Home Wheels Where to insure a car. Car insurance: registration, calculation. What parameters should you use to choose a company?

Where to insure a car. Car insurance: registration, calculation. What parameters should you use to choose a company?

An OSAGO policy is a compulsory motor third party liability insurance agreement that will help the car owner financially protect himself in the event of an accident due to his fault.

Compensation will be triggered when civil liability occurs as a result of causing harm to the life, health or property of third parties while driving a car. The maximum limit of liability of the insurer for each case is:

  1. for damage to life and health - four hundred thousand rubles;
  2. for property damage - five hundred thousand rubles.

In case of an accident with three or more drivers, each victim can claim insurance compensation in the amount of the above limits. It is important to remember that this type of insurance does not cover the costs of restoring the car of the person responsible for the accident. This type of protection is provided by Casco. Insurance can be purchased on paper or electronically.

Federal Law No. 40 establishes a ban on driving a car without a contract. The penalty for failure to comply with this requirement is:

  1. if the driver does not have car insurance with him - five hundred rubles;
  2. driving during a period not provided for by the contract - five hundred rubles;
  3. driving a vehicle by a driver who is not included in the insurance – five hundred rubles;
  4. absence of a valid insurance policy for the vehicle – eight hundred rubles.

The policy price is calculated using the base rate and additional adjustment factors. This tariff is set by each insurance company at its own discretion within the range approved by the Central Bank. Adjustment factors are also developed and approved by the Central Bank, but, unlike the basic tariff, they are the same for everyone. The parameters that influence the calculation of the cost of insurance include:

  1. territory of use of the car or region of registration of the owner of the vehicle;
  2. presence/absence of accidents in history;
  3. presence/absence of restrictions;
  4. the number of complete years and experience of driving a car;
  5. number of horsepower;
  6. using a vehicle with a trailer;
  7. period of operation of the vehicle;
  8. contract time.

What documents are needed for registration?

To purchase this type of compensation you may need:

  1. identification document of the policyholder;
  2. PTS or STS;
  3. registration of all those admitted to driving (if the contract is drawn up with a list of drivers by name);
  4. a valid diagnostic card (if technical inspection is required by law).

Today it is not necessary to go to the insurer’s office and apply on a paper form. Issuing an insurance policy electronically has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Simplicity in design. To apply for a policy, you do not need to visit the insurance office - just fill out the form provided. The data specified in the application will be sent to the RSA database for verification, and after verification it will be generated automatically.
  2. Delivery. You won't need to adjust your schedule to meet with the courier or insurance agent. The agreement will be sent to you electronically by email. It will be enough to print it out and always have it with you.
  3. Less risk of fraud. One of the main problems with paper policies is the likelihood that an unscrupulous seller will issue you insurance on a fake form. Unlike a regular form, you buy an electronic policy through the website, and it almost immediately appears in the RCA database.
  4. The policy is always at hand. In case of loss or damage, you will only need to re-print it.

Despite all the listed advantages, the type of policy - paper or electronic - does not in any way affect the cost of insurance.

How to insure a car cheaply?

Since the insurance company can set the base rate at its discretion, the cost of insurance in different companies may vary. Using our calculator, you can not only choose the best offer at the lowest price, but also save time - apply through our website.

Advantages of registration through our website

  1. Opportunity to find out the cost of the largest companies at competitive prices. You can save a lot.
  2. To purchase insurance, you do not need to go anywhere - just fill out an application for the selected offer. Delivery is free in some regions.
  3. On our website you can purchase an electronic policy. At the same time, you will not have to fill out the same type of forms several times on the websites of different insurers. The application filled out on our website will be sent simultaneously to several companies, all you have to do is choose the offer you like.
  4. We guarantee the authenticity of insurance purchased through our service.

How to apply for a policy on our website?

  1. make, model, year of manufacture and modification of the vehicle;
  2. period and start date of insurance;
  3. region of registration and actual residence of the owner;
  4. information about the owners.

When calculating the cost, you may not fill out all the fields, but in this case the calculation will not be accurate, without taking into account the bonus-malus coefficient, which, depending on the driver’s insurance history, can range from 0.5 to 2.45. If you want to make insurance without restrictions on the number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle, then to calculate the CBM you must indicate the passport details of the owner and the VIN of the car.

We work only with trusted partners, so no matter which company you choose, we guarantee its authenticity.

Use the online calculator on our website. Enter the required data, and the system:

  • select suitable insurance companies;
  • calculate the cost;
  • will select the best offers.

How to choose an MTPL insurance company

To choose an insurance company with favorable conditions, pay attention to:

Reliability. Study the insurance website - it should contain indicative statistics, information about managers, and a detailed description of services. For example, the Ingosstrakh website has all this information. It’s good if the site contains information about the awards received by the company or major ratings in which it participates.

Reputation. Study reviews about the company on the Internet. It is advisable to look for them not on the websites of the insurance company, but on motorist forums, on social networks, on special sites like “Otzovik”. The more negative reviews an organization has, especially about the MTPL policy, the less it should be trusted.

Cities of presence. If you travel frequently, choose federal companies. Then, in the event of an accident, you will not have to come back to the city where you received the policy - you will be able to contact the nearest office of the company.

Maximum amount of payment for an insured event. The larger it is, the better. If you get into an accident with an expensive car, you will be found guilty of the accident, and the maximum amount of payments will be 30,000 rubles; you will have to pay extra to the victim from your own pocket. Therefore, it is better to pay a little extra and choose the offer with the maximum payout amount.

How to check the reliability of the company where you want to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance

  • Check if there is an insurance company among the current members of the RCA - The Russian Union of Auto Insurers accepts only reliable insurance companies
  • Check whether the insurance company is in the directory of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - if not, it is better to refuse cooperation
  • Look at the insurance company rating on the website of the Expert RA agency - the higher it is, the better

Which insurance company to choose for compulsory motor liability insurance: rating and statistics

According to the rating "Expert RA". Three companies received the highest reliability score in 2017 - ruAAA: VTB Insurance, SOGAZ, and Ingosstrakh. The fourth and fifth places are occupied by the organizations SAO ERGO and Liberty Insurance.

According to statistics from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, based on the number of contracts. The most popular company in the first quarter of 2017 is PJSC Rosgosstrakh with a market share of 26% and the number of concluded contracts 7,319,437. In second and third place are IC Reso-Garantia and Ingosstrakh.

To insure liability under MTPL and not make a mistake, check the company’s reliability in the ratings, look at the statistics on its website and look for reviews from real clients.

To apply for CASCO insurance, use our online calculator Revizorro.ru

Car insurance is a rather complex topic even for an experienced driver. To understand all its nuances, you need to be well versed in a variety of regulations, remember special terms, study the rules of different insurance companies and reviews about them. As a rule, there is not enough time and effort to familiarize yourself with all the details of car insurance.

We strongly do not recommend following the simplest scheme - buying the cheapest policy. After all, we are talking about your safety!

Accessible and simple about car insurance


A compulsory motor liability insurance policy is required for every car owner. This condition for operating a car is prescribed in current legislation. The MTPL policy is designed to compensate for the damage that the driver may cause to another road user. The volume and timeliness of payments will depend on the reliability of the chosen company to which you entrust your liability insurance. According to statistics, over the last reporting period, more than a third of OSAGO policies have already been issued by the Rosgosstrakh company.


Insuring a car with comprehensive insurance is a solution for those who especially value their safety. Unlike MTPL, this insurance can protect your car from theft and other types of damage. We offer our clients not only stable car protection within the framework of comprehensive insurance, but also the restoration of glass, headlights and body parts without the obligatory presence of a certificate from the traffic police. In addition, when you decide to insure your car, you can count on covering the costs associated with its evacuation from the scene of an accident. Registration of auto hull insurance in our company involves payments even if the accident occurred through your fault.

Anti-crisis insurance

We present a new program that combines optimal insurance conditions and low cost of the policy - “Anti-crisis comprehensive insurance”. We protect you from unforeseen major risks, but at the same time you have the possibility of one claim for minor damage in the event of an accident during the year. Anti-crisis comprehensive insurance is an excellent addition to the MTPL policy.

Green map

To travel abroad with your own car, you need to take out a Green Card policy. This car insurance will allow you to quickly resolve any unforeseen issues that may arise on the roads of a foreign country, as well as quickly repair your car. The Rosgosstrakh company offers its clients auto insurance under the Green Card on convenient terms!

The popularity of car insurance is due to the growing number of cars on the roads of our country. This, in turn, affects the increase in the number of accidents that can affect not only the health of car owners, but also their wallets. Therefore, it is so important to contact a reliable company to obtain a comprehensive insurance policy. By purchasing an insurance policy from us, you acquire protection on favorable terms. In the event of an accident, auto insurance can compensate you for the cost of repairing your vehicle and treating the injured. It is only necessary to contact Rosgosstrakh after the occurrence of an insured event.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that here is only part of the information about car insurance that every driver needs. If you want to ask clarifying questions to our specialists or insure your car with comprehensive insurance,

Now almost all insurance companies offer to issue an electronic MTPL policy online without leaving your home. The procedure consists of filling out a form on the insurer’s website, which indicates all the necessary data for issuing a policy, such as information about the car, information about drivers, etc. The cost of the policy is calculated automatically after you enter the data, taking into account the KBM. You can also pay online with a bank card. After payment, an electronic E-MTPL policy will be sent to your email address, as well as related materials: insurance rules, a memo, an accident notification with an example of filling out.

You can buy an electronic MTPL policy on the Ingosstrakh website.

When purchasing an E-OSAGO policy, its validity will begin no earlier than 3 days after registration.

How to calculate the cost of an MTPL policy

The cost of an MTPL policy is calculated based on basic rates and insurance coefficients using the following formula:

OSAGO price = Basic tariff * CT * KM * KVS * KO * KMB * KS * KN

Basic tariffs and coefficients are approved by the government of the Russian Federation. The coefficients are constant for all insurance companies, and the base tariff has a corridor within which insurance companies can set the price (since 2014). Thus, the cost of the policy may vary among different insurance companies.

Changes to OSAGO

  • Now you must contact your insurance company for compensation, regardless of the number of participants in the accident. This is called "direct damages." Previously, this option was possible only when there were two participants in the accident.
  • Have an opportunity purchase electronic MTPL policy via the Internet. Only novice drivers, information about whom is not yet in the database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, will not be able to use this service.
    Check the possibility of providing this service with a specific insurance company.
  • Car owners have the opportunity extend OSAGO policies in your insurance company in electronic form via the Internet. To purchase a new policy, you must still contact the office of the insurance company.
  • The limit of payments for the life and health of victims increases from 160,000 to 500,000 rubles.
  • The procedure for confirming the fact of injury to health in an accident and the procedure for receiving payment under compulsory motor liability insurance are being simplified.
  • An increase in the base tariff by 40% and an expansion of the tariff corridor to 20 percentage points, so the increase was 40-60%.
  • Changes in territorial coefficients both up and down.

    The coefficients have been increased: Adygea, Murmansk region, Amur region, Mari El Republic, Voronezh region, Ulyanovsk region, Kamchatka region, Chelyabinsk region, Kurgan region, Chuvashia, Mordovia

    The coefficients have been reduced: Leningrad region, Baikonur, Magadan region, Dagestan, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Jewish Autonomous Region, Republic of Tyva, Trans-Baikal Territory, Chechen Republic, Ingushetia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

On October 11, 2014, a decree of the Russian government was adopted regulating the new procedure for calculating the MTPL policy.
Here are the main innovations:

  • The emergence of a tariff corridor, which allows insurers to deviate from the base tariff within certain limits. Thus, the cost of the policy in different insurance companies can now vary within small limits.
  • Increase in base rates for all types of vehicles by 25-30%.
  • Increase in payments under the MTPL policy from 120,000 to 400,000 rubles
  • There is now an opportunity to send your car for repairs under the MTPL policy
  • Expansion of the Europrotocol to 50,000 rubles

Insurance coefficients

CT- territory coefficient. Determined by the region of registration of the vehicle. Here are the values ​​of this coefficient for some large cities:

City Territory coefficient
Volgograd 1,3
Voronezh 1,4
Ekaterinburg 1,8
Kazan 2,0
Krasnoyarsk 1,8
Moscow 2,0
Nizhny Novgorod 1,8
Novosibirsk 1,7
Omsk 1,6
Permian 2,0
Rostov-on-Don 1,8
Samara 1,6
Saint Petersburg 1,8
Ufa 1,8
Chelyabinsk 2,0

KM- vehicle power factor.

PIC- coefficient of age and experience. If several drivers fit into the policy, the FAC is determined as the maximum of all of them.

Experience, years →
Age, years ↓
0 1 2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 more than 14
16-21 1,87 1,87 1,87 1,66 1,66
22-24 1,77 1,77 1,77 1,04 1,04 1,04
25-29 1,77 1,69 1,63 1,04 1,04 1,04 1,01
30-34 1,63 1,63 1,63 1,04 1,04 1,01 0,96 0,96
35-39 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,99 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
40-49 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
50-59 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
over 59 1,60 1,60 1,60 0,93 0,93 0,93 0,93 0,93

KO- limited use coefficient. If the MTPL agreement does not have restrictions on drivers, then an increasing coefficient of KO = 1.8 is applied. In this case, the FAC is not taken into account.

KS- seasonality coefficient of use. If insurance is not issued for a full year, a reduction factor is applied.

KN- coefficient of violations. Applies if there are violations under the previous MTPL agreement as provided for in paragraph 3 of Article No. 9 of the Federal Law on MTPL.

KBM- bonus-malus coefficient. This is a coefficient that reduces or increases the cost of the policy depending on the accident rate in the previous insurance period. Insurance companies use AIS RSA information to apply this coefficient when concluding a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement with the policyholder. AIS is a unified database into which all insurance companies transmit information, thus the bonus-malus coefficient will be valid for the policyholder when contacting any insurance company. The KBM calculation table is presented below.

The procedure for applying the bonus-malus coefficient

Today there are 13 classes that provide for the use of appropriate coefficients:

Class at the beginning of the annual insurance period


Class at the end of the annual insurance period, taking into account the presence of insured events that occurred during the period of validity of previous compulsory insurance contracts
insurance payments
insurance payment
insurance payments
insurance payments
4 or more
insurance payments
M 2,45 0 M M M M
0 2,3 1 M M M M
1 1,55 2 M M M M
2 1,4 3 1 M M M
3 1 4 1 M M M
4 0,95 5 2 1 M M
5 0,9 6 3 1 M M
6 0,85 7 4 2 M M
7 0,8 8 4 2 M M
8 0,75 9 5 2 M M
9 0,7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0,65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0,6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0,55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0,5 13 7 3 1 M

How is the OSAGO calculator useful?

Calculating compulsory motor liability insurance on a calculator allows you to find out the cost of the policy before contacting the insurance company. Knowing the exact cost of the policy in advance, you will protect yourself from the imposition of hidden additional insurance.

Our insurance broker Auto-Service is engaged in issuing compulsory motor liability insurance for regions in Moscow with delivery and without imposing additional services. We know what difficulties car owners face and have already helped more than one hundred drivers, which you can read about in our reviews.

When you try to apply for a compulsory car insurance policy in Moscow for a car registered in another region, you may encounter a refusal or the imposition of additional insurance for health, property, etc. You may be sent for examination, for example to Troitsk, where you need to make an appointment in advance. Thus, insurance companies will do everything not to accept you for insurance. These actions are illegal, below we will look at why you may be denied and how to quickly and without additional costs buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for a regional car.

Why are they refusing to issue MTPL for the regions?

1. Imposing additional products

If you contact a branch of an insurance company, they will agree to issue you a policy, but only together with life insurance, home insurance, etc. The central offices of companies prohibit branches from renting out MTPL policies for regional cars without additional sales. This is due to the fact that you are insured according to the regional coefficient, which is much lower than Moscow, and you use the vehicle in Moscow, where the chance of an insured event occurring is higher than in your region with less traffic. In other words, your policy will only bring losses to the insurance company, so they are trying to compensate for this by imposing break-even extras. products.

2. Lack of compulsory insurance policies or failure in the program

Having learned that you want to buy a car insurance policy for a regional car, the employees will inform you that there are no policies available, it seems that they did not refuse, but they did not issue a policy either. One of the most common methods. They may also say that the program does not work. For example, next to our office there is a RESO-Garantiya office, and clients constantly come from there to us, with the words “Their program doesn’t work there...”.

3. Lengthy consideration of the application or sending for inspection

They may agree to issue a policy, but they will ask you to sign up 5-7 days in advance, and after submitting the application they will consider it for another 5-30 days, followed by an inspection of the car. What’s even more interesting is that you will be sent to inspect the car, as far as possible from the treatment office. Most often we receive complaints about being sent for examination to Troitsk. Unfortunately, according to Federal Law 40, this requirement is legal.

4. Lack of opportunity to insure regions

For agents and brokerage companies there is also a ban on issuing regional cars; insurance simply will not accept such a policy, so they would be happy, but alas. In turn, our insurance broker can help you in this situation, more on that at the end.

How to buy compulsory motor insurance for regions in Moscow cheaply?

According to paragraph 8 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners,” the MTPL agreement is public, which means that at the first contact you must conclude an agreement. According to the MTPL Federal Law -40 you have all the rights to, while in Moscow, buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for a regional car without any problems. All of the above facts of direct or indirect refusal are illegal (except for the 3rd).

What to do in this or that case if you are refused
and what is the fastest and most reliable way to get an insurance policy for the regions?

1. Contact the central office

It is better to immediately go to the central office of the insurance company, where you are required to issue a policy. Branches often only follow the rules of the central office and are afraid of violating them and losing their bonus. In case of imposition of additional insurance, write a written refusal in two copies. If you decide to apply at a branch, prepare an additional written request for registration of compulsory motor liability insurance in 2 copies. If there is a further refusal, you can safely go to court, of course, if you have the time and desire.

In the actual absence of compulsory motor liability insurance policies, you have the right to be refused in accordance with Article 426 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, since there is no possibility of registration. You are unlikely to prove whether this is true or not.
Unfortunately, after all the efforts, your application for compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for a regional car may be considered for up to 30 days. The insurer can follow the principle and use its right in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 445 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. After 5-30 days, you will be invited to issue you a compulsory motor liability insurance policy; they may also be asked to inspect the car.

2. Agree to OSAGO with imposed additions

If you do not have the time and desire to defend your rights, then agree to an MTPL policy for regions with additional products in the form of health insurance, liability to third parties, home insurance, etc. The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance usually increases by 5,000 - 8,000 rubles. If you wish, you can later terminate the add-on. insurance and return part of the money. The traffic police department has the largest commission, about 8,000 rubles. above the cost of the policy. Drivers need to register their car, which is what local businessmen use. We strongly do not recommend this method.

3. Buy compulsory motor liability insurance for regions in our company

We are pleased to offer you such a service in 2018 and believe that an honest approach to your work will always pay off. We do not impose any additional services, and when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance we always take into account your discount for accident-free driving - KBM. True, insurance companies never pay us for issuing such policies, and coordinating and issuing such a policy takes a long time, which the employee will devote specifically to your registration. That's why we have extra. commission, which we will notify you about in advance. We work with various companies and coordinate your regional policy with the following companies: RESO, INGOSSTRAKH, VSK, NASKO, Renaissance and others. Registration takes from 2 hours to a day. You can calculate the exact cost by calling us by phone.

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