Home Nutrition Regulation of traffic on military roads. Traffic controller signals. Arms spread to the sides or lowered - red

Regulation of traffic on military roads. Traffic controller signals. Arms spread to the sides or lowered - red

Nowadays, traffic controllers are like Ussuri tigers - they are quite rare, and when we meet, we get scared and try to avoid contact with them. And all because we do not know the traffic controller’s signals, which are actually elementary. We suggest that you resolve the issue with these signals once and for all and forget that once upon a time the mere sight of a traffic controller waving a baton could throw you into a stupor.

Despite the fact that the traffic controller has long moved into the category of anachronisms, every driver is simply obliged to know his signals, because there are situations when only a living person can cope with the chaos at the intersection. Even ultra-modern light traffic control systems can easily fail, so an experienced traffic inspector is always ready to replace the electronics, who, with the help of a magic striped stick, can give orders to multi-ton cars that obediently fulfill all his requirements.

Since traffic controllers rarely come to intersections, many drivers have no idea how to behave when given a particular signal. And this is despite the fact that in driving schools the study of traffic controller signals is mandatory.

The traditional image of a traffic controller is a man in uniform and holding a rod, which is sometimes replaced by a disc with a reflector or a red signal. However, neither the wand nor the disc are required. This toolkit is used only to increase the visibility of the signals being sent. This means that the driver under no circumstances has the right to ignore these signals given by the traffic controller simply with his hands, that is, without the use of improvised means.

The peculiarity of the traffic controller is that it has priority over traffic lights and road signs, overriding their meaning. In other words, all the responsibilities of hard-working traffic lights are transferred to the fragile shoulders of the traffic controller. And here we need to focus on one nuance: not only drivers, but also pedestrians must be able to interpret traffic controller signals correctly. As you know, ignorance of the rules and laws does not exempt you from responsibility. So, fellow pedestrians, as well as “pedestrians” and “pedestoi”, the time has come to add basic knowledge of the signals given by the traffic controller to the simple traffic light diagram.

Raised hand: imaginary red light

If the traffic controller raises his hand, this means that neither pedestrians nor vehicles have the right to move in any direction. This signal allows you to clear the intersection of all road users.

This is necessary, for example, in order to give way to special vehicles that are passing through an intersection.

Arms spread to the sides or lowered - red!

Both of these signals are identical. The question arises - why complicate the task so much if it was possible to receive one signal? In fact, everything is simply explained. There are situations when a narrow intersection is being regulated or large vehicles are driving, and arms spread to the sides can significantly complicate the movement of cars, but first of all, the further functioning of the traffic controller.

Now let's talk about the actual meaning of this signal. Let’s immediately mentally imagine that the traffic controller’s hands are the barriers that we are used to seeing at railway crossings. If you are in a position in front of the traffic controller's chest or back, then you are prohibited from further movement. If the traffic controller is standing sideways to your car, you can go straight or to the right.

But trams can only go straight, forgetting for a while about the existence of such a direction as “right”. In general, trams should be guided by one simple rule, which can be formulated as follows - “into the sleeve - out of the sleeve.” In other words, the driver must mentally drive into the traffic controller's sleeve that is closer and drive out of the one that is further away.

Right arm extended forward

If the driver turned his chest towards you and pointed his striped pointing finger at you, then you can calmly turn the steering wheel to the right and press on the gas. You cannot move in any direction other than to the right.

Those vehicles that are behind and to the right of the traffic controller are required to stop and wait their turn.

The lucky ones are the drivers who are located to the left of the traffic controller: they are allowed to move in all directions. And trams passing through the tunnels of the branches can only move to the left.

Road users who move on their own two feet can cross the road behind the traffic controller.


If the traffic controller changes the position of your arms and body, you can complete the maneuver without fear of being charged with a traffic violation.

So, let's formulate general rules that will subsequently make it much easier to understand the signals and gestures of the traffic controller and their meanings.

  • a person with a staff allows traffic exclusively from both sides of the intersection;
  • the outstretched arms of the traffic controller always point to those directions from which movement is permitted;
  • the traffic controller's back is always equivalent to a red traffic light;
  • trams can only travel along the traffic controller's hands, and cars are also allowed to move to the right.

If you are still afraid of traffic controllers, then it’s time to get rid of your unfounded phobia. And even if the traffic controller appears before you in the form of a menacing guy who waves his arms and actively swears, remember that, first of all, he is your assistant.

The State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-Eastern Administrative District decided to dedicate the next preventive event “Spring Break” to the upcoming anniversary of our country’s Victory over the fascist invaders. This time, employees of the propaganda department invited veterans of the Great Patriotic War to a meeting with children. And, most importantly, we found a topic that no one had ever told the kids about. Everyone was intrigued by the name - “Victory Traffic Controllers”. The originality of the idea was also appreciated by our newspaper, whose correspondent also went to visit the pupils of the state educational institution “Elementary school - kindergarten No. 1760”.

To be honest, when I first heard about the topic of traffic controllers, I remembered a scene from the classic of Russian cinema - the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.” Remember when the bandit Fox is hiding with his driver in a truck, and a fragile girl policeman with a whistle and a baton jumps out onto the road in front of them? Both in the film and in the book “The Age of Mercy” by the Weiner brothers, on which it was based, this girl dies. Initially, according to the authors’ plan, the path to the bandits was blocked by Volodya Sharapov’s fiancee, Varya Sinichkina.
There are many beauties in this film, but only one is definitely positive. This is the Komsomol member Varya, who fell in love with one of the main characters of the film - Sharapov. According to the Weiners, Varya’s fate was more typical, and therefore more tragic, than her on-screen life. “In the script, Varya died. This was a sign of the times when women liable for military service were called up to replace police officers who had gone to the front. These girls died on almost every night duty, says Arkady Weiner. “After all, a girl for a bandit, even one who is not too seasoned, is a tasty bait, an easy way to get a weapon.” However, television bosses ordered Varya to be resurrected, citing the fact that the productivity of viewers upset by her death would decrease. Now such an argument seems ridiculous, but we are sincerely grateful to the censors for saving Varya (may the authors forgive us). However, of course, they did not completely remove from the film the scene where the girl at the post gives her life just to stop the bandits. After all, there was no exaggeration in it: everyone who returned from the front, having defeated the fascist colossus that initially crushed all of Europe, was firmly confident that they could cope with the bandits in their own country.
It was about them - Soviet girls and women who selflessly fulfilled their duty during the war and in the most difficult post-war years - that Maria Nilovna Tereshkova and Klavdiya Fedorovna Gracheva, members of the Council of Veterans of the Vykhino-Zhulebino region, came to tell the students. Snipers and anti-aircraft gunners, pilots and sappers, reconnaissance officers and nurses, as well as cooks, laundresses, traffic controllers - perhaps you will not find a military profession and such military work that would do without women. The guys had a logical question: why were there so many of them on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War?! Was it really impossible to do without them?
The guests, whose destinies were most directly connected with that terrible war, gladly answered the children’s questions. The most important thing, in the opinion of the veterans, is that our Motherland was then faced with mortal danger. The trouble was too great. The very existence of the people, their freedom and independence, and the future of the country were under threat of death. Therefore, the natural response was the desire to repel the enemies. In this impulse, both the male and female populations were united. But they certainly tried to assign easier tasks to women. This was also the military profession of a traffic controller. The duties of the road guard during the war included careful monitoring of the order and movement of transport in the entrusted areas.
Thousands of young girls participated in the daily uninterrupted supply of weapons, equipment, and personnel to the front. And all this against the backdrop of bombings and incessant fighting. Many of them, who remained at their posts until the end, did not live to see the bright day of Victory.
Today, when the “Secret” stamp has been removed from many wartime documents, it becomes clear that traffic controllers were often maimed and killed not only by the enemy, but also by their own would-be drivers. Many were driving recklessly or, on the contrary, did not have the proper experience. There were also deserters, of whom there were quite a few roaming the roads during that harsh time. So the female service of traffic controllers was considered as dangerous as that of soldiers on the front line. But even in such conditions, the dedicated traffic controllers of the front-line routes quickly learned to distinguish veteran drivers from fussy newcomers. The first ones always drove the cars, observing the distance and traffic rules. The newcomers, having found themselves in a large traffic stream, rushed forward, wanted to get to the place as quickly as possible and therefore overtook. Others did not even react to the traffic controllers’ signs, thereby only creating even greater congestion. The “road mistresses” personally blocked the way for such would-be drivers. Every time I had to listen to curses. The drivers also scolded the traffic controllers because they tried to bring the wounded to them. Therefore, the girls were usually on duty in twos, so that if something happened, one could come to the aid of the other.
Frequent shifts, of course, were exhausting, and my greatest desire was to just sleep for an hour or two. But sometimes, instead of resting, they were assigned to other posts, because there was a catastrophic shortage of people. It was especially difficult to be on duty at night. Often I had to stand at my post under both shelling and fascist air raids. But no matter how difficult their military everyday life was, the women traffic controllers never complained about their fate and did not lose heart. This is why management valued them. And in such difficult conditions, all they could do was hum the then popular song, written as if about them, to raise their spirits: “Oh, the front path! We are not afraid of any bombing. But it’s too early for us to die, we still have things to do at home...”
“Modern roads, military roads” - this became the next topic of the meeting of students, veterans and traffic inspectors. Evidence that the military exploits of traffic controllers have not been forgotten to this day is the poetry of one of the modern poets.

With girlish breasts and pigtails in flight,
Gulping air from the front
In one movement she drove the troops forward!
A thin birch tree
on a scorched hill,
Russian symbol of the beauty of spring,
A traffic controller in a shabby tunic,
Madonna among the horrors of war...

The guys saw these fragile, selfless girls in photographs from the time of the Great Patriotic War. Women veterans told the students about their exploits. It turns out that the traffic controllers’ contribution to the overall Victory did not go unnoticed by the leadership of our country and was reflected in the monuments. At the end of the war, monuments to traffic police girls appeared on the Rostov-Donetsk highway, the site of which fierce battles took place, as well as near St. Petersburg, where the famous “Road of Life” passed.
“We never tire of talking about wartime,” members of the Council of Veterans of the Vykhino-Zhulebino region addressed those present. - It’s always very pleasant to realize that the younger generation is interested in the history of our Victory. Such meetings give us a boost of energy and good mood. In our district there are many school museums dedicated to the Great Patriotic War; the streets of our district are named after heroes.
On behalf of the veterans, the children were presented with a book entitled “South-Eastern District. Names in street names." It contains brief biographies and descriptions of the military paths of the heroes whose names the streets of the South-Eastern Administrative District bear (Vostrukhin, Poletaev, Guryanov and others).
As the senior traffic safety promotion inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, police major Oksana Klimenko, said, such meetings always arouse keen interest among the children. When direct eyewitnesses talk about the war years, literally all students come to listen to them. Then the girls and boys themselves try to show the veterans that they have already learned something. For example, we learned the rules of the road. Thus, a joint planned event turns into an interesting and useful activity. This time, the topic was suggested by the veterans themselves, so the traffic inspectors could only once again remind the guys what the signals of a modern traffic controller mean.
There is no need to talk about the need for its work on modern tracks. In some cases - for example, if a traffic light fails, there is a traffic jam at an intersection, or an accident - only a traffic controller can organize the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. For the guys, the topic of the preventive conversation sounded like this: “Traffic controller signals - easy and simple.” Employees of the propaganda department tried to explain to listeners as clearly as possible how to correctly recognize manual traffic control. Now many drivers have forgotten that there is such a thing as traffic controller signals. Meanwhile, the traffic controller is a “living” traffic light, and his signals are as obligatory as the signals of a regular traffic light. Traffic controller signals apply equally to both motorists and pedestrians. The position of the traffic controller's hands, his body, as well as additional gestures either prohibit or allow movement in one direction or another. The traffic controller's signals can be given by a rod or a disk that has a reflector or a red signal. But these are only measures to improve visibility. The traffic controller's signals must also be observed if they are given without special means. To further attract attention, the traffic controller can use a whistle.
So, here are the main signals of the traffic controller, which our adult readers will also need to remember.

The traffic controller raised his hand up
This signal from the traffic controller indicates that the movement of any vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited. Moreover, this signal prohibits movement in all directions simultaneously. This signal from the traffic controller is used in cases where it is necessary to completely clear the intersection, for example, in order to let through special vehicles that are moving with the corresponding signals turned on (fire service, police, ambulance, and so on).

The traffic controller's arms are extended to the sides or lowered
In this case, the position of the regulator body matters. If the back or chest is facing the driver, then this signal from the traffic controller prohibits movement. If the traffic controller stands sideways to you, then such a signal allows you to move straight and to the right. At the same time, the tram driver does not have the right to turn and can only move if he crosses the intersection in a straight line. The same signal from the traffic controller allows pedestrians to cross the road.

The traffic controller extended his right hand forward
Once again, body position matters. If you see the traffic controller's chest, you can pass to the right. Other directions of movement are prohibited. If the traffic controller is standing with his right side or back to you, then movement in any direction is prohibited. If the traffic controller is facing your left side, then you are in luck - traffic is allowed in all directions. At the same time, remember that pedestrians with such a signal from the traffic controller have the right to cross the road behind his back.

There are several general rules, which will make it easier to remember the meaning of the traffic controller’s signals.
1. The traffic controller always allows traffic only on both sides of the intersection.
2. Outstretched arms always point in directions from which movement is permitted.
3. The traffic controller's back is a red traffic light: it always prohibits movement in any direction.
4. Trams are allowed to move along the hands of the traffic controller, and cars are also allowed to move to the right.

When changing the position of the traffic controller, drivers are allowed not to apply emergency braking and complete the maneuver. Drivers are allowed to continue driving if a traffic controller’s command or a prohibiting traffic light signal catches them at an intersection or when entering it while driving. If similar signals find pedestrians on the roadway, they are required to complete the crossing or stop on the traffic island or center line.
And lastly, but most importantly, drivers and pedestrians must comply with the signals and orders of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic light signals, road signs or markings. Remember this, especially now - during the spring school holidays. The children will still have many meetings with interesting people in creativity centers, libraries and museums, which means that we, adults, need to be extremely attentive, observe the speed limit in places where children's events are held, do not ignore traffic violations by children and always be an example for them .

On highways, city streets and intersections, traffic can be regulated by traffic police inspectors - traffic controllers. The movement of military columns in cities is regulated by military traffic controllers. Assistance to traffic police inspectors in regulating traffic can be provided by members of voluntary people's squads, public traffic inspectors, road maintenance workers, duty officers at railway crossings, ferry crossings and other persons who have received the appropriate certificate.

To improve the visibility of the traffic controller himself and the signals he gives (mainly at night), equipment is provided - waist and shoulder belts, as well as gloves with white gauntlets. In addition, the traffic controller may have a staff. However, the instructions (gestures) of the traffic controller, even if he does not have a staff, fully retain their meaning. Members of voluntary people's squads and public traffic inspectors must have a baton or a red flag and an armband.

To better see the signals, the rod is painted white and black (or white and red). Rods intended for road patrol inspectors are equipped on one side with a red reflective insert (reflector); at night, the red insert, reflecting the headlights of an approaching car, serves as a stop signal, valid only in one direction along the road where the red insert is facing. Sometimes the wand, made of translucent material, is equipped with an electric lamp. The wand may have a round disc on the shaft.

At intersections, the traffic controller, controlling the movement of vehicles, changes gestures and the position of the body, and, depending on the gesture, the nature of the main indication, determined by the position of the body, may change.

When the traffic controller faces drivers and pedestrians with his right or left side, his arms are extended to the sides (Fig. 18) or lowered, trackless vehicles are allowed to go straight and turn right, but tram -1 is only allowed to go straight. Pedestrians are allowed to cross the roadway.

Raised hand of a traffic controller(Fig. 19) corresponds to a yellow traffic light. All vehicles are prohibited from entering an intersection or other controlled section of the road. Drivers who were at a close distance from the intersection at the time of this signal and could not stop the vehicles without the threat of running into them from behind or skidding from sudden braking can continue driving and clear the intersection. However, when moving through an intersection, the driver must take into account that the traffic controller could raise his hand up to ensure the passage of a special vehicle (ambulance, fire truck, etc.). Therefore, the driver, depending on the situation, must either stop or speed up in order not to. interfere with the passage of a special vehicle.

When this signal is given, pedestrians are prohibited from entering the roadway to cross, and those who were at the pedestrian crossing at the time the signal was given must quickly complete the crossing or stop at the “Safety Island”, and if there is none, in the middle of the roadway.

Trackless vehicles, trams, and pedestrians are prohibited from moving, if the traffic controller faces drivers and pedestrians with his chest or back, his arms are extended to the sides (Fig. 20) or lowered.

If the traffic controller with his arm extended forward stands with his chest facing drivers and pedestrians (Fig. 21), then trackless vehicles and trams are allowed to turn right. Pedestrians with such a gesture from the traffic controller are prohibited from crossing the roadway.

When the traffic controller faces the drivers with his left side and extends his right arm forward(Fig. 22), then trackless vehicles are allowed to move in all directions, and the tram can only turn left. Pedestrians are allowed to cross the roadway at the crossing located behind the traffic controller.

Trackless vehicles and trams are prohibited from moving if the traffic controller is facing the drivers with his back or right side and has his right arm extended forward (Fig. 23) - Pedestrians can cross the roadway from the right side behind the traffic controller.

When a traffic controller shakes a round disk with a red light or a red light reflector, drivers of all vehicles in the direction of which this signal is directed are required to stop in front of the traffic controller or at the place indicated by him. If this signal is given from a car, then drivers of vehicles moving behind or towards, depending on who the signal is given, are required to immediately move as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway, reduce speed and stop. You can move away only after a column of escorted vehicles has passed behind this vehicle.


Annex 1.

1. To give signals, the following are used: during the day, flags of two colors: red (orange) and white (yellow); at night - electric lights or portable lamps with reflectors of two colors: red (orange) and green (blue).

2. Flags measuring 30x20 cm are made of woolen material. The 50 cm long shaft can be wooden or metal. Flags must be kept clean and washed promptly; To do this, the flag panel must be easily removed from the pole. Flags are carried in leather or canvas cases with a loop or hook for fastening to a belt.

3. All personnel of armored units must know all established signals and be able to give and receive them correctly.

4. Commands can be given either by one signal or by a combination of them, for example:

  • to give the command “BACK ANGLE” you should give the signals: “Corner” and “Back”;
  • to give a command. “LEGGING TO THE RIGHT” you should give the signals: “Ledge” and “Right”;
  • to form a company in an open formation “Line of platoon columns”, the following signals should be given: “Turn around” and “Line of columns”; the "Line of Columns" signal is repeated several times.

To turn right or stop, you must give the following signals: “Right” and “Stop”; in the event that it is necessary to perform a simultaneous turn or a simultaneous stop, then the “All” signal is given before the turn or stop signal;
To transmit a command that relates only to one of the units, a signal indicating the unit number is first given: “1st unit”, “2nd unit”, “3rd unit”.

5. It is prohibited to change the meaning of the signals established by this Charter and the procedure for their submission. It is allowed, if necessary, to temporarily install additional signals for giving them with flags, a hand, a cap, a branch and other objects.

6. The execution of the signal begins from the moment it is given. Late acceptance of a given signal can only occur through the fault of those persons to whom this signal relates.

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Appendix 2



1. Signals to control the machine from the outside are given in parking lots to place the machine in a shelter, during loading, etc.

2. When controlling the movement of the vehicle from the outside, the vehicle commander positions himself so that the driver can see him at all times, but no closer than 5 m from the vehicle.

3. Each signal is repeated until it is received.

The traffic controller's gestures are considered by novice motorists to be one of the most difficult points of traffic regulations. When preparing for and passing exams, they are not given much attention - future drivers think that they will not need it. Often, traffic police officers themselves, instead of special gestures, use hand waves and baton instructions that are more understandable to others. But on the road you need to be prepared for any situation, including the fact that instead of a traffic light, traffic at the intersection will be controlled by a person from the Road Patrol Service. What signals does the traffic controller give?

There are three traffic controller signals in total, regulated by clause 6.10 of the traffic rules:

  • The hand with the staff is raised up;
  • Both arms are extended to the left and right or lowered;
  • The right arm is extended forward.

Many people ask the question “ What is the significance of the whistle signal given by the traffic controller?". Answer - The whistle signal is given by the traffic controller to attract the attention of traffic participants..

Let us consider separately what the traffic controller’s signal means for pedestrians and drivers with explanations.

Signal traffic controller - raised his hand up

In this case, the movement of everyone is prohibited - both vehicles and people, regardless of direction. To warn drivers, the traffic police officer must sound a whistle. You can only stop with your hand raised in two cases - if your car is already at the intersection and if you have to brake urgently to stop, creating an emergency situation. In terms of its meaning, the signal is equivalent to a yellow traffic light for all traffic participants.

The traffic controller's gesture is to lower his arms or extend them to the sides

The rules state that in this case there is a “red light” in front and behind the traffic police officer - the movement of cars, motorcycles, rail vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited. On the left and right sides, vehicles are allowed to move without crossing the conventional “line” of hands - that is, only forward and to the right. Pedestrians are crossing a direction in which traffic is currently prohibited.

Signal from the traffic controller - extended his right hand forward

With such a gesture from the traffic controller, all wheeled vehicles on the left side of him are given the opportunity to move forward, left and right. Trams go only to the left. From the chest side, all types of transport can only go to the right. Cars and trams must stand on the back and right side of the traffic police officer - there is a “red light” for them. Pedestrians can cross the road at the zebra crossing only behind him.

Other traffic controller signals and gestures

According to clause 6.10 of the traffic rules, a traffic police officer can give other signs using his hands, a baton, a whistle and a loudspeaker, but provided that they are understandable to drivers.

In practice, the traffic controller often works this way, rather than resorting to standard gestures. This is due to the fact that most drivers either do not remember them or do not understand them well and are confused. And this is fraught with the emergence of dangerous situations, which is why the traffic police officer resorts to a convenient and understandable way for himself and for others to regulate traffic at the intersection.

Priority of the traffic controller in traffic rules and responsibility for violations

Paragraph 6.15 states that for drivers, traffic controller signals have priority, even if they contradict the requirements of road markings, signs and even traffic lights. The instructions of the traffic police officer are mandatory for all road users, even for cars with special signals (siren and flashing light).

Failure to comply with its instructions and travel despite a prohibitory signal is a violation of the law. The punishment is determined in accordance with Article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

The amount of the fine can range from 800-1000 rubles for the first offense and up to 5 thousand rubles and 6 months without a driver's license in case of repeated cases.

Video lesson: how to easily and simply remember the meaning of traffic controller signals.

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