Home Steering Capricorn man. Compatibility in marriage. Capricorn man in love and family life. How important is sex for a Capricorn man? The companion of which zodiac sign is most compatible in love and sex with a Capricorn man

Capricorn man. Compatibility in marriage. Capricorn man in love and family life. How important is sex for a Capricorn man? The companion of which zodiac sign is most compatible in love and sex with a Capricorn man

Unlike many couples in which people of the same sign compete with each other, two Capricorns get along well with each other and are sincerely happy together. Although it is impossible to call them twins with the same tastes, views and behavior. What is the secret of a strong union between two Capricorns?

Capricorn-Capricorn compatibility: how to seduce a Capricorn man?

If you have met a free Capricorn who has entered the age of maturity and has already achieved something, you can be sure that he is thinking about his family. It is convenient for a Capricorn man to live in a world where everything is in its place. And since he is conservative, for him family is an essential part of an orderly life. As for fleeting romances (if marriage with Capricorn is not part of your plans), the older Capricorn is, the greater the chances of a love adventure. In their youth, these men are very serious and responsible, but over the years they develop a boyish dash. Capricorn approaches the creation of a family (or any other long-lasting partnership) responsibly. He has his own ideas about what place family and wife should occupy in life. And if women of other signs can intuitively feel or accidentally “get into the top ten,” then you know well what the system, hierarchy, and principles are. You have a 100% chance of fitting perfectly into the life of a Capricorn man. All that is required of you is to find out from him exactly what expectations he has for his wife. You can easily justify them.

What does an ideal couple look like: Capricorn woman – Capricorn man?

It is possible to predict what each specific Capricorn couple will be like only if you analyze their personal horoscopes. The fact is that people of other signs can achieve success, can give up in the face of difficulties, can abandon their plans and take advantage of a more attractive happy chance. And Capricorns, with each other’s support, will definitely achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Since all people have different goals, it will not be possible to say anything definite about what a Capricorn couple looks like. This could be a large family living in nature away from civilization, wealthy people running a family business, high-ranking officials and any other people. The main thing is that each of the Capricorns in a couple ultimately achieves what they want. The interesting thing is that with age they seem to get younger: they can be found at camp sites, on hikes, while hunting, that is, in places where few young Capricorns go.

What are the difficulties in a union between a Capricorn woman and a Capricorn man?

There are no difficulties in the relationship between two Capricorns. They effectively solve any problems, because they understand each other well and do not expect the impossible from their partner. Even weak emotionality and the desire to live by reason and not by feelings do not bother them - this lifestyle is convenient for both of them. Of course, Capricorns will more than once in their life together be faced with the fact that the interests of one conflict with the interests of another, equally purposeful partner. But Capricorns know how to resolve these disputes constructively. The problems of this couple are not related to relationships, but to the world around them and life situations. Each sign has a certain “blank spot”, an incomprehensible side of life that he must understand in order to achieve peace in his soul. For Capricorns, such a “white spot” is the sphere of home, family, protection under the cover of the home, warmth and tenderness towards the family. Capricorns try to approach issues of home and family as rationally as they approach work. Their married life can be successful if they find a suitable partner. But fate does not consider Capricorn’s rational approach to be correct at all; she wants him to learn new rules. Two Capricorns support each other not only in achieving success, but also in mistakes. Therefore, fate sends them a collision with rules they do not understand, embodied in other people or circumstances. There may be difficulties in finding housing, difficult relationships with the older generation, problems conceiving a child.

The first step in solving difficulties begins with the fact that Capricorns first need to overcome their own stubbornness and conservative view of things. They, over and over again faced with problems in the sphere of emotions or in the sphere of family and home, can throw themselves at obstacles and overcome them with Capricorn determination. But fate has an inexhaustible supply of situations. This struggle will continue until it occurs to one of the couple that all the difficulties relate to the same area of ​​life. By changing their strength of character and habit of dealing with difficulties at least once, Capricorns will take the first step towards solving the problem. And then they need to consciously develop emotionality in themselves, carefully cultivate compassion, sensitivity, gentleness in their souls, learn to adapt to the situation, adapt, and not fight against it. A Capricorn man should notice not only the excellent functioning of the home, but also its comfort. It is advisable for a Capricorn woman not to leave maternity leave immediately after the birth of a baby (which many Capricorns do), but to experience motherhood not only as a responsibility, but also as care and spiritual closeness with the child. When Capricorns understand what it means to feel deeply, and sentimental, vulnerable people no longer seem funny to them, fate will stop “teaching” them and things in the family and home will come into order.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Capricorn man at work

Capricorn is the most businesslike and sensible sign of the Zodiac. It is a symbol of career. Both men and women of this sign discard all personal matters at work, do not divide colleagues by gender and behave strictly in a businesslike manner. Therefore, there is practically no difference between the work of Capricorns of the same sex or Capricorns of different sexes.

Compatibility of a Capricorn woman and a Capricorn man - colleagues or partners

Capricorn colleagues work well and are excellent at completing assignments. But the business of two Capricorns can be problematic: they both lack flexibility, charm, intuition, and they don’t believe in unexpected luck, so they often miss lucky chances. If they do not have a third companion of another Element, then their business is rarely large and successful.

When a Capricorn woman is a boss and a Capricorn man is a subordinate

The Capricorn man sees himself only in the status of a boss. Therefore, good cooperation is not very possible in this balance of power.

When a Capricorn woman is a subordinate and a Capricorn man is a boss

Much depends on the woman’s goals. If she strives for a career, then, like any Capricorn, she will do it. No matter what it takes, she will become the boss herself. But a Capricorn woman can also have traditional values ​​and strive for the status of a wife and mistress of the house. Then she will be a responsible subordinate who understands her boss well.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Capricorn man in friendship

This couple is capable of good friendship. True, this only applies to single Capricorns or those couples who are family friends. Conservative Capricorn will not communicate closely with a person of the opposite sex without his soul mate. He believes that family people do not need such friends. But in the first two options, Capricorns are great friends. Few people are able to be a friend of Capricorn: for most people he is too dry, too rational, there is no warmth and emotional sympathy in him. But a friend of the same sign feels comfortable and calm with him. They value reliability, constancy, absence of quarrels and the opportunity to receive good, reasonable advice in friendship.

According to the compatibility horoscope of the Capricorn man, it seems that he, like Hercules, is able to hold the world on his mighty shoulders. At least, it is people like him who give the world stability and solidity.

Traditions, family values, honor, duty, discipline - without all this the world would have turned into chaos, and in many ways it was thanks to Capricorn that this did not happen.

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Taurus woman

In terms of compatibility, the Taurus woman and the Capricorn man are the most complex, but also the most creative union of the three pairs of the Earth element. It can bring more problems than any other, and what is especially bad is that it immediately attracts excellent compatibility, and only then difficulties appear. But, on the other hand, in this union there is a lot of internal energy, many opportunities for self-improvement for each partner and many chances for success in life and material well-being.

For the melancholy heart of the Capricorn man, the Taurus woman is already a real find. In both one and the other, feelings are constant and lasting. Both in love and in marriage, this couple is faithful and devoted to each other. Between them, as a rule, love does not arise “at first sight” or in the form of a “forest fire”, but over the years, mutual understanding and agreement deepen, the feeling of affection grows stronger...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Gemini woman

“They came together: water and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire” - this phrase seems to be specially created in order to illustrate this marriage. In terms of compatibility between a Gemini woman and a Capricorn man, there is a big plus in the relationship between the impetuous, independent Gemini, who does not recognize any boundaries, and the conservative Capricorn, who strives to create a family: their opposite qualities largely complement each other.

So this union has a chance, unless the partners begin to remake each other, but clearly distribute responsibilities in the family among themselves. In any case, only a solid, reliable and wise Capricorn can be a guarantor of the stability of this marriage. If the Gemini woman is much younger than the Capricorn man or both partners are already over forty, then such a union has even more prospects...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Cancer woman

Both the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman can only be congratulated on their successful choice of a life partner! Perhaps, from the outside, this union does not look too passionate, but they will hear the words “they suit each other so well” more than once or twice in their lives. Feelings are feelings, but between these signs there is clearly something more: these are goals, aspirations, outlook on life, and the reliability and solidity that a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man are able to give to each other.

In terms of compatibility between Cancer women and Capricorn men, this is one of the most natural and harmonious couples. It has a traditional distribution of roles. As a rule, in this union, Capricorn provides for the family and rises through the ranks, while Cancer takes excellent care of the home and children...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Leo woman

Compatibility between Leo woman and Capricorn man- the relationship in this couple is very, very difficult. They have too many contradictions in temperament, character, and disposition. Many acquaintances of this couple are surprised at how they can live together, because they are completely different and dissimilar people.

However, this union occurs quite often: the stubborn Capricorn and the energetic Lioness are united by ambition and the desire to achieve ever greater heights. As a rule, a Capricorn man is flattered by the attention of a bright Leo woman, who knows how to present herself in society, and who is also capable of helping him make a career. For him, with his ambitions, this is very important. The Lioness is able to discern enormous potential in Capricorn, which she will be happy to help him realize...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Virgo woman

According to the compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Capricorn man,this union is usually very strong. True, a thrifty Virgo woman and a practical Capricorn man are usually not ready to plunge headlong into the whirlpool of passionate love, throw money at a million red roses and waste time sighing on a bench. What unites them is much more - thoroughness, mutual understanding, and trust.

This is a very calm union, but in which there is no place for boredom. The Capricorn man sets new goals, and together with the Virgo woman they realize them. The achievements in the material sphere of these partners can be very significant. A Capricorn man can work calmly and achieve career heights, knowing that he has a “reliable rear” behind him: a caring and faithful wife, a cozy home, well-educated children. In each other, Capricorn and Virgo are able to find not only love, but also reliable support, care, and friendship, and all this for many years, which they have every chance to go through hand in hand together...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Libra woman

According to the compatibility of a Libra woman and a Capricorn man, a family union between them is one of the most difficult unions.

If a Libra woman is wondering who to choose from her suitors, then she should make a choice not in favor of the Capricorn man. If the Libra-Capricorn relationship has already developed and love has come, then the Libra woman should be prepared for the fact that she will have to make a lot of efforts to save this marriage...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Scorpio woman

In terms of compatibility between a Scorpio woman and a Capricorn man, this union is distinguished by its strength and duration. This couple is united by true strong love, which lasts throughout the entire period of the relationship. There is little emotion in this couple, but there is deep mutual respect.

At the beginning of living together, it is difficult for a Capricorn man and a Scorpio woman to adapt to each other. They are both strong and independent individuals and are used to living only by their own minds. But strong love for each other helps them learn to give in to each other and find compromises. A Capricorn man and a Scorpio woman, like no one else, are able to appreciate each other’s merits. Their relationship has everything they strive for - romance, tenderness, reliability, and stability. At the same time, both are committed to a serious relationship, value the loyalty and honesty of their partner and are able to live hand in hand all their lives...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman

In terms of compatibility between a Sagittarius woman and a Capricorn man, this couple cannot be called strong. The only thing that can keep them together is true mutual love. She will help them overcome many difficulties on their journey together, and they will remain together, even if life tries to separate them. But, if at least one of the partners does not have sincere feelings, then you should not even try to save this union.

In the union of Sagittarius and Capricorn there may be a lot of grievances and misunderstandings. The Sagittarius woman is life-loving and often has her head in the clouds, while the stubborn Capricorn man has both feet firmly on the ground. At first, this dissimilarity arouses interest, a sense of novelty and unusual sensations, but over time, this inevitably causes conflicts....

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Capricorn woman

As a rule, a woman and a man born in the same zodiac sign compete with each other in marriage and fight for leadership. But, interestingly, Capricorns are an exception to this rule. Of course, they do not have the same tastes and they have different positions on some issues, but they are truly happy together. According to the compatibility of a Capricorn woman and a Capricorn man, they set goals together and achieve them, take care of children together, improve their home, and over time it turns into a full cup. It is worth noting that both the Capricorn woman and the Capricorn man are extremely hardworking and the fruits of their activities will be enough not only for their children and grandchildren, but also for their great-grandchildren. Both are persistent and stand firmly on their feet, achieving a high social position in society...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Aquarius woman

A family union in the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Capricorn man can be happy only if both sincerely love each other and are interested in maintaining the relationship. If you look at it as a whole, then in the Aquarius-Capricorn couple there are a lot of contradictions that are resolved over a long and difficult time. It is difficult for a Capricorn man to get used to the originality and extravagance of the Aquarius woman, to her jokes, healthy humor and non-standard views.

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Pisces woman

Compatibility between Pisces woman and Capricorn man- these two often do not notice each other, the force of attraction between them is small and this family union is a very rare occurrence. But this couple can become very happy by building their relationship on the basis of mutual respect. They can perfectly complement each other, smooth out character flaws and roughness, and enhance positive qualities. Despite all the differences between the Pisces woman and the Capricorn man, they have a deep common similarity, which helps them understand each other. And most importantly, they are always comfortable and happy together. And they perceive love not only as passion, but also as tenderness, care, affection and friendship.

The Capricorn man is a hardworking and reliable partner. Therefore, for a Pisces woman who has connected her life with him, her dreams of a rich and reliable partner come true..

Capricorn men love their work. They need to feel confident in the future, show strength of character and not be in financial need - this is why there are so many successful and rich people among the representatives of the stronger sex born under this sign. For the sake of success in the service and career growth, Capricorns are capable of being extremely disciplined and steadfastly enduring all failures and defeats. Often Capricorn men are rare proud people who adore themselves and their merits. Although if Capricorn has achieved something in this life, have no doubt - this is the result of his hard everyday work.

Capricorn men are true realists, so they prefer to even dream about ordinary earthly things, devoid of fantasy. If such a man has already been able to realize himself in work, achieve recognition and a dominant position, he sets himself the goal of having a family and children.

Capricorn man in love

Capricorn men can hardly be called ladies' men: they are hardworking and disciplined, but not romantic. Here we can blame the excessive suspiciousness and pride of the representatives of this sign. It is quite possible that the Capricorn man outwardly demonstrates complete detachment and concentration, but inside he has passions and fantasies of stormy and passionate love. Representatives of the stronger sex, born under the constellation Capricorn, hate being alone.

If, nevertheless, this happened and love has not yet arisen on the life path of Capricorns, they begin to show one of their worst qualities - the thirst for power. This often leads to nervous breakdowns and poor health. Capricorn men have a hard time finding a middle ground: they are always thrown from one extreme to another - sometimes they are cold and serious, sometimes they are uncontrollable and change one partner after another like gloves. According to statistics, the majority of bachelors among men are representatives of this sign. They are either afraid until old age, or simply do not want to tie the knot. The ideal woman for a Capricorn man is a strong, strong-willed young lady who loves to run a household and knows how to take care of her spouse.

Capricorn man compatibility

Due to excessive isolation and self-discipline, Capricorn men can be very inhibited in intimacy. Complete emancipation comes to them simultaneously with complete and unconditional love for their partner - otherwise Capricorns become too secretive and even shy lovers. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to subordinate a representative of this sign to their opinion and impose their own point of view - Capricorn men value independence and freedom too much. It’s the same with marriage - if Capricorn doesn’t want to, you can hardly expect initiative from him. Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces and Taurus are well suited for men born under this sign. Representatives of other zodiac signs will not be able to give Capricorn what he really wants.

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Capricorn woman

The union of two Capricorns is a connection between two firm and disciplined people. This marriage has every chance of success - however, it also has its interesting moments. Surprisingly, the marriages that a Capricorn man enters into at a conscious and mature age are much stronger than early ones. You should not demand from them that the family occupy the main stage in the life of Capricorns - these people love their work and career too much.

The Capricorn man is demanding and strict - he demands that his wife in the family know her place and not take on extraneous obligations. Quarrels and conflicts rarely arise in a family of two Capricorns - these signs know how to resolve them at an early stage, without demanding something impossible from each other. Basically, a couple is happy because they exist thanks to the mind, and not to feelings and emotions.

I met a young man over the weekend, we couldn’t talk enough, we spent the whole day together from 7 am to 4 am, which I think is explained by high intellectual compatibility, but now there is a question. In this age of modern technology, being friends on social networks means a lot. Should I add him first as a friend on VKontakte or should I wait until he adds me himself if he likes me? In theory, I judged by leadership qualities and he has more of them, he is a leader by nature. Maybe I should really wait until he adds me himself if he wants? And in general, from whom should the initiative come? My date of birth is 01/02/1994 and his date of birth is 01/03/1991

Anastasiia, I admit that I wanted to joke about youth and Vkontakte, but having dug deeper into compatibility than the Capricorn-Capricorn pair, which is immediately visible, I came to the conclusion that jokes would be inappropriate. All jokes aside, this is a very difficult couple. The most difficult in the sense that, perhaps, over many, many months of reading reviews and distributing advice in your case, exactly those moments coincided, because of which some people were given recommendations not to hope for a better outcome, but to some, on the contrary, develop relationships. So what we have:

Date of Birth 02.01.1994 03.01.1991
Physical 55%
Emotional 4%
Intellectual 96%
Cordial 78%
Creative 36%
Intuitive 77%
Higher 98%
Zodiac signs Capricorn - Earth Capricorn - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 2 4
Family 5 2
Temperament 0 1

As a result, on one side of the scale:
— powerful chakra/biorhythm compatibility of 64% with 5 compatible levels and 2 maximums
- the common element of Earth for your signs
- normal distribution of roles by character: 2 - for a girl, 4 - for a guy
- a harmonious combination of temperaments: 0 for you and 1 for the guy. The most suitable combination for both.

On the other side there are problematic points:
- a tough combination of two stubborn Capricorns. Capricorns know how to quarrel, defend their rights, butt heads with their hard horn until sparks, but at the same time, almost worse than all the signs of the Zodiac, they make peace and are extremely vindictive. In your case, the solution may be to take the second role in this couple and submit to the stronger partner.
- emotional dissonance. The methodology, based on the experience and recommendations of the Author, is that relationships are the feminine sphere and the emotional background for them is the foundation. You should spend enough time with your partner and perhaps understand what else you feel is compatible in this relationship. Let’s say that for two Capricorns who are intellectual by nature, compatibility in intelligence would become the basis for further relationships. But there is also “heartfelt” friendship, an intuitive connection and, importantly, somewhere in the future there is seen a common path to one ideal - the highest compatibility.
- a less problematic and, perhaps, less obvious disagreement in family indicators according to Pythagoras (5-2 in your favor) will introduce its share of doubts into family relationships. Firstly, the Capricorn guy will definitely not rush into this. While in your mind you will marry him and have 3 children. And then, in marriage, he will clearly not be one of those who puts family values ​​above all else. In addition, a guy with temperament 1, as has been said more than once, falls into the category of those who like to go to the left, the motive for which is to strengthen his masculine self-esteem, which suffers due to minimal temperament.

However, taking an objective approach to this relationship, we see a predominance of strong compatible sides. Therefore, if these relationships get going, then there is something to develop them at. Well, problems - they are everywhere. The calculation opened cards for some of them. Your task is only to competently use your trump cards in the fight against them. For now, the main trump card is the prerequisites for real deep friendship with mutual understanding in mind and heart. Whether or not you two can move from this friendship to a relationship - time will tell.

And finally, we come to adding friends. I’ll say right away, Anastasia, that you definitely shouldn’t run ahead of the locomotive in this pairing - neither on VKontakte, nor in real meetings. Although you and your maximum family would probably want to do this. Let the guy think about everything himself and make a decision from which he will definitely not back down. After all, who, if not you, knows how thorough Capricorns are. But, honestly, Capricorns are not the fastest guys on the Zodiac circle. As, indeed, are all earth signs. But, although they harness for a long time, they ride well and firmly stand their ground. So let the guy weigh everything, experience this flash of communication once again, and I’m almost sure that he will take the first step. Maximum intellect with a girl - believe me, this means a lot for a man. If things get really tough, then I’m sure nothing bad will happen because of your unobtrusive like under his avatar.

I wrote to you several times already, but never received an answer(
Me 01/13/1993
my boyfriend 12/29/1994
I’m very interested in your opinion on our compatibility, in principle everything is not bad, but sometimes because of some nonsense we quarrel and don’t communicate, and then, as if nothing had happened, we continue to communicate again (for him this is nonsense, but I have all the grievances inside are accumulating, but I’m trying to suppress it within myself).
We’ve been together for 2 years and I’m afraid that the relationship is running out of steam. Moreover, now he is in the army, and we don’t see each other often, compared to when we lived together before.
I read in some horoscope that supposedly 2013 is a difficult year for Capricorns, and if they hold out together with their other halves, then the couple has a future. Curious to know what you think about all this?
Please describe everything in detail, thank you in advance, and I hope to see an answer soon)

In-contri: Ira, the fact that you and your boyfriend have collected 70-80% of the entire “female” line - emotions, heart and intuition - is not a reason to write 10 identical letters in 2 days. This is already called spam. And my task, as an administrator, is to fight spam. And the webmaster’s task is to develop the resource and fill it with valuable and unique material. Excuse me, but what is unique in the situation when two 20-year-old Capricorns (there can be any identical signs) alternately quarrel, then make up, and seem to be a little tired of each other? This has already been repeated probably more than a dozen times, and not only on this site. And for the hundredth time, it’s like a carbon copy of a review from a couple aged 16-25 years old with the same signs. When I open something like this, I literally make a “diagnosis” from the first lines. Believe it or not, before creating the site and reading thousands of reviews from real people, I never believed in horoscopes so much. Statistics are a terrible force.

So here it is. Even in the calculation it is written that the same signs tend to be attracted at a young age because of their similarity. And it was not I who came up with this, and not the author, but it is stated, perhaps, in all more or less competent horoscopes. I don’t see the point in wasting readers’ time by repeating the same thing a hundred times. Whatever I say now in addition to the two lines from the result of the calculation “identical signs look at each other like in a mirror, and then break it into small fragments,” you will still reject it in the spirit of nihilism characteristic of your age. Because they wrote, rejecting and not wanting to believe the result of the calculation. But you believe the horoscope, which predicted a “difficult year” for you but gave you hope for the future. Why do you believe? Yes, again because, due to your age, you don’t have the experience and understanding of relationships that you will have in 5-7 years, because you were with your boyfriend longer than with anyone else, and, of course , because “the hopes of young men are nourished” :)

Ira, alas, there are no more details here. Besides the fact that the characters are the same 3-3 and temperaments 5-4 (hmm, that’s another strong magnet). Yes, there are points of attraction. But the foundation is not strong. Over time, you will realize that in a mature relationship, it is very important that two different personalities are involved. But at the same time compatible. So that there is complementation, and not mutual suppression, development, and not stagnation and degradation. So that both have the same strategy, but the tactics are different. Identical signs have both. Therefore, somewhere they duplicate each other quite well, which is why, in fact, they are attracted at first, but then too often they begin to step on each other’s heels, they are crowded into the microcosm of their relationship, and the predictability becomes too boring. However, in spite of everything, I wish you happiness, Ira, in your personal relationships and find your harmony when the time comes.

p.s.: in theory, of the same signs, only water ones can live with each other. So far, however, I have not come across such examples.
z.z.y.: I liked about your horoscope. I will also try to give the following horoscopes for 2014: “Aries - you will have a difficult year!”, “Taurus - there is a chance that you will be lucky!”, “Gemini - you will rethink a lot!” and so on. :))

Hello again! Thank you so much for such a quick and detailed answer!! I'm glad that you smiled while reading my letter)) This is about the fact that men leave and then come back))) the funny thing is, I read this about Capricorn men, supposedly they leave to think about relationships))))) More Thank you so much for your answer, for this wonderful site, for your attention and patience, there are many of us and only one of you))) Be happy))))

In-contri: Irina, it’s very easy to tell people about a zodiac sign when you’re surrounded by its typical representatives :)) I have just one like that. And today I remember him for the second time in the answers. He's probably sitting there hiccupping. And yes, like most people like him, he suffers from inhibition in relationships.

Following the example of other people, I decided to check the compatibility of me and my roommate in the dorm with dates of birth of 01/02/1994 and 12/31/1993
At first, we spent a very long time getting used to our friend in the first year and quarreled over trifles
BUT then after a couple of months they literally healed in perfect harmony
She is very, very dear to me, I don’t even know how to express it (we are both straight, young people), but she’s just such a dear person that I take care of her like a family member. When I checked the compatibility, SHOCK came! compatibility IN ALL PARAMETERS!!! This has never happened to any young man... everything fell into place, as once I jokingly told her that if I meet a young man with a character and attitude towards me like hers, I’ll get married right away! This is the compatibility of neighbors and I am grateful to God for such a person in my life

In-contri: Aria, I’m glad for you that you were able to feel a kindred spirit. It is very important in life to have such people nearby. They just become our close friends for the rest of our lives. True, as you know, you and your friend have close birthdays. That is why the chakras are close, which are calculated according to biorhythms. Identical signs (Capricorn and Capricorn), by the way, also bring young people together well. But whether this relationship will move from youth to adulthood is another question. By the way, I also have a similar story from personal experience: I worked in a team of 4 people, where we all, imagine, managed to be signs of Water and Earth (i.e. harmonious with each other), had everything with each other each other emotional compatibility and still different levels of intersection. We worked well with this team for 2 years, also in perfect harmony and coming to work as if it were home - the atmosphere was so warm. But the happiness did not last long - until we were assigned the head of the Fire sign with dissonance in relation to each member of our team. As a result, in 1.5 months, 3 out of 4 people ran away from him, including me. Now I’ve been in a new place for a long time, but I can’t get used to the surroundings and feel constant discomfort. Of course, out of habit, I checked the birthdays of all my colleagues and did not find anything supernatural for myself - there are no even close coincidences with anyone, except for one employee. But he, being out of balance with the rest of the team, also behaves very withdrawn. So I really miss the old team.

My partner left, and I love and suffer very much. Born on the same day, 3 years apart. I am 01/17/88, he is 01/17/85. 98% in the upper chakra, 96% in intelligence. But on an emotional level there is dissonance. I feel like MY person is destiny. Is it so?

In-contri: eh, Nastya, it really seems that almost everything is wonderful with you as a couple. Let's go from the end, Pythagoras: the guy has one higher temperament - excellent, the family background is the same, both have golden characters - a rare pair of identical characters that can get along. But both Capricorns... the same signs are quickly attracted, especially if both are not too mature, but they do not separate for long. There are too many similarities, but both good and bad. Of course, the more compatibility there is in the higher chakras, and especially if the 7th, highest chakras are compatible, then this is precisely fate. But not yours, Nastya. Emotional dissonance is serious. Fate in this relationship would turn into a cross, especially for a woman, over time. By the way, if possible, look at who your partner left for. Perhaps he found emotional compatibility? Don’t be discouraged, Nastya! You have gained good experience and become wiser and more discerning in people. And since fate has taken a person away, it means it is preparing for a new meeting. Wipe away your tears, look around and be careful: somewhere he is looking for you in the same way :)

People born between December 22 and January 20 were born under the sign of Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac. The patron planet for its representatives is Saturn.

This is a bright sign of the earth element; accordingly, favorable compatibility with it should be sought among representatives of his native Earth or friendly Water. That is, the foundation of a warm relationship will be primary elemental compatibility, which in Capricorn is formed with the representative of the Earth - Virgo and Taurus, as well as Water - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

Capricorns in love relationships

Saturn, the patron of Capricorns, gives them strong purposefulness and perseverance in the ups and downs of life. However, when you first meet Capricorn, it is unlikely that you will create a positive opinion of yourself, since unconsciously puts up protection from surrounding people, creating obstacles in communicating with him, becoming withdrawn and gloomy. At a young age, this sign is not very lucky in love relationships, especially for men. They do not yet have strong confidence in their abilities, which comes with life experience, social status and high financial position.

Love strategy of the tenth sign of the zodiac circle is this: an attempt to evoke sincerity and feelings in a sympathetic partner, demonstrating one’s earthly traits. Men flaunt their financial position and status, put on a company suit and talk about the inevitable career advancement in the near future. A woman tries to bribe with her appearance, well-groomed appearance, common sense and big plans for a strong family; she will definitely mention the importance of fidelity and devotion in any relationship.

By the way, Capricorns often completely lack an intuitive understanding of whether the chosen partner is suitable for them or not, since, first of all, this earthly sign is driven by physical attraction, which they then try to explain using logic, assess compatibility with a potential partner and the chances of a long-term relationship .

Life values

A strong financial lifeline, respect and veneration in society is basic life values representatives of the Earth. For their sake, they are ready to work tirelessly for a long time, just to achieve the desired stability, earn a reputation and status. Moreover, for the sake of such earthly benefits, a Capricorn woman may well get married based only on self-interest, in order to obtain the desired material well-being and status.

Moving to the heights of life, Capricorn pays a lot of attention development of communication skills, forming a network of useful connections and acquaintances. Quickly masters skills in his professional field. In general, he works with his sleeves rolled up. And in this matter, success will definitely await him, because this sign is often accompanied by good luck, given by the patronage of Saturn.

Representatives of the tenth sign, as a rule, are very strong comrades. A certain supply of vital energy and an unbending will form in representatives of this sign strong confidence in themselves and their own strengths. From here ambition and even a kind pride. These traits often cause disagreements with other people. Capricorns pragmatic, forward-thinking and cautious, rarely take risks and do not tolerate chaos in any activity. Make a plan, compare the value of the goal and the amount of resources that need to be spent on its implementation, the slower you go - the further you will go - these are the basic life principles of this Earth sign.

Capricorn trusts actions, not words. In business, he often relies on his intuition, which rarely fails him in his professional activities. In his soul, he is afraid of the pain of love disappointments, so he throws himself into work, avoiding feelings and openness in communication. Many of them are accustomed to thinking that happiness lies in a job well done.

However, as they grow up, representatives of this earthly sign gain wisdom and gradually move away from the material to the immaterial and take the path of spiritual self-development. But this road is not an easy one. To pass it, you will have to cope with a whole heap of suddenly manifested internal contradictions. It often happens that people born under the sign of Capricorn are left alone, not realizing the true value of feelings, which are weakness and vulnerability for them.

List of Capricorn's flaws

The most striking disadvantages include the following:

Compatibility with Earth signs

Although it can be objectively said that representatives of the Earth lack sensuality, people who choose earthly signs as their companions on the path of life do not have to worry about the strength and reliability of the union. They will also be spared sharp turns and sharp turns. Material well-being is practically guaranteed.

Capricorn and Taurus They have many common hobbies and character traits - patience, love of work, trustworthiness. They look at the world soberly and do not create illusions. They are both business people. Taurus in this regard, of course, is more susceptible to laziness, less self-confident, but has brighter ideas that he loves to express.

Capricorn and Virgo- two pragmatic people with common sense. Each of them appreciates the conscientiousness and focus on the goal of the companion, love for traditional family values. Virgo can give a lot to the inhabitant of the earthly element: care, sincerity and sometimes the emotionality he so needs. Both in joint affairs and in the family, Virgo is a prudent strategist who knows how to direct the earth sign in the right direction.

Capricorn in a relationship with an identical sign represents a union of the “me and my mirror” type. In such relationships, a person has a chance to look at himself from the outside. However, such a union is quite harmonious. Common goals will focus on each other's strengths and not on their weaknesses. However, in such a union there are no opportunities for personal development and growth in the spiritual sphere.

Two representatives of the earthly element together will be able to achieve unprecedented heights in the material sphere of life, however, due to the inability to agree on who is in charge, whose opinion is more significant and whose contribution to success is more significant, loud quarrels cannot be avoided. The emotional sphere will also suffer due to the weak sensuality of both partners.

The most successful couples with representatives of the Earth element:

  • Capricorn man and Taurus woman;
  • Capricorn woman and Virgo man.

Features of the union with the signs of Water

The union of Capricorn with a person born under the sign of Water is a test of strength for each of them. However, an inhabitant of the earth element will still be inexplicably drawn to water signs: there is something in them that is inaccessible to any representative of the Earth.

Ambitious and ambitious Capricorn and Scorpio will strive for success in each area of ​​activity, while periodically making fun of each individual’s successes. Both signs strive for success, but they are driven by completely different goals. Self-realization is a water sign, financial results are an earth sign. They will never be able to understand each other, but the representative of the water element will give his earthly partner a real storm of emotions and feelings.

Fish are able to expand the material and mundane interests of Capricorn. In addition to this, the intuition and plasticity of a water sign can smooth out rough edges in any relationship. The goal orientation and love of work of an inhabitant of the earthly element will make such a union financially prosperous, giving Pisces confidence in themselves and the future. In gratitude, Pisces will become that invaluable person who covers the rear of the earth sign.

Relationship Capricorn and Cancer are built on the principle of “opposites converge.” And this opposition manifests itself in everything: in the way of life, in character, in the methods and goals of achieving anything.

Of course, such people will not be able to trust each other from the first meeting, but once they get to know each other better, they will discover a whole new world in their partner, find something special in him that will give impetus to development and achievement of new heights. Typically, such relationships begin with friendship, which over time develops into unbridled passion, which no one could have imagined before.

The most successful couples with Water signs:

Unfavorable compatibility with the signs of Fire and Air: with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Pairs of earth signs with representatives of the element of Fire are often weak and therefore short-lived. This is not antagonism, as between Fire and Water, but still the earth element combines very poorly with the fire element. True, it is people born under the signs of Fire who will feel more out of place.

With Gemini it will be easy for Capricorn: they will be at the mercy of his behind-the-scenes games and manipulations. At the same time, the air sign risks getting stuck in this cleverly woven network so that it does not notice the deception. A lively and bright mind will not help Gemini this time - all that remains is to wait until Capricorn himself decides to stop the performance.

The exact same situation occurs in relationships. Capricorn and Leo, but with one condition - a change of roles. Now the earth sign is at the mercy of the charisma and charm of the “king of beasts,” but something inside the self-confident and “whole” Capricorn will definitely tell you that this representative of the element of Fire should be avoided.

Sagittarius prim Capricorn gets bored quickly, he considers him very predictable and narrow-minded, but at the same time having a number of useful capabilities. Accordingly, the interest can be exclusively selfish.

Libra's likes also often have only a mercantile nature, although the earth sign does not see this at all, often unreasonably trusting this air sign.

Relationships with Aquarius- the only friendly of all incompatible signs. True, this friendship is rather imaginary and exists theoretically, but not practically.

Aries for Capricorn- an example of incredible penetrating power on the way to the goal. This will inspire the representative of the earth sign. However, Aries is also fickle in keeping promises and is often impractical in decisions. With this fire sign, Capricorn will be disappointed without the right to rehabilitation.

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