Home Heating How to store boiled mushrooms. How to store mushrooms at home. How to store pickled mushrooms

How to store boiled mushrooms. How to store mushrooms at home. How to store pickled mushrooms

  • Shelf life: 3 days
  • Best before date: 3 days
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 3 days
  • Freezer time: not specified

With the advent of warm weather, mushroom pickers go to the forests to fill their baskets with this delicious natural product. If you managed to collect a large number of mushrooms, then it gives great pleasure. And when you come home, you want to process and cook them as soon as possible, but you don’t always have the strength to do this. Therefore, you have to think about how to store mushrooms and in what places it is better to do it.

You can extend the shelf life of mushrooms even at the cutting stage. It is recommended to do this with a sharp knife made of high-quality stainless steel. Then fresh mushrooms will definitely extend their shelf life. In addition, it is necessary to collect mushrooms on dry days, since moist and wet mushrooms cannot be stored for a long time. Upon arrival, the mushrooms must be sorted out immediately. Moreover, it is desirable to decompose them by type and allow them to dry thoroughly. In this form, they can lie for several days in a dark and cool place. But wet mushrooms should be immediately harvested or eaten.

Shelf life of mushrooms in the refrigerator

Any mushrooms, and especially fresh ones, are best stored in a spacious refrigerator. Moreover, fresh mushrooms must be placed in an open enamel bowl. And galvanized, aluminum and iron dishes for storing mushrooms are not suitable. This is due to the fact that the organic acids of the mushrooms immediately react with various metals, which cause the product to change its taste and darken. Also, the best storage option would be something plastic or glass.

It is best to store unwashed and whole mushrooms in the refrigerator in order to maximize the shelf life. But what is the real shelf life of mushrooms in the refrigerator? If you follow the above tips, then the mushrooms in the refrigerator can be safely stored for up to 3 days. Before this, the mushrooms must be placed in some kind of clean bag (plastic or paper). However, the plastic bag must be opened regularly so that the mushrooms do not get steamed in it. It is also recommended to store pickled and canned mushrooms in the refrigerator.

Shelf life of mushrooms in the freezer

In the freezer, the shelf life of mushrooms increases many times over. If these are freshly frozen mushrooms, then they can be stored for 1 year. As for boiled or fried mushrooms that have been frozen, their shelf life is from 1 to 3 months. And you can store them in the freezer, both in plastic containers and in the simplest bags.

Champignons are very popular mushrooms and are easy to find in grocery stores. They have a pleasant taste and useful properties, often used for cooking homemade dishes. Champignons are classified as safe mushrooms. They can be consumed even raw, without being subjected to heat treatment.

In this article, we will talk about how to properly store store-bought champignons so that they stay fresh longer.

How to prepare mushrooms for storage

Mushrooms will last longer and will not darken if you do not wash them and generally exclude any contact with water. The shelf life of washed mushrooms is reduced several times. Also, to keep them fresh longer, do the following:

  1. Cut off the leg;
  2. The hat is carefully cleaned of debris, barely touching with a knife;
  3. Inspect the mushroom from all sides, cut off spoiled places;
  4. Mushrooms smeared with soil are wiped with a soft dry cloth.

Storage methods

In fridge

Mushrooms without special packaging, open, can be kept in the refrigerator on the middle shelf for up to 3 days. In this case, the temperature must be maintained within the range from 0 to +2 °C. Longer storage in the open air leads to the fact that mushrooms lose most of their moisture, their surface darkens, they become tasteless.

If pre-prepared, peeled mushrooms are placed in plastic containers or a plastic bag, they will retain their properties for a week. At the same time, it is important to periodically provide oxygen access to the package, otherwise the collected condensate will cause spoilage and rotting of the product.

You can also do this: put the mushrooms in the vegetable storage compartment in one layer. From above they will need to be covered with a cotton cloth or paper towel. This will keep them fresh for up to 5 days.

In the freezer

If you freeze champignons, then their shelf life will increase significantly. Before sending the mushrooms to freeze, they are pre-cleaned (as described above). Then they are laid out in hermetically sealed containers or in bags that are tightly tied. Mushrooms are stored in the general compartment at a temperature of -18°C for 1 month. Mushrooms are not subject to re-freezing, so they are divided into portions, each of which will need to be consumed at a time.

On a note: it will be more convenient and faster to pick up mushrooms for cooking if they are sorted by size. Small mushrooms can be frozen whole, large ones can be cut into pieces.

In room

If you do not have time to immediately process all the raw materials, use this option. But remember that this is a short-term storage method - no more than 12 hours. They do this: the mushrooms are carefully placed in an enameled basin or a plastic bucket. Clean the filled container in a cold place, for example, in the cellar, basement or bathroom.

Long-term storage of champignons


The shelf life in this case is increased to 6 months. Freezing technology is as follows:

  1. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed under a tap, cut into pieces.
  2. Put the pan on the fire, add a little salt to the water.
  3. When the water boils, lower the mushrooms into it and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Throw the finished product into a colander, allow the liquid to drain.
  5. Spread out paper towels, on which the mushrooms are then neatly laid out.
  6. Mushrooms must be completely dry, after which they are laid out in containers or packaged in bags.
  7. Sent for storage in the freezer.


Mushrooms, pre-fried, will be perfectly preserved in the freezer for 6 months.

What should be done:

  1. Clean and wash the mushrooms.
  2. Take a deep frying pan, put the prepared raw materials into it, add a little vegetable oil.
  3. Fry until all the moisture, mushroom juice has evaporated.
  4. Place fried mushrooms on paper towels. They absorb excess fat.
  5. Pack the cooled mushrooms and send to freeze.


Mushrooms can also be dried. Then they can be stored, like many other mushrooms, in cloth bags. The storage room is chosen dry, cool, well ventilated. A dry product, subject to storage conditions, does not deteriorate within 1 year.


Mushrooms in the marinade, placed in the refrigerator or cellar, will remain edible for 1 year. There are many ways to marinate, there are also simple ones. They are united by the fact that vinegar is necessarily added at the end before seaming. Mushrooms are stored in pre-sterilized glass jars.


Forest mushrooms can be preserved in several ways. Without a refrigerator, this period lasts only a few hours. It is not always desirable to process them immediately. But this product requires exactly the fastest processing: roasting, canning, salting or freezing. The latter method does not require time and effort. All you need is a freezer. How much can you store frozen mushrooms, we will tell further.

What mushrooms can be stored in the freezer

It is possible to store frozen the following types of collected mushrooms regarding their preliminary preparation.

  • Fresh (raw).
  • Blanched.
  • Boiled.
  • Fried.

These plants are a valuable food product, nutritious and rich in vitamins. Now freezing them is another popular method of harvesting for the winter.

Preparatory stage

How to store frozen mushrooms?

  • Before placing in the cold they need to be sorted. We discard the wormy and spoiled ones. If you let them soak in salt water for a few hours, the worms will come out of them.
  • We cut off partial damage with a knife. We leave dense specimens, of which the smallest can be frozen whole, and the large ones are cut into pieces.
  • When freezing fresh mushrooms, always rinse and dry them. Then they are scattered on a tray in a layer, after which they are placed in the freezer. After freezing, it can be packed in containers or bags.

Blanched mushrooms are those that have undergone heat treatment. They were kept in boiling water for 1 minute, after which they were lowered into the coldest possible water for the same short period. Finishing the procedure, you need to move the mushroom mass into a colander, dry it on a towel. Now you can pack, lay out using containers and place in the freezer.

How long can frozen mushrooms be stored

How long can mushrooms be stored in the freezer? There are several factors that affect the storage of mushrooms and its duration. These are freezing temperature, pre-cooking method and others. The ones that are frozen fresh will lie the longest.

Industrial blanks, for example, are kept cold for up to 1.5 years. Moreover, the properties of the product will be preserved. Is it possible to create similar conditions at home? Unfortunately, the answer is no. The temperature is subject to change and the safe refrigeration time for this product is reduced. The shelf life of frozen mushrooms is the following periods, depending on temperature.

  • Up to 4 months at -12 or -14°C.
  • Up to 6 months if the temperature is -18°C.
  • Up to a year with frost from 18 to 24 ° C.

How long do fried mushrooms keep? Regardless of the temperature, they need to be sold no more than three months in advance. The boiled and blanched product can withstand a period of up to 5 months.

Thus, it takes into account the form in which the mushrooms were put in the cold and the factor of temperature values. You only need to defrost them before cooking. They cannot be frozen again. Do not pack too much in one bag. Small batches at one time - the most acceptable amount when placed in one container.

It is also advisable to consider the following tips.

  • When cooking, defrosting is not necessary; it can be done directly in a pot of boiling water.
  • Now that it is clear how long our frozen mushrooms can be stored in the freezer, you should write down the date of their placement there in advance. This will eliminate the possibility of dangerously eating a stale product.
  • Stored mushrooms absorb all flavors. They are recommended to be kept separate from other foods.
  • Species with a spongy hat (oily, white) are recommended to be frozen only fresh, since the taste is lost during cooking, the structure becomes watery.
  • Slicing large specimens helps save space.

The preservation of qualities, as well as appearance, depends on compliance with the rules for freezing the product.


Having learned how much to store a forest crop in the cold, you can safely store this healthy and nutritious product. To do this, it is placed in the freezer. If necessary, use raw mushrooms for a short period, they are not frozen, but kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days after collection. This is the shelf life of a perishable product. If it is exceeded, dangerous or simply harmful substances can be formed.

Mushrooms in the refrigerator will be suitable for use, both thawed and fresh, if you follow the pre-treatment rules and temperature. For winter preparations, the optimal value will be - 18 degrees C. And how well fresh mushrooms will lie in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator depends on maintaining a temperature of about + 4 degrees C (from 0 to 7). Freeze this delicacy loved by many so that you can defrost at any time and “indulge” in fried mushrooms that have retained all their properties.

What varieties are suitable for blanks?

We note right away that for such purposes it is necessary to use any edible varieties collected in the forest. You can harvest chanterelles, honey mushrooms, porcini mushrooms and even champignons for the winter. The main thing is that they are strong, intact, young and freshly picked.

Those who have not yet figured out how long frozen mushrooms can be stored in the freezer will probably be interested in information that not only fresh, but also pre-boiled or fried products are subjected to such processing. The second method allows the use of broken and lost marketable raw materials.

Why do they do it?

Those who are interested in how and how much frozen mushrooms can be stored in the freezer should know why this is necessary. Immediately, we note that this product is further used for the preparation of many different dishes. They can be part of sauces, pies, julienne, soups and other goodies. Here, a lot depends on the wishes and imagination of the cook.

Young housewives who are trying to figure out how much frozen mushrooms can be stored in the freezer of the refrigerator will be surprised to learn that they are even marinated in the future. Moreover, as a result, they turn out to be as crispy as when using fresh raw materials. By the way, mushrooms can be immediately lowered into a pot of boiling water, without waiting for them to thaw.

How to prepare a raw product?

For those who want to understand in what kind of dishes and how much frozen mushrooms can be stored in the freezer, it will be very interesting that the varieties with a sponge under the cap become too watery after cooking. Therefore, they quickly lose their taste. Such varieties include boletus, white and oily. These mushrooms must be harvested exclusively fresh.

To save space in the freezer, you can pre-cut the product. But the smallest of them is desirable to store entirely. In the future, these specimens can be used to decorate various dishes. The main thing is that they are initially whole and strong. Otherwise, after thawing, they will lose their shape.

Before you figure out how much you can store frozen mushrooms in the freezer, you need to learn how to harvest them correctly. The pre-washed and cleaned product must be placed on a tray and spread over its surface in a thin layer. After that, the container must be sent to the freezer. After fifteen hours, it is recommended to remove the mushrooms from the chamber and, placing them in a clean plastic bag, return them back. In this way, it is allowed to harvest chanterelles, boletus, forest champignons, mushrooms and mushrooms.

This method is suitable for the disposal of specimens that have lost their attractive appearance. Before freezing, you need to boil the mushrooms. It is advisable that the cooking time does not exceed five minutes. Mushrooms extracted from the water are recommended to be thrown into a colander and left for half an hour. After this time, the product can be squeezed out by hand so that the remaining moisture leaves it.

Then it is recommended to put the mushrooms in a tight bag or a clean container and put them in the freezer. The quantity of the product placed in the container must be calculated for the preparation of one dish. The same method is suitable for harvesting fried raw materials.

In what mode and how long can frozen mushrooms be stored in the freezer?

A freshly harvested product does not lose either its useful properties or its inherent taste qualities for one year. Moreover, it can be stored at a temperature of minus eighteen degrees. As for thermally processed mushrooms, it is advisable to use them within the next three or four months.

It is recommended to defrost mushrooms gradually. This is best done by placing them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Thawed product should be used immediately. It is strictly forbidden to re-freeze it. Otherwise, as a result, it will turn into a tasteless watery slurry.

How long can frozen mushrooms be stored?

    Mushrooms should not be stored frozen for a long time, until the next harvest, and there is no need to overexpose, it is better to calculate stocks so that all frozen mushrooms are used up by the new harvest. When stored for more than a year, mushrooms begin to lose their qualities.

    It is usually not recommended to store mushrooms in the refrigerator for more than a day, since mushrooms are a perishable product. But fresh chanterelles can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

    But still, it’s better to quickly marinate or dry the chanterelles - this is for the winter. And you can just fry and enjoy the taste of these mushrooms.

    If you immediately froze fresh mushrooms, then you can store them until the next harvest. Divide into containers into individual servings so that when you get it, you can use it right away. Boiled mushrooms can also lie in the freezer for a whole year.

    frozen mushrooms, if necessary, can be stored in the freezer for up to 1 year.

    But we all need to know that harvested edible mushrooms in the forest are best prepared immediately and eaten. That will be more secure. But those that are grown in basements or other special places for sale ( Champignon, oyster mushroom) can be stored longer. They can be boiled and also frozen stored in the freezer for up to 1 year. But it’s better to cook and eat right away, and tomorrow buy fresh and eat again.

    Frozen mushrooms are best stored for a short time. Important: blanched with boiling water or boiled mushrooms are best stored. They can be stored for up to one year. It is important that the temperature in the freezer is low enough.

    Shelf life fresh frozen mushrooms is 1 year. That is, you can store them in the freezer until the next harvest. If you boiled mushrooms before freezing, they can also be stored in the freezer, also up to up to 1 year. She herself fried the boiled mushrooms prepared by me, which had lain in the freezer for six months: the taste had not changed.

    She herself has frozen mushrooms more than once, both fresh and boiled. I know that you can store them for about a year, but I store no more than 6 months. I believe that the less they are stored (any supplies), the better.

    My answer to the question How long to store frozen mushrooms? like this: the smaller the better. Any product eventually loses its beneficial properties and acquires bad ones. And if you answer the essence of the question, then you can store 1 year.

    We ourselves freeze the mushrooms that we collect in the summer. And I know for sure that they must be eaten 6 months in advance, that is, before February.

    If they lie in the freezer longer, then their taste deteriorates. They will not deteriorate, but this is no longer the taste of fresh mushrooms that was before, and the smell appears unpleasant - musty.

    if the storage temperature is below -20, then WHO speaks of an unlimited shelf life. But this indicates the safety of food, but not the preservation of the good taste of the product.

Mushrooms are classified as perishable foods, so keeping them fresh for a long time at home is completely impractical. It is best to process mushrooms immediately after harvest. Nevertheless, there are several ways that allow you to properly and for a relatively long time keep the product in a edible form, not only at home, but also in field conditions.

How to store thermally processed mushrooms

Subjected to heat treatment, boiled or boiled, as well as fried fruit bodies can be stored much longer than fresh ones. Cooking boiled mushrooms is very easy:

  • thoroughly clean and rinse in running cold water;
  • cut large specimens into several parts;
  • blanch in boiling water for a couple of minutes;
  • drain the broth and cool in cold clean water;
  • dry, then pack in clean and dry containers for freezing;
  • freeze in the freezer at -18°C.

Under such conditions of preparation and storage, fungi perfectly retain both their appearance and all nutritional and taste qualities for several months. You can also freeze boiled mushrooms for 20 minutes or until cooked. In this case, the shelf life in the freezer is about six months. Fried and stewed fruit bodies can be stored in a freezer in the refrigerator for no longer than three months.

Winter storage of fresh mushrooms

During the initial processing, fresh fruiting bodies should be cleaned of forest debris, cut the legs and carefully remove all damaged areas. You can soak in salt water until morning, then change the water and soak the mushrooms for another day. Some types of milkers are left in water for soaking for a week, regularly changing the water. When cleaning, it is recommended to use knives made of stainless steel. Collected mushrooms are recommended to be processed as soon as possible.

The most common options for processing for storage for the winter:

  • drying;
  • salting;
  • preparation of mushroom extracts;
  • marinating;
  • sterilization in glass jars;
  • freezing.

Mushrooms rightly belong to food products of plant origin, and the special composition of mushroom pulp based on protein compounds causes rapid spoilage due to the action of various enzymes and microorganisms. Boiled and fried mushrooms can be stored in a household refrigerator until tomorrow. Dried are best stored.

How to freeze mushrooms for the winter (video)

Proper drying

Quality dried mushrooms are a great way to enrich your diet with tasty and nutritious dishes outside the mushroom season. This most affordable and simple processing method is perfect for harvesting and long-term storage of the following types:

  • White mushrooms or boletus;
  • boletus;
  • Redhead;
  • Oiler of any kind;
  • Flywheel of any kind;
  • Kozlyak;
  • White truffle;
  • Morel cap;
  • Morel;
  • Trutovik branched;
  • The tinder fungus is motley;
  • Mushroom-ram;
  • Honey agaric of any edible species;
  • Mushroom-umbrella motley;
  • Champignon;
  • Chanterelles;
  • Deer mushroom.

It is impossible to dry any kind of edible milkers, which is due to the presence of a characteristic bitter juice in the pulp. Drying should be subjected only to sufficiently strong and completely non-wormy fruiting bodies, which must first be thoroughly cleaned of forest debris and wiped with a damp cloth.

The product can be dried in the sun, as well as in an oven or special dryers. In this case, the product is subjected to preliminary drying at a temperature of 40-50 ° C for a couple of hours, after which the main drying is carried out at a temperature of 60-70 ° C until ready. Dried mushrooms have a very high level of hygroscopicity, as a result of which they are stored in a closed glass container at a temperature of 8-10 ° C, which will prevent the appearance of mold.

Preparation of mushroom extracts and powders

Properly dried, the product is an excellent raw material for the preparation of a very fragrant mushroom powder. As a rule, mushroom powders are prepared from porcini mushrooms, butter, morels, saffron milk caps, chanterelles, truffles, as well as boletus and redheads. Mushroom powder made from several types of mushrooms with a moisture content of not more than twelve percent has a particularly pronounced aroma. You can grind dried raw materials both in mortars and in special pepper mills or coffee grinders. Store the finished mushroom powder in the same way as dry mushrooms.

Mushroom extracts are best obtained from species that have a very pronounced aroma, including mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, camelinas, redheads and boletus, as well as whites. Fruit bodies must be pre-treated in the form of cleaning and washing, then grind in a meat grinder and boil over low heat. It is best to use an enamel pan for boiling. The resulting mushroom juice must be drained, the mushroom mass with a small amount of water should be boiled again and also drained. All the mushroom juice obtained must be salted at the rate of 10 g per 500 ml and boiled until thick. The extract should be poured into well-sterilized containers on the same day and removed for storage in a cool place.

Features of canning

Salted mushrooms are an incredibly tasty and very nutritious product. Salting is one of the oldest and most common ways of preserving edible varieties. Store the product in a cool, dry, but well-ventilated place. A very good way is also the storage of finished mushroom products in the refrigerator, at a temperature of 2-4 ° C. Quite regularly required for the absence of signs of spoilage. When mold appears, it is recommended to digest the product by salting it in a hot way. You can also pickle salted mushrooms or process them into mushroom caviar.

Jars with blanks must also be stored in a cool room or in a refrigerator at temperatures not higher than 8-10 ° C. As a rule, the pickling process takes no more than one and a half months, after which the product can be eaten. But pickled mushrooms cannot be stored for a long time and they are used for food within a week after the end of the ripening process.

Every day spent on a hike reduces the quality characteristics of the collected mushrooms, so it is not recommended to store the fruiting bodies until the next day, but needs to be processed as soon as possible:

  • the removal of the legs is very advisable, since this part is most difficult to dry in field conditions;
  • hats must be cleaned of soil and forest debris, after which it is necessary to remove spoiled areas with a knife and rinse the mushrooms;
  • relatively finely chopped clean mushroom caps need to be laid out in a well-blown and sun-lit area.

How to save mushrooms for the winter (video)

You can also string mushrooms on a strong thread and hang them over the coals of a smoldering fire. Another method of camp drying is also allowed, in which it is required to overlay a fire with large stones and, after it burns out, decompose mushrooms strung on relatively thin branches. The dried product should be wrapped in any breathable fabric. After returning from a hike, mushrooms should be placed in tightly closed containers.

Features of storing mushrooms at home depend on the form in which you purchased them: they are fresh, dry or pickled. The difference concerns many factors, namely the shelf life, temperature, preparation and compliance with certain rules. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations on how to properly store mushrooms.

Storage rules

Experienced housewives say: the most effective storage of mushrooms at home implies compliance with several important rules.

  • Mushrooms absorb odors like a sponge. Therefore, do not keep them near strong-smelling foods: herbs, spices, garlic or onions.
  • Try to avoid sudden changes in temperature. This will negatively affect the taste and appearance of the product.
  • Do not store fresh or dried mushrooms in plastic bags. Lack of air will cause mold to form.

In addition to the general rules, there are individual features for each storage method.

fresh mushrooms

Before storing fresh mushrooms in the refrigerator, a number of preparatory measures must be taken. Rinse harvested or purchased mushrooms under running water. Type cold water into a basin or bath, pour 100–200 g of salt and leave them in the prepared solution for 6–12 hours. This is necessary so that worms and insects come out of them. After the specified time, remove the mushrooms from the water and carefully sort them out. Cut off damaged and damaged areas. Put the dried mushrooms in a deep container, cover with paper napkins and place in the refrigerator.

Remember that the shelf life of mushrooms in the refrigerator depends on the temperature of the air in it. So, at temperatures from +7 to +10 ° C, they will last no more than 17 hours. In conditions from 0 to +5 ° C, the shelf life will be 1-3 days. At temperatures from -2 to 0 ° C, mushrooms can be stored for about 4 days. It is not recommended to keep mushrooms in the refrigerator for more than the indicated periods, since over time harmful substances begin to form in them.

Marinated mushrooms

When storing pickled and salted mushrooms, keep them in a cool and dark place. The air temperature should not exceed +18°C. The basement is best suited for these purposes. At home, pickled mushrooms will keep well in the refrigerator.

To increase the shelf life of pickled blanks, use glass jars and the same lids. In this case, the shelf life will be about 2 years. If the jar is closed with a tin lid, mushrooms must be consumed within a year.

dried mushrooms

To store dried mushrooms, it is best to use fabric and paper bags. They will not obstruct the penetration of air, protect stocks from dust and insects, and prevent the development of mold. Well-dried mushrooms can also be stored in glass jars with a hermetically sealed lid or in vacuum containers.

For storage in a glass jar, mushrooms must be thoroughly dried and the lid tightly closed.

The shelf life of dried mushrooms is 1–1.5 years at an air temperature not higher than +20°C and a humidity of about 60–65%. Moreover, if the mushrooms are stored in "breathing" bags, the room must be well ventilated, free of foreign odors and darkened.

For storage in a glass jar, mushrooms must be thoroughly dried and the lid tightly closed. To achieve tightness and protect stocks from bacteria, you can do this: moisten the inside of the lid with a small amount of alcohol, set it on fire and twist the jar. In this case, all the oxygen in the jar will burn out and a vacuum is formed, which favorably affects the safety of products and shelf life.


Freezing is the ideal way to store fresh mushrooms. This method allows mushrooms to be stored in the freezer for 4 to 12 months. In order for the mushrooms not to lose their nutritional value under the influence of cold, it is recommended to blanch them beforehand.

Rinse the mushrooms in cold water. Soak briefly in saline solution. Cut large stems and caps into quarters. Pat dry lightly, then plunge into boiling water for 1-2 minutes. This is blanching. Let the mushrooms cool and dry. Place in bags and freeze. The optimum temperature for long-term storage is -18°C.

Now you know how to properly store mushrooms at home. Always keep an eye on temperature, humidity and odors. If you can’t cook fresh mushrooms in the near future, freeze them immediately. From time to time sort through the stocks of dry mushrooms. It is better to spend time on a careful inspection than to throw away all the workpieces later. Remember that if stored improperly, mushrooms begin to deteriorate after a few hours. Therefore, carefully inspect them before cooking. If you doubt the quality of the product, it is better to refuse to use it.

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