Home Generator Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in the field of service. Property manager. Terms and forms of training

Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in the field of service. Property manager. Terms and forms of training

Sooner or later, most people have to use hotel services. When coming on a business trip, visiting relatives, or being in the city for entertainment purposes, guests choose a hotel to their liking and rent a room for a certain number of days.

Depending on the class of the establishment, the service staff can offer clients a set of standard services or some additional service.

Who works in hotels

The hierarchy of hotel staff is essentially the same as in many other organizations: there is middle management and senior management.

In order to occupy a lower-level position, it is enough to have hard work and discipline, and managers cannot do without special education (faculty of Hospitality). What job to do after graduation is decided by the graduates themselves, focusing on the specifics of the knowledge acquired and their personal preferences.

Hotel staff tasks

It is the responsibility of service workers to ensure round-the-clock operation of the hotel. Cleaners and maids are responsible for cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in the rooms, corridors, halls, staircases and courtyard of the hotel. Other employees take customers' orders, deliver food and shopping to them, help with loading and unloading luggage, keep their clothes and shoes clean, and perform a variety of other similar tasks. The advantage of such relatively simple professions is the absence of the need for special training, for example at the Faculty of Hospitality. What you can work without experience and skills is a maid or a cleaner.

Such employees practically do not communicate with guests. As a last resort, short dialogues on general topics are acceptable.

Students who have chosen the specialty “Hotel and Restaurant Business” study the features of the functioning of hotels and management activities in such a structure. What can you do after graduation? Manager, administrator, or manager.

Responsibilities of a hotel service specialist

Middle managers assume the following responsibilities:

  1. Monitoring the work of maintenance personnel.
  2. Formulation of valuable instructions, selection of their executors and monitoring the quality of the work performed.
  3. Monitoring compliance with internal rules of the organization.
  4. Monitoring compliance with necessary sanitary and hygienic standards.
  5. Communication with clients, resolution of conflict situations (within their competence).

In addition, a specialist can advise, instruct newcomers and conduct internships. His responsibilities often include conducting interviews with applicants for vacant positions, as well as selecting them.

An important task of a specialist manager is to monitor the mood present in the team and correct it. A good employee knows how to analyze a situation in a timely manner, predict its development and optimize this process (resolving internal conflicts, correctly selecting personnel, applying incentives and penalties).

Many of the wisdom from this list are taught in various educational institutions at the Faculty of Hospitality (the student should decide who to work and what specialty to choose before enrolling).

Benefits of working as a hotel service specialist

When choosing such a profession, people expect the following privileges:

  • Gaining experience in management, which is useful not only for advancement in the hotel business, but also for working in many other structures.
  • Such workers receive very decent wages. Specialists by rank are not entitled to tips, but their salary is several times higher than the official earnings of porters and maids.
  • As a rule, if you work conscientiously as a hotel service specialist, you can count on a quick promotion.

Many young people do not think about their future specialty when studying hotel management. They decide who to work after gaining minimal experience, studying their capabilities and market requirements. That is, they perceive it as a start for a career.

Disadvantages of the profession

The disadvantages that characterize this type of activity include the inevitably high nervous tension of management employees, as well as the lack of a standardized working day.

Students wishing to work in this industry must carefully consider all the nuances before studying the hotel industry. It is up to them to decide who to work with, but they must remember that this business is always working with people with different temperaments, characters and levels of culture. Both among the guests and among the staff there can be impolite, upset and even rude people. A specialist must be able to find a way out of various sensitive or conflict situations in order to maintain the establishment’s reputation and customer loyalty at the highest level.

Hotel management: who to work and where to study?

Modern educational institutions offer those interested two opportunities to obtain education in this field:

  1. Diploma.
  2. Postgraduate.

The first is traditional training with a bachelor's degree awarded upon completion of the course. Postgraduate education can be used by young professionals or already established hotel workers who want to improve their skills. The result of such training is a master's degree.

Many domestic trade universities and specialized colleges offer to master the specialty "Hospitality" (where to work after graduation, you can ask the admissions committee or study the relevant publications). In addition, many educational institutions in Switzerland, France and Poland are constantly inviting applicants.

What is required to master the profession

It must be said that not every person can be a hotel service specialist. To effectively perform management functions and be a useful employee for the organization, the student will need pragmatism, rational thinking skills, patience and certain leadership qualities.

At the moment, there is a certain bias in the labor market towards supply, that is, there are more young specialists than vacancies. However, this fact should not confuse ambitious and purposeful people, because with such qualities they have every chance of a successful career. In addition, the training program includes a large number of universal subjects that can be useful when working as a manager or HR specialist in an organization far from the hotel business.

Knowing what they can do after graduating from Hospitality, young people must take into account the specifics of their future profession. Only in this way will learning be interesting, and work will become a favorite pastime.


Bachelors in this area are prepared for service, production, technological, and organizational and managerial professional activities. Students are taught:

  • carry out examination and diagnostics of service objects;
  • select the necessary methods and means for the service process;
  • provide services to consumers taking into account social government policy;
  • develop regulations for the service process in accordance with customer requests;
  • be able to select materials, equipment and tools;
  • control the quality of service;
  • implement and use information systems in the professional field;
  • organize a contact zone for consumer services;
  • plan the activities of an enterprise providing services to consumers;
  • take part in the formation of relationships with clients;
  • evaluate non-production and production cost items to support activities;
  • develop elements for optimizing the provision of services;
  • participate in research of client preferences and needs;
  • explore the psychological characteristics of consumers, taking into account national-regional and socio-demographic factors.

Who to work with

With a bachelor's degree, specialists work as administrators in shopping and entertainment complexes, restaurants, beauty salons and other establishments in the service sector. Graduates who are fluent in public speaking can work as teachers in educational institutions. Some find their calling in the profession of a tour guide. Other bachelors get jobs as assistant secretary or manager. They can start their career growth from the position of a commercial agent. As the qualifications and level of knowledge improve, a bachelor can apply for the post of leader of a group of commercial agents.

Direction "Real Estate Service" Profile "Real Estate Service"

Relevance and demand For modern Russia, real estate management is a developing type of business. Considering that issues of strategic and operational management have now turned out to be so important for public administration and private business, there has become an urgent need to form a new class of managers - qualified property managers

Disciplines that form the professional cycle: Service activities Professional ethics and etiquette Management in service Marketing in service Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity Organization and planning of the activities of service enterprises Metrology, standardization and certification Technology of service in real estate Examination and diagnostics of service objects and systems Business planning of a service enterprise Organization of technical operation of buildings Economics of service enterprises Economics of real estate Design of the process of providing services Business game. Examination of real estate objects. Appraiser's workshop Business game. Development of a business project for a real estate property Technological service of engineering systems, buildings, structures Real estate sales management Repair technology Landscaping of real estate areas Land and housing law Valuation and examination of real estate objects Management of investment projects in service organizations

The purpose of the training program: To prepare qualified managers with the skills to create effective customer service for management companies in the real estate market. Training of qualified managers to work in the real estate market in Russian and foreign companies

Organization of the educational process

Cultural activities Concerts

Possible places of work and positions Enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership for the operation and maintenance of real estate and the construction complex Audit and real estate firms State unitary enterprises "Center for accounting, inventory and assessment of real estate (BTI)" Financial, credit and insurance organizations Real estate agencies State and municipal bodies authorities Management companies of commercial real estate Management companies of residential real estate Managers and specialists in the management and operation of real estate Managers and specialists of a management and operating company Chairman of an HOA, housing cooperative, condominium or other association of property owners Head of a development company Financial specialist managing a development company Project development manager Specialist in real estate market Investment company Academic and departmental research organizations, educational institutions, etc.

Teachers of the department Rachek Vladislav Leontyevich Galyukshova Tamara Viktorovna Vinichenko Andrey Vladimirovich Kalinina Natalya Mikhailovna

Konoreva Tatyana Vasilievna Kulik Nina Anatolyevna Luneva Elena Aleksandrovna Ryabova Natalya Yuryevna Sayapina Natalya Nikolaevna Taruta Svetlana Viktorovna

Kharina Larisa Igorevna Khrapova Elena Valerievna Chizhik Vera Pavlovna Soldatova Olga Leontievna Ultan Svetlana Ivanovna Dremina Galina Anatolyevna And others.

Graduate department "Economics and Organization of Production" Duration of training - 4 years. Entrance exams: Russian language Mathematics Social studies Phone 25 - 84 - 14

Property Manager is a specialist who is engaged in the operation of buildings and structures in order to effectively use real estate in the interests of the owner. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in work and farming (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

Property management includes a whole range of measures, starting from the formation of a strategy for the operation of a facility with the development of a budget to monitoring the safety and health of personnel. In the course of work, the property manager is in close contact with the owners of the property, tenants, contractors, utility services, and regulatory authorities. The manager’s responsibilities also include organizing the work of technical services to maintain buildings in working condition, their timely repairs and maintenance.

Many people mistakenly assume that property management specialists are the same as realtors. But this is absolutely not true. A property manager is a universal specialist: he is an economist, a lawyer, an architect, an ecologist, an appraiser, and a builder all rolled into one.

The range of professional responsibilities of a property manager may differ depending on the category of the property. There is a level classification for real estate:

  • federal real estate;
  • real estate of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • municipal real estate;
  • real estate of enterprises;
  • individual real estate properties.

By type, real estate is classified as follows:

  • land resources;
  • forest fund;
  • residential real estate;
  • non-residential real estate.

There are two types of real estate according to their purpose:

  • operating real estate that is used to conduct business;
  • investment property used only for profit.

To work successfully, a property manager must be competent in matters of financial, economic and stock management activities, master the techniques of engineering, technical and economic examination of objects, as well as modern methods of property management.

You can manage real estate in different ways by transferring it:

  • for rent;
  • in trust management;
  • into economic management;
  • to operational management.

Main goals management of real estate objects is to obtain maximum income from its operation and increase the value of the object.

Features of the profession

The activities of a property manager are carried out in three aspects:

  • legal, the essence of which is the most rational use and distribution of rights to real estate;
  • economic, which is the effective management of income and expenses during the operation of real estate;
  • technical - constant maintenance of the control object in working condition.

Functional responsibilities property manager at any level starts with:

  • conducting a comprehensive examination of investment decisions;
  • comprehensive analysis of the condition of the property and development of a strategy for its management;
  • development of economically sound technical specifications;
  • design and organization of production systems;
  • development and implementation of standards for the management and operation of real estate;
  • development and control of budget execution for the operation of the property;
  • conducting a technical and operational study of the facility and its acceptance;
  • assessing the conditions of operation and maintenance of real estate.

Before renting out directly property manager:

  • organizes an advertising campaign for this object using the media and personal contacts;
  • concludes all necessary agreements for the maintenance of the facility and monitors their implementation;
  • organizes and controls production and economic activities;
  • interacts with regulatory authorities;
  • organizes repair work and, if necessary, reconstruction of the facility;
  • ensures the operation of engineering and technical systems;
  • engages in the selection of professionally suitable service personnel; arranges insurance for the property.
  • After renting out the property the manager is engaged in:
  • building infrastructure management;
  • supervising the work of personnel, if necessary, organizing their training and advanced training;
  • monitoring compliance with labor protection and safety standards at the facility;
  • maintaining financial statements for the property.

Pros and cons of the profession


The constant demand for the profession and its high prestige in connection with the construction boom in all areas;

stable and high income;

opportunity for continuous development and career growth.


The highest level of responsibility;

a wide range of responsibilities, which, however, in large companies with a rational organization of labor are divided between several specialists;

possible dissatisfaction and claims from tenants or owners;

the need to communicate with a wide range of people of different social statuses.

Important qualities

  • analytical mind;
  • ability to think outside the box;
  • logical thinking;
  • attention to detail;
  • responsibility;
  • organizational skills;
  • communication skills;
  • patience;
  • perseverance and thoroughness.

Property manager training

In this course, you can obtain a profession as a real estate management specialist remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining established by the state. Training in a completely distance learning format. The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty under a distance program of professional retraining and advanced training from 9,900 rubles. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

Place of work

  • Research and design institutes;
  • state property and property committees;
  • architecture department;
  • organizations for state registration and land cadastre;
  • examination enterprises;
  • construction organizations;
  • real estate companies;
  • BTI - Bureau of Technical Inventory;
  • investment funds;
  • mortgage banks;
  • organizations of housing and communal services - housing and communal services.


In the Moscow region, the salary of a property manager reaches 5-6 thousand US dollars per month. Investment attraction specialists can earn up to 500 thousand US dollars per year.

Salary as of September 23, 2019

Russia 25000—300000 ₽

Moscow 50000—350000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

Career growth is possible within the same company from specialist to investment professional. In addition, it is possible to transfer to the same position, but to another company at a higher hierarchical level. Large companies, as a rule, are interested in the professional growth of their employees and either send them to advanced training courses or develop and implement their own training programs for specialists.

Portrait of a modern property manager:

According to special studies, representatives of this profession in Russia are predominantly men (96%) aged 40-50 years (46%). 97% have higher education. The work involves constant travel, and therefore 90% of specialists have category B licenses.

Property management performance indicators.

The efficiency of using a property depends on the ratio of income and expenses during the operation of this property. The property manager must competently formulate the amount of rent for the property being rented out and its structure. The rent must not only cover the costs associated with operating the facility, but also generate a profit.

The amount of rent (excluding profit) is determined by three factors:

Apl = Kpl + Ob + Zo.n.,

where Kpl - utility bills;

About - contributions to the budget and extra-budgetary funds;

Zone - costs of the manager for the maintenance of the property.

Most of the country's population works in the service and trade sectors. And certainly the entire sector of the economy is puzzled by the problems of identifying the needs of potential clients. For organizations involved in trading various types of products or services, identifying the needs of the population is a priority activity. What is it for? This is necessary to attract customers and, accordingly, increase sales volumes.

Service is precisely the area that studies customer needs.

Specialty “Service” description: the educational institution involves “cultivating” an ordinary student into a qualified specialist in this field. Professional activity in the service sector requires a high intellectual level of employees and a wide range of knowledge in many areas.

Service graduates have different directions. The direction “Socio-cultural service”, the specialty “Automotive service” or “Information service” are all branches of the same thing, but only highly specialized. In any case, graduates should have an excellent understanding of economics, market relations and law, which makes them multidisciplinary specialists.

When entering a higher educational institution for the specialty “Service”, the results of the unified state exam in mathematics, Russian language and social studies will be required.
As a rule, the minimum acceptable score for each subject is an average of 45 points. However, each university sets its own limits for the passing score. The number of budget and paid places is also completely different.

Code of specialty "Service"

Since 2015, a new classification of specialties was adopted, according to which the specialty “Service” received the code 43.03.01 (bachelor’s degree) and 43.04.01 (master’s degree).

The college provides an opportunity to obtain the specialty “Hotel Service Manager”. Specialty code 42.02.11.

Specialty "Service" - form and duration of training

In Russia, certain training periods have been established for the specialty “Service”.

As an additional education, the specialty “Service” can be studied remotely.

Admission options and deadlines should be viewed on the official websites of universities. They set their own procedures and conditions for enrollment in distance learning programs.

If a graduate of the 11th grade enters a higher educational institution, then after graduating from the university, he will have a bachelor's degree. The duration of study in this case will be 4 years.

At the same time, the holder of a bachelor's degree can also obtain a master's degree. But this will take another 2 years.

A graduate of 11th grade after school has the right to enter college to receive secondary vocational education and will study for 1 year and 10 months.

A 9th grade graduate will be asked to study for 2 years and 10 months. All this data is correct for full-time education.

You can also enroll in the service specialty by correspondence at both a university and a college. In this case, the duration of training will be increased by 1 year.

Multidisciplinary specialty "Service"

A service specialist is multifaceted. Multidisciplinary The specialty "Service" is explained by the wide range of possible activities. A graduate of this specialty will be able to find himself in absolutely any field where there are clients and buyers. These could be hotel services, information systems, tourism, trade, banking or economics services.

“Service” has no boundaries, which is why some universities graduate more highly specialized specialists. So, many universities have, for example, specialties

  • "Hotel service",
  • "Service and tourism"
  • specialty “Information service”,
  • "Home utility service" specialty,
  • "Technical service in agro-industrial complex"
  • specialty "Production services",
  • specialty "Air transport service"
  • specialty "Restaurant service",
  • "Vehicle servicing" specialty,
  • "Service in trade" specialty.

What will be taught, characteristics of the specialty "Service"

Students studying in this specialty study in depth marketing and management, market relations and economic disciplines. During the training, they are introduced to information systems, since employees in the service sector are required to understand the operation of software in the enterprise.

Students study disciplines aimed at developing organizational and management abilities. They must know the basics of advertising and promotion of services and goods in the economic sphere. Depending on the area of ​​study, for example, highly specialized disciplines will be introduced into the curriculum.

Thus, the specialty service in transport (43.01.06) is accompanied by subjects studying safety technologies on different types of transport and relevant legal documents, risks and insurance in the field of transport support and transportation, etc.

The “Automotive Service” specialty is designed to study all aspects of the activities of an automobile service, and this includes legal support, regulations, and much more.

At the same time, a separate role is given to psychological sciences, since a specialist in the service sector must understand clients and identify the needs of the population for the successful operation of the company in which he will subsequently work.

Internship in the specialty "Service"

Pre-graduation practice involves working in organizations. Students are employed as interns in a company as assistant managers or administrators. Often, the place of industrial practice becomes a kind of start-up in the career of a future graduate.

After completing an internship in an organization, a student can remain to work there. But this happens only if the management of this organization noticed the student’s merits, his efficiency and excellent analytical skills. If desired, you can also undergo practical training at the department as a laboratory assistant.

Specialty "Service" - Universities, colleges and technical schools

Almost every city has a university that graduates specialists in the service sector. The country's leading universities are the Russian State Institute of Tourism and Service, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and some other universities.

Universities specializing in service:

  • Altai State Technical University named after. I.I. Polzunova
  • Altai Institute of Labor and Law (branch) of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations
  • Armavir Social-Psychological Institute
  • Belgorod State National Research University
  • Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
  • Volgograd State Agrarian University
  • Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University
  • Volgograd State Technical University (vehicle service, service in oil and gas complexes)
  • Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute of Volgograd State Technical University
  • Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
  • Vyatka State Humanitarian University
  • Vyatka State University
  • State Maritime University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakova
  • Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)
  • Kazan National Research Technological University
  • Krasnodar Municipal Medical Institute of Higher Nursing Education
  • Kuban State Technological University (available by correspondence)
  • Kuban State University
  • Kuban Socio-Economic Institute
  • Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism
  • Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism
  • Sochi State University

Specialty service in Moscow:

  • Academy of Labor and Social Relations (Information service)
  • Gzhel State University (on-site and remotely)
  • State Social and Humanitarian University
  • Institute of Public Administration, Law and Innovative Technologies
  • Institute of Continuing Education
  • Institute of Industry Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (Housing and communal infrastructure services)
  • Institute of Socio-Economic Forecasting and Modeling
  • Institute of Economics and Culture
  • Moscow Humanitarian and Technical Academy
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI) (Vehicle Service)
  • Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University (Vehicle service, on-site and remotely)
  • Moscow State Engineering University (MAMI)
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology
  • Moscow State University of Food Production
  • Moscow State University of Transport (Service in Transport)
  • Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University
  • Moscow Institute of Humanities and Economics (Real Estate Service)
  • Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law (Socio-cultural service)
  • Moscow Institute of Linguistics
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service
  • Russian New University
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

It is much easier to enroll in a college or technical school than in a university, but you don’t have to choose from a large number of service areas. Colleges offer mainly the vocational education specialty “Hotel Services”. In Moscow, these are the Tsaritsino Hotel Management College No. 37, the Small Business College No. 48 and many others.

Colleges of specialty service:

  • Kursk College of Technology and Service;
  • Orenburg Service College;
  • Volgograd Technological College;
  • Ekaterinburg Automobile and Highway College;
  • Krasnodar Trade and Economic College;
  • Leningrad Social Pedagogical College;
  • Nizhny Novgorod College of Small Business;
  • Nizhny Tagil State Vocational College named after. ON THE. Demidova;
  • Novosibirsk College of Automotive Service and Road Maintenance;
  • Novosibirsk College of Light Industry and Service;
  • Omsk Motor Transport College;
  • Rostov College of Metalworking and Auto Service;
  • Rostov College of Fashion Industry, Economics and Service;
  • St. Petersburg Technical College;
  • St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce;
  • Tuapse Social Pedagogical College;
  • Ural College of Business, Management and Beauty Technology;
  • Ural College of Automotive Transport and Service;
  • and etc.

Work in the specialty "Service"

Applicants choosing a service specialty, even at the selection stage, ask themselves the question: “Who should I work with?”

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