Home Chassis What is an air filter for? When should it be changed and how to replace it? Replacing the air filter - even a girl can handle it When you need to change the air filter in a car

What is an air filter for? When should it be changed and how to replace it? Replacing the air filter - even a girl can handle it When you need to change the air filter in a car

First, let's figure out how to get to the described air filter? Where is he? In most modern cars, the engine air filter is located under the hood inside the cold air manifold box, which in turn is located near the front of the engine compartment. Other vehicles, including those with carburetors, have large, round metal air cleaners that are hard to miss. If, after reading this paragraph, you still do not understand what we are talking about, we recommend reading our article “”. If there were no difficulties, we move on.

So, what needs to be done to replace the engine air filter, after you have figured out where this filter is located? The fact is that the air purifier is equipped with a large air intake duct (also called an air intake hose) connected to it. Loosen the clamp that connects it to the box, and then unscrew all the screws, clips, and nuts that hold the box cover in place. Place all fasteners in a safe place so that they do not fall into oblivion. Open the lid of the box and voila, inside you should find an air filter (as shown in the picture). Remove the old filter (it is not secured in any way) and inspect it.

Some older cars have permanent air filters, and some, like modern SUVs, have more complex filters with wet and dry elements. Clean and replace them according to the instructions in your owner's manual. To find out if your air filter needs replacing, simply hold it up against the sun or bright light (for details on how often to replace the engine air filter to prevent it from becoming unusable, read). . Can you see the light streaming through it? If not, try “dropping” it slightly with the bottom down on a hard surface. This action should dislodge some dirt from the filter. If, after several attempts, the filter is still dirty, you can't see light through it, and it looks like the face of a miner just crawling out of the pit, try cleaning it carefully. If that doesn't work, you need a new filter.

Of course, if the filter “shows no signs of life,” it is better to replace it, but there are situations when money, or rather the lack thereof, does not allow it to be promptly replaced, so let’s look at ways to clean the air filter.

How to clean a car air filter?

To clean pleated engine air filters, use either an air hose to blow dirt out of the filter or a vacuum cleaner to suck out the dirt. When using both methods, carry out the procedure carefully so as not to damage the folds of the air filter. Keep the nozzle of the air hose or vacuum cleaner a few centimeters from the filter, do not press it onto the filter! If you decide to use compressed air, do it away from the car, otherwise you risk blowing all the dirt under the hood of your vehicle.

If you find sand or dust inside the manifold box, cover the open end of the intake hose with duct tape to prevent dirt from getting in before cleaning it up. Then use either a compressed air hose to blow out any dirt or a vacuum cleaner to suck out the dirt.

Once the cleaned filter - or new one - is in place, replace the cover and secure it securely. Ready! You can be proud of yourself, and at the same time proceed to study our instructions on “How to wash a car engine at home.”

Here's how to replace the air filter in action

Timely replacement of the air filter is an indispensable condition for proper operation of the car.

  • reduction of compression in the cylinders of an internal combustion engine due to dust entering the combustion zone and the formation of scuffing;
  • premature valve wear;
  • contamination and failure of the mass air flow sensor;
  • jamming of the throttle valve;
  • reduction of internal combustion engine torque;
  • problems with starting, especially in the cold season.

During the operation of the car, it is important to promptly and competently replace the device and know the main signs of its contamination.

Types of air filters

During the development of the automotive industry, air filters for cars had the following varieties:

1. Inertial. Dust settled on the bottom of the volumetric body ( colloquially “pans”) under the influence of inertial forces. This device was reusable.

2. Inertia-oil. The difference from the previous design was the placement of motor oil at the bottom of the “pan”, which helped absorb smaller particles. Varieties of inertial devices are not currently used in passenger cars.

3. Paper. The most common currently. The filter material for this type of air filter is made of microporous paper structure.

The fibrous structure of the paper filter is impregnated with a special resin, which strengthens its surface and prevents destruction.

Absorption of dust microparticles ( up to 1 micron) occurs on the entire surface of the device.

To increase the filtration area, and therefore the filter performance, the paper structure is made in the form of an accordion. The paper filter is maintenance-free and must be replaced as soon as it becomes dirty or damaged.

4. With zero resistance. They are used to increase the inlet air flow in powerful engines, forcing the air supply. Cotton fabric or foam rubber of a special microstructure is used as a working element.

In some cases, it is possible to clean such products with special shampoos. After cleaning, mandatory impregnation with strengthening compounds is required.

Structurally, paper filters are usually made:

  • panel;
  • cylindrical;
  • ring.

They can have framed or frameless ( except for the roundabout) design. Special rubber or foam seals are installed along the edges of the structure to prevent air from penetrating bypassing the filter zone.

Which air filter is better? Definitely dear. Designers carefully calculate the device based on the required performance, degree of cleaning, and design features.

If, for example, a device with zero resistance is placed in place of a conventional paper filter, the engine idle speed will increase and fuel consumption will increase.

Air filter location

Usually the filter is located in the engine compartment of the car in an easily accessible place. The device belongs to the group of “consumables” when servicing a vehicle, so its location usually does not cause problems for independent or unqualified replacement.

You can find the exact position of the filter by visually moving from the air intake. The air intake in most passenger cars is located in the front hood area outside the engine cooling radiator space.

The structure in which the air filter is placed is usually made of plastic or composite material.

In some cars, the filter housing is made of metal. The advantage of a metal structure is that it can be installed directly above the engine, which slightly frees up the engine compartment area.

The disadvantage of this arrangement: overheating of the device, which helps to reduce its resource.

You can determine exactly where the air filter is located by following the vehicle's operating instructions. The frequency of replacing the air filter is also indicated there.

The instructions indicate a mandatory replacement period. This value is influenced in a decreasing direction by the operating characteristics of the vehicle.

What do you need to know when replacing an Opel engine air filter? Video:

Signs you need to replace your air filter

The frequency of device replacement largely depends on its operating conditions. The service life of a paper filter can be significantly reduced if:

    country trips are often made, especially along dusty roads;

    there is no sump protection in the engine compartment area;

    there is severe wear on the car's piston and gas distribution systems;

    the car is operated in a coastal area with high humidity;

    the car is located in a metropolis with heavy pollution from exhaust gases and other chemically active substances;

    force majeure circumstances, for example, flooding.

The most significant factor in reducing the service life is poorly adjusted gas equipment ( especially the first generations) car.

In this case, the filter may become unusable within a couple of weeks. Therefore, if you find that your filter has worn out very quickly and your car has gas equipment installed, you should immediately contact a specialist to adjust it.

Signs of possible wear and contamination include:

  • reducing engine idle speed;
  • reduction in vehicle response;
  • problems starting the engine;
  • “choking” of the engine when the accelerator pedal is sharply pressed;
  • engine tripping, cylinder misfires.

Indirectly check ( without removing the filter cover a) the presence of problems can be artificially covered by covering the engine air intake, even with the palm of your hand.

If the nature of the engine operation has not changed much, it means that there are problems with the air supply, possibly due to a dirty filter.

Computer diagnostics may indicate that the device is dirty with a mass fuel flow sensor error message ( flow meter). Also, but less likely, there may be an error message about the exhaust gas recirculation system ( EGR).

The most accurate control of the performance of the air filter can only be done by removing it from the car. In this case it is necessary:

  1. Carry out an external inspection for contamination, changes in the color of paper material. A noticeable change in color raises the question of an immediate replacement.
  2. Determine the presence of oil stains on the work surface, indicating engine wear. If there is noticeable oiling, the filter must be changed.
  3. Visually examine the absence of possible zones of breakthrough or destruction of the paper structure (especially for cars with gas equipment). The slightest violation of integrity is the reason for immediate replacement.
  4. Tap the filter frame with a small object. If there is intense dust separation, it should be replaced.

Frequency of air filter replacement

The sources provide different information on how often to change the air filter.

It is believed that replacement must be made after 10-12 thousand kilometers.

If the car is used in rural areas, this mileage should be reduced to 7–8 thousand, especially in the summer. The presence of other unfavorable factors reduces the resource by approximately 10-20%.

As a result, the operating mileage before replacement may decrease to 5 thousand kilometers.

It is recommended to replace the air filter at the end of the summer and winter seasons of vehicle operation. This is due to the different seasonal nature of pollution, which, when combined, can lead to increased wear.

How often should you change the engine air filter if the car's annual mileage is insignificant, less than 5,000 kilometers? In this case, it is rational to replace it at the end of the summer season, since during this period the greatest dust pollution occurs.

Air filter replacement sequence

In most cars, replacing the filter does not cause problems. Before changing the air filter, you need to examine the old filter for nature of pollution.

If they are of a mild nature and the service life meets the technical requirements, then the old filter can be disposed of.

If the previous device has oily stains, damage to its integrity, or severe discoloration, it is necessary to establish their causes, possibly repair the vehicle systems, and only then proceed with replacement.

How to replace the air filter during routine maintenance? Sequencing:

A faulty air filter can cause a lot of trouble to your car.

There are cases when a car has a non-standard filter housing from an unknown manufacturer. This often occurs on cars restored after a head-on collision accident.

In this case, it is necessary to select the air filter by size. It is necessary to accurately measure the seating areas, including the sealing area. The Internet can make it easier to find a filter that matches the geometric dimensions.

It is easier if it has a cylindrical or ring design. If it was not possible to find an exactly matching design, you can install a slightly smaller filter, making sure to fill the free areas with additional foam pads.

They must prevent air flow from passing past the work area.

Timely and high-quality replacement of the air filter is one of the necessary conditions for operating a car.

In this article we will tell you about the air filter for a car - why it is needed, what functions it performs and when it needs to be changed.

Why is it needed?

The average car consumes up to 15 cubic meters of atmospheric air per 100 km. If it is not cleaned, the dust and dirt in it from the road will get inside the engine. This will lead to deterioration in machine performance and ultimately to engine repair. An air filter serves as protection against such troubles. It also serves as a noise muffler, and in gasoline engines, it also functions as a temperature regulator for the combustible mixture.

As the filter becomes clogged, its resistance to air flow increases and, consequently, the amount of air entering the engine decreases. In certain modes, this leads to enrichment of the mixture, which means to its incomplete combustion. Accordingly, engine power decreases, fuel consumption and the concentration of toxic substances in exhaust gases increase.

If you change the air filter in advance, even if it has not completely exhausted its service life, this is the key to the engine running without problems. After all, a clogged filter does not filter dust from the road, but, on the contrary, makes it difficult for the engine to operate. When you change to a new one, you can immediately feel a slight increase in power. And the dirtier it was, the better the car would drive.

What are they?

Filter elements are available in three design types: cylindrical, panel and frameless. Let us note the features that are directly related to operation.

Cardboard is a common material for air filters. But in some countries, replacement elements are made from synthetic fibers. Their operation requires strict adherence to replacement intervals.

On sports cars, filters are made of five-layer gauze soaked in “branded” oil. Compared to cardboard ones, they have much lower initial resistance. In addition, after special treatment they can be reused.

When is it time to change?

The driver does not need to know when to change the air filter; this can be done visually. To do this, remove the filter element and inspect it. If it is clean, you can continue driving without problems. If the filter element is dirty or covered in oil, this indicates the need to replace it. Every car enthusiast can distinguish a dirty filter from a new and clean one.

The replacement period depends on the manufacturer; on most cars it is 15 - 30 thousand km. So, if you are planning to change the air filter, look at the car’s registration certificate and there will be an exact date. Or use the advice above and inspect it visually if you don't know when it was last changed.

Advice from my own experience. Its replacement can be combined with an oil change, which is done after about 10-15 thousand kilometers. Or install a new one every other time, about once every 20-30,000 km. This depends on the specific conditions in which the car is operated. As a rule, many car enthusiasts save and change every other time. It’s better to do this once every 15,000 km, then the engine will retain its service life longer.

Turbocharged diesel engines have more stringent requirements for air purification. This is due to the peculiarities of their operation. So, for diesel engines and cars with a turbine, the period for replacing the air filter should be reduced - at least 10-15,000 km.

You should not save on replacement; its cost is incomparable with possible engine repairs. A branded analogue costs approximately 1,000 rubles, depending on the make and model of the car. But you can find it even cheaper, the main thing is that it is from a trusted manufacturer. I recommend taking Bosch or Mann brands. And do not buy the cheapest one of unknown quality. It is strictly forbidden to drive without a filter; this will lead to a rapid reduction in engine life, which has been tested by the experience of many motorists.

October 3, 2016

The air filter in your car should be changed at least as often as recommended by the manufacturer. This is an important element, since air passing through it participates in the working mixture in the form of an oxidizing agent. If the air that has passed through the cleaning system is contaminated, this will lead to increased wear of the motor elements. The engine piston group and crankshaft bearings will come out ahead of schedule. This will be a consequence of the large amount of dust contained in the engine oil. Dust acts on lubricated parts as an abrasive material.

Filter replacement frequency?

Foreign manufacturers usually give recommendations on how often the air filter element should be changed - at least once every fifteen thousand kilometers. Domestic cars have a shorter service life - up to 10,000 kilometers. However, the vehicle’s mileage and operating conditions also play an important role here. So, in winter, when there is practically no dust on the roads, the frequency of replacing the air filter can be somewhat reduced.

On the contrary, when operating mainly in a dusty environment, the filter will have to be changed more often to extend the life of the motor. Indirect signs of the need for maintenance of the air purification system are:

  • increased fuel consumption;
  • reduction in power unit power;
  • increased percentage of carbon dioxide in the exhaust;
  • Difficulty starting the engine.

If such signs appear, do not delay replacing the air filter, otherwise its working element will soon rupture, and you, if you do not pay attention to the deterioration of the power unit, will ultimately have to rebuild the engine much earlier than expected.

The influence of filter materials on the timing of its replacement

In many ways, the service life of the air purification element depends on the composition of the filter material. In the classic version, it is made of paper impregnated with special. composition, the most modern elements are made from synthetics. This increases the service life of the consumable, and manufacturers give their recommendations on when to change such filters.

The “mileage” of the air purification element can only be extended by careful operation of the vehicle in a dust-free area. An attempt to wash the filter element or clean it in any other way will not lead to a good result - the filter will remain disposable, having ceased to perform its main function in the machine efficiently. Small particles from the surface of the element will move deeper, clogging pores and increasing resistance, and the quality of air purification will deteriorate.

The need to change the air filter in a car can be tracked visually by inspecting it yourself.

If there is dirt or poplar fluff on the filter element, it should be immediately replaced with a new one, without trying to rinse or blow out.

Using a non-original filter

If you are using a non-original air filter, then it is impossible to answer the question regarding how often this element should be changed. There is no doubt that this will have to be done much more often than the required 10-15 thousand km.

The fact is that manufacturers of non-original consumables for cars, trying to reduce the cost of their products as much as possible, use a single-layer filter element, reducing the number of corrugations on it. At the same time, the paper in it becomes two times less. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how many kilometers such non-original filters need to be changed, but at least this should be done twice as often as usual.

When assessing the need for replacement, take into account the fact that when even one percent of air enters the engine, bypassing the filter element, the service life of the cylinder-piston group is reduced by five or more times. Therefore, do not operate a vehicle with an exhausted air filter, even if it looks clean on the outside. Saving money here may lead to the need for unscheduled engine repairs.

Good day, dear colleagues. The key to the longevity of your car’s engine directly depends on what we “feed” it. Now many people thought that we would talk about gasoline: what kind of gasoline to fill, and so on. But no! Let me remind you that the engine consumes not only gasoline, but a working mixture consisting of air and fuel vapor. Moreover, there is much more air in it. Today we’ll talk about how often to change the air filter.

We cannot neglect replacing such a seemingly simple and unnecessary element. Among all the filters that are on the car, we devote the least time to this:

  • We change the oil when changing the oil, that is, every 7–15 thousand km (read more about frequency). And even if the driver forgets about the replacement, then at the service station they will definitely remind him about this and ask him to buy not only a canister of oil, but also, without fail, a new filter element.
  • The cabin filter, that is, the one that takes care of the cleanliness of the air in the cabin. The driver literally feels the need for replacement. Characteristic features are:
  1. Rapid fogging of glass;
  2. Reduced airflow efficiency (air supply through deflectors), since a dirty filter has increased resistance;
  3. Unpleasant smell in the cabin.

And no one will tell you about the need to replace the air intake; the car engine is silent and cannot speak.

The working mixture supplied to the cylinders is one part gasoline and about 20 parts air. The average small car with an engine capacity of 1.6 liters consumes approximately 20 cubic meters per 100 kilometers. And this air needs to be purified. If this is not done, then all solid particles (dust, dirt, sand), of which there are a lot, will get inside the power unit. And this phenomenon will naturally have a negative impact on the operation, and subsequently on the service life of the engine.

The air filter acts as a barrier between road dust and the depths of the engine.

A clogged filter turns from a friend of the engine into its enemy. Resistance in the intake manifold increases, and this leads to a decrease in the amount of air supplied, and this leads to a decrease in the power of the power unit.
Even from the air flow, dust particles already contained in the filter enter the engine.

What are the varieties?

The filter elements of ordinary “civilian” cars differ mainly only in shape:

Of course, geometric dimensions and design features contribute to a decrease or increase in resistance in the intake tract. But this contribution is so insignificant that we, who are not owners of sports cars and Formula 1 cars, simply will not feel it.

Cardboard is mainly used to make the filter. On sports cars you can find elements made of several layers of gauze with special impregnation, which have slightly less resistance than cardboard ones. Also, more than once you may have heard the formulation of a zero-resistance filter, but more about that in.

Replacement frequency

Now let's move on to the most interesting and important thing - the frequency of replacement. In addition to the fact that the filter changes according to regulations, the need to update it can be identified visually. Dark color, a large amount of solid dirt particles in the folds of the cardboard, the first sign of the need for replacement. Also, an air vent clogged with dirt can be identified by a decrease in the dynamic characteristics of the car.

To find out the replacement interval specifically for your car, as always, first of all we turn to the owner’s manual for the car. And here there can be only two scenarios:

  1. Change at every maintenance, which is usually 10–15 thousand km;
  2. Replace at every even maintenance. If TO-1 needs to be carried out at 15 thousand mileage, then even TO-2 at 30, and so on (TO-4, TO-6...).

Moreover, if the manual mentions a service interval of 10,000 km, then most likely the filter needs to be changed at even service intervals.

Based on this, we get the need for replacement every 15 - 30 thousand kilometers (depending on the specific make and model of the car).

An air filter is not that expensive of an item for most cars, so I personally change all filters at every oil change.

Diesel engines have more stringent requirements for the purity of the supplied air. But diesel engines also have a shorter service interval, so everything written above also applies to power units running on heavy fuel.

Now we have clarified the issue of frequency of replacement of this simple part. With this we will say goodbye, see you on the blog pages.

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