Home Engine Man breaks the laws of physics. supernatural experiment "pyramid. Experiments, conclusions, hypotheses Experiments with a pyramid

Man breaks the laws of physics. supernatural experiment "pyramid. Experiments, conclusions, hypotheses Experiments with a pyramid


Purpose of the study: and show their magical properties, establish what effect the pyramid has on the human body. Research objectives:

    To figure out,pyramidand how is sheaffects human health.

During the study we usedmethods : analysis of scientific and educational literature; Vcarrying out a number of experiments to study "magicalproperties"pyramids; Aanalysis of the results obtained, their generalization, formulation of conclusions.

The paper presents conclusions from a number of experiments that revealnot only magical, but also the healing properties of the pyramids.In particular, the influence of the pyramid: on the germination of seed material; for food safety; on the composition of water; on the medicinal properties of drugs of both chemical and biological origin. Using data from the scientific literature and recent research, recommendations have been developed for the use of pyramids in modern life to increase the speed of the reproduction process, treatment and prevention of diseases in people.

Research plan

The pyramids are the most amazing miracle of the seven ancient wonders, the only one that has survived almost in its original form to this day. Enlightened Europe discovered them at the beginning of the 19th century after the Egyptian expedition of Napoleon, who took a large group of scientists, including historians and archaeologists, on a campaign.

Egyptologists and researchers of the Egyptian pyramids have found that their mysterious energy has not only magical, but also healing properties.However, inThere are still many uncertainties regarding the mechanism of action of the pyramids. Some believe that the pyramids have unique properties, others doubt it, suggesting that everything that happens inside the pyramid obeys the usual laws of biophysics.

Is it possible to use pyramids in modern life to increase the speed of the reproduction process?, extending the shelf life of food and household items? Do they feel the mysterious effect of the pyramids?Does it have a strong energetic effect on living beings, including humans?

These questions determinedresearch topic: "The magical properties of the pyramid."

Nominatedhypothesis , eif we could prove What the correct geometric shape of the pyramids with a strictly defined proportion of sides and angles (the principle of the “golden ratio”) has a strong energetic effect on all living beings and inanimate objects,then this property can be used invarious fields.

Object of study: a proportional copy of the Cheops pyramid, made of cardboard.

Subject of study: influence of the "golden"pyramids on living and inanimate nature.

Purpose of the study:prove how mysterious the energy of the pyramids is and show their magical properties, establish what effect the pyramid can have on the human body.

Research objectives:

    Studying literature on the research topic.

    To figure out,what “magical properties” does it have?pyramid and what benefits it can bring in everyday life.


First stage - collection of information from scientific and popular science sources, Internet sites. Modeling of a pyramid proportional in size to the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops. Preparation of items necessary for conducting experiments. Conducting planned experiments proving the magical properties of the pyramids.

Second phase – design, includes: development of a detailed work plan; processing the collected information and correlating it with the results obtained during the experiments; preparing the necessary materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete the work; final selection and placement of collected materials (booklet, pictures, photographs).

Methods used:

Theoretical. A analysis and synthesis of scientific literature.Research conducted with the pyramid in various industries, including medicine, has been studied.


- Modeling. Making an exact copy of the Cheops pyramid from paper.

- Laboratory experiment showingthe influence of the pyramid on the germination of seed material; for food safety; on the composition of water; on the medicinal properties of drugs of both chemical and biological origin.

A method for recording individual manifestations observed during an experiment.

Photography method.

Analysis of the obtained data.

Thus,examining the proportional copywe noticed several extraordinary properties of this structure. It turned out that in pyramid-shaped structures food is stored longer, flowers do not wither, seeds germinate faster, and the physical and chemical properties of matter change significantly for the better. They seem to improve in their structure and even come to life. Such designs lead to the concentration of biological energy and the larger the size, the stronger the effect. Scientific experiments to study the energy of pyramids have shown that pyramids can be used for health and healing purposes, and if the construction of large pyramids is expensive, then the construction of mini pyramids is quite realistic and feasible. Therefore, if desired, everyone can build a mini-pyramid on their own site and use its magical powers on themselves.

Research Article

Preamble. An ancient Arabic proverb says: “Everything in the world is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids.” Time mercilessly deals with ancient monuments. Of many, only ruins remain, but the pyramids still rise above the surface of the shifting sands of the Libyan Desert, and like a magnet they attract travelers, scientists, and researchers. (Annex 1)

People have been trying to solve the mysteries of the pyramids since ancient times. Astronomers saw the pyramid as an earthly model of the Universe, while geneticists saw it as a model of the basis of all living things, the DNA molecule. Architects and builders are at a loss as to how they were built. Another mystery is presented by the very name “pyramid”. Researchers have deciphered the image of a pyramid on an ancient Egyptian fresco, a word inscribed in symbols: Pi - energy coming to Earth from space. Ra is the energy of the sun, which is transferred to Mi - Earth, and everything spent is dumped into Da - hell. Based on this, the word “pyramid” encodes the great harmony of all things on Earth and in the Universe. The word “pyramid” came into Russian from the Greek “Pyramid” in the literal translation of “fire that is inside.” Fire refers to flows of energy, similar to the flows that can be observed in quartz crystals, diamonds, trees, etc.

The higher the pyramid, the more powerful its energy flow.

Pyramids include ordinary huts made of long poles and covered with branches. People can sit in such huts for hours. Some unknown force allows them to enter a state of security. They intuitively find a magical form that has a positive effect on the surrounding space.

Studies have shown that pyramids have a beneficial effect on the environment and the emotional state of a person. The principle of the “golden ratio”, which forms the basis for their construction, helps a person to better adapt to the environment and increases the protective properties of the body. Czech engineer Karel Drobal discovered that the course of chemical and biological processes depends on the shape of the pyramid, “thanks to the action of energy that accumulates in the pyramid, these processes can be accelerated or these processes can be forced to occur in the opposite direction.”After many years of research, he stated that the pyramid has a beneficial effect on people, that plants inside the pyramid grow and bloom faster.Some researchers believe that there are certain “pi” and “omega” rays in the pyramid.Pi rays destroy tumor cells, destroy microorganisms, and mummify organic substances.Omega rays heal and rejuvenate the human body.The Dutch scientist Paul Likens, after a long study and study of the healing effects of the pyramids, in his book claims that under the influence of the pyramids pain subsides, wounds quickly heal and bones grow together after a fracture.“Pyramid energy” stimulates the vital forces of the body, making it easier to cope with diseases. According to domestic researchers, pyramidal structures change the structure of water and reduce the amount of impurities in it. Water kept in the pyramid “helps strengthen the immune system and prevents the body from falling into aging.”

All pyramids built on Earth, large and small, have one thing in common - a shape that is consistent with the rule of the “golden” section. Not every pyramid has beneficial energetic powers. But only a special one, built taking into account the Egyptian triangle. The aspect ratio of this right triangle is 3:4:5.

Having learned about the impact of the “pyramid effect” onliving organisms and inanimate objects, I decided to construct such a pyramid (Appendix 2), conduct a series of experiments and draw appropriate conclusions.

Experience No. 1. The influence of the pyramid on the pecking of wheat grains

Equipment: 2 bowls, 20 grains of wheat, cardboard pyramid (according to parts of the world), 2 pieces of bandage, plastic film.

She put ten grains of wheat in each bowl for three days. She placed one of the bowls under the pyramid. During the experiment, I tried to create the same temperature conditions. In the bowl under the pyramid, the grains sprouted, and the sprouts reached 2-3 mm, while in the other they only swelled.

Conclusion: The special energy field of the pyramid affects the germination of wheat grains twice as fast and further accelerates their growth. (Appendix 3) ThereforeYou can keep seeds in a pyramid before plantingthose plants that are to be planted on your personal plot (cucumbers, tomatoes, flowers, etc.)for 10-15 days at 1/3 height. Thereby increasing their germination and productivity3-4 times. It is recommended to irradiate the seeds in the pyramid for at least one week.

Experience No. 2. The influence of the pyramid on food safety

Equipment: cardboard box, 2 slices of bread, 2 apples, cardboard pyramid (oriented by parts of the world)

    For experimentShe took two equal-sized pieces of bread, placed one under the pyramid, and the other under a cardboard box. Under normal conditions, on the third day the bread was half dry, and on the seventh day it was completely stale. Under the pyramid, the bread remained soft on the fourth day; only on the 18th day did it become half dry, and only on the 23rd day did it become completely stale.

    I decided to repeat the experiment with an apple. I discovered that an apple under normal conditions rots three times faster. Under the pyramid, the fruit preserves much longertheir taste and appearance.(Appendix 4)

Conclusion: This experiment once again proves the amazing energy of the pyramid, which can even influence the preservation of perishable foods.Being under the pyramid, milk does not sour for a long time, raw meat located at a height of 1/3 from the base does not rot but is mummified, tobacco and coffee improve their taste, and during long-term storage, cereals, flour, vegetables, and fruits remain fresh for a long time.

Experience No. 3 The influence of the pyramid on the composition of water

Equipment:cardboard pyramid (oriented by parts of the world), a jar of water, 2 identical plants.

To conduct the experiment, I chose two identical violets that had just grown. I changed jars of water under the pyramid for a month. To irradiate the water in the jar, a period of time of at least 3 days was taken. One plant was watered with water charged in the pyramid, the other with regular water.As a result, within a month the plant grew twice as tall as the control sample.

Conclusion: BWater kept under the pyramid acquires truly amazing qualities: watering plants with such water increases the yield and quality of the green mass. During this experiment, I decided to put flowers given on 8th birthday in pyramidal water.March, they managed to stand for more than 3 weeks (waterthe vase was changed every day).

It has been established that such water perfectly stimulates hair growth; if it is used as a rinse after shampoo, the hair becomes thicker, softer and more pliable, and in some cases the color of gray hair is restored. One of the researchers used two-week pyramid aged water every day in the form of facial lotion and received a rejuvenating effect. When it is drunk regularly instead of ordinary water or used in cooking, it revitalizes the body so much that it not only improves health, but also rejuvenates a person and enhances his overall energy.Charged water can be stored in vessels made of ceramic, plastic or glass. However, metal lids should not be used because the metal absorbs some of the energy.

Experience No. 4 Using a pyramid to charge medicines

Equipment:cardboard pyramid (oriented by parts of the world), headache tablets “paracetamol”.

To check howthe energy of the pyramid affects various medications, I placed the headache drug “paracetamol” on a stand with a height of 1/3 of the pyramid, since it is most often used in our family. 3 days after charging, the drug was used for headaches in half the volume. Which produced the same analgesic effect as from a full dose of the drug.

Conclusion: the pyramid can be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of various etiologies. The effect will be the same (pain relief, etc.) as from taking the drug completely. It has been proven thatWhen medicinal herbs, decoctions, infusions, and medicinal wines are stored in the pyramid, the medicines acquire new qualities and the treatment time is reduced. The mysterious energy arising in the pyramids has healing properties: under its influence pain subsides, wounds heal faster and bones fuse after a fracture, the “energy of the pyramids” stimulates the vital forces of the body, making it easier to cope with diseases. (Appendix 5)

Over the years, it has been revealed that people who have been in the pyramid begin to cleanse their bodies, their well-being improves, their blood pressure normalizes, and their headaches go away. The pyramid allows you to treat not only physical and mental diseases, but also karmic diseases; it restores the balance of the human body, the imbalance of which is caused by diseases, after which the person gains mental balance and physical health. It is necessary to undergo 15-minute sessions in the pyramids 1-2 times a day. It has been proven that pyramids prolong people's lives,in other words, biological processes inside slow down. When used correctly, the pyramid effect human life can be extended by 10 - 15 years.

In the course of experiments and studying special literature and materials on the Internet, I was able to prove how mysterious the energy of the pyramids is and show their magical properties, establish what influence the pyramid can have on animate and inanimate nature. I came to the following conclusions: p iramid, in the zone of its activity, directly or indirectly corrects the structure of Space, brings it closer to a state of Harmony. Everything that is in this Space begins to develop in the direction of Harmony.

Currently, a large amount of statistical material has been accumulated, revealing the various properties of the pyramids:

    The energy of the pyramids has a beneficial effect on the environment, eliminates negative radiation from computers and televisions, reduces the level of radiation, and destroys geopathogenic zones.

    The energy of the pyramids develops clairvoyance, removes damage and other negative energies from the human biofield, has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of people, and reduces the level of anger in society.

    Staying inside the pyramid slows down the aging process. There is evidence of a positive effect of the pyramid shape effect on biological blood parameters. Headaches, burns, wounds heal successfully in it. The pyramids can be considered unique regenerators of vitality, from which the human body is “charged”.

    At 30 degrees below zero, water in the pyramid does not freeze. “Dead water” is formed at the bottom of the pyramid, and “living water” is formed closer to the top. “Living” water promotes cell division, tissue growth in living organisms and wound healing. Hair grows thicker when rinsed, and in some cases the color of gray hair is restored. “Dead”, on the contrary, suppresses the growth processes of tissues and microorganisms and can be used as an antiseptic.

    The liquid that has been in the pyramid and taken as food has pronounced antitumor and antiviral activity.

    Liquid and dry medicinal preparations processed in the pyramid help improve immunity.

    Regular or mineral waters, juices, oils, and decoctions of medicinal herbs kept in a pyramid are very effective in treating ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system in the acute stage.

    Creams, oils and ointments treated in the focal zone (upper level) will help relieve skin inflammation by inhibiting the activity of harmful bacteria. Everything that is placed at the lower level of the pyramid will promote the healing of small wounds, activating the regeneration processes of skin tissue cells, having a positive effect on superficial vessels.

    The meat in the pyramid does not go rotten. Food products improve their taste and their shelf life increases several times.

    The ennobling effect of pyramids on some delicacies has been recorded: coffee, tea, spices, drinks, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.

    The pyramids promote the acquisition of healing properties by crystals and other substances.

    Dull blades become sharp again.

    Cut flowers do not wither in pyramidal water for more than 3 weeks.

    Jewelry is well cleaned.

    Pyramids have the properties of increasing the influence of cosmic radiation on plants and improving seed germination.

    The pyramid has the property of mummification (dehydration and sterilization).
    The booklet I developed, “The Influence of the Pyramid on Human Health,” will help you make the pyramid correctly and, according to the recommendations, use it for the benefit of your health.

The construction of mini pyramids is quite realistic and feasible. Therefore, if desired, each of you will be able to build a mini-pyramid on your own site and experience its magical powers for yourself. (Appendix 6)

To build a pyramid at home, we must observe an exact copy of the Cheops pyramid - its size: height 146.6 meters, length of the base side - 233 meters. If you decide to build a pyramid at home, you must proceed from the following data: set the height of the pyramid; to determine the side of the square lying at the base of a tetrahedral pyramid, the height of the pyramid must be multiplied by 1.57075, and the length of the side of the isosceles triangle forming the face of the pyramid is multiplied by the height of the pyramid by 1.4945.

List of used literature

1. Lipovsky Yu.O. Pyramids heal and protect. M. "Dilya" 2005.p 38

2 . Lipovsky Yu.O. Pyramids heal and protect. M. "Dilya" 2005.p. 41.

3 . Arshulik A.I. The pyramid gives health. N. Chelny “Decor”. 2004. p.9.

4 . Pyramids heal and protect. M. "Dilya" 2005.s34.

5 Arshulik A.I. The pyramid gives health. N. Chelny "Decor".2004.s. 35-38.

6. Kortikov V.N. Pyramids of health. R.on Don "Prof-Press".2004.s. 9-15.

7 . Lipovsky Yu.O. Pyramids heal and protect. M. "Dilya" 2005.s. 15-16.

8 . Bauval R., Gilbert E. Secrets of the pyramids. M., Veche, 1997. P.25.

9 .Klimovich G.F. Secrets of the pyramids // World of the unknown, 1997. No. 6 p4-6.

1 0 . Efimova I. Revealed secrets of the pyramids // Science and religion. 1994. No. 4. p. 5-7.



The Pyramid of Cheops

    Height (today): ≈ 138.75 m

    Side angle (current): 51° 50"

    Side rib length (original): 230.33 m (calculated) or about 440 royal cubits

    Side rib length (current): about 225 m

    The length of the sides of the base of the pyramid: south - 230.454 m; north - 230.253 m; west - 230.357 m; east - 230.394 m

    Foundation area (initially): ≈ 53,000 m² (5.3 ha)

    Lateral surface area of ​​the pyramid (initially): ≈ 85,500 m²

    Base perimeter: 922 m

    Total volume of the pyramid without deducting the cavities inside the pyramid (initially): ≈ 2.58 million m³

    Total volume of the pyramid, after subtracting all known cavities (initially): 2.50 million m³

    Average volume of stone blocks: 1,147 m³

    Average weight of stone blocks: 2.5 tons

    The heaviest stone block: about 35 tons - is located above the entrance to the “King’s Chamber”.


Making an exact copy of the Cheops pyramid

Rule for building a pyramid

A home pyramid can have any size, but the ratio of its height and the length of the base must be strictly defined, namely: the length of the base must exceed the height of the pyramid by approximately 1.6 times. This ratio corresponds to the proportion of the golden section, or harmonious division.

Thus, multiplying the given height of the pyramid by 1.57075, we get the length of its base. The length of the side of the isosceles triangle forming the face of the pyramid is the height of the pyramid multiplied by 1.4945.

As the height of the pyramid doubles, its activity increases many times (50-100 or more). One of the edges of the pyramid should be oriented strictly north using a compass.


The influence of the pyramid on seed germination

On the left are wheat seeds sprouted under the pyramid after two weeks.

On the right - under normal conditions.


The influence of the pyramid on food safety

Bread experience

Under normal conditions:

    day – the upper dry crust has appeared by 1 mm,

Mostly the bread is still soft and fresh.

Day 2 – the crust has become thicker, but the bread is still soft underneath.

3. day – the bread is half dry.

4. day - the bread is dry on top, on the sides, and begins to dry out from the bottom.

5. day - a dry crust appeared on the bottom, about 2 mm.

6. day - the bread is hard and dry, but there are still soft places inside

Day 7 – the bread is completely dry and stale.

Under the paper pyramid:

    Day 4 – bread is soft and fresh

    Day 7 – a dry crust begins to appear under the pyramid on top

8 – 12 days – the crust becomes thicker, but the bottom of the bread is still soft.

    day – bread is half dry

21 days – the bread is hard and dry, but there are still soft spots inside.

Day 23 – the bread is completely dry.


Apple experiment

Under normal conditions:

1–3. Day - the apple lies fresh

4th day – a small dark spot with a diameter of 3mm appeared.

5. day - the stain becomes darker, softer

7. day – the spot becomes larger, with a diameter of 10-15mm

10. day – the spot is half an apple, black in the center, brown at the edges, when pressed, a brown jelly-like substance is released

Day 15 - the apple is all black, but still hard in places, small black midges have appeared.

Day 18 – the apple is soft, the inside consists of rotten liquid.

Under the paper pyramid:

    Day 9 – the apple is fresh

    Day 15 - small dark spots begin to appear

16-20 days – half apple spot

    Day 24 – the apple is all black, but still hard in places.

25 - 29 days - the apple is soft, the inside consists of rotten liquid.


Use of the frame pyramid in medicine

For sinusitis For joint pain


Pyramid on the street.

Pyramid house

Pyramids for products and


Until now, doctors have dealt almost exclusively with the material human body, which is formed by the etheric bodies, internal and external. The inner etheric body is surrounded by the outer. It is vital and maintains the body's inherent unity in any movement. If this connection is broken, then the material body ceases to function and begins to slowly disintegrate or immediately decomposes. Modern technology has the opportunity to capture this etheric body using Kirlian photography. In ancient times, a person’s senses were so heightened that he was able to see this “aura” with the naked eye. Saints who led a spiritual life, as a result, radiated with greater intensity, and they had an aura around their heads called a halo.

But even today, clairvoyants are able to discern this aura; many times they saw not only the etheric body, but also the more subtle, astral, and even more subtle, mental, with which every human being is surrounded. With some practice and with skillful guidance, anyone can cultivate the vision of this etheric body in people and even in animals. There are aids for this, a kind of glasses.

Homeopathic medicine takes into account all the subtle bodies that surround a person, and proceeds from the hypothesis that all imbalances in the body arise from distortions in the mental area. We will designate the area of ​​the mental, or ideas, as the fourth level. For example, when someone wants to make a chair, the first creation occurs on an abstract mental level - the idea appears: “I will make a certain chair.” Then the third level is connected: “I will make such and such a chair”: Creation takes on a more concrete form, and we enter the second level. The drawing of the chair is sketched on paper; from the point of view of movement through levels, the chair continues to be embodied in matter. And then only the first level follows, and the chair is made of wood and acquires its material form.

This is an illustration of the fact that an error can be corrected more easily at the third level than at the first. An error made in imagination or thought can be corrected faster and easier than one made on paper, and, in turn, made on paper - with greater simplicity than if the matter concerned something already embodied in a concrete form.

If, following our example, a chair has a crooked leg in the imagination, it can be straightened in one second; but on paper you will have to work with an eraser. If we don't notice that the leg is crooked until the chair is finished, it will take hours to straighten it. It follows from this that, no matter how high the level at which an error is noticed and corrected, at lower stages it is even more difficult to correct it.

Likewise, such corrections can be produced by medicines in higher “potencies.” Only they act on the mental or astral level, since the effect will spread to the same plane of vibration. Then we interrupt the distortions (which are called diseases and manifest themselves in symptoms) at higher levels without touching the tissues or members of the human being.

How is a homeopathic medicine prepared? A specific plant or mineral is ground into powder and then placed in alcohol. In this case, one part of the powder is taken and mixed with several parts of pure alcohol, and the solution is vigorously shaken in the vessel so that the mixing proceeds more dynamically. Then one part of the already prepared solution is mixed in the same way with several more parts of alcohol. Depending on the desired degree of dissolution (potency), the chemist does not leave the slightest discernible trace (we are talking about the action) of the original substance. But in some cases, what remains is the essence energy of a given plant or mineral. This energy can affect the highest form of energy in our four sheaths.

In fact, we do the same thing with nuclear energy. In ancient times, coal and charcoal were used as a source of energy. Today we use the nucleus of an atom of a certain substance and release the energy that is contained in it, which is completely incomparable to that which comes out from the normal use of the same material. Nuclear energy and homeopathy are invading, along with the energy of the pyramids, into our earthly universe. This is a symptom that we have truly reached a deeper level of development. Slowly but surely we are moving towards the etheric level, although we are constantly retreating back to where we started. We are still at the very beginning stage, which is why we manipulate only imperfect forms of nuclear energy and homeopathy. The reason for its erroneous use in most cases is ignorance, the desire to get rich quickly, the desire for power or simple comfort.

Homeopathy can be deeply effective and lasting in its temporary action only if applied in a higher region, on the mental or astral levels. This requires doctors to undergo two to three years of preparatory training. In addition, to safely experiment with a patient's health, it is necessary to conduct a thorough survey, which can sometimes last several hours. As soon as the doctor finds the thread, with the help of it he will reach the deepest causes of the distortions. And only then are real results possible. In homeopathy, to oppose distortions means the following: to decisively suppress the symptoms through which the disease manifests itself, offering a medicine that in a healthy person would cause the same symptoms that the patient already has.

"Gomeo" means "of the same nature." Through this treatment the whole body is directed to produce the correct reaction which will soon destroy the disease or distortion. At the same time, the symptoms of the disease, such as ulcers, fever, pain or malignant formations, are also destroyed. Here the fight is not with ulcers, but with their cause. Not for lowering the temperature, but with the very root of the disease, which causes the fever. In the same way, deformations of organs are not destroyed surgically, but only by influencing the cause of the deformation in such a way that the body itself, using its capabilities, is able to correct it. Among other things, fever is just an increase in body temperature, the mobilization of defense mechanisms necessary in order to expel toxins from the body at a faster rate.

Homeopathy views illness as a sign of health, since the symptoms of illness are a sign that the body is reacting to a distortion by trying to correct it. When, by leading an incorrect lifestyle or eating incorrectly, we gradually accumulate poisons in our body, stress arises, which is the opposite in its effect to a healthy mechanism. It causes classic symptoms such as colds, flu, diarrhea, profuse sweating, ulcers and so on. If we mistakenly attack the symptoms and begin to treat them with various nasal drops, deodorants, lipsticks and other things, then all the germs that cause the disease will remain in our body, and the more we try, the more they will accumulate. Let us add here the danger that sooner or later a time will come when the kidneys and liver will no longer be able to cope with them. And eventually cysts, tumors, rheumatism and arthritis will begin to form. These symptoms take root in our body and cause irreparable damage to it.

Thus, interfering with the course of the disease can lead to a fatal outcome. Therefore, it is so important to pay a little more attention to the perfect organization of our body. And perceive it as a shell for our spirit, which is actually much more important for us. Modern medicine serves as excellent proof of the complete loss of communication between man and the cosmos. What space is there! The man has even lost his internal connections.

Through chemistry, the art of distillation, medicine has reached a wide specialization: there are medicines for the psyche, medicines for the heart, medicines for the skin, medicines for the eyes, teeth, throat, nose and ears. If this continues, earlobe specialists will appear.

When distortions appear on the skin, it is clear that these are the consequences of some disease of the whole body, because the skin is not an organ that can function separately from the rest of the body. At the opposite pole, we see the development of diagnostics based on the iris, because the eye is considered a mirror in which the entire body is reflected. Acupuncture is based on exactly the same thing, which observes the flow of energy in their mutual connection. And the massage of reflective zones has exactly the same basis, which is used, for example, on the foot and allows you to stimulate and cleanse other organs.

The development of medicine, the characteristic features of which we have listed, is a hallmark of the advent of a new era. Now work has begun with energy flows, and not just with matter, which is also a form of energy. And we must use this favorable current in the evolution of public opinion to explore and study it as deeply as possible, using all the remnants of our intuition, and sharpen it in order to be able to capture these same energies.

A few words about energy in general

Some forms of energy are known to us, some of them we can intelligently describe, but its true origin and driving force continue to remain unknown to the science that deals with this issue. Turning to the topic of the origin of energy, we are always forced to remember modern philosophers of science, such as Boronovsky or the physicist Einstein - people who had every reason to assert that if we deal exclusively with this problem, we will find that the number of questions only increases with each new discovery . Dr. Kozyrev, a Russian scientist, was able to measure the density of “time”; this researcher called “time” the most universal energy on the entire globe. There are other types of energy, to which we give different names in our everyday language, but we are not yet able to understand their real action, origin and nature.

Let's talk about the energy of love. No one will argue that it does not exist. After all, it is her power that motivates people to do truly incredible things. And the absence of this power dilutes a person, somehow drains him of life. What is the nature of this energy? What exactly is vitamin energy? What is the basis of their action?

One of the most wonderful forces is the generative force, or the energy of the seed. Have you ever thought about how incredible it must be based on the insignificant size of the tiny seed it affects? How does a plant seed become so powerful that it can move a stone in its path or even break through a layer of asphalt? From the historical tradition that has reached us, the conclusion suggests itself that there must have been some kind of culture that could transform and use this energy practically, in everyday life.

If we look back and look at the colossal creations of ancient cultures, a question immediately arises. We cannot even reconstruct some of these creations at the present time, despite all our super-developed technology. Let's say more: when the Aswan Dam was being built, it was necessary to dismantle some monuments in order to transport them to another place. And even with this, difficulties arose: it was not possible to transport stone blocks weighing two hundred tons. But how did people of so-called “primitive” cultures manage to build entire monuments from these same blocks?

We are probably all still in the grip of one intellectual mistake; we continue to cling to the theory of evolution. All the documents of antiquity that have reached us and that do not fit into this theory are put aside, as if they do not represent the slightest importance. But the point is different - we are simply unable to admit that some ancient cultures were at a higher stage of evolution than us, at least in some areas of knowledge. This makes it so difficult for us to find satisfactory explanations for some phenomena.

Danish engineer Toni Brunes set aside his preconceptions to look at these phenomena in a kind of reverse perspective. And soon, much surprised, he was faced with the fact that, although complete darkness reigned inside the pyramids, no traces of torch soot, candles or the use of any other means of illumination could be found anywhere. When he began to study the reliefs of the temple of Dendera, he found one image that seemed to represent a light bulb connected to an insulator. It is not surprising that until 1872, when the light bulb was invented, not a single Egyptologist could make sense of these images. They vied with each other to offer a variety of explanations, but none of them fit into their own schemes.

The same Tony Brunei, a few years later, in the attic of the National Museum in Cairo came across abandoned exhibits that were stored there as unidentifiable (read: “not corresponding to the diagrams”): the likeness of arcs, which, as it turned out, to his amazement, could work as batteries. Naturally, inspired by this discovery of thousand-year-old batteries, the Danish electrical engineer hastened to one of the luminaries of history. And with deliberate carelessness, he told him that these objects could not possibly be batteries, although they resembled them, simply because in the era to which these gizmos belonged, electricity had not even been discovered yet. However, he could not explain what these things were used for then.

It is obvious that this historian was a victim of his narrow specialization; otherwise he would have known that already in the sacred text of Hinduism “Kumbhadbave Agastyamuni”, which dates back to the 5th millennium BC. e., a detailed description of a certain apparatus called the “miter” is offered. A device that without any doubt can be called a battery-light generator. This text even describes how to combine several similar devices so that the resulting device produces light of extraordinary brightness. Theologians who know about this text did not attach any significance to this passage, and archaeologists and historians for the most part are not interested in the sacred scriptures.

And thus, due to the narrow-minded views of highly specialized scientists, a vicious circle is created, outside of which many important data remain. But these data are available and only await the person who dares to turn to his intuition and common sense to connect various facts with each other, and who, in addition, will be ready to sacrifice his reputation in order to defend theories that do not suit public opinion. But times change, and everything that was once considered a firmly standing axiom turns out to be an increasingly shaky hypothesis every year - especially in the era of Aquarius, in which we live. Often everything is literally turned upside down. In ancient times, wisdom and knowledge were stored and passed on within small groups of people, and now we have to reach them from the top down. Nowadays, it often happens that someone intuitively makes a discovery and immediately passes on the acquired knowledge to more people through books or directly through the media.

The same applies to the energy of the pyramids. Thanks to articles in newspapers and magazines, thousands of people have already started experimenting on their own. And when, from the experiences of thousands of people, it follows that what is being said is indeed true, then some respectable professors (who have to be vigilant in ensuring that their reputation does not suffer) decide to pay attention to this too. Almost everyone has at least once in their life experienced the following type of telepathy: you think about someone you haven't seen for months or years, and suddenly that same person calls you or shows up at your door.

Telepathy is a phenomenon generally recognized in the West. However, there is only one known university that is studying this important phenomenon. In Eastern European countries, they have been working with this form of energy at the university level for several years in order to identify all its possibilities. The same can be said about telekinesis and other types of energy. This was understood in the same way in the USA, and for the past twenty years research has been going on there, the pace of which is accelerating in order to overcome its lag.

Already in our time, new energies have been discovered, previously unknown to anyone, some of them make it possible to achieve colossal results. Nobel laureate 1936 Victor Ferani Hess discovered during laboratory experiments with balloons that in space there is emission of protons and nuclei of light atoms, which have an increased charge; this energy was later called cosmic radiation. Astrophysicist Noyle said on this occasion: “Compared with the energy of space, nuclear weapons with the atomic energy contained in them are just carnival firecrackers.”

However, we still don't know where these types of energy come from. Now NASA is intensively working on this problem. But physician and psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957) had already carried out detailed research on one form of energy. His discoveries were so impressive that they aroused skepticism among his colleagues. In addition, the conclusions from his research were not consistent with any of the then widespread schemes, and therefore all of his work was literally boycotted. Reich called this form of energy orgone. It exists in space, but also in time and light. Reich developed methods for its visible detection using a microscope and thermometer. The energy of orgone is closely related to the various devices he used in the field of medicine, but the most impressive of all his experiments was the one in which he channeled this energy to cause rain during a drought. In the early 50s, New York City was suffering from unusual heat, and meteorologists predicted there was no chance of rain in the near future. Helmut Hoffmann describes one of Reich's experiments. The device was called a cloud buster and was located several hundred kilometers from the city. And then, after a few hours, they called from New York and said that they had not seen such a downpour in many years. Subsequently, means were developed to regulate the amount of rainfall, and now rain could be produced in anything from a heavy shower to a light drizzle.

Through orgone energy we approach bioenergy: the magnetic field of all living things and minerals. Even our emotions, the power of love, the generating energy of the seed (which can be compared to prana) have a similar magnetic field. Reich created the orgone accumulator (ORAC) for medical purposes. Professor of Medicine Theodore P. Wolf describes ORAC as "the most important discovery of medical science." Doctors all over the world today use it in the treatment of purulent wounds, asthma, sore throat, atherosclerosis and cancer.

Dr. Simion I. Tropp says the following about its use in oncology: “Orgone has a positive effect on the body, reduces pain, restores blood supply and almost instantly stops the degeneration of the body. This allows it to become active again and create ideal conditions and opportunities to fight the disease in the most optimal form. Natural functions are stimulated and thus the entire defense mechanism of the body is activated.”

Here we turn again to the connection between homeopathy and pyramid energy. The creator of modern homeopathy, who started from a basic attitude with its erroneous premises, Reich also argued that there is one basic typical disease for the autonomous mechanism of life. It manifests itself in a variety of illness patterns: runny nose, asthma, rapid heartbeat, tumors, shortness of breath, multiple sclerosis, chronic alcoholism and others. In his opinion, there is no point in fighting the symptoms; “The fundamental element, vitality and dynamism, must be stimulated.” As an example, he pointed to Chinese acupuncture, which also works based on the use of a point orgone emitter.

But all these theories, it seems to us, suffer from one-sidedness. Each of the therapeutic methods, considered separately, is nothing more than a partial reflection of the truth. Cosmic energy, the giver and renewer of life, is present in everything. At one time, Hippocrates said: “There is no other authority than facts: only based on facts can we draw conclusions on any matter.” Reich proceeded from the hypothesis that the cosmic energy of orgone exists everywhere. Experiments show that through the accumulation of this energy there is an increase in the activation of our body.

Homeopathy releases this energy through the use of herbs, plants and minerals. The existence of this energy has been tested on thousands of healthy people. With the help of acupuncture, this energy is delivered to a specific point in the human body. The orgone accumulator affects the entire body in the same way through the radiation it generates.

Today we have barely learned about the healing effects of the pyramidal shape, which also seems to be able to act as an energy accumulator. The architects who developed plans for the construction of the pyramids knew this many thousands of years ago...

Davidson's theory

If someone wants to express an idea, it is necessary to be understood. The builders of the pyramids did this in a form that has remained inimitable even for our society. Pyramids were erected from stone in places where they could survive all natural disasters. The only enemy that the pyramids seem to have is man, with his greed and delusions of grandeur: the outer layer of stone of the pyramids was used to build palaces.

The construction technique of the pyramids is still a matter of speculation, and many questions remain unresolved to this day. A unique feature of Egyptian culture is that it did not go through the stages from primitive to perfect according to the scheme of slow evolution. Egyptian culture produced the most magnificent and beautiful monuments at the beginning of its existence. Everything that came after turned out to be much worse executed and bore traces of decline. The only explanation for this can be that the rulers of the Egyptian people were descendants of another culture that was in the culminating phase of its development and died during the flood. Clairvoyants of that time predicted a flood, and the rulers decided to save their knowledge and pass it on to the Egyptians or their elite, who immediately put it to use.

Obviously, the whole difficulty for our historians is rooted in the fact that they cannot recognize the existence of peoples who would have knowledge and abilities exceeding those of today.

How was the Great Pyramid built? We have already talked a lot about this and managed to understand that in a number of books written on this topic, the hypotheses differ from each other in a very wide spectrum. To give the reader an approximate idea of ​​the grandeur of this structure, we will resort to comparisons. If you lined up all of its 2.3 million blocks and thus built a wall with the usual thickness and height of one meter, then this wall could surround the whole of France. As for volume, the following buildings can be placed inside the pyramid at the same time: the Roman Cathedral of St. Peter, the cathedrals of Milan and Florence, Westminster Abbey and London's St. Paul's Cathedral.

From the stones of the pyramid you can build thirty buildings equal to the Empire State Building. The blocks have an average weight of 2.5 tons, but some reach seventy, as is the case with those granite ones that make up the royal burial chamber. The blocks were hewn so perfectly that the current gaps between them do not exceed one millimeter. And this is considering that some of them were located at an altitude of one hundred and thirty meters. Several questions arise here. How were these granite blocks weighing up to seventy tons transported eight hundred kilometers from the Aswan quarries? Probably on those giant ships that plied the waters of the Nile, but of which no traces remained. How were the blocks transported from the harbor to the construction site? At the height where the quarries are located, only the Nile is navigable for large ships. But at that time the current was very strong, and the banks were very muddy. And in any case, in order to load a seventy-ton block onto the ship, a powerful and reliable winch system was required.

It seems to me that the first and only person of antiquity who wrote about the structure of these pyramids was the Greek historian Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC. e. But its chronicle was written 2300 years after the construction itself and, therefore, is based on nothing but assumptions. According to Herodotus, four hundred thousand people worked during the construction over a period of twenty years. Let's imagine for a moment how all these workers could live there. Max Toth and Greg Nielsen indicate in their book that they found no traces of a city or settlement at this site. Of course, it should not have been too significant, but temporary and soon abandoned, but still... In addition, we know with a high degree of accuracy that in Egypt at that time the population was only 1.4 million. Employing so many hundreds of thousands of workers for one construction seems unlikely. The country's economy was not at its best at that time; its agriculture could not withstand such costs for food alone.

There is a great temptation to add other conclusions to all these theories and reasoning and thereby slightly increase the general confusion. So, everything in the world is formed by vibrations of the external and internal levels, everything moves along concentric orbits of energies. And from this follows a very simple and quite acceptable explanation for everyone. The walls of Jericho were crushed by one sound of trumpets, which resonated with the natural frequency of these walls. Caruso smashed glasses in the same way. I have heard that one belligerent power, whose name is of no interest, has developed an acoustic bomb that operates at the threshold of human sensitivity (more precisely, the human material body). When it acts, a person simply disintegrates into its component elements. But buildings, plants and animals remain safe and sound. Tibetan monks could influence their material level of vibrations through the energy of the spirit, which has vibrations of the highest level, and thanks to this they flew above the earth. This phenomenon is called "levitation". For them, levitation was only a side effect of meditation. It was not the ultimate goal, as has happened in the last few years in Switzerland, where for a few hundred Swiss francs in fourteen days you can be taught to levitate - without any spiritual development, just to titillate the nerves and senses. These phenomena also became the subject of commerce.

What about the pyramids? The Egyptians probably used some kind of technique to change the level of vibration of the stone, which made it possible to eliminate, at least partially, the effect of gravity. This made transportation easier.

Perhaps it is worth mentioning in addition that even now, with our millions of dollars and powerful machines, we can with great difficulty transport cargo weighing two hundred tons. And the Egyptians not only transported them, but also placed them in exactly a certain place.

When, during the same construction of the Aswan Dam, it was decided to save some of the pyramids and buildings, they had to divide the blocks of two hundred tons and then reassemble them. And how could the people, with primitive means, transport such blocks and install them with incredible precision?

But these people were capable of even more. The cementitious mortar holding the blocks together was of such good quality that when it was placed on one side of a single stone, it remained there to this day, despite any bad weather and the destructive effects of sunlight. And we still cannot figure out the recipe for this solution.

Introducing readers to the following version, we will give all numerical data in inches and feet, since the measurements were taken according to the pyramid plan made by the English engineer Davidson, and these numbers are very difficult to convert into the European metric system, and for us this is not of fundamental importance.

In the king's tomb, one stone on the ceiling was specially erased by polishing: it was its thickness that was taken as the measurement. It differs from the English inch by literally a hair, and in our description we will call this measure the pyramidal inch. It is exactly 1/25 of the thickness of the walls of the burial chamber and other rooms.

According to the latest geodetic calculations, made in 1957-1958, the distance from the center of the Earth to the North Pole is 3949.89 miles, that is, exactly 10 million pyramidal inches. The perimeter of the pyramid is 36,522 pyramidal inches (25 pyramidal inches equals 25.026 English). The height of the pyramid is 5813 pyramidal inches, and the sum of the diagonals of its base is 25,826 pyramidal inches.

Already from these data we can draw some conclusions. The height of the pyramid, from the apex (top) to the base at its center, is 5813 pyramidal inches. If we imagine this distance as the radius of a certain circle, then it will be equal to 36,524 pyramidal inches. To calculate it, you will need the number “pi” (3.14 159), which was discovered by European mathematicians only in the 6th century; the Egyptians determined it at 3.144. The perimeter of the pyramid is 36,524 pyramidal inches, which if divided by 100 gives the figure 365.24 - the exact number of days it takes the Earth to revolve around the Sun, as we now know. But up until the time of Galileo, the entire Western world believed that the Earth was flat and the Sun revolved around it! In other words, 4625 years ago there was a culture that knew what we ourselves only recently learned.

The height of the pyramid is 100 millionths of the average distance between the Earth and the Sun. The perimeter of the pyramid is an entire fraction of the Earth's perimeter. The diagonals of the base are 25,826 inches long.

We know today that the earth's axis makes a circle and that it takes approximately 26,000 years to complete it. More accurate recent calculations gave a figure of 25,800 years. And the creators of the pyramids point to 25,826, that is, they give a figure much more accurate than the generally accepted modern figure - 26,000. The numbers that are given below are taken from the book “Deciphering the Great Pyramids” by E. Raymond Kept. The weight of the pyramid, calculated with unprecedented accuracy, is approximately 5.3 million tons. The weight of the Earth, calculated by surveyors, is approximately 5.3 x 1021 tons. The constant temperature inside the burial chambers is exactly one-fifth of the difference between the freezing and boiling temperatures of water. At the same time, this is the average temperature of the earth's surface. The density of the Earth is estimated to be 5.672 times greater than the density of water at 20 degrees. The density of the pyramid is 5.7 times greater in relation to itself.

The average thickness of the Earth's crust has recently been calculated from geological surveys, aerial photography and computer processing. It is approximately 4455 feet. And the height of the pyramid without the top is 454.5 feet. The average height of the pyramid's surface above sea level has been determined by oceanographers to be 193 feet 7 inches. If we quadruple the height of the pyramid, we get 2325.2 inches, which is slightly more than 193 feet 7 inches.

The Golden Ratio, which was used in the construction of cathedrals and in many famous works of art, was also used in the construction of the pyramid. It is also found in the proportions of the human body. The golden ratio, as already mentioned, is a relationship in which the geometric segment AB is divided by point C in such a way that the mathematical equality is satisfied: AB is related to AC in the same way as AC is to CB. Applied to a person, this means that his height relates to the distance from the soles to the navel, just as the distance from the soles to the navel relates to the distance from the navel to the crown.

We find the same proportions in the pyramid. First, let's divide the rectangular surface of the floor of the King's Tomb in such a way as to obtain two equal rectangles; if we draw a line from the center of the side of the base to the imaginary far vertex of the rectangle immediately above this side, we get point C. If we continue the diagonal AC until it intersects the extended side surface of the tomb, we get point B. Thus , point C is the vertex of the square. Its floor has the shape of a perfect rectangle with the golden ratio and, in addition, contains information about the logarithmic spiral called Fibonacci-Rabe numbers.

Now let's move on to the message, or, if this is what it is, to the true essence of the Cheops pyramid. New questions will arise here. Was the pyramid really built only to serve as a tomb for the pharaoh? Engineer Davidson pointed out that the Cheops pyramid retained the same system of transitions as in all Egyptian pyramids. There are three interconnected chambers, through which a nine-meter-high gallery is cut. The passages to it are so narrow and cramped that to move along them you need to get on all fours. And it is impossible to drag a standard-sized sarcophagus through them.

The granite sarcophagus of the tomb is missing a lid. It can be assumed that this lid, heavy as lead, was stolen, but the measurements of the top of the sarcophagus themselves suggest that it was impossible to pull it to the surface through the passages. This means that the sarcophagus was left open, and it can be perceived as a symbol of the future resurrection of the dead, and not at all as an eternal tomb. Why are there no hieroglyphs in the tomb, with which all other parts of the pyramid are dotted? This important question is answered by Davidson's theory, which will be outlined below.

In aerial photographs taken in our time, an amazing fact is noticeable: the pyramid turns out to be concave on its sides. And from here new questions arise.

Before moving on to Davidson’s theory, it is worth pointing out some distinctive points of the theory of Mersham Adams, who in 1895 wrote the first book about the Cheops pyramid, and in 1933 summarized the conclusions of a number of his books in the work “The House of the Master of the Occult Chambers.” It contains a reference to the Egyptian Book of the Dead. This book describes the journey that the deceased had to make through the underworld before being cleansed and resurrected. In addition, the system of passages, halls and doors inside the pyramid is characterized and compared with those that the deceased must go through. The downward passage leading from the underground chamber symbolizes the road to the place of horror. According to the book “The Dark Threshold,” the deceased returns from there under the protection of some lower deity (a kind of patron angel) right up to another corridor leading upward, which is closed with a granite block. This passage is so well hidden that it can only be found by pure chance. And the deceased passed through it only with the help of higher beings. From there he entered two real halls, shadow and light, which in the pyramid are represented by an upward passage and a gallery. Between these two halls there was a rebirth of the soul in the hall of Isis. She was the embodiment of motherhood, and graphic images of her can be found in the Queen's Tomb. When soul and body were reunited again, the pharaoh followed along the gallery to the tomb. Finally, he entered the room of Osiris, the tomb, where the ruler of the world of the dead subjected him to his judgment. If the pharaoh was recognized as sinless, then he was glorified with light.

The similarity is really great and may play some role in the purpose of the transition system. However, this explanation in no way addresses the size and dimensions of the pyramid. Therefore, it is quite natural that engineer Davidson was not satisfied with this theory. The exact measurements first made by Professor P. Smith, and subsequently, to confirm his discoveries, by Professor F. Petrie, differ by 286.1 pyramidal inches. Davidson concluded that both scientists were right in their own way. Professor Smith made his measurements using a pyramid plan; and Petri, on the contrary, recorded real sizes. The difference indicated distortions in the plan. For Davidson, this meant two things at once. The dimensions of the pyramid were based on the circle, a symbol of a perfect beginning and end. This circle is present in a variety of places and types.

As mentioned, the structure has a perimeter of 36,524 pyramidal inches. The height of the pyramid, including its apex, is 5813 pyramidal inches, and this corresponds to a circle radius of 36,524. This means that it was for the sake of this correspondence that the design of the pyramid contained some deviations from its perfect shape. Coming from a different direction, Davidson also came to the conclusion that the design plan of the pyramid was deliberately distorted. The so-called “royal lists,” as well as the ancient Egyptian chronicles, say that the people were ruled by gods, demigods and kings. According to the chronicle, the era of gods and kings lasted 36,524 years. The third type of ruler was in power for 5813 years - corresponds to the radius of the circle. And the period of joint government of gods, demigods and kings is indicated as 25,826 years - the sum in pyramidal inches of the diagonals of the base.

To complete the picture, it is necessary to provide other data that confirms the true purpose of the pyramid, according to Davidson’s theory. In order not to bore the reader with numbers any longer, we will list only those that have not yet been mentioned. The pyramid contains information about the changing shape of the earth's ecliptic, the flattening of the globe at the poles, the measurement of gravity anywhere on the earth's axis, and the tilt of the axis relative to the ecliptic.

Here again fundamental questions arise: who could have had such information 4600 years ago? Who wanted to encrypt them in an indestructible building and why?

Another question arises: why was this done in such a form that only today we can unravel the code, perceive this data, understand it and pay attention to some other information? What is this secret message, the importance of which is reinforced by the above information? Davidson's answer reminds us of the esoteric information about human evolution that was presented by, among others, Rudolf Steiner and the Rosicrucian Order and relates to the message of Christ.

According to Davidson, the architects and developers of the plan were not Egyptians, who simply did not have such astronomical knowledge. However, if they built the pyramid itself, then they should also be responsible for the distortions of the original plan.

How, then, can we explain the coincidences with the Egyptian “Book of the Dead”? Davidson answers: both the pyramid idea and the Book of the Dead come from the same source. The Great Pyramid was built by a force, intellectually superior, under the leadership of people belonging to another civilization that perished in the flood. A civilization sometimes called Atlantis. For its representatives, building a pyramid was a way to express something. A kind of message and warning to subsequent civilizations. The structure itself and its location were deliberately chosen to withstand the flood and convey the message despite the destruction of the outer layer of stones.

Why has the pyramid not aroused such interest in us until now, despite the fact that the first research began already in the 50s of the last century? Because we, or some of us, have risen from the depths of our material existence quite recently. This game has been unfolding for many hundreds and thousands of years, but only today has a turning point in our history arrived. And this turning point is also indicated by the pyramid. Only today could genuine interest in her appear!

Davidson continues his reasoning. The connection between scientific and astronomical data is significant, but what the pyramid contains within itself tells us much more important things. Egyptologist scientists have suggested that the system of transitions hides a chronological scale of certain time periods. Davidson developed this version further. He continued the roof line of the passage down to the point where it intersects the continuation of the sloping sloping pyramid. From here he drew a vertical line to an imaginary continuation of the floor of the downward passage and thus obtained a point corresponding to the date September 22, 4000 BC. e. And he called this line the historical time scale. Davidson divided the line into segments of one pyramidal inch for each year and began to read what came out of it. The entire length of the historical scale turned out to be approximately 6000 years. Time point 4000 BC. e., as can be concluded from the data of the Old Testament, is the beginning of the human era. The point at which the time scale intersects the descending corridor of the pyramid is 2513 inches from its beginning.

Were there then any special prerequisites in the life of mankind for highlighting this date? Yes, at this very time the people of Israel became the chosen people. It was then that he fled from Egypt to a new land called the “Promised” in order to live on it and provide a model of life for other nations. The history of the twelve tribes of Israel from this point begins to develop in a completely different way than was determined in advance, but for now we will not go into details.

The length of the gallery roof is 12 x 153 pyramidal inches. The parable of Peter's miracle speaks of 153 fish that fell into his net, to which Christ remarks: “I will make you fishers of men!” Twelve apostles, each of whom caught 153 symbolic fish, that is, conveyed the Gospel, the Good News, to 153 people. From this Davidson concludes that the gallery is the time of gospel prophecies.

Much has been written in the Gospel about the end times. Among other things, St. Matthew says in chapter 24, verse 14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations; and then the end will come.” At the end of the gallery (the time of the Gospel prophecies) there is a threshold from which a small passage begins, leading to the antechamber. According to Davidson, the beginning of this passage corresponds to August 4, 1914, the day Britain declared war on Germany. And from this point on, the scale of the time scale becomes different: one inch equals 30 days. And then the end of the passage means November 1918, the end of the First World War.

In 1922, Davidson predicted that on May 29, 1928, some kind of catastrophe would strike humanity. On this day, a powerful financial crisis began that shook the entire world economy.

If we remember what happened in the world before 1940, we will have to admit: in this era, wars were always happening somewhere, and natural disasters were happening somewhere. There may be a connection with the following text:

“You will hear wars and rumors of wars, nations will rise up against nations, and kings against kings, a terrible famine will come and the earth will tremble.” It is enough to turn on the TV to be convinced of the similarity of this predicted time with the one in which we live. The Pyramid Masters foresaw not only the flood, but also our era of chaos.

What happened to the top of the pyramid? Or was it a mistake by its creator and he simply couldn’t build it? And here is the text of Jesus: “I am the corner stone which the builder rejected.” This symbolically represents the fact that when we establish a kingdom without the message of Christ, the message of love for people, then such a kingdom and society remain imperfect and are doomed to destruction.

Blades of Karel Drbal

So far we have considered the material (stones, form) and spiritual aspects of the pyramids, but have left aside the soul, that is, the ethereal and astral aspects. However, just like a person, the pyramid consists of matter, spirit and soul. There is even some logic in the fact that in all its aspects the pyramid is simultaneously a reflection of humanity as a whole and an individual human being. We can find these three dimensions throughout our natural environment and in all manifestations of human activity. Take the movement of the arms for example: both arms move in a range from the hip to the highest point of the body. First dimension: material movement, which manifests itself in centimeters of distance and speed. Second dimension: energy, nerve impulses and the energy required to contract muscles. This energy is measurable, it cannot be seen; we can only perceive the consequences and the movement itself. Third dimension: purpose, spirit and meaning of movement, the desire to beat someone or maybe caress. The three aspects make one: none of the three can exist without the other. It seems that the third dimension is the most important aspect, or at least it is the basis, the source of movement.

Something similar happens to humans; its basis, its source, is its spiritual essence. And the same can be said about the pyramids: the spirit, the message, that's what's most important; the remaining dimensions are auxiliary means for the manifestation of the spiritual.

The energy of the pyramid or the etheric-astral aspect of the pyramid. As far as we know, this form of energy was first discovered during the Second World War. When the German Messerschmitts passed over the pyramids at low level, the aircraft's instruments refused to work. Local pilots, for some cultural reasons or out of fear, never flew over the pyramids. However, as far as we know, this phenomenon has not inspired anyone to study it. And it took some time for the Frenchman Antoine Bovy to appear, a man who began to study a phenomenon that had escaped the arrogant attention of thousands of people.

Bovey discovered (and we have already noted this) in the royal chamber dead cats, rats, mice and other small animals, completely untouched by decay. This is despite the fact that the burial chambers are humid and dark and have constant temperature conditions (about thirty degrees Celsius), which provide the best environment for the decomposition process. Antoine Bovy, who was a dowser, that is, a person who senses underground water, began to puzzle over this riddle. Intuitively, he suspected that the phenomenon he discovered was somehow connected with the shape of the pyramid itself.

When Bovey returned home from vacation, he built an exact model of the Cheops pyramid. He positioned it along the north-south axis and placed it inside, on. a third of the height of a dead cat. His efforts were rewarded. There were no signs of rotting on the corpse, there was no smell, it seemed to be mummified. One can imagine the delight that gripped Bovi. This delight told him that he was the first to conduct any experiments with the energy of the pyramids.

Captured by his enthusiasm, other people began to perform similar experiments, achieving the same results. Bovey published an account of his discoveries in a dowsing journal, and the sensation began to snowball. The article fell into the hands of engineer Karel Drbal, a pioneer in the field of radio and television who specialized in the study of radio waves; Now Drbal turned his attention to the oddities of the pyramids. He developed a whole theory according to which it turned out that the pyramids somehow concentrated cosmic energy; from this hypothesis he concluded that in this way it was possible to influence, for example, the sharpness of a razor blade. Let's try to imagine his train of thought: at first he decided that the blade should become dull under the influence of energy rays. He placed one new razor in a small pyramid model at a third of the height, believing that this was where the influence of the fields was strongest. Twenty-four hours later he took out the razor and tried to shave. But, to his great disappointment, the blade was still sharp. However, Drbal did not lose heart and put it back into the pyramid. And, to his increasing surprise, the blade remained sharp throughout the entire experiment. The amazement grew day by day, because the sharpness remained the same as it was at the beginning, despite the fact that he shaved with this blade every morning. It was only after using it for sixty days that he found the first signs of dullness.

He repeated the experiment, and this time he shaved more than a hundred times. At that time (1948) razor blades were in short supply in his country, and his friends urged him to take out a patent for such a strange model and the phenomena that it generated. More for fun than seriously, he expressed a desire to patent the discovery, but as a result, ten years passed (until 1959) before he was issued certificate number 91,304. Why such a delay? This is due to vigilant laws in Czechoslovakia, according to which the demonstration of something new is not considered sufficient to obtain a patent - a scientific explanation of what happened is still necessary. The action itself was demonstrated in the patent office, without causing even a shadow of doubt in anyone. After all, it means something that some of the members of the bureau, including its director himself, changed their razor blades only two or three times instead of ten during the time that the patent approval process was ongoing. Finally, Drbal's discovery was recognized, but he was never able to provide a satisfactory scientific basis.

Thanks to the fact that Drbal worked at the Institute of High-Frequency Technology, he had free access to all scientific literature on the problems of ultrahigh wave frequencies, cosmic rays and terrestrial radiation. High quality steel has a certain elasticity, which allows minor deformations to be corrected on their own. For example, if the blade is left alone for two to three months, its sharpness will be restored. The interior of the pyramid, acting as resonant cavities for various types of radiation, accelerates this process up to 24 hours.

In addition, the energy existing in the pyramids is capable of extracting water molecules from the metal, enhancing their natural rotation. In this way, water is extracted even from the smallest depressions. This requires a very small amount of energy, only 1.6 x 1019 watts per second. The pyramid cavity produces much more. On the other hand, the energy of the pyramid is sensitive to interference (strengthening at some points in space and weakening at others) of the magnetic field generated by electrical devices (for example, a TV). And in the same way, large masses of iron are capable of causing such interference. It is worth mentioning, among others, two forces: first, that which produces accelerated dehydration; secondly, one that affects the microstructure of the body. Sterilization, or the destruction of microorganisms, and steel regeneration are examples of this.

Pyramids of different angles and different structures (for example, with a dome) also generate energy. However, the Cheops pyramid model, according to preliminary data, is the most powerful in this sense. Its rapid dehydration can even kill small animals. And this effect occurs only when the energy of space is concentrated in the form of a beam, which is attracted by earthly magnetism. The pyramid only needs to be positioned exactly along the north-south axis, since magnetic fields have precisely this orientation.

Drbal placed his razor blades exactly along the north-south line. Other researchers have placed knives in an east-west orientation and then a north-south orientation in their experiments to detect the difference. And they managed to shave 210 times with the same disposable blade, which was influenced by the energy of the pyramid. But, however, for this they used a conical pyramid, which has the advantage that it does not need to be oriented anywhere, since it has no edges.

Experiments with the pyramid itself

Man has always been and remains a hunter of material values ​​and continues to believe that incredible treasures are buried here and there. In an age where convenience plays such a big role, treasure hunting can easily be reduced to gambling or the lottery. But many still believe that countless treasures are hidden in the Egyptian pyramids. To establish or disprove this for sure, in 1968, Dr. Luis Alvarez proposed a project. He developed an instrument with which cosmic rays can be measured. He proceeded from the assumption that they lose their energy when they pass through matter, and the loss depends on the thickness of the barrier. Alvarez wanted to place his instruments in the center of the pyramid and measure the intensity of these rays. After all, he believed, if there is a certain secret room, then by changing the intensity of the radiation one can detect exactly where it is located. Already in mid-1968, this multimillion-dollar project began. Scientists measured millions of beams of cosmic energy falling in all kinds of shapes and in all places of the pyramid. The first pyramid chosen by the group turned out to be the Pyramid of Khafre.

Under the direction of Dr. Amr-Goneid from Cairo, the tapes were analyzed on an IBM 1130 computer. No secret room was discovered, but one very interesting thing emerged: on the tapes submitted to Ein Sham University, all the data showed a completely different plan of the pyramid, and it was these discrepancies that became the subject of further study.

To be sure of the results of the experiment, the films were sent to the University of Berkeley (California), where the strange phenomenon was confirmed on a more specialized computer. Dr. Goneid declared that this phenomenon had no scientific explanation and that its very existence was impossible. He stated that there are certain forces operating inside the pyramid that allow themselves to flirt with what was previously considered a scientific axiom. The group did not continue its work with the Cheops pyramid, and research stopped altogether. This once again confirms that the treasures of the pyramids have nothing to do with anything material. But besides Dr. Alvarez, there was another researcher who approached the secrets of the pyramid. He had no intention of finding a secret chamber, he was interested in the very message of the pyramid, its spiritual basis.

“One day I accidentally met an acquaintance of mine who spent the whole day with Paul Brayton,” says Dutch pyramid researcher Paul Likens. - He is considered an exceptional person from a spiritual point of view, deeply penetrated into Eastern wisdom and knowledge of the evolution of the cosmos, the most outstanding expert in yogic philosophy of the Eastern world. He devoted many years to the scientific study of ancient mystical practices and philosophical knowledge in order to be able to translate them into a measurable and easily perceived form. Paul Brighton also studied the pyramids, and the results of this work were presented by him in books united by the general cycle “The Secret of Egypt.” But in order to truly find out what was hidden inside the pyramid, he, on his own responsibility, persuaded the authorities to allow him to spend the night in the royal burial chamber.

Subsequently, he said that in order to perceive all his impressions with the greatest accuracy, he needed to purify his spirit. His exposure to the world of yoga served him well in this regard. At first, the surrounding silence was very oppressive, but he continued to sit next to the open sarcophagus and calmly awaited what experiences this night would bring him. He concentrated intensely on his inner world and little by little began to feel a pleasant feeling of joy coming over him. In this dark chamber, where not a single ray of light penetrated, shadows suddenly began to appear, moving wildly, without stopping. He felt that he was surrounded by hostile creatures who seemed to be trying to throw him out of the sanctuary that was the burial chamber. He even began to think about running away, so strong was the disgust and fear that these creatures evoked in him. And then suddenly the atmosphere changed, the hostility disappeared as suddenly as it had arisen.

After some time, he felt the presence of another being, spreading some kind of goodness. A second one appeared as well. In both figures, he distinguished high priests in snow-white robes, who emitted light that illuminated the entire royal chamber. One of the figures walked towards him and asked what he needed. Moreover, he did not hear the voice in the usual sense, with his ear, but somehow it sounded inside him. The voice advised him to leave. In ancient times there were people who returned from burial chambers completely insane. But Brighton replied that he wanted to stay. They explained to him that to do this he had to move to another place where the teaching would be communicated to him. And they offered to lie stretched out on the stones. Brighton describes having a feeling of slow death before suddenly leaving his body. This is called leaving the material body. Brighton saw himself lying on the rocks and at the same time felt that he was floating in the air. It was clear that his body had lost its soul, and it was free. Then he received a message from one of those priests: “A man whose body is mortal, but whose soul is immortal, will never perish.” When Brighton asked about the secret of the pyramids, he received the answer: “Nothing will change whether you discover the secret of the pyramids or not. Look in your soul for someone who will guide you to the secrets of your spirit, where the greatest treasure lies. The secret of the pyramids is the secret of yourself. The message of the pyramids is that people must find the highest spiritual power within themselves."

Experiments with matter

Just as you can describe a pyramid on three levels, the same can be done with the effect of its influence. The energy of the pyramid affects the material, etheric-astral and mental levels. In other words, it alters matter, affects pain, serves as medicine, causes telepathy and other phenomena nested in the spiritual realm.

“In some ways, doing these kinds of experiments is very attractive and fascinating, at least in my case,” recalls Paul Likens. When I first started developing this topic, I was somewhat indecisive. Moreover, my skepticism then was greater than that of today’s non-believers in the unknown forces of nature. My first experiments ended in complete failure, because in my first pyramid I did not even maintain the correct proportions and oriented it incorrectly. In addition, I neglected another important factor. The first experiments were carried out in my office for a year. But in the workshop under the office, many different machines worked, and it is believed that the pyramids are extremely sensitive to their energies. When I found out about this, all the interference was easily removed.

First, I intended to sharpen the dull razor blade. And at the end of the year I discovered that I had achieved absolutely nothing. Then he tried to use the pyramid to mummify meat. But at that time we had just bought a small puppy, who was clearly interested in meat much more than the message of the pyramids. And one day he broke through the model and swallowed the entire experimental sample. This episode made me realize that a lot of time would have to pass before I could come close to understanding the phenomenon of the pyramids. And for this reason, I even had to stop my experiments for a while, so that I could then return to them with a greater awareness of what exactly I was doing.

I met Etienne van der Kerkhove, who kindly built me ​​a large pyramid out of strong cardboard. I must admit that I myself am not very handy and would never have been able to build something like that. I resumed my experiments with the razor, but this time I used a double blade. And he placed it at a third of the height of the pyramid, oriented strictly east - west. Even so, I made a mistake in determining where north was. True, as it turned out later, the miscalculation was not particularly great.

Experiments should always be carried out in such a way that they can be controlled and some numerical results can be obtained. For me, the starting point was that I usually shaved with one blade four to twelve times. There was a wide variation depending on the quality of the razor. But all the calculations were made with maximum accuracy and a book was placed under the blade to achieve the required third of the height, in my case 13.33 centimeters, since the pyramid reached forty centimeters. Eight days have passed. I was terribly worried. Every morning I removed the blade from the pyramid and put it back again after shaving. On the twelfth day, the maximum useful life of a normal blade arrived. But on the thirteenth I shaved without any problems, the blade continued to be sharp; then there was the fourteenth day, the fifteenth, the twentieth, and little by little I began to fall into euphoria: “is this possible?” On the twenty-fifth day the razor did not become dull, and on the fortieth day too, which was absolutely incredible. I continued shaving with it for one hundred and ten days. In addition, I can say that with other blades I achieved better results: 210, 190 and 260 days, respectively. I then began to experiment with the conical pyramid, as described in the previous chapter. When the first successful experience ended, I had already decided to devote as much time as possible to this phenomenon and learn everything possible about it.”

Experiment with meat

“About a year after the first experience,” P. Likens continues the story, “my dog ​​has matured enough to stop gnawing everything that gets in his way. I took a piece of meat, cut it into two halves and placed one in the pyramid a third of the way up, counting from the base. I put the other piece in a cardboard box nearby. Here again a mistake was made, since the influence of the pyramid is noticeable within a radius of several meters. Despite this, after some time the difference in the condition of the two pieces became obvious. The piece in the pyramid dried out and darkened a little, although in some places it remained the same pink color. No traces of mold! The piece in the box became all gray and covered with green spots. However, it also did not emit any stench characteristic of rotten meat, although mold could be found on it in some places.

Subsequently, I read in a book how a certain American enthusiast conducted a similar experiment in the bathroom of his house, where, naturally, both the temperature and humidity were completely different than in my living quarters. A piece of meat placed in the pyramid remained unspoiled, while the other completely rotted. And this experimenter even went so far as to eat meat from the pyramid!”

Experiments with garden seeds

If you place seeds in the pyramid, they will also be saturated with the power and energy of the pyramid and, as a result, will sprout into healthy plants and flowers. Scientists exposed radish seeds to this energy for two weeks and then used them in accordance with the phases of the moon. (It is known that all liquids, including juices, are objects of attraction of the Moon. When its energy is maximum, then the attraction is maximum.) The radish seeds were sown shortly before the full moon. In this way, they avoided the fact that in the subsequent days of the defective quarter the generative force did not pull upward, and the rhizomes were able to develop optimally.

The results were surprising. The radish grew almost twice as large in size as the control one, which was sown a little earlier from the same set of seeds. In addition, many of the roots had literally burst, as if the skin had been torn apart by some force coming from within. The pulp was hard and white as snow, and the smell was unusually spicy, which indicated the great success of agricultural experiments.

“Once, when I was invited to visit friends,” says P. Likens, “I told them about my experiments with radish. Naturally, my story was received with a fair amount of mistrust. Then I brought several fruits from my garden and one of the skeptics undertook to try the largest specimen, having first washed it as a precaution. To the great delight of all those present, his face twisted into such a grimace, as if he had taken a scalding hot potato into his mouth, my radish had such a pungent taste.”

Experiments on growing plants occupied an important place in the work of the University of San Jose in California. The results of these works were published in the Rose, the official diary of the Rosicrucian Order. Six series of experiments were carried out, each containing one hundred Brussels sprouts seeds. The seeds were planted:

on a pyramid 47.5 centimeters high;

inside a pyramid 47.5 centimeters high; on a box of the same volume from the same material;

inside a box of the same volume and from the same material;

into a container where the seeds were watered with water irradiated in a pyramid;

into a container where the seeds were watered with plain water.

The results show that seeds inside the pyramid had a noticeably higher growth rate than those placed on top of the pyramid and those that were watered with water irradiated in the pyramid. But in general, these three samples developed much better than those that were placed on and inside the box or that were watered in the container with ordinary water. When irradiated water was consumed, growth was significantly faster and the final plants were twice as large. This difference could be noticed already on the sixth day of the experiment.

“With the lettuce, I was smarter and sowed six seeds from the pyramid along with six regular seeds in two parallel beds. And I could not notice any difference either in the speed of growth or in the final size of the plants. But there was a feeling that the lettuce whose seeds were irradiated grew stronger and had a stronger smell;

however, such observations are too subjective to attach much importance to them. But there was a more objective means of confirming that irradiated lettuce was better than its plain counterpart. I had accumulated such a quantity of this crop that I had to give some of it to a friend who ran a grocery store.

It turned out, although I didn't tell anyone, that various customers found my experimental lettuce to be much better tasting than what my friend was selling before. Consequently, the share that I was entitled to from the sale turned out to be somewhat larger than I initially expected,” the researcher admits.

“My experiments with flower germination have been extremely successful. I got hold of an American model of a pyramid, made of tubes, about forty centimeters high. Even if it is covered with plastic, the system still remains open, and heat cannot play a significant role. This structure of tubes was placed over the place where the saffron flowers were to grow.

The first to germinate were those plants that were inside the pyramid - a week before all the others that were in the same flowerbed and, therefore, received the same portion of sunlight.

In the second experiment with narcissists, the result was the same. I didn’t even need to move the pyramid, since these flowers were sown in the same flower bed. The result was the following: seventy-nine plants from one flowerbed and fourteen from under the pyramid. The average length of those growing inside the pyramid was 19.64 centimeters, and outside - 14.53 centimeters. Thus, the difference reached thirty-five percent. It probably would have been even greater if I had placed my pyramid earlier, before sowing the seeds, and at the right time. American researchers who conducted similar experiments say the difference is seventy-five percent.”

Another experiment with flowers was carried out by Frank-Ivo Vandamme, a well-known engraver and etcher in Europe. Vandamm had a cage of oilseeds and placed a plexiglass pyramid on top of it, covering about a quarter of the cage. The result turned out to be very impressive, since the plants that sprouted under direct irradiation of the energy of the pyramid, even at first glance, differed from their counterparts, because their height was almost three-quarters greater than those that grew under normal conditions. Some time after this experience, Frank-Ivo pointed out to me another remarkable feature. He conducted dehydration experiments with two tomatoes: one placed under a pyramid and the other under a box. The tomato under the box soon rotted and became moldy. The other was slowly drying up. Frank-Ivo soon forgot about his experience and only after a year he discovered that the tomato continued to dry under the pyramid. Now it was already yellow and the size of a raisin.

Three grapes in a box and three in a pyramid. On November 7, the grapes in the box weighed a total of seventeen grams. December 5 - twelve grams. Weight loss - twenty-nine percent.

During the same time, the weight of the grapes in the pyramid decreased from twenty and a half to twelve grams, that is, by forty-five percent.

However, the results given in the book “Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain” by Sheila Oistrender and Lyn Schroeder look rather strange. Among other data, statistics on the weight loss of grapes: from fifty-two to seventeen grams. After all, this means sixty-six percent. Perhaps the conditions in which I carried out my experiments - in the bedroom and bathroom - influenced their results, or perhaps the data in the book are somewhat exaggerated. I'm going to repeat this experiment outdoors to eliminate all possible side effects.

A piece of beef - seventy percent weight loss in nine days;

Sheep trachea - fifty percent weight loss in six days;

Uncleaned fish - seventy-one percent in thirteen days;

Sheep brain - seventy-five percent in forty-five days.

These results were obtained by Mr. Martial. Any of us can repeat his experiments. But the most remarkable thing is that no one has managed to achieve similar results. True, this is not surprising if we remember that space is always in motion, various factors intervene all the time, and any changes are associated with processes occurring between celestial bodies. This does not allow for scientific research in the full sense of the word (this assumes that when conducting experiments under similar conditions, the results should be the same). For example, in an experiment with a razor blade, one fine morning, say the fortieth day, you may find that the blade has become dull, but the next day it will be perfectly sharp again! Here we can add that Karel Drbal studied this connection with atmospheric phenomena so well that he could sometimes predict them with the help of a razor knife.

Experimenting with sweets

The energy of the pyramids also has an effect on sweets. Once having bought jelly from Sunkist powder, Paul Likens decided to experiment with it. This powder is made from a variety of California citrus fruits using the finest fruit available.

He carried out this experiment several times with his wife and children and was still not sure of the correctness of his conclusions. Once he even conducted a tasting with the participation of several blind people who did not know that they were being offered products that had been inside the pyramid. He did the same with the journalist who came for an interview. And the results were the same all the time, although faintly perceptible. The taste of the jelly was refined under the influence of the energy of the pyramid, and the pungency of citric acid decreased. And all fruit drinks placed in the pyramid acquired a more pronounced taste.

Experiments with natural fruit juices

“I used berry juice,” Likens writes. - Already four hours after I put it in the pyramid, one could notice the effect: the juice became sweeter and its taste improved. Stef Bjerinks, an experienced radiometrician with extensive knowledge, came to visit me to measure the energy of the pyramid using his pendulum. According to his measurements, the juice is better charged with additional energy if it is placed at a height of two-thirds of the total height of the pyramid. In fact, devices have already been designed that, although not yet put into mass production, are already capable of perceiving and evaluating these energies, which makes it possible to measure energy at different points of the pyramid. Some studies show a significant difference in its distribution.”

Animal food experiments

To demonstrate more clearly the results of the taste experiments, Likens decided to conduct experiments with animals, namely dogs, with excellent quality sausages wrapped in aluminum foil. In Belgium and the Netherlands, a similar food is sold under the name “Hofdog”. The fact is that it is quite difficult to influence a dog’s taste, and sometimes even impossible, which cannot be said about guinea pigs. “Only there could be some kind of mental connection between me and my dog, and I myself tried to block it,” says Paul Likens. My dog ​​is from the Fox Terrier breed, known for its difficult character and stubbornness. Probably, I should have also taken care that my knowledge did not influence him in any way. I took a sausage weighing seven hundred grams and divided it into two halves. By itself, it could be stored perfectly for four days in the refrigerator. And so I placed one half in the pyramid and the other in the refrigerator. A day later, I cut a piece from each and, putting them on separate plates, offered them to my dog ​​Timmy. The dog sniffed both plates and tasted a little from each. I then removed both plates, pulled Timmy five meters away from them, and placed the plates ten centimeters apart. When the dog went to the right, I forced him to quickly move to the left so that he could clearly imagine what was lying on each of them. Then he again pulled Timmy away from the plates and let him off the leash. And watched where he would run this time. As soon as he started eating, he returned him to his original place five meters away. Timmy clearly didn't like these games! Sometimes I swapped the plates. And as a result, he got the following: out of thirty attempts, the dog twenty-seven times preferred the sausage that had been in the pyramid.

Another feature of my dog, which helped to study the phenomenon that occupied me, caught my eye when I sat down in front of the pyramid and he came up to me. Most times he remained standing with his head strictly oriented to the northeast. At one conference, someone confirmed my observation by saying that cats usually go to sleep with their heads facing the southwest. The cat and dog represent the feminine and masculine elements respectively, and this is even reflected in our language. Men in love and generally affectionate men often call their women “pussies.” And, with some exceptions, we never call men “cats.”

Just as man, created by the Lord, was at first both male and female at the same time (we call this being Adam), and both elements are hidden in the pyramid. Inside the pyramid, obviously, there are places that animals instinctively feel as their own, in which they are most comfortable.

Therefore, there are certain vibrations and energies that best suit their nature. Animal intuition plays a big role here; but people have to resort to measuring instruments for the same purpose.”

Experiments with water

Water is one of the substances that perfectly captures the energy of the pyramids and during this process changes its properties. In his First Practical Book of Pyramids, Norman Stark published a report from the Institute of Water and Soil Science at Arizona Agricultural University. This report describes all the differences in the properties of ordinary and irradiated water in the pyramid. Running water placed in a pyramid for a day noticeably improved its quality. This phenomenon is confirmed by professional doctors, who reported that water in some cases even had a healing effect on the stomach. He also noticed that the water that had absorbed the energy of the pyramid tasted like pure spring water.

In addition, an experiment was conducted with flowers. In the vase that was filled with water from the pyramid, new buds blossomed, and they lasted much longer than in ordinary water.

Watering flowers

“I have not experimented with watering one type of flower with different waters,” admits Paul Likens. Others did it for me. Flowers watered with water from the pyramid did not hurt in any way. With proper attention and care, even diseased plants can be cured if they are watered with water irradiated in the pyramid.

In The Pyramid Energy Handbook, Bill Carell and Kathy Goggin tell the story of a California farmer who irrigated some of his fields with pyramid-treated water and achieved excellent crop yields. Henk Kleinmann and his group reported that after washing the hair four times with water from the pyramid, dandruff disappeared, and in this way its appearance could even be prevented.

Such water, poured into an aquarium, adds vitality and health to the fish. In one experiment, shrimp were placed in water from a pyramid and the pyramid itself was placed on top of an aquarium - the shrimp grew two to three times larger than those kept in a regular tank. One of my friends demonstrated how the water from the pyramid has a beneficial effect on animals. He poured plain water into a zinc cube and placed it on a chair in his pyramidal glass greenhouse. Two days later the water began to boil with worms. Nobody could explain this. Moreover, it seems strange that many times he put ordinary water in the same cubes for horses, and worms had never appeared in it.

Also interesting is the experiment of Norman Stark, who simultaneously used two growth accelerators. He planted a flower in a pot, watered it with water from a pyramid and, in addition, wrapped the pot in aluminum foil, also charged. As a result, the plant grew twice as tall as the control sample.

The female half of humanity also took part in experiments with pyramids. Some ladies confirm that their skin became softer after they started washing with water from the pyramid, and wrinkles smoothed out on their faces. The possibility of solving the problem of excessive sweating of the feet with the help of charged water is also confirmed. I cannot ignore the experience carried out by one of the members of the Dutch Association of Friends of the Pyramid, whose daughter suffered from this illness. The problem simply disappeared, as soon as I put the baby’s shoes under the pyramid at night.

All these examples are given here to show the reader that we have actually barely begun to study the application of pyramid energy. Its possibilities are as great as our imagination and wealth of ideas allow us; if we try to bring together the data on all the experiments that have already been carried out, then there will be enough material for fifty books such as this one. If you wash your hair with water irradiated in the pyramid, your hair will return to its fullness and health, as Norman Stark assures in his book. If this can be done with plants, why not try the same with human hair roots? If this water is good for them, why not make coffee or soup with it? When we drink coffee - which is generally unhealthy - then at least we should put it in a pyramid. And then the bitterness in the taste will noticeably decrease.

Ms. Luz Ol from the Hague Pyramid Foundation once said that she used much less ground coffee this way, while preparing the same amount of drink. And here we are again faced with the possibility of savings. The pyramid helps save our money. In connection with this topic, another example from Holland. Mr. Frans Tuyvis conducted experiments with gasoline. And he found out that his expenses had decreased by as much as twenty-five percent. When I found out about this, I decided to try it myself..."

Experiments with gasoline

“During these experiments, I experienced several truly exciting, disturbing moments,” the researcher admits. - First I needed to establish the usual gas consumption, and finally I very accurately calculated how much gasoline it took to travel 2522 kilometers. Then I put a pyramid in the trunk, right on top of the gas tank. It was forty centimeters high, and thus the most powerful field of concentration of its forces was located at a height of 13.33 centimeters from the base. And exactly at this level was the center of my fuel tank. Of course, it was impossible to wait until the tank was completely empty, but had to be refilled every time it was half empty or even when the amount of liquid was reduced by a quarter. Seventy-two hours was enough time for exposure to radiation, and thus my tank always remained ready. I even marked a place on the pavement near the gas station where I always stopped to refuel, and agreed with my wife that she would make sure that the tank was always filled to the same level. In this way I could always know how much fuel was used to cover a certain distance. After driving 3,645 kilometers, the average consumption was 11.65 liters, which meant a saving of 7.8 percent. I didn’t find anything encouraging in this and decided to tweak my plan a little: I put a conical pyramid in the trunk, for which the orientation to the cardinal points did not matter at all. After driving another 2,638 kilometers, I saved only 5.7 percent of gasoline.

Very upset by this result, I contacted Mr. Tuyvis, who advised me to build a new pyramid and wrap it in foil. I ordered a cardboard structure forty centimeters high. Having driven another 1,205 kilometers, I discovered that every hundred kilometers now consumes 11.16 liters of gasoline, a savings of 11.9 percent. Then I marked in the trunk, using a cardboard ruler, where north was in the two positions of the car in which it was parked most: in the parking lot near my work and in the home garage. Then something appeared that explained why my results were so insignificant compared to the achievements of Mr. Tuyvis and others. It turned out that there was some kind of collateral factor in my garage (probably a TV, which was located in the house just above the garage and approximately above the trunk). I have eliminated this factor. And then the savings reached eighteen percent.

Then I completely removed the pyramid from the trunk and gradually gasoline consumption increased to 12.5 liters per hundred kilometers. And soon my crew gave up the ghost altogether and had to be replaced with a new one.”

And now Likens will talk about his other experiences.

Anti-corrosion effect

“My friend’s son conducted an experiment in which he managed to clean the rusted blade of a knife in a pyramid. It could clearly be seen that the oxidation had disappeared from most of the work surface and the knife now cut perfectly.”

Pyramids and grass

“Herbs dry out after you pick them. And in the pyramid they remain green and continue to carry their energy charge. The healing power of such herbs increases significantly.”

Pyramids and semi-precious stones

“I was in the habit of always carrying a piece of aquamarine with me, a beautiful bluish-green color, but over time the color gradually began to deteriorate. One day I left a pebble at the head of my bed and never took it with me again. Over the course of a year, his appearance changed and he became completely gray. I decided to return energy to the mineral and put it in the pyramid. To my great amazement, in just a month the stone returned to its original color. This was a sign that his original strength had also returned to him.”

Cooking cheese in a pyramid

“I took a liter of fresh milk and placed the container with it in the pyramid. And a month later I got cheese from there. Although I had no plans to set up a cottage industry, I nevertheless repeated this experience and with the same result.”

Experiments with mummification

“In this experience I learned something new about the laws of space. At one of the conferences, one of the participants wanted to know if anyone had experimented with mummification. I was somewhat confused, since it had never occurred to me to sacrifice any animal for such an experiment. On the other hand, the question was completely fair and went to the very essence. I had to admit that no one had ever done anything like this before.

And the very next morning, a December Saturday, I left the house in a car and, turning the corner, saw a goose lying on the road. I realized that this was a sign and slowed down. The poor bird was hit and left to die. The goose seemed completely healthy, except for a small bleeding wound. I picked up the carcass, wrapped it in newspaper and took it home. I had a forty-centimeter pyramid standing on the covered terrace, and I placed a dead bird on the floor under it. I decided to make another pyramid as quickly as possible from a weather-resistant material so that I could conduct my experiments outdoors. Unfortunately, I was distracted for a long time, then got busy with other experiments and completely forgot about the goose.

About a month later, a group of young people came to my house who wanted to familiarize themselves with the experiments. I was away, and my wife, who knew nothing about the goose, decided to show me everything that could be put in the pyramid. You can imagine her fright when, instead of some innocent flowers or another, more appropriate object, she came across the carcass of a dead bird. (Even at the beginning, I moved the goose and the pyramid into the garden, where I covered them with another plastic pyramid.) And eight months later, no traces of decomposition could be found near the body - no worms, no small carrion eaters. The most surprising thing is that after a few weeks a certain stench began to be felt, but then it completely disappeared. I left the goose body for a few more weeks. He still wasn't interested in any of the neighborhood cats. The only creature that showed curiosity was my dog, but his interest disappeared after a week.”

Pyramids and cosmetics

In their book The Psychic Power of Pyramids, Bill Schul and Ed Pettitte tell the story of a woman who stored cosmetics in a pyramid and continued to use it, and after a while found that the wrinkles on her face disappeared. For a long time I could not find a single representative of the fair sex willing to take part in the experiment, but one day I was lucky. But for the reader, no doubt, it will be much more pleasant to make his own discovery in this area.

The same book reports another experience, with blood. Blood was drawn from four people and the samples were carefully analyzed. The same four then remained for fifteen minutes in the large pyramid and again their blood was drawn. The difference in the samples was obvious. Among other things, changes were found in the number of red blood cells and the concentration of zinc, copper and iron. Taking advantage of the opportunity, a photograph of the fingertips of one of the participants was taken using a Kirlian camera. And here a huge difference was noticed.

Pyramids and batteries

“My interest in electricity and similar matters, as well as my knowledge in this area, is practically zero. My wife can confirm this. And so I have to wait until my eldest son is of the right age to take on this part of the work. However, for those who like to tinker with such things, I will describe here what can come of it. Specifically, we are talking about the experiment that John Rees conducted with flashlight batteries and which was described by Max Toth and Greg Nielsen in their book “The Power of the Pyramids.” One battery was placed in a pyramid at a height of one third, so that its negative pole pointed north. And its charge increased from 1.3579 to 1.3776 volts, that is, by 0.0197 volts. With other batteries, the following results were achieved: an increase in charge from 1.3612 to 1.3713, that is, by 0.0101 volts; from 1.3709 to 1.3742, that is, by 0.0033 volts; from 1.3539 to 1.3740, that is, by 0.0147 volts.

On average, this results in a charge increase of 0.0094 volts.”

The energy of the pyramids in the measurements of a radiometrist

There are very few methods and means for directly measuring the energy of pyramids. Most scientific experiments were carried out only in connection with the results of the influence of this energy. Stef Bjerinks, a famous Belgian radiometrician, developed a pendulum apparatus connected to a computer for precise measurements. Such a system is known as bioelectronic. He conducted experiments with the energy of the pyramids, which, as it turns out, have scientific significance.


Bjerinks examined wells located at five different heights under the pyramid. The water in them was always charged within twenty-four hours. After this, he used his pendulum to make sure that the energy indicator had increased significantly. In one place inside the pyramid, where charging occurs fastest, he placed a vessel with water at a height of two-thirds, counting from the base. If water was placed, as usual, on the floor inside a forty-centimeter-high pyramid, then after twenty-four hours it was discovered that there was even less energy in it than in normal water.

In this case, we are talking about the energy radiation of water, and not about its acidity, hardness or radioactivity.


Stef Bjerinks loves raising pigeons and, naturally, has conducted several experiments with their food. After twenty-four hours of charging, he found significant changes. The color of the corn has changed, becoming a deeper yellow.

Pigeon eggs

Steph placed two pigeon eggs at the bottom of the pyramid, without any of the usual white sand boxes. He turned the eggs daily. Twenty-one days later he added to the first those recently demolished. Another eighteen days passed (which is the usual incubation period), and two chicks broke through the shell. The unusual thing about the case is that pigeon eggs remain alive for a very short time after incubation ceases. This means that by placing them in a pyramid, you can preserve their vitality. Both pigeons were healthy and strong, and within a few more years, researchers will have to find out how much better or worse they learned to fly than their relatives.

Aluminium foil

After just twenty-four hours of the experiment, Steph was convinced that the foil was charging, and began to recommend it to friends and acquaintances as a remedy for rheumatism and arthritis. It can be confirmed that in some serious illnesses the pain actually decreases, and in some cases disappears completely. Steph said that the main difficulty was that he did not know how his “patients” used foil. However, having received partially positive results, he firmly decided to engage in such therapy in collaboration with a professional physician. In this way, it will be possible to derive statistics and arouse the interest in medical circles necessary to expand the experiments to their full potential.

One woman experienced regular pain in her gallbladder. When she applied a piece of foil pre-charged in the pyramid to the skin against this organ, after five minutes a deterioration occurred, but then within a quarter of an hour the pain began to decrease until it disappeared completely and never returned.

Homeopathic remedies

Stef Bjerinks conducted about a dozen blind experiments with different homeopathic solutions. For his experiments, he used low "potencies", for example, D6. The solutions were placed inside the pyramid in vials; then a disinterested person watched the process. Steph used his pendulum to determine the magnetic field of the drugs compared to those that were not treated. The difference was so obvious that no possibility of erroneous conclusions could be admitted.

At the moment I cannot answer the question to what extent the improvement in the effects of the drugs is related to the fact that they were exposed to radiation in the pyramid, since this is very difficult to find out. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a large number of experiments. It is also important to consider that homeopathic remedies affect different people differently. Steph outlined his conclusions in a letter to Likens: “I believe that these experiments can be expanded with the help of bioelectronics. The importance of the study has not yet been properly appreciated. But it is obvious to me that using the pyramid opens up new possibilities. It is now impossible to predict how this will affect the evolution of science. In such matters it is impossible to predict anything.”

Pyramids and sound insulation

Some time ago, Paul Likens accidentally received documents from a company specializing in the production of acoustic devices, from which it follows that the pyramidal shape is an excellent means of absorbing noise. The company is already using this knowledge in practice and has developed a protective plate of twelve pyramids. The plate absorbs noise with great success. To confirm the findings, the documents provide extensive statistics and various graphs. And the noise level, by the way, is very easy to measure.

In that distant time, when the Great Pyramid still had a beautiful outfit of white limestone, it was a kind of beacon. With its skillfully chosen angle of arrangement of edges and stones, it is an excellent catcher of cosmic energy. And nowadays, on March 21 and September 21, it perfectly reflects sunlight. It seems the same can be said for its use in suppressing noise and sound waves.

Pyramid plates absorb noise in swimming pools, computer rooms, factories, schools, etc. So the pyramid comes to our aid in completely unexpected areas.

Experiments in the etheric realm: the healing power of the pyramid?

The “etheric region” is the name given to the ethereal shell, where changes in health or the magnetic field that surrounds a person and which in ancient times could be seen by even the most ordinary people are primarily manifested. That is why persons who possessed various spiritual powers, or saints, were depicted with a radiance around their heads. With a little practice, anyone can learn to see this aura. If you put someone on a white background under a dim light and look at his head, a faint glow will become noticeable, something like the outline of the head; sensitive people are even able to distinguish colors in this aura.

The energy of the pyramids, which has a similar nature, has the ability to relieve pain and speed up the healing of various injuries and bone fractures. This happens, apparently, due to the stimulation of people’s vitality, which causes the intensification of processes in the body, and this, in turn, accelerates the healing reactions of the body, and the disease recedes. The effect of homeopathic “potencies” is based on the same principle.

“There’s a young man in my neighborhood who regularly suffered from terrible migraines,” says Paul Likens. “One day his suffering reached such a degree that he came to our house and asked if he could sit in the pyramid that stood in our garden. Migraines usually last a day or more and the pain, he says, is almost unbearable. But after half an hour, this time the pain decreased significantly, and after forty-five minutes it disappeared completely. In this case, it was premature to talk about a cure, because the cause of the disease itself had not been removed. Therefore, I advised the young man to go to a homeopathic doctor and undergo a full course of treatment. The young man followed my advice.

When we are very tired, we can simply sit for a while in the pyramid, and in just a quarter of an hour we will be in great shape again.

The next story concerns a pyramid without side walls, made of tubes, 1.7 meters high. On Christmas Eve, friends came to visit us with their children. Chris Foketin, one of the children, had clogged cavities. I invited him to sit for a quarter of an hour under the pyramid, which was located in the garage. After ten minutes, the cavities cleared themselves out, but he wanted to stay a little longer in the pyramid, since he felt unusually good there, as if some kind of good force was flowing through his entire body. It was very interesting, but not everyone has the money and the necessary space to build a pyramid of this size.

One day I decided to help my grandfather, who by that time had been suffering from arthritis in his knee for ten years, which caused him a lot of inconvenience and pain. The doctor prescribed him analgesics, which barely did their job. In the end, the only thing that could bring him relief was a cortisone solution that was injected into his knee. The doctor was aware of the negative side effects of this treatment and stopped it when he could.

When I started looking for a solution to the problem, I suddenly remembered once again that all our impulses and actions have a special meaning, which almost always manifests itself much later. Several years earlier I had learned hypnosis, which, among other things, could relieve pain. One evening the conversation turned to this, and someone told me that one hypnotist gave his patients pieces of foil charged with his own power, and asked them to apply them to the sore spots as needed.

Inspired by this message, I decided to experiment. In feverish impatience, I placed a sheet of foil inside the pyramid for 24 hours. Then I went to my grandfather with this sheet and bandaged it to his knee. But after a few hours, under the foil, the skin began to itch and itch, so I had to remove it. The pain had almost completely disappeared by then. The next morning she was much more tolerant than all the time before. That evening we wrapped the foil in cloth and bandaged it again to the knee; this time the bandage was left on overnight.

When the grandfather woke up, he discovered that the pain had disappeared. And until now - and more than a year has passed - she has never returned. The only thing that remained was a kind of painful hardening of the muscles of the hip and shoulder, with which it was even difficult to walk (but, after all, my grandfather is 88 years old!). Since these parts of the body are quite difficult to bandage, we placed a sheet of foil charged in a pyramid under his nightshirt. The result was completely unexpected: grandfather could not sleep the whole night, every half hour he heard the clock striking, but despite this, in the morning he was unusually active and did not feel tired. Then we repeated this procedure several times, the pain and hardness disappeared, and the grandfather began to walk normally again.”

The achieved result served as an incentive for P. Likens to continue his research and experiments. And soon another incident happened involving a lady who listened to his lectures on homeopathy and told about her problem. She asked not to mention her name, as she was afraid of other people's curiosity. The woman suffered from congenital bifurcation of the spine. Despite this hindrance, she managed to walk; but for the last thirty-five years she has been in terrible pain. She could drive a car by transferring all the levers to the manual control panel, since it was very difficult to use her legs. Likewise, she had difficulty coordinating the movements of her legs. Most of all, she was afraid that things would get worse and the pain would become completely unbearable.

“Encouraged by the amazing results of my grandfather’s treatment, I brought her a small pyramid twenty centimeters high, oriented it strictly north-south, and laid down a sheet of foil, which barely fit in its entirety. Then I asked the lady to attach the foil to the most sore spot before going to bed, and then inform me of the results. Two days later, she said that the pain had completely disappeared for the first time in 35 years. She reported that she used the foil as directed before bed. Usually, before this remedy begins to work, you have to endure several sleepless hours of pain, and only then with great difficulty do you manage to fall asleep. But she, having stayed awake until eleven, went down to the living room. And there, within ten minutes, I felt a pleasant warmth and almost immediately fell asleep. She woke up at seven, felt rested and relaxed, and the pain disappeared. A long time ago, the doctor prescribed a massage for her. Always after the session the pain was the most unbearable and forced her to stay in bed. Improvement occurred only after two days. And now the pain returned with the same force, she could not do anything on her own, and I asked her mother to attach a piece of foil to her shoulder. Fortunately, the radiation had the same effect as the first time, and her body calmed down again. I asked myself whether this healing was the result of self-hypnosis, based on my story and the patient’s hope to get rid of her pain? How can you prove that it was the piece of foil that brought her relief?

I should have carried out an experiment with a charged sheet and an uncharged one, but I never liked such games with people's hopes and feelings. And then, as always, the pyramid itself solved the problem.

The lady told me that on Monday, after the massage, she returned to the foil again, but without success. Frustrated, she went downstairs to put the leaf back into the pyramid, deciding that this time it had not had time to charge properly. But, having descended, she suddenly realized that at the end of last week one of her nephews had moved the pyramid, changing its orientation. In other words, the pyramid was no longer providing energy, the sheet of foil was not charging and therefore did not help. This is clear confirmation that the relief mentioned was precisely a consequence of the influence of foil, and not self-hypnosis. If we were talking about the latter, then the foil would have worked all the same, no matter whether it was charged or not.

Now I was confident that I was right and decided to tell as many people as possible about it. And just at this time I was visited by a correspondent of the local magazine “Tele-type”, which has a circulation of three hundred and sixty thousand copies and is distributed free of charge in the province of Antwerp. The subject of the conversation was an advertisement for the products of the company where I was working at that moment. During the conversation, a magazine staffer told me about the discomfort that many editors feel when they are forced to report only negative information to their readers, such as facts about environmental contamination or outbreaks of violence.

Then I briefly introduced him to the essence of my experiments, and he agreed that there was an opportunity to please readers with something pleasant. A month after that conversation, in one of its issues, the magazine published an article about the energy of the pyramids and the story of one young man who got rid of his knee pain thanks to this energy. This publication caused a small sensation, which resulted in a deluge of letters addressed to me. My wife could barely manage to accommodate ten people a day, and she didn’t even have enough time to cook food for the children. Thanks to the help of our friends, we were eventually able to provide everyone in need with information and pyramids.

Already in 1980, the Omni-Scienta association had three thousand members, now there are many more. This association was founded for the purpose of studying the energy of the pyramids, which is expected to be of great benefit to science in the future.

However, the story about the lady suffering from pain in the spine was not entirely finished. To sleep better at night, she placed another pyramid under the bed. And, contrary to all hopes, nothing happened. She claimed that she began to sleep worse. But, despite this, she did not remove the pyramid. Two months later, when she left the house on Maundy Thursday, her mother told me something fantastic. Her daughter was able to move her legs consistently and without any help for the first time in 35 years. She even drove a car with regular pedals for a little while. This happened on Easter, and the whole family came to be present at this event, since few agreed to take his word for it. They asked her and then informed me that nothing had changed in her course of treatment. Except for one thing - three months ago she had a shoulder massage, after which the pain began to disappear.

Now I cannot say with certainty how this happened, and I can only assume that everything is connected with the residual charge of the cells of her tissues, thanks to which she received a constant supply of energy and finally recovered.

If someday we achieve the fact that doctors place pyramids in hospitals (and this time, I hope, is already close), then we will clearly understand all the healing power and its still hidden possibilities. The University Hospital of Leiden has already carried out one experiment with pyramids, placing them under the operating table, and it has been confirmed that patients now recover from anesthesia faster and generally recover faster. However, there are no official reports on this issue yet. Doctors will have to do without this...

Madeleine Luys, a friend of my wife, continues the story of P. Likens, once brought into her house a boy who had just fallen and injured himself. A lump appeared on his head, and he cried incessantly. She placed a piece of charged foil on his head, and the pain quickly went away; no hemorrhage occurred either. All bruises and contusions were treated in the same way. The pain disappeared and the wounds healed much faster than usual. Madeleine also told us about how she woke up one morning with a severe toothache. Since her husband and children were not at home, she stayed in bed and then attached a piece of foil to her jaw. After about twenty minutes the pain subsided. It is clear that the cause was not eliminated, and therefore she later visited the dentist.

Louis Bekelmans, another acquaintance of mine, who was very skeptical about such stories, built a pyramid forty centimeters high for one of his friends, whose wife suffered from rheumatism. But for some time the pyramid remained in his house, and one day he himself had a severe headache. He told me that he grabbed the pyramid by the base, placing its top on the floor, but maintaining its orientation to the north, and after a few minutes the pain decreased, and then completely went away. And all this was so convincing that now he had to admit everything that he had previously denied. True, he was unsuccessful in his experiment with sharpening a razor blade. Subsequently, he told me that a friend’s wife got rid of rheumatic pain, but at the same time she used two remedies at the same time: charged foil and ginger. Thus, it was not the pure energy of the pyramid that was involved, and we do not know for sure which of the two remedies brought her relief.”

Mrs. Beuirse from Wilrijk wrote a letter of gratitude to Likens. She suffered from unbearable arthritic pain in her shoulder, arms and legs. After using the charged foil twice, the pain in the shoulder disappeared and the pain in the back of the head also decreased significantly. After another four sessions, the pain was gone forever. The same lady wrote about a heart patient who was forced to take many medications just to sleep. Today she keeps two pyramids under her bed and feels so good that she no longer needs medication.

From the Netherlands comes the story of the famous pioneer in the study of astrology, W. R. Van Damme, who lives in Zuytermeer. He spoke about a serious illness that he suffered for four years, Pfeiffer's disease, which often manifested itself in severe leg pain. The only thing that helped him was long rest, which took a lot of time away from classes. Following my recommendations, he placed a pyramid under the bed and soon felt an improvement. Delighted, he made five more pyramids for his friends.

Another excellent example is the case of Mrs. Van Geel from Ekeren (79 years old), who was treated for fourteen years for arthritis. Every two months she had to travel one hundred and forty kilometers for injections. Gradually, the effect of the injection was reduced to an improvement of only two days, and she had to resort to this remedy more often. She bought a pyramid and in the evenings she wrapped the diseased parts of her body in foil; the pain disappeared and stopped tormenting her.

“A restful night's sleep,” Paul Likens continues his story, “is one of the consequences of the influence of the energy of the pyramid. This phenomenon has been confirmed many times, even with my children. In ninety-five cases out of a hundred, improved sleep occurs if you place the pyramid with its top at the level of the navel below the bed. Here I would like to mention Heidi van Merksem, who wrote to me that her father suffered from insomnia for twenty years, and in the end the problem took a very serious turn. After the pyramid, he fell asleep without difficulty, and in the morning he felt so good that even, contrary to custom, he had breakfast.”

Heidi also told me about her experience with fasting. On the third day she was able to drink again with a group of fasting people. After they drank the water from the pyramid, everyone began to feel much better.

It is worth mentioning one telephone conversation that I once had with a man from Deurn. The male interlocutor said that he and his wife traveled all over Europe in search of a means to cure his sore leg. The diagnoses that doctors made varied greatly, and not a single specialist could help him. This went on for twenty years. The evening before he called me, he wrapped his leg in foil and the next day the pain completely disappeared. Feeling great relief, the man declared that it was a miracle and that he wanted me to explain how it happened.

However, foil does not always bring positive results. Mellie Uidert had experience with negative effects on the cerebral cortex. I thought that in her case I should choose a different energy conductor. Therefore, I asked Stef Bjerinks to measure the energy of different materials with a pendulum, such as cotton, flannel, etc. These materials absorb approximately half the amount of energy in the same time. It remains to be seen whether the energy saturation will continue if the charging duration is increased. Today, this phenomenon is being studied at the Alternative Health Center in Mol (Belgium), known as the Drefit Center, which researches healthy eating, homeopathic remedies and alternative therapies. It is planned to build a large pyramid to provide relaxation therapy for everyone. Under medical supervision, it will be possible to find out what other effect, besides the analgesic, that is, painkiller, this energy has...

“For five days from Christmas to New Year, I went on a trip to Herbuymont with twenty friends,” recalls Likens. “I took several pyramids with me to relieve muscle fatigue, which I foresaw in advance, since we planned to walk from twenty to forty kilometers a day. On the second day, I could hardly move my leg because I had not exercised for a long time. In the evening, I placed one pyramid under the bed at the level of the navel, and the other at the level of the legs. And in addition, he wrapped his left leg in foil. The next morning, to my delight, all muscle fatigue had passed, and the aches I had felt in my left leg had also disappeared.

The next evening, one woman in our group complained of pain in her head and knee - a consequence of an old accident. I let her put the charged foil to her head. After a quarter of an hour the pain disappeared. Then the same was done with the knee, and she went to bed. The next morning there was no trace of pain left.

However, the most significant victory was won the next night. Herman Van de Puyl suffered from slipped discs for six months. At some points it was very difficult for him, but just before the hike he felt much better. That evening we sat together, having a kind of party. Herman rose to close the door in the corridor; As soon as he walked halfway, he was overcome by terrible pain. He turned white as wax and grabbed his shoulder with his hand. We were terrified at the thought that Herman was destined to spend the rest of the holidays in bed. He made it to his room with difficulty, and his whole face was covered with sweat from pain. Since we had no other means at hand, I put a piece of foil, which I had loaded in advance, on his shoulder and placed the pyramid under the bed. The next morning I heard that Herman was downstairs with everyone else, and, to the delight of our group, he was feeling great.

I experienced the same thing later on other people. I once met a woman who suffered from “tennis” hand disease. This ailment especially bothered her during large house cleanings. “Tennis hand” is a difficult to treat disease. During one of our meetings, she said that she had started using charged foil. And within a few days the pain disappeared and she was again able to clean the house without any complications.

At the company where I worked, I had a friend who complained that his mother suffered from arthritis and hardening of the cervical vertebrae. And in this case, everything happened like in a fairy tale: thanks to the pyramid, she was forever freed from the pain that had tormented her for many years. As a result, she became a real adherent of pyramid healing, and I gave her eight of them at once to distribute among her friends.”

In the very interesting book “Psychic Power of the Pyramids” by Bill Schul and Ed Pettitte, we can find several more examples of healing.

While building a large pyramid, Ed Pettitte caught a power saw with her right hand. The result was many serious cuts and deep lacerations. It got to the point that the pad of one finger turned black and had to be amputated. Having already agreed on an operation in five days, Pettitte stuck her hand into a pyramid of hard cardboard to soothe the pain. When the bandage was removed, it was discovered that most of the black finger had returned to pink, except for small spots, and the operation was cancelled. After six weeks, she could move her fingers normally again. Pettitte noted that doctors had a hard time believing this was possible.

She also talks in detail about the case of a 52-year-old woman who broke her left leg. The doctor predicted that the recovery time would take eight weeks. Her husband made a pyramid with a hole in it for her to put her foot in when she lay in bed. And after two weeks the lady called the doctor and asked if she could get up, since she no longer felt any pain. The doctor said that even in a child, such a fracture cannot heal in such a time. Nevertheless, she began to get up and even took on ordinary household chores without experiencing any inconvenience. An X-ray taken a few weeks later showed no evidence of a fracture. The same book describes the story of a woman who suffered from psoriasis on her right arm and neck. And so this lady began to spend several hours a day inside the pyramid. The psoriasis on my arm disappeared completely, and there was only one pink spot left on my neck, which did not cause any discomfort.

Pettitte also cites the case of a dog whose hair was falling out and who suffered from scabies and rheumatism. Her owner built a pyramid and forced the dog to sleep in it. After a few weeks, the hair loss stopped and new hair grew shiny and healthy, and the animal was left with rheumatic pain.

Experiments in the mental field

From the material and ethereal-astral areas we will now move on to the most important level - the influence of the pyramid on the human psyche. It is clear that these three levels appear in a mixed form, and each of them influences the other two. In this regard, we are forced to apologize to those readers who are already partially familiar with this topic. In the mental sphere it is necessary to point out dreams, meditation, telepathy, telekinesis and other paranormal abilities that exist in a latent or semi-latent state in all of us, but manifest themselves in an explicit form in only a few. In discussing this topic we will often have to refer to data obtained in different therapeutic centers using measuring instruments, or to give examples from other books.

“Since I began to put the pyramid under the bed and climb inside the large pyramid myself for a while,” says Paul Likens, “I discovered that certain telepathic contacts with other people happened to me more often than before. It's difficult to point to any particularly spectacular examples, but I'll try anyway. Some people who have experienced this will see in my experiences a reflection of their own, others can accept them on faith or reject them, as their conscience dictates.

One day, an acquaintance of mine asked me to bring a pyramid to a man who lived on a nearby street. The friend listed the house number as 27, but was not sure. I drove all the way through the street and stopped in front of number 24. I don’t know why I did that. I decided to ask in this house if they knew where the person I needed lived. When I rang the doorbell, no one answered, so I returned to the car. At that moment a man came out from around the corner, and he turned out to be the one I was looking for. And of course he lived in house 24.

It is important to note two things here: if I had arrived three minutes earlier, I would not have met anyone, and, in addition, my impulse to stop at number 24, and not 27, which was located a hundred meters on the opposite side of the street, is noteworthy. I would not have found anything special in this incident if something similar had not happened literally a week before it. I had to take heavy packages to a company located at 319 Berchem Street. It was pouring like buckets that day and there was no parking anywhere. In the end I had to drive another four hundred meters before I could park the car. Coming out, I took heavy bags with me and began to look for the number I needed. But as soon as I walked ten steps, something pulled me towards the house that I had just passed; it bore the sign of the company we were looking for. And the house number was 519. Thus, unable to stop at house 319 (and usually I’m not very scrupulous and park my car under any prohibitory signs), I literally ran into the house I needed. That same week, I happened to see a package brought to our company, and I intuitively understood who it was intended for, without having the slightest reason. When I clarified, it turned out that my guess was correct.

This has happened to me before, about once every five years. But now it happened three times in one week, and I began to ask myself what it all meant. The only change in my life was that for the previous two weeks I had been sleeping with a pyramid under my bed. There were other extraordinary incidents at that time, but they were too personal to be recounted.

My suspicion that all this arose due to the pyramid was accidentally confirmed in a letter from Henk Kleinmann, a member of the Dutch group working with pyramid energy; it came almost immediately after the incidents described. Henk said that he himself acquired some paranormal abilities thanks to the influence of the pyramid. I assumed that he had them before, but only under the influence of energy his development took leaps and bounds.

I also worked with a pendulum at one time, more for fun, and was forced to admit that my results had improved significantly compared to before. In addition, I noticed that when working, I always receive help or the right person contacts me at the very moment when I need it most.”

However, let's continue the conversation about the connection between paranormal phenomena and pyramids. In the United States, the study of psychic qualities has gone much further than, say, in Holland, where P. Likens is from. They have already received confirmation of telepathy, telekinesis and other things at the university level. There are therapeutic centers and laboratories for extrasensory perception that carry out measurements and experiments in this area. The books by Max Toth and Greg Nielsen talk about a whole series of experiments in the field of telepathy with students inside a large pyramid.

Some students were able to send and receive telepathic messages with greater clarity inside the pyramid than outside it. They also trained in telepathic transmission of colors. The majority confidently identified eight or nine colors out of the ten proposed outside the pyramid. However, inside the pyramid all this clarity was lost. Red has always been telepathically perceived as white, and white as red. The same thing happened with black and white.

One researcher studying telekinesis decided to do an experiment by placing a pyramid between his legs. The results were noticeably different from the average: he could quickly move tennis balls, cigarette packs and coin batteries.

“I myself tried telekinesis by hanging a conical pyramid on a thin thread,” admits P. Likens. “I had to wait an hour before she froze.” Through internal concentration, we managed to spin it again, so that it described a full circle. To control the rotation, we marked its edges with numbers. The experiment was repeated many times with the same results. I should note that in all cases I took the necessary precautions to ensure that the pyramid was not affected by other factors: I closed the doors tightly and did not move myself, which required a lot of patience and self-control.

The Pyramid Energy Handbook describes how alpha and beta waves can be measured during meditation. Brain activity generates electrical impulses, which are divided into:

beta waves (approximately 14–28 cycles per second);

theta waves (approximately 4–7 cycles per second);

delta waves (approximately 5 cycles per second). When the alpha stage is reached, a person becomes completely calm and relaxed. This can be achieved through transcendental meditation.

To take measurements, encephalograph electrodes are attached to the head of an experienced meditator. First, the subject sits outside the pyramid, and then inside it. The measurement is taken from the very beginning phase to the deep meditation phase. In our case, significant changes were always noticeable, but we had to wait thirty to forty-five seconds. We also conducted experiments with blind people, hanging pyramids over their heads and removing them silently, so that the subject could not guess what exactly was happening. The results were the same. Some of the members of Omni-Scientist sent me letters in which they claim that inside the pyramid they entered a meditative state much faster and deeper than usual. I want to quote the words of Johnny Vandereyken from his letter: “Meditation deepens, is continuously maintained, and even moments of clairvoyance occur.” To achieve this, you need to sit under some kind of low canopy on which the pyramid is placed.”

Heide van Lier, who along with others practiced a special type of meditation in three groups, said that concentration increased at a rapid rate and that contact with fellow participants was very easy to establish. “I myself have not tried to meditate yet,” admits Paul Liken, “but I noticed that when I am under the pyramid, there is a significant relief in the head, even a kind of dullness, but very pleasant. You can also feel a subtle flow running through your entire body, starting from your calves, and after twenty minutes you feel better. Children love to sit under the pyramids and almost always describe these flows in the same words."

Mental activity under the pyramid is much more intense. The same can be said about suggestion. For example, you can write down your desire, put the paper under the pyramid and leave it there for nine days, during which you either meditate in front of the pyramid or concentrate on this desire. After nine days, the paper must be burned, and the wish will come true. According to research conducted in Los Angeles, the same thing happens with the lottery. “As soon as I read this message, I bought a lottery ticket (for the second time in forty years) and put it under the pyramid. Probably, those forces that grant wishes considered it best to please someone else, because I did not manage to win anything. However, this was also of great benefit to me, since I realized that the only thing that is necessary is to let things happen as they should, and not try to change their course. A deep belief in the truth of this, the knowledge that everything has meaning and meaning, and the strength to accept things as they are, is much more valuable than winning the lottery,” says the Dutch researcher.

The book “Psychic Power of the Pyramids” describes one experiment that was carried out with mentally unstable children. These children were usually placed in a special home for four to six months, where they were taught to relax. And then someone came up with the idea to put pyramids in children's rooms. Immediately, the length of their stay required for normalization was halved. Some children reacted unusually favorably to the energy of the pyramids and soon regained their lost peace of mind.

“I myself witnessed a case that serves as an excellent example of such an impact on children. The son of one of my friends cried at night for several weeks, says Paul Likens. - Someone advised us to put a pyramid under his crib. Overnight the child calmed down and has slept normally since then.

Personally, I don't think this was the right decision. When a child cries at night, it is a symptom of something more, not a simple desire to attract attention. It was necessary to find out the true reason, and not just drown out his crying. The best thing in this case was to refer the boy to an experienced homeopath who would give the right advice and provide effective assistance.

Henk Kleinmann believes that information from outer space flows through the pyramid into the subconscious at night and that sooner or later the presence of this information will manifest itself. From here he deduces the awakening of paranormal abilities.

Another strange phenomenon was noted by Frans Tuyvis, who believes that there is some kind of interaction between the pyramids. To confirm his hypothesis, he placed sea water under one of them, and ordinary fresh water under the other. After some time, the salt from one pyramid switched to water in the other. I conducted this experiment myself and achieved the same results. France suggests that the transition of water particles occurred gradually, element by element, that is, not all mineral components moved at once, but first copper, then salt, and then other substances. Intensive study of his phenomenon is currently underway.”

There is a hypothesis according to which all (in the broad sense of the word) holy places on Earth, such as Stonehenge, Findhorn, Karnak, Lourdes and others seem to be connected to each other by invisible meridians, exactly the same as those that pass through the human body in accordance with teachings of acupuncturists.

If the pyramids are truly connected to each other, a similar exchange of energy should occur between them. And in the same way, matter, which is ultimately also a compact form of energy, can move from place to place.

What does academic science think?

“Scientists, who are, so to speak, in the first echelon of science, have the privilege at any time to tell the world through the press about their discoveries. Most often this concerns subjects in which no one has shown interest before, but which have been known for many thousands of years. But as soon as it comes to something outside the area of ​​their scientific specialization, skepticism takes over in them, completely rejecting everything new. I believe that intellectual arrogance plays a role here, which simply does not allow them to imagine that something exists that is still unknown to them. Skepticism is a good thing when it comes to finding new solutions, but this is often not the case for pundits. And even worse: relying on their prestige, they dare to publicly declare that there is no trace of pyramid energy and there is no reason to consider it to exist. And therefore none of them dares to take it seriously and conduct their own experiments.

Out of politeness, I will only mention the initials of one person who ultimately helped me greatly, writes Likens. - Professor V. from Ghent University read on the radio his statement, similar to those already mentioned, despite the fact that he himself had never conducted any experiments with pyramids. When I called him to talk about this topic, I quite surprised the venerable professor with my message that there was an extensive bibliography on it, which included reports from American universities. In his statement, as it turned out, he was based on a general knowledge of natural sciences and common sense and considered it simply his duty to come forward with a refutation of the invention. He forgot that there are other laws that are unknown to him. In the end, he himself became so interested that he wanted to experiment personally, and I provided him with a pyramid.

It is known that the energy was measured using a special photometer. Pyramids absorb radiation in the ultraviolet spectrum ten times more strongly than, say, cubes. A fact that was discovered in Europe by a brilliant engineer. Why has no one found an explanation for this yet? Because the measurements were carried out without the knowledge of “authoritative persons”. I contacted a member of the directorate of the Center for Nuclear Research in Mol (Belgium) to ask permission for such an experiment with an instrument similar to that used in the work of this institution. Making a cube and a pyramid is as easy as shelling pears. The experience takes no more than half an hour. If the experiment had been allowed, it would have been possible to publish specific data, and this would have led to other experiments, for example in medicine. I was even ready to bear all the expenses. But instead of an offer of cooperation, I was met only with ridicule and grins.”

But, fortunately, it turned out that there were other scientists, such as a professor at Leiden University, who, in addition to expressing his admiration for our work, himself wanted to find out where the truth was hidden. He promised, if the experiments were successful, to introduce this topic into the list of developments at his university. Also at the Free University of Brussels there was a professor who conducted experiments out of pure curiosity. Another, Professor Schmid, was primarily interested in the architectural aspect and the possibility of building pyramidal housing. Together with a group of students, he regularly visited a pyramidal house built in Belgium. Professor Kreiger is mainly involved in experiments with materials for housing construction and has personally carried out a number of experiments. He had the opportunity to talk with Karel Drbal and even conduct the famous classic experiment with a knife on a scientific basis. He planned to conduct other experiments, for example with dehydration. But, since there is usually a lot of metal indoors, he preferred to experiment outdoors. And here arose the problem of the influence of temperatures, which needed to be blocked somehow. Since he had recently been offered a responsible government post, the experiments had to be postponed.

He even decided to test the effect of the energy of the pyramid on people and for this purpose found two candidates: one knew how to work with a lie detector, and the other was familiar with acupuncture. The results turned out to be unexpected and, at first glance, contradictory, because one of the subjects received a charge of energy in the pyramid, while the other, on the contrary, lost some of what was previously available. However, acupuncturists did not find anything special in this, since in terms of energy both subjects were directly opposite to each other.

Let us now move on to the experiments of Professor P. S. Kreiger from the Technical University of Einhoven. Actually, they were supplied to test the patent 91 304 issued to Karel Drbal.

Two pyramid positions were chosen:

1) the base is oriented along the north-south axis;

2) with a distortion of forty-five degrees, so that the diagonal of the base is on the north-south line.

Twelve blades were sharpened using a whetstone and photographed at 40x magnification. An Olympus microscope, model XTR, an Olympus microcamera, model RM-b, and an Olympus photometer, model BLM, were used.

The knives were placed in pyramids on a plank, with the blade oriented along the north-south axis, and left there for ten days. If the pyramids were positioned incorrectly, no changes in sharpening were detected.

When the pyramids were oriented correctly, the blades lasted seven days. At the same time, obvious changes emerged. Thus, Professor Kreiger became convinced that Karel Drbal deserved his patent. The most obvious impact came from the steel and Tempex pyramids. Pyramids made of Perspex, plywood, copper and cardboard had a weak, barely noticeable effect; the glass pyramid did not affect the sharpening of the razor at all.

The doctor takes on the pyramid

The experiments were carried out over several months on seventeen patients; in fourteen cases the results were positive, and in the remaining three - zero.

We will present these cases in an almost telegraphic style, since we are absolutely sure that today no one knows anything for sure and in our search we are at the very beginning of the path. Every day can bring a new discovery.

From case histories:

Patient A.V.B., born in 1945.

Illness: constant agitation and anxiety.

Treatment: rest on a bed under which a pyramid was placed, positioned so that its top pointed to a point two centimeters below the navel. Duration: twenty-five minutes.

Effect: complete calm after the first session.

Subsequent treatment: four times at weekly intervals.

Effect: the anxiety did not return.

Patient I.E., born in 1904.

Ailment: ankle swelling, night pain. Lack of appetite, apathy, cannot walk more than twenty meters, Buerger's disease.

Treatment: rest on a bed, under which four pyramids twenty centimeters high were placed at once.

Their location:

1) head;

2) heart;

3) hara (chakra);

4) ankle.

Effect: I was able to walk about three hundred meters after the second session.

Patient I. X., born in 1957.

Ailment: heaviness in the back of the head.

Treatment: rest on a chair with a back, placed over a 20-centimeter pyramid.

Duration: forty minutes, twice with a break of three days.

Effect: complete relief from the disease.

Patient M. Kh., born in 1919.

Illness: weakness after surgery and radiation.

Treatment: rest on a bed over four pyramids.

Effect: after each session I felt better. Now there are no signs of illness.

Patient M.L., born in 1925.

Illness: canerophobia (paralyzing anxiety), fear of operations.

Treatment before surgery: thirty minutes weekly for three weeks. Relaxing on a bed above the pyramids. Location:

1) under the hara (chakra);

2) under the tumor.

Effect: complete calm.

Treatment after surgery: she complained that the same anxiety returned.

Duration: once thirty minutes over four pyramids.

Effect: normal well-being and disappearance of stress symptoms.

There is a known case with a dog that was soon to give birth. The animal howled all night; the hostess, taking pity, wrapped her belly in foil loaded into the pyramid. The dog calmed down and was able to sleep well all night. The birth took place without any problems.

The book "Psychic Power of the Pyramids" talked about one treatment center for horses where they could stay for two to six months to recover from surgery or illness. At the owner's request, pyramids were placed under the feeders. As a result, the horses were able to return home in half the time allotted to them. Another person described to me his experiences with a pyramid under a chair. At that time his cat was sick. The animal, following its instinct, chose this chair as a place to sleep, and the next day it was completely healthy.

But does the pyramid always have a positive impact? There is a known case of rheumatism where the disease did not go away, although one might suspect that the pyramid was incorrectly oriented. There is also a case of spinal pain due to a car accident, in which there was no improvement after several sessions.

How to make a pyramid

The main answer: with the greatest accuracy. Approximately the same answer was given a long time ago to the question of soldiers: “How to clean boots?” - "Thoroughly". Instead of: "Shoe polish." Therefore, some additional clarification will have to be made. We do not intend to give fixed figures, since the reader may wish to construct a pyramid of the dimensions he needs. The most important thing is the proportions, with which you can create a pyramid of any size.

The first thing you need to do is determine what you will use it for. Based on this, its dimensions should be calculated. For example, if the height of your bed is fifteen centimeters, then the pyramid should be made fourteen centimeters.

Those models that the Dutch Omni-Scienta society supplies its members with are twenty centimeters high, counting the length of the perpendicular from the top to the base. But to find out the length of the four sides of the base, you need to multiply the height by the number 1.57075, and in our case you get 31.415 centimeters. To determine the length of the isosceles sides of a triangle, you need to multiply the same height by 1.4945 - and we get 29.89 centimeters. Thus, we should have four triangles with a base of 31.415 centimeters and sides of 29.89 centimeters.

In reality, there are many methods for calculating these four triangles. Take a piece of stiff cardboard and draw a 31.4 cm line on it for the base. From the center of this segment, using a square, draw a perpendicular approximately 30 centimeters upward. Then take a ruler (or compass), set the “0” mark at one of the ends of the segment and apply it so that it intersects our perpendicular at the “29.9” mark. Then we draw two other segments from the ends of the base segment to the found point. Cut out the resulting triangle and repeat the entire operation four times. After this, we will attach the four triangles to each other with their vertices and glue them with tape. Your first pyramid is ready.

If you use another material (for example, plywood), then you will have to use a saw and glue it not with tape, but with real glue. And it’s even better to chamfer the edges of the thighs of the triangles so that they fit together more accurately when connecting.

The second method for making a cardboard pyramid twenty centimeters high is as follows. Cut out a rectangle with sides 78.5 x 25.4 centimeters. On the long side, mark 31.4 centimeters starting from the left edge, from the resulting point - again 31.4 centimeters. On the opposite long side, start at the other edge.

As a result, you will have points A (left edge), B and C on the bottom side and points D, E and F (right edge) on the top. Connect them: AD, DV, BE, EC and CF. So we got four equal triangles.

Another example: for a pyramid with a height of thirty centimeters, we get a side of the base of 30 x 1.57075 = 47.1 centimeters, and a hip of 30 x 1.4945 = 44.8 centimeters. Both figures are, of course, rounded.

If you ever decide to build a conical pyramid (and it never fails!), then draw a circle, divide it into two halves and cut out both semicircles. Then fold both overlapping and connect with adhesive tape. That's all.

And one more note: magicians and astrologers of antiquity always wore conical caps on their heads. They probably knew something about cones, cosmic energy and information. These scientists most likely knew even more about them than we do now.

Some advice for experimenters

If you are interested in proving something to yourself or to your friends, then first establish a certain standard by which you will track the changes that have occurred due to the influence of the pyramid.

For example, with razors: if you don’t know exactly how long they will last you, then figure it out first. Take five razors, work through them all and calculate the arithmetic average of their service life. Then take a new one. Always place it in the same place in the pyramid, oriented north - south or west - east, at a height of one third of the total height.

If you are going to dry the flower, make sure to place it at the correct third of the height. It’s even better to hang it so that it doesn’t crumple under its own weight. In addition, to check, it is worth putting a flower of the same type or a whole twig in an open box, preferably made of the same material as the pyramid. Just remember to place it at least three meters from the pyramid to avoid its influence.

Experiments with seeds

Place the seeds a third of the way up the pyramid in a north-south oriented line. For people with high punctuality, I can suggest placing them in a cross, strictly north - south and west - east. Then leave the seeds inside for a week. When sowing, plant the seeds mixed - charged and not, so that their growth is not affected by additional factors, such as the amount of solar heat, water or the nature of the soil.

Experiments with gold, silver or rust

Here it is better to photograph your objects first, since after the experiment you will not always be able to believe your own eyes, and you will begin to doubt whether they were really so dirty or rusty before the experiment. After two or three months of being in the pyramid, photograph them again, preferably with the same shutter speed and from the same distance.

Experiments with gasoline

It should be taken into account that the strongest field for influencing gasoline in the pyramid is located at a third of its height. But at a distance of a third of its height, measured down from the base, the same field also exists. There is a mirror image of the pyramid there. You should also correctly calculate where the center of your fuel tank is, usually ten to fifteen centimeters from the lid. And make the pyramid as large as possible, just enough to fit into the trunk. The larger the pyramid, the more intense its effect on fuel will be. After seventy-two hours you will already begin to save on fuel. After this, the charged gasoline will be mixed with new, added gasoline, and will have time to charge again. It is better to top up as often as possible, without waiting until the tank is half empty or more.

To make the charging process easier, take a rack that fits into the trunk and secure it parallel to your pyramid. Determine where north is in your work parking lot or garage. It’s even better to draw a north-south line. on the asphalt. And then always make sure that the rack and this line are parallel.

Charged water

As a general rule, it is best not to charge more than one-tenth the volume of the pyramid in a twenty-four hour period. The same applies to all other liquids.

As far as I understand, what Andrey demonstrated is a consequence of the influence of the Personality by the power of attention on the septon field in which the measuring device was located.

Consciousness began to tell me that this was a result and an indicator of the level of spiritual development of his Personality. But the subsequent information that Igor Mikhailovich spoke about prompted reflections that such an effect on matter is of a DESTRUCTIVE CHARACTER. And an obvious contradiction appeared in my head about how the SPIRITUAL IN MAN can be destructive? And why does this “SPIRITUAL” NEGATIVELY affect the material component of a person and cause significant DISTURBANCES IN THE OPERATION OF THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL ORGANISM, which can lead, among other things, to death?!

I accidentally opened AllatRa on page 618 and read there that Bodhisattvas have such enormous spiritual power that they can, through certain tools, impart additional SPIRITUAL POWER to a person. Thanks to this spiritual gift, a person receives an incomparable spiritual experience and a spiritual impetus in his development. Further it describes the INFLUENCE OF THIS FORCE ON THE PHYSICAL BODY. That is, it is said that the body, thanks to the influx of additional CREATIVE energy, IMPROVES the quality of its work. As a result, an energy surge occurs, which POSITIVELY affects the functioning of many vital systems, immunity increases, and so on. A person spiritually liberated from earthly reincarnations could perform a similar action (with less force). “AllatRa” emphasizes that physical effects are all secondary, the MAIN THING IS SPIRITUAL HELP FOR THE PERSON, so to speak “spiritual healing”.

It is similar to this, in “Sensei-1”, it is described how beneficial the implementation of the Spiritual Practice “Lotus Flower” is on the human physical body. In addition, it describes how well people around them BECOME GOOD when they fall into the range of the wave field of a person who develops the “Lotus Flower” practice.

In principle, I observed this effect in myself throughout almost the entire program, when Igor Mikhailovich was talking to the audience. Behind every word of Igor Mikhailovich one could feel truthfulness, kindness, simplicity, love and care. And I felt so cozy, good and pleasant that I didn’t want the program to end.

That is, if we return to the topic, as far as I understand, the force field of Love that a person develops in the process of his spiritual development is outside of matter and has not a direct, but an indirect POSITIVE influence on matter. And such superpowers of a person may be needed for something good in this material world, but ARE NOT AN INDICATOR OF THE DEGREE OF SPIRITUALITY OF A PERSON. Because, based on the above, I came to the conclusion that the real Spirituality of a person is manifested in CREATION, LOVE and HELPING other people!


Let us take, in particular, the “Lotus Flower”, since IT IS ITS WORK SCHEME IN THE HUMAN BODY THAT IS THE RESULT OF ANY SPIRITUAL PATH, let’s say, leading to the same internal Gates.


And here a very important point occurs. When a person reaches the point where the lotus petals begin to surround him on all sides, he feels two flowers. One within oneself, which is located under the heart and constantly warms with a feeling of inner Love. The other, large one, is like the astral shell of this flower, which surrounds a person and, on the one hand, RADIATES VIBRATION OF LOVE into the world, and on the other hand, PROTECTS THE PERSON HIMSELF from the negative influence of other people. The law of cause and effect comes into play here. In physics terms, a wave connection occurs. Simply put, a person RADIATES WAVES OF GOOD, strengthening them through the soul many times over and thereby CREATING a BLESSED wave field. This force field, which a person constantly feels and supports with the fibers of his Love, at the same time has a certain BENEFICIAL influence not only on the person himself, but also on the world around him.

What happens through daily practice. Firstly, a person constantly controls his thoughts and learns to focus on the good. ... secondly, which is very important, a person tunes into the frequency of good. And goodness is luck, this is luck, this is health. This is all! A person’s MOOD IMPROVES, which HAS A BENEFICIAL IMPACT ON THE PSYCHE. Namely, the central nervous system is the main regulator of the body’s vital functions. Therefore, first of all, this spiritual practice affects IMPROVEMENT OF YOUR HEALTH. ... There is such a popular expression “a person shines”, “glows”. So, this is the glow of this wave field generated by the Love of the person himself. THE PEOPLE AROUND ALSO START TO FEEL THIS FIELD. They are PLEASURE that this Person is nearby, they also begin to FEEL JOY, internal excitement. MANY PEOPLE RECOVER. THEY BECOME EASIER EVEN WITH HIS PRESENCE, NO MATTER SICK THEY ARE. Everyone is drawn to this person, revealing their soul. THAT IS, PEOPLE FEEL LOVE.

The 22m and 44m high pyramids are built from prefabricated fiberglass. Their design is thin-walled, there is no internal frame. Truncation is arbitrary for specific purposes. The ratio of the height of the untruncated Pyramid to the side of the base is ~2.02: 1. Metal elements in the structure and foundation are unacceptable (without a single nail). The foundation is strip. The base is soil, the floor is optional. Orientation - face to the North Star. Location - preferably outside technogenic zones, among pure nature. The thickness of the wall at the bottom of the 22-meter Pyramid is 36 cm, and that of the 44-meter Pyramid is 70 cm. The weight of the fiberglass structures is 25 tons and 55 tons, respectively.

In recent years, dozens of experiments have been carried out with institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and other scientific organizations. I will list some of them:

  1. Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, Deputy. Director for Scientific Work, Doctor of Medical Sciences E.I. Mayevsky, head group of experimental transplantology and neurochemistry Ph.D. A.V.Kulikov, head Laboratory of Regulation of Cell Proliferation and Death, Doctor of Biological Sciences. Yu.N. Korystov.

    a) Studies were conducted on the effect of solutions from the Pyramid on animals under conditions of creating a stressful environment. In the experimental batch of animals (mice), a 10% solution of table salt was used, exposed in a 22-meter Pyramid for 24 hours - experiment, group “A”. The control used a 10% solution of table salt prepared in the laboratory, group “B”. Animals were given a solution from the Pyramid to their drink at different times (from 3 to 21 days) at the rate of 5 drops per day per individual. In addition, the animals were bathed (paws, belly) in the same solution 3 times a week. A “blind” control scheme was applied. The employees determining the state of the thymus and the amount of DNA damage in this organ did not know where the control group was and where the experimental group of animals was. They were given cells with only one label: group “A” and group “B”.

    The experiment determined the cellularity of the thymus - the number of cells in the organ (an indicator that greatly decreases with age and under stress). When selecting animals based on weight, new communities were formed since the mice were collected from 3 different cages. Moreover, in systems with hierarchical subordination, especially during its formation, as was artificially created in this experiment, the cellularity of the thymus should vary greatly by the very definition of the situation. And this picture is very clearly observed in the control (the number of cells in the organ varies from 0.1 x 10 7 to 28.0 x 10 7). In experiment, this picture is completely leveled out due to the solution from the Pyramid (the number of cells in the organ varies from 5.0 x 10 7 to 7.8 x 10 7). Thus, it can be assumed that the effect of the solution from the Pyramid in the experiment has a pronounced anti-stress effect. It optimizes the cellularity of the thymus (one of the indicators characterizing the immunological status of the body), preventing it from “falling” towards the aging body.

    b) Research was carried out on the influence of information matrices (4 blocks of crystalline gypsum with a total weight of 1 gram), made in the Pyramid, on animals (mice) using a social stress model. In the experimental batch of animals, information matrices located next to the cage were used. Method of selection of animals, incl. by age and weight, in the experimental and control groups was the same. Over the course of 5 days, the number of “fights” in the cage was counted using a microphone system. The number of “fights” in the experimental group was on average 3.5 times lower than in the control group. Indicators of thymus cellularity were similar to those given in paragraph b). To the conclusions of the previous paragraph we can add an obvious decrease in the level of aggressiveness of the experimental group of animals.

  2. NPO "Gidrometpribor", general director A.E. Golod.

    a) Several plastic vessels with distilled water were placed inside the Pyramid and the state of the water was observed during 3 winter months. The water did not freeze and retained all the properties of liquids throughout this time. The minimum air temperature inside the Pyramid was -38 o C. Measurements of the temperature of the water inside the vessel showed that it corresponded to the temperature inside the Pyramid (i.e., the water did not freeze even when its temperature was -38 o C). Ordinary mineral water in plastic bottles behaved similarly.

    It should be noted that when during research a vessel with water was shaken or hit, crystallization began inside the vessel and the water turned into ice in 2-20 seconds (depending on the degree of supercooling of the water).

    b) Starting from the end of 1997, ring contours from pieces of granite and quartz exhibited in the Pyramid began to be laid around Moscow and the Moscow region. By the beginning of 1999, about 40 such rings had been laid. Each ring contains from 50 to 300 stones with a total weight of 20 to 200 kg. As a result, the likelihood of any epidemics will decrease every year, which is especially clearly seen in the example of influenza in the last two winters. The number of primary detections of cancer, infectious diseases, etc. will decrease. The lower the person’s age, the brighter the effect. In addition, in such territories a decrease in the level of social tension, crime, aggressiveness, etc. is expected. It takes 3-4 years for these processes to develop to obvious proportions.

    c) Using radar equipment operating in the centimeter range and located at distances of 60 km, 32 km and 30 km from the Pyramid, space was located in the vicinity of the vertical axis of the Pyramid. During the research, the presence of a presumably ionic formation up to 2000 m high and 500 m wide along the vertical axis of the Pyramid was discovered. This presumably ionic column constantly changed its height from 800 m to 2000 m. The reflectivity of this formation is comparable to the reflectivity of an airplane.

    In addition, a circle with a diameter of more than 300 km with an increased degree of air ionization and centered in the Pyramid zone was discovered with a sufficient degree of reliability.

    It is possible to hypothesize the existence of vortex radiation in the Pyramid zone with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers. The detected ionization is a consequence of this radiation. The discovered ion column above the Pyramid outlines the neck of the funnel of this hypothetical vortex.

    Facts of the separation of fragments of the ionized column above the Pyramid and its movement with the rising air flow were also noted. At the same time, the fragments retained their configuration at great distances from the Pyramid. Based on this, we can assume the possibility of separation and movement with an upward flow of the entire circular structure. Depending on weather conditions, these structures can appear anywhere on the planet within a few days.

    The data presented indicate the possibility of the disappearance of OZONE LAYER problems on the planet (first in the Northern Hemisphere, then in the Southern) as a result of the construction of even just one Pyramid 22 meters high. Ozone holes in the Northern Hemisphere disappeared 4-5 months after the installation of the 22-meter-high Pyramid on Lake Seliger. The disappearance of ozone holes on the planet is expected as a result of the construction of a 44-meter-high Pyramid at 38 km of the Moscow-Riga highway. Its construction was completed at the end of 1999. The same result could be obtained by building a 22 meter high Pyramid in the Southern Hemisphere, for example in Australia or South America.

    The joint experiment with RSC Energia, code “Ozherelye”, which began on October 25, 1998, greatly contributes to this and other similar results. On this day, a cargo of quartz crystals and amethysts, processed in the Pyramid, was sent aboard the Mir orbital station. Several thousand rings laid around the planet since then have formed an energy cocoon that has changed the structure of the entire near-Earth space. All previous experiments and studies indicate that these changes are harmonious.

    d) A small Pyramid was installed on the territory of one of the oil fields. A few days after its installation, the viscosity of oil in the reservoirs decreased by 30%, and the well production rate increased accordingly. The composition of the oil began to gradually change - the amount of resins, asphaltenes, and paraffin. The fractional composition of oil has shifted towards light fractions. Experiments with the Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin confirmed these results.

    e) Seeds of agricultural crops were kept in the Pyramid for 1-5 days before sowing. Tens of thousands of hectares were sown with more than 20 crops. In all cases, the yield increase ranged from 20% to 100%, the crops did not suffer, and drought was not noticed. The amount of toxic substances in plants has decreased sharply. Similar results were obtained if closed contours of stones exhibited in the Pyramid were laid around the crop areas. Approximately 20 kg (500 small stones) per 10 hectare plot.

    f) Around a number of institutions of the Tver Penal Penitentiary of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation there are rings of stones processed in the Pyramid. The contingent of these institutions (about 6 thousand people) consumed table salt that had been in the Pyramid for several months. As a result, over the 11th month, mortality in these institutions decreased by 3.5 times, serious crimes disappeared, and the number of violations of the regime decreased several times. The heads of these institutions noted that their wards had become “more humane.”

  3. Scientific Research Institute "Graphite", corresponding member. RAS, Professor V.I. Kostikov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.S. Katasonov.

    The influence of the Pyramid field on the electrical resistance of carbon materials was determined. The object of study is pyrolytic carbon, obtained by deposition of methane pyrolysis products onto a graphite substrate at a temperature of ~2100 C. The measurements were carried out using the four-probe method at direct current under normal conditions. The size of the plates is ~25x10x1 mm 3, the distance between potential contacts is ~3 mm. Measuring current density ~1500 mA/cm 2 . Before being placed in the pyramid, the electrical resistance was ~5-7 µOhm m. After staying in the pyramid for 24 hours, the electrical resistance increased ~2 times. These changes are anomalous for pyrocarbon. Even neutron irradiation with a fluence of ~10 19 n/m 2 does not produce a change of more than 5%.

    At the same time, changes in electrical resistance occurred over time from +100% to -100% according to a sinusoidal law.

    In addition, a decrease in the electrical resistance of semiconductor purity silicon from 10 5 ohm cm to 10 4 ohm cm and a loss of high-temperature superconductivity in samples after exposure to the Pyramid were revealed.

  4. Research Institute of Virology named after. Ivanovsky RAMS, RAMS academician S.M. Klimenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences N.N. Nosik, MD D.N. Nosik.

    a) A study was conducted of the effect of the pyramid field on human lymphoblastoid cells. As a source of the Pyramid field, we used water that had been in the Pyramid, on which a solution of the nutrient medium was then prepared. Cell viability was determined by staining with 0.4% trypan blue (Serva, Germany) and the MTT method (Sigma, USA), with vital dye absorption spectrophotometry. Already on the 10th day of the experiment, a noticeable (several times) increase in the number of cells and the percentage of cell viability began in the treated exposure compared to the control.

    Data were obtained on the stimulating effect of a nutrient medium prepared with water exposed in the Pyramid on the viability and proliferative activity of human cells. An increase in the time of maintaining cell viability was found compared to the control. So on day 11 these values ​​were respectively equal to 1.2 million/ml and 52% for the control and 1.4 million/ml and 88% for the experiment. On day 21, 0.05 million/ml and 2% for the control and 0.3 million/ml and 49% for the experiment.

    b) A study was also carried out on the effect of the Pyramid field on the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin. The object of the study was venoglobulin - human polyvalent immunoglobulin for intravenous administration (Pasteur-Merrier, France), lyophilized. The studies were carried out on a culture of diploid human fibroblast cells. To determine the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin, the mouse encephalomyocarditis virus (EMC) was used. The antiviral activity of the drug was determined by its ability to protect human cells from the cytopathic effect of the virus.

    Venoglobulin was dissolved according to the instructions in distilled water to a concentration of 50 μg/ml. In the study, the drug was tested at two concentrations: 50 μg/ml and 0.5 μg/ml. Aliquots of venoglobulin at both concentrations were placed in the Pyramid. Venoglobulin was added to cell cultures 24 hours before infection with the virus. In diploid cultures of human fibroblasts, the EMC virus replicates well, causing a pronounced cytopathic effect - the infectious titer of the virus reached 5.0 lg CPE 50 . Venoglobulin at a concentration of 50 μg/ml significantly inhibited the reproduction of the virus and its titer reached only 2.0 lg TCPD 50 (degree of inhibition - 3.0 lg). When the concentration of the drug was reduced by 100 times, its protective effect was no longer detected.

    When using the venoglobulin drug in the same concentrations, but exposed to the Pyramid field, a different picture was observed. In this case, the drug at a concentration of 50 μg/ml suppressed the reproduction of the EMC virus by 4.0 lg, but what is most significant is that the drug at a concentration of 0.5 μg/ml had the same inhibitory effect. Thus, venoglobulin at a concentration of 0.5 μg/ml, which does not have a protective effect on cells, after being in the Pyramid had a virus-inhibitory effect that was more pronounced than a drug 100 times more concentrated.

    With further dilutions of venoglobulin to a concentration of 0.005 μg/ml and 0.00005 μg/ml with subsequent exposure to the Pyramid, a pronounced antiviral effect was detected - the titer of the EMC virus was 1.0 lg TCPD 50. Almost the antiviral activity of venoglobulin no longer depends on its concentration.

  5. Hematological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Makarov V.A.

    To study the effect of water exposed in the Pyramid on the blood coagulation system, a study was carried out of the influence of this substance on some coagulological parameters in vitro using donor blood, as well as standard normal and pathological lyophilized human plasma with a reduced level of coagulation factors and lyophilized human pathological plasma, Deficient in factor VIII. In addition, pyramidal water was studied ex vivo in an experiment on rabbits.

    Donor blood was obtained by puncture of the cubital vein and stabilized with 3.8% sodium citrate solution (Merck, Germany) in a ratio of 9:1. In rabbits, blood samples to assess coagulological parameters were taken from the marginal vein of the animal's ear using the free drop drop method. To obtain platelet-rich plasma, the blood was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 1000 rpm, after which the top layer of plasma was transferred to another tube, and the remainder was centrifuged again for 20 minutes at 3000 rpm to obtain platelet-free plasma.

    At one stage, possible changes in the blood coagulation system of rabbits were studied ex vivo when replacing ordinary drinking water with water exposed in the Pyramid. The studies were carried out for 14 days. Blood was taken from rabbits before the start of consumption of pyramid water, as well as on days 7 and 14 after the start of the experiment. The number of platelets was determined by the optical method proposed by W. Walkowiak et al. A sample of rich plasma was diluted 10 times with 0.01 M phosphate buffer containing 0.14 M NaCl (pH 7.3) and the density was measured in plastic cuvettes at A 800 against lean plasma diluted in the same way. The rabbit platelet count before the introduction of pyramid water was taken as 100%. On the 7th day after the start of the experiment, their number increased to 129 + 10%, and on the 14th day up to 167 + 18%. A decrease in prothrombin time and an increase in the number of platelets was reliably detected.

  6. RNIC PAG RAMS, neonatal pathology intensive care unit. Head of the department - Professor Antonov A.G.

The effect of a 40% glucose solution intravenously and distilled water externally after their exposure to the Pyramid was studied. Patients are newborns with severe pathologies. Objectification was carried out by analyzing the instantaneous state index (ISI), which reflects the state of the patient's sympathetic-adrenal system. Data from 20 patients were analyzed. In all cases of using a 40% glucose solution in an amount of 1 ml, the IMI, even in patients with very low values ​​close to zero, increased significantly to almost normal values. The same thing happened after external use of 1 ml of water exposed in the Pyramid. The same thing happened after the Pyramid information matrix was placed next to the patient.

7. All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute (VEI named after V.I. Lenin)

  • An assessment was made of the influence of the Pyramid field on the electric field in a long air gap ROD-PLANE when exposed to a pulse voltage of positive polarity of 250/2500 μs.

    The base system was a ROD-PLANE air gap with an interelectrode distance S=5.0 m.

    As an experimental system - the same, but on the plane there were 7 pieces of granite weighing 100 grams each, exposed in the Pyramid and laid out on the PLANE along a circle O 1 with a diameter of 1 m with the center at a distance of 0.5 m from the center of the PLANE.

    For the basic and experimental systems, 100 voltage pulses were applied. The trajectories of the discharges and the points of damage to the plane were recorded. Based on the test results, fields of PLANE lesion points were constructed. The discharge voltage during the studies was ~1400 kV.

    As a result of the research, it reliably turned out that the number of lesion points inside the O 1 circle on the PLANE in the base system was 5 times higher than their number in the experimental system.

    The result was enhanced if, instead of the stones exhibited in the Pyramid, the information matrices of the Pyramid were used.

    Conclusion: - a contour made of stones exposed in the Pyramid, or from information matrices of the Pyramid, has powerful protective properties against electric shock for the area of ​​the PLANE limited by this contour.

    1. Vaccine Research Institute named after. Mechnikov RAMS, head. Laboratory Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation N.B. Egorova.

  • The influence of the presence of living organisms in the Pyramid on the body’s reactivity to infection was studied.

    The studies were conducted on a model of mouse infection caused by the pathogen S.typhimurium. Strain 415. White outbred mice weighing 12-14 g were exposed in the Pyramid for different times and with different multiplicities. A few days later, mice were infected intraperitoneally with 4 10-fold increasing doses of S.tiphimurium, starting from 10 1 to 10 4 microbial cells. Mice from the same batch, infected with the same doses of culture, but not exposed to the Pyramid, served as a control.

    It has been reliably established that the survival rate of mice exposed to the Pyramid significantly exceeds that in the group of control animals. When infected with lower doses, 60% of the mice exposed in the Pyramid survived, compared to 7% in the control group. When infected with large doses, respectively, 30% of the mice exposed in the Pyramid survived and 3% of the control mice survived.

    Conclusion: the presence of mice in the Pyramid significantly increases their resistance to subsequent infection with S.tiphimurium. That is, we can talk about a powerful immunomodulatory effect on the nonspecific reactivity of the animal body.

    A similar picture was observed when various carcinogens were administered to mice. The mice in the experimental batch drank water exposed in the Pyramid. Control animals drank regular water. The result is that the probability of tumors appearing in control animals was several times higher than in animals that drank water exposed in the Pyramid.

    The field structure of any object, be it a mineral, a solution, or cellular tissue, a living being undergoes serious changes in the zone of influence of the Pyramid. These structures seem to be streamlined and become more optimal and harmonious. In this zone, an ordinary thought, thought form, simple wish becomes part of our field structure, which increases the probability of events initiated in the field of the Pyramids by this thought, thought form or wish by many orders of magnitude. The power and strength of field structures ordered in this way increases sharply if all their newly acquired components are in resonance with the form of the Pyramids (in our case with the state of Harmony). The effect is enhanced more than geometrically when, instead of the field structure of one biological object, the field structure of a group of biological objects thus changes.

  • Among other studies with less reliable results, I would like to note the following:

    1. The level of toxicity of any substances exposed in the Pyramid, even for a short time, is reduced, incl. and toxic substances (OS).

    2. The level of radioactivity of substances exposed in the Pyramid decreases.

    3. The level of pathogenicity of various protein formations (viruses, bacteria) exposed in the Pyramid decreases.

    4. In the zone of the Pyramid, or in the zone of objects exhibited in the Pyramid, the effectiveness of any psychotropic effects is reduced.

    5. Very encouraging data were obtained in cases of using standard solutions (glucose, isotonic solutions, etc.) intravenously and externally for alcoholism and drug addiction, even in very advanced forms.

    In my opinion, the main problem in the research of the Pyramids is that many tend to see elements of mysticism and shamanism in the research results obtained. However, scientists with intuition already understand that here we are dealing with new physics, new biology, etc.

    All I can do is invite all researchers to conduct experiments in any of my Pyramids. Experience shows that the likelihood that you will get the most significant results in your life is very high.

    Continuation. beginning see N o 33, 34, 35, 36, 37/2001

    Laboratory workshop on human anatomy, physiology and hygiene

    (9th grade chemical and biological profile)

    Laboratory work N o 25.
    Structure of skin, nails, hair

    Purpose: to identify the structural features of the skin, nails, and hair.

    Equipment: magnifying glass, ready-made microslide.


    1. Skin structure

    1. Examine first without a magnifying glass, and then through it, the skin on the back of the hand. What do you see? Make a fist with your hand. What happens to the folds of skin in the joint area? What is the significance of these folds of skin? Pull back the skin on the back of your hand. What properties of the skin will you discover?

    2. Examine a microscopic specimen of the skin structure. Note the structural features of all structural elements of the skin.

    Reporting form

    Group skin formations according to their functions and fill out the table.

    2. Nail structure

    Examine the nail and answer the following questions:

    Which side does the nail grow on?

      Why is the front surface of the nail plate pink?

      The back edge of the nail forms a lunula. Why is she white?

      What facts prove that there are no blood vessels or nerve endings in nails?

      Why shouldn't you bite your nails and hangnails?

    Reporting form

    Write down answers to questions and conclusions about the work done in your notebook.

    Laboratory work N o 26.
    Determination of skin sensitivity

    Goal: to identify the physiological characteristics of the skin analyzer, to become familiar with methods for determining the frequency of location of tactile, thermal, cold and pain points in the skin.

    Equipment: a pea-sized ball, a compass, a ruler, three vessels with water (water temperature in vessel No. 1 - 10-15 °C, in vessel No. 2 - 25-30 °C, in vessel No. 3 - 40-45 °C), alcohol lamp , three colors of ink, distilled water.


    1. Aristotle's experience

    1. Place a ball on the table. Touch it with the pads of your index and middle fingers at the same time and roll it on the table.
    2. Cross your fingers and touch the ball so that it ends up between your crossed fingers and roll it again on the table. In the first case, there is a sensation of one ball, in the second - two.
    3. With crossed fingers, touch the tip of your nose. There is a sensation of two ends of the nose.

    Explain this phenomenon.

    2. Detection of temperature adaptation of skin receptors

    1. Dip your right hand into vessel No. 1, and your left hand into vessel No. 3 for 1-2 minutes.
    2. Then place both hands in vessel No. 2.
    3. Note the difference in the perception of the same temperature by the right and left hands. Explain your results.

    3. Detection of heat, cold, pain and tactile points of the skin

    On average, per 1 cm 2 of skin there are 50 pain, 25 tactile, 12 cold and 1-2 heat points.

    1. On the dorsum of the hand and wrist joint, use a heated pin head to find hot spots and mark them with blue ink.
    2. On the same area of ​​skin, find cold spots using a cooled pin, marking them with red ink.
    3. Then, using the point of a pin, find and mark the pain points of the skin with black ink.
    4. Count and compare the frequency of location of heat, cold and pain points per 1 cm2.

    Reporting form

    Describe the experiments performed in your notebook. Draw a conclusion about the physiological characteristics of the skin analyzer.

    Laboratory work N o 27.
    Change in skin temperature

    Purpose: to measure body temperature in different areas.

    Equipment: thermometer.


    Using a thermometer, measure body temperature in the armpit, mouth, and other parts of the body.

    Reporting form

    Compare the data obtained and write down the conclusions drawn in your notebook.

    Laboratory work N o 28.
    Experiments illustrating the functions of the pupil, lens, and retina

    Purpose: to find out the functions of the pupil, lens, retina.


    1. Study of the reaction of the pupil to light

    1st option

    Equipment: a black strip of paper measuring 3-4 cm with a pinhole in the middle.

    The subject takes black paper and looks through a pinhole with his right eye at a window or other light source. Then he opens his left eye, and in his right he observes a narrowing of the hole.
    After this effect is achieved, the eye, not blocked by the black paper, closes again. The subject sees the pinhole expand again.

    2nd option (done in pairs)

    The experimenter asks the subject to look at the window. The pupils are constricted. Then he asks you to close your eyes with your hand. When the subject opens them again, the dilated pupils are seen to narrow. The experience is more visual if the subject has gray or blue eyes. In brown-eyed people, the change in the pupil is noticeably worse.

    Reporting form

    1. Answer the questions. Does the hole in the screen actually get smaller when we open the unobstructed eye, and widen when we close that eye? What function does the screen perform in our experience? What is the function of the unshielded eye? Why do the pupils of both eyes react to light the same?

    2. Draw a conclusion about the meaning of the pupil.

    2. Identifying the functions of the lens

    Equipment: a sheet of white paper 7x7 cm with a hole in the middle. Letters or numbers are written around the perimeter of the hole. An inscription on a board or a table on the wall.

    Take a white piece of paper and position it so that the letters around the perimeter of the hole are clearly visible. Then close one eye, and look through the hole in the paper with the other at the text on the board or table. Letters written on a piece of paper seem blurry and lose their sharpness. They seem to be out of focus. Then look at the letters written on the paper. Then the inscription on the board and the image on the table become unclear.

    Reporting form

    1. Answer the questions. What shape did the lens take when you looked into the distance? What shape did the lens take when you looked at a nearby object?

    2. Draw a conclusion about the function of the lens.

    Identification of retinal functions

    1st option

    Equipment: pencils or pens, painted in different colors.

    The subject is seated on a chair and asked to look straight ahead (moving his head or squinting his eyes at the object that will be shown to him is not allowed). The researcher alternately demonstrates a set of objects painted in different colors. Objects are shown in motion and for a short time, so that they are projected onto the lateral surface of the retina. Each demonstration should be accompanied by questions: “What object was shown? What color was it?”

    Reporting form

    Enter the results obtained into the table.

    Based on the data obtained, draw a conclusion about the perception of the shape and color of objects.

    2nd option

    Equipment: small round flashlight.

    Blood vessels enter the eye through the optic disc. The retina is mainly supplied with blood through the choroid, but some of the vessels penetrate into the retina itself. The branches of blood vessels can be seen if you examine the fundus of the eye through a special device - an ophthalmoscope. In your own eye, the retinal vessels are much easier to see, but only in the form of shadows. Why don't we see these shadows all the time? Why don't they interfere with seeing your surroundings? The fact is that the light-perceiving cells, which are always affected by shadows from the vessels, are accustomed to this. But if you illuminate the eye from the side so that the shadows fall on neighboring cells, a signal will go to the brain and the vessels will become “visible”.

    In a darkened room, shine a thin beam of light through your closed eyelids. Move the flashlight slightly from side to side. Somewhere in front of you you will see the retinal vessels. Continue moving the light source over the eyelid. Tree-like branching figures of large vessels will appear. Try to trace the branching to their trunk - you will get a shadow image of the optic nerve head, from which the branches of the vessels extend.

    Sometimes a very bright small light source is needed, oscillating and flashing at the temple. It is better to repeat the experiment not 2-3, but 10-15 times.

    Laboratory work N o 29.
    Determination of hearing threshold

    Purpose: to determine hearing acuity using speech.

    Equipment: tape measure or measuring tape, cotton swabs, list of words.

    It is recommended to make two groups of words. The first group of words includes vowels at,O and consonants m,n, V,R. For example: crow,yard, sea, number etc. The second group of words includes vowels A,And,uh and hissing, whistling consonants. For example: hour, cabbage soup, siskin, hare,wool etc.


    Before the experiment begins, the subject's ear is plugged with a moistened cotton swab. Next, the researcher from a short distance begins to whisper words from the first and second groups, gradually moving away. The distance at which the researcher is located when the subject begins to name 50% or more of the words pronounced incorrectly is considered the threshold value. The distance between the researcher and the subject continues to increase (if necessary, the researcher can turn his back to the subject, which corresponds to doubling the distance). The final point of removal from the subject will be the point from which he will not be able to hear a word. This distance is measured. Covering the ears with cotton swabs, the experiment is repeated several times.

    Evaluation of results

    1. Words from the first group normally differ at a distance of 5 m (low-frequency).
    2. Words from group 2 normally differ at a distance of about 20 m (high-frequency).

    Reporting form

    Compare the results obtained with the normative ones and draw a conclusion why words from group 1 are perceived by a person from a shorter distance.

    Laboratory work N o 30.
    Experiments illustrating the relationship between the visual and auditory analyzers

    Goal: to identify the relationship between the visual and auditory analyzers.

    Equipment: watch, book.


    1. Place a loud ticking clock in front of you and start reading an interesting book. In the first minutes you will hear sounds clearly. But as soon as you go deeper into reading, the sounds will no longer be perceived. The new focus of excitation that arose as a result of reading caused inhibition in the centers of the auditory analyzer that perceive the ticking of the clock.
    If you continue the experiment, you can be sure that after some time you will again begin to hear the clock ticking. At the same time, you will take your mind off reading. Why?

    2. Run a knife along the glass. How does the resulting sound feel? What is this connected with?

    3. When listening to a piece of music, imagine what color associations the sounding melodies evoke.

    4. Turn the lights on and off periodically. Observe when the tuning fork sounds louder. Why, as a rule, do the lights not go out in concert halls?

    Laboratory work N o 31.
    Development of conditioned reflexes in humans

    Goal: to develop a conditioned vegetative pupillary reflex in a person to a bell; become familiar with the braking process.

    Equipment: alarm clock, dark thick sheet of paper (it’s better to take a New Year’s mask with sealed eye holes for this).

    Work is carried out in good lighting.


    The experimenter sets the alarm clock, which should ring for approximately 10–12 s. At this moment, he observes the state of the subject’s pupil. If the pupil does not dilate in response to the signal, you can proceed to the development of a conditioned reflex.

    The experimenter turns on the bell again. At this time, the subject closes his eyes tightly with a dark mask. When the signal stops, he opens his eyes. At this moment, the experimenter observes the size of the subject’s pupils (they should dilate). The experiment is carried out 10 times in combination with darkening (repetitions must be done without breaks). On the 11th time, the experimenter turns on the bell, but the subject does not put on a dark mask, and the experimenter observes conditioned reflex dilation of the pupil.

    Reporting form

    Fill the table.

    Answer the questions. How do conditioned reflexes differ from unconditioned reflexes? How is a conditioned reflex formed and reproduced? What is the importance of conditioned reflexes in the life of humans and animals? What facts prove that instinct is a chain of interconnected unconditioned reflexes? How are instincts combined with acquired conditioned reflexes?

    Laboratory work N o 32.
    Obtaining irradiation and concentration of excitation. Mutual induction of excitation and inhibition processes

    Goal: to get acquainted with the processes of irradiation, concentration, mutual induction of excitation and inhibition processes.

    Equipment: drawing.


    The ability of excitation and inhibition to cause the opposite process is called mutual induction of excitation and inhibition.

    Find in the picture two black profiles facing each other and a white vase (it is located between the profiles). Why is it that when the vase is visible, the profiles disappear, and when the profiles are visible, the image of the vase disappears? The reason is that one of the competing images inhibits the appearance of the second (negative induction: excitation induces inhibition).

    If you look at the drawing for a very long time, the images will begin to replace each other: first a vase, then two profiles will be visible. This is due to the fact that, according to the law of sequential induction, after one process the opposite appears, i.e. excitement gives way to inhibition. Switching, changing images will occur at the moment of positive induction. With positive induction, inhibition induces excitation.

    Laboratory work N o 33.
    Experiments with a truncated pyramid

    Goal: to study the physiological basis of attention. Determine the magnitude of fluctuations in attention.


    1. Take a close look at the picture, which shows the projection of a truncated pyramid. You will notice that the top of the pyramid either turns towards the viewer or goes deeper into the viewer. This phenomenon is explained by the law of mutual induction.

    When we look at a small square, the perception of a large one deteriorates and the large square appears beyond the plane of the drawing. The pyramid faces the viewer with its truncated end. But if we switch our gaze to the large square, it will be perceived as close and the pyramid will turn out to be turned towards the viewer with its base.

    2. Using a drawing, measure the magnitude of the fluctuation in attention. Look at the pyramid for 30 seconds. Each time you change the image, make a stroke in your notebook (without looking). You cannot take your eyes off the pyramid during the experiment. The beginning and end of the experiment are set by the experimenter monitoring the stopwatch.
    At the end of the experiment, count the number of strokes. Double the resulting number. You will find out how many times your attention fluctuated in 1 minute. Do this experiment several times.

    3. The magnitude of the fluctuation can be reduced by willpower. Set a goal to hold on to each image for as long as possible. Measure the magnitude of the attention fluctuation in this case.

    Reporting form

    Compare the data obtained in the work first with each other, and then with the average tabular data. Draw a conclusion.

    4. Repeat the experiment, but with one additional condition. Imagine that the picture is not a pyramid, but a room. Try to “surround” her. “Hang” a chandelier on the ceiling, “move” a closet to the walls, “place” a table in the center, think about where to “place” the receiver and TV. Measure the magnitude of the oscillation for 30 s. As a rule, attention becomes even more stable. Active actions with an object always increase the stability of attention.

    To be continued

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