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Signs a child should know. How to draw road signs. Motorcycles are prohibited

Olga Piskovskaya

Road Safety Center in the group.

The children of my group are future first-graders who will soon have to cross the street on their own. In order for the knowledge acquired in OD, in play activities, to be durable and correctly applied by future schoolchildren, colorful visual material must be developed for children. In older preschool age, children learn a lot about road traffic that is so necessary for a little person in life safety. It is at this age that one gets acquainted with such a complex and large topic as “Road Signs”. And at our road safety center we have the game “Road Signs”.

Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish road signs; increase knowledge about traffic rules; expand children's vocabulary on road vocabulary; develop a holistic perception of the environment.

Material: 9 cubes with glued road signs (number of pictures 54); samples of posted signs (6 groups: prohibitory, warning; indicative, service signs, prescriptive, priority signs.)

Progress of the game:

1 option;

from 1 to 9 children participate.

Exercise; lay out the cubes in different versions, using visual material. (6 options).

Option 2;

If there are 2 sets of material, then you can conduct a game exercise “Who can complete the task faster.”

Option 3;

The leader invites children to the table one by one and asks them to find a sign of a certain group and tell what it means.

Option 4;

The presenter asks riddles about road signs, children take turns

They are looking for a cube with this sign. (both individually and as a group).

Option 5;

the task is given to build a house where the specified group of characters will live (the task varies).

Game options may vary. Good luck to everyone!

Service marks:

Drinking water;

First aid station;

Recreation Park;

Service station;

Car wash;


Food station;

Gas station;


Mandatory signs:

Movement of passenger cars;

Movement to the left;

Driving straight or left;

Roundabout Circulation;

Bike Lane;


Maximum speed limit;

Movement to the right;

Go straight ahead.

Priority signs:

Stop sign;

Advantage of oncoming traffic;

Junction of secondary road on the right;

Junction of secondary road on the left;

Advantage over oncoming traffic;

End of the main road;

The main road;

Intersection with a secondary road.

Prohibition signs:

Turning right is prohibited;

Bicycles are prohibited;

Movement Prohibition;

Overtaking by a truck is prohibited;

No Pedestrians;

No entry;

Overtaking is prohibited;

No entry;

Movement Prohibition;

Turning right is prohibited.

Warning signs:

Wild animals;

Moving with a barrier;

Moving without a barrier;


Slippery road;

Rough road;

Intersection with a bicycle path;

Dangerous bend.

Directional signs:


Bus parking area;

Overhead passage;

Underground crossing;


Tram parking area;

Living sector.

The “Traffic Light” manual and an exhibition of creative works of children together with their parents on the topic:

"Transport on the road."

A wall panel and a model of our village in the road safety center.

Thank you for your attention!

Our Kolobok group is implementing a long-term project on traffic rules “We know the rules - we follow them.” I made a didactic game “Roads.

Purpose of the game: To teach children to distinguish road signs. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules. Develop skills independently.

Didactic game "Travel Clock". 1. Description of the game. The didactic game “Traffic Clock” is a dial on which it is located.

Dear Colleagues! I present to your attention the “Road Signs” lotto. This game will introduce children to road signs in a quick and fun way.

The main document regulating the rules of behavior on the road is the traffic rules. As for children, the significant sign is “Caution Children” 1.23 according to traffic rules. Compliance with the rules is very important, because otherwise, irreparable consequences may arise for which the offending driver will be legally punished.

Drivers should pay no small attention to the traffic rules sign, which warns motorists about the possible appearance of children in the area.

The road sign, beware of children, is classified as a warning sign, and it must be installed where there is an increased likelihood of children appearing.

These are, as a rule, places on the road near which children's institutions will be located, be it schools, kindergartens, sports clubs and other organizations for children and adolescents. In addition, the sign can be installed in other places where it has been noticed that children often cross the roadway, but there is no pedestrian crossing on the site.

And according to the traffic rules, along with this warning sign there must be an additional sign that will indicate the area over what extent the sign will be valid.

But it is worth noting, since the sign is only a warning measure, it does not oblige the driver to any restrictions.

In this case, the motorist only needs to pay increased attention on the road and reduce his speed so that, if necessary, he can quickly react and stop his vehicle.

If on a section of road in a populated area, there is a possibility that children may be crossing the road, the sign should be installed no less than 50 meters from the beginning of the dangerous section.

But any driver must understand that children do not always follow the rules and treat their behavior on the road with responsibility and understanding, therefore, even if there is no picture of a child, do not forget to be careful. Staying alert on the road can save someone's life.

Designation when transporting children on a vehicle

If group transportation of children is planned by motor transport, the rules establish special requirements for this. First of all, this is the presence of special signs, both in front and at the back of the vehicle, which will indicate that children are passengers. Also, each child must have a separate seat. And of course, a mandatory requirement will be the presence of an adult accompanying person who is with small passengers in the vehicle.

The plate attached to the vehicle will look like a yellow square with an image of two running children in a red border.

Moreover, the size of the rear sign should be larger than the front sign.

Requirements for the driver and car

And the driver of a vehicle with such signs will be subject to a number of restrictions, the implementation of which is strictly mandatory:

  • First of all, it is a low speed, namely, no more than 60 km/h;
  • When children are being dropped off or picked up on the roadway, vehicles must have their hazard lights on. It is necessary to warn other road users about small passengers, so other drivers need to be especially careful;
  • Even before the start of the journey, the entire route must be drawn up and agreed upon. It is prohibited to make any changes to it during the journey;
  • In addition to children, their personal belongings and hand luggage, there should be no foreign objects or cargo in the cabin of the vehicle;
  • It is prohibited for the driver to leave the vehicle until the last child gets out of it;
  • If children are transported in a convoy of several cars, overtaking is prohibited;
    Such vehicles with a warning about transporting children are not allowed to drive in reverse.

This sign, which warns of the possibility of children on the road, namely “Caution Children,” was adopted by the UN convention in Vienna, and it is valid throughout the world.

"Crosswalk"- This is an informational sign.

It indicates the location of the ground crossing of the roadway. This sign is installed near special markings for pedestrians - zebra crossings.

Please pay attention to the child that there is another similar sign, but triangular. It is a warning (triangular) sign, also called a "Pedestrian Crossing". It does not indicate the crossing point for pedestrians, but warns the driver when approaching the crossing.

"Underground pedestrian crossing"- This is an informational sign. This sign indicates the location of the underground passage of the roadway. Installed near the entrance to the passage.

If you have an underground passage on the way to kindergarten or school, be sure to show it to your child.

"Tram stop"- This is also an informational sign. He informs and points out to us that public transport stops at this location.

Parents should explain to the child that this road sign, like the previous one, is important for both pedestrians and drivers.

The pedestrian will find his way around where the stop is, and the driver will be careful, because there may be people (and especially children) at the stops.

When telling about this sign, be sure to repeat to your child how kids should behave at a stop (you can’t run or jump out onto the roadway).

"Bus Stop Location"- This is also an informational sign. He informs and points out to us that a bus stops at this place.
This sign is installed close to the landing area - the waiting area for passengers.

"Bike Lane"- this is a prescriptive sign. Allows movement only on bicycles and mopeds. Other types of transport are not allowed to enter it. Pedestrians can also use the bike path if there is no sidewalk or pedestrian path.

If your child already knows how to ride a bicycle, then you should explain to him that he can only ride his bicycle horse in the courtyard of the house. And the one where there is such a sign.

Bike paths are designed specifically for cyclists. Perhaps your city has such areas for cycling.

"Footpath"- a prescriptive sign. Sometimes there is a special path on the streets intended only for pedestrians.

On this path you must follow the general rules of behavior for pedestrians: stay on the right side; do not disturb other pedestrians.

Children should be explained that they are not allowed to play on the footpath or go sledding. Riding a bicycle on the pedestrian path is also prohibited.

"No entry"- this is a prohibition sign. All prohibition signs are red.

This sign prohibits the entry of any vehicles, including bicycles, onto the section of road in front of which it is installed.

Its effect does not apply only to public transport, the routes of which pass through this section. A cyclist, upon seeing this sign, must get off the bicycle and drive it along the sidewalk, observing the rules for pedestrian traffic.

Remind your child that if he is carrying his bike rather than riding it, he is considered a pedestrian.

"Bicycles are prohibited"- another prohibitory sign.
This sign prohibits the use of bicycles and mopeds. It is installed in places where riding a bicycle can be dangerous.

Typically this sign is placed on streets with heavy traffic.

It should be remembered that cycling is prohibited on highways, even if there is no prohibiting sign.

I believe that every child should know this sign and the rules associated with cycling, because children love to ride and, if possible, will want to ride on the road.

"Children"- warning sign.

This sign warns the driver about the possible appearance of children on the road. It is installed near a child care facility, for example, a school, a health camp, or a playground.

But parents should warn the child that this sign does not indicate a place for children to cross the road! Therefore, a child pedestrian must cross the street in a place where pedestrian crossing is permitted and there is an appropriate sign.

"No Pedestrians"- prohibition sign.

This sign prohibits the movement of pedestrians. It is installed in places where walking can be dangerous.

This sign is often used to temporarily restrict pedestrian traffic, for example, during road works or renovation of house facades.

It should be remembered that pedestrian traffic is always prohibited on highways and roadways, even if a prohibitory sign is not installed.

Road signs perform the function of ensuring road safety and are standardized graphic images. Road signs are installed along the edges of the roadway. They are designed to provide drivers, as well as pedestrians, with the necessary information that is relevant for a particular area of ​​traffic.

Road signs in different countries often differ significantly from each other, despite the fact that in most countries their general principles are the same. There are two main systems of road signs: Anglo-Saxon and European. In our country, as well as in European and many other countries, the signs and signals used are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Vienna Convention.

Road signs used on Russian roads are established by traffic regulations. The latest changes regarding road signs and designations have been made to this document since 2006. The Rules contain 24 new signs, as well as 18 types of signs that already existed before.

The following groups exist:

  • 1. Warning signs.
  • 2.Priority signs.
  • 3. Prohibitory (restrictive) signs.
  • 4. Mandatory signs.
  • 5.Signs of special regulations.
  • 6.Information signs.
  • 7.Service signs.
  • 8. Additional information signs.

Every driver is required to know what road signs mean. But if you rarely encounter any signs while driving, they begin to be forgotten. Therefore, it is best to have a table of road signs at hand, and also periodically review the information contained in it.

Traffic warning signs pictures with explanations

They perform the function of informing drivers that there is a dangerous road section ahead, and when driving along it it is necessary to take appropriate safety measures. Basically, these signs are made in the form of white triangles, the top of which is directed upward, and the sides have a red border.

Traffic priority signs pictures with explanations

These images establish the order in which vehicles must pass through intersections (intersections, narrow road sections). These signs are characterized by a special shape that distinguishes them from all others.

Prohibiting traffic signs pictures with explanations

These images introduce (or, conversely, cancel) traffic restrictions. Most of them are made in the form of a white circle, which is framed by a red border.

Mandatory traffic signs pictures with explanations.

They are installed near the place where one or another regulation applies. They can be repeated if necessary.

5. Signs of special traffic regulations pictures with explanations

They introduce (cancel) certain modes in which movement should take place.

6. Traffic information signs pictures with explanations

They are installed in order to warn traffic participants about the location of certain important objects (primarily populated areas). In addition, they indicate in what mode traffic should be carried out on a given section of the road.

7. Traffic service signs pictures with explanations

These images indicate the presence of service facilities along the route (gas station, camping, etc.)

8. Additional information signs (plates)

They are made in the form of signs, installed together with other signs and perform the function of clarification or limitation.

Road signs that are in force on the roads in 2018:

1.2 “Railway crossing without a barrier.”

1.3.1 “Single-track railway”.

1.3.2 "Multi-track railway".

Designation of a railway crossing not equipped with a barrier: 1.3.1 - with one track, 1.3.2 - with two tracks or more.

1.4.1 - 1.4.6 “Approaching a railway crossing.” Additional warning about approaching a railway crossing outside of populated areas.

1.5 "Intersection with a tram line."

1.6 “Intersection of equivalent roads.”

1.7 "Roundabout intersection".

1.8 “Traffic light regulation”. An intersection, pedestrian crossing or section of road where traffic is regulated by a traffic light.

1.9 "Drawbridge". Drawbridge or ferry crossing.

1.10 “Departure to the embankment.” Departure to the embankment or shore.

1.11.1, 1.11.2 “Dangerous turn.”

1.12.1, 1.12.2 - “Dangerous turns”.

A section of the road with dangerous turns: 1.12.1 - with the first turn to the right, 1.12.2 - with the first turn to the left.

1.13 “Steep descent.”

1.14 “Steep climb.”

1.15 "Slippery road." A section of road with increased slipperiness of the roadway.
1.16 "Rough Road" A section of road that has unevenness on the roadway (undulations, potholes, uneven junctions with bridges, etc.).

1.17 “Artificial hump”. A section of road with artificial hump(s) to force a reduction in speed.

1.18 "Gravel release". A section of road where gravel, crushed stone and the like can be thrown out from under the wheels of vehicles.

1.19 "Dangerous roadside." A section of road where pulling off to the side of the road is dangerous.

1.20.1 - 1.20.3 “Narrowing of the road.”

Tapering on both sides - 1.20.1, on the right - 1.20.2, on the left - 1.20.3.

1.21 “Two-way traffic”. The beginning of a section of road (roadway) with oncoming traffic.

1.22 “Pedestrian crossing”. Pedestrian crossing marked with signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and (or) markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2.

1.23 "Children". A section of road near a children's institution (school, health camp, etc.), on the roadway of which children may appear.

1.24 “Intersection with a bicycle path.”
1.25 “Road works”.

1.26 “Cattle Driving.”

1.27 "Wild Animals".

1.28 “Falling Stones.” A section of road where avalanches, landslides, and falling rocks are possible.

1.29 "Sidewind".

1.30 "Low-flying planes."

1.31 "Tunnel". A tunnel in which there is no artificial lighting, or a tunnel in which the visibility of the entrance portal is limited.

1.32 "Congestion". A section of road where there is a traffic jam.

1.33 "Other hazards." A section of road that contains hazards that are not indicated by other warning signs.

1.34.1, 1.34.2 “Rotation direction”. Direction of movement on a curved road of small radius with limited visibility. Direction to bypass the road section being repaired.

1.34.3 "Rotation direction". Driving directions at a T-junction or fork in the road. Directions to bypass the road section being repaired.

2. Priority signs

2.1 "Main Road". A road on which the right of way is granted to unregulated intersections.

2.2 "The end of the main road."

2.3.1 “Intersection with a secondary road.”

2.3.2 - 2.3.7 “Adjunction of a secondary road.”

Adjacent to the right - 2.3.2, 2.3.4, 2.3.6, to the left - 2.3.3, 2.3.5, 2.3.7.

2.4 " ". The driver must give way to vehicles moving on the road being crossed, and, if there is a sign 8.13, on the main road.

2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited.” It is prohibited to drive without stopping in front of the stop line, and if there is none, in front of the edge of the roadway being crossed. The driver must give way to vehicles moving along the intersection, and if there is a sign 8.13 - on the main road.

Sign 2.5 can be installed in front of a railway crossing or quarantine post. In these cases, the driver must stop in front of the stop line, and if there is no stop line, in front of the sign.

2.6 “Advantage of oncoming traffic.”

It is prohibited to enter a narrow section of road if this may impede oncoming traffic. The driver must give way to oncoming vehicles located in a narrow area or the opposite entrance to it.

2.7 "Advantage over oncoming traffic."

A narrow section of road on which the driver has advantage over oncoming vehicles.

3. Prohibition signs

Prohibition signs introduce or remove certain traffic restrictions.

3.1 “Entry is prohibited.” Entry of all vehicles in this direction is prohibited.

3.2 “Movement is prohibited.” All vehicles are prohibited.

3.3 “The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited.”

3.4 “Truck traffic is prohibited.”

The movement of trucks and vehicle combinations with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons (if the weight is not indicated on the sign) or with a permissible maximum weight more than indicated on the sign, as well as tractors and self-propelled vehicles is prohibited.

3.5 “Motorcycles are prohibited.”

3.6 “Movement of tractors is prohibited.” The movement of tractors and self-propelled vehicles is prohibited.

3.7 “Moving with a trailer is prohibited.”

It is prohibited to drive trucks and tractors with trailers of any type, as well as tow motor vehicles.

3.8 “The movement of horse-drawn carts is prohibited.”

The movement of horse-drawn carts (sleighs), riding and pack animals, as well as the passage of livestock is prohibited.

3.9 “Bicycles are prohibited.” Bicycles and mopeds are prohibited.

3.10 “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.”

3.11 “Weight limitation”.

The movement of vehicles, including combinations of vehicles, the total actual weight of which is greater than that indicated on the sign, is prohibited.

3.12 “Limitation of mass per vehicle axle.”

It is prohibited to drive vehicles whose actual weight on any axle exceeds that indicated on the sign.

3.13 "Height limitation".

The movement of vehicles whose overall height (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign is prohibited.

3.14 "Width limitation". It is prohibited to drive vehicles whose overall width (laden or unladen) is greater than that indicated on the sign.

3.15 "Length limitation".

The movement of vehicles (vehicle trains) whose overall length (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign is prohibited.

3.16 “Minimum distance limitation.”

It is prohibited to drive vehicles with a distance between them less than that indicated on the sign.

3.17.1 “Customs”. It is prohibited to travel without stopping at a customs office (checkpoint).

3.17.2 "Danger"

The further movement of all vehicles without exception is prohibited due to a traffic accident, accident, fire or other danger.

3.17.3 "Control". Driving through checkpoints without stopping is prohibited.

3.18.1 “Right turns are prohibited.”

3.18.2 “Left turns are prohibited.”

3.19 “Turning is prohibited.”

It is prohibited to overtake all vehicles except slow-moving vehicles, horse-drawn carts, mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles without sidecars.

3.21 “End of the no-overtaking zone.”

3.22 “Overtaking by trucks is prohibited.”

It is prohibited for trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons to overtake all vehicles.

3.23 “End of the no-overtaking zone for trucks.”

3.24 “Maximum speed limit.”

It is prohibited to drive at a speed (km/h) exceeding that indicated on the sign.

3.25 “End of maximum speed limit zone.”

3.26 “Sound signal is prohibited.”

It is prohibited to use sound signals, except in cases where the signal is given to prevent a traffic accident.

3.27 “Stopping is prohibited.” No vehicles allowed.

3.28 “Parking is prohibited.” Parking of vehicles is prohibited.

3.29 “Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month.”

3.30 “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month.”

When signs 3.29 and 3.30 are used simultaneously on opposite sides of the roadway, parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway from 19:00 to 21:00 (rearrangement time).

3.31 “End of the zone of all restrictions.”

Designation of the end of the coverage area simultaneously for several signs from the following: 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26 - 3.30.

3.32 “The movement of vehicles with dangerous goods is prohibited.”

The movement of vehicles equipped with identification signs (information plates) “Dangerous cargo” is prohibited.

3.33 “The movement of vehicles with explosive and flammable cargo is prohibited.”

4. Mandatory signs

4.1.1 “Move straight ahead.”

4.1.2 “Move to the right.”

4.1.3 “Move to the left.”

4.1.4 “Move straight or to the right.”

4.1.5 “Move straight or left.”

4.1.6 “Movement to the right or left.”

Driving is permitted only in the directions indicated by arrows on the signs. Signs that permit a left turn also permit a U-turn (signs 4.1.1 - 4.1.6 with a configuration of arrows corresponding to the required directions of movement at a particular intersection can be used).

Signs 4.1.1 - 4.1.6 do not apply to route vehicles. The effect of signs 4.1.1 - 4.1.6 extends to the intersection of roadways in front of which the sign is installed. The effect of sign 4.1.1, installed at the beginning of a section of road, extends to the nearest intersection. The sign does not prohibit turning right into courtyards and other areas adjacent to the road.

4.2.1 “Avoiding obstacles on the right.”

4.2.2 “Avoiding obstacles on the left.” Detour is permitted only from the direction indicated by the arrow.

4.2.3 “Avoiding obstacles on the right or left.” Detour is permitted from any direction.

4.3 "Circular movement". Movement in the direction indicated by the arrows is permitted.

4.4 "Bicycle path".

4.5 "Pedestrian path". Only pedestrians are allowed to move.

4.6 “Minimum speed limit.” Driving is only permitted at the specified speed or higher (km/h).

4.7 “End of minimum speed limit zone.”

The movement of vehicles equipped with identification signs (information tables) “Dangerous Goods” is permitted only in the direction indicated on the sign: 4.8.1 - straight, 4.8.2 - right, 4.8.3 - left.

5. Signs of special regulations

Special regulations signs introduce or cancel certain traffic modes.

5.1 "Highway".

A road on which the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation apply, establishing the procedure for driving on highways.

5.2 "End of the motorway."

5.3 “Road for cars.”

A road intended for use only by cars, buses and motorcycles.

5.4 “The end of the road for cars.”

5.5 “One-way road.”

A road or carriageway along which vehicle traffic across its entire width is carried out in one direction.

5.6 "The end of a one-way road."

5.7.1, 5.7.2 “Entering a one-way road.” Entering a one-way road or carriageway.

5.8 "Reverse movement".

The beginning of a section of road where one or more lanes may change direction to the opposite direction.

5.9 “End of reverse movement.”

5.10 “Entering a road with reverse traffic.”

5.11 “Road with a lane for route vehicles.” A road on which the movement of route vehicles, cyclists and vehicles used as passenger taxis is carried out along a specially designated lane towards the general flow of vehicles.

5.12 “End of the road with a lane for route vehicles.”

5.13.1, 5.13.2 “Entering a road with a lane for route vehicles.”

5.14 “Lane for route vehicles.” A lane intended for the movement only of route vehicles, cyclists and vehicles used as passenger taxis moving in the same direction as the general flow of vehicles.

5.14.2 “Lane for cyclists” - a lane of the roadway intended for the movement of bicycles and mopeds, separated from the rest of the roadway by horizontal markings and marked with sign 5.14.2.

5.15.1 “Traffic directions along lanes.”

The number of lanes and permitted directions of movement for each of them.

5.15.2 “Lane directions”.

Permitted lane directions.

Signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2, which permit a left turn from the extreme left lane, also permit a U-turn from this lane.

Signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 do not apply to route vehicles. The effect of signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 installed in front of the intersection applies to the entire intersection, unless other signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 installed on it give other instructions.

5.15.3 “Start of stripe”.

The beginning of an additional uphill or braking lane. If the sign installed in front of the additional lane displays sign(s) 4.6 “Minimum speed limit,” then the driver of a vehicle who cannot continue driving along the main lane at the indicated or higher speed must change lanes to the lane located to his right.

5.15.4 “Start of stripe”.

The beginning of the middle section of a three-lane road intended for traffic in a given direction. If sign 5.15.4 shows a sign prohibiting the movement of any vehicles, then the movement of these vehicles in the corresponding lane is prohibited.

5.15.5 “End of lane”. The end of an additional uphill lane or acceleration lane.

5.15.6 “End of lane”.

The end of a section of the median on a three-lane road intended for traffic in a given direction.

If sign 5.15.7 shows a sign prohibiting the movement of any vehicles, then the movement of these vehicles in the corresponding lane is prohibited.
Signs 5.15.7 with the appropriate number of arrows can be used on roads with four or more lanes.

5.15.8 “Number of lanes”.

Indicates the number of lanes and lane modes. The driver is obliged to comply with the requirements of the signs marked on the arrows.

5.16 “Bus and (or) trolleybus stopping place.”

5.17 “Tram stopping place.”

5.18 “Taxi parking area.”

5.19.1, 5.19.2 “Pedestrian crossing”.

If there are no markings 1.14.1 or 1.14.2 at the crossing, sign 5.19.1 is installed to the right of the road on the near border of the crossing relative to approaching vehicles, and sign 5.19.2 is installed to the left of the road on the far border of the crossing.

5.20 “Artificial hump”.

Indicates the boundaries of an artificial roughness. The sign is installed at the nearest boundary of the artificial hump relative to approaching vehicles.

5.21 “Residential area”.

The territory in which the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation are in force, establishing the rules of traffic in a residential area.

5.22 “End of the residential area.”

5.23.1, 5.23.2 “Beginning of a populated area.”

The beginning of a populated area in which the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation are in force, establishing the procedure for traffic in populated areas.
5.24.1, 5.24.2 “End of a populated area.”

The place from which on a given road the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, establishing the procedure for traffic in populated areas, cease to apply.

5.25 “The beginning of a settlement.”

The beginning of a populated area in which the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, which establish traffic rules in populated areas, do not apply on this road.

5.26 “End of a settlement.”

The end of a populated area in which the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, which establish traffic rules in populated areas, do not apply on this road.

5.27 “Zone with limited parking.”

The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins where parking is prohibited.

5.28 “End of restricted parking zone.”

5.29 “Regulated parking zone.”

The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, where parking is permitted and regulated with the help of signs and markings.

5.30 “End of regulated parking zone.”

5.31 “Zone with maximum speed limit.”

The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins where the maximum speed is limited.

5.32 “End of zone with maximum speed limit.”

5.33 “Pedestrian zone”.

The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins where only pedestrian traffic is allowed.

5.34 “End of the pedestrian zone.”

6. Information signs

Information signs inform about the location of populated areas and other objects, as well as established or recommended traffic modes.

6.1 “General maximum speed limits.”

General speed limits established by the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation.

The speed at which it is recommended to drive on this section of the road. The sign's coverage area extends to the nearest intersection, and when sign 6.2 is used together with a warning sign, it is determined by the length of the dangerous area.

6.3.1 “Turning space.” Turning left is prohibited.

6.3.2 "Turning area". Length of the turning area. Turning left is prohibited.

6.4 “Parking location”.

6.5 "Emergency stop strip". Emergency stop strip on a steep descent.

6.6 “Underground pedestrian crossing.”

6.7 “Overground pedestrian crossing.”

6.8.1 - 6.8.3 "Deadlock". A road with no through passage.

6.9.1 "Advance directions"

6.9.2 "Advance direction indicator".

Directions to the settlements and other objects indicated on the sign. Signs may contain images of the sign 6.14.1 , highway, airport and other pictograms. Sign 6.9.1 may contain images of other signs informing about traffic patterns. At the bottom of sign 6.9.1, the distance from the place where the sign is installed to the intersection or the beginning of the deceleration lane is indicated.
Sign 6.9.1 is also used to indicate a detour around sections of roads on which one of the prohibition signs 3.11 - 3.15 is installed.

6.9.3 “Traffic pattern”.

The route of movement when certain maneuvers are prohibited at an intersection or permitted directions of movement at a complex intersection.

6.10.1 “Direction indicator”

6.10.2 “Direction indicator”.

Driving directions to route points. The signs may indicate the distance (km) to the objects indicated on them, as well as symbols of a highway, airport and other pictograms.

6.11 “Name of the object.”

The name of an object other than a populated area (river, lake, pass, landmark, etc.).

6.12 "Distance indicator".

Distance (km) to settlements located along the route.

6.13 “Kilometer sign”. Distance (km) to the beginning or end of the road.

6.14.1, 6.14.2 “Route number”.

6.14.1 - number assigned to the road (route); 6.14.2 - number and direction of the road (route).

6.15.1 - 6.15.3 "Traffic direction for trucks."

6.16 "Stop line".

The place where vehicles stop when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal ().

6.17 “Detour diagram”. Route to bypass a section of road temporarily closed to traffic.

Direction to bypass a section of road temporarily closed to traffic.

6.19.1, 6.19.2 “Preliminary indicator for changing lanes onto another roadway.”

The direction to bypass a section of the roadway closed to traffic on a road with a dividing strip or the direction of movement to return to the right roadway.

On signs 6.9.1, 6.9.2, 6.10.1 and 6.10.2 installed outside a populated area, a green or blue background means that traffic to the specified populated area or object will be carried out, respectively, along a motorway or other road. On signs 6.9.1, 6.9.2, 6.10.1 and 6.10.2 installed in a populated area, inserts with a green or blue background mean that movement to the specified populated area or object after leaving this populated area will be carried out accordingly according to motorway or other road; The white background of the sign means that the specified object is located in this locality.

7. Service marks

Service signs inform about the location of the relevant facilities.

7.1 “Medical aid station”.

7.2 "Hospital".

7.3 "Gas station".

7.4 “Car maintenance”.

7.5 "Car wash".

7.6 "Telephone".

7.7 “Food station”.

7.8 "Drinking water".

7.9 “Hotel or motel.”

7.10 "Camping".

7.11 "Resting Place."

7.12 “Road patrol post.”

7.13 "Police".

7.14 “International road transport control point.”

7.15 “Reception area of ​​a radio station transmitting traffic information.”

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