Home Locks Test drive Hyundai Solaris with new suspension. How to replace the front suspension on a Hyundai Solaris. We repair and modernize the front suspension of the Hyundai Solaris. Interesting video: personal experience of tuning Hyundai Solaris Transmission and brakes

Test drive Hyundai Solaris with new suspension. How to replace the front suspension on a Hyundai Solaris. We repair and modernize the front suspension of the Hyundai Solaris. Interesting video: personal experience of tuning Hyundai Solaris Transmission and brakes

Modernization of the Solaris suspension at home is of interest to many car owners. How to do it yourself, what tools are needed for this and what parts to use, we will understand in detail in this material.

Almost every Hyundai Solaris owner, after a while of the car's operation, asks the question: how to upgrade the suspension? It is not difficult to do this, but it is important to responsibly and competently approach the solution of the problem. Problems with the running gear of Hyundai Solaris usually arise when driving on bumps, of which there are a lot in our country. Changes in the suspension can be different and they usually depend on the capabilities and requirements of the owner for his own car.

Existing problems

In all forums dedicated to Hyundai Solaris, car owners discuss design flaws in the rear suspension. The automaker assures that after

Hyundai Solaris Suspension

The previous models took into account the wishes of motorists and everything was corrected, however, the models of the early years of production require certain changes. Owners have a lot of complaints about yawing cars when driving at speeds over 80 km / h. Experts have determined that this is due to the poor design of the rear shock absorbers.

We all realize that there is no perfect car in every sense, but everyone wants to have a car with a minimum number of flaws. After a certain operating period, the weakness of the hub bearings may appear, and the steering rack may also buzz. Subsequently, the steering wheel will begin to beat, and the tips will wear out faster. In order to avoid the problem, it is necessary to modify certain elements.

How do the flaws appear?

Many Korean car owners are starting to upgrade the Hyundai Solaris suspension in order to improve stability at high speeds. Especially a lot of complaints are caused by the yaw of the rear axle, pulling to the sides in a crosswind or when driving towards heavy vehicles. All this is a consequence of a constructive flaw that can be corrected with your own hands. There is a problem with the incorrectly selected angle of installation of the rear shock absorbers.

Cause of problems

Shock absorbers are installed at a certain angle, which causes an inevitable increase in loads and inertia forces. Installing shock absorbers strictly vertically will reduce suspension travel, but will reduce loads and inertial moments. These simple alterations usually involve the modernization of the Solaris suspension by car owners.

How to modify the Hyundai Solaris suspension?

It is necessary to transfer the shock absorber mountings by making new mountings for the assembly. They are made so as to obtain four points for attaching the lowest point of the shock absorber. This will allow you to select the optimal suspension geometry for your specific operating conditions. Note that such an upgrade of the Hyundai Solaris suspension increases the chances of breaking through the suspension. This can be eliminated by installing other springs.

Initially, in order to avoid breakdown, car owners made inserts of dense rubber, inserting them between the coils of standard springs, but this solution was not very effective. After experimenting with springs of different brands from other cars, the optimal results were achieved with the help of springs from VAZ 2108 and 2110. They should be slightly shortened by cutting off about 2.7 parts of the coil and bending the outer part of the cut coil.

This retrofit works well, but it is important to install lower spring bumpers to be the center of the springs. installation of coil springs for Hyundai Solaris standard barrel springs significantly improves the technical characteristics of the chassis. Depending on the required ground clearance, the springs can be cut a little more or less.

Mando? Well, then everything is clear, ”I can hear the conversation of colleagues at the next table out of the corner of my ear. Indeed, the name of the Korean company-supplier of these components, so resonant for the Russian ear, fully reflected the quality of the suspension of the first Solaris. On a bad road, the back of the car jumped like a ball, and any road irregularities were transmitted into the cabin with a loud knock.

On the bumps, the rear of the car dangled, and each pothole echoed with a loud thump. On the track, in order to move on a given course at high speed, you literally had to grip the steering wheel. According to reviews on specialized Internet forums, the owners began to pay attention to the poor performance of the suspension immediately after the purchase: she forced many to file complaints with the Russian representative office of the company. After angry feedback from owners, Hyundai made design changes, redesigning not only the rear, but also the front suspension.

In general, its design has not changed (MacPherson struts, at the back - a semi-independent, spring suspension). The softer springs were replaced with stiffer and more energy-intensive shocks, the rear and front Mando shocks were replaced with new ones with more resistance. True, the manufacturer has not changed.

We are heading 100 km from Moscow, to the Kaluga region - away from flat roads. On broken regional tracks, you can better understand how the Solaris's handling has changed on the track.

The fact that the suspension was made stiffer clearly went to the good of the Korean car. The buildup has disappeared, the car has become more stable on a straight line, does not prowl in a rut, and small irregularities and potholes in the asphalt no longer bother the driver and passengers. The steering responses became intelligible and adequate. In a word, it is a pleasure to drive Solaris in a large city or on a highway in the Moscow region.

Even weak soundproofing does not interfere with singing praises to new springs (there is none at all in the wheel arches, because of this, driving at high speeds resembles a liner on takeoff). However, here Hyundai can be understood: the use of more expensive material will lead to an increase in prices.

We managed to check the suspension on an average Russian road in the vicinity of the town of Borovsk. Unlike the highway of the same name near Moscow, on which some drivers like to squeeze all the juice out of the car, in the city of Old Believers and the young Tsiolkovsky, the roadbed seems to be repaired only for the big holidays.

It turned out that the Solaris plumps into large pits with its whole body, making everything that is not properly secured, including the driver and passengers, rattle and bounce in the cabin. If such a route runs from home to work, it is better not to take coffee and drinks in glasses with you.

Once on a road with a lot of bumps, the steering wheel lost adequate feedback, it became more difficult to understand where the front wheels are leading. To move on a given course at high speed, you literally have to grip the steering wheel. Hands with such a ride get tired after a few kilometers. The conclusion that can be drawn from this is to control the speed on the track within reasonable limits.

The rest (design, interior, equipment) of Solaris remained the same as a year ago.

But if the problem of Hyundai's suspension has been solved, then it is not yet completely possible to achieve adequate engine and four-speed automatic operation from Solaris. Even in the case of the more powerful 1.6-liter Gamma engine with 123 hp. with. when the accelerator pedal is pressed sharply, the motor “withdraws into itself” (on the highway this happened approximately in the middle of a standard truck). The driver is deprived of the necessary acceleration and sluggishly, strainingly bypasses the slug.

What, then, can we expect from the less powerful 1.4-liter 107-horsepower engine?

Since the beginning of sales of the first "Solaris" in February 2011, the model has firmly won the status of the best-selling foreign car.

For a year and a half, the car has risen in price by a total of 66 thousand rubles (from 379 thousand to 445 thousand rubles). In the basic version, the buyer is offered power steering, front power windows and central locking. ABS and brake force distribution systems are not here, and the stabilization system and six airbags (including side curtains) are offered only in the Comfort version (for a surcharge of 25 thousand rubles) and Family, with base prices from 523 thousand and 624 thousand rubles accordingly, the stabilization system is only partially turned off - only the traction control system can be deactivated.

The direct competitor of Solaris, Kia Rio, which appeared on the Russian market in September 2011, costs 34,900 more in the basic configuration. At the same time, the cars are technically completely identical. True, Kia already has ABS with a brake force distribution system in the base.

We are learning to understand each other. But for this you need to talk, share. The time of isolation is passing. The time is coming for communication and manifestation of oneself in life! We are who we are. But you cannot stand still indefinitely. You need to be better! overcome yourself! Believe in yourself! Set a high bar for yourself and achieve your goal! This is the only way to improve your life and the lives of loved ones!

Do not look at what is happening in the circle. Look inside yourself! try to understand yourself! Try to understand what drives you and if what drives you you don't like change it. Set yourself up so that you are the engine of your life and not your environment. Then you will become a person and you will be respected.

A noble goal, this is work on yourself! After working on yourself, you change the world around you. To get better, you need to strive for the best. Not to desire, but to dream, not to indulge, but to love. Find your place in life and benefit society, benefit the people around you.

and the equally popular Kia Rio.

Korean cars that have swept our market in a wave. These brands have become popular in a very short period of time. And these are not simple words. The motto of these cars is, first of all, innovative design, undoubtedly beautiful harmonious forms. Exterior and interior that revived the entire range of passenger cars setting a high bar. And as time goes by, we see how a successful design is being introduced to other brands in one form or another, there is a trace. So the move was correct. But the basic platform on both Solaris and Rio was not so successful. And the three-fold modernization did not fix the main diseases of the suspension. And therefore, buying a car for more than half a million I would like to have a car with adequate suspension. Unfortunately, there are two troubles in Russia. I won't talk about the first, but the second is our roads. And here the joy of shopping passes quickly. But the car is good. Can you customize it for yourself? Why not? Of course you can and should. After all, we buy different pubs for beauty or convenience, sometimes giving a lot for it. Why can't you improve your car in terms of its behavior on the road? Isn't that the most important thing?

Need stability on the track? No problem. Shouldn't there be a buildup? This is solvable. The suspension is flimsy and breaks through? And there is a solution here. Small things hammer out the fifth point? This can be solved and the noise from road irregularities can be reduced. It can all be solved. And your humble servant decided this for himself. With interest I studied and did this for almost three years. And he brought out a certain concept in which it is possible to improve the suspension of this platform not in mock slang in words, but in real deeds, real developments and tests. By checking the time and feedback from the owners of those who decided to remake the suspension. More than three years have passed. Year 2015. Has the problem been solved at the plant so far? Formally yes! They removed the swinging of the stern, strengthened the suspension. But do not flatter yourself on this score. The problem has not been resolved. Why do I say so that the previous changes had little result, and the last reincarnation did aggravate the indicators at all. And this is not an unfounded statement, but the result of working with correspondence. Real reviews of owners on sites, letters that I receive in large numbers have similar complaints about the suspension. The main thing is insufficient stability at speeds of more than 100 km h. Not precise enough control when making maneuvers. Unpredictability of the car's behavior on bumps. Suspension weakness to breakdown. There is such a topic on the forumI think my Hyundai Solaris has bad suspension! http://solaris-club.net/forum/showthread.php?t=6178 and for the sake of fairness I will say that there is another topicI think my Solaris has a good suspension! http://solaris-club.net/forum/showthread.php?t=5498 But there are 127 entries in the first topic and 123 in the second, but the views in the first 56 thousand. In the second 36 thousand. This suggests that this problem is more likely to exist than not. Moreover, not everyone wants to simply and truthfully write about their car, because so much money has been given. And in terms of the number of views, the first is one and a half times higher. This indicates that there is a problem. Another proof that there is a problem Interest in the topic On the site "Hyundai Solari-Club Russia"Adaptation of the Solaris chassis to Russian roads http://solaris-club.net/forum/showthread.php?t=6394 over 3000 posts and over 450,000 views! And also the topic on the Site "Kia Rio Club Russia"I am remodeling the suspension http://kia-rio.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2508.Of course, the problem can be ignored and you can have what you have.But don't you want to have the best if there is such an opportunity?

And so let's start with what happened. It all started with Solarisiv from the first batch produced in 2010-2012. The car is very nice, beautiful, reliable and simple, inexpensive to maintain.
I have a car from this batch. Even when buying and driving, I noticed that the Solaris feed gallops on bumps, swinging especially unpleasantly on the waves. But the car is new rose-colored glasses and this is the first foreign car. It was significantly different in the flow of cars with its flowing lines, and now many manufacturers have adopted this design to one degree or another. But Solaris is the first fairly inexpensive car with a great design. But back to the heart of the problem. At the very beginning on the forumshttp://solaris-club.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=10 began to express their indignation at the suspension, in the beginning I even defended the suspension. But life has put everything in its place. When spring came and the road opened its charms, the first thing that I experienced was the weakness of the suspension to breakdown and the front and rear, at a low suspension speed, easily broke through. Therefore, it was necessary to constantly control the speed of movement. If, for some reason, the speed was slightly higher, then a strong breakdown followed, especially the front suspension. Another fact was found out - the buildup of the stern of the car on the waves. Once entering a turn on a wave, I felt a breakdown in the stern skid. The car turned out of the corner. then it was suddenly thrown in the other direction and so on up to three times. And the speed was no more than 80 km / h. After this incident, I began to be afraid to drive fast if there were waves and bumps on the roads. It was interesting to watch how classic vases! overtake easily. And the front-wheel drive vases generally made overtaking without much effort. Less than two months after the purchase, disappointment came. How can you buy a car for a decent amount of 500 thousand. With an excellent and powerful enough engine, good dynamics and declared speed in 190km h
in reality it is probably in ideal road conditions. So it turned out another very unpleasant drawback of the suspension, it is not the ability to keep the car in a straight line in a crosswind, when meeting with trucks, the car was thrown along the highway, it was necessary to constantly steer. At the same time, the speed dropped sharply, it's just really scary and not safe to drive. At the same time, the forum literally exploded with indignation over the suspension. Neither the plant nor the OD. no one gave a real sober answer to this question. There was no revocable company either, but most of all the motto that the Solaris suspension was adapted to Russian roads sounded like a mockery. Many owners quickly sold their cars second-hand in an attempt to hide the real reason for the sale. Many simply resigned themselves to this problem. I also almost sold the car, but it was my dream and therefore I decided to change the suspension and its work myself.

When I looked under the bottom of the car, I was very surprised. Why did the designers fill the bottom of the shock absorbers to the beam, removing them from the wheel axle?
This suspension is compact and its shock absorbers do not occupy a niche in the trunk. But is it good? When the lever arm springs the mass of the wheel, the hub creates inertia capable of swinging the lever.
How will the shock absorber work at this angle?

Z Avoda shock absorber location, stock position. The photo shows that the wheel axle is far behind the lower shock absorber mount.
As a consequence of this, there is a buildup.

So I started looking for and solving the problems of the Solaris suspension. Development and testing of various shock absorber mounting structures, selection and manufacture of springs. Installation of additional bumpers. And finally, installing the stabilizer on the rear suspension. All this took two and a half years. All the modernization I reflected in the topic on the forum "Hyundai-Solaris" Club Russia. In the first topic "I am upgrading the Solaris suspension"http://solaris-club.net/forum/showthread.php?t=4183 the rating of the topic was very high then when the problem only went beyond the rear suspension, this topic was closed and started a new Adaptation of the Hyundai Solaris chassis to Russian roadshttp://solaris-club.net/forum/showthread.php?t=6394 where I fully revealed the progress of research to improve the suspension. I had a great desire to solve the problem and correct the design flaw. And I did it.
Before, I studied the parameters of the factory stock suspension well.

And so let's start with the fact that I first changed the angle of the shock absorbers that set them in a vertical position, solved the problem of stern swing. It stopped.
Further, I repeatedly changed the design of the mounts and created mounts with adjustable stiffness and suspension travel lengths.

Brackets with variable geometry in 4 positions. 1.Comfort 2.Normal 3.Sport 4.Super sports

Rationale for transferring the bottom of the shock absorbers.
When the shock absorber has a deviation from the vertical position, the load increases in direct proportion to it and the inertia force of the shoulder mass increases in direct proportion.
This is a physical quantity caused by the geometrical position of the shock absorber itself. A lot depends on this. If the shock absorber is installed vertically, the suspension travel will decrease, but the forces of inertia of the mass and the load on the shock absorber itself will decrease. The mount, which has 4 positions, gives the owner of the car the choice to set the required stiffness of the suspension, thereby sharpening the car for himself. Changing the angle changes the behavior of the car on the road, highway and on a country road.
The kinematics of the suspension with inclined shock absorbers, especially from the center of the wheel axle, creates mass on the shoulder, while the movement creates mass inertia. A shock absorber cannot adequately damp vibrations if it is not fully clamped. In this case, the load on the silent blocks increases. In fact, the shock absorbers are damped on a fracture of the shoulder by turning the silent blocks.
A straight shock has a longer stroke, but it completely holds the lever by the edge where the center of the axle is. The shock absorber is easier to hold and compensates for any vibration, small or large. It works correctly for a great length. Example Modernized cornfield. In front of her there was a cornfield in which the shock absorbers were at an angle, she was pretty jumping. On the new car, the shock absorbers stand vertically and they have a long stroke, the car actually stopped jumping over bumps, the galloping effect disappeared. Compact suspensions Hyundai Hyundai Solaris, Kia-Rio, Kia-Wenga, Kia-Cerate previous, Hyundai-Elantra new, have similar rear beams and tilting shock absorbers, they all have in varying degrees the effect of galloping, stern swing, this is especially evident in a loaded condition. Changing the angle changes the behavior of the car on the road. Why do you think many have changed shock absorbers more than once! On rigid, semi-rigid, in the end they moved the shock absorbers to a more vertical position, because the law of physics works here. It is better to hold the bucket in your hand than on a stick in front of you. Even if you are strong. While carrying a bucket on a stick, it will swing by twisting its hand. In our case, silent blocks. Carrying a bucket in hand, nothing can be turned inside out, everything here depends on the strength of the rapist, that is, on the resistance of the shock absorber. This is a simple law. The one who performs it spends less energy. Failure to fulfill the geometry of the kinematics promises overvoltage of the nodes and inadequate operation of the suspension.

Justification for replacing the springs.

Stock factory springs in the form in which they are on the car (let's start with the front ones) They are barrel-shaped and only 4.7 turns of which 3 turns are fully functional. And although the designers fully used the shape of the springs forcing them to work along their entire length, this was extremely insufficient. And this problem has not been solved to date! The spring has stretched coils located far from each other. When such a suspension is compressed, the spring bar is subjected to excessive twisting, excessive metal overstressing as a result of lower plasticity and, at the same time, elasticity during compression. Such springs very quickly lose their load-bearing properties. they sit down just as quickly, reducing the already small clearance.

Front spring 2010-2011

Front spring 2014-2016

The spring itself has a length of 4.7 vetch and a rod thickness of 12 mm
Such a spring holds the body, but under an instantaneous load, for example, jumping on an obstacle, it easily bends like an old spring sofa, hence the breakdown of the suspension, the inability to normally resiliently hold the body on irregularities and when exposed to air currents. Through research, selection and testing, I have been able to obtain two types of springs capable of performing well within this suspension. These are the springs of the kits"Carrier", "Universal", "Cross", "Nature", "Sport-DS" "Rural option"made of standard rear springs 06 models of Orlovsky and Vazovsky production. With a length of 5.3 to 6.75 turns, depending on the clearance at the request of the customer.

These springs have a cylindrical shape with a rod thickness of 13 mm and, with 6 turns, have 5 working turns.
Coil springs along their entire length have equal loading characteristics on the turns, in contrast to barrel springs, which were invented to save metal.
Barrels have a small diameter at the base and a large diameter at the center. This spring works mainly due to its central part. Where the coil decreases in diameter, the spring works much less with equal load per coil. In turn, this barrel-shaped spring is more vulnerable to load and small diameter coils will bend faster over time, reducing the clearance, another such springs are capable of breaking off at a small turn.
In this case, the coil spring compares favorably with the stock spring, it has a larger number of working coils; when compressed, the resistance increases in direct proportion to the load, preventing suspension breakdown. Such a spring with a slightly smaller diameter quickly calms down without phantom vibrations. Therefore, there will be no buildup.
By adding a normal pillow with a bandage instead of a stock rubber band, we get a very good result. Softness + better sound insulation.

And the view itself at the rack with such a spring is beautiful, the spring stands exactly without distortions and works out correctly.

Factory Stock Rear Suspension Springs have 6.25 turns of which 4.75 are working turns. Bar thickness is 10.5mm on 2012 models after February redesign of 11mm. with the same number of turns. Why are there few turns? There is not enough space for the spring itself due to the compactness of the suspension, to prevent contact between the coils. But is this an excuse for the end consumer? Especially the first springs of 10.5 mm are very weak. Even with a small load of the car, rear suspension breakdowns are a constant matter. And if you load as much as possible, the car will simply knock endlessly with bumpers, while you can move if only quite slowly.

Rear springs 2010-2011

Rear springs 2014-2016

Of course, the number of working turns 4.75 is extremely insufficient. as well as the thickness of the bar itself. The spring is very similar in performance to the front spring. It is not elastic enough, and with a larger bar thickness, it is not plastic enough. Studying these indicators, I came to the conclusion that the best that can be installed is the prepared VAZ 08 springs with rubber bands from 06 of the front suspension from the top and 08 pillows from the bottom. And also in the "Carrier" set, the rear spring of a VAZ 2106 produced by VAZ is used. The number of spring turns is from 8 to 8.8 with 6.6-7 working turns. The spring is cylindrical with a smaller diameter than the stock one. but it is installed just sitting tightly. Works silently. Has progressive characteristics. At low travel, the suspension is very soft. But with an increase in the stroke with a greater compression of the spring, its resistance increases sharply, thereby preventing the suspension from breaking through. Also, when loading, the depreciation readings remain at a height. An empty and laden car is equally comfortable. At speed, small things are overcome in flight and large obstacles do not penetrate the suspension soda only a slight jolt that does not affect handling. With these springs, the suspension is less prone to bouncing.

Prepared rear suspension springs without lifting. The thickness of the bar is 11.2 mm, the number of turns is from 8 to 8.8 depending on the rise.
After installing brackets with adjusting the stiffness of the shock absorbers, as well as replacing the springs, the car is transformed, the suspension becomes elastic but not rigid in its concept.
The car is pleasant to drive and is not afraid of the road. The average speed increases and the control voltage decreases. This is especially noticeable on a long journey.

Another very important improvement in stability comes from the rear stabilizer bar. At the moment, I have developed a complete design of such, I make it from the front stabilizer of the VAZ 2108-2110, it is attached with clamps to the beam with the ends to special fasteners twisted to the spring cup. The stabilizer greatly improves the stability of the car on the track when cornering and maneuvering. Resistance to crosswinds and oncoming freight traffic increases dramatically.

Fastening the stabilizer through a rubber bracket. Fastening to the beam with a clamp and a rubber grommet.
If the car is equipped with a complete set of modernization, it is the king of the road, summer winter autumn, it will never let you down.

Factory modernization

With the appearance of problems with the stern swinging of Solaris, the designers installed more rigid shock absorbers on the rear of the car. The first shock absorbers are the softest ones have the designation L-000, the second shock absorbers are designated L-001, they are marked with a yellow mark, the shock absorbers are 10% harder in compression. This was after the August 2011 modernization.

The rear suspension began to sway less on the waves, but still the vibrations remained like the breakdown of the suspension, and the stability improved very slightly. The same shock absorbers began to be installed on the first Kia Rio models. Thus stressing that with "KIA-Rio" there will be no problems with the suspension. Kia is not Solaris. Although this is not the case, the base is exactly the same. And the problem came to light a little later when the owners tried the car on the move. On tests in the magazine "Behind the wheel" They advised on the lack of intelligibility of control. But after all, it is so, except for the rear shock absorbers, nothing has changed in the design.After further complaints from the consumer, another attempt was made to modernize the Solaris suspension and already the Kia Rio. It is customary to call this Modernization after the February one. As I predicted, the Constructors took a simple path. Tightened the rear shocks, making them more compressive and tensile stiffer. These shock absorbers received the designation L-002, they began to apply a green label.

The front shocks were also fitted with more compression stiffness. If the first racks had a groove groove on which the pillow was put on and did not turn, then on the later racks they installed the usual thread and the pillows just had a regular hole. Another difference, if the rack of the first issues was attached from the top with a plate with a thin rubber band that did not touch the body, then after the February version already had a thicker rubber band pressing the plate to the body while holding the rack tightly. In the first versions, there was a gap, and when jumping or in a deep hole, the stand would drop hanging on a plate. On the other hand, the not tightly pressed plate allowed less vibration transmission from the engine and transmission to the body. It also had a quieter suspension in normal aisles. The new suspension has become more rigid and noisy in relation to the first two. It was also equipped with rear springs with a larger rod thickness of 11mm instead of 10.5 on the first models. Considering that the same number of turns remained, the suspension became oak. If the first Solaris could be easily swayed by hands, then after February it was simply not possible to push the stern of the car, even at first the owners bragged about it. But a passenger car is not a UAZ. Rear suspension breakdowns decreased, the car became more stable due to greater rigidity. The shock absorbers began to dampen all vibrations. And the fact is that "Solaris and Kia" fairly light cars when driving on small irregularities of the suspension practically do not work, the amortization is due to rubber.
Although on the highway at high speed, the car began to stand an order of magnitude better, to the detriment of comfort. The noise from the suspension was also added, because now the shock absorbers began to work and resist the compression of the forward shocks on the body. After a while, it turned out that the front suspension breaks through in almost the same way as on the first models. In windy weather, it is still difficult for the Mashana to keep on a given trajectory.

And of course the experts presented the suspension at its best at the training ground, where the tractor at speed will also hold the road perfectly. aligned waves are not joints, not small irregularities from which the interior is filled with a roar and the fifth point reads small things. especially on the track.

Take a ride on a patched road where there are pits and bumps and rose-colored glasses will quickly fly off. The suspension should work well for small things. keeping the lever from breakdown on serious obstacles. a car of this category with such a suspension is worthy of the best! And I have proved this more than once. By their example and by those who followed my advice. Solaris has been labeled as weak in the car's suspension. And an explanation like what do you want for that kind of money? And everyone fell for it? Isn't this car worthy of the best! Isn't it possible to bring the chassis to mind in the form in which it already exists? I will say, you can do more than that. And those who have already done this are not too heavy about it. How many gadgets, which are essentially necessary, are put on the car, paying huge sums without changing the essence. After all, the car, first of all, movement, this movement must be confident, accurate and predictable. It should give pleasure, so that the owner feels completely confident behind the wheel, so that the car is not a Gorgon jellyfish dancing along the road and it is not a stool that shakes out the guts. The car must completely obey the driver, then and only then will it be a safe car. Merging into one whole with the car to drive as if by hand feeling the road, choosing the desired trajectory of movement. Maneuvers, overtaking, rearrangements, everything must take place in flight. So that while performing a maneuver, the driver clearly feels the situation, and at the right time makes the necessary decision so that his actions do not lead to a loss of control. Stability, comfort, carrying capacity. Here are the main indicators.

07/14/2014 More than three years have passed And nothing has changed. An attempt at another improvement. The front suspension of the Solaris and Kia Rio is now equipped with "Reinforced" springs. What is the difference between such modernization. It seemed that the additional 1 mm of the rod should make the suspension more dense and resistant to the realities of our roads. Instead of the standard 12 mm and more, the late 12.2 mm, the spring bar has become thicker, namely 13 mm. But the shape of the spring remained the same, moreover, the spring was made lower. It is 10 mm lower than the first sample and the same 3.5 working turns. But the declared clearance of 160mm was preserved.

On the right, the spring of 2011 On the left, the spring of 2014 removed the cambric at the bottom of the spring. This is the difference.

By strengthening the spring, they made it shorter. What's the secret? Suspension parameters remain the same. If the spring of the previous version was more charged in a higher tension, now, in view of the shorter spring, the suspension has the same travel, only it has become stiffer in addition. The ancestor now reads small things well. That installed cambric at the bottom of the spring, the spring ringing damper makes the suspension somewhat quieter, but the comfort of the stiffness suffers greatly. And the breakdowns of the suspension remained as they were. After all, miracles do not happen in a given suspension movement, you cannot make the suspension both stable and comfortable. Well, if you do not thereby add one and a half to two centimeters of clearance, which is so lacking when hitting an obstacle. At one time, your humble servant cut a couple of springs. And he did the same in the stock version with a spring of 13 mm thick bar. The suspension is breaking through. The declared 160mm in fact leaves 80mm compression to the suspension)))) And then bang! And at speed, even with an unloaded car, this is a direct breakdown with a blow to the entire body. There are quite a few missing 20mm and then even if there is a breakdown but on a serious obstacle and it will be just a touch and not a blow with a sledgehammer. Therefore, all the kits that I offer have a suspension range for breakdown. from 15 to 28 mm. In this kinematics with these struts, this is the best option. So if you change something, you need to completely rework the suspension kinematics and use struts with a large travel. But this is not easy and it requires investment. The last improvement is a step back. A shorter spring does not solve the problem, and stability from this deteriorates because when the rack is unclenched, the top turns out to be empty, hence, when cornering, rolls, in windy weather, unstable holding of a straight line. Well, let's improve the suspension ourselves. Moreover, this is not difficult to do. Otherwise, both Solaris and Kia Rio are very good cars, many nodes run long enough, but more on that in another section. Something like that.

Is there an alternative? Yes she is! And it has been tested by time with many months of trials.

We have already written about where Hyundai cars came from. But still we will partially repeat - suddenly one of our readers has spent the last 6 years in a lethargic sleep and now does not know what Solaris is.

There was a time when thousands of inexpensive, but very decent cars ran out into the streets of cities in our country. At first they looked at them suspiciously: the "Koreans" were not yet known, so they waited cautiously for these Accents to fall apart.

But as time went on, completely different cars fell apart, and Accents still continued to drive on the roads. Our motorists began to look at the Korean car industry a little more optimistically, and the fact that the bulk of Russian Accents was collected in Taganrog gave hope that a decent car could be assembled in Russia.

In a word, the road for Hyundai products was open for us. But the Koreans did not go the easy way: they offered us the third generation Accent under the name Verna, but this car was not something that was not to our liking, but rather, it was too expensive. So everyone would have forgotten about good new Korean cars, but the Taganrog plant successfully riveted Accents until 2012, and back in September 2010, a new product of the company was shown at the Hyundai plant in St. Petersburg, which became known to us under the name Solaris. Its mass production began in 2011.

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Why Solaris? It's no secret that in many other countries it is known as the Fourth Generation Accent.

It's all about marketing and psychology. We are used to calling cars by our own names, so the Accent for us will forever remain the Accent of the second generation. In some other countries, Solaris bears the name Verna, but ours was the name of the third generation Accent, the sales of which failed. Selling a new car under a "failed" name would be just plain stupid. For all these reasons, a competition was announced, as a result of which the new model, which appeared on the assembly line of the plant in the northern capital, received the name Solaris (this word can be translated as “sun” or “solar” - Petersburgers appreciated the joke).

Since the beginning of production, the model has undergone some changes. In 2013, the range of available options was expanded, and in 2014 a full-fledged restyling was carried out.

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Our today's car is just restyled, produced in 2014, with a 1.6-liter engine and a six-speed automatic transmission. Its mileage is 39 thousand kilometers, which is very little for this reliable car. Therefore, for help in the form of additional information, we turned to ROLF Lakhta Hyundai, where the service station specialist Aleksey Gromov very generously shared with us the intricacies of servicing this car.


Hyundai does not indulge its customers with a wide range of available engines. For Solaris, there are only two options: Gamma series engines with a volume of 1.4 or 1.6 liters (107 and 123 hp, respectively). Let's go over the cost of basic maintenance operations and see how tolerant Solaris is about the straightforwardness of the hands of a thrifty owner.

As usual, you can change the engine oil yourself. Dealer refills with recommended Shell Helix 5W40. For replacement, 3.3 liters will be required, the cost of oil in the official service is 750 rubles per liter. Of course, you can fill in another oil with the same characteristics, the main thing is not to fall for a fake. The original oil filter costs 450 rubles, and it hardly makes sense for it to look for an analogue - the quality can be questionable, and you cannot win much on the difference in price.

It is impossible to get the filter from above, so you have to somehow crawl under the car. If there is neither the ability nor the desire to tinker with the replacement, then the service asks for only 500-600 rubles. But if we decide to carry out maintenance on our own, then while the oil is draining, we will change the air filter.

The cost of the original filter ranges from 600 to 800 rubles. Replacing it is a matter of a couple of minutes: flipped the latches, pulled out the old one, inserted a new one - that's it, you're done! So why does this operation cost as much as 430 rubles in the service? And all because it is wrong to do so. On the mind it is still necessary to blow through all the air ducts. Pay attention to the inside of the filter housing cover. A branch pipe is visible in it - the entire path from the body to the cylinders must be blown out. But in no case should you blow, but on the contrary, “suck” all the dirt and dust out of there. This is an important procedure that everyone forgets about.

The next job available to everyone is replacing candles. To do this, you will have to unscrew four bolts and remove the plastic cover, under which you can find the ignition coils - four pieces, one for each of the candles. Further, I think, there is nothing to explain: we remove the coils, change the candles (1,700 rubles for the NGK set). What do we pay attention to here?

It happens that low-quality fuel gets into the tank of the car. This can lead to malfunctions of the spark plug, after which the ignition coil sometimes also "dies". Surprisingly, the workshop master says that on the warranty car, the coils and even the candles will be replaced free of charge, even if bad gasoline became the cause of their failure. This is rare, but it happens, so you don't have to think that if you have an inexpensive Korean car, you can fill it up with all kinds of flammable rubbish: you should still approach the choice of a gas station responsibly.

Solaris is the case when. But this was not always the case: in 2013, a wave of guaranteed replacement of the chain still swept across the country. Since then, there has been a lull, and the motors are fulfilling their warranty 180 thousand mileage without problems. Of course, this does not mean that the chain can not be changed at all. On long runs, you should still listen to it, and if necessary, bring 37 thousand rubles to the service and leave here with a new timing chain.

By the way, about the mileage limit. All sorts of people have already christened Solaris "a disposable aluminum pan", which falls apart exactly at 180,001 kilometers. Let's not argue: aluminum engines do not have piston overhaul sizes, and with high mileage, they are really expensive. But there are two more points. Firstly, for "Internet experts" this may be an amazing discovery, but aluminum engines did not appear yesterday - they have been used by Toyota for more than 15 years (ZZ, NZ, AZ series of engines, and so on). Yes, just imagine, since the beginning of the 2000s, most Toyota vehicles, including right-hand drive vehicles, no longer have any “eternal” cast-iron engines.

Secondly, ROLF masters serve post-warranty Solaris with high mileage - there are cars that have overcome the 300 thousandth and even 400,000th milestone without capital. It is clear that this is rather a pleasant exception to the rule, and the result is achievable with a calm ride and attentive service. But the hysteria about "disposability", you see, is somewhat unfounded.

An unpretentious car, oddly enough, is capable of spoiling itself with its reliability. If earlier you had to constantly check the level of the oil consumed by the engine, add coolant leaving no one knows where, or monitor the level of the brake fluid, then Solaris allows you to relax. The oil dipstick is removed less and less often, the level of other liquids is not checked at all. Especially those that are not in plain sight.

In our case, we are talking about antifreeze. The expansion tank was hidden so that you can find it only by asking this goal, it is not in front of your eyes: it sits in ambush in front of the engine. To see the level of antifreeze and the corresponding marks on the tank is a little more difficult than the reverse side of the moon, so the master shows a simple but reliable way: remove the cap with a pipe and see which part of it turns out to be wet from the coolant. If it is immersed in antifreeze by less than a third, then the coolant level is insufficient.

In general, the Solaris cooling system lacks attention quite often, so if there is no desire to service the car in an official service (although it is not so expensive), then look at it more often. And at least with a run of 90 thousand kilometers, rinse it thoroughly. Carefully inspect the radiator - although it stands behind the air conditioner evaporator, it is quite possible to damage it with stones from the road. Actually, the radiator of the air conditioner also requires attention, but many owners of Solaris are so relaxed that they only strain if they get hot, and if the motor suffers from the same, then they do not see it until the last.

The rest of the Solaris motors are absolutely reliable. Moreover, the resource does not depend on the volume - both 1.4- and 1.6-liter units do not cause questions about their work and durability.


Everyone remembers how unsuccessfully the Solaris debuted with a rear beam of increased "jumping ability", which caused problems with handling, especially at high speeds. But a lot of time has passed since then, and Korean manufacturers have always been very attentive to the quality and claims from consumers. Now the owner of Solaris does not have to complain - the chassis does its job well and does not fall apart on our roads.

Of course, you have to change the stabilizer struts - they have long been a consumable. But again, most of the cars that need to be replaced were produced before 2014, the younger Solaris do not yet suffer from the disease of the stabilizer struts. But just in case, we inform you: the cost of the part is 800 rubles, replacement is 2-2.5 thousand.

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The next detail that requires attention does not apply to the chassis, but let's remember it while the car is on a lift: the steering rack of the first Solaris was also not reliable. Then the manufacturer even conducted a revocable campaign, changing the cardan shaft. The owners of the new Solaris have no reason to worry, today this childhood disease has been cured.

For a run of about one hundred thousand, replacement of the silent blocks of the front levers is usually required. They are located horizontally here, the cost of the part is 4,300 rubles, the work will cost 1,000 rubles. I think that investing these amounts every 100 thousand kilometers should not affect the love of the car.

Transmission and brakes

Our car has a Hyundai six-speed automatic transmission - the same as on the i30. Following a disastrous trend, Koreans believe that the fluid in the box can not be changed throughout its entire service life, that is, over 180 thousand kilometers. The machine can really reach this milestone without replacement, but the cost of overhaul will be unpleasantly surprising. If you plan to throw your car in the trash at the end of the warranty, then the manufacturer's recommendations can be followed (as, alas, most owners do). But if there is a desire to keep the native automatic transmission up to 300-400 thousand mileage, then the oil in it changes every 60 thousand.

And if you are looking for a used car, ask the previous owner about changing the oil in the "automatic machine". If he turned out to be too trusting of the manufacturer, then special attention should be paid to checking the automatic transmission.

A liter of liquid will cost 2,500 rubles. Since it is changed by the displacement method, eight liters will be required for a complete replacement, 4,300 rubles will be asked for the work. Yes, an automatic machine is a convenient thing, but it will cost more than mechanics to operate.

All Solaris brakes are disc brakes. Replacing the pads in the service will cost 1,500, together with discs - 2,500 rubles. The cost of original pads is 3,200 for the front and 4,600 for the rear. Can I change them myself? Yes. There is only one subtlety.

If the front brakes do not require special attention, then the same problem often arises with the rear ones - the calipers sour. The pads cease to adhere to the entire surface, wear appears on the discs almost immediately. If you want to extend their service life, then when replacing the rear pads, it is imperative to thoroughly lubricate the guides, and during operation it is sometimes useful to look at the rear discs: if the guide is wedged, then on the traces of the brake pads on the discs it will be noticeable immediately. By the way, when replacing yourself, you should not try to press in the pistons of the rear calipers - they must be screwed in. The front pads change simply, without any dancing with a tambourine and screwing in pistons.

Body and interior

Does it make sense to talk about how Solaris drives? Probably not. Among your acquaintances, there will definitely be an owner of such a car - you can ask him. Solaris drives, and that's enough. Moreover, you can safely go for overtaking with a 1.4-liter engine. Well, we'll see what happens to the body.

You should not try to ram the snowdrifts in winter: the front bumper in the PTF area is rather weak, it is easy to get a crack. On used cars, check the condition of the upper edge around the windshield: there is no galvanizing on the roof, and chips appear often, especially if you drive a lot on the highway.

Now the Solaris are at most five years old, so there are no leaky cars yet, and they are unlikely to be. Blooming chips on actively exploited variants, however, are found - on the windshield frame and on the hood, less often - along the bottom of the body.

Modern automotive trends are still reflected in the design of this "Korean", and in a bad sense. We are talking about replacing bulbs in headlights.

If your arms are flexible enough, long and with three elbows, then you can replace the head light bulbs. But there is a lot of fuss with the dimensions, and only with the left one (from the driver's side). On the right, the lamp can be replaced if you climb under the car, but on the left you cannot do without removing the bumper - access to the lamp is blocked by the receiver body.

For help in preparing the material, we express our gratitude to the ROLF Lakhta Hyundai company and personally to the service station specialist Alexei Gromov (St. Petersburg, Savushkina st., 103, lit. B)

According to the car enthusiast, the sedan's suspension is too "soft", which is why the car throws from side to side, and, accordingly, a breakdown occurs. When the trunk is loaded, the rear suspension does not work, and the front suspension starts to "punch" even more. To solve this problem, the autoblogger installed a special kit called “Universal” on Solaris.

This kit includes four hardened springs and a bracket for transferring the angle of the rear shock absorbers. The introduction of the new kit has influenced the increase in ground clearance in Solaris. It is reported that the shock absorber can be repositioned, thereby increasing the suspension stiffness.

The autoblogger noted that thanks to this decision, now his Hyundai Solaris does not have a stern swing, the car's behavior on the road has improved, suspension breakdowns have stopped, and the suspension no longer reacts to side wind. The car enthusiast said that the kit with which he solved the problems with the suspension can be purchased online without any problems.

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