Home Wheels What is the name of a two-wheeled electric scooter without a steering wheel? What is a scooter on two wheels called? Device for riding on two wheels

What is the name of a two-wheeled electric scooter without a steering wheel? What is a scooter on two wheels called? Device for riding on two wheels

Recently, there has been a steady popularization of two-wheeled vehicles equipped with an electric motor. No, it's not just bicycles or scooters; there are a number of other types of vehicles worthy of your attention.


Many people ask the following question - if it is a scooter on two wheels, what is it called correctly - a Segway or a hoverboard? Always remember that these are two separate concepts that refer to two different modes of transport. We suggest you familiarize yourself with what a hoverboard is and what it is intended for.

A hoverboard is a type of personal transport, the design of which has the shape of a transverse bar with wheels on both sides. It runs on electric traction - for this, each wheel has its own motor. An electric battery provides power. To ensure that the platform constantly maintains a horizontal position, the design includes a number of gyroscopic sensors.

Its device is as follows:

  • two electric motors;
  • gyroscopic sensors;
  • a control unit responsible for complex processing of incoming information;
  • frame;
  • lithium-ion battery.

Depending on the features of a particular model, the basic configuration may include a number of additional devices. For example, a liquid crystal display, a control panel, a wireless data transmission module (usually Bluetooth, although advanced examples are capable of exchanging information via the direct Wi-Fi protocol). Speakers for playing music, lighting, and so on are also installed.

The operating principle is as follows. By shifting the center of gravity forward, information about the change in angle is instantly sent to the control unit. This, in turn, engages the vehicle's engines, which begin to rotate the wheels forward. Thus, when the owner leans his body forward, the equipment begins to move forward. Conversely, when leaning back, the user will start driving in the opposite direction. You may ask - how to turn then? It's simple. It is enough to transfer your body weight to one leg, as a result of which only one power unit will start working. Information exchange between the control device and sensors/motors occurs instantly. Practice shows that a user who has never ridden a hoverboard will only need a few minutes to confidently stand on the platform.

Safety when riding a hoverboard

In many countries, the use of hoverboards is officially prohibited. For example, in the UK you can only ride on private property with the prior consent of the owner.

The reason for this is the possible problems that you encounter when purchasing a low-quality model. Cheap products contain low-quality lithium-based batteries. They tend to suddenly ignite not only during a trip, but also when charging. Some airlines have banned transport in the luggage compartment and cabin due to the risk of battery fire. Amazon has officially banned the sale of a number of models.

Always remember that modern hoverboards can accelerate to 25 kilometers per hour. A fall at that speed is enough to break your limbs.

Such a device boasts mobility and maneuverability. It allows you to move in all directions without problems. Externally it is a compact and simple design. The average weight is 10 kilograms. Thus, the hoverboard becomes not only multifunctional, but also comfortable to transport. Fits easily in the trunk of a compact car. There will be no problems with traveling in meters or other modes of transport (except for airplanes).

There are several reasons why you should get a hoverboard:

  • it is capable of providing excellent mobility. Equipping the models with reliable wheels allows you to overcome small curbs, uneven roads, small roots, and so on;
  • this is an excellent vehicle for commuting to work, if it is relatively close to home;
  • You can enjoy your free time with your family and friends. The power reserve usually varies from 15 to 25 kilometers, which is quite enough for several hours of rest;
  • If the battery suddenly runs out, you just need to take the hoverboard in your hand and walk home with it. Or load it into the trunk of a car;
  • Due to their affordable price, hoverboards are increasingly being purchased by teenagers.

If you want to give a gift to your child, the hardware filling will make the trip even safer. Modern middle-class models have speed limiters. To use them, just download the proprietary application to your device and select the required speed range. Mom or father can additionally use the parental control mode. The hoverboard will not start working until the user enters the login and password for authorization. Defining login details is also available in the official app.


In many ways, the operating principle of a Segway is reminiscent of a hoverboard. However, there are a number of significant differences.

A similar scheme is also used for balancing here. The body contains liquid and gyroscopic sensors that scan the position in real time. When changes are registered, the data is sent to the control device. It, depending on the angle of inclination, independently determines the degree of effort required by the electric motor to travel in the desired direction. Each wheel has its own electric motor to operate.

The main difference lies in the technical content. While hoverboards are initially designed to achieve maximum compactness, Segways focus on power. For example, some models can accelerate to 50 kilometers per hour. This requires a more powerful motor for each wheel. Its power is two horsepower. The battery is designed for a range of 40 kilometers. Indicators may vary depending on the technical features of a particular model. A hoverboard can only move on a good (or relatively good) surface, while a Segway provides trouble-free riding on the ground.

The inventor company spent almost ten years developing the first concept. Although little has changed from a visual point of view since then, today's technology is capable of covering longer distances, using less energy and accelerating to higher speeds. To provide the most precise control possible, the accelerometer reads information at a rate of 100 times per second.

Today, Segways are used by US postal workers. In the west, this is a full-fledged vehicle for patrol police. They have long appreciated the excellent maneuverability, maneuverability and speed. Experienced users often shoot video while riding a Segway. This device is part of the “car-free city” concept. They are also constantly rented out.

It may seem that a speed of 50 kilometers per hour allows you to ride a Segway on public roads. In fact, this is not true. The reason for this is that the danger to which the driver of such a vehicle is exposed is too high. Pedestrians may be injured when walking on sidewalks. Therefore, in different countries of the world, authorities decided to limit the use of Segways.

As in the case of a hoverboard, a Segway is additionally equipped with auxiliary equipment. Speakers for playing music are installed less often here, but some models still have them. Almost all models produced have lighting systems at the front and rear so that the owner can identify himself on the sidewalk when riding in the evening. A steering wheel is installed in the center of the platform. It has a liquid crystal display that allows you to get basic information about the device - for example, current speed, remaining charge, mileage and much more.

A special electric key called “Infokey” acts as an anti-theft device. This is a complete anti-theft tool. By putting your vehicle in security mode, a loud siren will start sounding when an attempt is made to steal it. The platform will generate a constant vibration. The principle of protection varies depending on the characteristics of a particular model. For example, models capable of transmitting location information in real time are already being actively sold. The installed geopositioning sensors work in conjunction with the SIM card. A link to a map is sent to the user’s device; by clicking on it, you can determine your current location.

Both hoverboards and Segways are very popular in the domestic market. Compact dimensions, no need to register, affordable cost - this is not a complete list of the advantages that vehicles with small wheels offer. Excellent quality of work, a large range of mileage on a single charge - all this contributes to a pleasant rest in your free time.

Despite the fact that a Segway and a hoverboard are devices that operate on the same principle, they are radically different in size and technical characteristics. To arrange the purchase of these types of transport, you should seek help from a time-tested store, where, in addition to products of original origin, they will offer a number of useful accessories. Branded products are always accompanied by an official guarantee from the manufacturer.

What to choose – a hoverboard or a Segway, each person decides independently, based on personal preferences and taste.

Have you ever seen or imagined a “man on wheels”? No? Then we would like to introduce you to hoverboards, unicycles, and Segways.


Hoverboard(two-wheeled scooter, self-balancing scooter English. Gyroscooter) - a personal electric vehicle, made in the form of a transverse bar with two wheels on the sides. Uses electric motors powered by an electric battery and a series of gyroscopic sensors to self-balance and maintain a horizontal position of the footpad.

This device is also called in Russian-speaking countries: electric scooter, hoverboard, mini Segway, smartway, gyrocycle, smart Segway, and in England - hoverboard


The invention of this type of transport goes back to the 90s of the last century, when the first prototypes of vehicles using automatic balancing systems in their design appeared. Perhaps the ancestor of modern gyrotransport of this type can be called the invention of Segway. This device also has two wheels and a footrest. In rare cases, the model may be equipped with a seat. However, the main difference between a Segway and a hoverboard is the absence of a steering column. Here control is carried out not by manipulating the hands, but by moving the body weight from side to side. For example, to move forward you need to lean in the appropriate direction, to brake and move backward - vice versa. Turns are carried out by shifting body weight in the desired direction.

The first modern hoverboards began to appear only in the early 2014s. Then several Korean and Chinese companies began mass production and modernization of existing prototypes, but in the process of reducing the cost, unreliable materials and malfunctioning electronics were often used.


This unit consists of several key elements:

  • 2 electric motors;
  • Gyroscopic sensor system;
  • A control device that processes all information received from sensors;
  • Hoverboard body;
  • Lithium-ion battery.

Depending on the model, the hoverboard may contain additional devices: information display, control panel, Bluetooth module, speakers for playing music, lighting, etc.

Principle of operation

When the center of gravity of the body moves forward, gyroscopic sensors detect this movement and the motor begins to rotate forward. Accordingly, when the body tilts forward, the device moves straight. By leaning back, the user sets the movement in the opposite direction. When you transfer your body weight to one leg, only one motor turns on and, as a result, the hoverboard turns. All actions of the control device and motors occur in a fraction of a second. Often, after a few minutes of practice, the user can already confidently stand on the hoverboard.


In many countries, the operation of hoverboards and hoverboards has been banned both on roads and on sidewalks. For example, a similar ban applies in the UK (their use is allowed only in private areas with the consent of the owner).

Dozens of reports of spontaneous combustion indicate that low-quality lithium batteries used in inexpensive hoverboards can ignite both during charging and during use. Several airlines have already banned the carriage of hoverboards in the cabin and in luggage due to the risk of spontaneous combustion. Amazon has banned the sale of several models on its store.

Falls from hoverboards can cause serious injuries, including fractures.

Off-road hoverboard (mini Segway) Smart Balance 10 Wheel SUV with bluetooth speakers, SAMSUNG batteries and remote control!

This device has 10 inch inflatable wheels and is more adapted for driving on roads, while hoverboards with 6-8-inch non-inflatable wheels are more designed for riding indoors or on smooth surfaces.

So, the benefits Smart Balance 10 Wheel SUV compared to Chic Smart (Smart Balance):
✔ Wheels with a diameter of 10 inches (for Smart like Chic Smart or Smart Balance they have a diameter of 6 inches)
✔ Higher suspension, now you don’t have to be afraid to drive into holes or drive over obstacles.
✔ Due to the air-inflated wheels, the service life of the metal base of the Mini Segway increases, as vibration when riding is reduced and the ride becomes smoother.
✔ Smart Balance 10 Wheel SUV has thicker and more durable plastic.
✔ The bright design of the Smart Balance Wheel SUV hoverboard will not leave anyone indifferent.
The Mini Segway Smart Balance Wheel SUV is heavier than the Mini Segway of the Chic Smart or Smart Balance type - its weight is 13.5 kg (the weight of the Chic Smart / Smart Balance is 10 kg).
Based on our experience, we believe that the Mini Segway Smart Wheel SUV clearly wins over the Chic Smart and Smart Balance. The height of the suspension is a sufficient argument, and at the same time, the long life of the metal base of the device, due to the reduction of vibration, the appearance of a smooth ride! Not to mention the more durable and thicker plastic.
The Smart Balance Wheel SAV hoverboard is equipped with light signals; the front light can illuminate small sections of the road to avoid obstacles in the dark.

Based on the principle of dynamic balance, it can move forward, backward and stop freely. Simple controls, mobility and ease of use - all this is ideal for using this device on the roads.

How a hoverboard works and how it works

A hoverboard is a compact two-wheeled vehicle with an electric drive powered by a battery.

The main design elements of a hoverboard:

  • two wheels;
  • foot platform with two pedals;
  • two electric motors (one for each wheel);
  • accumulator battery;
  • gyroscope and sensor set;
  • control electronics.

The device is very mobile and maneuverable. He is able to move forward and backward, as well as turn left and right. The speed of the hoverboard can reach 10-15 kilometers per hour.

Externally, the device has a very simple and compact design. Its weight usually does not exceed 10 kilograms. This makes the hoverboard not only very functional, but also easy to carry and transport. It fits in the trunk of a car without any problems. As a last resort, you can safely take your vehicle under your arm and ride with it on the metro or trolleybus.

Operating principle of a hoverboard

What truly makes a hoverboard a special means of transportation is its unique operating principle. The user stands on the platform and controls the device, slightly changing the position of his body. For the device to move, it is enough to lean forward slightly, transferring your body weight to your toes with even pressure on the pedals. To reverse, the user needs to lean back slightly. By changing the angle of the body, you can easily adjust the speed of the hoverboard. Returning to the original vertical position, you stop the device.

Maneuvering the hoverboard is also very easy. To do this, it is enough to shift your body weight by slightly increasing the pressure on the corresponding (right or left) pedal on the platform.

The high-precision gyroscope reacts sensitively to any change in the user’s body position. The electronic control system seeks to restore balance and turns on the electric motor in the desired mode. Thanks to this, high maneuverability is achieved. You will be able to master the control of a hoverboard in the shortest possible time and will quickly become a real ace. Then you'll be surprised how mobile this little piece of tech makes you.


From the outside it may seem that the person on the hoverboard is not in the most stable and reliable position. However, in fact, this is not at all the case. The applied principle of dynamic balancing ensures that the electric motor itself maintains optimal balance. This makes it almost impossible to fall off the hoverboard. We can say that riding it is much safer than riding a bicycle. Therefore, the device can be used by both adult users and children.

Why buy a hoverboard?

So, why should you definitely buy a hoverboard:

  • It will give you unprecedented mobility. The wheels of the hoverboard easily overcome uneven surfaces, small curbs, stones and other small obstacles. It can easily pass where a car cannot, and quickly get you to work or an important meeting.
  • Riding a hoverboard brings great pleasure. With it you can take pleasant walks alone or with a whole group.
  • It is very portable and can easily be placed in the trunk of a car. Tired of riding? No problem, just take the hoverboard under your arm and go further by transport.
  • The hoverboard is safe and easy to operate. Thanks to this, it is quite suitable for children and teenagers.
  • Finally, a hoverboard is very stylish and fashionable.

Buy a hoverboard and you will find out what true mobility and freedom of movement are!

Attention! Hoverboards manufacturer Smart Balance are supplied to our stores by different suppliers, who reserve the right to repackage the goods in their own boxes, print their own instructions, as well as warranty cards. The name on the box and in the instructions may be Smart Balance, Falcon, Leadway, Novelty Electronics, Roadweller, CROSSWAY, Palmexx, etc.

The warranty period for the hoverboard is 12 months.
Battery life: 6 months.


Unicycle- an electric self-balancing scooter (unicycle) with one wheel and footrests located on both sides of the wheel. The scooter uses various sensors, gyroscopes and accelerometers along with an electric motor for automatic balancing, controlled by body tilt.


The wheel is in a plastic case with a handle for carrying the device. On the top panel there is an on/off button, a battery charge indicator and a charging connector. On the right and left there are two symmetrical footrests on which the rider stands. The footrests of unicycles, as a rule, fold for easy portability of the device. Inside the unicycle there is a powerful (250-2000 W) electric motor, gyroscopes that regulate the balance of the wheel, and rechargeable batteries. The unicycle has neither a back nor a front side; the operation of the device is completely symmetrical.

Principle of operation

When the power is turned on, the gyroscopes begin to work and align the wheel relative to the axis, thereby maintaining balance. The rider needs to maintain balance relative to the wheel. When the center of gravity moves forward, the segwheel picks up speed, and when it moves backward, it slows down or changes direction. When coming to a complete stop, the user of the device must lean on his leg.


The world's first unicycle appeared in the early 2010s in the USA. It was manufactured by Inventist under the Solowheel brand. This vehicle soon became popular with various manufacturers. The unicycle is most common in China, where it is used as daily urban transport, as well as during walks. The unicycle market is also most saturated in China, where all the major manufacturers of such devices have settled. One of the largest manufacturers of unicycles is the Ninebot company, known for the fact that a few years earlier it bought the Segway company, a developer of another type of self-balancing transport.


Today there are many different models of unicycles. Most of them have similar parameters:

  • Weight: 8.5 - 22 kg
  • Maximum speed: 10 - 35 km/h
  • Travel range on one charge: 10 - 130 km.
  • Wheel diameter: 12,14,16 inches (occasionally 18 inches or more)
  • Additionally: Bluetooth speaker, FM radio, headlights, removable wheels for learning to drive.


Electric scooters, including unicycles, cannot be used on roads in some countries. The use of unicycles requires wearing protective equipment due to the risk of falls. In Russia, the use of unicycles is not regulated in any way, and the rider is treated like a pedestrian. One of the dangers of riding a unicycle is hitting a small obstacle: in this case, the wheel slows down sharply and cannot keep up with the rider who has leaned forward due to inertia, causing him to fall. From this point of view, the safest are the most powerful unicycles, since high instantaneous power allows the wheel to sharply accelerate and “drive up” under a person leaning forward.

The electric wheel is a new, unique and already widespread form of transportation. It first appeared in 2010 in America. It was developed by an American inventor, a native of China. Now electric wheels are actively entering our daily lives. If you often travel around the world, you have probably seen the happy owners of these wheels. Those who leisurely stroll on them with their friends, or ride in city parks. You can ride on electric wheels in virtually any weather, because the temperature at which it operates correctly ranges from -10 to +40 degrees.

The pleasure of riding an electric wheel

The delights of its operation can only be experienced by yourself, since you can go on and on about what sensations and emotions you will experience from driving this vehicle. In our century, when humanity began to care about the environment, this transport has become simply irreplaceable. We can say with complete confidence that this is the transport of tomorrow. Already, the majority of residents in developed countries such as China and the United States prefer electric wheels to conventional transport. Since they are very mobile and can be taken with you anywhere. This little electric miracle can be carried on public transport due to its light weight and small size.

An electric wheel for everyone!

If you think that this modern gadget is very expensive and you can’t afford it, you are mistaken. The cost of this small modern miracle varies from 16 to 70 thousand rubles. Therefore, even if you do not have a big budget, you can afford it. It will also be an excellent gift for any occasion, such as a wedding, anniversary, birthday. This gift is suitable for any category of citizens. Please your family and friends with such a modern and very functional gift!



The two wheels of the Segway are located coaxially. The Segway automatically balances as the rider's body position changes; For this purpose, an indicator stabilization system is used: signals from gyroscopic and liquid tilt sensors are sent to microprocessors, which generate electrical signals that act on the motors and control their movements. Each wheel of the Segway is driven by its own electric motor, which reacts to changes in the balance of the machine.

When the rider's body tilts forward, the Segway begins to roll forward, and as the angle of the rider's body increases, the speed of the Segway increases. When the body leans back, the scooter slows down, stops, or rolls in reverse. Steering in the first model occurs using a rotary handle, in new models - by swinging the column left and right.

The Segway reaches a speed of about 50 km/h and has a dead weight of about 40 kg (without battery), its width is 60 cm, and its permissible load is 140 kg. The battery provides a range of up to 39 km. These figures may vary depending on the model. Compact but quite powerful (2 hp) electric motors have been developed specifically for equipping the Segway device with them. Each of them is connected to its own wheel through a gearbox. The machine can move not only on asphalt, but also on the ground.

The inventor spent about ten years developing the Segway, presented to the public in 2001.

It can drive through even the narrowest roads. This device has two batteries and their full charge can travel up to 38 km. Its sensors and two accelerometers can sense movement as soon as you move. They fire 100 times every 1 second. (During this time you won’t even have time to blink that many times). In just a few minutes you will be able to master this electronic device, which you will hardly be able to give up later or even imagine your life at all. “Segway” technologies: this device has a balancing system that can easily keep a person in balance. You are able to control it simply by moving the center of gravity of your body.


Today in the United States, Segways are used by postal workers, golfers and many others. Patrol police officers rated the Segways for speed, maneuverability and height; Segway police are similar to mounted police ( English) and is used where the horse does not fit in, and to restrain the crowd ( English) is not necessary (for example, at airports). Experienced Steadicam operators use Segways to move quickly around the set without shaking. The concept of a "car-free city" is popular among some intellectuals in the United States, who see the car as a device harmful to nature and society as a whole, and therefore the idea of ​​​​getting around the city on an electric scooter has been received with great enthusiasm in the media. However, the rather high cost of the device, comparable to the price of a cheap car, led to a gradual decline in interest in the device among the public. In addition, more primitive versions of the device - without gyroscopic stabilization and with four wheels - are available for a quarter of the price of a Segway.

In Russia, Segways are used by police in Naberezhnye Chelny and Moscow (Bauman Garden, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve).

The SuperSegway company, which sells and rents Segways, has assembled an ensemble in Armenia that dances on Segways. Both hands of the Segway dancer are free, control is done with the knees.

Segways on public roads

Segways do not fit into the modern road network: the driver of a Segway on the roadway is at risk, and on the sidewalk it puts pedestrians in danger. Therefore, there are laws restricting the use of Segways (they vary from country to country).

A number of US states have passed laws allowing Segways to be ridden on sidewalks. It should be expected that rising gasoline prices will lead to a further increase in sales of this type of transport. Organizations that protect the rights of pedestrians in the United States also received the innovation without enthusiasm due to the danger of turning sidewalks into roads for vehicles, which will bring nothing but harm to pedestrians.

In other countries:

  • Allowed: in many countries of the world.
  • They are equivalent to bicycles, especially where there are separate bicycle paths: Sweden, Saarland in Germany.
  • Off the sidewalk are considered the same as motorized wheelchairs (and therefore are allowed for certain categories of people): Netherlands.
  • Off the sidewalk, they are considered mopeds (that is, they must be equipped with license plates and a full set of external lighting devices; drivers require a certain age and compulsory motor insurance): Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan.
  • Banned until law is passed: Australia, UK, New Zealand.

In some countries with developed cycling infrastructure (for example, Germany), laws are being considered that would equate Segways to bicycles.

Homemade Segway

The appearance of the Segway could not help but touch technology lovers. Attempts have begun to make a self-balancing robot - and even full-size Segways capable of carrying a person. For example, Trevor Blackwell’s website humorously describes “the difference between a Rolls-Royce and a Ford T.”

Canadian Ben Gulak has built an electric unicycle that operates on the principle of a Segway. Uno with two wheels located very close to each other. A cross between a Segway and a motorcycle, it reaches speeds of up to 40 km/h and can therefore be driven on public roads. The only controls are the “on/off” switch; the unicycle is controlled by tilting the body.

Another device based on the same technology, but with only one wheel, was presented by Slovenian inventor Aleksander Polutnik. This is an Enicycle motorized unicycle. Enicycle is equipped with an electric battery designed to last for about 3 hours and an electric motor built into the single wheel. The balance in the saddle is monitored by a gyroscope and suspension - a shock absorber with a spring. The control principle is exactly the same as that of a Segway.


On September 27, 2010, 62-year-old millionaire Jimi Heselden, owner of the Segway company, died while riding a Segway. He lost control and fell off a cliff into the River Wharf (Great Britain).

What is a Segway? This is a two-wheeled miracle, thanks to which a person can move while standing still. It is quite compact, fast and easy to use. Even a child can operate this vehicle, and in terms of maneuverability, a Segway can surpass a cyclist and even a pedestrian. It quickly and easily turns on the spot and quickly picks up speed. Since the Segway runs on electricity, it is charged from a regular household outlet. You can charge it in any shopping center or cafe. Do you want to amaze your children or friends? Then Segway is what you need. It does not pollute the environment with its exhausts, i.e. is environmentally friendly. He is silent.

Segway protection

The Segway has an electric key, it’s called “InfoKey”, it will be an anti-theft system for you. If you put your electronic vehicle in security mode, in the event of an attempted theft, the siren will turn on and the platform will begin to vibrate. Each controller is original. You can take it with you and view information about the battery level, driving speed, operation and system capabilities. A Segway is an excellent means of transportation, which, most likely, everyone will have in the future, and very soon we will not be able to imagine ourselves without it.

Gone are the days of big cars with big engines that burn huge amounts of fuel. Compact and economical modes of transport are now in fashion, some of which can even be carried with you in a backpack. And today we will talk about 7 of the most memorable miniature vehicles.

The Impossible is the ideal personal vehicle for city dwellers. This electric scooter allows you to combine different types of private and public transport within one day. Unlike a bicycle or other mopeds, the Impossible can be carried onto a subway, bus or tram without fear of encountering rebuff from controllers or reproaches from passengers.

The fact is that the Impossible electric scooter easily fits in a regular backpack. It can be folded and unfolded within a few seconds. And this vehicle weighs only 5 kilograms. But despite its small size, the Impossible can carry people weighing up to 85 kg.

Impossible has a lithium-ion battery that allows you to drive approximately 25 km on one full battery charge. In this case, the scooter can accelerate to a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

- This is another compact electric scooter for traveling within a big city, when a person needs to repeatedly change from one type of public transport to another during the day, as well as walk.

Trikelet allows you to get rid of walking long distances; it will easily take the owner to the nearest metro station or bus stop, after which the owner of this scooter can quickly fold up his personal vehicle and take it with him to the cabin.

After all, when folded, Trikelet is so compact that it can fit on a luggage rack in a train car or in the owner’s backpack. True, this electric scooter weighs noticeably more than the Impossible mentioned above - twelve kilograms.

Chinese farmer He Liangcai, who is involved in engineering as a hobby, has created a compact one that doesn’t even need a backpack to carry, because this vehicle is itself a suitcase.

This electric scooter is an integrated part of a travel bag. It can be used both for moving around the city and for traveling inside large premises - shopping centers, terminals of large airports and other spacious buildings. But at the same time, the suitcase can still be used for its intended purpose - it has enough space to store and transport clothes and other personal items.

The scooter suitcase without things inside weighs 7 kilograms. It can travel up to 50 km, while reaching a maximum speed of 20 kilometers per hour. This is an excellent vehicle for people who travel a lot and are therefore tired of endlessly walking with a suitcase in hand or on their shoulders.

- This is perhaps the most famous example in the world of integrating a bag and a vehicle, but we will never get tired of talking about it. We are talking about a regular travel backpack with a built-in scooter.

This is what makes Gig Pack so valuable. After all, this vehicle significantly speeds up the average travel speed of a tourist, but at the same time it is completely independent of the battery charge level - a person can travel exactly as far as he has enough physical strength.

The Gig Pack scooter backpack can support a person weighing up to 90 kilograms. It has a secure compartment for your laptop, and the wheels on this vehicle are made of durable rubber, which greatly improves its maneuverability.

Onewheel is an unusual electric vehicle that gives a person the feeling of real flight. Unlike other skateboards, it has not two or four wheels, but only one.

But the electric motor and intelligent Onewheel balancing system allows a person to literally float in space without taking his feet off the board. He does not need to push off the asphalt with his foot - the board itself carries him forward, he just needs to choose the direction of movement, and doing this on Onewheel is as intuitive as on the popular Segway electric scooter.

Onewheel can travel at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour, traveling up to 10 km on one full battery charge. Battery charging speed ranges from 20 minutes (80 percent capacity) to two hours (full charge).

Solowheel is another one-wheeled electric vehicle. But, unlike the Onewheel mentioned above, we are not talking about an analogue of a skateboard, but about a scooter. True, all that remains of the Solowheel moped is a wheel, and even then only one.

But this Solowheel has everything a person needs to move around the city built into it. These include two platforms for legs, an electric motor, a battery, and an intelligent control system. Balancing on the Solowheel is just as easy as on a Segway. But this scooter has a much smaller scale and cost.

The single-wheeled electric moped Solowheel has 43 centimeters in diameter and 13 cm in width. It weighs only 9 kilograms, and for ease of carrying from place to place, this vehicle has a convenient handle built into the top.

Solowheel can travel up to 19 kilometers on a single battery charge. Its batteries can be fully charged in just forty-five minutes. The cost of this vehicle starts from 1495 US dollars.
Boosted Boards are a skateboard that looks like a real skateboard. But unlike its original predecessor, this vehicle does not need to be powered by human feet, as Boosted Boards have a built-in electric motor.

Thanks to the electric motor, the Boosted Boards can travel independently not only on horizontal surfaces, but even on a slight upward slope. This is an excellent means of transportation not only for lazy skateboarders, but also for those whose professional activities involve constant travel around the city, for example, couriers, postmen or pizza delivery people.

Boosted Boards can accelerate using the power of an electric motor to a speed of 30 kilometers per hour and travel up to 10 km on a single battery charge. But even after the batteries are completely discharged, the Boosted Boards can continue to be driven in the old fashioned way using the strength of the legs of the person on it.

If you are asking this question, then you have already seen people on the streets riding strange electric boards on wheels. Indeed: if you don’t know what a hoverboard is, it looks completely incomprehensible: it looks like an electric scooter, but it doesn’t seem to be... Let’s figure it out.

In 2001, American inventor Dean Kamen showed the general public a completely new type of transport: the Segway. Most of all, the new product resembled a two-wheeled cart that is attached to cars, or a wheelbarrow for a garden: two large wheels, a platform between them and a long handle.


True, there was one serious difference: having only two points of support, the Segway did not fall!

You could just stand on the platform, grab the handle sticking up and calmly go about your business! The original vehicle created a real sensation... True, unfortunately, it was short-lived.

It turned out that this type of “electronic scooter” (as the Segway was first called in the newspapers) was not very convenient for everyday use. The cart is bulky, requires parking and, at the same time, is noticeably inferior in speed to the same motorcycles or mopeds. The result is simple: in most countries of the world the Segway remains just a fun toy.

Subsequently, this company was bought by the Chinese Xiaomi and the line of Segways was called Ninebot and again made a revolution.

The age of hoverboards

Question “What is the name of a two-wheeled electric scooter without a steering wheel or handle?” became relevant in 2014. It was then that the first mass models of gyrocycles - or, as they are also called, mini-Segways - began to appear on the market. In fact, Kamen’s idea was simply taken and finally brought to fruition.

A gyrocycle is a compact two-wheeled platform with an electric drive. Unlike massive Segways, a hoverboard does not require either parking or a wide lane for movement: on the road, the device takes up as much space as a calmly standing person, and after a trip it can easily be stowed away in a regular sports bag, backpack or special case.

The future of “steerless e-scooters”

If the Segway has remained a cool gadget for entertainment, then the hoverboard is clearly capable of more. The new electric board on wheels is a complete vehicle of the 21st century!

Already, gyrocycles are widely used as last-mile transport. For example, every day you walk 15 minutes from home to the metro (and in the evening, respectively, back). It doesn’t seem like much, but in a month that comes out to more than 10 hours - that’s a full-time working day!

A hoverboard will help you easily gain 6-7 hours; it will reduce your travel time by about three times! And, again, no problems with gasoline or parking: they are allowed on the subway with a gyro without any problems, and in the office too. And there they simply put their mini-Segway to recharge, and in the evening it is again ready to take you wherever you need to go.

Now you know what a two-wheeled electric scooter without a handle is called and why it is needed. We hope to see you among the hoverboard riders soon!

Read also

Did you like the electric one-wheel scooter "Monowheel"?

Jumper, roller surf, snakeboard and other unusual means of transportation

Then you will also be interested in this eco-friendly new product from China: electric scooter on two wheels. Controlling this device is much easier than a one-wheeled scooter - by tilting the body you indicate the direction forward or backward, and with a slight movement of your right or left foot you can turn - the electric scooter performs transport independently. And here he is:

Where can I buy?


  • size: 58.4 x 16.8 x 17.8cm
  • weight: 12kg
  • maximum speed: up to 20 km/h
  • charging range: from 10-12km
  • Built-in Samsung lithium polymer battery with a capacity of 4400mAh
  • charging time: from 60-120 minutes
  • ease of management, environmental friendliness and safety

This is an innovative vehicle that will be a worthy alternative to a bicycle, scooter, moped, and in conditions of congested roads with constant traffic jams it will even create an obvious advantage for owners.

In addition, a two-wheeled scooter is much safer and more practical, since maintaining balance due to a powerful gyroscope is easier on it than on a single-wheeled scooter or similar vehicles. The scooter reaches speeds of up to 20 km/h, which allows it to be used for trips into the city, to a public transport stop, to a park or directly to the office. With it you will save money on gasoline and ensure environmental safety. Thanks to its small size, you will not have any problems during transportation.

Of course, we ordered a scooter and took some pictures for you. Unfortunately, we couldn’t resist and tried it right away - and every employee wanted to take a ride - that’s why you will see several scratches in the photographs.

Its two wheels are located parallel to each other and due to special technology, it automatically detects changes in your movement and adapts to it. When leaning forward, he drives straight and, depending on the angle of the body, he slowly picks up speed. By leaning to the right or to the left, you can turn - the same principle applies here: When you lean too much to the side, you begin to circle around yourself. Tilt back, as you probably already guessed - reverse.

The only question that bothers me is: is it necessary to insure a scooter, since it is a two-wheeled vehicle? In Germany, for example, the owner of such a two-wheeled scooter must draw up documents for it, register it and receive a plate with a license plate - and if not, then a fine! Does anyone know about the legal situation in Russia or Ukraine?

This modern vehicle can be used not only for entertainment, but also as an environmentally friendly vehicle.

A scooter is an excellent alternative to a bicycle, scooter and even a moped - and a cool entertainment for children and adults, since it is almost impossible to fall off it.

The two-wheeled electric scooter is designed for both domestic use and active outdoor sports. This is an innovative vehicle that will be a worthy alternative to a bicycle, scooter, moped, and in conditions of congested roads with constant traffic jams it will even create an obvious advantage for owners. Segway can be used by teenagers and older people, does not require specific care and is very economical to use.

A person’s movement within one area can occur either independently (on foot) or with the use of vehicles, which in turn are divided into private and public, and all traffic on the roads occurs in accordance with established rules. And when municipal vehicles are overloaded with passengers during rush hour, and private cars are stuck in traffic jams, owners of bicycles and scooters receive a significant advantage. In addition to the fact that these maneuverable mechanisms can travel almost anywhere, their maintenance is much more economical.

Purchasing an electric scooter is not only a solution for individual use. Equipping couriers, employees of sports courts, warehouses, etc. with such a tool. will significantly increase labor productivity and reduce transport and time costs for movement within work processes.

Today, Segways are considered the prerogative of rich people. They can be used to ride on a golf course, take short walks to city attractions, or work trips in business districts. But the ease of use and ergonomics of this vehicle allows us to speak of its wide demand for mass use, which makes the electric scooter an interesting product as an anchor position for business.

Purpose and advantages of the product

Riding an electric scooter is a modern alternative to walking, cycling, moped, and in congested urban areas and in order to save time and money, it will even compete with a car. This device is powered by a lithium ion battery, which makes it an absolutely environmentally friendly mode of transport. You can ride an electric scooter both on asphalt city streets and along forest paths, fields and even the beach. The soft coating of the wheels allows this individual conveyor to be used indoors as well.

Key advantages of using the product in urban environments:

  • ease and safety of control, which can be handled by both schoolchildren and retirees;
  • easy parking in small areas;
  • no need to refuel.

Key benefits of using the product in corporations and large buildings:

  • saving employee time and company funds to pay for this time;
  • compact size and quiet operation allow scooters to be used in libraries and educational institutions;
  • effective and efficient patrolling of areas of private organizations, shopping centers, airports, etc.

Device Features

The scooter is a complex mechanism equipped with an automatic balancing system. It can move at speeds up to 18 km/h. Power source - 2 rechargeable batteries (24V/28Ah), which are designed for 30-35 km on a single charge (6-10 hours). Motor power: 800 W * 2. The maximum load is up to 130 kg, and the weight of the scooter itself is 45 kg.

Scope of application of electric scooter

Considering the ease of use, capabilities and advantages of this useful invention, we can define its scope as broad and conditionally divide it into private, public, municipal, and tourist use.

You can often see employees of airports and large hotel complexes, exhibition and warehouse pavilions, open parks, stadiums, etc. riding electric scooters.

The target audience for this product may be:

  • city ​​and municipal services (transport hubs, postal and courier services, patrol officers);
  • tourist and recreational enterprises (recreation centers, horse and tennis courts, boarding houses, sanatoriums, hotels, nature reserves, national parks, etc.);
  • large corporations with large production and warehouse areas;
  • sports organizations;
  • exhibition and shopping and entertainment centers;
  • car dealers;
  • companies organizing mass and entertainment events, weddings;
  • private individuals.

Features of the implementation of the Segway electric scooter

Since an electric scooter is a fairly serious purchase, which is considered a major purchase, its sale implies direct sale and the presence of a competent consultant, as well as, ideally, the opportunity to conduct a test drive.

Therefore, the most effective ways to promote, sell and make money on electric scooters will be:

  • participation in fairs and mass entertainment events, where everyone can ride a Segway for a small fee and experience all its benefits;
  • participation in tenders for the provision of auxiliary equipment to municipal, tourist, recreational and commercial institutions;
  • provision of scooters for rent to the administration of tourist attraction centers, exhibition organizers, and seasonal service providers;
  • active direct sales using commercial offers, invitations to test drives, equipment sales exhibitions, participation in thematic exhibitions.

To organize sales you will need: renting a showroom and testing area; you can also rent display windows in car dealerships, household appliances and electronics stores. It is important to understand that inventory can be divided into electric scooters for sale and rental. The latter can also be sold, but at a significant discount.


We will analyze the cost of the described product in China and Russia.

Cost in China

Cost in Russia

In Russian online stores, prices for similar products start from 59,900 rubles. Thus, the retail price is almost twice as high as when purchased in Chinese stores.

Questions and answers on the topic

No questions have been asked about the material yet, you have the opportunity to be the first to do so

Bike:Ducati 695, MTS1200s, HM 1100s, cbr600rr, s1000rr, FJR 1300AS, WR450F, KX250F

It is very reminiscent of the DRE Intermedia course, but if the Ducati is geared towards the track, then the FSO is specifically designed for city driving.

The course is designed for two days, the price is low, 20 thousand rubles for everything, or 16 thousand on your own motorcycle, 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

The format is also similar - rolling out, 5 laps around the entire circuit, a free snake in different positions sitting, standing, without a hand, on one leg, without legs, then five exercises - different combinations of snakes, avoiding obstacles, rails, a hatch, a plank, moving in dense flow.

Everything lasts from 11 to 16.

Everything is strictly according to the schedule, no jokes, unlike the Italians, for whom this is a fan, polite people, officer-athletes, radios for every student, online adjustments)

The course is called Pre-season training for motorcyclists, and that’s what it is – rolling out.

At the end of May, the emergency driving course starts, the difference is that they fill the entire circuit with water through a special irrigation system, and force you to perform exercises on a wet road.

Their motorcycles are BMW KT750 1999, of course, wooden, although in perfect condition, but it’s better to ride your own, it’s absolutely safe there.

course test from Dmitry Fedotov (MOTO magazine)

Attached images

I looked through all the children's topics, which describe the trips of small children on 2 wheels, and I casually saw several posts where parents described their methods of teaching their child. I didn’t find a separate topic like this (I don’t have a black belt in search. unknw:).

When a parent tries to teach a child to ride on 2 wheels, he is often faced with the difficulties that the child already feels at ease when he rides with the support of his parent. This way you can run after your child on a bicycle for a long time (depending on your luck) until the child understands what the parent wants from him. After a few days, the interest in learning may disappear altogether. I’ll try to describe some postulates that will greatly reduce the time it takes for your child to learn to ride on 2 wheels.)

1. Saddle position. We adjust it so that the child can sit on it and, at the same time, reach the ground with his toes.

Two-wheeled Segway

If you lower the saddle too low, the bump increases due to your knees being pushed forward. If it’s too high, then at first there will be a fear of starting

2. For training, you need to choose a large space where all sorts of curbs, pedestrians and other obstacles will not get tangled between your legs. A very good place for such trips is stadiums. At our stadium, even the tracks are covered with rubber flooring - it’s not so scary to fall

3. Any protection is welcome, but we did without it. Mandatory gloves, any kind

4. The learning process itself. The goal is to let the child understand what is generally required of him. The child only knows that he has to drive and pedal, and also steer, and that’s all. He knows almost nothing about balance and other wisdom. What for? The parent himself supports him, doesn’t let him fall, and you can look around to see what kind of balance there is.

And so, we immediately stop all the child’s attempts to distract himself from the road. We support the child not for his bicycle, but for his _jacket_. Even craftsmen can sew special devices to make it convenient to support the child by the cracker. If there is armor protection, they say that it is even more convenient to support it. NAMELY TO SUPPORT, NOT TO HOLD! If he falls, let him fall, just don’t let him fall sharply.) Using the method of supporting, while the child is pedaling, you need to drive him into a position of balance and ensure that he _rides himself_ at least 2.3 meters in balance and _draws the child’s attention to this. As soon as the child understands that he traveled these two or three meters without support, from that moment we can assume that he knows what is required of him. From this moment on, he will be less likely to be distracted on the sides and look more at the road and fend off his own inclinations with the steering wheel. Then it’s not far from the moment when he goes on his own.

How long is it not? It seems that the count will be calculated not in days, but in minutes.)

1. I taught my eldest daughter for a long time and unsuccessfully in my yard, using the method of running after a bicycle. As soon as we drove out to the stadium and got her into balance, she continued on her own.

2. I taught my youngest daughter (at age 5) for about 10, maybe 15 minutes, then she kept the balance herself.

3. I taught my nephew (5 years old) for about three minutes while his mother went down from the 10th floor to our yard. After that, he drove about 20 meters, and his mother quickly picked him up to run errands, I think that at the next lesson he will go straight away

4. I shared my open postulates with a work friend; she claims that she spent about five minutes teaching her son (who just turned 4 years old).

N. I would like more experimental children, but so far there are no such children in the area.)

Well, continue to be patient. The first step - maintaining balance - is the most difficult, and it is done. Then the child will learn to start/stop, it will be possible to raise the saddle to the correct level, he will ride up hills while standing on the pedals. This will all happen quickly.)

How to Make a Cross (video lesson)

The cross is a basic acrobatic trick in stunt riding, where the rider stands on a motorcycle while moving on two wheels. The cross can be performed standing on the tank, tail or seat, facing the direction of travel or switchback (back forward). There is also a controlled cross, where the rider steers with one foot.

The cross itself has no weight from a sporting point of view. To score points in competitions, it must be done in conjunction with jumping or steering with your feet.

On a motorcycle, it is enough to install side protection. which prevents the motorcycle from turning over. It is also advisable to install a steering damper.

  • It is better to learn to do the cross in the position on the tank, because it makes it easier to maintain balance.
  • It is advisable to train at high speed (second gear with high revs). Be prepared to quickly run after the motorcycle in case of a jump.
  • The main point is to straighten quickly. Because of fear, many people rise from their haunches slowly and swing the motorcycle to the sides. You need to get up quickly!
  • You must constantly be ready to jump to the side so as not to fall on the motorcycle. You can't jump up and forward - this is obvious, but if you are not prepared, this can happen.
  • If you lose your balance, you can also squat down. At the same time, carefully grasp the steering wheel so as not to accidentally press the front brake.
  • It is recommended to install a chain guard on the pendulum to prevent your leg from being bitten in the event of an unsuccessful jump onto the motorcycle.
  • You need to train the speed of lifting into a cross and descending, as well as confident rolling. At competitions there is no time and space to ride in a cross for a long time, but it is very important to quickly move into this position and descend. Also, acrobatics greatly reduces the pace, so it must be done as dynamically as possible.

The cross combined with jumps (elevator and acid drop) is much more difficult and dangerous. You should not try to master these elements without preparation and information. More about this in the next videos!

Until recently, the objects of a child’s dreams were rollerblades, a bicycle and a skateboard.

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Today it is no longer fashionable to ride them around the city. Nowadays they are getting creative when it comes to vehicles on city streets, so they often ask for something that can ride on two wheels while standing. Not everyone can answer what such a vehicle is called.

A modern child who asks his parents for this forces them to resort to the Internet to understand what their beloved child needs? And many adults are not averse to taking a ride on exotic transport.

Such adults are often indiscriminately called “hipsters,” but they are not offended and cross a bicycle with a skateboard or lengthen the skateboard.

These include:

  • rollersurf, which is a combination of skateboard, snowboard and surf. Its two platforms are connected together using a torsion spring. The radius of rotation of such rollers with wheels is 360 degrees. They are attached to the platform and located at an angle.
  • very often moving their legs on this device, the name of which sounds very abstruse, and moving around the city, receiving indescribable sensations;
  • a three-wheeled scooter is more understandable and familiar, so they are unlikely to surprise anyone. But there are those in which two frames are attached to the steering column at once, each of which has a wheel on the opposite side, and they are able to move horizontally by pushing off the asphalt with their feet and moving them apart;
  • jumper - a spring structure on which one moves by jumping. In one jump you can move a couple of meters;
  • A longboard is an improved skateboard, or rather, one of such varieties. Its surface is increased in width and length compared to a standard skate, making it more convenient to stand and maintain balance. It also has larger wheels for better maneuverability and reduced discomfort when traveling on uneven surfaces.

There are also all kinds of electric bicycles and electric scooters that develop decent speeds, roller skis and speedboards, which are just gaining popularity, bikeboards and bicycle skateboards - some kind of bicycles that do not have spokes, a snakeboard that resembles a snake, since it is made up of three surfaces that wriggle when moving, balance bikes and flowboards, having 14 wheels.

But there is also some kind of thing on two wheels.


What is so attractive about a hoverboard?

And this is not a Segway - an unusual transport that has gained great popularity in the world. A person stands on it vertically on a platform between two wheels, holding the handlebars, like a scooter or scooter. The more it leans forward, the faster the electric motor rotates the wheels. When you lean back, the vehicle slows down and stops.

There is also an electric board on two wheels, called a hoverboard. Few people know about it yet, since amazing transport has recently appeared on Russian streets.

What is it?

A hoverboard is very similar to a Segway, but does not have a steering wheel. The Segway we are just used to is quite bulky. So the author set out to make it easier. Yes, I tried so hard that the new transport easily fits into a backpack.

First, all the massive parts were removed: the platform was reduced, 10-inch wheels replaced the old bulky ones, and the steering wheel was completely removed. As a result, the goal is achieved - there is an elegant design on two wheels that is easy to transport in a bag or backpack.

Riding a hoverboard is easy and interesting, but it is recommended to buy it from trusted manufacturers.

The following brands are good:

  • Smart Balance and, Smart;
  • Wmotion;
  • Ecodrift;
  • Skyboard;
  • Hoverbot and some others.

It is also important to learn how to operate a hoverboard.

How to learn to operate a hoverboard?

An electric board with wheels but no steering wheel. Is it difficult to manage? The controls are extremely simple, so you can learn to ride a hoverboard in a few hours. The principle is intuitive: to go forward, you need to lean forward, slow down and lean back.

It's a little more difficult to make turns. To do this, you should shift your weight in the direction opposite to where you want to turn, i.e. when turning to the right - on the left foot, and vice versa.

Warning: While there are no skating skills and the learning process is underway, you should not accelerate to a speed exceeding 10 kilometers per hour. Although, according to the instructions, you can drive this vehicle at 20 km/h.

The hoverboard will easily travel 20-40 km (depending on the model), then the battery will need to be charged.

This board with an electric motor on two wheels is called the transport of the future.

The gyroscope actually has many advantages:

  • it is maneuverable;
  • compact, i.e. easily transportable in any type of transport;
  • easy;
  • silent;
  • environmentally friendly, i.e. does not pollute the atmosphere with harmful emissions;
  • easy to operate;
  • inexpensive.

Interesting invention– a hoverboard can make it easier to move around the city, brighten up your leisure time, it has a sufficient range, which means you can travel a “decent” distance.

Its speed is significantly higher than walking speed, and fuel costs are zero. It is also important that children and adults can use it, i.e. This transport is universal, capable of supporting 120 kg.

The combination of qualities that a hoverboard has allows you to move quickly and comfortably in areas where people usually walk. He is not afraid of traffic jams in megacities.

Prices for hoverboards

A mini-Segway is considered the most convenient vehicle for driving on city streets for many reasons:

  • runs on electricity, which is several times cheaper than fuel;
  • you need to pay a humane amount for it (20-25 thousand rubles for the “economy class” and 30-35 thousand for the top model, equipped with many options).

Video: Review of the best gadgets - hoverboard, electric scooter, Segway or unicycle

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