothold in the sales market.

2nd place

Tires of the "Matador-Omskshina" plant, is successfully engaged in the production and sale of its own rubber products. This plant is the youngest in Russia and completes domestically produced cars. The goods that are manufactured at the factory are referred to as Cordiant and Matador. Cordiant has shown excellent results when tested on Russian roads. The number of sales of this company is also gradually growing. Drivers note that Cordiant tires are no worse than foreign manufacturers. Many experts are confident that the plant has a great future ahead.

3rd place

Nizhnekamsk manufacturer Kama develops tires of all classes for a Russian buyer. It sells and manufactures tires for cars, trucks and other vehicles. The products are very popular among agricultural companies. There are tires on domestic Lada cars. Thanks to special technologies, tires have special properties that reduce fuel consumption. All this and much more allowed Nizhnekamsk plant to be included in the list of the best Russian tires.

Expectation and reality of tires from Russian manufacturers

Tire production in Russia is developing rapidly every day. Now there are many factories that make rubber products. Since the past years, buyers have had doubts about the quality of the tires sold. But now everything has changed a lot, and the approach to production and requirements is completely different. Some categories of car owners give preference to foreign manufacturers, overpaying for their products. Everyone explains this by the fact that in Russia they do not know how to make high-quality cars, and, accordingly, tires are out of the question.

The range of Russian manufacturers is so wide that you can easily find goods for any car and even for specialized equipment. When buying rubber products, buyers pay attention to many factors that affect durability and economy. Fans of fast driving pay attention to the quality of braking and traction. World experts have appreciated many tires of domestic brands.

Amtel tires are rarely found in Russian stores, since they are made for foreign buyers and cars.

The best Russian tires

Now let's talk more specifically about tires of our own production, which have proven themselves excellent.

  • Matador Stella II;
  • Cordiant Road Runner.

World experts have highly appreciated these two brands of Russian tires. As for the Cordiatn Road Runner tires, they have good ride and traction characteristics. Nordman SX is in second place. These products are easy and good to handle and have high traction performance. But it didn’t allow these tires to take the first place - smooth running.

SUVs have a slightly different rating. The main feature when choosing tires is the type of car. Those parameters that are suitable for passenger cars are not suitable for SUVs. In the manufacturing process, attention is paid to completely different parameters.

At the top of the rating are the Cordiant All Terrain tires. It is they who combine all the most necessary qualities for driving an off-road vehicle. Cordiant All Terrain is great for riding on any surface and in adverse weather conditions. The design of this model allows you to easily remove dirt and other types of debris from tires.

The Cordiant Off Road SUV tire is built for off-road driving. They have good wear resistance properties that will ensure a long service life. It is worth mentioning the Amtel K-151, which are easy to drive and provide good traction. For swampy surfaces, these are ideal. Fans of hunting and fishing will definitely like this product.

You cannot ignore the legendary tires from Yaroslavl, namely, I-192. Previously, the vast majority of military equipment was equipped with them. When driving on the road, they obviously will not show good performance, however, on off-road they will not be equal. A track covered with snow is the ideal environment for these tires. Also, the Yaroslavl plant has a more advanced and modern model I-471.

Kama Euro 228 are popular among Chevrolet Niva owners. Good durability gave the tires the opportunity to take the top place in the rating of Russian tires for SUVs. The uniqueness of these products lies in the fact that they are ideal for riding on any surface. Another indisputable plus is the affordable price.

It is quite easy to buy winter tires in Moscow that would satisfy the needs of your car to the maximum extent possible. The assortment of the online store "Wheels for Free" is formed by tens of thousands of functional and productive tires from leading manufacturers in Russia and abroad. Each unit of the presented product is accompanied by a short description, photos and characteristics that reveal the technical potential of the wheels.

What is important to know about winter tires?

Seasonal tires designed for the cold season are recommended to be operated at temperatures below + 70C. To maintain stability of running characteristics even at extremely low temperatures makes it possible to use soft and elastic rubber. For this, the tire compound includes various silicon-containing polymer components, natural oils, as well as innovative substances.

They have winter tires and some design features. The surface of the blocks and tread blocks is endowed with numerous sipes. At the same time, each manufacturer tries to offer its own technical solution regarding the structure of these elements. However, no matter what shape and parameters the lamellae have, they have a common functional task - to enhance the traction and adhesion properties of rubber. They make the car stable on snowy and icy surfaces, and also allow effective braking.

If we talk about the features of the drainage system, then it is somewhat different from summer rubber. The drainage grooves of various configurations and geometries are endowed in winter tires with a higher capacity, which allows them to resist the effect of hydroplaning and slashing at a decent level. When operating a car mainly in off-road and rough terrain, experts recommend giving preference to studded tire models.

The importance of the information resource of our tire store

If you want to enjoy comfortable and, most importantly, safe driving for more than one season, we recommend paying attention to high-quality winter tires from time-tested brands. Also, when choosing a suitable option for seasonal wheels, it is important to pay attention to the permissible operating temperature range. Since not all tires are suitable for regions with harsh climates, which are characterized by severe frosts.

One of the most important selection criteria is the tire size. To do this, our website contains an automated system for selecting wheels according to the brand of the car and the technical requirements of its manufacturer. It makes the process of finding tires much easier. You can also use various filters to narrow down the list of the most relevant models.

Reliable and high-quality winter tires at democratic prices

The technical potential of modern cars needs to be equipped with durable and efficient tires on snowy and icy roads. They must provide a minimum braking distance, stable grip, and demonstrate excellent driving performance regardless of terrain and climatic conditions.

In the online store "Wheels for Free" in Moscow there are such winter tires. Our competent managers are always ready to inform you on any question of interest, help you choose tires and provide information about the terms of payment, delivery, current promotions, discounts.

In addition to high-quality and inexpensive rubber, the store's catalog contains many necessary automotive components and accessories. The sale of the presented goods is carried out on the most favorable terms. On the site you can read the real reviews of motorists who have already managed in practice to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular tire model, which will help you make the right choice.

Buy winter tires quickly and cheaply with the Kolesa for Free online store in Moscow!

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