Home Salon Yuri Lodkin. Ex-governor of the Bryansk region Yuri Lodkin: “I sued Yeltsin for two years From politician to writer

Yuri Lodkin. Ex-governor of the Bryansk region Yuri Lodkin: “I sued Yeltsin for two years From politician to writer

Yuri Evgenievich Lodkin born March 26, 1938 in the city Dyatkovo. During the Great Patriotic War, he and his mother were driven away to the Lithuanian city of Alytus, where he was imprisoned fascist concentration camp.

He began his career after graduating from the Dyatkovo Industrial College in 1958 with a degree in glass technologist. He worked at the Sloboda glass factory in the Kirov region and at the Dyatkovo crystal factory. In 1958-61. served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. In 1963, he was elected secretary of the city committee of the Komsomol of the city of Dyatkovo, then went to work in the Dyatkovo city committee of the CPSU. In 1967-70. - Deputy editor of the newspaper “Flame of Labor”. In 1972 he graduated from the journalism department of the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee. In 1970-83 - correspondent, business manager of the Bryansk Worker newspaper. From 1983 to 1987 - head of the press sector, assistant to the first secretary of the Bryansk regional committee of the CPSU. From 1987 to 1993 - TASS's own correspondent for the Bryansk region.

In 1990 he was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR, and in April 1993 - head of the administration of the Bryansk region. In December 1993, he was elected to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In 1995-96 — Deputy of the State Duma of the 2nd convocation, member of the Committee on Veterans Affairs, member of the Commission of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States on Social Policy and Human Rights.

In 1996 - 2004 - Head of the Bryansk Region Administration. By virtue of his position, he entered the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the second convocation, where he was deputy chairman of the Committee on CIS Affairs. In July 1998, he was approved as a representative of the Federation Council as part of the deputation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia as a leader, and was elected deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly.

Yu.E. Lodkin author of books "Spiritual generosity"(Tula, 1970), "Crystal Rainbow"(Tula, 1972, 1980), "Crystal Makers"(Tula, 1979), "Cast lace"(Tula, 1988), "Crystal Facets"(Tula, 1990), “Labyrinth: notes on the margins of donated books» (Bryansk, 2008), “Russian zone of Chernobyl. From state silence to state oblivion"(Bryansk, 2009), “In the flow of troubled times: (notes of the first Bryansk Governor)”(Bryansk, 2011), "Bryansk Tales: for Children and Their Parents"(Bryansk, 2012), "Anastasia"(Bryansk, 2012).

Awarded the Order of Friendship (1998), two orders of the Russian Orthodox Church (1998, 2000), and medals.

Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, the Union of Writers of Russia.


  • Bryansk writers: an anthology. - Bryansk, 2003. - P. 170-179.
  • Is it true life and image // Parygin, V. Bryansk literary region / V. Parygin. - Tula, 1985. - pp. 57-61.
  • Lodkin, Yu.E. Implementation of the principle of social justice is my political credo // Region - Center. - 2003. - No. 7-9. - P. 47-51.

Yuri Evgenievich Lodkin was born on March 26, 1938 in the town of Dyatkovo, Bryansk region).
During the Great Patriotic War, for his family's connection with the partisans, he and his mother were driven to Lithuania (Alytus), where at the age of 4 he was in a fascist concentration camp for about 1.5 years.
In 1958, he graduated from the Dyatkovo Industrial College with a degree in glass technologist and began working as a shift supervisor at the Slobodsky Glass Factory in the Kirov Region. He also worked at the Dyatkovo Crystal Factory.
In 1959-1961 he served in the Soviet army. Later, in 1961-1963, he was a worker and technologist at the enterprise.

In 1963-1968 - at Komsomol and party work.
From 1967 to 1972 he studied at the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee, majoring in journalism. In 1968-1984 he worked as a journalist in district and regional newspapers. In 1967-1970 – Deputy editor of the newspaper “Flame of Labor”. In 1970-83 - correspondent, head. Department of the newspaper "Bryansky Rabochiy". From 1983 to 1987 – head of the press sector, assistant to the first secretary of the Bryansk regional committee of the CPSU. From 1987 to 1993 – TASS’s own correspondent for the Bryansk region.
Member of the Union of Journalists (since 1963), member of the Union of Writers (since 1984). Winner of the Bryansk Komsomol Prize for the book “Crystal Rainbow” (1972, 1982), written in a rather rare genre of tale, author of the books “With Spiritual Generosity” (1970), “Such Reliable Hearts” (1984), a collection of essays “Crystal Workers” (1979 ), “Cast Lace” (1986), “Crystal Facets” (1990).
In 2008, a book of journalistic essays by Yuri Lodkin, “Labyrinth: Notes on the Margins of Donated Books,” was published, in which the author devoted an entire chapter, “Coming from Partizansk,” to his difficult childhood during the war. And in the preface to the book, he writes about his small homeland with great love: “I remember about my “town with a funny name - Dyatkovo.” His stories are an inexhaustible well of journalistic topics...

Yuri Evgenievich is a Russian political and statesman, in 1993-2004 - head of administration and governor of the Bryansk region.

As governor of the Bryansk region, he actively supported the construction in Dyatkovo of the Temple in honor of the Burning Bush Icon of the Mother of God, with a unique crystal iconostasis .

Deputy of the State Duma of the second convocation in 1995-1996 from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In July 1998, he was approved as a representative of the Federation Council of the Union of Belarus and Russia as a leader, and was elected deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly. He was a member of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe.

Awarded the Order of Friendship (1998), two orders of the Russian Orthodox Church (1999, 2000), and medals.

Member of the Union of Journalists, the Union of Writers of Russia.
Favorite hobbies are reading (history and documentaries), water skiing.

  • Literature:
  1. Bryansk writers: an anthology. - Bryansk, 2003. - P. 170-179.
  2. The truth of life and image // Parygin, V. Bryansk literary region / V. Parygin. - Tula, 1985. - pp. 57-61.

In 1993, B. N. Yeltsin was illegally removed from the post of Head of the Regional Administration for disobeying illegal decree No. 1400. In 1996, he was re-elected as Head of the Bryansk Region Administration and automatically a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Born on March 26, 1938 in the town of Dyatkovo, Bryansk region. Father - Evgeniy Fedorovich Lodkin (born 1912). Mother - Lodkina (nee Eliseeva) Vera Vasilievna (born 1916). Wife - Evgenia Alekseevna Lodkina (born 1944). Daughter - Lodkina (Kulkova) I. Yu. (born 1963).

During the Great Patriotic War, for his family's connection with the partisans, he and his mother were driven to Lithuania (Alytus), where at the age of 4 he was in a fascist concentration camp for about 1.5 years. Received a special education at the Dyatkovo Industrial College with a degree in glass technologist (1954 - 1958). From 1967 to 1972 he studied at the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee, majoring in journalism. He began his career as a shift supervisor at the Slobodsky glass factory in the Kirov region in 1958. From 1959 to 1961 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. After demobilization, he worked as a worker, then as a technologist at the enterprise, post office box 15 (1961 - 1963). In 1963 - 1968 - at Komsomol and party work. From 1968 to 1984 he worked as a journalist in the district and regional press. In 1984, he was appointed head of the press sector, assistant to the first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU of the Bryansk region. From 1987 to 1993 he worked as a correspondent for TASS. In 1993, he was elected Head of the Bryansk Region Administration. He was elected as a people's deputy of the RSFSR, a deputy of the Federation Council, and a deputy of the State Duma. In 1993, B. N. Yeltsin was illegally removed from the post of Head of the Regional Administration for disobeying illegal decree No. 1400. In 1996, he was re-elected as Head of the Bryansk Region Administration and automatically a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Member of the Union of Journalists (since 1963), member of the Writers' Union (since 1984), member of the CPSU, and currently the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Awarded medals. Winner of the Bryansk Komsomol Prize for the book “Crystal Rainbow” (1972). Author of the books: "Crystal Rainbow (Skazy)" (1972), "Crystal Rainbow (Skazy)" (1982), "Cast Lace (Skazy)" (1986). Favorite hobbies: grandchildren (Alexey - 12 years old and Andrey - 5 years old), reading (historical and documentary), water skiing.

4. Don’t be reckless...

With the disappearance of "Bernovichsky" the regional pig-breeding industry, revived under Denine. The same prospect threatened potato growing, which also recovered and regained strength under Denin. All this is stubbornly hushed up, eyes are shyly averted from all this. Why is it embarrassing though? Shameless - much more accurate. The measure of shamelessness can be the verbal exercises of our whistleblower about how Denin came to power and, of course, about the demon of corruption that seduced him. Well, what is he like, imposing himself as a moral authority?

Denin's rise to power Lodkin calls him unscrupulous, while forgetting about how he came to power himself. About how, together with the editor-in-chief of the Bryansk Facts newspaper, he “invented” before the elections the percentage of popularity he needed, about how he, who positioned himself as a communist, maintained bosom friendships with business sharks... This friendship was so hot that we immediately talk about it recognized by wide sections of the disappointed public. Have you forgotten about the monopolist wholesaler he created, called “Fiesta,” which sold alcohol? Have you forgotten how, at the dawn of his governorship, he wandered around the shops with the bootleggers dear to his heart, scolding their owners for buying water from the wrong wholesalers? The same love of money that, as he claims in his opus, corrupted Denin, and then made him into the Fiesta “six”.

Three quotes from “The Fall…” that are in dire need of comment. First: “All my life I have been tormented by the question: why do supposedly normal people suddenly develop a painful craving for free money or, as the Bible says, an extreme love of money takes over in their souls?”... Do not rush to sympathize with these “torments.” The same question, why seemingly normal people are seized by a passion for gratuitous things, could be answered by the victim of the “torment” herself. To do this, Yuri Evgenievich would only have to remember how his birthdays were celebrated during his eight years as governor. They were preparing for this cumbersome, carefully designed by the apparatus and approved by him ritual long before the bright day of March 26th. And on this day, delegations flocked to the regional administration from morning to evening. They brought all sorts of things in the form of gifts, appendages to the magnificent doxologies. But one that will certainly be appreciated by the hero of the occasion, and even better, that will cause him delight. And - no torment.

Quote #2: “First of all, as time has shown, Denin did not understand the simple thing - what corruption is. Here we will only give an explanation of this concept, and later we will show it using examples of the activities of the Denin team. So, corruption is the bribery of officials and politicians. Why, Nikolai Vasilyevich, if you know this, if corruption took root and flourished under Lodkin, you couldn’t give a single example of corruption, you didn’t name a single corrupt official who went through court?”. He spoke about how Yuri Evgenievich “learned” what corruption is in the above-mentioned Pyotr Efimovich Onenko: “Remember, there were scandals about how gas stations were divided? I was looking into this issue Simonenko Yuri Pavlovich, he later headed the Center for Medical Sciences. Well, he held an auction and blew it. Lodkin fumed at him. He invites him and me, and - to him: “You m...k, nonentity, you slobber.” He was completely lethargic, so weak, the juice was dripping from him: “Yes, I wanted to spend...” - “Where are your papers?” He takes it - and to me: “Here, Pyotr Efimovich, you will spend your time, this f... is not capable of anything. I thought you were capable, from Semernyova... and you’re nothing at all, you just can... lick that’s all.” Okay, I'm off. He held this auction, everything he said, he did, these seven gas stations, he did everything, everything was beautiful, as it should be. I'm going to Moscow, and Yu.E. goes. He says: “We’ll go in my car. Do you mind if my wife goes with us, Evgenia Alekseevna?” Go. We drive up to Zhizdra, he says: “Give me the folder. It’s lying behind there.” He opens the folder and gives me the money: “This is your reward, it’s 8 thousand dollars” - “Yuri Evgenievich, we didn’t agree like that” - “Well, why, you earned it honestly, you didn’t steal anything. It was the guys who thanked me” - “No, Yuri Evgenievich, we didn’t agree that way, that’s out of the question.” I took it and put the folder in its original place, and I put it back in its place. The wife is sitting, the driver is sitting, and he hands it to me.”.

In his work, the “anti-corruption official” Lodkin does not skimp on generous compliments to his former deputies: “I can give the highest marks to the active, selfless work of my deputies...”. And then there is a list of “active” and “disinterested”, including even A. Simonova, with whom selflessness does not harmonize at all. But the name Onenko is not on this glorious list. And not only in it, it is not in the book either. They said that Lodkin was extremely angry with the memories of his former subordinate, in which his immaculate image was so. However, all these angry things took place only in the sphere of private communication. There was no public uproar with demands to refute such a “juicy” fact of gross corruption carried out by the ex-governor. It can be assumed that the ex is not showing up, knowing about Onenkov’s “stash”, where many more revealing facts are stored - time bombs. And knowing this, the clever YurLo wisely decided not to wake up the dashing while it was quiet.

Quote #3: “I always thought well of my companions, but sometimes I was mistaken in my assessments. One of the employees, who I inherited from my predecessor, once admitted in a moment of revelation that his dream was to save a hundred thousand rubles, and now this dream has come true. Later it was revealed to me that reality had already stepped over the limit of his monetary dream. Money dragged him to higher levels of local politics, this “hero” began to change apartments in the center of Bryansk like gloves, he does not hide the fact that he even became the owner of real estate abroad. I will not further reveal the cards of this money-lover here. You can write a substantial narrative about his exploits, but only if you find time for this. I consider it necessary to note that there were no more than two or three such crooks in my gubernatorial team.”. Let’s say right away quite affirmatively: Yuri Evgenievich will not have time to write a narrative, not just a solid one, but of any kind. He didn’t even have the courage to even “reveal the face” of this money-lover. But everything was not found for the same reason - I didn’t want to wake up another dashing person who, awakened, could send more than one counter-revealing “answer” into the public space.

We will name the name of the “hero” who smoothly flowed from Semernyov to Lodkin. This is the Semernyov security guard. No, of course, it was not money that dragged him to the “higher levels of local politics.” Governor Yuri Evgenievich Lodkin dragged him there, reducing the distance with the guard to friendly, and then to nepotistic. Ah, suddenly “later it was discovered” that this guy, old enough to be his son, was no longer the same one whose ultimate dream was to save a hundred thousand rubles, that he had reached a completely different level of personal prosperity. But so much has already been said and written about the vicious corruption relationship between Lodkin and Antoshin, about the share in which his “batman” had with the governor... But what separated them? So far, the answer to this question is given only by public rumor, but it is worth listening to: later, Yuri Evgenievich discovered that behind his back the security guard was ratting, that is, he was violating the proportion of the share in his favor, or even considered it unnecessary to “share.” Allegedly, this sin also struck down the head of the regional administration Klarstein. An indirect confirmation of this can be the fact that the author of “The Fall…” “forgot” to indicate this name among his “active” and “disinterested” assistants. Most likely, Klarshtein, Onenko, Antoshin make up for YurLo the company of those two or three crooks who have crammed into his highly professional and highly respectable team. All of them, however, worked with the patron, if not the full two terms, then the lion’s share of them. But how is it that the patron - all-seeing, wise, with a pretense of intellectualism - could not discern the crooks? What kind of blindness struck him? Let’s answer the question with a question: could the same security guard Antoshin, without the governor’s help, so quickly take off into the “masters of life”? They know everything about each other. They know and therefore remain silent, holding each other by the throat with a death grip.

5. In a lackey position

Having sincerely reckoned with Denin, having trampled on him to his heart's content, our thunderer at the end of his "Fall..." appears with his ears curled back and assuming a lackey's pose. This loss of face, this rapid loss of one’s own self, is even somewhat shocking. Is this the person who praises himself, where necessary and where not necessary, for the courage with which he told the truth about Chernobyl? Is this the warrior who did not bend before the President of All Rus' himself? And then we read this: “When the President’s decision to appoint Alexander Vasilyevich as acting was announced. Governor of the Bryansk region, I greeted this news with joy. He was known to me as a man of exceptional hard work and honesty.". Particularly interesting is the statement of “honesty” Bogomaz, with which he... stole his from the Bryansk potato scientists. Who, “honestly” looking into the eyes, claimed that one of his offspring, almost the next day after being appointed first person of the region, solely thanks to his valor, without any help from his dad. Lodkin’s adoration of Bogomaz is crowned by a confession that can safely be called an act of his personal and creative self-destruction: “My plans are to give the manuscript to Alexander Vasilyevich Bogomaz for review before publication. Maybe, from his words, I will have to supplement this part of the bitter story with frank thoughts of the current governor about how he thinks about leading the farms driven by Denin and Kasatsky to the current situation". Hey, Yuri Evgenievich! Your idol has been at the helm of the region for three years, and you are still waiting for frank thoughts from him on how to bring something somewhere.

The intention of the writer Lodkin to give the manuscript to a plagiarist official before publication made us remember that the great Pushkin also had his own personal censor - the king NikolayI. True, Alexander Sergeevich, full of dignity and creative independence, was much burdened by the fate of submitting his manuscripts for preliminary reading to the “first person” of Russia, and our paper maker, who calls himself the obligatory word “writer,” does this with gagging delight. So, it turns out that “The Fall of the Bryansk Millions”, published in an edition of only 200 copies, is, in some respects, just a touchstone, a seed for new literary achievements, which, however, will not add anything to what has long been known - Yuri Evgenievich Lodkin has no no moral right to condemn your talented student and successor. He retains the right to literary activity in only one genre - penitential notes.


The Fiesta company appeared in Bryansk in 1995. Initially it was just a wholesale warehouse in the city center, in the basement of the local Oktyabr cinema. Prices for products (mostly alcohol) were an order of magnitude lower than in other warehouses. Fiesta was one of the first to think of selling products at retail at wholesale prices. Then the company expanded. On the outskirts of Bryansk there are huge, completely unused bases. The company rented one of them and began to increase volumes. Cheap alcohol, aggressive advertising - Fiesta quickly beat its competitors, opening several more warehouses in different parts of the city and region.

At this time, complete confusion reigned on the alcohol market in the Bryansk region. The local "Bryanskspirtprom" successfully went bankrupt - its products were half as expensive as the wonderful Ossetian vodka, which was imported into the region by everyone and everything. Clandestine workshops proliferated. At a meeting in the administration, one of the officials announced terrible figures that 60 percent of the vodka sold was completely counterfeit, from which not a penny goes to the budget. It must be said that Fiesta was then the largest supplier of vodka to the region. The administration, by introducing all sorts of duties, tried to limit the import of cheap vodka into the region, but there was no decrease in “Ossetian” (technical alcohol plus water). But Fiesta's turnover grew. A little later, the Bryansk residents met its owner, a former military man and then deputy director of the regional cinema chain, Alexander Salov.

Part two: meeting

At the end of 1996, a serious struggle for power unfolded in the region. There were two main contenders - the communist Lodkin and the President’s protege, Semernev. Lodkin was decidedly short of money. Then messengers from Fiesta came to the candidate and offered the following: “Yuri Evgenievich, we are giving you money - a lot, but don’t forget us either. When you become governor, we will come see you again.” Lodkin became governor. And after some time, the director of Fiesta, Alexander Salov, is already running for the regional Duma in one of the city districts, actively supported by local communists. The legendary Bryansk State Duma deputy Vasily Shandybin himself then stated in a local newspaper that he vouches with all his heart for people like Alexander Salov. It’s true that there was a mistake with the elections. At the Salov polling station, too few voters came to vote and the director of Fiesta did not get into the regional Duma.

Part three: it's not just friendship

In December 1997, at the suggestion of Governor Yuri Lodkin, the Regional Duma (its majority are members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) adopted the law “On the temporary regulation of the sale of alcoholic products...”.

Now only companies accredited for this can engage in the wholesale supply of any alcohol to the region. Accreditation can only be given by a special commission of the regional administration. The accreditation conditions are very strict - the company must have already worked in the alcohol market for at least two years, have warehouse premises of at least a certain area, etc. An accredited company has the right to put a new special mark on alcohol (alcohol without this mark must be destroyed). And now all (!) stores are required to purchase alcohol only from her. Of all the companies operating on the alcohol market, only Fiesta falls under these conditions.

However, a scandal occurs here. Nikolai Vitkevich, director of the Bryansk company TSH Nash Mir LLP (his company had previously also been involved in wholesale supplies of alcohol) refused to remove vodka without a new brand from the shelves of his stores. Gathering journalists, he stated that the Resolution “was adopted in the interests of persons extremely friendly to the local authorities.” That evening, burly guys in leather jackets arrived at the store and ordered the “wrong” vodka to be removed from the display cases. The store manager refused. The guys left, but two hours later they returned again, but with a short man in a tracksuit (obviously, he was taken straight from his home). The store employees were surprised to recognize this man... as Governor Yuri Lodkin. He began shouting that he would handcuff everyone here and bring him to justice if the store director did not obey. The Bryansk newspaper "Good Day" that described this scene - it belonged to the company "Vtormet", the director of which Rudenok was one of the candidates for governor - was soon closed, and tax repression fell on Vtormet, after which the company never recovered.

Other Bryansk firms also tried to jump in, but in a civilized manner they competed with Fiesta for the right to wholesale trade in alcohol. With incredible difficulty, the company "Bryanskmolservis" (a joint trading enterprise of the local Dairy Plant (BMK) and a Moscow company), headed by a young successful businessman Kramyshev, managed to obtain accreditation. At the instigation of the governor, persecution of Molservice and the Dairy Plant was organized through the regional press. Then the director of BMK Korobko was personally summoned by the governor and demanded that the leadership of Molservice be changed. Korobko did not dare to disobey. Kramyshev was immediately removed, and Molservice voluntarily abandoned the wholesale trade in alcohol. To create the appearance of competition in the alcohol market, several firms were accredited for wholesale trade. But most of them, for some reason, even having a license, did not want to engage in such a profitable business as alcohol, and the rest had an insignificant sales volume (for example, Fiesta officially sold 2 million liters of alcohol, and its closest competitor was the company " BOR" only 165 thousand). A small “piece” was left for the Goskon company - its head, former adviser to Lodkin, Igor Ivanov (he is famous for the fact that he likes to be called a relative of the governor, although he is not one) at one time did a lot to “push” the vodka law through the Duma.

Part four: fiery passion

Golden times have come for Fiesta and the regional governor. Alexander Salov hastily completed the construction of his luxurious house in the suburbs of Bryansk (two swimming pools, a personal casino, marble fireplaces, etc.). In addition to selling alcohol, Fiesta developed a business in the very center of Bryansk on Lenin Square (the regional administration is also located here); the largest store in the city, Izumrud, was purchased, as well as a pharmacy and a grocery store. With the money from Fiesta, the city's first Bryansk FM radio station, Chistye Klyuchi, was founded (around the clock it broadcast advertisements for Fiesta enterprises, and also glorified the “financial genius” of businessman Salov and the “wise statesman” of Governor Lodkin). One of the Bryansk newspapers later published a photograph of that time: Italy, Governor Lodkin surrounded by young talented Bryansk businessmen in an embrace with Alexander Salov. Lodkin and Salov appear together at city events organized by Fiesta (such as the presentation of the Cheka radio station). True, when one of the photo reporters of the local newspaper tried to capture Lodkin clinking glasses with Salov at a buffet table, the governor’s security took away his camera and exposed the film.

There were, however, some annoying hiccups. Here, an employee of the regional tax police, Tatyana Dementyeva, discovered a stupid adherence to principles - she came to check on Fiesta and demanded to see financial documents, and also suspected that the stamps on the products presented to her were fake. Salov immediately called the governor in front of Dementieva and the scoundrel was put in his place. And so that it would be disgraceful in the future, they kicked me out of the tax office and opened a criminal case for bribery. Dementyeva spent three months in prison.

And the local democratic newspaper Bryanskoye Vremya took and published a letter that came to the administration from Kaluga. The local OBEB asked to check "Fiesta" - the wine supplied by this company to Kaluga turned out to be counterfeit. They dealt with the newspaper simply - Fiesta employees called all BV advertisers and politely asked not to give any more advertising to the “vile newspaper”. Even "Chistye Klyuchi" in its daily program talked about the deceit and corruption of the newspaper. Plus, the press controlled by the governor helped. And so that life would not seem like a raspberry at all in the room where the editorial office is located, the lights were cut off (several issues of BV were published in a private apartment). And also to Sberbank, where the newspaper has an account, they called from the regional administration and asked to inform about everyone who transfers money to the newspaper’s account.

Part Five: Cooling Down and Divorce

But, as they say, a revolution must inevitably devour its children. State Duma elections were approaching (December 1999). Alexander Salov headed the local branch of Fatherland. At first everything went well. The governor's newspapers reported that Lodkin supported Salov in his quest for power. Perhaps Salov himself believed that now he could do everything. An agreement was reached that if Luzhkov became President, then Salov would be appointed Governor of Bryansk. Salov is nominated as a candidate for the Duma from the Bryansk single-mandate district, where his main rivals are the bald communist Vasily Shandybin and Sobchak's wife, Narusova. Huge amounts of money are being wasted on the election campaign. The whole city is covered with posters on which Salov joyfully shakes hands with either Luzhkov or Primakov. Advertising is carried out in all Bryansk media. "Fiesta" is even establishing its own newspaper, "Chistye Klyuchi" for the elections, and is negotiating the purchase of a local TV channel. The emboldened tycoon gives the command to the controlled media to attack the communist Vasily Shandybin (the latter’s appearance and mental abilities are crudely played up).

Here the first bell rang - the regional election commission refuses to register Salov: on the signature sheets (they must be certified by the candidate) it is not Salov’s signature. Salov is shocked, he babbles something about a car accident that distorted his handwriting, then, annoyed, right at the meeting of the election commission he threatens to deal with one of the commission members (“he smiles too much”). Then he decides to make a deposit instead of signatures, but it’s too late. Only by using powerful levers of influence does Salov manage to win the regional court and force the electoral commission to register himself as a candidate. But then another blow awaits him - firefighters seal the premises of the Chistye Klyuchi radio station. It is located in an apartment in a residential building, which, according to firefighters, violates the rules (although the firefighters had no complaints against Cheka for a whole year). After a terrible scandal, the radio station is allowed to continue broadcasting, but they draw up a list of activities that it must carry out (if at least one is not completed, the Cheka will be closed forever).

And now comes a blow below the belt - the commission deprives Fiesta of the right to engage in the wholesale trade of alcohol due to numerous violations. Fiesta's place in the alcohol market was taken by the Pishchevik enterprise, headed by the mother-in-law of Lodkin's personal security guard Antoshin (the guy immediately bought himself three cars).

In the elections to the Duma, Salov failed miserably - he received less than a percent of the votes (the winner was Vasily Shandybin). "Fatherland" also did not overcome the 5 percent barrier in the region. Fiesta tried to appeal to the arbitration court, but it upheld the decision of the accreditation commission. Desperate Salov, along with “Fatherland,” joined the Bryansk headquarters to support Vladimir Putin for the post of President of the Russian Federation. And the radio "Chistye Klyuchi" began to conduct active anti-Lodkin advertising. As a result, the Bryansk region became one of four in Russia where Putin did not win the elections (local political scientists believe that Salov’s participation in supporting Putin was one of the reasons), and the Chistye Klyuchi radio station went silent for three days. Officially due to technical problems. And so the director of the Cheka was called by the head of the transmission center and warned “a few more such attacks on the governor and the equipment will break down forever.” At the New Year's private ball (leaders of all levels, security officials, "red" directors and leaders, etc. were invited there), one of the toasts was to Governor Lodkin, who wisely got rid of the "vodka" mafia and strengthened the position of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Yuri Lodkin is preparing for the next gubernatorial elections, and is also looking for a place in the Russian-Belarusian Parliament." And the Fiesta company recently began producing Chistye Klyuchi mineral water.

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