Home Salon Yandex maps get directions from point a. Get directions. Navigator online. Calculate the distance between cities. Selecting a route planning tool online

Yandex maps get directions from point a. Get directions. Navigator online. Calculate the distance between cities. Selecting a route planning tool online

Yandex maps is one of the most popular mapping services in Russia, enjoying well-deserved recognition from hundreds of thousands of motorists. Among the most ardent supporters of the service are residents of large cities, which is facilitated by the close integration of Yandex maps with systems that monitor traffic jams in real time.

This approach has greatly contributed to the demand for the service and has led to the fact that today Yandex maps surpass in popularity even the well-known mapping services from the Navitel company, which for many years were considered recognized market leaders.

Despite the popularity of the service, not all motorists are well aware of the capabilities of this mapping service and the aspects of its successful use. In this material we will try to comprehensively understand the issues of interest, as well as how to correctly use the Yandex Maps service and plot a route by car from point A to point B.

The main advantages of the Yandex Maps service

Before we talk directly about plotting a route using the Yandex Maps service (LINK), it is worth talking about its advantages in comparison with a large number of competing offers, as well as the disadvantages that also exist.

TO advantages of Yandex cards applies:

  • Availability of a convenient application for smartphones with various operating systems;
  • it is not necessary to download maps to the device and, as a result, there is less load on the internal memory of the device;
  • convenient user interface for both PC and mobile devices;
  • the ability to monitor the traffic situation in real time and timely inform the driver about possible traffic jams;
  • promptly changing the route depending on the traffic situation, taking into account traffic jams.

Disadvantages of Yandex maps far less. They can be considered:

  • limited use offline, that is, without access to the Internet. De facto, it is impossible to use the service in areas with limited coverage of mobile networks, or, subject to preliminary downloading of the map, but the possibilities will be very limited;
  • limited cartographic capabilities in hard-to-reach regions.

As we can see, the above-mentioned shortcomings are critical, but not for residents of megacities, where mobile communications are ubiquitous and cartography is very developed.

It is precisely for this consumer audience that the advantages of the service completely outweigh the disadvantages and make Yandex maps an almost ideal way to get from one point of the city to another without any difficulties.

How to get directions on Yandex maps for traveling by car

Considering the operation of the Yandex maps service, we will immediately note that applications for all platforms, including the browser version on PCs and mobile device platforms, have the same capabilities and controls.

The differences lie only in their location according to the orientation of the screen, its size and other characteristics of the device.

For this reason, for clarity, we will use the browser version, on the basis of which we can analyze the functionality of the system in more depth and detail. So…

In Figure 1 we see the basic service interface that opens upon login. It consists of the map itself, which displays a point in space found automatically by Yandex services and implying your current location. Since the PC does not have a GPS module, this point will not always correspond to your actual current location. Of course, when the module is activated, the location will be shown with a greater degree of accuracy.

The working interface service is very simple and consists of several buttons located at the top of the screen, to the right of the user, as well as at the bottom of the map. At the top, the main attention is drawn to the search bar with a transcript. In it, by entering a search query, you can find the nearest car services, catering establishments, gas stations and other roadside infrastructure facilities.

The second item, located to the right of the user line, is called “Routes”. When you click on it, as can be seen from Figure 2, an additional module opens on the right side of the map interface with two search lines at once, in which you can find a given point both for the route by car and when using public transport.

In fact, the map will tell you how to get to a given address using your own vehicle or bus service. That is, in the first line “Point A”, we enter the place from where you plan to depart, and in the line “Point B” - the destination.

Let's try to look at how the service works using the example of laying out a route in Moscow by entering the starting address and the address of the final point of the route. In Figure 3 you see how we set the route from Red Square to the Evropeisky shopping center by entering the corresponding name in the search lines on the right.

It must be said that the service has a hint system that automatically substitutes nearby addresses when entering. That is, you can type the text arbitrarily, for example, “Moscow, Red Square”, or “European Moscow shopping center”. As a result, the map itself displays the route to avoid traffic jams, and on the right side the distance to the destination in kilometers is displayed, as well as the estimated travel time.

Actually, these are quite logical designations that are typical for all navigation systems. A special feature of Yandex maps is that you can independently select by checking the appropriate box how the system should calculate the route - taking into account traffic jams or without it.

That is, if the checkbox is unchecked, the route is calculated along the shortest path; if there are traffic jams, the route is also calculated along the shortest path, but taking into account the detour of difficult sections.

Since the system is integrated with the Yandex traffic jam service, the mapping service receives information about traffic congestion in real time and accordingly makes adjustments to the route, taking into account possible traffic difficulties and warning the driver that the route may be changed.

Another feature of route planning in Yandex maps is the ability to enter additional route points, which can be added by clicking the “+” sign at the bottom of the search lines located on the right and intended for departure points and final destination.

In order to calculate the route for public transport at given points, you just need to switch to the appropriate mode by clicking the icon with the image of a bus in the same right context menu (Figure 4).

As we can see from this screenshot, the route presented on the map changes in accordance with the route of public transport, and on the right side the travel time and distance to the stop are displayed, as well as the type of public transport that makes sense to use (in this case we are talking about the metro ).

The service offers the name of the departure station and final destination, and also provides data to and from the station to the point of interest (in this case, Red Square and the Evropeisky shopping center).

The mileage when switching to public transport mode is not indicated, but the end user does not need this - just information about the travel time is enough, thanks to which you can calculate how quickly you will get from one point to another.

We have already said earlier that the Yandex map system is closely integrated with the Yandex traffic jam complex. It’s very easy to verify this - just go to the “Traffic” tab, which is also located in the top context menu of the service. As we see from Figure 5, switching to this mode saves information about the entered route, but displays information on the map about all traffic jams on the roads of the capital.

At the same time, the context menu button itself shows the road congestion score (in the example, it is indicated by the number “2” and indicates that the roads are almost free). The map itself displays the most difficult sections (they are marked in red), and “green”, that is, free routes on all roads near the selected route.

An interesting feature of the browser version of Yandex maps is that when you hover over the corresponding line, a tooltip shows the average speed of traffic in this direction.

The service also provides information about ongoing road works, which are indicated by the corresponding sign. Information about them is also provided in real time.

An interesting nuance is that near the “traffic jam” button there is a symbol of a clock dial. As can be seen from Figures 6 and 7, when switching to this mode, we can see not only the real traffic situation on the map at the current time, but also the hourly forecast compiled by the service based on the information received.

Of course, the forecast is not a complete guarantee of just such a traffic situation, because in the capital it can simultaneously paralyze a direction that was completely free just a minute ago.

Nevertheless, such functionality allows you to at least approximately assess the prospects for the development of the traffic situation and, in accordance with them, adjust your own route around the city.

Concluding the review of the top context menu, it is also worth noting the virtual “My Places” button. By clicking on it, it is possible to save the entered route, but this can be done, as can be seen from Figure 8, only after authorization in the Yandex system.

What’s convenient is that one account is enough for all services, that is, by creating, say, Yandex mail, you can use the services without any restrictions. If you have such an account, you can log into it using the last top virtual button by entering your own username and password.

Working with cartography

A separate point that is worth dwelling on as part of the review of the application is cartography. Management of the cartographic functions of the system is assigned to several virtual icons located vertically on the left side of the map.

As can be seen from Figure 9, clicking the top icon with an arrow allows you to “with one touch” go to the world map with a point indicating your location.

The option is certainly convenient, but in reality it is used quite rarely. Below this icon there are standard “+” and “-” buttons, with which you can increase or decrease the map display scale. This is especially convenient when using navigation, when you need to view the entire planned route, or return to the street guidance mode.

However, the relevance of these keys both on a PC in the browser version and for applications based on mobile platforms is questionable, since changing the map scale can also be done by scrolling with the mouse or using a touch screen.

An interesting feature of the cartography in the application is the ability to select map display modes using a virtual key, similar to the corresponding service from Google.

As can be seen in Figure 10, the user can independently select the schematic display mode, as well as switch to the satellite image display mode or the hybrid mode - when the schematic image and captions are superimposed on satellite images (Figures 11 and 12).

The practical value of this display is good if you are trying to get a visual idea of ​​your destination or explore the surrounding area. In large populated areas, the “satellite” mode has a fairly high resolution and detail, but this mode does not fully work in all regions of the country.

The most difficulties occur in sparsely populated regions, which is unlikely to help travelers traveling to the far corners of our country. However, this nuance is more than compensated by the fact that Yandex’s cartography is very extensive, and the operating principle of the service does not require the purchase of separate map packages for different countries, as is practiced, for example, in the already mentioned Navitel system.

The lower function buttons located at the bottom of the map on the left side also refer to the map service. Pressing the first of the buttons, as can be seen from Figure 13, allows you to switch to panning and photo mode.

In practice, this means that you can optionally view a graphical panorama of a place (the service is available for the most visited places and architectural monuments), or photographs that are uploaded by system users.

This means that when you go somewhere interesting, you can get an idea of ​​what it looks like in advance. For example, in Figure 14 you see work in the mode of displaying photographs of Red Square. Which, as you remember, became the starting point of our virtual route around Moscow.

The map displays a large number of photographs of a given place, and clicking on any of them allows you to view it in large size, as in Figure 15.

Two other functional virtual buttons already play a secondary role and allow you to either print the selected section of the map or publish it on social networks.

In addition, in the PC version, next to the function buttons there are links that allow you to download the Yandex maps application on mobile devices with Android or Apple operating systems.

Features of Yandex maps on mobile devices

We have already noted that the general functionality of the mobile application is identical to the browser version. However, the Yandex maps application has several functional differences.

These include the automatic route guidance mode, which is designed in a similar way to that used in other navigation systems. In fact, a car or pedestrian, or more precisely, its location, is displayed as a point on the map that moves in the process of real movement.

Also, the mobile version allows you to determine the destination point by coordinates, which makes it possible to widely use it in navigation for pedestrians.

Video - mobile Yandex maps:

An interesting nuance is the “night” map display mode, when the application changes the cartography display using muted and non-irritating bluish-lilac tones. At the same time, aspects of control and search, as well as routing, are the same for all versions and differ only in the location of functional elements, depending on the size of the screen and its orientation in a particular specific case (the gyroscopic rotation sensor automatically adjusts the display depending on the selected horizontal position or vertical).

Final grades

How good are Yandex maps? Judging by the testing, this is indeed a very effective complex of a variety of systems, including mapping, navigation and traffic jam services, which is perfect for a metropolitan resident.

The presence of “mobile” and “browser” versions allows you to calculate your travel route in advance, taking into account the actual traffic situation.

Video - routes by car in Yandex.maps:

Separately, it is worth mentioning the convenient and intuitive user interface, which can be quickly mastered and successfully used both in the car and while walking.

For travelers, the effectiveness of the service is somewhat reduced due to the fact that the Yandex maps application does not work offline on 100% of the territory of our country and in some cases access to the Internet will be required, including from mobile devices. However, this factor plays a minimal role for the majority of the target audience, and experienced travelers use other systems that are better suited for specific tasks.

At the same time, Yandex maps are convenient not only for motorists, but also for pedestrians due to the ability to plot a route using public transport routes. Thus, the service truly justifies its popularity due to its convenience and ease of use.

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How to get directions - Google maps

Hello, dear friends of the portal site!

How to quickly get directions on a Google map between two cities? A brief description of the functions, how to get directions by car along the roads of Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the world.

You can install Google Chrome for your browser. Services for your website - “About the project” page.

The page uses two interactive maps of the Google Maps service - a diagram and a Street View panorama. Previously, the Yandex service was used for Russia, Europe and the world (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Kyiv, etc.).

Here we also need to set some conditions for our road route to be created. We choose what type of transport will be used. For example, to plot a car route on an online map of St. Petersburg. Select the type of transport: car or bus (in this case, route numbers and stops will be indicated on some maps)

Many of us have been to the city of St. Petersburg (SPb), and often there was a need to find a shortcut to a certain area of ​​the city. Whether by car, bus or on foot. You can find out the distance between two objects using the “ruler” tool, so that you can then plot your route in this city.

Now we select the speed of movement through the cities of Russia, Ukraine, the Moscow region, and countries of the world. It does not affect the online planning of the future route. But it is taken into account when alternating photographs of Street View panoramas.

To search, it is enough to fill out two forms: the names of two cities. By default, two points are set on a Moscow street. These will be our point markers on the map - A and B. In the same way, you can search in many cities of Russia and the world (Ryazan, Omsk, Serpukhov, Rostov, Taganrog, Volgograd, etc.). Plot a route on the road map of Ukraine and Belarus in the same way.

It is necessary to fill out two fields. Otherwise the search will not be carried out. Let us also add that it is acceptable to use it for a street, home, or populated area. The coordinates are inserted in the same way (latitude, longitude).

All that remains is to activate the “route” button to plot a car route along the city streets on the interactive map of Moscow. Or we enter your address: Kyiv, St. Petersburg, Minsk, street, avenue, etc. Even cities in Europe and the world. Note that you can first switch to the “Satellite” scheme type.

Navigating your route using Street View panoramas

Once we know the starting and ending points of our route, we can now walk through the city streets using Street View panoramas. Click "path".

While alternating photos of streets and roads, it is possible to stop movement along your online route “pause”, as well as return to the beginning of the path “back”. Below, under the panorama map, you will notice text explanations about our road, where to turn and what the street/intersection is now.

On the Google diagram above there will be movement along the laid route, from point A to B. You can compare the road and route with the Yandex service, for example.

Alas, not all the streets of Russia and Ukraine have been covered by the Google Street View car. I've traveled almost everywhere in Europe! On the streets of cities you have not yet visited, you will see the text “No data” at the bottom.

We hope that the Google car will soon visit every corner of the Russian Federation! To make this service even more convenient for users.

Thank you to Google Maps for the data you provided.

Cartographic data of cities in Russia, Ukraine and the world

Mobile navigation programs (as well as corresponding devices) have long been an indispensable part of our lives. We use online navigators without downloading to navigate unfamiliar places, to move from one coordinate point to another, to determine the optimal and shortest route, and for other similar tasks. Direct work with navigation involves purchasing an appropriate navigation device, or, at a minimum, installing a relevant mobile application on our phone. At the same time, to navigate and create optimal routes, you can use various network services that offer online navigator functionality.

There are a fairly small number of network services on the Internet that offer online navigator functionality. This is primarily due to the peculiarities of creating such solutions, which require the use of GPS and A-GPS modules to determine location. Which is more convenient to do at the level of mobile devices with built-in GPS, but not at the browser level on a desktop PC.

In most cases, to navigate without downloading software, it is worth using both the corresponding network services (which will be described by me below) and standard maps (at the level of the popular Google Maps or Yandex.Maps). These resources will allow you not only to effectively navigate the terrain, but also to build the optimal route from one point to another.

Navi-gator.online for quick orientation in your city

The navi-gator.online service positions itself as the first network service with support for GPS navigation that works directly in the browser of your smartphone. Working with this site takes place online without the need to download and install any additional software on your phone, but you need to allow the service to determine your location using the browser functionality.

In its work, the service uses free maps from OpenStreetMap:

To work with the navigator, you need to go to the website navi-gator.online, click on the corresponding button to determine your location, and then use the functionality of the optional line below.

Kakdobratsyado.ru - will create a route from point A to B

The second Russian-language service for navigation without downloading that I want to talk about is the kakdobratsyado.ru tool. This application allows you to calculate and build a route from point A to point B (on foot, by car, by public transport). At the same time, the service will also calculate the approximate fuel consumption (for a car), as well as the total cost of potentially wasted fuel.

  1. To work with the navigator, enter the starting and ending points in the appropriate lines, and then click on the large “Calculate” button at the bottom.
  2. The corresponding route will appear at the bottom of the map, and there you will also see a description of the route (navigator) with information on how and how to get to each of the transit points.

Google Maps and Yandex.Maps services available without downloading

To navigate online from a browser, you can also use standard and generally accepted maps without downloading Google Maps and Yandex.Maps. Their functionality allows you not only to determine your location (by clicking on the corresponding location button), but also to build the optimal route by clicking on the “How to get there” button. Where it will be necessary to indicate the starting and ending points of the route, as well as select the specifics of your transport (pedestrian, bicycle, car, train, plane, etc.).

The functionality of the Google Maps service will conveniently help you navigate online

After determining all the components, the services will build an optimal route indicating the distance, travel time and other related parameters.


In this material, I reviewed navigators for use online without downloading, described the features of its functionality, and the specifics of its operation. In connection with the problem of accurately determining location using stationary network services, it will be easier and more convenient to use mobile applications (Navitel Navigator, Yandex.Navigator, CityGuide, etc.), which will allow you to take full advantage of the wealth of navigation capabilities on your mobile device.

In contact with

You can calculate the distance between cities for free using our website. The distance between cities is calculated using the shortest paths. At the same time, fuel consumption is shown depending on the type and brand of the car.

The calculation can be useful in the following situations:

  • planning a private vacation trip with the whole family by car or determining the optimal route for a business trip. The calculator will help you calculate fuel costs while traveling (we know the average fuel consumption and its price);
  • will help professional long-distance drivers navigate routes between cities;
  • calculator options are useful for cargo senders when determining the cost of transportation services (the calculator determines the kilometer, the carrier gives the tariffs);

How to use the distance calculator?

Setting and planning a route between cities is not difficult. To do this, you will need to enter the starting point along the route in the “From” field. A convenient way to select cities has been created. The arrival field for a given route is filled in similarly. After selecting cities, click the calculation button.

A map will open with a plotted route and an indication of the starting and ending points of movement and cities. They are indicated with red markers. The route by car between cities is drawn with a red line. The following data is provided on top of the map for reference:

  • estimated route length;
  • travel time;
  • how much fuel is required for the trip.
  • what type of roads along the route;
  • the route is divided into separate sections indicating the length and time of travel.

This route data can be printed and received in a convenient A4 format. If necessary, you can make adjustments to the calculation. Set the parameters you need for your trip and request a quote again.

Additional settings make it possible to make adjustments to speed calculations for each type of road surface. There is an option to select transit settlements.

A fuel calculator will be very useful. Substitute into it the parameters of the car (average fuel consumption) and the current average prices for 1 liter of fuel. This will allow you to find out the required amount of fuel and its cost.

Alternative routing methods

If you have a road atlas at hand, then you can use it to roughly determine the route on the map. A curvimeter, if available, will help determine quite approximately the distance between cities.

It will be more difficult to find out the time spent on the trip. The entire route will need to be divided into fragments with roads of the same type. Knowing the speed at which you can travel on each class of road and knowing the length of such sections, you can calculate the travel time.

Data from reference books and atlases on distances between cities can also come to the rescue. Please note that such tables usually indicate large cities.

Algorithms for calculating distances between cities

Route calculations are based on an algorithm for finding a path using the shortest principle. Distances between cities by car are determined based on the satellite coordinates of settlements and roads. As a result of reading all the data on a computer, the result is given as a simulation option. When planning a long trip, don’t be lazy and take care of your backup options.

In practice, there are two main methods for calculating distances between settlements:

  • exclusively on existing roads, taking into account access roads;
  • in a straight line (like a bird flies - straight and free). The distance turns out to be shorter, but in practice it has no practical significance - there are no roads along such a route.

Our program is used to calculate the distance between cities along highways and roads.

The metropolis is a city so huge that it is much easier to get lost in it than in the most remote and remote taiga. And don’t be fooled by the abundance of people around: most of them, at best, are oriented in the area where they live or work, and most often have no idea where the place you are trying to get to is.

But there is absolutely no need to despair and look for guides, because all this was a problem exactly until the moment when the famous Russian company Yandex made a wonderful travel app - Yandex.Navigator - available to owners of mobile phones and tablets. Previously, it was possible to get directions using the Yandex online navigator, but now this service is personalized, which allows download Yandex navigator for Android phone free and using it is as convenient as on a computer.

The benefits of the Yandex navigator on the Android OS will be instantly appreciated by anyone who goes on a trip to a large city and probably doesn’t know where it might take them when planning a route in their head.

The application from the Yandex company is an interactive computerized diagram that will show the user all the metro transport lines with the ability to plot their optimal route through any nodes or stops of interest. The second key task of the application is to track a satellite or friend who has a built-in GPS receiver and also installed Yandex.Navigator on his phone.

Android application features:

  • in city conditions, the application can easily draw the optimal route for the user’s situation, using detailed Russian and Ukrainian city maps as a basis;
  • having complete information about the network of intercity routes, Yandex.Navigator will also draw a route for travel from city to city;
  • when driving along the route, the owner of the application is accompanied by a voice prompt;
  • the application monitors information about any accidents that have occurred, about the start or completion of road works, about traffic jams on sections of the highway, collects data from surveillance cameras, not only warns about possible problems and unforeseen changes in the situation, but also automatically changes the structure of the route so that there are no problems at all affected the user;
  • the software is able to remember any address and subsequently create the fastest route to it based on the user’s current location;
  • Yandex.Navigator for Android allows you to search for objects of interest to the user based on their name, specific activity or address, and also provides the owner with additional information about what was found.

Some navigator features to consider:

  • the program displays routes in a list and does not take into account such significant parameters as traffic density and time required for transfers;
  • list mode allows you to find out when and at what time the desired train arrives, which route it follows, and even which carriage is the most rational to enter in order to minimize the time to the specified destination;
  • a special chip built into a smartphone will allow you to optimally expand the functionality, thereby increasing the performance of the GPS receiver;
  • the application is capable of plotting not just one route, but several at once, and for each of this sample, giving the exact distance along this trajectory and the approximate time of movement along it. The calculations take into account the factors of traffic jams, accidents, accidents and other relevant information;
  • the map on which the routes are drawn can be not only popular, but also satellite;
  • in the dark, the program provides the user with a more convenient display mode - night;
  • The navigator can operate without access to the global network, and when you are in large cities, you can use the 3D map format.

And again, the most pleasant argument for users of mobile phones and smartphones is - You can download Yandex navigator for Android for free in Russian both from the official website and from our resource.

Once installed on an Android phone, Yandex.Navigator turns into an excellent and absolutely full-fledged GPS navigation program that will help you find addresses or stores, tell you about unexpected road events, and, naturally, provide its owner with the most reliable, fast and accurate routes for traveling along unfamiliar roads. places.

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