Home Salon Fundamentals of color science and coloring. Color circle. Fundamentals of color science Color science basic colors

Fundamentals of color science and coloring. Color circle. Fundamentals of color science Color science basic colors

A perfect knowledge of color theory is very important for an artist. Philip Straub talk about simple principles of color.

When used correctly, colors can convey a mood and evoke an emotional attitude in the viewer. The correct use of colors is one of the most important conditions for a successful drawing. Knowledge about the use of color is not inherited, it is learned. There are rules that must be followed and others that can be ignored, but every artist who wants to be successful in his field must start from the foundation, i.e. from color theory.

There is a vast amount of scientific material available; however, most of them are far from artists. I will not focus on the superfluous, and will immediately move on to the most important thing in color theory. We'll look at the different color schemes that exist today, how to use color in composition, how to work with color to capture the viewer's eye in a painting, and how to balance colors in a painting. So let's get started...

1. Three properties of color
Before delving into color theory, it is necessary to understand its basic principles. Let's look at the so-called three color properties. These properties represent the common language of color theory and should always be in the artist's mind.
- Hue- the name of a particular color (for example, red, blue, yellow).
- Saturation- this is the pallor or darkening of a shade (color).
- Intensity determines the brightness or dullness of the hue (color). Pure shades are high intensity. Dull shades - respectively, have a low intensity.
These three color properties will depend on many things, but mostly on the light in your painting.

2. Color Wheel
A color wheel based on red, yellow and blue is a traditional form of color scheme in the arts. The first color chart was created by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666. Since then, scientists and artists have studied and proposed their own versions of this principle. Until now, disputes about which system is better and more reliable have not subsided. In reality, any color wheel that has a logically built system of pure shades has a place to be.

3. Basic colors
There are three basic colors: red, yellow and blue. These are three pigment colors that cannot be mixed or obtained by mixing other colors. All other colors are derived from these three shades.

4. Colors of the second group
These colors include green, orange and purple. These colors are obtained by mixing base colors. The colors of the first and second groups together form the six brightest colors of the spectrum. By mixing each color with its neighbor, we get six more colors - the colors of the third group.

5. Colors of the third group
This group includes yellow-orange, red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green and yellow-green. These colors are obtained by mixing one base and one secondary color.

6. Color balance
You cannot paint using just one or even all of the base colors. You need to achieve a balance in your color composition. Add a few colors of the third group, or a little gray, so that the picture is not so unnaturally bright. If you don't keep this in mind, no matter how good your composition and design is, you won't be able to grab the viewer's eye. In nature, for example, you will never find pure primary or secondary colors in abundance; on the contrary, all colors are balanced, and this creates our reality. The task of the artist is to know when and how to change this reality or emphasize it to make it more beautiful, more dramatic or more frightening, depending on the author's goal.

Notice how the palette of colors is uniform in this picture. The colors were not taken at random, but were chosen very carefully to emphasize the mood of the landscape. If you know color theory, then you should also know that blue has a calming effect on people, so the choice of this palette is obvious.

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7. Color matching
Consider your color scheme and make sure it fits your drawing. When you think of the mood and atmosphere, immediately imagine what the end result will be. After all, when you paint a picture of power and destruction, you don't choose rainbow colors, do you?
The picture above shows a very strong combination of saturation and color, which together create a mood that the viewer is sure to feel. Here I used a lot of the colors of the third group, and just a little bit of the base ones (on the eyes and spine) to lead the viewer's eye to the main center of the picture (the face and eyes of the hero).

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8. Uniformity (Monochrome)
A monochromatic color scheme uses a single color with variations of light and saturated hues. Working in monochrome is a quick and easy way to add color and life to your saturation study. This is the easiest method for beginners to work with color without ruining the quality and idea. It seems to me that most of the paintings with a powerful emotional load are made in this technique. The disadvantage of this approach is the lack of brilliance and contrast.

9. Related colors
A related color scheme uses colors that are in close proximity to neighboring colors. One color is dominant, the rest are used to enrich the palette. The related color scheme is similar to the monochrome system, but offers more nuance. In my opinion, this approach is much better than the solid color scheme, and it's easier to create such a palette.

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10. Complementary colors
Complementary colors are colors opposite each other on the color wheel. This is best seen in an example when a cold color is placed against a warm one; for example, red and green-blue.
When working with such a scheme, you need to choose one dominant color, and then a complementary color for accents. One of the most traditional methods of applying this color scheme is to use one color as a background and its complementary color to highlight the main elements of the picture. With this technique, you will get the dominance of one color along with strong color contrasts.
The difficulty here is this: while this approach produces a high-contrast and spectacular image, it is much more difficult to work with such a scheme than with related or monochromatic color schemes. Just make sure to balance the colors you use correctly.
The bifurcated complementary color scheme is a variation of the standard complementary color scheme. This includes one color and two neighboring relative to its complementary (opposite) color. This way we achieve even more contrast without increasing the contrast of the complementary color scheme.

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11. Tertiary and Quaternary Colors
The tertiary color scheme includes three equidistant colors. This scheme is very popular with artists, because. it gives a very strong visual contrast, while maintaining harmony and richness of colors. The tertiary scheme is not as contrasting as the complementary color scheme, but looks more harmonious and balanced.
The quaternary (double complementary) scheme is the richest of all presented, because it includes four colors combined into two pairs of complementary colors. This scheme is very difficult to harmonize; when using all four colors, the picture may seem unbalanced, so you should choose a dominant color or soften the colors.

12. Color and its environment
The color of any object that exists in our world is influenced by the world in which it is located. Any object has its own specific color, or, in other words, a color that has not been changed by anything from the outside. All colors, as we see them, are somehow influenced by the environment. Warm light falling on a warm-colored object simply enhances its warmth, while the same warm light falling on a cold-colored object will, on the contrary, reduce this warmth effect. There are some constants that we can use for our artistic benefit.

13. A bit of gray
When you work with a color scheme, be mindful of the temperatures and temperatures of all the elements in your painting. Most wide color spaces, such as the sky, need to be toned down a couple of tones so as not to overwhelm the remaining space. The larger the space, the softer and less saturated the color should be. Avoid base colors in the background, as they will be out of the picture.

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And again you see a picture dictating the choice of colors in the palette. Please note that there are no basic (primary) colors in the picture, especially in the sky. The colors are very calm. Basically, I place complementary and opposing colors side by side to create a dramatic atmosphere (known as a focal point).

14. Color in the shade
The color of the shadow can never be the same as the natural color of the object. Without the addition of the extra color, the shadow would be the same as the subject's background color, only slightly darker. The color of the shadow has a reduced intensity and saturation - all thanks to the added additional color. A shadow color cannot be cleaner or brighter when at least a similar color is reflected in it, increasing its brightness.

15. Color in the light
All colors become a reflected color source when exposed to light, and will reflect themselves in less light. All intensity of colors should appear in light or midtones. However, the brightest color does not have to be where the light hits. If there is an almost white spot in place of the brightest light falling on the object, then your brightest color will consist of halftones.

16. Focal point
Typically, bright colors are used around the focal point or main subject. Does everyone know what a focal point is? And do you really know how to use it? This is one of the most powerful effects used by artists to draw the viewer's eye to the main area of ​​the drawing. It is extremely important that the picture also contains a calm zone, a hero who strives to be the center of attention. Of course, there may be several characters, objects or focal points in the picture, but the more details you add, the more difficult the picture will be to perceive. Most successful paintings have one focal point and several other quiet places to balance.

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In this picture, which I have named "Christmas City" (Christmas Town) pay attention to how I highlighted the contrast in the center of the city, thereby drawing the viewer's eye to this particular area of ​​the picture. In this center, there is not only increased color contrast, but also color saturation.

17. Color balance again. People.
famous illustrator Andrew Loomis once said: “Color is like a bank account. If you go deep, soon there will be nothing left.” This means that some of the most beautiful creations ever created by artists use a limited color palette. It is important to understand that the color in the spectrum is white light divided into elements. Objects have color only because their surface receives light and reflects all other colors of the spectrum. If there were no color in the light, it would not be perceived by the human eye at all.
Without a good sketch, of course, color is of little value, but it's all about the close relationship between solid linear composition and color that makes a good painting a work of art!

Purpose of today's lesson: Learn the basic laws of composition and color science.

Composition basics


Any drawing begins with the compositional placement of images on a sheet of paper. The overall impression of the picture largely depends on how this or that image is arranged.

One of the main requirements in the educational drawing is the ability to correctly place images of objects on a sheet of paper.

Composition in Latin means "to compose, compose". Layout - to make a whole out of parts. Composition as a term has a double meaning. In the educational drawing, the word "composition" means the implementation of elementary initial exercises. In artistic creation, it has a broader semantic meaning. The separation of the concepts of “composition” and “layout” is very arbitrary, since one imperceptibly passes into the other, merging in the process of working on a drawing. The term "composition" is used in various fields and areas of art: in cinema, music, theatrical productions, ballet, literature, various types of fine arts and architecture. In the creative sense, “composition” is a general artistic concept, the structure of a work of art that most fully expresses its idea. In a training drawing, this is the correct choice of the size and location of an object within a given format.

Thanks to the existing natural mystery, it is inherent in the human eye to see and perceive the world around us in proportions and proportions, i.e. nature itself took care of it, laid magnificent qualities at the basis of our vision, allowing us to determine beautiful proportions. Expressive compositions are the presence of harmony, i.e. such a quality of works of art, in which the eye does not feel the discrepancy between the sizes of parts and the whole, and combinations of colors do not irritate the eye. Harmony obliges the painter to arrange the depicted objects and their parts so that not a single part seems alien or disproportionate. Here is what the outstanding theorist of the Renaissance Leon Battista Alberti wrote about harmony: “There is something more, consisting of the combination and connection of these three things (number, limitation and placement), something that miraculously illuminates the whole face of beauty. After all, the purpose and goal of harmony is to arrange the parts, generally speaking, different in nature, by some perfect ratio so that they correspond to each other, creating beauty ... And nature has no greater concern than that that it produced was completely perfect. This cannot be achieved in any way without harmony, because without it, the external harmony of the parts breaks up. From the words of Alberti it is clear that the basis of beauty is harmony. Thanks to the flair, artists and architects create harmonious works of art, objects and things.

In working on composition, you need to learn compositional vision. Such a vision can be developed in the following way. For example, to view from the balcony numerous private buildings below, comparing the object that interests you with them. In this case, the main object of your interest is in the center of your attention, and the environment serves to determine the object and its place in this environment. Through such a visual perception of the environment, one can develop a compositional vision. Similar exercises can be done at home, on the street, in transport, at work, in a word - everywhere.

Exercise number 1.

Using ink and a black pen, create a composition with a spot on A4 format 3-4 pcs.

Stages of the task:
  • Layout in a sheet (determine the location of each picture)
  • Spot creation
  • Intermediate viewing, image search (according to the example of the Rorschach test)
  • Adjustment and stroke with a pen (taking into account the thickness of the lines)

Basics of color science

Basics of color science - An important point in painting is the study of color in space. We will not dwell on the physical characteristics of color, we will not analyze the principles of additive and subtractive synthesis and delve into the study of the synthesis of color flows. We will not compare optical synthesis and paint synthesis. This is not our task. Our task is to highlight all the main, paramount, without delving into scientific research. The basics of color science for artists - that's what we need. The only remark will be that in order to work on the study of the material we will need good colors. To study color science, you need good quality gouache.

1. Color science - the beginning. It is believed that there are three primary colors, and all other colors can be obtained by mixing the primary colors at different proportional ratios. You probably won't be able to do this with paint. If possible, then you need to try very hard, match color to color, and all this is done with good artistic gouache. But we cannot be responsible for the quality of paints, right? That is why we do it by mixing more than three colors. In physics, there may be three primary colors, but we will have a little more.

It's no secret to anyone that Color is one of the most important means of depiction. And of course, having the right idea about color science in painting, we can correctly and intelligently apply it to picturesque paintings. Color can be "made" to work for us. And for this it would be nice to figure out and understand how to do it, not forgetting that each of us has his own way of perceiving color and transmitting it.

Color shades rich and varied, but they all obey the laws of color science. Let's try to understand the basic concepts of the science of color without getting deep into the scientific jungle.

Note: the color and shades in oil painting may differ slightly from the shades in acrylic painting, for example, or from the color of the tamper. Therefore, as an example of color science, I will take artistic oil paint. Although the basics of color science are almost the same in all types of paints.

How many colors are in the rainbow?

Surely you know that thethe arc consists of 7 colors, while our "scenic circle" includes 12! Nevertheless, a rainbow in the sky pleases us no less than this.But it's not about the beauty of the rainbow, but about the color as such.

rainbow in color

In the color science of painting there is a concept as primary colors, secondary and derivatives.

Main, the first in the circle, are traditionally considered red, blue and yellow. All the rest, in principle, are obtained by mixing paints. But here the first 3 colors cannot turn out differently.

Minor e colors, that is, the next 3 colors are obtained by mixing the other two first colors.For example, how to get green. We just mix yellow with blue ... Naturally, the lightness and intensity of green will depend on the proportions in which these colors were mixed.

It is also worth remembering that blue, yellow and red paints bought in tubes will differ from each other in warmth and coldness. If you paint pictures, then you probably know that among the yellow flowers there are both warm and cold ones. Therefore, by mixing yellow and blue, we will, of course, get green. But which blue and which yellow do you need to get the right green? There are so many shades of green.

Variety of greens when mixing yellow and blue

I'll say that study color theory is definitely necessary, but no practice. Moreover, the practice in the world of color takes most of the time. We need to learn how to mix, making the color work in our picturesque paintings! Below I will give a small example, made in different warm-cold scales. There are also derived colors. You can get them by mixing three primary and three secondary colors.

But, speaking of color science in painting, we will consider all 12 chromatic colors of the spectral circle as basic and achromatic colors - black, white and all varieties of gray.

Color science in painting

The study of the spectral circle gives an understanding of complementary colors. They are located opposite and have the property of reinforcing each other in the neighborhood in the picture. For example, pink looks much brighter in the company of green, and yellow "lights up" next to blue.

The main characteristics of colors

If paint were an animated object, then one could say that it has a character that consists of three components. Yes, most likely so .. after all, it is these features in color in a picturesque picture that evoke various emotions in the viewer.

Color in art exists to express emotions. some (painters) and the emotional reaction of others (spectators). Using the example of red flowers, I will give an example of the “character of color”.

The main properties of the color character include 3 terms:

  • Color tone- the term of color science, which determines the color. Color tone allows you to distinguish one color from another, as well as distinguish them by name.
  • Lightness- tone in color, tonality. One of the most important qualities of color, which should not be forgotten
  • Saturation- intensity, degree of richness and depth of color. Saturation is also a kind of visible degree of hue in a chromatic color.

Saturation and lightness of red

If, for example, the color was taken incorrectly, then the tonality will turn out to be different. This is an important feature that determines the proximity of a color to light or dark. How can you depict a flower if you use only color tone? No way, it would be flat and look like a child's drawing in pure red. The inner part of the flowers is darker and more saturated.

Lightness and saturation added everything that is needed to the color. But the flower itself consists of only one color - red. All the rest are just its derivatives. As you guessed, for to lighten the color you need to add white. So you can get the degree of lightness and light and shade tone. And darker, adding, for example, gray. To adjust the color, include white and black in the palette. Of course, it will turn out lighter, but the shade will turn out different. From brightly saturated red, with white it will become lighter, that's for sure, but the color also changes to pink. Therefore, we try not to change the color of the paint itself.

Detect Saturation possible as a percentage of the hue in the color. Was it confusing? Here is another fruity example: the color of tangerine and apricot have the same color tone - orange. And even the lightness in both objects is light. And yet the saturation of apricot and tangerine is different. The color of the tangerine will be richer than the color of the apricot: in the tangerine, there seems to be a more contrasting orange. Even simpler in other words, you can describe it like this: a strong-bright orange tangerine and a dull pale orange apricot ...

Shades from orange to yellow

Pure colors from a tube can be the most saturated. Mixing them with other paints and solvents, thereby changing the purity and intensity of the color. We can “turn off” the saturation by adding a gray tint to it.

True, painters rarely use pure color directly from the tube. With skillful mixing of colors, you can get a huge palette of colors and shades. In some painting techniques, pure paints are still used, for example, in the Impasto technique, or "palette knife painting", or lovers of pure contrasting paintings. The reasons may be different, because everyone's color vision is different. read the collection article.

Do you know, Why are white and black not considered colors on the tone scale? Because, "white" and "ink" have only one lightness. They cannot be more or less saturated. Have you ever heard "light white" or "light black"? All that they can transform into gray shades, differing only in the lightness of the gray color.

The saturation of black is, for example, soot gas - cold and pronounced, while burnt bone- opposite, warm and dim. There is also grape black, which is between them in terms of darkness and brightness. By mixing paints with white or black, you can perfectly practice and get acquainted with all the properties of the paint. Try it, it's very interesting!

Many artists are insanely afraid to use black paint on their palette, but in vain! After all, it can make the palette wider and richer. But which of the black paints to choose is up to you, you also need to try them all. In principle, they are extremely important for changing other colors.

Darkness of black colors

What gamma is better and how to harmonize the color?

In color science, there is such a thing as execution of the picture in warm and cold colors. By mixing 2 chromatic colors in different combinations, you can get shades with different warm and cold undertones. Combinations of shades with the same halftone are considered ideal. Not all colors can harmoniously combine in one picture.

For example, cold purple harmonizes perfectly with cold green, their connecting "thread" is a blue semitone. But cold purple and warm green do not combine at all, blue conflicts with the yellow halftone in green.

Therefore, it is better to use paint colors for warmth and coldness.For example, you can depict a similar plot in different scales and compare.

Color science in painting - warm and cold gamma

Agree that warm colors create a completely different feeling than cold ones. In the first variant warm notes are chosen to give the impression of a hot day. In the same time, second image in cold colors creates the feeling of a cold morning.

Oil paint color palette

Today, the palette of colors is diverse and pleases us with such a wide range of choices. And the richer your palette is, the more interesting and “boring” your work will turn out. 12-15 tubes of paint is enough to get you started, but as you learn different mixes, you will learn how to get new colors and shades. Or buy ready-made mixed paints in tubes, if funds allow. Oil paint in tubes is stored for a very, very long time, and, of course, you need to study and practice .... No way without it!

Oil paint color palette

The price of paint in tubes directly depends on how many times it was mixed to get one or another shade. And the more interesting and rarer the mixing, the more expensive the paint will cost. I have in my arsenal expensive paints in rare colors, such as warm gray or raspberry-purple-violet. I rarely use them, as over time I learned to "extract" them by mixing.

Important: Not all oil paints for painting are the same. Different manufacturers may have slightly different paints in color, density, and even in name. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose high-quality paints, especially at the stage of studying oil painting.

For example, I am using French Lefranc & Bourgeois, Pebeo; Dutch rembrandt, English paint manufacturers Daler & Royney and German Lukas, Mussini. Italian also available in my arsenal, oil Master but very thick and less favorite. There are also Russian"Ladoga", but still much inferior in quality to French or English. For experience, it is useful to experiment with different manufacturers.

What do you think paint is made of? What is its composition and why do some dry faster than others? Oil paint contains color pigments and binders. Usually these are oils, soft resins, beeswax and essential oil. Ether helps to "thinn" thickly grated colorful pastes. And the ratio of the pigment to the ratio of binders is different. And one of the reasons for the slow drying of the oil is precisely this. Here is an example of the composition of oil paints:

Characteristics of paints

You can often hear questions about mixing shades and colors: what can be mixed with what, and what should not be mixed with what, to avoid dirt.

When painting a picture, you need to remember the basic characteristics of colors and how the temperature of the paint changes under the influence of different shades. Also about warm and cold colors, but in general there are no prohibitions in mixing colors. This is an area where you can safely experiment and get results through trial and error. The article will discuss in detail the methods of mixing.

And don't forget creativity should bring joy from the process, add energy and strength, as well as energize us and not vice versa. Even fatigue after painting a picture will be pleasant and with a sense of satisfaction.

As you can see, the basics of color science are not so difficult, with certain knowledge and the right proportions, of course. Painting is alive, you cannot learn color science once and for all, this is something that can be studied and studied throughout life ... Do you agree with this?

Basics of color science

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: Basics of color science
Rubric (thematic category) Art

architectural means. floristry


(spring semester)

cand. arch., associate professor

Puntus V.A.

Saint Petersburg

2010 Lecture #1

floristry- the science of color, including knowledge about the nature of color, basic, compound and complementary colors, basic characteristics of color, color contrasts, color mixing, coloring, color harmony, color language, color harmony and color culture.

Color- this is a sensation that occurs in the organ of vision when exposed to light ͵ ᴛ.ᴇ. light + vision = color.

Colors are divided into:

§ Cold - ϶ᴛᴏ colors from blue-violet to yellow-green.

§ Warm - ϶ᴛᴏ colors͵ located in the chromatic circle, starting with yellow and ending with red-violet.

Also, all colors are divided into: chromatic, achromatic, semi-chromatic.

achromatic- white, black, and all shades of gray.

Chromatic colors- all spectral and many natural.

semi-chromatic colors- earth colors͵ ᴛ.ᴇ. colors mixed with achromatic colors.

In the history of color science, it is customary to distinguish two stages of color classification: before the 17th century and the 17th century - today.

In the first mythological stage 3 colors stood out: red, white, black (blood, milk, earth). V Ancient Egypt the attitude to color depends on how sunny it is. Basically, the Egyptians distinguished the following colors: ocher, blue, gold and green.

During Greco-Roman antiquity in the 5th century BC. Empedocles claimed that the universe consists of: water (black), air (white), fire (red), and earth (yellow, ocher). And everything else is obtained by mixing these four elements. Aristotle singled out 3 basic colors: white (water, air, earth), yellow (fire), black (destruction, state of transition).

And Planid in his "Natural History" identified 4 basic colors: red, white, yellow and black. To determine the basic colors, Empedocles and Planides used visual impressions, while Aristotle determined them experimentally.

For Z Western Europe of the Middle Ages color symbolism. White color symbolizes Christ͵ God, angels, is a pure immaculate color. Yellow is a symbol of enlightenment, the action of the Holy Spirit. Red - fire, sun, blood of Christ. Blue is the color of the sky, the abode of the Lord. Green is the color of food, vegetation, the earthly path of Christ. Black is an underground color, the color of evil, the Antichrist.

Purple is the color of contradictions. Also quite interesting is the anti-system of colors, which included "extinguished" colors͵ ᴛ.ᴇ. any color combined with brown. In the Near and Middle East in the Middle Ages the concept of color develops under the sign of Islam. Since the 7th century, the same colors have been valued as in Western Europe, only green stands out: this is the color of the Garden of Eden. Favorite type of color composition - multicolor or polychromy. In the era Renaissance in Europe, the ancient and medieval color classifications became widespread, supplemented by Leonardo da Vinci's ʼʼpractically picturesqueʼʼ color system, which was based on the minimum palette of the painter. Leonardo Da Vinci believed that there were 6 basic colors: red, yellow, green, blue, white, black.

In the XVII-XIX centuries in Europe a new stage begins in the history of color classification. The foundations of modern scientific concepts of color were laid by I. Newton in his publication in 1672 ᴦ. work ʼʼNew Theory of Light and Colorʼʼ. Newton introduces the scientific symbolism of dividing colors into two parts: objective (physical) and subjective, associated with sensory perception.

Having received the solar spectrum and giving an explanation of its nature, Newton laid the foundation for a linear systematization of colors. He divided these colors into homogeneous (primary, or simple) and heterogeneous (derivatives). Seven "simple" spectral colors and one - purple, formed by mixing the extreme colors of the spectrum, served as the basis for the systematics of colors in the form of a circle.

In the 17th century in Europe two styles dominate: 1) Baroque: the superiority of color is praised. 2) Classicism: only shades of colors are valued, the basis is muted colors.

In the 18th century baroque turns into rococo. There is an attraction to the asymmetry of the composition, decor (soft detailing of forms), a combination of bright and pure tones of color with white and gold.

Goethe at the end of the century proposed a new way of classifying colors according to the physiological principle. Colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.

The triangle shows the three basic colors used by artists. The remaining colors (orange, green, purple) are obtained by mixing the base ones.

In the 19th century in Europe romanticism emerges. Subsequently, its occurrence leads to the emergence of two opposite directions: naturalism (meticulous transmission of all colors, tones, shades) and impressionism (transmission of images).

At the same time, a contemporary of Goethe, Philipp Otto Runge developed his own color classification system using the principle of a globe or ball.

Figure 4. Classification of colors according to the principle of the globe

or a ball.

A twelve-colored natural circle is placed around the equator, the upper pole is covered with white, the lower - with black.

Between the pure, variegated colors of the equator and the non-colored poles, there are mixtures of respectively pure paint with white (pastel colors are at the top of the ball) or black (dark shades or darkenings are at the bottom of the ball). Each point on this colored globe must be conditioned by longitude and latitude, which makes it possible to determine the name of the color by means of an appropriate calculation system. In such a system, he provided for all transitions from any color to any.

In the modern era the color becomes a symbol. Features of the Art Nouveau aesthetics:

1) Preference for muted, dark colors, complex nuance scales, many shades with a narrow palette, the addition of metallic pigments (gold, silver, bronze)

2) Color becomes more of a means of expression than of imitation.

3) The tendency of convergence of color to music is indicated.

Scientist Ostwald improved the Runge sphere system. He takes a circle, divides it into 24 parts, paints each spectrum in a certain color, but represents all the colors in the form of a closed color body, consisting of two cones, united by a common base. Single axis cones is an achromatic series: the top point is white, the bottom is black.

Around the circumference of the base are the most saturated spectral colors (colors of the rainbow), which are arranged in a certain sequence: red - orange - yellow - green - blue - blue - violet. ("Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits").

To determine the color, a system of psychophysical characteristics is performed. This:

§ Color tone- the quality of a color when a given color can be equated to one of the spectral colors. In other words, ϶ᴛᴏ is the name of the color itself.

§ Lightness- (degree of color difference from white) - quantitative differences within the same color. This is the presence in the color of one or another amount of white or black.

§ Relative brightness- the ratio of the magnitude of the flux reflected from a given surface to the magnitude of the flux incident on it.

§ Saturation– (degree of color difference from gray of equal lightness) – degree of difference of chromatic color from achromatic color of equal lightness. Saturation is usually replaced by purity. The saturation of chromatic paint, to which white is added, drops significantly; when black is added, the saturation changes, but not so sharply. With equal color saturation, lighter colors more actively affect the eye, and with equal lightness, more saturated ones.

§ Color purity- the proportion of pure spectral in the total brightness of a given color. The purest colors are spectral. The purity of achromatic colors is 0, as is saturation. The combination of hue and saturation is called chroma. Achromatic colors do not have it.

Fundamentals of color science - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Fundamentals of Color Science" 2017, 2018.

Methodological guide "Color - the basis of painting" for children 6-7 years old.

Sokolova Svetlana Sergeevna, teacher of additional education, MBU DO "Syavsky Center for Children's Creativity", Syava village, Nizhny Novgorod region.

The methodical manual "Color is the basis of painting" is intended for children 6-7 years old. Developed on the basis of educational materials by G. P. Shalaeva "Learning to draw." It will be useful for educators, teachers of additional education in teaching children the basics of color science and the techniques of watercolor and gouache in painting. It can also be used by parents who are self-employed with their children.
Target: Acquaintance with the basic characteristics of color as a means of artistic expression.
lay theoretical knowledge about color;
develop a sense of color, artistic taste;
to form a system of knowledge and skills for working with color;
develop confidence and initiative.
The methodological manual "Color is the basis of painting" will significantly enrich the artistic and practical base of the younger student. This manual is aimed at mastering children's theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of working with color.
Knowledge about color, methods of working with paints is also necessary for mastering the technology of painting. Children are invited to master the principles and methods of working with primary and secondary colors, delicate and saturated, sonorous and deaf, cold and warm shades. An important part is the work on mastering color relations, where children get acquainted with the theory and visual-demonstration base and perform a number of creative tasks. Color is of great importance in the life of a modern person. Knowledge about color is necessary for everyone. The ability to see, feel color harmony helps the child to develop creative activity.

a) It is desirable to study the methodological manual in blocks (divided into the proposed sections). For each topic, conduct reinforcing exercises with students.
b) Use the material of the manual at your own discretion - based on the age characteristics of the child.

Methodological guide "Color is the basis of painting"

Topic. Primary and secondary colors.

Works painted with paints are called paintings.
- Paints are different: watercolor, oil, gouache.
- They write with paints, but do not draw!
- To make it more convenient to paint a picture with paints, the artist puts it on an easel.
- Paints are mixed with brushes or a palette knife on a plastic (wooden) plate - a palette.

Everyone knows that objects come in different colors and shades. For example, a lemon is yellow and an orange is orange, a cucumber is green and a cherry is red. But there are only three pure colors. The remaining colors are called derivatives, or composite.
The science of studying color is called - floriculture. Every artist should know color science, otherwise he will not be able to paint a good picture.
Color is the main expressive means of painting.
- Colors can be divided into primary and secondary.
- Colors can be divided into close and opposite.
- Colors can be divided into warm and cold, sonorous (bright) and deaf (calm).

Color spectrum.

Pure, bright colors are called color spectrum.

This joke was invented in order to remember the order of the colors in the spectrum.

Primary and secondary colors.

By mixing the primary colors, we get new ones, which are called - components or additional.

Color the first triangle with blue watercolor paint and let it dry thoroughly. At this time, carefully wash the brush in water and paint the second triangle with yellow paint. Let's see what we got. What color did the piece come out where the yellow color hit the blue? Green.
Further, also letting the drawing dry, we take red paint and paint over the third triangle, and we see that on that piece of it that “entered” the previous figure, it turned out not yellow, not red, but orange.

This method of overlapping one color with another is called glazing. Glazing is needed in order to enhance the brightness of the color or get a different color.
Let's look at the table and find out how to get other colors

Is it possible to get red, blue and yellow by mixing other colors?
Red, blue and yellow cannot be obtained by mixing others, which is why they are called main flowers. You can't do without them; and all the other colors that can be made up of the primary ones, mixing one with another, are called constituent.

Exercise. Color the rooster with compound colors.

Topic. Shades and midtones.

If you dilute paints with water, then their tone will be paler, that is, from red you get pale red, that is, pink, from blue, pale blue, that is, blue, and from yellow, pale yellow. The more water you add to the paint, the lighter the tone will be. These light tones of colors are called shades, or halftones.

Color shades of primary colors.
You can get different shades in another way - by adding white paint (white paint) to the paints. This color changing property is called lightness.

Adding black or gray paint to the three main ones will lead to a change in color from light-soft to gloomy-disturbing tones and to the manifestation of another property - color saturation.

Exercise. Color the flowers with dark and light shades, use the mixing colors to color the leaves.

Memory knot.
Strengthen the main color of the object in the shadow, and weaken it in the light by adding water to the paint. In addition, by loosening the color, you can make the transition from light to dark more even.

These neutral colors enhance the main ones, meaning a white swan on a black background will be even whiter.

A white swan on a yellow background will not look so white.

Topic. Contrasting colors.

There are other colors called contrasting. Contrasting colors are opposite each other.

These are three pairs of contrasting colors.

These colors give brightness to each other, and the combination of these pairs is considered harmonious.
Let's pay attention to how bright the yellow triangle looks on the purple circle, the red circle in the green square, and the blue oval on the orange rectangle.

Let's look at maple leaf drawings. What background would be the most successful for him and why?

Exercise. Color the picture with contrasting colors.

Theme.Warm and cold color.

Warm colors are called so because they resemble the color of fire, sunlight.

Cool colors are called so because they are associated with ice and water.

Exercise. Color the picture with cold colors.

Exercise. Color the picture with warm colors.

Green is made from warm (yellow) and cool (blue) colors.

Exercise. Determine in what shades of green the children's drawings are drawn.

Exercise. Color the leaves with warm and cool shades of green.

Topic. Voiced and deaf colors.

The choice of color depends on the mood in the work. It is known that different colors affect our mood in different ways, they can cause joy, sadness, anxiety.

Bright colors in the paintings of famous artists.

Artist Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov "Golden Autumn"

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