Home Lighting Noun suffixes. Spelling of roots, suffixes and endings Spelling of suffixes and endings of nouns

Noun suffixes. Spelling of roots, suffixes and endings Spelling of suffixes and endings of nouns

Spelling: Spelling suffixes of various parts of speech(except -Н-/-НН-): spelling of suffixes of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

1. Spelling of noun suffixes

Suffixes -chick/-schik. Suffix -chick written after roots ending in d, t, z, s, zh, suffix -schik- in other cases (scout, mark, sample, subscriber, defector, porter, changer).

Suffixes -ek/-ik. Suffix -ek written if, when a word is declined, a vowel in the suffix is ​​dropped; suffix -ik it is written if, when the word is declined, the vowel in the suffix is ​​preserved (lock - lock, key - key).

Suffixes -ets/-its. Suffix -ets is written:

  • in masculine nouns (brother, businessman, loaf);
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the ending (writing, paltetso).

Suffix -its- is written:

  • in feminine nouns (street, soapbox, mill);
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the base (dress, structure).

Suffixes -ichk-/-echk-. Suffix -ichk- written in feminine nouns formed from nouns in -its-(onion - onion, mitten - mitten). Suffix -echk- written in words formed from nouns Not on -its- (nanny, little basket, Tanechka).

Suffixes -yshk-/-ushk-/-yushk-. Suffix -ysk- written in neuter nouns (the ending -o is written after it) (grain, sun, bottom). Suffix -ushk- written in masculine and feminine nouns (grandfather, girl, nightingale). Suffix -yushk- is written in words of all three genders (polyushko, dolyushka, uncle).

Suffix -ink-(-in- + -k-)/-enk-. Suffix -inc- written in words formed from nouns with a suffix -in-(straw - straw, rowan - rowan). Suffix -enk- written in diminutive forms of nouns -na, -nya, who have R. p. pl. h. the soft sign is not written at the end ( spinner - spinner - spinner, tower - tower - turret ), as well as in words refugee, sissy, French, cherry and so on.

2. Spelling suffixes of adjectives

Suffixes -iv-/-ev-, -evat-/-evit-. Suffix -iv- written with emphasis -ev- in an unstressed position (handsome, arrogant, combative, dashing). Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

Suffixes -ov- And -ev-. After sizzling and ts the suffix is ​​written under stress -ov-, without accent - suffix -ev-(brocade, pepper, reed, key, end, bucket, clothing).

Suffixes -chiv-/-liv-. Always written with And(friendly, changeable).

Suffixes -k- and -sk-. Suffix -To- is written:

  • in qualitative adjectives that have a short form (sharp - sharp, low - low);
  • in adjectives formed from nouns with stems k, ch, ts, the suffix -sk- is simplified to k; the sounds k, ch alternate with c (Nenets - Nenets, Cossack - Cossack, weaver - weaver). Exceptions: Uzbek - Uzbek, Uglich - Uglich).

Suffix -sk- preserved in relative adjectives with a consonant stem d, t, h, s(sailor, French, fraternal, urban) and with a base on consonants g, k, x, which often alternate (Onega - Onega).

3. Spelling verb suffixes

  1. In past tense verbs before a suffix -l- the same letter is written as in the indefinite form before -th(see - saw, facilitate - facilitated, accept - accepted).
  2. Suffixes are written in the infinitive form of the verb and in the past tense form -ova-, -eva-, if in the 1st person the verb ends in -yu, -yu(I draw - draw).
  3. If the 1st person verb ends in -I am, -I am no emphasis on A, then the suffix -yva-, -iva- persists (to think - I'm thinking, to finish - I'm finishing).

Spelling noun suffixes includes a number of rules. We have already examined the spelling of N and NN, so the remaining rules can be divided into two types of rules:

1) Spelling consonants in noun suffixes;

2) Spelling vowels in noun suffixes.

Spelling of consonants in noun suffixes.

1) Suffix -chik written in nouns whose stems end in consonants g, h, s, d, t:

Counter, pilot, scout, storyteller.

Note. Consonants k, h, c, to which the stem of the noun ends, when adding suffix -chik alternate with -t-:

Distribution is a distributor, reconnaissance is a scout.

2) Suffix -schik written in nouns whose stem ends with all other consonants:

Welder, welder, nuclear engineer.

Spelling vowels in noun suffixes.

1) Suffix -chik or suffix -chek?

The suffix -chik is written in cases where the suffix remains unchanged in case declension:

Key - key - key; boy - boy - boy.

If a vowel drops out during case declension, then we write in the nominative case suffix -ek:

Lock - lock - lock.

Attention. There is no suffix -chek in Russian!

2) Suffix -enk- and -onk-.

If the noun stem ends in a soft consonant or consonants f, w, then the suffix is ​​written -enk-:

The soul is a darling, the dawn is a dawn.

If the stem of a noun ends in hard consonants, except f, w, then the suffix is ​​written -onk-:

A lip is a sponge, a fur coat is a fur coat.

Words to remember. Good girl, good girl, little bunny.

3) Suffixes -ich- + -k- get nouns whose stem ends in -its- (at the same time, alternation occurs -ts/-h-):

A bird is a bird, a button is a button.

The remaining nouns receive diminutive suffix -echk-:

Seed, Manechka, name.

Note. There is no unstressed suffix -yachk- in the Russian language!

4) Suffixes -in- + -k- are written in zh.r. nouns, the stem of which ends in -in- :

pea - pea; machine - machine.

The combination of suffixes -en- + -k- forms the diminutive form of nouns that end in -nya and -na (in which the plural form is gendered. not written soft sign):

Arable land - arable land - arable land; pine - pine - pine.

5) Suffix -ets(o) written in neuter nouns in which the stress falls on the ending:


If the stress in such nouns falls on one of the syllables of the base, then the suffix is ​​written -its(e):

In modern language, the formation of nouns is usually associated with suffixes that are attached to derived and non-derivative stems and form nouns with different meanings: person, object, thing, abstract concept, etc. With the help of various suffixes, you can show all sorts of shades of a person’s feelings, estimate the size, value , the significance of any subject.

Usually isolated two groups of suffixes nouns: suffixes of subjective assessment and word-forming suffixes. Sometimes the same suffix can apply to both groups.

Main suffixes of subjective assessment the following are considered : -ek, -ik, -chik, -echk-, -ets-, -okk-, -enk-, -ink-, -ours-, -ushk-, -isch- : nut, rain, suit, morning, frost, little head, darling, abrasion, share, squash, tobacco.

Derivative suffixes nouns:

  • - with the following suffixes, nouns are formed that denote a person’s occupation: -ik (forester), -Nick (joker), -ist (organist), -ets (craftsman), -chick (newsboy), -tel (writer), -its (flower girl);
  • - with the help of others (or the same ones) nouns are formed that denote objects: -Nick (deadwood), -ik (locker), -ek (knife), -chick (stacker), -inc (thawed patch), -ets (underwear);
  • - suffixes forming nouns with abstract meaning: -ism (chauvinism), -eni- (pursuit), -stv (art), -ness (courage), -est (scam).

Spelling noun suffixes consists of following several basic rules:

1. Suffixes chick/schik

In the designation of professions the suffix chick written after roots ending in d, t, h, s, g(scout, target, sample, subscriber, defector ), suffix box- in other cases ( shiftman, porter, ferryman, drummer ).
After a consonant L before the suffix box is written b: glazier .
A diminutive suffix is ​​only chick(To drank a little drum ).

Note that the suffix -schik often attached to the stems of verbs in -al, -il, -ate, -oval ; suffix lyker found in words denoting the type of activity, occupation or action of male persons: copyist, fan, tinker, smoker, smoker, draftsman, grinder.

2. Suffixes ek/ik

Suffix ek written if, when a word is declined, a vowel in the suffix is ​​dropped; suffix IR written if the vowel in the suffix is ​​retained when the word is declined ( padlock - padlock, key - key ).

3. Suffixes ec/its

Suffix ec is written:

  • in masculine nouns ( brother, businessman, loaf );
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the ending ( letter, coat ).

Suffix ic is written:

  • in feminine nouns ( street, soapbox, mill );
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the stem ( dress, structure ).

4. Suffixes ichk/echk

Suffix hiccup written in feminine nouns formed from nouns in ic(onion - onion, mitten - mitten). Suffix Echk written in words formed from nouns Not on ic(nanny, little basket, Tanechka).

note: words “spoon, watering can, canary, little spoon” and others are formed from nouns with a suffix -To-, vowel e in them the root is fluent, and the consonant To root alternates with h (spoon - spoon );

5. Suffixes yshk/ishk

Suffix yshk written in neuter nouns in diminutive words, after it the ending is written O(seed, sun, bottom). Suffix ishq written in words that have a derogatory connotation.

6. Suffixes ushk/yushk

Suffix ear written in masculine and feminine nouns (grandfather, girl, nightingale). Suffix yushk is written in words of all three genders (polyushko, dolyushka, uncle).

7. Suffix ink(in + k)/enk

Suffix inc. written in words formed from nouns with a suffix in(straw - straw, rowan - rowan). Suffix enk written in diminutive forms of nouns on, nya, in which in R. p. plural. h. the soft sign is not written at the end (bait - blesen - blesenka, tower - tower - turret), as well as in words refugee, sissy, French, cherry and so on.

8. Suffixes onk/enk

A diminutive suffix is ​​written -onk- after hard consonants: stripe - stripe onk ah, birch - birch onk A
A diminutive suffix is ​​written -enk- after soft consonants and hissing consonants: zarya - zor yenk ah, the road is dear yenk A. Exception: bunny, bunny, good girl.

9. Suffixes onk/onok

Written after sibilants under stress -He to-(with a touch of disdain): soul - shower He to ah, river - speech He to A.
Written after sibilants under stress -onok-(when designating baby animals): wolf - wolf onok, bear - bear onok.

10. Suffixes in/out

11. Suffixes from/ost

Additional material:
visual tables

Spelling suffixes for nouns. Table 1.

Spelling suffixes of nouns. Table 3.

Lesson summary "".
Next topic: “Spelling complex nouns.”

Suffixes and endings of nouns

-hic- -ek-
If the vowel is preserved during declension: key - key If a vowel is dropped during declension: LOCK – LOCK pouch - pouch
-OK- -ek-
Under stress: top, chest Without accent: ravine, piece
-its- -ets-
In nouns there are nouns. (with declension I is preserved): beauty - beauties For nouns, sr.p., if the stress precedes the suffix: dress In nouns m.r. (with declension E drops out): owner - owner For nouns, s.r., if the stress falls on the ending: letterAbout
-ich- + k -echk-
For zh.r. nouns formed from stems with -its: staircase - staircase onion - onion fox - fox In other cases, as well as in proper names and in words formed from stems ending in -mya: sieve - strainer Valya – Valechka time - little time
-onk- -enk-
After roots ending in a hard consonant: birch tree girl After roots ending in a soft consonant and sibilant: Dashenka
Exceptions:bunny, bunny, good girl, mummy, daddy.
-in- + k -enk-
In words formed from feminine nouns in -ina: depression - depression pea–pea The following are formed by analogy: dove, fluff, snowflake (although there are no words dove, fluff, snowflake) In other cases. In diminutive nouns formed using the suffix –k- from words zh.r. na –ня or –на (in this case, in R.p. plural there should not be a b at the end): tower – tower – turret Wed: tree nya – villages – village In words denoting female persons: French, refugee, Circassian, nun
-chik- (for female birth –chits-) -schik- (for women born –schits-)
After stems ending in D, T, Z, S, Zh depositor, narrator, carrier, subscriber, defector, machine gunner after stems ending in K, Ts, Ch, the final letters are replaced with T: tavern - tavern distribution – distributor After stems ending in other consonants: lantern maker, mason maker, drum maker Please note that the soft sign in word formation is not saved. b is written only after bases on L before the suffix: roofing - roofer, glass – glazier After foreign language basics: asphalt – asphalt worker diamond-diamondtchik
For nouns formed from the stems of adjectives, suffixes are written: -izn- (blue)-in- (antique, thickness)-from- (directness)-awn- (wildness, dilapidation)-ness- (essence, generality)-is- (excess, power) For nouns formed from verbal stems, suffixes are written: -enst- (championship)-rel- (running, pushing)-stv-/-ovstv- (witchcraft, boasting)-is- (fraud)-iv- (fuel)-ev- (lace)
In the suffix –en- of nouns starting with –mya the letter E is written: a banner is a banner, a burden is a burden.
The endings E or I of nouns depend on the type of declension and case. Nouns have three types of declension.
1st declension 2nd declension 3rd declension
Nouns belong to m.r. and f.r. with endings а(-я): girl, apple tree, Ilya, young man Nouns belong to m.r. with zero endings s.r. with endings –о(-е): horse, rook, sea, cloud Belong to nouns w.r. with zero endings (based on b): rye, mouse, night
1 cl. 2 cl. 3 cl. -y, -y, -yy, -my
R.p. (who? What?) I(S) AND AND
apple trees Marya mice Maria time
D.p. (to whom; to what?) E AND AND
apple tree Marye mice Maria time
P.p. (About who about what?) E E AND AND
(about) apple tree (o) Marya (o) sea (o) mice (about) Mary (about the time
test words candle horse steppe

Suffixes and endings of adjectives

1. Endings of adjectives.
T.p., units -s(s): winter evening, red. P.p., units –o(s): in a large forest, in a winter forest.
2. Suffixes of adjectives
If the adjective is formed from a verb ending in –at (-yat), then the letter A (Y) is written before NN or N: hang - hung If the adjective is formed from a verb that does not start with –at (-yat), then the letter E is written before НН or Н: paint - painted.
-TO- -SK-
With its help, qualitative adjectives are formed (they denote a characteristic, a characteristic of an object, a phenomenon, have a short form, degrees of comparison): prickly (prickly) sharp (harsh) also found in relative adjectives formed from nouns with stems in K, Ts, Ch: Cossack - Cossack German - German weaver - weaver Exceptions: Uglich, Tajik, Uzbek With its help, relative adjectives are formed (denote the relationship of an object to something, the origin of the object): Holland - Dutch French – French Basis on GL + S + SK = SSC: Rus - Russian sailor - sailor basis on SOGL + S + SK = SK: Reims - Reims Basis on SK + SK = SSC: Etruscan - Etruscan


A) -ts-sky, if before ts there is a consonant (except ts

b) -ts-ky, if before ts

V) -its-ky, if before ts worth it too ts, for example: Nice - nice.

With -sk- -sk- a vowel is written, then the second With

If the stem ends in ss, then before the suffix -sk- one With

sk, then before the suffix -sk- first To

sk -sk-

Note. With With(Bordeaux, Tartu).

-ny And -ry, then before the suffix -sk- letter b



In adjectives formed from geographical names with a stem ending in c, it is written:

A) -ts-sky, if before ts there is a consonant (except ts), for example: Konstanz - Konstanz, Pfalz - Palatinate;

b) -ts-ky, if before ts there is a vowel, for example: Yelets - Eletsky (exceptions: Graz - Gratsky, Mets - Metz);

V) -its-ky, if before ts worth it too ts, for example: Nice - nice.

In adjectives formed from geographical names ending in With with a preceding consonant, there are fluctuations in spelling before the suffix -sk-, for example: Wales - Welsh and Welsh, Araks - Araks and Araks. Reims is Reims and Reims, but Daugavpils is Daugavpils, Helsingfors is Helsingfors. If before the suffix -sk- a vowel is written, then the second With is preserved, for example: Vilnius – Vilnius.

If the stem ends in ss, then before the suffix -sk- one With is omitted, since in the Russian language three identical consonants are not written in a row, for example: Odessa - Odessa, Cherkasy - Cherkasy.

If the stem of a foreign word ends in sk, then before the suffix -sk- first To omitted, for example: Damascus - Damascus, San Francisco - San Francisco, Etruscan - Etruscan (but: Basque - Basque, Oski - Osk).

Russian geographical names in sk form adjectives without the help of a suffix -sk-, for example: Minsk - Minsk, Spassk - Spassky.

Note. In the words Bordeaux, Tartu, etc. one thing is written With, since the generating base does not end with With(Bordeaux, Tartu).

If the stem of a noun ends in -ny And -ry, then before the suffix -sk- letter b not written, for example: horse - horse, beast - brutal, Ryazan - Ryazan, Siberia - Siberian, Tyumen - Tyumen.

1) adjectives formed from the names of the months: June, September, October, November, December (but: January), as well as the expression day-day;
2) adjectives formed from some foreign geographical names: Kuen-Lun, Sichuan, Taiwanese, Tien Shan, Wuhan; in the spelling of the adjective formed from Gdynia, there are fluctuations - Gdynia - Gdynia.

Nouns starting with -mya include the following: burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown.

Spelling noun endings depends on what type of declension these nouns belong to. Errors in the choice of endings -е or -и do not occur in all case forms, but only in the forms of three cases: genitive, dative and prepositional.
Nouns of the first declension (country, drop, uncle, alley) in the genitive forms have the ending -ы (-и), and in the dative and prepositional forms - e:
R. Countries Drops Uncle Alle-i
d. Country Drop Uncle Alle-e
2. Nouns ending in -i (army, series, line, Maria) form a special variant of declension; in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they have the ending -i:
R. ARMY Seri-i Line-i Marie-i
d. ARMY Seri-i Line-i Marie-i
p. (About) army (O) series (O) line-i » (0) Marie-i
These words should not be confused with nouns in -ya, (Marya, Natalya, Sofya) which are declined according to the general rule and have the ending -e in the forms of the dative and prepositional cases: Marya, Natalya, Sofya, but: Maria, Natalia, Sofia; (o) Marya, (o) Natalia, (o) Sophia, but: (o) Maria, (o) Natalia, (o) Sofia.
3. Nouns of the II declension in the form of the prepositional case have the ending -e: (in) the house, (on) the horse, (on) the table, (about) heat, (in) other-e.
4. Nouns in -iy, -i (genius, scenario, meeting, meeting) form a special variant of declension and have the ending -i in the form of the prepositional case: (about) geniuses, (in) scenarios, (at) meeting, (at) meeting. These words should not be confused with nouns in -е (confusion, doubt, oblivion, grumbling), which are declined according to the general rule: (o) confusion, (o) doubt, (o) oblivion, (o) grumbling. Exception: forgotten.
5. Nouns of the III declension (sadness, night, rye, quiet) in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases have the ending -i:
R. Sad Night Rzh-i Tish-i
d. Sad Night Rye Tish-i
p. (Oh) sad (K) night (In) rzh-i (B) tish-i
6. The word path, as well as ten nouns ending in -mya (banner, flame, tribe, stirrup, etc.) are indeclinable and in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they have the ending -i:
p. Put-i Znamen-i Flame Tribes
d. Put-i Znamen-i Flame Tribes
p. (B) put-i (On) the banner (B) flame-i (B) plssn-i
7. Proper names that name populated areas, such as Kashin, Kalinin, Borodino, form a special form of the instrumental case of the singular, modeled on nouns of the second declension, and have the ending -om: Kashin, Kalinin, Borodin. These words should not be confused with proper names that call Russian surnames (Kashin, Kalinin, Borodin), which in the instrumental case form have the ending -y: Kashin, Kalinin, Borodin.
8. Nouns such as hourly, dining room, ice cream, worker, formed from adjectives and participles, change according to the model of qualitative adjectives. Nouns such as forester, draw, third - modeled on possessive adjectives with the suffix -ii- (such as fox, wolf). Surnames like Smirnova, Orlova, Golubeva are modeled on possessive adjectives with the suffix -oe- (like sisters, fathers).
9. Many borrowed nouns (such as cinema, coat, miss), as well as abbreviations (such as head of department, Russian Federation, USA) are not declined.
Ending adjectives
Adjectives have endings similar to the endings of the question word what: in a good (how?) mood, about an interesting (what?) book, etc.
Possessive adjectives in -iy, -ya, -ye, -yi (fox, fox, fox, fox) in all cases, except for the nominative and the similar accusative case of the masculine singular, are written with ь: rybchiy, rybachego, rybachi, fisherman, fisherman, about fisherman; fishermen, fishermen, fishermen, fishermen, fishermen, about fishermen.
The adjectives suburban, interurban, suburban vary according to the fixed declension and are written with the endings -y, -aya, -oe, -e, etc.; The adjectives beskrayny, non-resident are modified according to the soft variety of declension and are written with the endings -й, -я, -е, -и, etc. The forms interurban and non-resident, beskrainy are outdated and are not currently recommended for use.
Adjectives ending in -yny have a short form in the nominative singular masculine case in -yen: sultry - sultry, calm - calm, slender - slender.
Note. It is recommended to remember the spelling of the endings of some adjectives: suburban (aya, oe), intercity (aya, -oe), but: nonresident (-aya, ee).

Verb endings

The spelling of personal endings of verbs depends on what type of conjugation the verbs belong to.
1. I conjugation with the endings -у, -ест, -ет, -ем, -ete, -ut(-yut) (I go, you go, goes, we go, you go, go) and II conjugation with the endings -у, -ish , -it, -im, -ite, -am (-yat) (screaming, screaming, screaming, screaming, screaming, screaming). If the verb has a stressed ending, writing it does not cause any difficulties. If the ending is unstressed, you need to determine the type of conjugation of the verb and select the ending according to the conjugation.
2. The verbs run, want, honor (as well as prefix formations from them) are heterogeneously conjugated. The verbs give, eat (and their prefix formations) are called special conjugation verbs: give - I will give, I will give, I will give, I will give, I will give, I will give; eat - eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat.
Note 1. The verbs bleat, winnow, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, soar, sow, melt, etc. end in -yat. In this regard, they belong to the first conjugation and the letter -e is written in their personal endings: repent, bark, cherish.
Note 2. The spelling of verb endings with the prefix obez- (obes-) depends on the transitivity of the verb. Transitive verbs with the prefix obes- (obes) have endings of the second conjugation: Such a disease will weaken anyone. The police will neutralize the criminal. Intransitive verbs with this prefix belong to the I conjugation: If you don’t eat well, you will become weak.
Note 3. It is necessary to distinguish between the endings of verbs in the plural of the indicative and imperative moods. At the endings of verbs of the future tense (indicative mood), the letters e or and are written, depending on the conjugation of the verb (I sp. - lay, sweep, shout; II sp. - mow, glorify): When will you (what will you do?) get used to our climate , the frost will not be so scary for you. For verbs of both the first and second conjugations, the plural of the imperative mood is written -ite (sweep, be silent, shout, go): You shout louder, he will hear.

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