Home Transmission Steering and braking system of the armored personnel carrier." Hydraulic distribution system Service brake system

Steering and braking system of the armored personnel carrier." Hydraulic distribution system Service brake system

In the mid-1950s, it became clear that the classic three-axle chassis with continuous axles and spring-balance suspension of the rear bogie as a basis for an armored personnel carrier had exhausted its capabilities. After mastering large-section tires with adjustable pressure, all other activities, except perhaps work on self-locking cross-axle differentials, yielded little. New, very high requirements for armored personnel carriers of the second post-war generation could only be realized in fundamentally different, much more complex, but also more effective schemes, solutions and specific units. These included: an extended “tank” track; uniform or close arrangement of six or eight wheels along the base with four wheels being steered; sharply increased total power of power units in order to obtain a specific machine power of at least 18 - 20 hp/t; multi-stage transmissions with large power ranges; self-locking cross-axle differentials; wheel gearboxes increasing ground clearance to 450 - 500 mm; independent suspension of all wheels with long strokes; hydraulic power steering; sealed brakes; closed hulls with smooth bottoms that can keep the car afloat; water propulsion; turret installation of light and heavy machine guns with the ability to conduct anti-aircraft fire; armored hulls with a large slope of thickened (up to 15 - 20 mm) frontal and side sheets; anti-nuclear protection of the crew and landing forces; possibility of air transportation.

Supplement to the magazine "MODEL CONSTRUCTION"

In the early 1980s, after successful factory and state tests, the BTR-80 armored personnel carrier, developed at the GAZ Design Bureau under the leadership of I.S. Mukhin and E.M. Murashkin, was adopted into service by the Soviet Army. The manufacturing company was determined to be AMZ - Arzamas Machine-Building Plant. The first production BTR-80 left the factory floor on February 24, 1984.

The BTR-80 (GAZ-5903) is a modernized version of its predecessor, the BTR-70 armored personnel carrier. The vehicle's layout, hull design, armament, and chassis have not undergone major changes. The dimensions of the car have remained practically the same. By the way, when evaluating them, a correct comparison is necessary. Thus, in some reference books the height of the BTR-70 is indicated as 2235 mm, and the BTR-80 as 2460 mm. In the first case, this is the height of the vehicle at full weight on the roof of the tower; in the second, it is the height of the empty vehicle according to the TNPT-1 instrument. The height of armored personnel carriers at full weight according to the specified observation device is 2320 and 2350 mm, respectively. Notable external differences of the BTR-80 include double-leaf doors for landing and disembarking troops on the sides of the hull and seven hatches with ball joints for firing personal weapons in the front and side panels. The hatches above the troop compartment are also located differently, in the covers of which there are hatches for firing from machine guns at high-lying targets.

All production BTR-80 armored personnel carriers are equipped with an autonomous BPU-1 turret machine gun mount, designed to combat ground and low-flying air targets. The BPU-1 is equipped with a 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun and a coaxial 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. The longest sighting range when firing from a KPVT machine gun at ground targets is 2000 m, from a PKT - 1500 m, at air targets from a KPVT - 1000 m. The KPVT ammunition consists of 500 cartridges in belts in 10 boxes, and the PKT - from 2000 cartridges in belts in 8 boxes. Aiming machine guns vertically is possible in the range from -4° to +60°, horizontally - 360°. Guidance mechanisms are manual. For shooting, a 1PZ-2 sight is used, which ensures the destruction of both ground and air targets. To the left of the sight, in the wall of the turret machine gun mount there is a TNP-205 surveillance device, and in the roof there is a TNPT-1 device, designed for the turret gunner to monitor the road and terrain located in the rear viewing sector. On the rear wall of the tower there are 6 ZD6 launchers of the 902V “Tucha” system for launching 81-mm smoke grenades. The weight of the BPU-1 in running order is 540 kg.

The most important and fundamental changes in the design of the BTR-80 remained invisible to the eye. Unlike the BTR-70, the power plant on this vehicle consists of one diesel 8-cylinder V-shaped four-stroke liquid-cooled KamAZ-7403 engine with a turbocharger rated at 260 hp. at 2600 rpm, working volume 10,850 cm3.

1 - wave-reflective shield; 2,11 and 12 - embrasures for firing from machine guns; 3 - inspection hatches for the commander and driver; 4 - inspection hatch covers; 5 - socket of the TKN-3 surveillance device; 6 - sockets of the TNPO-115 surveillance device; 7 - turret installation hatch; 8 and 9 - handrails; 10 - embrasure for firing a machine gun; 13 - upper door leaf of the side hatch; 14 - FVU filter hatch cover; 15 and 20 - towing hooks; 16 and 18 - footrests; 17 - lower door leaf of the side hatch; 19 - headlight guard; 21 - winch cable release hatch cover; 22 - front buffers

1 - rear light socket; 2 - air vent protective shields; 3 - turret installation hatch; 4 - embrasure for firing a machine gun: 5 and 6 - handrails; 7,9 and 11 - embrasures for firing from machine guns; 8 and 14 - footrests; 10 - upper door leaf of the side hatch; 12 - lower door leaf of the side hatch; 13 - niche cover for batteries; 15 - reverse output channel afloat; 16 - towing device pin; 17 - water-jet propulsion valve: 18 - visor of the outlet pipe of the water pump; 19 - fuel tank filler cap; 20 - rear buffer

The placement of one engine instead of two also entailed changes in the design of transmission units. It includes a dry double-disc clutch, a five-speed gearbox with synchronizers in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th gears, and a cardan transmission. Instead of two transfer cases, one interaxle two-stage one is installed with differential torque distribution into two flows (on the 1st - 3rd and on the 2nd - 4th axles) and forced differential locking. Locking devices ensure that downshifts are engaged and the center differential is locked only when the front axles are engaged. In order to prevent breakdowns when overloading transmission elements (with a locked differential), the transfer case has a friction clutch - a limiting torque clutch. A power take-off box for a water-jet propulsion unit and a winch is mounted on the transfer case. The main gears of the drive axles are equipped with cam limited-slip differentials. Wheel reducers are single-stage, with helical spur gears. Wheels with split rims and tubeless bulletproof pneumatic tires KI-80 or KI-126 sizes 13.00-18. The air pressure in the tires is adjustable from 0.5 to 3 kg/cm2.

1 - console clamp; 2 - console; 3 - entrance window cover; 4 - sight; 5 - release spring of the KPVT reloading mechanism; 6 - observation device TNPT-1; 7 - roller; 8 - cable; 9 - launcher for system 902B; 10 - travel-style cradle stop bracket; 11 - spring; 12 - cradle stopper; 13 - sleeve link collector; 14 - handle buffer; 15 - handle of the KPVT reloading mechanism; 16 - link collector; 17 - mask seal plug; 18 - balancing mechanism; 19 - rotation mechanism; 20 - flame arrester; 21 - cradle stopper bar

KO-squad commander; MV - mechanic-driver: SN - gunner-gunner BPU-1; SP - machine gunners with PC machine guns; SA - submachine gunners with AKMS assault rifles (AKS-74); SG - grenade launcher; PG - gunner-assistant grenade launcher; AA - embrasures for firing from an AKMS assault rifle (LKS-74); AP - embrasures for firing from a PC machine gun

Independent torsion bar suspension, hydraulic shock absorbers, telescopic, double acting, two each for the wheels of the 1st and 4th axles and one each for the wheels of the 2nd and 3rd axles, wheels of the 1st and 2nd axles - managed.

The power plant allows a combat vehicle weighing 13.6 tons to reach a maximum speed on the highway of at least 80 km/h. Cruising range on the highway is 600 km.

Movement through water is ensured by the operation of a single-stage water-jet propulsion unit with a four-blade impeller with a diameter of 425 mm. When moving on land, the exit window of the water cannon is closed by an armored flap. When moving through water, closing the damper directs water into the reverse channels. The maximum speed afloat is at least 9 km/h. Cruising range afloat at average engine operating conditions (1800 - 2200 rpm) - 12 hours.

After a fire at the KamAZ engine plant in April 1993, the installation of a YaMZ-238M2 diesel engine with a power of 240 hp was developed on an armored personnel carrier, which had almost no effect on the mobility of the vehicle.

Early production vehicles were equipped with radio stations R-123M and TPU R-124, which were later replaced by R-163-50U and R-174.

In 1994, the BTR-80A armored personnel carrier (GAZ-59029) was put into service. Work on the creation of this machine was carried out by GAZ JSC under the leadership of A. Masyagin. The main difference between the new modification and the BTR-80 is the turret cannon and machine gun mount, designed to combat ground and low-flying air targets. The installation houses a 30-mm 2A72 automatic cannon and a coaxial PKT machine gun. Vertical pointing angles from -5° to +70°. Ammunition - 300 shells and 2000 rounds. All weapons are placed on a carriage located outside the habitable compartment, which reduces gas contamination when firing. The BTR-80A is equipped with a 1PZ-9 day sight and a TPN-3-42 “Crystal” tank night sight, which allows it to hit targets at a range of up to 900 m at night. The combat weight of the vehicle has increased to 14.5 tons.

Simultaneously with the BTR-80A, the BTR-80S was developed - an option for internal troops. Instead of a 30-mm cannon, it is equipped with a KPVT heavy machine gun. However, due to the lack of photographs of this combat vehicle, it is difficult to say whether it is mass-produced.

Since 1990, the troops have been receiving the 2S23 Nona-SVK self-propelled artillery gun (SAO).

The BTR-80 chassis was used as the basis for its creation. The 120-mm 2A60 rifled gun is mounted in a conical welded turret made of aluminum alloy. The horizontal guidance angle is 70° (35° per side). Vertical guidance is possible within the range from -4° to +80°. Maximum rate of fire - 10 rounds/min. Firing from the self-propelled gun can only be carried out from a place, both from closed firing positions, and direct fire with 120-mm rounds with high-explosive fragmentation shells and 120-mm rounds with high-explosive fragmentation, illumination, smoke and incendiary mines. The maximum firing range of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile ZVOF54 is 8700 m, a high-explosive fragmentation mine is 7100 m. The tower is equipped with a commander's cupola, on the roof of which a PKT machine gun is installed, intended for self-defense. The machine gun is connected by a rod to the TKN-ZA device, which allows targeted shooting by controlling fire from the turret. The vehicle is equipped with the 902B “Tucha” smoke screen system.

As for other modifications of the BTR-80, first of all it is worth mentioning the BTR-80K command armored personnel carrier, intended for the commander of a motorized rifle battalion. Three workplaces are equipped for officers to work. The vehicle is equipped with two R-163-50U radio stations, an 11-m telescopic mast, TNA-4-6 navigation equipment with an indicator tablet, and two R-159 remote VHF radio stations.

The armored medical vehicle BMM-80 (GAZ-59039) “Symphony” deserves mention. In addition to the crew, it can transport 7 wounded in the medical department and 2 on the roof on stretchers. Depending on the composition of the medical and sanitary equipment, the BMM can be used for the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield (BMM-1), as a battalion first aid station (BMM-2) and a mobile dressing room with a medical team and an automatic dressing station AP-2 (BMM-3 ).

In addition, the BTR80KSh command and staff vehicle (GAZ-59032), the armored repair and recovery vehicle BREM-K (GAZ-59033), the radiation and chemical reconnaissance vehicle RKhM-4 (RKhM-4-01), were created on the BTR-80 chassis. unified chassis K1Sh1, short-wave radio station of the operational-tactical control level R-165B, mobile control points PU-12M6 and PU-12M7 of the air defense missile system battery, mobile command and observation post of the PKNP "Kushetka-B", satellite communication station and sound broadcasting station.

BTR-80 armored personnel carriers began to enter service with motorized rifle units of the Soviet Army, Navy Marines, border and internal troops in the mid-1980s. They were first shown at a military parade in Moscow on November 7, 1987.

BTR-80s were used by Soviet troops in Afghanistan and were used in almost all “hot” spots in the territory and the CIS. BTR-80 armored personnel carriers of various modifications are used by the Russian Army in Chechnya and Tajikistan. They were in service with the Russian contingents of the UN forces in Bosnia and Kosovo.

BTR-80s are in service in almost all CIS countries, as well as in Estonia (20 units), Hungary (245), Turkey (100), Indonesia (12 BTR-80A), Bangladesh (78) and Sierra Leone. According to unverified data, 60 vehicles were delivered to Algeria and 10 to the DPRK.

Steps to modernize the BTR-80 are also being taken abroad. In particular, in Ukraine, the BTR-94 armored personnel carrier is mass-produced (or converted from the BTR-80), armed with two 23-mm cannons (according to other sources, 14.5-mm KPVT machine guns) in the original turret. The Ukrainian armed forces received 90 of these vehicles, and another 50 were sold to Jordan in 2003. True, Jordan recently transferred all these armored personnel carriers to Iraq, possibly due to their poor quality, which was reported in the press.

A more successful design turned out to be the Guardian armored personnel carrier - a version of the BTR-80, equipped with a Deutz BF6M1015 diesel engine with a power of 326 hp. and Allison MD3066 automatic transmission.

The vehicle is equipped with a Shkval combat module with a 30-mm 2A72 automatic cannon, a PKT machine gun, an AGS-17 Plamya automatic grenade launcher and two ATGMs. The United Arab Emirates Marine Corps received 90 of these vehicles.

The BTR-80 is the latest production version of an extensive family of domestic armored personnel carriers. It is with regret that we must admit that in the years since the creation of the BTR-60, little has changed in its design. More than 40 years later, a vehicle that is not much different from the BTR-60PB enters service with the Russian Army. Fundamental changes affected only the engine-transmission unit; everything else was modernized, of course, but, by and large, remained the same. The car is certainly reliable, maneuverable, with excellent maneuverability, and also floats.

But what, in the author’s opinion, needed revision most of all—the layout—remained unchanged. The so-called “active landing force”, of course, has many advantages, but this arrangement is more suitable for an infantry fighting vehicle, which has a slightly different range of tasks.

According to the Treaty on the Limitation of Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), signed in Vienna in 1990, the term "armored personnel carrier" means "an armored fighting vehicle designed and equipped for the transport of a combat infantry squad, which is usually armed with an integral or standard installed weapons with a caliber of less than 20 mm.” That's it - for transportation, and not for fighting without dismounting. The latter already refers to the term “infantry fighting vehicle,” which “usually provides the landing force with the ability to fire from the vehicle under the cover of armor.” But it is precisely the desire to provide this opportunity that is clearly visible in the design of the Soviet armored personnel carriers under consideration, reaching its apogee in the BTR-80 with ball mounts for firing from machine guns, in addition located in such a way that the fire is concentrated in the front hemisphere. When the CFE Treaty was signed, the BTR-80 did not fall under the category of infantry fighting vehicles solely because of its weapons, the caliber of which was less than 20 mm, but the BTR-80A already does.

The mid-50s were a difficult time for armored personnel carriers of all the armies of the world. Since the new combat tactics required motorized infantry not only to constantly accompany tank formations, but also often to go in front of them. Wheeled armored personnel carriers of those years could not cope with such a task, so in many countries they were completely abandoned in favor of tracked vehicles. The Soviet Union decided to continue the tradition of producing wheeled combat vehicles.

The history of the BTR-80

At the end of the 50s, a number of Soviet design bureaus were tasked with creating a new armored personnel carrier. This vehicle had to keep up with tracked vehicles, and even surpass them in cross-country ability and speed. After the competition was announced, several interesting specimens were created from different manufacturers:

  • ZIL-153, which had only three pairs of wheels, an armored body and a torsion bar suspension. It turned due to the front and rear wheels, which were movable. This vehicle was capable of not only staying afloat, but also moving through the water using an additional jet engine;
  • An interesting model was presented by mechanical engineers from Bryansk. The main feature of its device was the hydropneumatic suspension, which could change the ground clearance up to 300 mm. This combat vehicle was planned to be armed with a 73 mm cannon;
  • The most successful option turned out to be an armored personnel carrier created at the GAZ design bureau. The combat vehicle, called “49”, was put into service already in 1959. In 1961, mass production began. The Gorky armored personnel carrier received a new name - BTR-60P.

The BTR-60P armored personnel carrier received an open-top body made of armor plates. To protect from precipitation, the open top was covered with an awning. The weapon used was the SGMB machine gun, which was installed on the machine. The machine gun could be installed in several positions, since special brackets were provided for this:

  • When the combat vehicle was moving, the machine gun was attached to the front plate;
  • If the armored personnel carrier was in battle, then the machine gun could be mounted either in front or on the side.

In 1963, the BTR-60P was modernized, resulting in a completely enclosed body with 4 hatches for landing troops. In the same year, the BTR-60PB appeared, which received a conical turret with two coaxial machine guns.

After 9 years, a new model of armored personnel carrier was created - the BTR-70. In 1976, it began to be mass produced. The main differences between the BTR-70 and its predecessor were the following changes:

  • The BTR-70 was equipped with two new engines from the GAZ-66, which developed 115 hp each. every;
  • Now the paratroopers in the back sat facing the sides, and not their backs, which reduced the preparation time for firing;
  • Side hatches for paratroopers appeared;
  • The gas tanks were placed in isolated compartments, which made it possible not to fear severe damage to the armored vehicle if one of the tanks exploded;
  • An automatic fire protection system for armored personnel carriers was installed;
  • An independent and separate brake drive appeared, which made it possible to brake if one of the brake systems was damaged;
  • It became possible, if one engine failed, to drive with a second working one, since the power transmission could be turned off from the driver’s seat;
  • Now they began to install two generators on the car.

The armament of the BTR-70 was similar to that of the BTR-60PB, only the models of the last years of production were equipped with a new turret, which made it possible to fire from a larger angle. BTR-70s are still in service in many CIS countries.

Technical characteristics and description of BTR-80

After the fighting in Afghanistan, it was decided to release a new model of an armored personnel carrier, the performance characteristics of which would better correspond to the combat missions assigned to this class of armored vehicles. The new model was called BTR-80. Since 1984, this model began to be produced instead of the outdated BTR-70.

The appearance and general layout of the BTR-80 is practically no different from its predecessor, the BTR-70. The commander and driver's workplaces are located in the front part of the armored personnel carrier. All surveillance devices and controls are also installed there.

The engine compartment is isolated from the general compartment by a solid partition. All equipment (engine, gearbox, fuel tanks, etc.) is located behind this partition. The new KAMAZ-7403 engine was equipped with a turbocharger and developed 260 hp. The diesel engine made it possible to significantly reduce fuel consumption, which doubled the range. At the same time, the volume of fuel tanks remained at the same level. Thanks to the higher torque, the speed of the armored personnel carrier increased significantly.

Since a diesel engine is difficult to start at low temperatures, the designers of the BTR-80 installed a pre-start starter on the engine, which uses an electric torch device. To prevent water from entering the engine when overcoming water obstacles, the air intake pipes were installed very high.

Since two engines were previously installed on armored personnel carriers of previous series, the transmission had to be adapted to one engine.

The transfer case transmits power to the winch and the jet engine (which is used to propel the armored personnel carrier on the water). Two parking brakes are installed on the transfer case.

The designers of the BTR-80 tried to make the transfer case so that parts and components from the BTR-70 could be installed on it. In addition, the following components from the previous model are perfectly installed on the BTR-80:

  • Drive axles;
  • Suspension elements;
  • Steering;
  • Brake system.

All these parts can be installed on the BTR-80 without modification, which is what the designers wanted, since making a completely new conveyor line from scratch is a very expensive undertaking.

The BTR-80 turned out to be a very maneuverable and mobile vehicle. This is due to the following factors:

  • Powerful engine that provides high dynamics and maneuverability;
  • All-wheel drive on all 8 wheels;
  • Independent torsion bar suspension;
  • High ground clearance;
  • A tire pressure regulation system, thanks to which the armored personnel carrier can not only follow tanks off-road, but is also significantly ahead of them.

The combat vehicle is capable of driving even if two wheels fail. When hitting a mine, as a rule, only one of the wheels is damaged, after which the armored personnel carrier continues to move.

Armament of the BTR-80

The fighting compartment of the armored personnel carrier is located in the middle of the hull and turret. The armament of the BTR-80 consists of two coaxial machine guns:

  • KPVT machine gun (Vladimirov heavy machine gun), 14.5 mm caliber. This machine gun is one of the most powerful machine guns ever used in the armies of the world. It combines the armor-piercing power of an anti-tank rifle and the rate of fire of a conventional machine gun. Capable of penetrating lightly armored targets;
  • 7.62-mm PKT machine gun (Kalashnikov tank machine gun), which is coaxial with the main machine gun.

In addition to machine guns, the turret contains:

  • Day sight;
  • Viewing devices;
  • Manual guidance devices.

The gunner himself sits on a special hanging seat, which is located under the turret. The gunner can accurately fire a heavy machine gun at a distance of about 2,000 meters. With a Kalashnikov machine gun, the sighting range is half that and is 1,000 meters. Also, a large-caliber machine gun is capable of firing at low-flying, low-speed targets, such as helicopters. The rate of fire of the Vladimirov heavy machine gun reaches 600 rounds per minute, and the Kalashnikov machine gun fires at a speed of up to 800 rounds per minute. Ammunition in belts is placed in cartridge boxes and amounts to 500 rounds of ammunition for the KPVT and 2,000 rounds of ammunition for the PKT.

Troops placed in an armored personnel carrier can fire without leaving it, since the BTR-80 is equipped with embrasures. In total, the hull has 7 embrasures, 2 of which allow machine gun fire. Hatches located on the roof are adapted for throwing grenades, firing hand-held missile systems and grenade launchers. There are special devices for launching smoke grenades, which allow you to create a dense smoke screen.

The body of the BTR-80 easily withstands 7.62 mm bullets and shell fragments. Frontal armor, traditionally stronger, can withstand bullets from a heavy machine gun.

The air ventilation system provides the crew and troops of the BTR-80 with reliable protection from toxic and radioactive substances. Thanks to 4 hatches and two double doors, the landing force is capable of landing and disembarking in a matter of seconds. When the lower door leaf is opened, a convenient step is created, allowing entry and exit while moving.

TTX BTR-80 has the following characteristics:

  • The combat weight of the armored personnel carrier is 13,600 kilograms;
  • The crew is 10 people;
  • The maximum speed of the BTR-80 on land is 80 kilometers;
  • The maximum speed on water is limited to 9 kilometers;
  • On full tanks, the armored personnel carrier is capable of driving 600 kilometers or swimming 12.

The BTR-80 is capable of solving any combat mission both in the far north and in the desert sands.

Vehicles based on the BTR-80

Based on the BTR-80, a whole series of combat vehicles for various purposes was developed:

  • Armored personnel carrier for command personnel;
  • The 2S23 “Nona SVK” self-propelled artillery gun, which was developed in the late 80s and has been supplied to the army since 1990;
  • Repair and recovery vehicle BREM-K, which is intended for repair units of motorized rifle troops. Its task includes towing and minor repairs of damaged armored personnel carriers and special vehicles based on the BTR-80. For this BREM-K is equipped with all the necessary equipment;
  • RKhM-4 or reconnaissance chemical vehicle.

In 1994, designers developed a modified model of the BTR-80, which received the index BTR-80A. The new combat vehicle received all the advantages of the previous model, in addition, firepower was significantly increased. Instead of a heavy machine gun, the new vehicle was equipped with a 30-mm automatic cannon. Ammunition is stored in the lower part of the armored personnel carrier's turret and amounts to 300 shells for the cannon and 2,000 for the machine gun. The gun is equipped with high-explosive fragmentation incendiary shells, fragmentation tracer and armor-piercing tracer shells. The first two types of shells can be used to fire at air and ground targets, and armor-piercing shells can hit firing points and armored targets.

To aim the gun at the target, two types of sights are used, day and night vision. During the day, fire from a cannon can be fired at a distance of up to 2,000 meters with armor-piercing shells, and up to 4,000 with high-explosive fragmentation and incendiary shells. The night vision scope is capable of providing an effective range of up to 800 meters at night.

The gunner has all the controls, guidance, reloading, changing types of projectiles and other devices necessary for firing at various targets.

The weight of the new combat vehicle has increased slightly and is 14,500 kilograms. The clearance height of the BTR-80A has been increased to 2,800 mm. The remaining characteristics are no different from the BTR-80.

In 2004, tests of a new model of the BTR-90 armored personnel carrier were completed, serial production of which was to begin in 2011. Unfortunately, in 2011, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation refused to purchase the BTR-90, so this vehicle was never put into mass production.

The BTR-80, which performed well during the war in Afghanistan, is still the main armored personnel carrier of motorized rifle troops. In addition, they are used in the Internal Troops and Marine Corps.

The invention relates to the field of transport engineering and can be used in the design, construction and modernization of machines with a wheeled propulsion type. The steering system of a wheeled vehicle contains a steering mechanism, a steering drive and a hydraulic booster for turning the front steered wheels and is equipped with a second steering wheel located under the first and having its own steering mechanism with a steering bipod, a longitudinal steering rod for turning the rear steered wheels, a spool for controlling the turn of the rear steered wheels, hydraulic power steering of the rear steered wheels, two steering links of the rear steered wheels with the ability to turn the rear steered wheels independently of the rotation of the front steered wheels. The technical result is to improve the car's turning ability. 2 ill.

The invention relates to the field of transport engineering and can be used in the design, construction and modernization of machines with a wheeled propulsion type. There are known cars that have front and rear steered wheels, for example the Lux car (Germany), the Pegaso family of cars (Spain), as well as similar cars in Japan and other countries. In our country there are cars with all steering wheels (Zil-135lm, BAZ 5937, 5938, 5939). The BTR-80 armored personnel carrier is known, the steering system of which includes 1) a steering mechanism; 2) steering gear; 3) hydraulic power steering (front steered wheels), (see Technical description and operating instructions for the BTR-80. Part 2. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1990, pp. 33-38. Open edition. Prototype). The BTR-80 armored personnel carrier, having good motion stability indicators, has a low turning rate, expressed in a large minimum turning radius (14 m). The objective of the present invention is to improve the turning ability of the machine (reducing the minimum turning radius). The problem is solved by introducing 1) a second steering wheel, located under the first and having its own steering mechanism with a steering bipod; 2) longitudinal steering rod for turning the rear steered wheels; 3) spool control for turning the rear steered wheels; 4) power steering of the rear steered wheels; 5) two steering linkages of the rear steered wheels. A steering system for a wheeled vehicle, comprising a steering mechanism, a steering drive and a hydraulic power steering for the front steered wheels, characterized in that it is equipped with a second steering wheel located under the first and has its own steering mechanism with a steering bipod, a longitudinal steering rod for turning the rear steered wheels, and a control spool turning of the rear steered wheels, power steering of the rear steered wheels, two steering links of the rear steered wheels with the ability to turn the rear steered wheels independently of the turn of the front steered wheels. Figure 1 shows a general diagram of the proposed steering system for a wheeled vehicle. Figure 2 shows the design of steering wheels with steering mechanisms. Figures 1 and 2 indicate 1) the steering wheel for turning the front steered wheels;
2) steering wheel for turning the rear steered wheels;
3) steering shaft for turning the front steered wheels;
4) a hollow steering shaft for turning the rear steered wheels;
5) steering mechanism for turning the front steered wheels;
6) steering mechanism for turning the rear steered wheels;
7) steering bipod of the steering mechanism for turning the front steered wheels;
8) steering bipod of the steering mechanism for turning the rear steered wheels;
9) spool control for steering the front steered wheels;
10) spool control for turning the rear steered wheels;
11) power steering of the front steered wheels;
12) power steering of the rear steered wheels;
13) hydraulic lines for turning the front steered wheels;
14) hydraulic lines for turning the rear steered wheels;
15) longitudinal steering rod of the front steered wheels;
16) longitudinal steering rod of the rear steered wheels;
17) steering linkages of the rear steered wheels. The steering system of the BTR-80 additionally includes a steering wheel for turning the rear steered wheels, a hollow steering shaft for turning the rear steered wheels, a steering mechanism for turning the rear steered wheels, a steering bipod for the steering mechanism for turning the rear steered wheels, a spool for controlling the turn of the rear steered wheels, a hydraulic booster for turning the rear wheels steered wheels, hydraulic lines for turning the rear steered wheels, longitudinal steering rod for the rear steered wheels, steering linkages for the rear steered wheels. The proposed device ensures stable movement of the machine at high speeds when operating with only one steering wheel, good steering when turning the steered wheels in different directions, as well as the ability to perform lateral (sideways) movement. The proposed device works as follows. When driving at high speeds, as well as when driving with small turning radii, the driver turns the steering wheel of the front steered wheels 1 (top), while the rotation of the steering wheel 1 through the steering mechanism of the front steered wheels 5 is transmitted to the steering bipod 7, which, acting on the moving part of the front steering wheel steering control spool, it causes the front steering wheel power steering rod 11 to move, which turns the front steering wheels. In this case, the car turns only due to the rotation of the front steered wheels. For driving on terrain characterized by tight turning radii, as well as when parking, the driver turns both steering wheels in opposite directions. In this case, the rotation of the steering wheel 1 through the steering mechanism 5 is transmitted to the steering bipod 7, which acts on the moving part of the steering control spool and moves the power steering rod of the front steered wheels 11, which turns the front steered wheels. In this case, the rotation of the steering wheel 2 (lower) through the steering mechanism 6 is transmitted to the steering bipod 8, which, acting on the movable part of the steering spool of the rear steered wheels 10, moves the power steering rod of the rear steered wheels 12, which, through the longitudinal steering rod of the rear steered wheels 16 and the steering linkages of the rear steered wheels 17, moves the rear steered wheels in the direction opposite to the rotation of the front steered wheels. To perform the physical movement, both steering wheels are turned in one direction, while only the direction of fluid flow from the spool 10 to the hydraulic booster 12 changes, and all the wheels of the car turn in one direction relative to the car body. Thus, the proposed device ensures stable movement of the machine at high speeds when operating with only one steering wheel, good steering when turning the steered wheels in different directions, as well as the ability to perform lateral movement. Literature
Armored personnel carrier BTR-80. Technical description and operating instructions. Part 2. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1990, p. 33-38. Open edition (prototype).


A steering system for a wheeled vehicle, comprising a steering mechanism, a steering drive and a hydraulic power steering for the front steered wheels, characterized in that it is equipped with a second steering wheel located under the first and has its own steering mechanism with a steering bipod, a longitudinal steering rod for turning the rear steered wheels, and a control spool turning of the rear steered wheels, power steering of the rear steered wheels, two steering links of the rear steered wheels with the ability to turn the rear steered wheels independently of the turn of the front steered wheels.

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The invention relates to a steering knuckle for a wheel of a vehicle, in particular a car, with a section (1) for fastening a wheel hub bearing, which serves to secure this bearing, and with a section (2) for fastening the guide links of the wheel suspension, which serves to secure these links, wherein the section (1) fastening the wheel hub bearing relative to the section (2) fastening the guide links of the wheel suspension is installed with the possibility of elastic rotation using a spring means or using an elastically deformable connecting section

The invention relates to the field of transport engineering. The vehicle control device contains a drive gear, a rack, longitudinal steering rods rigidly attached to the rack, levers, steering knuckles, with wheels mounted on them. The vehicle control device contains a control unit with a joystick connected to an electrical signal amplifier. The signal is transmitted to three actuators: the actuator motors, the gas solenoid and the brake solenoid. Gears connected to the front and rear racks of the drive for turning the front and rear wheels of the vehicle are attached to the shaft of the actuator motors. Rotation angle sensors are installed on the shaft of the executive motors, connected by feedback to a synchronizer that ensures coordination of the angle of rotation of the wheels with a given angle of deflection of the joystick handle. The gas solenoid is connected to the carburetor throttle lever. Improved vehicle controllability is achieved. 2 ill.

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Work performed during transmission maintenance:

At maintenance -1

The oil should cover the indicator up to mark B (Fig. 3.43). If the oil level is below the specified level, add oil through the filler neck, having first cleared it of dust and dirt.

Checking the oil level in the transfer case housing

To check the oil level:

– raise the left bench seat and secure it with a belt;

– unscrew the oil level indicator and wipe it with a rag;

Insert the indicator all the way into the crankcase and measure the oil level using the maximum level marks on the indicator rod (Fig. 3.44). If it is necessary to refill oil into the transfer case housing, remove the breather cap and fill in oil to the level of the upper mark on the oil level indicator rod.

Checking the oil level in axles

Check the oil level in the first, second and third bridges with an L-shaped square wrench, on which marks of the maximum oil levels are marked (Fig. 3.45).

Check the oil level in the fourth axle with the same L-shaped wrench through the hole in the axle housing, plugged with a conical plug and located near the axle case flange.

Rice. 3.45 Level check Fig. 3.46. Level check

oils in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd axles oils in the 4th axle

Checking the oil level in wheel gears

At maintenance -2

Changing the gearbox oil

To change the oil:

- unscrew the plug 5 located at the bottom of the machine body under the drain plugs of the gearbox housing (Fig. 3.48), and place a container for the drained oil;

– first unscrew the plug, and then the magnetic plug and drain the oil into a substitute container;

– clean the magnetic plug from dirt and metal particles;

– screw the plugs into the gearbox housing drain holes and the plug 5 at the bottom of the car body;

– fill in fresh oil up to mark B of the level indicator (Fig. 3.49) and tighten the filler cap.

Rice. 3.48 Fig. 3.49

Changing the oil in the transfer case

To change the oil:

- unscrew three plugs 4 at the bottom of the car under the crankcase drain holes (Fig. 3.50) RK and place containers for drained oil;

– unscrew the plugs under the right and left bosses and the magnetic plug in the central part of the lower half of the crankcase and drain the oil.

– clean and rinse the magnetic plug;

– tighten all the plugs in the transfer case housing and in the bottom.

– raise the bench seats and secure them with belts;

– remove the breather cap from the oil filler pipe;

– fill the oil to the level of the upper mark of the oil level indicator;

Rice. 3.50 Transfer case

Changing the oil in axles

– put the breather cap on and screw in the oil level indicator.

To avoid the pointer not being screwed onto the thread, you must first wrap it by 2-3 threads by hand, and then tighten it with a wrench.

To change the oil in axles:

– open the plugs in the floor above the plugs of the filling holes of the first, second and third axles, clean the plugs from dust and dirt and unscrew them one by one;

– clean and remove the plugs 17,2,14,8 (Fig. 3.51) in the bottom under the drain holes of all bridges;

– unscrew the drain plugs from the axle housings one by one, after placing a container under them, and drain the oil;

– screw the drain plugs, and screw the plugs into the bottom of the housing;

– pour oil through the filling holes of the crankcases of the first, second and third axles to the top mark of the key, and into the fourth axle - through the hole plugged with a conical plug, to the top mark of the same key;

– tighten the plugs of the filling holes of the first, second and third bridges, close the holes in the floors with plugs and tighten the plug of the filling hole of the fourth bridge.

Rice. 3.51 Fig. 3.52

Clutch release bearing lubrication

Control questions

1. Composition of the BMP-2 power transmission.

2. Purpose, technical characteristics, general structure of the main clutch and its drive.

3. Purpose, technical characteristics, general structure of the BMP-2 gearbox and its drive.

4. Purpose, technical characteristics, general design of the planetary rotation mechanisms (PMP) of the BMP-2 and PMP control drives.

5. Three properties of the planetary gear.

6. Purpose, technical characteristics, general design of the stopping brakes and parking brake of the BMP-2.

7. Purpose, technical characteristics, general structure of the lubrication system and hydraulic control of the BMP-2 power transmission.

8. Purpose, technical characteristics, general final drive device of the BMP-2.

9. Composition of the BTR-80 transmission.

10. Purpose, technical characteristics, general clutch device of the BTR-80.

11. Purpose, technical characteristics, general design of the BTR-80 gearbox.

12. Purpose, technical characteristics, general structure of the BTR-80 transfer case.

13. Purpose, technical characteristics, general design of the BTR-80 drive axles.

14. Purpose, technical characteristics, general design of BTR-80 wheel gearboxes

The hydraulic distribution apparatus (Fig. 4.47) is designed to supply fluid under pressure to the power steering line, to the hydraulic cylinders of the wave deflector flap drives, to turn on the jet propulsion, the jet propulsion damper, the drainage system valves and to drain fluid from them to drain.

The hydraulic distribution device belongs to the type of devices of hydraulic systems and is a thirteen-line ten-position distributor.

The device is controlled by handle 7 (Fig. 4.47). When the handle is released, the spool 26 held by a spring 24 in the extended position, so the fluid pressure from the fitting 11 transmitted to the fitting 13,

Warning. When you pull the handle toward you, the fluid supply to the power steering is turned off, which significantly increases the effort required to turn and hold the steering wheel.

Rice. 4.47. Hydraulic distributor:

1 - distribution plug; 2 - arrow-handle indicator; 3 - pusher; 4 - eccentric; 5 -handle cover; 6 - signal lamp; 7 -lever; 8 - fitting for closing the rear pumping valve; 9 -case; 10 - drain fitting; 11 -pressure fitting; 12 - opening fitting of the rear pumping valve; 13 - power steering fitting; 14 - wiring harness connector; 15 - flap closing fitting; 16 - flap opening fitting; 17 - water-jet propulsion shut-off fitting; 18 - fitting for turning on the water-jet propulsion; 19 - fitting for raising the wave guard; 20 - flap lowering fitting; 21 - opening fitting of the front pumping valve; 22 - fitting for closing the front pumping valve; 23 -bracket; 24 - spool spring; 25 - spool cover; 26 -spool; 27 - spool housing; 28 - plug; 29 - plug body; 30 -adjusting bolt; 31 -lock-nut; 32 -panel; 33 - plug cover. A- the size between the end of the pusher and the axis of fastening the eccentric of the handle

In order to supply fluid to the hydraulic cylinder of any hydraulic drive, for example to the hydraulic cylinder of the front pumping valve of a drainage system, to close the valve, you need a handle 7 turn until the arrow is installed 2 in the area of ​​the FRONT VALVE sign. opposite the inscription CLOSED. In this case, the pressure hole in the distribution plug 1 will be installed opposite the fitting 22. After this, handle 7 must be pulled towards you until it stops so that the arrow 2 entered the recess of the panel 32. At the same time the eccentric 4, attached to the handle, will press the pusher 3, which will move the spool 26 to the bottom position, compressing the spring 24. The line to the power steering will be blocked by the spool, and the fluid flow will go through the channel to the pressure hole of the distribution plug 1 and then to the hydraulic cylinder of the front pumping valve. When lowering the handle 7 spring 24 will return the spool 26 interpreter 3 to the top position. Fluid flow from the fitting 11 will go to the fitting 13, i.e. into the power steering line.

On the panel 32 Signal lamps are installed to indicate the opening of the damper and the activation of the jet propulsion.

The tubes of each hydraulic line from the hydraulic distribution device to the drive hydraulic cylinder at the connection points are painted the same color.

Hydraulic cylinders

The hydraulic cylinders (Fig. 4.48) of the control drives for the water-jet propulsion, the water-jet damper, the wave deflector and the valves of the drainage system have the same design and differ in the length of the cylinders and the stroke of the rods.

When supplying liquid under pressure to the lower fitting of the cylinder, the piston 5 (Fig. 4.48) with rod 7 will move and reach the thrust ring 8, balloons 6 press out the piston and spring 4, will pass through the thrust ring and will be fixed between the thrust ring and the rod. The cylinder rod will fit into the ball lock. When fluid is supplied to the upper fitting, the fluid will press the piston and compress the spring 4, allowing the balls to pass through the thrust ring. The rod will slide into the body until it touches the cover. 3.

Hydraulic locks

In the absence of pressure in the lines A(Fig. 4.49), B, C and D ball 10 valve pressed by spring 9 to the saddle 5, “locks” the liquid in the line IN, i.e., it does not allow liquid to flow from the line IN to the highway G. A-B under the pressure created on the piston 2 force exceeding the spring force 4, piston 2 will move and, pressing through the rod 3 on the valve 10, will open the hole in seat 5, connecting the line IN with the highway G.

When supplying liquid through a line G under pressure it passes through the hole A saddles 5, squeeze the ball 10 and opens a hole in the saddle, connecting the lines G And IN.

Hydraulic system care

Check the fluid level in the hydraulic system reservoir and, if necessary, top up with the engine idling (ETO, TO-1, TO-2)

Check the oil level in the hydraulic pump reservoir with the water jet damper closed and the wave deflector flap lowered, with the valves for pumping water out of the body closed and the water jet turned off. When the engine is warm, the oil level in the tank should be between the marks on the oil level indicator.

Oil must be poured into the reservoir when the engine is running at minimum idle speed through a funnel with a mesh and a filler filter installed in the neck of the hydraulic pump reservoir. When using contaminated oil, parts of the hydraulic pump and power steering quickly wear out.

Wash the hydraulic pump filter in gasoline, For what:

Disconnect the rubber sleeve from the high pressure pipeline and drain the oil from the hydraulic pump into a substitute container;

Remove the cover 9 (Fig. 4.45) tank, unscrewing the bolt 4;

Unscrew from the manifold 12 phone 6 along with the filter 8;

Remove from tank 11 hydraulic pump, the remainder of contaminated oil, preventing fibers of the cleaning material used from getting into it;

Clean and rinse the removed parts, then put them in place and screw the filter into the manifold;

Rinse the pump by pouring 0.5 liters of clean oil into the tank and draining it into a substitute container through the high pressure pipeline

pump, attach the rubber hose and remove the container with the drained oil;

Fill the reservoir with oil, start the engine and warm up the oil in the system; When the engine is running at minimum idle speed, add oil to the tank to the required level.

Bleeding the hydraulic power steering. After work related to eliminating system leaks, or after work that has led to a violation of the system tightness, it is necessary to remove air from the system by bleeding it. To do this, open the tank cap and add oil to the required level, start the engine and, with it running at minimum idle speed, add oil to the tank, preventing air from entering the pump, turn the steering wheel all the way until the foaming process stops and decrease in oil in the tank.

If the process of oil foaming during pumping is delayed, this indicates that air has entered the hydraulic system either through the pump due to untimely addition of oil, or through a leak in the place where the reservoir is attached to the pump, which must be eliminated by tightening the bolts securing the manifold and reservoir.

If the oil level in the tank has noticeably decreased, this indicates that there is a leak in the hydraulic system that needs to be eliminated.

When the hydraulic system is completely filled and the engine is warm, the oil level in the hydraulic pump reservoir should be between the indicator marks.

Replace the working fluid in the hydraulic system sequential pumping of the power steering and hydraulic drives of the wave-reflector, the water jet damper, pumping out and turning on the water jet valves (with a warm engine) with draining the spent fluid into a substitute container and continuously adding fresh fluid to the tank, preventing air leaks from the pump.

To replace:

Prepare 10-12 liters of fresh working fluid and a container for draining the oil;

Disconnect the upper end of the hose from the reservoir tube and drain the used working fluid from it into a substitute container;

Plug the free end of the tank tube and direct the hose into a container to drain the liquid;

Open the tank cap and pour fresh working fluid into it;

Start the engine and, with it running at minimum idle speed, add fresh working fluid to the reservoir, pump the hydraulic booster by turning the steering wheel twice to the right and left until it stops. In this case, the spent liquid will flow into the substituted container.

Bleed the power steering until approximately 6-7 liters of fresh working fluid are consumed.

To do this you need:

Move the handle of the hydraulic distribution device in the area of ​​the PANEL sign to the LOAD position;

Pull the handle of the hydraulic distributor towards you and hold it in this position until the shield is raised, then lower the handle;

Move the handle of the hydraulic distribution device in the area of ​​the PANEL sign to the LOWER position;

Pull the handle towards you and hold it in this position until the shield lowers, then lower the handle.

When raising and lowering the shield, the spent fluid will flow into the substituted container, and fresh working fluid must be added to the tank, preventing air from being sucked in by the pump.

In a similar way, replace the working fluid in the hydraulic drives of the water jet damper, the valves for pumping water out of the machine body and turning on the water jet.

After replacing the working fluid in all hydraulic drives, it is necessary to remove the plug from the hydraulic pump reservoir tube, drain the fluid from the reservoir into a clean container, connect a hose to the tube and pour this fluid back into the reservoir and bleed the power steering.

Brake systems BTR-80

Braking systems are designed to reduce the speed of movement and bring the machine to a complete stop, as well as to keep the machine from rolling away. The machine has a service brake system (Fig. 4.50), acting on all eight wheels, a parking brake system, acting on the transmission, and an anti-roll device that locks the transmission and prevents the machine from rolling when stopped on an incline.

Service brake system

Rice. 4.50. Service brake system diagram:

1 -main cylinders with pneumatic boosters; 2 -wheel brake mechanism; 3 -pedal; 4 -brake valve; 5 - air fall limitation valve; 6 - air cylinder; 7 - brake light lamp; 8 - indicator lamp; 9 - hydraulic drive equalizer; 10 - pressure gauge in the cylinder; 11 -hydraulic brake light switches; A- pipeline for releasing air into the atmosphere; B-pipeline to the air reducer


Brakes 2 (Fig. 4.50) two-block, closed type, mounted on the axles of wheel reducers. Brake parts mounted on bracket 7 (Fig. 4.51).

Brake pads 6 And 12 pressed by springs 1 and 5 to the support pin 3. The lower ends of the pads are pressed by a spring against the adjustment mechanism, consisting of a housing 11, into which the adjusting screw is screwed 8 with sprocket and support sleeve 10. To the support pin 3 the wheel cylinder is attached.

Rice. 4.51. Right wheel brake:

1 , 5 And 9 - tension springs; 2 - cylinder pistons; 3 - support finger; 4 - wheel cylinder; 6 - rear block; 7 - bracket; 8 -adjusting screw; 10 - support sleeve; 11 - adjusting mechanism housing; 12 - front block; 13 - pushers

Wheel cylinder pistons with pushers 13 connected to the blocks. Each piston is sealed by two rings.

All eight brake mechanisms are assembled from the same parts. The brake mechanisms of the right wheels differ from the brake mechanisms of the left wheels in the location of the brake pads.

Rear pads 6 brake mechanisms have longer linings. Therefore, without changing the position of the pads, it is impossible to move the brake mechanisms from the wheels of one side of the car to the wheels of the other side.

In Fig. Figure 4.51 shows the brake mechanism of the right wheel.

When braking under the influence of fluid pressure, the pistons 2 move apart towards the pads. Pushers 13, acting on the pads 6 And 12, press them against the brake drum and slow down its rotation.

To monitor the condition of the brake mechanism, adjust it and pump the hydraulic brake drive, there is a hatch in the cover that is closed with a cover with a rubber gasket.

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