Home Rack TTX d6 series 3 5. Single-speed production models of the Riga Motor Plant (9 photos). Ensuring cleanliness of wires and contacts

TTX d6 series 3 5. Single-speed production models of the Riga Motor Plant (9 photos). Ensuring cleanliness of wires and contacts

Paratrooper? What are they made of? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. A parachute is a device made of fabric, made in the form of a semicircle, to which a load or suspension system is attached with slings. It slows down the movement of an object in the air. Parachutes are used to delay the movement of winged vehicles during landing and jumping from fixed objects (or from aircraft) for the purpose of safe descent and landing of cargo (people).


Many people are interested in knowing how many lines a paratrooper’s parachute has. At first, air umbrellas were used to softly land a person on Earth. Today they are used to save people and drop them from the air. In addition, they serve as sports equipment.

For landing cargo and cars, cargo sky umbrellas were invented. Several such devices can be used simultaneously to land heavy equipment. Rescue systems on light aircraft are a variation of these. Such devices consist of a parachute and forced-extension accelerators (rocket, ballistic or pyrotechnic). When a dangerous situation arises, the pilot activates the rescue device and the plane lands on the ground using a parachute. These techniques are very often criticized.

Small stabilizing parachutes (also called pilot chutes) help regulate body position during a relaxed descent. Deterrent air umbrellas were developed to reduce braking distances on vehicles and ships, to stop cars in drag racing. For example, Tu-104 aircraft and early Tu-134 models were equipped with such devices.

In order to reduce the speed of a spacecraft when landing on a celestial object or while moving through the atmosphere, parachutes are also used. It is known that ordinary round sky umbrellas have been developed for landing people and cargo. There are also round parachutes made in the form of a Rogallo wing, with a retracted top, ribbon parachutes for supersonic speed, parafoils - wings in the shape of an ellipse or rectangle and many others.

Devices for disembarking people

So, how many lines does a paratrooper's parachute have? For the safe landing of a person, experts have developed the following types of air umbrellas:

  • special purpose;
  • rescue;
  • training;
  • airborne;
  • shell gliding parachute systems (sports).

The basic types are landing (round) parachutes and “wing” systems (shell gliding means).

Types of army "air umbrellas"

Every soldier should know how many lines a paratrooper's parachute has. Army sky umbrellas come in two types: square and round. The canopy of a landing round parachute is a polygon, which, when filled with air, takes on the appearance of a hemisphere. The top has a cutout (or less dense fabric) in the center. Such systems (for example, D-5, D-10, D-6) are distinguished by the following altitude characteristics:

  • normal working altitude - from 800 to 1200 m;
  • maximum release height - 8 km;
  • the lowest ejection level is 200 m with a descent on a filled dome of at least 10 seconds and stabilization for 3 seconds.

Round parachutes are difficult to control. They have approximately equal horizontal and vertical speed (5 m/s). The weight of these devices is as follows:

  • 13.8 kg (D-5);
  • 11.7 kg (D-10);
  • 11.5 kg (D-6).

Square parachutes (for example, the Russian “Listik” D-12, T-11 USA) have additional slots in the arch, with the help of which the paratrooper controls horizontal movement. They also improve maneuverability. The horizontal speed of the products is up to 5 m/s, and the descent speed is up to 4 m/s.


Now let’s find out how many lines there are in the paratrooper’s parachute D-6, which was developed by the Research Institute of Parachute Engineering (Aviation Equipment holding). It is used for combat and training jumps from transport aircraft. Previously it was used by the USSR.

Today, the modified D-6 device of the fourth series, along with the new D-10, is used by flying clubs and airborne forces. Its canopy correction system consists of lines, a link stabilizer and an apex base. Along the lower edge of the arch, 16 ropes from ShKP-200 nylon rope were threaded and stitched under the reinforcing radial tapes. The length of the outer lines, placed in a free state on each loop, from the lower edge of the top to the stabilizer loops is 520 mm, and the middle ones - 500 mm.

Nuances of D-6

The base of the D-6 dome is made of nylon material art. 560011P, and the overlay is made of the same fabric, but has art. 56006P. Between slings No. 15A and 15B, 1A and 1B, on the base of the dome there are slots measuring 1600 mm, designed to rotate the arch during descent. At the top there are 30 cables made from ShKP-150 nylon rope. 7 slings are attached to the free edges of the suspended structure No. 2 and 4, and 8 to No. 1 and 3.

The length of the slings in a free position from the half-ring buckles to the lower edge of the dome is 9000 mm. Marks are drawn on them at a distance of 200 mm from the lower edge of the arch and 400 mm from the half-rings-buckles of the free ends. They make the installation of canopy cables super easy. Coordinating ropes are sewn to slings No. 15A and 15B, 1A and 1B. The dome has an area of ​​83 square meters. m.

The control lines are made of red nylon rope ShKPkr. They are passed through rings sewn to the inside of the free ends of the hanging structure.


Now we’ll tell you how many lines the D-10 paratrooper’s parachute has. It is known that this sky umbrella replaced the D-6 parachute. Its squash-shaped dome with a beautiful appearance and improved characteristics has an area of ​​100 square meters. m.

The D-10 device was made for the landing of novice paratroopers. With its help, you can perform combat and training jumps from the Il-76 transport and military aircraft, the An-2 aircraft, and the Mi-6 and Mi-8 helicopters. During the release, the flight speed is 140-400 km/h, the lowest jump height is 200 m with stabilization for 3 seconds, the maximum is 4000 m with a flight weight of a person of 140 kg, the descent occurs at a speed of 5 m/s. The D-10 parachute has different line lengths. It weighs little and has many control options.

Every serviceman knows how many lines there are in the main parachute of a D-10 paratrooper. The device has 22 ropes with a length of 4 meters and 4 cables connected to the loops of the dome slots, 7 m in size, made of ShKP-150 nylon rope.

The parachute is also equipped with 22 additional external lines made from ShKP-150 harness, 3 m long. In addition, it has 24 internal additional ropes made from ShKP-120 harness, 4 m in size, attached to the base lines. A pair of internal additional slings is attached to cables 2 and 14.


What is good about a landing parachute? D-10 and D10P are amazing systems. The D10P device is designed so that it can be converted into a D-10 and vice versa. You can practice with it without stabilizing for forced opening. Or you can attach it, put the parachute to work with adjustments - and into the plane, into the sky...

The D10P canopy is made of 24 wedges, the slings have a tensile strength of 150 kg each. Their number is identical to the number of cables of the D-10 sky umbrella.

Spare parts

How many lines does a paratrooper's reserve parachute have? It is known that the design of the D-10 allows the use of spare air umbrellas of the 3-5, 3-4, 3-2 type. The opening of the double-cone lock is secured by parachute devices PPK-U-165A-D, AD-ZU-D-165.

Let's consider a reserve parachute device 3-5. It consists of the following parts: a canopy with slings, a suspended intermediate system, a backpack, a manual opening link, a parachute bag and passport, and auxiliary parts.

A reserve parachute helps create a safe rate of descent (landing). This is a load-bearing surface made in the form of a framed surface layer with load-bearing parts that connect the top to the suspended intermediate system.

The parachute has a round arch with an area of ​​50 square meters. m, which consists of four sectors made of five nylon panels. These components are sewn together with a lock stitch.

24 slings made of ShKP-150 nylon rope are attached to the dome loops. Their longitude in a free position from the lower edge of the arch to the semi-rings of the suspended intermediate system is 6.3 m. To simplify the installation of the arch, the 12th line is made of a red cord (or an identifying red sleeve is sewn onto it).

On each rope, at a distance of 1.7 m from the lower edge of the arch, there is a black mark indicating the place where the slings are placed in the cells of the backpack.

Interaction of parts

If the main parachute does not work, the paratrooper must sharply pull out the pull ring of the manual opening element with his hand. As a result, the pockets of the exhaust device located around the pole gap, finding themselves in the air flow, pull out the arch and lines of the reserve parachute from the backpack and remove the person from it.

Under the influence of air flow, the canopy of this device fully opens, ensuring a normal landing.

Jumping from IL-76 with parachute D-5 or D-6. The roar of the engine, the green traffic light and the endless siren - “Go.” 501,502,503,504,505. a ring, a hole in the abyss and a dome above your head...

First, the video... landing from an Il-76, the guys met in the air... but well done...! Split seconds decide everything...

Watch the video in the source...

Now we calm down and read the article. First about parachutes, then about the IL-76, jumping from it, main features and characteristics.

Parachute D-5

Parachute D-5... Big, white, round and beautiful! The dome is made of nylon, like a 28-square... it is all stitched with tapes with a tensile strength of 70 kg - this is to withstand paratroopers when they have a taxiway with them for a jump, and all the ammunition... 28 slings with a tensile strength of 150 kg each ... after all... I remember all the performance characteristics... and the lines up to the Sky are 9 meters long.

Tactical and technical characteristics will be placed...

But you can’t throw a person into the Sky who doesn’t know how to control himself in the air... and to prevent a disorderly fall, the D-5 parachute, as well as the D-6, is equipped with an exhaust stabilizing dome... I have one at home... .. only the lines were cut off, they were needed... it’s still good... stabilizing - this means that its function is to stabilize the fall so that the parachutist is not carried away by the air flow into a disorderly fall, where the ground is everywhere: above, below, and on the left and on the right... When the parachute opens, it must go into the clear Sky, so that the parachutist’s arms and legs do not interfere or get tangled in the lines... This is the main task of the stabilizing canopy. He comes out first, and after 5 seconds the PPK-U device is triggered to open the backpack... there is a two-cone lock on the backpack, which opens either with the device or with a ring, which the parachutist can pull before five seconds of free fall. The stabilizing parachute pulls the entire canopy out of the parachute pack...

Visualize the deployment system of the D-5 and D-6 parachutes. One person jumps, and this is how the parachute gradually opens.

It is very easy to install, does not look expensive, but has a large volume and a lot of horsepower! Even a schoolboy can put it:

If you are an adult pot-bellied guy, feel free to send these bribe-takers into the forest.... category M1 licenses are needed to get young people aged 14-16 years off the roads... where they fight on scooters.

In general, it’s a good device for the village, but it’s noisy and you have to mix gasoline and oil....

  • Engine F-80cc, F-80cc/1
  • Volume - 80 cubic meters. cm.
  • Single cylinder.
  • Push-pull.
  • Electronic ignition - CDI.
  • The clutch is friction dry.
  • Maximum power - 7 l/s.
  • Starting principle: pedal (F-80cc).
  • Fuel type: AI-92 gasoline.
  • The oil is synthetic for two-stroke engines.
  • Working mixture - Gasoline + Oil.
  • Proportions: break-in 1:16 (1 liter of gasoline + 60 grams of oil).
  • Proportions: after running in 1:20 (1 liter of gasoline + 50 grams of oil).
  • Consumption: per 100 km. / 1.7 l.
  • Run-in: 300-350 kilometers at medium engine speeds (throttle position at half its stroke).

If the star is screwed to the spokes, the movement on the pedals becomes quite heavy, you need to squeeze the clutch and even then you have to turn the motor chain. In addition, when coasting (from a mountain, for example), the engine will slow down.

You can get rid of this if you buy a rear hub kit with an overrunning clutch:

How this kit works will become clear from a short video, only 1 minute:

Another possible option is a manual starter (armstarter, winder, “puller” for the F-50, F-60, F-80 bicycle motor). It will make it possible to start the engine by hand, and not just by pedaling.

The landing parachute system D-6 series 4 operates according to a cascade scheme. The stabilizing parachute comes into action first.

The reduction on it occurs before the specified time on the PPK-U-165A-D or AD-3U-D-165 device.

After the device is triggered, the stabilizing parachute removes the camera with the main parachute from the backpack.

The design of the D-6 series 4 parachute system provides two ways to activate the main parachute canopy with a normally operating stabilizing parachute - the PPK-U-165A-D device (or the AD-3U-D-165 device) or a manual deployment link.

Rice. 4. Operation of the parachute system

1 - stabilizing parachute chamber; 2 - stabilizing parachute; 3- chamber of the main parachute; 4 - main parachute; 5 - backpack.

When separating a parachutist from an airplane (helicopter) from a chamber secured with a carabiner to the cables and bodies of the PRP located inside the An-12, An-2 2, An-26, Pl-76 aircraft and the Mi-8 helicopter or to the transition link earring (extension) in the An-2 aircraft and the Mi-6 helicopter, the stabilizing parachute is extended and put into operation (Fig. 4).

At the moment the canopy of the stabilizing parachute is inflated, the link is tensioned and pulls out a flexible pin from the PPK-U-165A-D or AD-ZU-D-165 device, which is connected to the link using a 0.36 m long halyard.

After the canopy of the stabilizing parachute is filled, a stabilized descent of the parachutist occurs. In this case, the main parachute backpack remains closed. The stabilized descent is stopped, the backpack valves are released and the main parachute is put into operation after opening the double-cone lock manually (using the manual opening link) or with the PPK-U-165A-D or AD-ZU-D-165 device, resulting in the stabilizing parachute pulls the camera with the main parachute packed into it out of the backpack.

As the parachutist descends, the main parachute chamber moves away from him and the lines of the main parachute evenly emerge from its honeycombs.

When the lines are fully tensioned, the removable rubber honeycombs of the chamber are released and the lower free part of the main parachute canopy, 0.2 m long, begins to emerge from it, not clamped by the elastic ring.

As the stabilizing parachute with the main parachute chamber moves away from the parachutist, the rest of the canopy gradually emerges from the chamber until the entire system is fully tensioned.

Inflation of the main parachute canopy begins after it leaves the chamber approximately halfway and is completed after the chamber is completely retracted from it. The actions of the parachutist from the moment of separation from the aircraft until landing or splashdown are carried out in accordance with RVDP-79.


1. When jumping from An-12, An-22, An-26 aircraft. Il-76 and Mi-8 helicopter, the camera with the stabilizing parachute packed into it is attached directly to the cable or pipe of the pilot control device in the airplane or helicopter using a carabiner.

When jumping from an An-2 airplane or a Mi-6 helicopter, the camera carabiner with a stabilizing parachute is attached to the earring of one link (extension cord 1 m long).

2. The locking of the rings of the stabilizer feathers with the rings of the stabilizing parachute chamber is carried out only with the ShKhB-20 safety cord, and:

  • when jumping from an An-2 aircraft, two safety cords 0.3 m long are used, and jumps are made at an aircraft flight speed of 140-180 km/h (38.9-50.0 m/s);
  • When jumping from An-12, An-22, An-26, Il-76 aircraft, one safety cord 0.3 m long is used.

The parachute system provides, when the parachutist descends, horizontal movement forward and backward by pulling the risers and turns in any direction due to the tension of the control lines by the parachutist.

Engine D6 is a single-cylinder, two-stroke, carburetor engine air cooled.
There are 2 modifications: D6 And D6U they differ only in the circuits used, and the rules for their operation are the same.

Speed ​​of moped with engine D6 on a good and flat road it can reach 40 km/h.

Engine section D6:

1 - right half of the crankcase;

2 - ball bearing 203 GOST 8338-57;

3-gear drive;

4 - clutch cover;

5 - cylinder liner;

6 - cylinder;

8 - candle square;

9 - base with oil seal;

10 - cam screw;

11 - crank mechanism;

12 - left half of the crankcase;

13 - drain screw.

A - channel for the fuel mixture to enter the cylinder from the crankcase,

B - aluminum gasket.

Technical characteristics of the D6 engine

Engine type: single-cylinder, two-stroke, carburetor with crank-chamber purge

Cylinder diameter, mm 38

Piston stroke, mm 40

Cylinder displacement, cm 45.4

Compression ratio (real). 6

Cylinder position tilted forward 14°30" from vertical

The direction of rotation of the crankshaft is clockwise, as viewed from the magneto side

Maximum power at 4500 rpm, l. With. not less than 1.0

Idle speed, rpm, no more than 2600

Fuel for operation is a mixture of gasoline A-72, A-76 GOST 2084-77 with oil in a ratio of 15 parts gasoline to one part oil by volume during the break-in period and 25:1 for a run-in engine

Fuel consumption per 100 km at a speed of 25 km/h on a flat highway, l, no more than 1.8

Carburetor K34B

Lubricating the engine with oil added to gasoline

Used automobile oils M-8A, M-8B, M-8B | according to GOST 10541-78

Air purifier mesh

Magneto power source

Gap in breaker contacts, mm 0.3--0.5

Ignition timing to TDC, mm 3.2 -3.5

Spark plug A10N, A11N GOST 2043-74

Transmission from the engine to the rear wheel of a moped for the D6 engine using a chain PR-12.7-900-2 GOST 13568-75

for D6U engine with chain PR-12.7-1820-1 GOST 13568-75

Power supply system D6

To the power system D6 engine includes: fuel tank, fuel valve, fuel line, carburetor, air cleaner and muffler.

The fuel line is made of gasoline-oil-resistant plastic compound. It is not recommended to unnecessarily remove the fuel line from the carburetor fittings and fuel valve. When installing a new fuel line, to make it easier to put it on the fittings, it is recommended to lower the ends of the fuel line for 1-2 minutes. into hot water.

The K34B carburetor consists of a body 13, a float chamber cover 11, a float 20 with a needle 18, a throttle 12 and a jet 6. Fuel from the tank through the fuel tap filter through the fuel line flows by gravity to the fitting of the cover 16 and fills the float chamber.

By moving the throttle 12, the amount of mixture supplied to the engine is regulated.

The carburetor has a screw for adjusting the minimum stable idle speed 3 and a quality adjustment screw 14. The float reducer 15 serves to enrich the mixture when starting the engine, as well as to check the fuel supply.

The muffler is connected to the exhaust pipe of the cylinder with a union nut 1 through a gasket and secured to the moped frame with a clamp 6.

K34B carburetor diagram: 1-cable sheath stop; 2 - nut; 3 - screw for adjusting the minimum stable idle speed; 4 - spray hole; 5 - flange stud; 3 - jet; 7 - washer; 8 - plug; 9 - throttle well cover; 10 - throttle return spring; 11 - float chamber cover: 12 - throttle; 13 - carburetor body; 14 - mixture quality adjustment screw; 15 - float damper; 16 - fuel-receiving fitting; 17 - gasket; 18 - intake needle; 19-float chamber; 20 - float.


1-sleeve nut; 2 - pipe; 3 - nut; 4 - muffler body; 5 - partition; 6 - clamp; 7 - throttling tube; 8 - exhaust

pipe branch.

D6 engine ignition system

To the ignition system engine D6 includes: magneto, spark plug and ignition wire.

An insulated output screw 11 is installed in the crankcase, connected by a jumper 10 to the primary winding of the reformer. A wire “from the electrical equipment of the moped, which is not included in the kit of this engine and is available on light mopeds with engine D6.

The magneto consists of a rotating permanent magnet-rotor 1, a breaker cam 2, a transformer 8, a capacitor 12 and a breaker 7. The rotor mounted on the crankshaft is secured against turning by a key. The cam and rotor are secured with screw 3. Transformer 8 is secured with screws 5 to the engine crankcase.

Magneto and spark plug angle:

1-rotor; 2 - cam; 3 -screw; 4 - installation vice; 5 -screw; 6 - screw for fastening the breaker; 7 - breaker; 8 - transformer; 9 - ignition wire; 10 - jumper 11-pin screw; 12 - capacitor; 13 - clamp; 14 - resistance; 15-angle with contact device; 16 - bar; 17 - anvil; 18 - contacts, 19 - felt lubricant; 20- hammer; 21-axis of the hammer; 22 - hammer spring; 23 - shielding cap

The breaker consists of a breaker bar 16 with an anvil 17 and a hammer 20. Anvil 17 is insulated from the breaker bar with textolite spacers.

When the engine is running, the breaker cam 2 slides along the textolite pad, opening contacts 18, the gap between which is adjustable within 0.3-0.5 mm. The ignition timing on the engine is constant. The ignition timing and the gap between the contacts are adjusted by moving the breaker

A resistor 14 is mounted in the ignition wire elbow, which, together with the shielding cap 23, serves to protect radio and television reception from interference created by a running engine.

D6 engine clutch

The clutch is designed to disconnect the engine from the moped.

1 - cover; 2 - gear; 3 - master disk; 4 - driven disk; 5 - friction liner; 6 - main disk; 7 - gear ball; 8 - pin; 9-cable sheath; 10 - stand; 11-adjusting screw; 12 - nut; 13 - spring; 14 - bushing; 15-cable; 16-clutch lever; 17-star leading; 18-pin; 19 - nut with cap; 20 - finger; 21 - spring washer; 22 - nut; 23 - drive sprocket cover; 24 - rod; 25 - squeezing ball; 26 - thrust bearing; 27 - ball bearing 60202 GOST 7242-54; 28 - rod; 29- stop rod; 30 - crankcase; 31 - roller; 32 - ball bearing 202 GOST 8338-57; 33 - sealing ring; 34-"Outer disk; 35 - nut; 36 - nut; 37 - spring washer; 38 - friction liner; a and b - thread for screwing in the puller.

The connection between the disks and the gear is carried out using friction liners by transmitting the force of the spring 13 through the rod 28 to the outer disk 34.

When the clutch is engaged, the force of the spring 13 is transmitted to the outer disk 34, which tightly presses the friction liners of the disks 4 and 6.

Rotation from gear 2 is transmitted to the drive sprocket 17, which is connected by a chain to the rear wheel sprocket.

In order to prevent dirt from entering from the outside, the ball bearing 27, installed on the side of the drive sprocket 17, has a protective washer.

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