Home Transmission What kind of driver are you? What kind of driver are you really? Priority road signs

What kind of driver are you? What kind of driver are you really? Priority road signs

For starters, a warm-up question. It's winter outside, and in winter you have to drive ...

Answer options:

  • On the back drive. More often sideways
  • With caution and greater distance
  • On winter tires
  • By public transport

OK, since we've touched on rubber... What do we do with this sticker if you have studs?

Answer options:

  • I pasted it a long time ago. Need means need
  • We glue. Without this thing now fined
  • I don't understand what this sticker says

You just cut off someone in the next lane.

Answer options:

  • I have a crossover. They see that I am rebuilding - they should skip
  • Well, I'll blink "emergency". Like, sorry, brother
  • Wow! Which side?! Strongly?

Reverse option. In front of you in a traffic jam, someone is trying to wedge in and even turned on the turn signal. Your actions?

Answer options:

  • I'm sorry, brother, but I definitely won't let you in. So you can go home for a day
  • I'll slow down and miss it, since it's being rebuilt according to the rules
  • I'll miss it, how else? Everyone must always yield

Once again about speed. Sign 60 is hanging. So, we are driving at a speed ...

Answer options:

  • I think so: there are no cameras - I go for pleasure. In vain, or what, I overpay for horsepower?
  • 59 km/h and do not violate. Who are the rules for?
  • 79 km / h, because you can. And if I exceed it, I will pay half the amount of the fine during the grace period.

Common situation. On the highway, with a good move, you overtook a car a little slower than you. What will you do?

Answer options:

  • I'll go around to the right without slowing down
  • I'll make you leave. I’ll lean on the horn, blink my high beam, hang on his bumper. These need to be taught
  • Approaching him, turn on the left turn signal. Like "sorry, but skip"

Demolition. Are you familiar with this term?

Answer options:

  • Yes. When he went over with powers and demolished the stalls near the subway
  • Yes. When he went over the gas in a turn, and the car slid in a straight line
  • Yes. When I didn’t get enough gas, and instead of drifting bullshit came out

You've got mail

Answer options:

  • Yeah. Now I'll find a parking lot, I'll get up, I'll answer
  • Want to catch? No SMS while driving
  • Yeah thanks. Already reading

You have a new alert.

Answer options:

  • Got it, I'm coming
  • Nothing, we'll get it. Even after "zero" a couple of liters are still splashing in the tank
  • Yellow signal... Washer finished? It would be something serious, it would burn red ...

And the metropolitan question. How used to solve the problem with parking in the center?

Answer options:

  • I have a shot spot under the flyover. Saved a lot of money in six months
  • I answered the authorities in their own style: I pasted the “Disabled” sign, I park in places for free
  • I find a free seat, get up, pay, save the receipt. So calmer
  • I carry a couple sheets of paper with me. Well, you know why...

The subject "Psychophysiological foundations of the driver's activity" allows you to study the psychophysiology of the driver. Thanks to this discipline, you will learn to concentrate while driving, avoid conflicts on the roads, deal with fatigue while driving, and competently respond to various traffic situations.

We offer you a test on the subject "Psychophysiological foundations of the driver's activity", with which you can not only test your knowledge, but also learn the material. In the "training" mode, you can immediately see the mistakes made, and by turning it off, you can check the level of your knowledge.

The test will pass if you make only one mistake.

We wish you good luck!

Additional Information Signs

We invite you to use our test "Road signs: signs of additional information", with which you can not only test your knowledge, but also learn the material by turning on the "learning mode". To successfully pass the test, it is allowed to make 1 mistake.

Good luck!

Service marks

Have you decided to become a driver and are you studying at a driving school? Then the study of road signs is simply necessary for you, since they are an integral part of the roads. You will need knowledge of traffic signs to successfully pass the exam in the traffic police and subsequently obtain a driver's license.

We invite you to use our test "Road signs: service signs", with which you can not only test your knowledge, but also learn the material by turning on the "learning mode". To successfully pass the test, it is allowed to make 1 mistake.

Good luck!

Signs of special regulations

Have you decided to become a driver and are you studying at a driving school? Then the study of road signs is simply necessary for you, since they are an integral part of the roads. You will need knowledge of traffic signs to successfully pass the exam in the traffic police and subsequently obtain a driver's license.

We invite you to use our test "Road signs: signs of special regulations", with which you can not only test your knowledge, but also learn the material by turning on the "learning mode". To successfully pass the test, it is allowed to make 1 mistake.

Good luck!

Information signs

Have you decided to become a driver and are you studying at a driving school? Then the study of road signs is simply necessary for you, since they are an integral part of the roads. You will need knowledge of traffic signs to successfully pass the exam in the traffic police and subsequently obtain a driver's license.

We invite you to use our test "Road Signs: Information Signs", with which you can not only test your knowledge, but also learn the material by turning on the "learning mode". To successfully pass the test, it is allowed to make 1 mistake.

Good luck!

Mandatory signs

Have you decided to become a driver and are you studying at a driving school? Then the study of road signs is simply necessary for you, since they are an integral part of the roads. You will need knowledge of traffic signs to successfully pass the exam in the traffic police and subsequently obtain a driver's license.

We invite you to use our test "Road signs: prescriptive signs", with which you can not only test your knowledge, but also learn the material by turning on the "learning mode". To successfully pass the test, it is allowed to make 1 mistake.

Good luck!

prohibition signs

Have you decided to become a driver and are you studying at a driving school? Then the study of road signs is simply necessary for you, since they are an integral part of the roads. You will need knowledge of traffic signs to successfully pass the exam in the traffic police and subsequently obtain a driver's license.

We invite you to use our test "Road signs: prohibition signs", with which you can not only test your knowledge, but also learn the material by turning on the "learning mode". To successfully pass the test, it is allowed to make 1 mistake.

Good luck!

Priority road signs

Have you decided to become a driver and are you studying at a driving school? Then the study of road signs is simply necessary for you, since they are an integral part of the roads. You will need knowledge of traffic signs to successfully pass the exam in the traffic police and subsequently obtain a driver's license.

We invite you to use our Priority Road Signs test, with which you can not only test your knowledge, but also learn the material by turning on the “learning mode”. To successfully pass the test, it is allowed to make 1 mistake.

Do you think you're amazing? In this case, you are no different from the majority. That is why the results of our test may surprise you greatly.

We offer to take a short test - answer a few questions, after which it will be possible to calculate the points and get acquainted with the results.

1. How often do you drive a car?

A. I prefer city transport: it builds character.

C. At least an hour a week.

C. I live behind the wheel.

Naturally, the less time you spend driving, the less likely you are to become a Formula 1 driver. Experience and skills come with time, but only when your driving path differs from the usual home-work-home scenario. We recommend changing travel routes and exploring the surroundings of your hometown. Do not forget to look at the map from time to time and arrange amateur rallies along paths unknown to you.

2. Where do you look when you drive?

A. I admire landscapes.

V. I look at the neighboring cars.

S. I carefully study the hood and a piece of the highway in front of it.

Experts say that when driving, you need to mentally overtake yourself. If you're staring at the bumper of the car in front, it's strange that you haven't hit it yet. When driving, it is better to look at the road itself than at those who move along it. So you can react faster to the traffic situation.

3. How do you rate your level of driving compared to other road users?

A. Up to this point, I did not evaluate it in any way.

Q. What can I say… average level.

S. I am a great driver. One might even say fantastic.

A regular study of statistics shows that the more arrogant the driver, the more likely he is to get into an accident. Find the best use for unnecessary courage - for example, on a hockey field.

4. What is the best way to prepare for a right turn?

A. Slow down shortly before turning.

B. Deviate to the left as much as possible and only then turn.

C. Turn to neutral speed.

When you make a right turn, the weight of the car shifts to the left side. If the car circles before turning, it will help distribute the weight of the car evenly on all four wheels and prevent possible roll - just try to stay in the selected lane. Accelerating after slowing down consumes gas, and shifting into neutral again consumes time.

5. What is your profession?

A. Student.

V. Worker.

C. Other.

Statistics show that after students, doctors, lawyers, architects, realtors and conscripts are most often involved in accidents. The reasons are as follows: aggressiveness, distracted attention, chronic lack of sleep. So think twice before driving in a bad mood.

6. The rear wheels slip and the car begins to skid. What will you do first?

A. I will increase the speed.

B. I will slow down the gas and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.

S. I will brake sharply.

The second behavior option will help control the car in case of skidding. This advice seems rather strange, but this is how you should behave in a similar situation.

7. When you're driving, the radio...

S. Sings about the tattoo and the green sea of ​​the taiga.

Rhythmic loud music cheers up, but distracts from the situation on the road, slows down. Researchers say the most dangerous music to listen to while driving is Ride of the Valkyries by Richard Wagner.


1. A=1, B=2, C=3.

2. A=2, B=3, C=1.

3. A=3, B=2, C=1.

4. A=2, B=3, C=1.

5. A=1, B=3, C=2.

6. A=2, B=3, C=1.

7. A=3, B=2, C= 1.

From 18 to 21. You drive great. It doesn't matter at all whether you have two charming girlfriends sitting in your car or a car full of crates of Brussels sprouts. You will quickly and accurately bring to the house both.

From 10 to 17. You passed this test, but maybe you should visit auto courses again? This is not offensive at all, just as long as there is an opportunity to fix something, it is better to do it quickly.

Less than 9. You may have accessed this page by mistake. Do you have any at all? 😉

May be of interest:

Scanner for self-diagnosis of a car

To test your knowledge of the Rules of the Road, go to the page

To test your Vision, Attention, and Mind, read on.

Developing attention through testing and training

The basic rule for using any simulator is that it should allow repeated systematic exercises with constant control or self-control, clarifying and improving the quality of actions.

The second rule is that you should not always exercise with a holistic set of tests. Separate exercises are selected that are necessary for a particular person, or for some specific goal.

As a result, we can conclude that a person has the opportunity not to drown in the information flow, but for this it is necessary to be able to concentrate, train his attention.

Purposeful formation of attention

So, the condition for the emergence of attention is the selection of an object, focus on it and distraction from extraneous stimuli.

Before you professional tests for drivers.

After passing these tests, you will be able to:

  • get to know yourself better and your strengths, which can help improve your driving skills;
  • receive recommendations on what makes sense to pay attention to in order to achieve high results.

After all, to become a good driver, you must have a number of qualities:

  • have high psychological stability;
  • know and feel the car;
  • it is good to “calculate” the actions of the traffic participants around you,

as well as understand driving tactics, be attentive to small details, and sometimes even be able to resist the attempts of other drivers to unbalance you.

Therefore, the tests consist of several groups of questions and tasks, by completing which you will not only learn a lot about yourself, but also receive practical recommendations that will allow you to become a more confident driver.

We wish you positive test results!

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