Home Heating Speakerphone in the car: how to make it, how to connect it, how to set it up? Speakerphone in a car for a phone How to install a speakerphone in a car

Speakerphone in the car: how to make it, how to connect it, how to set it up? Speakerphone in a car for a phone How to install a speakerphone in a car

In recent years, a very convenient option has gained great popularity - a speakerphone for the car. Thanks to this system, it is possible to synchronize a mobile phone with the car’s multimedia system, making it possible to carry on a conversation using the car’s standard speakers in hands-free mode.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a system and is it possible to make it yourself on machines that do not have it - we will talk about all this in this article.

The history of the appearance of a speakerphone in a car for talking on the phone

The reason for the appearance of public address systems for cars was, of course, the tightening of legislation regarding the use of mobile phones while driving a car.

The fact is that the legislation of most countries of the world prohibits the use of a mobile phone while driving a car, allowing only hands-free conversation using Hands Free systems. It is for this reason that engineers came up with the idea of ​​​​integrating telephone communication functions into the multimedia system.

Technically, such a modification looked very simple. Indeed, a car's audio system includes the main component - speakers capable of reproducing sound. Embedding a microphone and ensuring interconnection with the phone is a matter of minor technical and software integration, but the benefits of the option turn out to be quite a lot.

The first public address systems in a car were synchronized via a radio with a telephone via a wire. Later, with the development of wireless technologies for transmitting voice and data via the Bluetooth protocol, multimedia systems began to use this wireless channel for synchronization, and the appearance of modern displays in radio tape recorders made it possible to use them not only for transmitting voice data, but also for reading text messages received on a mobile phone. driver's phone number.

Video - how to connect a speakerphone through the standard radio in a Nissan Tiida:

Today, systems for integrating smartphones and on-board multimedia are highly developed. The car's audio system is capable of supporting the full range of functions of a modern mobile phone, including voice communication, Internet access, use of Internet instant messengers, etc. In this case, if there is an incoming call, the sound of the audio system is automatically muted, and after its completion, music playback resumes.

Do-it-yourself speakerphone into a car via radio

Of course, a speakerphone system in a car is a very convenient thing. However, this option is not provided in all cars, at least in the standard version. At the same time, dealers very often offer this option for an additional payment, which can range from 20 thousand rubles or more. It goes without saying that such an overpayment often turns out to be unprofitable, and many car owners deliberately refuse additional costs.

However, in reality, you can organize a speakerphone in your car with your own hands at minimal cost. So, let's see what possibilities exist for organizing hands-free communication in a car on your own.

Perhaps the simplest from a technical organization point of view is a wired connection between a mobile phone and a radio. It can be organized very easily, provided that your car's radio is equipped with an AUX connector. In essence, this connector is a traditional 3.5 mm headphone output for a corresponding plug, familiar to all owners of audio players and mobile phones.

These days, almost all cell phones have the same connector for connecting a wired headset or regular headphones. So, if your car radio is equipped with such an output, and it is also present on your mobile phone, then we can assume that the problem is solved.

All that is required to organize a hands-free connection into a car via a radio with your own hands is to purchase a jack-jack cable with a pair of 3.5 mm connectors, the same as those used in headphones. Similar wires can be found in almost any electronics store.

By connecting the telephone and the radio using such a wire, we get a working public address system. Its only drawback is that to answer a call you will need to press a button directly on the telephone, and the telephone itself will be connected by a wire to the radio. In addition, during a conversation, the microphone located inside the phone will be used, and therefore the audibility of the interlocutor may deteriorate.

It is much more difficult if the radio is not equipped with the appropriate connector. In principle, at this stage, many motorists may give up on the idea of ​​​​organizing a public address system, but if you have some skills in working with electronics and knowledge of circuit design, you can try to make the system yourself using widely available components.

There are two ways here - install an AUX connector in the radio yourself, or take a more complicated route and create a wireless circuit that works, like the factory counterparts, using the Bluetooth wireless data transfer protocol. The last option only seems complicated, but in reality it turns out to be even simpler than the first option. So let's see how this can be organized.

The first option may be to purchase and install a factory hands-free kit. This kit consists of a wireless module, microphone and speaker, or outputs for integration with audio system speakers. The connection diagram of the device depends on its technical features and is carried out in accordance with the instructions and diagram supplied with the product. The price of such a module is about one, two, or three thousand rubles.

There is another option that is suitable for electronics lovers. You can make a wireless speakerphone for your car yourself, using as a basis... a regular wireless Bluetooth headset. To do this, you will need, strictly speaking, the headset itself (an old, functional product will do just fine), as well as an old non-working radio receiver, which can become a “donor” for spare parts, including, for example, an ULF TDA7385 type microcircuit or similar.

Conventionally, the scheme can be divided into four main blocks:

  1. Directly the headset, which outputs contacts from the speaker, microphone and power. If the contacts are disconnected from the power supply, the built-in battery is removed.
  2. ULF circuit. It is better to use a microcircuit that has “standby” and “mute” outputs, which will make it possible to control the current consumed by the device.
  3. A power supply, the manufacture of which should be approached very responsibly. It should be remembered that standard telephone headsets are very sensitive to power, and increasing the voltage can easily damage the device, and you will not be able to restore it.
  4. An automatic control unit, the task of which is to monitor the signal at the output of the former headset and close the low-power relay, which will supply voltage to the input that mutes the sound of the radio, as well as to the “standby” and “mute” connectors of the ULF in order to turn on the speakers.

The constructed device allows you to use all the functions of a wireless headset “linked” to a car radio. That is, the phone is synchronized with the headset according to the standard scheme, but the voice is transmitted not to the headset, but to the speakers of the radio.

Video - do-it-yourself speakerphone into a car via a radio:

In addition, the headset microphone can be extended and placed in any convenient place as close as possible to the driver. Accordingly, the quality of voice transmission will be at a high level.

Of course, many readers will ask whether it makes sense to go to such lengths. Perhaps this question can be answered affirmatively only if you have the necessary components and an old, unused wireless headset. Otherwise, purchasing a ready-made hands-free module will be even cheaper, not to mention a significantly simpler installation scheme.


As we can see, it is quite possible to make a speakerphone through a radio in a car with your own hands. In some cases, such design changes are justified. However, do not forget that these tips are suitable, first of all, for owners of used cars.

In the case of a new car, we would like to warn owners against this kind of “modification”. This is connected not only and not so much with technical difficulties, but with the issue of warranty on the car.

When getting behind the wheel of a car, the driver must look at the road extremely carefully and not be distracted by foreign objects. This will allow him to get to the designated place quickly and without incident. But, as practice shows, even while driving, it is sometimes necessary to have conversations on the phone. But doing this without taking your hands off the steering wheel is quite difficult and is only possible with additional devices.

Today, more and more people install speakerphones in their cars. This is a fairly convenient and inexpensive option that can maximize the safety of the driver and others. It allows you to synchronize your phone and the car's multimedia system. As a result, all conversations are conducted using the vehicle's speakers via speakerphone.

Speakerphone into a car via radio: features

In order to install this function in the car, additional devices will be required. Their main purpose is to provide the driver with free hands during a conversation. Such a device is a small receiver that connects to the phone via Bluetooth, as shown in the photo. It is not difficult to purchase; many stores that sell audio or household appliances will have it.

There are other ways to provide this type of communication in a car. One of them is to connect the phone to the radio and mount the microphone. Also, a mini-speaker, which is shown in the photo, is often used for this purpose. It is a small device equipped with a special clothespin that is used for fastening. You can place it not only on the driver’s clothing, but also on the steering wheel itself. Thus, his hands will have complete freedom even when making calls.

It is quite difficult to say which device is better. Since each has its own advantages and disadvantages. But they are all united by such indicators as practicality and convenience. Therefore, each driver must choose the option that is most suitable for him.

Speakerphone in a car via radio: types

The speakerphone in a car can be different, as it can be connected in different ways. The first one is called built-in. Modern car manufacturers have provided this function. But it is worth noting that only in premium models. It allows you to manage calls without taking your hands off the steering wheel. And some cars are equipped with radios with a large display, which is shown in the photo. They can also be used to read SMS messages.

Also, the speakerphone can be installed independently by the driver, even if it is not provided by the manufacturer. For this, a mini-receiver is used, which is shown in the photo. They are located in the car in the most convenient place. Thus, the driver can keep his hands on the steering wheel while driving in any situation.

The presence of a hands-free function in a car will significantly affect its cost. Therefore, as experience suggests, there is no need to be guided by its availability when choosing a car. Even when you actively use a mobile device. If you establish this type of connection with your own hands, you will significantly save your finances.

Headset for hands-free communication via radio tape recorder

In order to provide this type of communication in a car, you can use different headsets. But there are the most convenient and common options. These include:

  • Bluetooth headset. This option is convenient and simple. It can be used both in the car and outside it. Its main feature is that the phone is located at a sufficient distance, which will ensure high-quality signal transmission. To receive a call and adjust the volume, the device has a special button, which is shown in the photo;
  • Speakerphone. This device is very similar to a traditional phone, as shown in the photo. The main difference is that it is only capable of transmitting audio signals. It can work both from charging and autonomously;

  • Devices with Bluetooth function. They are mainly used only in cars. Therefore, it is worth choosing in advance the most convenient place for it and attaching it;
  • Installation kits. Such sets consist of different components, which are shown in the photo. Together they provide sound transmission. In addition to the main function, they can, for example, read flash drives, which allows you to listen to music directly through this device, without using a radio. Therefore, it costs significantly more than other devices for hands-free communication in a car;
  • Direct connection of the Pioneer radio to the phone. But such a function must be supported by it, which cannot be said about standard devices.

Do-it-yourself speakerphone in Peugeot partner via radio

To ensure speakerphone in Peugeot partner, you can contact specialists. But, as practice shows, this procedure is quite simple. It does not require special technical knowledge and skills. Therefore, even an amateur can handle it and complete all the activities with his own hands.

The first thing you should pay attention to is whether the Pioneer radio tape recorder supports the Bluetooth function, and whether it comes with a microphone, which is shown in the photo. They are important and extremely necessary for the implementation of our plans. Once you have verified their presence, you can proceed to setting up the speakerphone.

You need to start by installing the radio. Then a plug is attached to the microphone jack. And it itself is installed on a canopy that protects from the sun. But this is done so that the microphone is located as close to the driver as possible. Next, the Bluetooth function should be in active mode on both devices. Then you need to find a connection with the radio on your phone and connect. This completes the entire procedure.

Also, a speakerphone can be connected to the car via the aux radio. It is shown in the photo. But this requires a special cord. It will ensure this function works.

Today, speakerphone in Peugeot partner is not a luxury, but a basic necessity, as it ensures safety for the driver and others while the car is moving. This will allow you to avoid fines for traffic violations.

The uniqueness of the life of a modern person lies in his total mobility, which he acquired along with the means of transportation. From morning to evening he is in the car. Calls on a mobile phone, receives calls, thereby violating the Rules Road Traffic(traffic rules).

Speakerphone: bluetooth headset for car - useful information

Today, every driver can change the situation for the better. Headsets have appeared that can provide mobile hands-free communication to subscribers without picking up the phone. It is enough to connect it to the device and talk using the device without holding the mobile phone in your hand.
Integrating systems into a car is simple and does not take much time. The speakerphone equipment fits into the overall design theme of the salon so organically that it becomes an integral element. designer style. They quickly get used to it and already on the second day after installation they don’t even think about going on a trip without a headset. Speakerphone, a Bluetooth headset for a car has unique capabilities. Thanks to high technology, the driver can drive and have a conversation with the subscriber through the radio.

In some amplifiers, these filters can be adjusted - one filter is boosted, the other is suppressed. You can adjust the desired sound yourself. There are usually two types of filter controls - when you can freely adjust the strength of the filter and when choosing a path, predefined filter combinations.

The standard is 4 ohms, but of course, if you have the option of choosing a lower impedance, do so yourself. For everything, check if the amplifier's impedance is lower than the speakers. If the speaker impedance is higher, the amplifier will be weak and the result will be weak.

DIY installation

The device is easy to integrate with your own hands into the general technological complex that serves the vehicle. The proposed kit includes everything necessary to carry on a conversation with a subscriber located at a great distance from the base car. All models received portions of excellent reviews from users. Wireless speakerphone mobile connection helps drivers of vehicles to completely switch attention to the road situation and at the same time carry on a conversation with one or two interlocutors at the same time. The system installed in the cabin solves important traffic safety issues.

If you want to make full use of the money you pay for an amplifier - get correct wires. By the way, when connecting the amplifier, it is recommended to keep the power cord away from cables that transmit sound signal. To do this, it is recommended to keep it in a place where it will be free to “breathe” - it will have enough air. At the same time, the price is lower than most of the public address system.

The included external microphone will provide you with clear audio on the other end, without any interference or noise. No wires, headphones, extra screens or phone holder. The headset will work in both phones. Good for people who use 2 phones.

Easy installation and general consumer characteristics

In the photo - blue.ace-headset

Communication with bluetooth help with a subscriber located tens of kilometers away from a moving car, they create conditions for business conversations, receiving up-to-date information about company affairs, and so on. The dialogue is ensured by:

Mobile headsets, you can use almost any situation. Access to the phone, the device synchronizes the address book. Easily attaches to your car sun visor reversibly, or can simply be placed on dashboard or in another convenient location. When not in use, you can pack your pocket without worrying about the safety of your car.

After that, you simply hang it on your sun visor and it will automatically connect with your mobile phone every time you get into the car. It also automatically syncs with your phone book. The neatly arranged buttons make it very easy to operate the device.

  • pure speech;
  • the opportunity to integrate a piece of creative music into the dialogue;
  • talking with two subscribers at the same time;
  • receiving information via GPS line.

And this is just a short list of the capabilities that this or other device has. And the installation of the device into the working position, which is completely easy in terms of time and complexity, creates motivation to purchase it for personal use. Possession of a mobile speakerphone promises businessmen expanded business opportunities to develop commerce.

You will never forget to charge your device's battery; a voice will tell you that it has more power. You can move the phone book. The device memory can store 500 contacts. Battery life: up to 10 hours. a thread; up to 25 days standby time.

The built-in unique speaker - membrane provides excellent sound quality and saves battery power. The especially sensitive microphone with echo and interference suppression filter will allow the interviewer to hear you clearly even with background noise. Access to the phone, the device synchronizes the address book, looking for the correct reading of subscriber records, and is controlled by voice. Easily attaches to the vehicle's reversible sun panels and vent, or can simply be placed on the dashboard or other convenient location.

Reviews of models presented in stores

The devices have quality certificates and meet the conditions and requirements of GOST of the Russian Federation.

Functional device parrot minikit neo

Speakerphone of excellent design and large functionality. Powered by a built-in battery, the capacity of which allows for continuous conversation for ten hours. Its geometric shape is specially designed to quickly attach to the steering wheel or sun visor. Supports Phone Book Access profiles, Hands Free and others. There is a subsystem that recognizes speech, and it also has noise reduction options. An important addendum to what has been said can be the simultaneous connection of ten paired iPhones. Has a memory for 20 thousand conversations. The weight of the main unit is 70 g. This is a unique weight parameter.

The best technologies for using a mobile phone in a car. Easy call to feature and view railing voice recognition. Once inside the car, and after starting the engine, the equipment is immediately connected to mobile phone. The voice recognition feature allows the driver to simply say the name and software automatically dials the number. This ensures driver safety. Turning the scroll knob displays menu options that allow the driver to monitor and manage voicemail and so on.

Presentation of the supertooth light headset

This is a removable speakerphone kit, the list of which includes:

  • mounting clip;
  • charging unit operating directly from the network;
  • special connector with a cigarette lighter for charging from a car battery;
  • warranty card for one year.

To put the product into operation with a mobile phone, you need to manipulate the green button on the case. Press it and hold it for a few seconds. During this time, the microphone extends. Then they take a smartphone, activate the “Blue Tooth” on it, use it to find the device and turn it on. After the device requests a PIN code and enters it, sublimation of the product and smartphone occurs. This a new version headsets. Its main element is covered with piano varnish and today, according to experts, this is the best loudspeaking headset. Immediately after switching on, the system itself checks how the speakers work. The beauty of the headset is that you only need to connect it to your smartphone once and everything else is done automatically.

Features are integrated into your car. Call the case, the car radio will automatically turn off, the conversation will be broadcast through the speakers. The chatter microphone transmits your voice by filtering out ambient noise. With voice recognition, driving is safer: just say the name and the device automatically selects the correct number for the caller. When there is sound, the tape sound is automatically suppressed. You can hear the caller's clear voice through your car speakers.

The equipment is equipped with good voice filtering from extraneous sounds. When you answer the call, the music automatically drops, and when you finish speaking, it becomes famous again. With this modulator you get a very convenient control unit that is attached to the steering wheel of the car. Drive safely and comfortably.

The plantronics company developed in the USA according to the genres of the capitalist world

Today it is dominant in the production of special equipment for wireless telephony. And the latest developments in the cluster of headsets for mobile phones give a head start to many competing European similar companies in terms of quality, functionality, and optimal price. Incoming feedback from users confirms this. They encourage you to evaluate quality and functionality large quantity beautiful headsets with unique technical data.

First of all, about the speakers. By design, the three most commonly used speakers are full-range full-range, full-range coaxial, and full-range components. The first frequency of the speakers is from 100 Hz to 10 kilohertz. Due to their low cost and ease of installation, these speakers are commonly used in factory sound systems and come with new vehicles.

Wideband coaxial speakers can be called a multi-speaker system. This loudspeaker is made in an oval or elliptical shape. True, full-range coaxial speakers are more suitable for rear speakers due to their specific design, so professionals do not recommend installing them in the front of the cabin.

jabra drive headset

This is what motorists who often travel long distances to unfamiliar regions need. It is this speakerphone that will lead the driver out of the maze of unfamiliar directions and lead to the desired goal. In sublimation with a mobile phone it represents a useful navigation system. Along the entire route, progress will be adjusted in voice mode vehicle in the right direction. In essence, he controls himself, immediately conveying information to the driver. This happens when, for example, a new contact occurs or a weak battery is reported.

Such devices have lower and higher bandwidth. In addition to tweeters, a car's trunk is usually equipped with one subwoofer, although there may be more. They, also called subai, are varied - amateur and cheap or professional, with high power, costing several thousand litas.

A professional audio system is unimaginable without one or more audio amplifiers installed in the car. Their selection is also huge, and prices range from several hundred litas to several thousand. For those who want to receive top scores, experts recommend using at least one amplifier for the component speakers and a separate amplifier for the subwoofer.

Video review of Parrot MINIKIT Neo

The headset creates comfort for the driver and passengers. It uses a high-tech program that is capable of mixing to a minimum the noise emanating from the road, the sound of the engine, and so on. As a result, the driver and passengers hear clear speech.

Sound reinforcement experts have no opinion on which amplifiers are the best. Japanese or Italian amps are worth considering, but others may be chosen. In some cases, you may want to use a 5-channel amplifier to save money. 4 channels for front and rear speakers, and a fifth for subwoofer or speaker.

Car owners pay almost no attention to wires, so the cheapest ones are most often chosen. In fact, the wires are very dependent. The minimum requirement is to use 1.5 square millimeters of pure copper for component circuits, 2.5 square millimeters of cross cable for low frequencies.

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On the contrary, to minimize power loss, it is recommended to use a wire measuring at least 2.5 square millimeters. To connect microwave oven A minimum of 2.5 millimeter, preferably 4 square millimeter, cross cable must be used. For one two-channel amplifier, if its power does not exceed 30 W per channel, a 10-square millimeter cross cable. However, for such an amplifier, it is best to connect the power supply to a cross cable of at least 16 square millimeters.

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So, if you want to enjoy perfect sound in your car, you need to have at least a few thousand litas in your account or wallet. All car audio specialists will take care of you. Voice control is possible so you don't have to take your hands off the steering wheel, and the car also auto-locks during a call, the conversation is broadcast through the car speakers so that you can hear the person very clearly and well. You can charge up to 3 phones, so you won't need to connect the equipment to your car every time you go - it will be done automatically.

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  • Connects to the car's audio system.
  • Automatically turns on when the engine starts.
  • When a call is received, the radio turns off automatically.
  • The device memory can contain up to 3 paired phones. 1 microphone.
  • Control buttons without display.
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In the modern world, you need to be constantly connected, but when you're driving, you can't hold your phone. This is not only inconvenient, but also very dangerous, since the driver will not be able to react to the obstacle in time and get into an accident. To protect both drivers and others, you can install a speakerphone in the car. It is convenient, practical and inexpensive.

What is needed for this?

To install a speakerphone in your car, you can connect your phone to the radio and mount a microphone, or purchase a special device that provides “ free hands" You can buy it at any household and audio equipment store. This device looks like a small radio receiver that works by connecting via Bluetooth to a phone.

In addition to such a device, you can also use a mini-speaker - this is a small device that has a clothespin and is attached to the driver’s clothing or directly to the steering wheel, thereby providing complete freedom of hands. It's up to you to decide which device to choose to provide hands-free communication in your car.

Important! All listed devices are compatible with any phone model, be it Nokia, Apple iPhone, HTC, Samsung and others. The main thing is that the phone supports the Bluetooth function, and then speakerphone will be provided.

How to connect?

Installing a headset in a car for hands-free calling with your own hands is not difficult even for someone who is not well versed in technology. Consider the option of connecting a speakerphone using a telephone and a radio.

To do this, the receiver must support Bluetooth and have a microphone included.

So, to establish hand-free (hands-free communication), you must follow the instructions:

  • install the radio;
  • insert the plug into the microphone jack;
  • attach the microphone to the sun visor on the driver's side;
  • turn on the Bluetooth function on the phone and radio;
  • We look for a Bluetooth radio on the phone, connect to it, and everything is ready.

Important! Before connecting the speakerphone to the radio, be sure to read the instructions very carefully. You need to connect everything correctly, otherwise the radio will not work properly.

To use the headset, you only need to turn it on and on Bluetooth phone, find a receiver with your phone, and you can talk without using your hands. This system is called Hand free.


Speakerphones in a car can be divided into two types:

  • built-in Some manufacturers initially include auto hand-free functionality. These include Land Rover, Mercedes Benz, Lexus and other premium brands. You can even control calls in them from the steering wheel, and the large display of the radio allows you to also read SMS messages;
  • installed. These are mini-receivers or radio tape recorders that are installed inside the car and provide freedom for the driver’s hands while driving.

Of course, the installed speakerphone will be several times cheaper than the factory one. But if you are planning to change your car and are an active mobile phone user, then the most convenient option for you is a car with a built-in speakerphone.


Let's look at several hands-free headsets that can be used to provide Hands free:

Important! When choosing a headset for hands-free calling, consider how often you go on long car trips. If not often, then it is better not to answer the call while driving, but to call back later. If you spend more than 2-3 hours a day behind the wheel, then you simply need such a device, at least for your own safety.


The most well-known manufacturers Several companies are recognized in the market of hands-free devices for cars:

Basic selection options

At the moment, manufacturers offer a very wide range of devices for providing communication in a car. To choose the right model, you need to focus on the following parameters:

  • manufacturer country. It is better not to purchase Chinese products, as the quality may not match the price and you will miss an important call;
  • battery capacity. How more capacity, the longer the charge lasts, both in talk mode and in standby mode;
  • fastenings The device must have strong and reliable fastenings so that it does not fall or fall off while driving;
  • Possibility of charging from a battery. This is important, since it is very inconvenient to remove and charge the device every time;

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