Home Salon Replacing the engine in a car with a more powerful one. What to do if the engine number does not match the title. Checklist of necessary steps when installing an engine of a similar model

Replacing the engine in a car with a more powerful one. What to do if the engine number does not match the title. Checklist of necessary steps when installing an engine of a similar model

Every car needs to be replaced from time to time. As a rule, all this happens without marks in the vehicle passport and other bureaucratic delays. However, more global replacements can happen, for example, the installation of a new engine. How to arrange an engine replacement and do I need to contact the traffic police for this?

Do I need to replace the engine?

The rules for state registration and accounting of vehicles state the following: when installing an identical motor with the same working volume, weight and power, it is not necessary to re-register the car. But calling the MREO still will not be superfluous. There you can find out if this engine was taken from a stolen car.

Is it possible to replace the engine with another one that differs in volume and other parameters? Of course, you have the right to install another unit, but in this case, the replacement will have to be agreed with the State traffic inspectorate. First, the department will consider whether in your case it is technically possible to convert the car, and then they will issue a permit. After that, you will need to contact the MREO, where a different engine size will be recorded in the new technical passport.

If you are still using the old vehicle registration certificate, where the engine number is recorded, then when installing any motor, the certificate will have to be changed. Under the new rules, the engine number is no longer recorded on the vehicle registration certificate. Therefore, if you do not replace the document, problems may arise. After all, in the data sheet you will have one number, and the car will have an engine with completely different numbers.

Collection of documents for registration of a vehicle engine

So, in order to arrange an engine replacement, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • technical equipment passport - original and copy;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • original and copy of the passport;
  • car insurance policy;
  • reference-account and customs declaration for the engine;
  • a document that indicates the transfer of the car from the service where the engine was installed. This paper must indicate that all changes comply with the requirements of GOST;
  • the service center must also issue you a copy of the certificate indicating the operation to replace the unit.

Having collected all these documents, you will need to come to the registration and examination department, where you can write an application for an engine replacement. After that, the numbers of the units are verified, and finally, you can give the application and all the documents collected in advance to the traffic police inspector.

Important Notes

How to replace the engine so that there are no problems in the future? Replacement must be done at a service station that has the necessary certificates. If the engine was brought recently and it is not registered in the city, it is sent to the city traffic police for examination. There, specialists will issue a document that the number is really made at the factory and has not undergone any changes.

And most importantly - the engine must be bought only legally. You can buy it both in the store and from a private person. But in any case, the seller is obliged to provide you with a certificate of account or draw up a contract of sale. Any of these documents must be certified by a seal.

During long-term operation of the car, sooner or later malfunctions that require repair may appear. At the same time, malfunctions of the power unit cannot always be easily repaired. Moreover, in some cases, it becomes mandatory to replace the engine. In this case, the power unit must be replaced with the obligatory consideration of the current legislation, so you need to understand on what basis to carry out legal registration in the traffic police.

In this case, the situation always develops according to one of two possible options:

  • a similar motor is installed, which has the same technical parameters;
  • replacement involves the installation of a new engine with excellent performance.

How is the engine replaced with its subsequent registration in the traffic police?

Replacing the motor with a similar one

Recently, replacing the motor has been easier. The engine is now perceived as a spare part, so the traffic police do not have to check and enter the number of the power unit in the Registration Certificate. This practice is new for Russia, but at the same time, engine numbering was abolished a long time ago in Europe.

Taking into account the changes, if the engine is changed to a motor with similar indicators (modification, volume, power), registration with the traffic police is not required. Travel is allowed without registering a new vehicle part.

At the same time, you need to understand that the replaced motor may be listed as stolen by the police. Such a part was originally removed from a stolen car, and then resold and reinstalled. In this case, there is a risk of police intervention.

Attention! Each buyer of a similar engine can reduce the risks of an undesirable situation. In order to protect yourself from stolen spare parts, when buying, you should draw up an agreement or take a check, and then contact the traffic police. Despite the fact that the execution of the procedure is not required, the traffic police still need to find out what was done. The inspectors will put a mark in the vehicle passport, fixing the unit numbers. A mandatory check will be carried out in order to clarify that the motor was not installed on the stolen car.

Replacing the motor with another is a fashion trend

Recently, more and more motorists are installing engines with improved technical parameters. Where did this fashion come from? Prohibition was widespread in the United States of America. Bootleggers who sold illegal alcohol installed more powerful engines in their cars. As a result, it became possible to easily get away from the police. However, this was only the first call.

The next peak of popularity came in the 1950s. Then rare cars began to be popular, on which new multi-liter engines were installed for successful trips.

Residents of the United States could afford such events, since registration of engines was not required when replacing them. In Europe, Japan and Russia, the procedure still required great effort, so in these states people did not immediately begin to use new opportunities. In addition, replacing an engine with a motor with improved technical data is a complex procedure, not only from a documentary, but also from a practical point of view.

What to do if another engine is delivered

Recently, more and more residents of Russia have decided to put another engine on a car. It is important to understand that this procedure is legal, but it initially requires more time and documentary evidence.

Without fail, permits are required, on the basis of which it will be possible to replace one engine with another power unit. In this case, after installation, a technical check of the power unit should be carried out for its serviceability and the possibility of safe use. To do this, you should apply to the traffic police with an application, receive an established package of documents from experts.

To legally install an engine with other technical parameters, you will need to go through certain steps.

  1. Contacting the traffic police. For the legal installation of another motor, you must write an application to the traffic police for changes to the design of the vehicle. The written application must be considered by the inspector. After that, you will be given the opportunity to obtain permission from the relevant organization.
  2. Contacting an expert organization (for example, NAMI). At this stage, you should receive a document confirming the possibility of replacing the motor and its correct installation.
  3. After interacting with the traffic police and an expert organization, you can replace the engine by contacting the staff of a technical center that has a license to conduct events. Upon completion of the planned activities, you can receive an application-declaration of the results of the work carried out, copies of the license, as well as enterprise certificates. If desired, you can carry out an independent replacement, but in this case, the appropriate filling out of the application-declaration is required.
  4. After installing a new motor, you should go through a technical check and get a diagnostic card.
  5. The obligatory final stage is the provision of the established package of documents to the traffic police, the technical inspection of the car.

All checks and appeals to government agencies must contribute to the availability of the following documents:

  • car owner's passport;
  • vehicle passport with updated information;
  • contract for the purchase of an engine with certain technical parameters;
  • a statement confirming the change in the car, signed by the traffic police inspector;
  • result of the expert organization;
  • application - a declaration confirming the work performed;
  • documentary result of the technical check of the car;
  • certificates that are directly related to the replacement of the motor.

Only if all actions are performed correctly, you can get all the necessary documents with updated data. It is important to note that it takes more than one week to get the final result.

Is it required to register a new engine when replacing

Registering an engine replacement is a mandatory procedure. Recently, legal measures are required only if a motor is installed that differs in technical parameters. For this reason, only car fans or those motorists who have experienced serious damage to the old unit decide to install a new engine. It will still be relevant to replace the motor with a unit with improved performance if the previous engine has encountered improper care or has already served its time.

However, before replacing the engine, you should carefully study the legislation, understand its pitfalls. Traffic police officers should not compare the engine number with the data specified in the technical passport of the car. For this reason, vehicle identification is carried out only on the basis of the body number, VIN code. Despite this, registering a new motor still becomes an important task. At the same time, registration of a new engine is required only if the engine differs in its technical parameters (volume, power).

Another option is to replace the motor with an engine with reduced power. In this case, it is desirable to understand that the replacement of the engine and registration with the traffic police become interconnected, since the installation of a weaker motor will reduce the amount of the tax rate. Recently, motorists have increasingly decided on such actions, as the tax rate is growing at an amazing pace.

A responsibility

Attention! If, nevertheless, an engine with other characteristics was installed, it is extremely important to register it. Otherwise, the amount of the fine will be 500-800 rubles (Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Additionally, you need to confirm that there was no theft, since otherwise the car must be sent to a special parking lot.

The replacement of the motor must take place taking into account the legislation and traffic rules.

Replacing an engine in a car does not always happen as part of tuning procedures, sometimes it is a necessary measure, and sometimes the only possible one in terms of repair. What does the law say about the registration of changes, are there any documents fixing the changes, is it necessary to register the replacement of the unit with the state inspection?

Engine replacement without registration

To answer this question, it is necessary to separate two key points, namely, the engine replacement scenario.

  • The first scenario: instead of a faulty engine, the car owner installed exactly the same, but new or serviceable4
  • Second scenario: an alternative is installed instead of the old engine, that is, an engine that is different from what was originally installed.


Replacing the engine with an identical one

Let's analyze the first scenario in which you installed a new, but exactly the same, identical unit instead of a faulty motor. The new engine has the same number of cylinders, the same volume, is identical in power, environmental class and other parameters. In this case, it is not necessary to register a replacement with the inspection, which is explained by the comment of the traffic police representatives on their official website:

The serial number of the power unit is not the main reporting requisite of the vehicle. Changes are made to the registration documents only in case of changes in the environmental class of the engine and its power. Ecoclass affects tolerances, and power affects the tax base, other data, including the engine number, are unimportant.


Even though there is no need to amend the registration certificate, you must have the documents for the engine itself. That is, you must, if necessary, be able to prove that the unit is really yours, and you purchased it legally. In addition, the document must contain all the characteristics of the new engine, the main of which (power and environmental class) are the same as the previous unit. So, when buying an engine, albeit with mileage, contract, be sure to require the execution of all necessary documents.

Is it necessary to register an engine replacement?


If you are replacing your old engine with a more advanced one, which has different power and environmental class characteristics from the previous unit, then it is necessary to register changes in the registration documents. According to current legislation, registration is mandatory if even with the same volume, at least one important parameter has changed: either the environmental class, or even slightly power. And it does not matter in which direction the changes occurred.

In addition, if you are going to install an engine that is not provided for this model by the manufacturer, that is, the new unit is not standard for the machine, then before carrying out work, you must agree on all procedures and obtain approval from the relevant authorities. NAMI representatives explained that when installing the unit provided by the manufacturer for this model, it does not eliminate the need to register the changes made. Everything will have to be documented.

Replacing the engine with a more powerful one

Increase power without registration?

The answer here is unequivocal - it is impossible to officially deliver a more powerful unit or increase the output of an old engine without documentation and registration. Any change to this parameter must be logged.

But this is in theory, in practice, craftsmen practice chip tuning, in fact, this is a kind of bypass of the restriction. After such tuning, almost no one participates in the tests and does not register changes, although, according to the letter of the law, they seem to be obliged. This is where the defense of formality kicks in: the engine actually and documented remains the same, it has not changed. So the only way to get a more powerful engine without registering it is to buy a similar but chip tuned one. But remember, chip tuning is not always the same as improving engine performance.

Every car owner strives to make his car better, more convenient, more efficient and safer to work with. Often this requires the installation of another engine, which in the conditions of 2019 will not be difficult to do. Car engine replacement is also carried out in case of malfunctions and serious breakdowns. You can make changes to the design of the vehicle yourself or by hiring experienced craftsmen for this. It is important to understand that by interfering with the design of the car, you can reduce the safety of the vehicle, increase the risk of an emergency on the road. That is why, having changed the motor or other important unit, you should find out how to arrange an engine replacement in the traffic police.

Some cases involve registration of changes, in other situations, the owner does not need to file an engine replacement with the traffic police. To figure out how to act specifically in your circumstances, you need to carefully study the existing laws, rules and requirements of the Customs Union regulations. Where necessary, seek the support and advice of a qualified legal expert. Knowing what the law says about replacing a vehicle’s motor, you can competently and quickly organize registration, avoid common mistakes, troubles and administrative responsibility.

Features of setting an engine of a similar model

When a vehicle owner wants to install a new engine, he has two options - to purchase a unit with similar parameters and power, or to install a motor different from what was provided by the manufacturer. The further algorithm of actions depends on which option you choose.

Until recently, the engine number was entered into the vehicle registration certificate, since the unit was considered the main unit and the main structural element of the vehicle. Then the rules were simplified, and it began to be considered a regular spare part. Based on this, we can say that if you replace the engine with a motor with similar characteristics and performance, then registration of changes is not a prerequisite.

However, in order to avoid troubles and problems in the future, for example, when selling a car, it is better to take a few simple steps. After installing a new engine, a citizen must contact the traffic police with an application to enter a different number in the vehicle passport. Discrepancies in the number indicated in the TCP with the actual marking may raise questions from the traffic police, the buyer of the car, etc.

Contacting authorized structures will eliminate serious troubles, especially if you put a used engine on a car. Installing used parts can be a problem if a hand-bought engine comes from a stolen car, so it's important to be able to prevent problems.

Installing an engine of a different model and registering it with the traffic police

The law allows the installation of a new engine with higher parameters and power ratings, but the procedure for registering changes will be more complicated. It should be understood that a new part will entail the replacement of other elements of the car, which in the aggregate may affect the safety performance of the machine. To arrange an engine replacement for a more modern and powerful one, you must follow a certain sequence of actions. The registration procedure consists of several stages, namely:

  • Applying to the traffic police. The document is drawn up in a special form, which is better to carefully study and pre-fill. The application form can be downloaded from our website.
  • Conducting an examination. The next step is to contact the experts who will inspect the vehicle and give an opinion on the possibility of installing the engine on this machine.
  • Engine installation. It is best to mount the motor through a certified technical center. Specialists will carry out the installation of the car engine without problems and delays, and as a result, they will issue a declaration on the amount of work performed. If you decide to carry out the replacement yourself, you must fill out the declaration yourself. A sample document is available for download below.
  • Checking the technical condition of the car. When all the installation activities are completed, you need to pass a technical inspection and get a diagnostic card of the car.
  • Making changes to documents. As a result, a wide list of papers and certificates must be taken to the traffic police, after which one thing remains - to wait for a response from authorized officials.

If everything is done correctly, the procedure will take no more than a few days. However, the period can be extended up to 1-2 weeks. When all the papers are true, they will be checked, and the owner will receive a registration certificate, a car passport, and a certificate of conformity with the design of the vehicle.

List of documents and cost

When replacing one of the key parts of the machine, it is important to remember that after the element is installed, it will be registered with authorized structures. To do this, a citizen must have on hand the most extensive package of documents. The list can be changed and supplemented in each case, based on the circumstances of the case, but there is a mandatory list that each applicant must present. It includes:

  • passport of the owner of the car whose engine is being replaced;
  • application to the State traffic inspectorate;
  • conclusion on the conduct of technical expertise;
  • technical documentation for a new engine, if its characteristics differ from standard indicators;
  • car purchase agreement
  • certificate of registration of the vehicle;
  • car passport.

After installing the engine, you must submit documents for registration, as well as prepare funds for paying the state fee. The maximum cost of a standard procedure will cost 2850 rubles.

If you just need to replace the data in the TCP, then the amount will be much less - 350 rubles. The certificate of conformity of changes to safety standards will cost 800 rubles of tax collection.

The cost of the fee must be paid promptly to the provided current account. Payment is allowed to be made in any convenient way - through a bank, terminal or online services.

If the motor is undocumented

Sometimes citizens buy auto parts from their hands, which leads to the fact that the product may not have documents. If, when installing the engine on it, there are no necessary papers, do not despair. Registration will still be carried out, but it will require more action and anxiety from the citizen.

When, when registering an installed new engine, the owner of the car does not have the necessary document, you must first contact an expert research organization, such as NAMI. Such a center is engaged in the examination and identification of cars, engines and other structures. To obtain the necessary document, you need to contact the department "re-equipment of the vehicle." Experts will verify the data, find out which plant produced the element, when, in which batch it was listed. All information will be recorded in a special conclusion, which is considered an official document on the territory of the Russian Federation. The cost of examination of the engine is set depending on the complexity and scope of work.

When can registration be denied?

Often, when installing a new engine, the owner of the car decides to register all the changes in the manner prescribed by law, but encounters difficulties, problems and failures. The traffic police may refuse to issue engine data if the part number does not match the vehicle passport data or when the number is erased. Sometimes criminal proceedings may even be initiated against the applicant, but it should be understood that in fact such refusals and claims are illegal.

If you are faced with difficulties in the design of the engine, you must protect your rights and constitutional interests. To do this, the citizen will have to file a complaint. You can apply to the head of the department of the State traffic inspectorate or to the court. Experts in the industry recommend acting consistently and deliberately. The complaint must be drawn up in accordance with all the norms of the current legislation.

If you installed a more powerful engine and did not notify the traffic police about it, and there are no marks in the vehicle passport about a change in the design of the car, the car owner will face an administrative fine. When a traffic police officer stopped the car, inspected it and found a discrepancy in the documents and engine markings, he has the right to issue a protocol, the repayment amount of which will be 800 rubles. 10 days are allotted to appeal against the decision, then another 60 days are available to pay the fine.

Very often, drivers who are not satisfied with the dynamic characteristics of the motor or its other parameters make the replacement of the power unit with a more suitable one. It would seem that everything is simple, but in fact it is far from it. Firstly, installing another engine on a car requires a large number of technical alterations. Secondly, do not forget about the documents, because another internal combustion engine (ICE) has its own serial number. But let's talk about everything in order.

Some general information

As for the technical part of the issue, a lot depends on the brand of the car, the engine installed on it and the proposed replacement. Therefore, it is impossible to say anything in more detail. Of course, it will not be difficult to replace the motor with a similar one. For example, the VAZ-2110 has a 1.5-liter power unit with a capacity of 78 hp. With. In this case, without any alterations, it is easy to change it to the same one. You can also install a more powerful motor, but this procedure will cost an order of magnitude more expensive, and you will also have to run around the traffic police.

Each power unit has its own identification number. There is also a VIN number on the car body, which indicates the specific model and series of internal combustion engines. If the data does not match, problems may arise. Although the traffic police are now not allowed to check the engine, it is better not to risk it and do everything according to the law.

Installation of other engines on a GAZ-21 car

The power unit, which was previously installed on the Volga, has many disadvantages, the main of which are as follows:

In general, there are more than enough problems here, and the motor itself has a relatively small resource. That is why many motorists decide to replace. Usually they install ZMZ-405 or ZMZ-406, which are very similar in their technical characteristics. Such a replacement requires a minimum of alterations. Although you still have to modify the pallet, because it rests on the elements of the front suspension. Some car owners install engines from foreign cars, but this is usually very expensive. Yes, and the gearbox in this case is also subject to mandatory replacement.

Installation of a similar power unit

Usually, such a procedure is resorted to only when the old internal combustion engine fails. Often, a major overhaul at a price almost equals the purchase of a new motor. If there is no point in restoring the old internal combustion engine, then you definitely need to install a similar one, but new, used or contract. Installing a motor from the same car model and similar power does not require registration. Therefore, you may not visit the traffic police, as there is no such need.

But even in this case, it is necessary to carefully check all documents. Installing a different engine on a car of the same type can be done without re-registration, but that's not all. For example, such a motor can be removed from a stolen car. If at some point the police find out, then there will be problems. Therefore, when buying a power unit, it is advisable to have a sales contract or a check confirming the transaction.

Installing another engine on a Gazelle car

The main disadvantage of a standard engine is its high fuel consumption. In this case, there is an option to switch to GAS. However, here too, you will need to obtain the relevant documents. You can go the other way by installing an imported power unit. For some time, the most popular option was the American engine from Daimler Chrysler with a volume of 2.4 liters and a power of 152 hp. With. This is an excellent ICE with a fairly large resource. With proper and timely maintenance, it has practically no serious flaws. Consumption in the urban cycle is about 11 liters, and on the highway less than 9. For later GAZ cars, it was installed as a regular one.

In addition, Japanese engines are also popular. For example, 1JZ-GE VVT-i from Toyota. It has a volume of 2.5 liters and a capacity of 200 hp. With. This is one of the best options, however, its installation will not be cheap at all. In some cases, they put a 4-liter Toyota V8 paired with a 5-speed automatic. Such power units are extremely rare on the Gazelle, because in terms of money, such a procedure is not at all cheap.

How to put a motor from a VAZ on a ZAZ-965

Fans of retro cars often go to any expense in order to improve the technical characteristics of their iron horse. For example, engines from VAZ or Tavria are very often installed on the ZAZ-965. Let's say MeMZ-2457 is installed without any problems, you just need to slightly modify the adapter plate or install a gearbox from ZAZ-968.

Installing the gearbox in this case is somewhat more difficult than the engine itself. Need to digest hook box, change the release bearing and much more. Since the effort spent should be worth it, many ZAZ owners immediately install an internal combustion engine from a VAZ. But even here it will be necessary to completely redo the stove, install a suitable gearbox, etc. However, the result justifies itself, because you can put a fairly powerful motor for relatively little money. In general, the installation of another engine on a ZAZ-965 car is rarely practiced and is usually done by people who are seriously interested in the car, sparing no money and time for it.

Installing the UMZ-4178 motor on the GAZ-69

Very often, the reason for the replacement are several important factors. Firstly, a regular GAZ power unit consumes about 17-20 liters of gasoline per hundred run. Secondly, AI-76 fuel recommended by the manufacturer has long been out of stock. Well, besides this, many are scared by the high mileage and wear of the internal combustion engine. As for the UMZ-4178 motor, it is more modern and has much better technical characteristics. Consumption, according to the observations of motorists, is reduced by 5-7 liters, which is very noticeable with high mileage. The dynamics increases by increasing the power of the power unit. Well, reliability increases, which is also important.

Installing another engine on a GAZ-69 car is accompanied by a refinement of the clutch housing and moving the gas pedal. Often, the pillows of the power unit are also redone. The rest of the installation goes without problems and does not require significant financial costs. According to motorists, such an alteration is quite justified and pays off quickly enough.

Transformation of the car "Volga"

Very often there are car owners who install V8 engines from such cars as the GAZ-53 or GAZ-66 on a domestic vehicle. The volume of power units in this case reaches 4-5 liters, which is not at all small. There are a lot of problems during installation, ranging from insufficient space to various side member amplifiers, etc. Drivers are faced with the fact that vacuum speed limiters are installed on the engines of GAZ trucks, which are needed to protect the transmission during long climbs. There are no problems with this in a passenger car, so it is advisable to remove this element. Usually there are no problems with this, and if there are, then the specialists at the service station help to solve them quite quickly. Well, now let's move on.

Replacing motors on domestic classics

As we have already figured out, installing another engine on a Volga car will require many alterations and improvements. How are things with VAZ cars? In fact, there are not many enthusiasts going for such replacements. Firstly, this is not a profitable procedure for money. Secondly, there will be additional costs and additional equipment will be required. For example, a Japanese engine can be installed on the VAZ-2110. Of course, it is reliable and more powerful. Yes, there will be fuel savings. But in any case, you will have to spend money on such an alteration. And don't forget about documents. Typically, drivers install an additional improved distributor with enhanced ignition, a revised exhaust and other radiators. This is not the whole list of what needs to be done. Therefore, before installing another engine on a VAZ car, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

"Moskvich" and the replacement of the motor

About 5 different power units were installed on this domestic car at the factory. There were both self-developed engines and Opel diesel internal combustion engines. For example, owners of a VAZ-2141 or 2142 with a power unit from a VAZ-2106 can easily put a 1.7-liter engine from Ford. Almost all engines were carbureted, a little later they appeared with central injection. Because of this, the complexity of the design has increased significantly, and the cost of replacement has increased. But even now there are drivers who successfully install V8 engines from Audi, although the costs here are incommensurable with the price of the car. But this does not scare such drivers, because for them it is a hobby that is not valued in foreign currency.

Required documents

As we have already figured out, installing another engine on a Moskvich car or any other is quite real. But the technical side of the issue is not all. Especially when it comes to installing a more powerful power unit from another car. In this case, you will need to collect the relevant documents. The first step is to write an application to the traffic police with a request to make changes to the design of the car, and then get permission for this. Then we go to an expert organization that will confirm the possibility of mounting the engine on a specific brand of car. Only after that the motor is put in and a declaration from the organization involved in the installation is sure to be received.

We go through maintenance, after which we get a diagnostic card. All of these documents are provided to the traffic police. Also, the car must be inspected by experts. As you can see, installing other engines on GAZ-21 cars or any other will require a lot of time and effort.

Summing up

Very often, the owner of the vehicle cannot take his eyes off the car body, although the dynamics of the car leaves much to be desired. In this case, many are thinking about installing another, more powerful engine. Moreover, very often the price of the issue does not matter to them. Of course, all decisions are made by the owner of the car and it is up to him to decide whether there will be a replacement or not.

However, there are other situations, for example, when the engine has failed due to jamming. In this case, its restoration can cost a round sum. If we add to this the services of a car service, it turns out that buying a contract motor with a guarantee is not so expensive. Although it is better to try to find a new one, because it is hardly necessary to buy a pig in a poke, especially for a lot of money. In any case, do not forget about the paperwork. The engine must have a readable identification number and not be listed as stolen. If you do not pay attention to these details when buying, then in the future there may be serious problems. After all, it will be almost impossible to prove to the traffic police or the police that you bought it and accidentally lost the check. Therefore, first of all, check the engine in the traffic police database and do not forget about its diagnostics.

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