Home Steering The best additives for the engine. Types of additives for restoring internal combustion engines Restoring additives

The best additives for the engine. Types of additives for restoring internal combustion engines Restoring additives

The modern market of consumables and lubricants is replete with a large number of chemical compounds, presenting a comprehensive solution for the protection and restoration of engine parts. The option of using an additive attracts a large number of motorists looking for an opportunity to extend the trouble-free operation of the engine, or to delay upcoming expensive repairs for some time.

The main objectives of additives are:

  • reduction in fuel consumption;
  • reduction of oil losses;
  • restoration effect in places of friction;
  • extending the service life of worn parts;
  • returning the functionality of certain elements.

Operating principle

Once in the motor oil, the additives form an organic-type metal-ceramic liquid crystal. The result of this is the coating of the walls of rubbing pairs of parts with single crystals of metal and ceramic microparticles.

These substances include cobalt, niobium, nickel, tantalum, platinum and many other components, which alloy to a depth of 200 microns in friction areas of various mechanisms and components of the power plant.

Additives are capable of leveling the geometry of parts whose shape has deviated from normal. They also create a layer that prevents accelerated aging and mechanical destruction of internal combustion engine components. Allows the engine to be subjected to significant loads, reducing the risk of failure.

There is a group of additives aimed at restoring the elasticity of old rubber seals, preventing and eliminating leaks.

Viscosity additives

The main emphasis in additives of this type is on improving the viscosity of the base engine oil. They are able to increase its fluidity at low temperatures by lowering the solidification threshold. They also increase viscosity at high temperatures, ensuring the preservation of a protective oil film on the surface of rubbing parts.

They contain the following chemical components: olefin copolymers, polyisobutylenes, hydrogenated radial polyisoprenes, polymethacrylates, etc. The average cost of this type from official manufacturers in Moscow and the regions is about 800 rubles.

Anti-wear and anti-vandal varieties

They actively stimulate the lubricating function of the oil, complementing it by creating a protective film as a result of contact of the active components of the additive with the surface of metal parts. The created microscopic layer is capable of leveling out the smallest defects and normalizing the operation of elements that belong to the cylinder-piston group.

There is also a similar effect on the crankshaft bearings. Most of these types are based on zinc alkyl diphiophosphates. It is possible to use other substances that belong to the group of phosphorous derivatives. The average cost of such additives in Moscow is around 900 rubles.

Antioxidant types

They significantly slow down the oxidation process of motor oil. This type interacts with the primary products of the oxidative reaction, converting them into inactive compounds. They have a positive effect on the service life and preservation of the beneficial properties of the oil between service intervals. The composition contains dithiophosphates, which are excellent antioxidants.

It is also possible to use phenol substitutes. The average price in Moscow and the regions is 600 rubles.

Washing types

Helps prevent the accumulation and deposition of by-products on the surface of parts that occur in areas of greatest heating in the engine. They are of particular benefit for the internal surfaces of the power unit.

Reduce the amount of carbon sludge and oxidized mixtures, remove resinous deposits. Their composition is based on metal salts taken from the calcium or magnesium base, which belong to the alkyl or alkyl-salicylic group. This type has an average cost in Moscow and the regions of about 700 rubles.

They create a barrier to the formation of corrosion on metal elements, which is the result of exposure to water, oxygen and various kinds of oxides that appear during the oxidation process. The additive forms a film on the surface that needs to be protected from corrosion.

The active components are alkaline, oxide-alkaline sulfates, neutral, as well as basic salts of Na, Mg, Ca. The composition contains a number of fatty acids or amines, benzotriazoles and many other components. The average price in Moscow and the regions starts from 500 rubles.

Anti-friction varieties

This allows you to achieve fuel savings and save useful energy of the internal combustion engine. Protect the power unit from heavy loads. In terms of chemical composition, this type is based on organic-metallic derivatives of molybdenum, fatty acids and their constituent elements. The average price is around 600 rubles.

Restoring engine compression using an additive

In this video, they will tell you and show you how engine additives work. We recommend viewing!

An engine can lose compression for many reasons. A common reason for loss of compression is a worn cylinder-piston group, timing belt and crank mechanism. In such cases, car enthusiasts are wondering about partial or complete restoration of compression.

The additive creates a surface restoration effect, responsible for the formation of a layer whose thickness reaches 15 microns. This layer allows you to “polish” the metal, gradually forming layers of an iron crystal lattice on the main frame. The metal structures created by the additive have an increased ability to retain oil, making it much stronger than a simple surface.

The result of this is the appearance of a stable “oil wedge”.

The density in the oil grooves increases. The additive creates a washing effect that helps decarbonize the rings and cleanse the entire internal combustion engine as much as possible of deposits. Chemical particles “smooth out” minor scuffs on the cylinder walls. All these positive complex properties definitely lead to increased compression.

Bottom line

Of course, the use of additives promises many advantages. However, it should be understood that if the elements of the unit are severely worn, you should not expect a significant effect from the additive. Among car enthusiasts there are a number of negative reviews after use.

The main problem is that their active components tear off tar deposits from surfaces, thereby clogging the engine oil channels, which causes severe oil starvation, local overheating, etc.

When deciding on application, conduct a thorough assessment of the condition of the internal combustion engine. Be sure to consult with trusted specialists.

Today, on the shelves of auto stores there are a large number of liquids that help extend the life of a car engine. One of these means is oil additives for a diesel engine or gasoline engine. Such additives perform a wide variety of functions and can reduce or increase the viscosity of the lubricating fluid, clean and protect surfaces from corrosion and other deposits. There are additives that prevent oxidative processes, reducing compounds and many others. However, you should not rely entirely on supplements, as they have not only advantages, but also their disadvantages.

Even the best engine additive is not needed if your car is in perfect condition and was just purchased from a car dealership. In this case, using supplements is as logical as filling perfectly healthy teeth for a child. Therefore, when operating a new car, it is enough to promptly change the engine oil and coolant and use new oil filters every time you fill the lubricant. But if we are talking about a car with a mileage of more than 100,000 kilometers or a used car whose engine condition is in doubt, then additives can be very useful and sometimes necessary. The most effective of them are considered to be remetallizants, which have the most beneficial effect on the engine.

To determine which additive is best to pour into the engine, we will consider good (and not so good) compositions.

What are additives for increasing engine life (remetallizants)

By and large, it is difficult to call such compositions additives, since they do not dissolve in oil, but act as a “reanimator” of the engine. It would be more correct to call them remetallizers, revitalizants or atomic oils, but most often car enthusiasts classify them as additives. This is not entirely correct, since they do not have any effect on the lubricating fluid, unlike most analogues, as a result of which you do not have to worry that the oil poured into the engine will react with the additive and behave in an unpredictable way.

A bonus from using these “drugs” is a reduction in oil consumption and an increase in engine life. They mainly consist of abrasive particles, such as nanodiamond powder, SiO2, SiC and others. Let's look at the most popular formulations.


One of the most popular additives of this type is the Suprotek engine additive. This composition has proven itself in the market and, judging by the reviews of car owners, is a necessary additive.

It would be more correct to call Suprotec a tribological composition (tribology studies the processes of friction and aging of lubrication of parts), which affects all metal surfaces of the system. Due to the fact that the additive is based on a metal-clad composition, the engine surfaces are cleaned of accumulated plaque and corrosion and are covered with a fairly thick protective layer. As a result, all minor defects, cracks and scratches are “healed”, and the life of the motor increases.

The Suprotek additive contains finely dispersed minerals of natural origin, which are also responsible for the formation of a protective film and prevent excessive friction. Moreover, the film is particularly durable. For example, a car can run at high speeds without engine oil for about an hour and nothing will happen.


The Hado engine additive differs from Suprotec, as it operates on a slightly different principle. This liquid contains revitalizant granules, which enter the engine along with the oil. After this, the additive particles are directed to the most vulnerable parts and surfaces, forming a cermet layer only on damaged areas. Suprtek covers all metal surfaces, regardless of their condition.

Returning to Hado, it is worth adding that these additives perform well in cases of pressure problems in the engine. Car enthusiasts who tested various compositions to solve problems with increased gaps between the connecting rod journals and bearings noted the advantage of this liquid. Therefore, if you need an additive to increase engine oil pressure, then you should pay attention to Hado Vita Flush.


The resource is an engine additive, which is a relatively new remetallizer, the basis of which is nanoparticles, an alloy of copper, tin and silver. The lubricant helps protect rubbing parts, which will increase engine life. By and large, the prefix “nano” does not play any role here. No superfluous properties were discovered during the testing of this additive; some car enthusiasts did not notice any changes in engine performance at all. But official representatives conducted a bunch of tests in accordance with GOST and claim that this additive is practically a breakthrough. In fact, other than the low cost, there is nothing remarkable about the Resource.

Liqui Moly

This molybdenum engine additive appeared back in the 40s and was actively used in aviation and the army. Thanks to molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), in the event of oil loss, the “vital” vehicle systems were always protected. Today, many car owners, when deciding which additives are best to pour into a diesel engine, use this particular composition, since it is considered the most suitable.

It protects the busiest mechanisms of the system from wear. The principle of operation is the same - the composition envelops the contacting parts and prevents their friction.

Today, Liqui Moly diesel fuel additive is considered the most stable. It, like other “reanimators”, does not dissolve in motor oil and, accordingly, does not enter into any reactions with it. By and large, liquid molybdenum (this is how Liqui Moly is translated) is considered the biggest breakthrough in mechanical engineering, and all the stability tests carried out indicate that this particular composition best meets the requirements of the motor.

If we talk about which engine additive is better, then preference should definitely be given to Liqui Moly formulations, since they have passed the most important test - over time and to this day, additives based on molybdenum sulfide are actively used in aviation.

When using any of the “reanimators”, there are several important points to remember.

What to remember before using remetallizant

When using additives of this type, it is important to know that simply pouring liquid into the engine is not enough; it is necessary to carry out a whole range of measures so that the composition really begins to work as you expect from it.

To do this, before pouring the remetallizant, you must:

  1. Wash the engine and change filters. To avoid sedimentation of the product in the crankcase, you must leave the engine idling for at least 15-20 minutes after you have filled in the additive. This time is necessary for the composition to settle on surfaces and begin to form a protective film.
  2. It is necessary to clearly calculate when you plan to fill the composition, since immediately after the remetallizant is in the engine, you cannot change the engine oil. The protective coating will be fully formed only after 1500-2000 kilometers.
  3. After several thousand kilometers, you can replace the lubricating fluid as usual. The protective layer will not be damaged in any way.
  4. In order to consolidate the result, it is recommended to refill the remetallizant after 50 - 100 kilometers. There is no point in doing this more often.

With proper use of such additives, you can improve cylinder sealing, increase compression, and reduce fuel and engine oil consumption. In addition, “reanimators” not only retain their properties, but are also capable of regenerating. This means that if new cracks or defects appear on the protective film, they will “overgrow”.

To select the correct composition of the additive, it is best to use the fluid for your engine type, taking into account the car model, drive and year of manufacture.

In custody

A correctly selected additive will increase the service life of the engine, but it is worth understanding that the elixir of youth has not yet been invented either for a person or for his car, so you should not rely entirely on the miraculous effects of the remetallizant. If problems arise with the motor, it is best to try to solve them by repairing the damaged parts. If the condition of the engine leaves no hope, then the only way to revive it is with the help of additives.

The oil sold initially contains a set of additives. It is obtained by mixing the base and additive components. According to most people, it should reduce friction and thereby increase. But this is not the only thing it should provide, oil also protects parts from corrosion, participates in the cooling processes of highly heated parts, washes away combustion and wear products, the oil film on the cylinder walls provides the required clearance between the piston and the cylinder. To do this, the bases are enriched with detergent additives, friction and viscosity modifiers, and anti-acid inclusions.

Additives increase the viscosity of the oil.

When you can’t do without additives

In a vehicle with reduced pressure in the lubrication system (due to wear), an additive is required to increase viscosity. Tuning engines require an improved oil film formula. For power plants with problems at startup or loss of part of the power due to wear, it is possible to extend the operating life before major repairs.

Main purposes of using engine additives

With the constant development of the automotive industry, increased demands are placed on oil. You can improve its performance by improving the desired indicator.

  1. Detergent additives improve the cleaning of metal surfaces by removing dirt and impurities released during engine operation. But simply washing off the deposits is not enough; you also need to prevent them from settling and protect metal surfaces from damage. Additives work in the area of ​​the piston rings, in the combustion chamber, washing away carbon deposits from them and preventing the formation of deposits and corrosion.
  2. Anti-acid products are a broad class of additives that neutralize acids produced in a power plant during operation. Without them, corrosion will occur on metal parts as a result of wear of parts. At elevated temperatures, engine oil oxidizes when interacting with oxygen. Antioxidants slow down the oxidation process and prevent the formation of deposits, thereby extending the life of the power plant.
  3. Viscosity modifiers help reduce friction between components and, as a result, increase the service life of the main components. This results in reduced fuel consumption combined with oil savings. Additives include graphite or molybdenum and help reduce friction at high temperatures and heavy loads.
  4. An additive with inclusions of small particles is a compound of zinc and phosphorus, which reduces gaps between components and fills small scratches with particles, and also serves to improve performance properties.

What additive to use

To achieve the goal of extending the life of the power plant, it is necessary to use high-quality materials for maintenance. It is the use of good materials that will help in the future to save a large amount of money on the repair or replacement of individual mechanisms or the unit as a whole. Given these facts, everyone wants to know if supplements are worth paying for. To make the right decision, you must know what you are buying and whether it is worth putting into the lubrication system. Some additives are not only useless, but also harmful to the engine.

If you add a viscosity-increasing additive to thick oil, then during a cold start you can allow the plain bearings mounted on the crankshaft to be starved of oil for a long time. Prolonged oil starvation will lead to rapid wear of the crankshaft and failure of the entire mechanism. Therefore, before pouring this or that product, it is necessary to make those improvements that are declared by the manufacturer.

It is also necessary to ensure the compatibility of the additive components with petroleum products of the lubrication system. Petroleum products tend to thicken at lower temperatures, so you need an additive that is suitable for use in your climate zone.

There are differences in the type of fuel used (for gas, gasoline and diesel).

All types of additives require mandatory compliance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, because even a small increase in the percentage can cause irreparable harm and require expensive repairs.

Anti-friction additives allow you to significantly increase the life of engine oil, as well as improve its performance. In addition, additives enhance the protective and lubricating properties of the oil. The third function that this composition performs is additional cooling of the rubbing parts in the engine. Thus, the use of anti-wear additives makes it possible to increase the service life of the engine, protect its individual components, increase the power and throttle response of the engine, and reduce fuel consumption.

Antifriction additives are a special chemical composition that allows you to achieve oil savings, increase compression in the cylinders, and generally extend engine life.

Such agents are called differently - remetallizants, friction reducing additives or antifriction additives. Manufacturers promise to use them to increase engine power, reduce friction of its moving parts, reduce fuel consumption, increase engine life, and reduce exhaust toxicity. Many remetallizing additives can also “heal” wear on the surfaces of parts.

Product nameDescription and featuresPrice as of summer 2018, rub
Reduces fuel consumption by 3...7%, increases power. It has proven itself well even in difficult conditions.2300
SMT2Increases engine efficiency, reduces engine noise, and saves fuel.2800
A good additive, recommended for any car.1900
The effectiveness of the application is average. Slightly increases power and reduces fuel consumption. Very expensive for average quality.3400
Efficiency is average or below average. Slightly increases power and reduces consumption. The big advantage is the low price.230
The air conditioner only works at high temperatures. There is an opinion that it contains chlorinated paraffin, which is harmful to the engine.2000
Inexpensive, but not very effective additive. Its use is unlikely to significantly increase engine power.950
The use of this additive slightly increases engine efficiency. Can be used with various equipment. The main disadvantage is the high price.3400

Description and properties of antifriction additives

Any motor oil in a car engine performs three functions - lubricates, cools and cleans surfaces of rubbing parts. However, during the operation of the motor, it gradually loses its properties for natural reasons - due to operation at high temperatures and under pressure, as well as due to gradual clogging with small elements of debris or dirt. Therefore, fresh oil and oil that has been in the engine for, for example, three months are already two different compositions.

The new oil initially contains additives designed to perform the functions listed above. However, depending on their quality and durability, their lifespan can vary significantly. Accordingly, the oil loses its properties (although the oil can lose its properties for other reasons - due to an aggressive driving style, using the car in dirt and/or dusty conditions, poor oil quality, and so on). Accordingly, special wear reducing additives both engine elements and the oil itself (increasing the duration of its use).

Types of antifriction additives and where to use them

The additives mentioned above include various chemical compounds. This could be molybdenum disulfide, microceramics, air conditioning elements, so-called fullerenes (a carbon compound that operates at the nanosphere level) and so on. Additives may also contain the following types of additives:

  • polymer-containing;
  • layered;
  • metal cladding;
  • friction geomodifiers;
  • metal conditioners.

Layered additives used for new engines, and are intended for grinding components and parts together. The composition may include the following components - molybdenum, tungsten, tantalum, graphite, etc. The disadvantage of this type of additive is that they have an unstable effect, which also almost completely disappears after the additive leaves the oil. The result may also be increased corrosivity of the exhaust gases of an engine in which layered additives were used.

Metal cladding additives(friction remetallizers) are used to restore microcracks and minor scratches on engine components. They contain microparticles of soft minerals (most often copper), which mechanically fill all the roughness. One of the disadvantages is that the forming layer is too soft. Therefore, for the effect to be permanent, you need to use these additives on an ongoing basis - as a rule, at every oil change.

Friction geomodifiers(other names - repair and restoration compositions or revitalizers) are made on the basis of natural or synthetic minerals. Under the influence of friction of the moving parts of the motor, a temperature is formed, due to which mineral particles combine with the metal, and a strong protective layer is formed. The main disadvantage is that due to the resulting layer, temperature instability appears.

Metal conditioners consist of chemically active substances. These additives make it possible to restore anti-wear properties by penetrating the surface of metals, restoring its anti-friction and anti-wear properties.

Which anti-wear additives are best to use?

But you need to understand that such inscriptions on packages with additives are actually more of a marketing ploy, the purpose of which is to attract buyers. As practice shows, additives do not provide miraculous transformations, but they still have some positive effect, and in some cases it makes sense to use such an anti-wear agent.

MileagePossible engine problemsWhat additives to use
up to 15 thousand kmIn a new engine, increased wear may occur due to the running-in of components and parts.It is recommended to use friction geomodifiers or layered additives. They provide a more painless grinding-in of the new motor.
from 15 to 60 thousand kmThere are usually no significant problems during this period.It is recommended to use metal-plating additives, which will help to extend the service life of the engine to the maximum.
from 60 to 120 thousand kmThere is an increased consumption of fuel and lubricants, as well as the formation of excess deposits. This is partly due to the loss of mobility of individual components - valves and/or piston rings.Use various repair and restoration compounds, having first flushed the engine.
more than 120 thousand kmAfter this mileage, increased wear of engine parts and components, as well as excess deposits, usually appears.The decision to use different compounds must be made depending on the condition of a particular engine. Usually, metal-clad or repair and restoration additives are used.

Beware of additives that contain chlorinated paraffin. This product does not restore the surface of parts, but only thickens the oil! And this leads to clogging of the oil channels and excessive wear of the engine!

A few words about molybdenum disulfide. It is a popular anti-wear additive used in many lubricants used in automobiles, e.g. Another name is “friction modifier”. This composition is widely used, including by manufacturers of antifriction additives for motor oil. So, if the packaging says that the additive contains molybdenum disulfide, then such a product is definitely recommended for purchase and use.

Disadvantages of using antifriction additives

There are also two disadvantages of using antifriction additives. The first is that in order to restore the working surface and maintain it in normal condition, the additive must be constantly present in the oil in the proper concentration. As soon as its value drops, the work of the additive immediately stops, and in addition, this can lead to significant clogging of the oil system.

The second disadvantage of using antifriction additives is that the rate of oil breakdown, although reduced, does not stop completely. That is, hydrogen from the oil continues to flow into the metal. This means that hydrogen destruction of the metal takes place. However, it is worth noting that the benefits of using antifriction additives are still greater. Therefore, the decision on whether to use these compounds or not rests entirely with the car owner.

In general, we can say that the use of antifriction additives makes sense if their add to inexpensive or medium quality oil. This follows from the simple fact that the price of anti-friction additives is often high. Therefore, in order to extend the life of the oil, you can buy, for example, inexpensive oil and some kind of additive. If you use high-quality motor oils, for example, or, then using additives with them hardly makes sense, they are already present there (although, as they say, you can’t spoil the porridge with oil). So whether to use antifriction additives in the oil or not is up to you to decide.

The method of using additives for the vast majority is identical. It is necessary to pour the composition from a canister into the engine oil. In this case, it is important to observe the required volume (usually it is indicated in the instructions). Some formulations, for example, Suprotec Active Plus, need to be filled twice, in particular, at the beginning of the oil’s operation, and after driving about one thousand kilometers. In any case, before using any additive, be sure to read the instructions for its use and follow the recommendations given there! We, in turn, will provide you with a list of popular brands and a brief description of their action so that you can choose the best anti-friction additive.

Rating of popular additives

Based on numerous reviews and tests from the Internet conducted by various car owners, a rating of anti-friction additives that are common among domestic motorists was compiled. The rating is not of a commercial or advertising nature, but only aims to provide the most objective information about the various products currently presented on the shelves of auto stores. If you have had a positive or negative experience using this or that anti-friction additive, do not hesitate to speak in the comments.

Tests conducted by specialists from the authoritative domestic publication Za Rulem showed that the Bardal Full Metal anti-friction additive shows some of the best results compared to similar compounds. That's why she gets first place in the ranking. Thus, the manufacturer positions it as a new generation additive based on the use of C60 fullerenes (carbon compounds) in its base, which can reduce friction, restore compression and reduce fuel consumption.

Real tests really showed excellent efficiency, although not as significant as the manufacturer indicates. The Belgian additive in Bardal oil really reduces friction, and hence the power increases and fuel consumption decreases. However, two drawbacks are noted. The first is that the positive effect is short-lived. So, the additive must be changed at every oil change. And the second drawback is its high cost. Therefore, the question arises about the advisability of its use. Here each car owner must decide individually.

Bardahl Full Metal anti-friction additive is sold in a 400 ml can. Its article number is 2007. The price of this can as of the summer of 2018 is about 2,300 rubles.


A very effective additive designed to reduce friction and wear, as well as prevent scuffing of piston parts. The SMT metal conditioner is positioned by the manufacturer as a product capable of reducing fuel consumption, reducing exhaust smoke, increasing the mobility of piston rings, increasing engine power, increasing compression, and reducing oil consumption.

Real tests have shown its good effectiveness, so the American anti-friction additive SMT2 is fully recommended for use. A positive effect is also noted in the restoration of the surfaces of parts, that is, tribotechnical processing. This is explained by the presence of elements in the additive that “heal” irregularities. The action of the additive is based on the adsorption of active components with the surface (quartz fluorocarbonates, esters and other surfactants are used as these components).

The only disadvantage of this product is that it can rarely be found on sale. And depending on the condition of the engine, the effect of using the SMT additive, in particular the 2nd generation synthetic metal conditioner SMT-2, may not be different at all. However, this can be called a conditional disadvantage. note that It is NOT recommended to pour into the gearbox (especially if it is an automatic), only into the engine!

Sold in a 236 ml canister. Product code - SMT2514. The price for the same period is about 1000 rubles. Also sold in 1000 ml packaging. Its article number is SMT2528. The price is 2800 rubles.

A completely effective additive, which is positioned as a product that is guaranteed to work for 50 thousand kilometers. Keratek contains special microceramic particles, as well as additional chemically active components, the task of which is to correct irregularities on the surface of working engine parts. Tests of the additive have shown that the friction coefficient drops by approximately half, which is good news. The consequence of this is an increase in power and a decrease in fuel consumption. In general, it can be argued that the effect of using the German anti-friction additive in Liqui Moly Cera Tec oil is definitely there, although not as “loud” as the manufacturer claims. It is especially good that the effect of use is quite long-lasting.

No visible deficiencies were identified, therefore the anti-friction additive Liqui Moly Ceratec is fully recommended for use. It is packaged in 300 ml cans. Product code - 3721. The price of the specified package is 1900 rubles.

Positioned by the manufacturer as an atomic metal conditioner with revitalizant. This means that the composition is capable of not only reducing friction, but also restoring roughness and unevenness on the working surfaces of individual engine parts. In addition, the Ukrainian anti-friction additive XADO increases (evens out) the engine compression value, reduces fuel consumption, increases power, engine response and its overall resource.

Real tests of the additive have shown that, in principle, the effects declared by the manufacturer are indeed observed, but to an average degree. It rather depends on the general condition of the engine and the oil used. Among the shortcomings, it is also worth noting that the instructions contain a lot of incomprehensible (abstruse) words, which are sometimes difficult to understand. Another drawback is that the effect of using the XADO additive is observed only after a considerable period of time. And the product is very expensive, considering its average effectiveness.

The product is packaged in a 225 ml can. Its article number is XA40212. The price of this canister is 3,400 rubles.

The anti-friction additive Manol Molybdenum (with the addition of molybdenum disulfide) is very popular among domestic car enthusiasts. Also known as Manol 9991 (produced in Lithuania). Its main purpose is to reduce friction and wear of individual engine parts during their operation. Creates a reliable oil film on their surface that does not disappear even under heavy loads. It also increases engine power and reduces fuel consumption. Doesn't clog the oil filter. The additive must be added at every oil change, and at its operating temperature (not completely hot). One package of Mannol anti-friction additive with the addition of molybdenum is sufficient for oil systems with a volume of up to five liters.

Tests of the Manol additive show its average effectiveness. However, the low cost of the product suggests that it is fully recommended for use and will definitely not cause harm to the engine.

Packaged in a 300 ml jar. The article number of the product is 2433. The price of the package is about 230 rubles.

The abbreviation ER stands for Energy Release. ER oil additives are manufactured in the USA. This product is positioned as a metal conditioner or “friction winner”.

The operation of the air conditioner is that its composition increases the number of iron ions in the upper layers of metal surfaces with a significant increase in operating temperature. Due to this, the friction force is reduced and the stability of the mentioned parts is increased by approximately 5...10%. This increases engine power, reduces fuel consumption and exhaust toxicity. Also, the EP conditioner additive reduces the noise level, eliminates the appearance of scuffing on the surface of parts, and also increases the service life of the engine as a whole. Among other things, it facilitates the so-called cold start of the engine.

The ER air conditioner can be used not only in oil systems of internal combustion engines, but also in transmissions (except automatic), differentials (except self-locking), hydraulic boosters, various bearings, hinges and other mechanisms. Good work efficiency is noted. However, it rather depends on the conditions of use of the lubricant, as well as the degree of wear of the parts. Therefore, in “neglected” cases, weak efficiency of its work is noted.

Sold in 473 ml jars. Product code - ER16P002RU. The price of such packaging is about 2000 rubles.

The Russian product Xenum VX300 with microceramics is positioned as a friction modifier additive. It is a fully synthetic additive that can be added not only to motor oils, but also to transmission oils (except for those used in automatic transmissions). Has a long shelf life. The manufacturer notes a mileage of 100 thousand kilometers. However, real reviews indicate that this value is much less. It rather depends on the condition of the engine and the oil used in it. As for protective effects, the composition can reduce fuel consumption and provide good protection to the surfaces of moving engine parts.

One package is enough for an oil system with a volume of 2.5 to 5 liters. If the volume is larger, then it is necessary to add an additive based on proportional calculations. The product has proven itself well when working in various engines, both gasoline and diesel.

Packaged in 300 ml jars. Article number - 3123301. The price of the package is about 950 rubles.

This additive was created using the patented Prolong AFMT technology (manufactured in the Russian Federation). Can be used for a variety of petrol and diesel engines, including turbocharged ones (it can also be used for motorcycles and two-stroke engines, such as lawn mowers and chainsaws). "Prolong ENGINE TREATMENT" can be used with both mineral and. Quite effectively protects engine parts from wear and overheating over a wide range of operating temperatures.

The manufacturer also claims that the product can reduce fuel consumption, increase engine life, reduce exhaust smoke, and reduce oil consumption due to waste. However, real tests conducted by car owners show the low effectiveness of this additive. Therefore, the decision to use it can only be made by the car owner.

Sold in 354 ml bottles. The article number of this package is 11030. The price of the bottle is 3,400 rubles.

Antifriction additives in transmission oil

Less popular are antifriction additives for transmission oil. It is mainly used only for manual transmissions, very rarely for automatic transmissions (due to its design features).

The most well-known additives for transmission oil in manual transmissions:

  • Liqui Moly Getriebeoil-Additiv;
  • RESURS Total Transmission 50g RST-200 Zollex;
  • Mannol 9903 Getriebeoel-Additiv Manual MoS2.

The most popular compounds for automatic transmissions are:

  • Mannol 9902 Getriebeoel-Additiv Automatic;
  • Suprotek-AKPP;
  • RVS Master Transmission Tr5;
  • Liqui Moly ATF Additive.

As a rule, these additives are added along with changing the gearbox oil. This is done to improve the performance of the lubricant, as well as to increase the service life of individual parts. These antifriction additives contain components that, when heated, create a special film that protects moving mechanisms from excessive wear.

Today's automotive chemicals market provides car enthusiasts with the opportunity to choose from a variety of varieties exactly those additives that will significantly extend the resource and operational life of the car.

Such means are special additives intended for different types of engines. These additives can perform a variety of functions and allow you to increase or decrease the viscosity of the oil, cleaning and protecting internal elements from corrosion, restoring them and improving their performance.

However, you should not rely entirely on supplements - after all, they have not only their advantages, but also disadvantages. Is it worth pouring additives into the engine, and which of them is best suited for the car, will be discussed in this article.

When are supplements needed?

Even the highest quality additive will not be needed for your car if it is in perfect condition and was recently purchased from a car dealership.

In this case, the use of improving compounds is completely pointless:

  • When operating a new vehicle, it is only necessary to change the engine oil on time, and when refilling the lubricant, use new filters.

If we are talking about a car whose mileage exceeds a hundred thousand kilometers, or about a car purchased second-hand, in which the condition of the engine raises some doubts, then additives can serve well and be extremely useful.

The most effective of them are remetallizants: they have the most effective effect on the engine.

Protection against oxidative action, air bubbles and foaming - these are just some of the positive properties that engine additives provide, the best of which can extend the life of your iron horse for a long time.

The best additives for cars

By the way, calling remetallizing compounds additives is not entirely correct, because they do not completely dissolve in motor oil: in simple words, they help “reanimate” the engine.

The most suitable definition for these liquids is revitalizers, or atomic oils, but most often car owners classify them as additives. Unlike many analogues, remetallizers do not affect the lubricating fluid and do not react with it, which completely eliminates the negative effect of their use.

One of the significant bonuses from the use of such chemical compositions is a significant reduction in oil consumption and consumption by the car and an increase in engine life.

The composition of such liquids is largely similar: they are filled with abrasive particles, including nanodiamonds and some other varieties.

The best and most popular options are the following:


This liquid has a positive effect on all elements made of metal, cleaning them from plaque and covering them with a protective layer of impressive thickness.

As a result, the resource of the engine increases noticeably, and minor defects cease to affect its condition. The additive contains finely dispersed substances that promote the formation of a protective coating and prevent severe abrasion. Thanks to the composition of the product being poured, you will forget about engine problems for a long time.


This type helps reduce friction of engine parts.

The Phenom is especially suitable for all-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive vehicles.


This variety has a different effect from the first composition:

  • Thanks to special granules, the liquid enters the engine with oil, after which its small particles have a directed effect on the damaged elements, heading to the most vulnerable areas.

This fluid can help with problems with low or too high pressure inside the engine.

Liqui Moly

Molybdenum additive has been around for many decades, protecting the engine elements that are most vulnerable.

This is a proven product, which has mostly positive reviews and is used by many drivers, helping to prevent many troubles due to the soft enveloping of metal elements.

This additive reduces the load on engine parts and is considered the most stable among analogues. It is this additive that is often recognized by experts as the best and is one of the major breakthroughs in mechanical engineering.

The best according to reviews

Speaking about which engine additives are better, Liqui Moly should be mentioned first of all - it has passed the serious test of time and has not yet lost its relevance, having the best effect on the engine.

It is worth considering that it is not enough to simply fill the composition in order for it to work correctly: it is necessary to take into account many factors and carry out serious preparation. First of all, it is recommended to flush the engine and change the filters, then calculate the time for pouring fluid into the engine. After the first filling, it is recommended to make a second one after 50-70 km in order to properly consolidate the result.


Proper use of engine additives and their wise selection will help improve indicators such as cylinder sealing and compression, and reduce fuel and oil consumption.

Becoming a kind of resuscitator, a good engine additive will help not only preserve the properties of the structure for a long time, but also prevent the appearance of new defects. To choose the best option, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition label and take into account the make of the car, the year of its manufacture and the type of drive.

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