Home Salon Characteristics of a Sagittarius woman born in the year of the dragon. Compatibility of Sagittarius Dragon Man and Sagittarius Dragon Woman

Characteristics of a Sagittarius woman born in the year of the dragon. Compatibility of Sagittarius Dragon Man and Sagittarius Dragon Woman

The combination of Sagittarius and Dragon is as harmonious as possible. Astrologers say that such women have no contradictions between their inner world and external manifestations of character and temperament. Sagittarius, born in the year of the Dragon, captivates those around him with his optimism and flow of creativity. A woman never lies; lying goes against her nature. This trait brings her not only the respect of loved ones, but also success in business, business, and finance.


The stars rewarded the woman with special diplomatic flexibility and frankness. The eastern horoscope promises success in your endeavors and special skills in your favorite work. The Sagittarius-Dragon woman throws all her strength and energy into achieving a priority goal. The combination of an analytical mind and a vivid imagination helps to find a way out of any, even extraordinary, situation.

A woman born in the year of the Metal Dragon is able to find a common language with absolutely everyone. She always has enough inner strength and patience to go back a couple of steps to correct her mistakes. The girl is not afraid of work and is able to master any field of employment.

He feels best in an environment where he needs to communicate a lot with people.

The Sagittarius-Dragon woman has a real talent for feeling the fullness of life. It is precisely this inner resource that makes her so friendly, cheerful, and easy-going. This also explains her love for adventure, travel and colorful holidays. Innate intuition protects against erroneous connections with unsuitable people. A woman just feels with her skin when she is being lied to.

The girl’s outward openness borders on a certain isolation. Of the huge number of her acquaintances, only a few are suitable for the role of close friends. The Sagittarius-Dragon woman keeps the rest of the people in her circle at a distance. Sagittarius, born in the year of the Dragon, values ​​​​friends very much. For the sake of meetings with them, he can postpone all matters, even if this promises inconvenience.


The Sagittarius-Dragon woman cannot stand monotonous work; routine kills her. Even home life can become a problem. A woman will want to give up her freedom only when she considers it necessary. Such qualities are completely covered by the ability to express one’s love and sacrifice a lot for the sake of loved ones, important people.

Owners of this combination of signs have strong physical health bordering on a weak nervous system. They always need to find time for relaxation and joy, they need reliable friends.

An active lifestyle will help relieve nervous tension and prevent it from affecting your physical health.


For women of this combination of signs, the stars prepare special adventures throughout their lives. The youth of Sagittarius-Dragons is riddled with anxiety and unrest. Failures in the love sphere are possible, but work makes you happy throughout your life. In this area, a woman develops quickly and achieves enviable results. Throughout life, numbers that are divisible by 3 are suitable for important dates.

The loss of large financial resources is likely as a result of excessive gullibility, but a woman can quickly improve the situation. In the life of Sagittarius-Dragons, there may be many lawsuits related to divorce or business. Most of these troubles are resolved successfully. The line of fate of Sagittarius-Dragons is made up of ups and downs, which practically do not allow you to relax.

In love

The Sagittarius-Dragon woman has a magnetic attraction to the opposite sex. It is very easy to recognize falling in love - the feeling of constant joy and wings behind your back is present every minute. True, such a magical state passes as unexpectedly as it flashes. In this case, Sagittarius-Dragon completely loses interest in the man.

The most common reason for a break in a relationship is pressure from a partner, attempts to radically change the character of Sagittarius-Dragon.

A freedom-loving woman simply cannot stand this from a loved one and tries to leave as quickly as possible.


If the decision is made to marry, then no difficulties of living together will frighten the woman of these signs. Sagittarius-Dragon is always ready to take responsibility and solve any problem. The woman is distinguished by fidelity and devotion, and is disgusted by adultery. The only problem in marriage may be the Sagittarius-Dragon's overly pronounced focus on his own needs. It is difficult to get along with a person who does not take into account the needs of others.

In a marital relationship, a woman easily finds a balance of power and submission. She knows exactly the situations in which she is in charge and those in which she needs to stand behind her husband’s back. For such women, the family always resembles a close-knit team.

Spouses are able to act in concert and always maintain an optimistic attitude.

In career

The Sagittarius-Dragon woman knows how to make her dreams come true. She is able to realize even the most adventurous idea. Innate wisdom makes it possible to calculate in advance all the risks and possible profits from any business. Sagittarius-Dragons occupy leadership positions.

The only obstacle to career growth can be excessive trust in others who are always ready to take advantage of it.

Fortunately, women quickly learn from their mistakes and are able to recover even the most colossal losses.

Love compatibility

Lightness, passion and beauty attracts men. Sagittarius-Dragons have many admirers, although they are often wary of such women because of their sharp tongue. Men appreciate that girls of these signs do not play with feelings and always remain sincere. Close friends often become partners. If a woman of these signs understands that something is going wrong in a relationship, then she quickly ends it.

A woman can build a good, strong marriage with a Scorpio-Rat. Partners will harmoniously complement each other and find a compromise in everything. A Gemini Snake or Aries Tiger can become a real soul mate for a woman. Strong relationships will develop with Capricorns, with Virgos you will have to tinker, but finding a common language with Cancers is almost impossible.

The eastern horoscope promises maximum compatibility with those born in the year of the Rooster, Snake, Tiger, Rat and Monkey. Aquarius, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn and Sagittarius according to the Western horoscope will be a good match for the Sagittarius-Dragon woman. If both partners make an effort, then relationships will develop with Horses, Pigs, Bulls and Dragons, who are also Libra, Aries, Taurus, Leo or Gemini.

It is almost impossible to build strong, healthy relationships with other signs.

The emotionality of Sagittarius-Dragon women is simply off the charts. They tend to make decisions based on emotions and say whatever comes to mind without thinking. This can seriously hurt loved ones. A woman is ready to admit her mistakes only when emotions completely subside. In this state, you shouldn’t take Sagittarius-Dragon seriously; it’s better to let her calm down.

You will learn more about the Sagittarius woman in the following video.

Anna Lyubimova

The influence of the sidereal Sagittarius and the eastern Dragon fills people born under these signs with special energy. These are strong, confident, extraordinary individuals. For many of them, the meaning of life is to repeatedly reach new heights in different spheres of human existence. They do this cheerfully and with pleasure, since the combination of protective signs from birth endows them with optimism and self-confidence.

Characteristics of Sagittarius-Dragon men

Such a man is often called a citizen of the world, he feels so simple and natural on different continents. He also freely enters into communication with people and gets involved in solving difficult problems. The only condition is that they must have weight in the eyes of others. In this case, the Sagittarius guy in the year of the Dragon will give his all in order to assert himself and prove his own importance.

But it's not only that. He likes to be in the thick of things, values ​​hard work that brings tangible results. Hard work, extensive erudition and the ability to make timely decisions are the main drivers of his career. Sagittarius is not afraid to take risks, even if they involve finances. His courage is rewarded with excellent results, including financially.

The optimistic nature of Sagittarius-Dragon helps him establish new contacts with useful people

Sometimes these contacts develop into friendship, but, as a rule, Sagittarius-Draco separates it and business.

This person has a special taste for power over others, but does not abuse it. Moreover, he is invariably correct with his subordinates and, if he has promised something, he will definitely fulfill it. At home, it is also important for him to remain in the role of head of the family, at least outwardly. Being a person who is not very self-possessed, he can afford to yell at his household. But a good heart does not allow one to remain angry for long. He quickly “cools down” and tries to make amends if he was unfair.

Sagittarius-Dragon is very proud. His family knows this weakness and tries not to step on his “sore spot.” Yes, he actually looks much sharper and more brutal in appearance than he actually is. But flatterers are dangerous for him, the praises of which the bearer of these signs is very susceptible to.

At times, oddly enough, his breadth of interests lets him down. He enthusiastically takes on difficult undertakings, but may give up halfway through, instructing his subordinates to finish what they started. And he himself will enthusiastically take up another promising project.

Sagittarius-Dragon enthusiastically takes on difficult undertakings, but can abandon them halfway

This person was lucky from the start. The combination of signs that patronize her does not contain any major contradictions. Her the inner world is harmoniously connected with external manners and behavior in which her character is manifested.

From the stars, the Sagittarius girl, born in the year of the Dragon, receives honesty and diplomatic flexibility. Eastern interpretations promise her great ability to work and good luck in all endeavors. She puts a lot of energy into a business that interests her, and spares no time and effort in order to achieve a goal that is among her priorities. Rational Mind and Creative Imagination help to find non-standard solutions to complex problems.

Sagittarius-Dragon amazes colleagues with his creative approach and optimistic attitude even in difficult circumstances

She easily gets along with everyone, and she has the patience to go back to square one to correct a mistake.

Representative of these signs not afraid of hard work, copes well with delicate work that requires special knowledge. But he feels like a fish in water in those professions where you need to communicate a lot with people. In relations with them, she demonstrates friendliness and tolerance, and does not impose her views on anyone.

She has a real talent for feeling the joy of being. That is why she is so easy-going, loves travel, friendly gatherings, and bright holidays. Good intuition allows her to have a good understanding of the psychology of the people around her. She is much men of kinship signs see insincerity better, "undercover games". She herself says what she thinks and tries to ensure that her words never diverge from her deeds.

A lie is contrary to its essence. This earns the respect of her partners and brings her success in business plus financial stability.

Despite her outward openness, the Sagittarius-Dragon girl has very few close friends with whom she can be truly frank. But she needs them. She is very attached to her school or university friends, putting off everything if they need her help.

In the family, Sagittarius-Dragon women are never tyrants or despots, but agree to marriage only when they are convinced that the chosen one is the one who suits them. “The weather in the house” is of extreme importance to them. They sincerely want joy and peace to reign here, and they do a lot for this. Children never refuse to spend time together, because they have the most cheerful and fair mother.

The husband, as a rule, appreciates the visual attractiveness of his wife, her cheerful disposition and the warm atmosphere in the family, although the culinary masterpieces with which she periodically pampers her family also do not go unnoticed.

A rational mind and creative imagination help her find innovative solutions

This woman is able to give up her freedom and individuality only when she wants it. It should be counted as a clear minus dislike of monotonous work, routine duties. But this is overshadowed by her ability to love, to sacrifice herself for the sake of loved ones or a serious cause.

True, another danger awaits her here. From birth she was given a large supply of physical strength, but a weak type of nervous system. She, like air, needs additional “portions of joy”, confidence in the reliability of her colleagues and friends. To prevent nervous exhaustion from leading to physical exhaustion, it is important to maintain an active lifestyle, find opportunities for relaxation.

From birth she was given a large supply of physical strength, but a weak type of nervous system

Love compatibility for Sagittarius in the year of the Dragon

In their personal lives, both Sagittarius-Dragon women and men put community of interests and spiritual needs in the first place, rather than an orderly life. Bright and extraordinary personalities, they are looking for partners to match themselves. A representative of the strong half of humanity simply will not notice a “gray mouse” or a household simpleton that will not suit him. It doesn’t matter to him how his partner bakes pies or cooks borscht, but he will be delighted with her delicate taste and artistic flair.

The well-being of the union of two Sagittarius-Dragons depends on what they are looking for in each other. If mutual love is strong, their flexibility and diplomacy will manifest themselves, and the agreement of this couple will cause envy among all friends and acquaintances. If each of them strives for dominance, the relationship will fail. A marriage with Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces will be durable, a difficult one with Virgo, and almost impossible with Cancer.

The Sagittarius-Dragon woman dreams of meeting a companion who will share her aspirations and will walk in step with her throughout her life.

Only in this case will maximum love compatibility be achieved. She can find a soul mate in Gemini, Aries. Marriage with Taurus can start very brightly, but quickly exhaust itself. You will have to go through a difficult “grinding in” in alliance with Libra.

No matter who Sagittarius-Dragons unite their destinies with, they need understanding, delimitation of spheres of influence and mutual love. Then they will cope with a million difficulties.

Maximum compatibility Average
Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Rat, Monkey, Rooster, Tiger, SnakeDragon, Bull, Horse, PigDog, Cat (Rabbit), Goat
According to the Western calendar Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, AquariusGemini, Libra, Aries, Taurus, LeoVirgo, Cancer

Full characteristics of a Sagittarius child born in the year of the Dragon

Having come into the world under such romantic and energetic signs, children from the first years of life show leadership qualities and a desire to understand the world. Their curiosity is difficult to limit to the usual boundaries. Sagittarius-Dragon children definitely want to get married and explore a new sandbox in the yard, a plant grown under the windows, and meet peers and adults.

Not a single Sagittarius boy born in the year of the Dragon will pass indifferently past a walking dog or deny himself the pleasure of climbing over an obstacle. In this regard, parents should not lose their vigilance in order to protect their children from trouble. The best way to protect yourself from this is to direct their activity in the right direction. If you can find something they like, they will do whatever it takes to be allowed to do what they love.

The curiosity of a Sagittarius-Dragon child is difficult to limit to the usual limits

Sagittarius-Dragons from an early age understand what duty and responsibilities are, so the girl of these signs is happy to help her mother and loves to take care of her family. Growing up in a harmonious environment, such children become a reward for the family, its reliable support.

These kids find it easy to make friends. Difficulties in communicating with them can arise only when they want to insist on their own at all costs. If parents are able to explain to them the need to take into account the opinions of everyone else, this will help them avoid mistakes in adulthood.

23 October 2017, 12:22

Dragon-Sagittarius is a man of peace. He has broad interests and a joyful, optimistic outlook on life in general. What he doesn’t like, he simply tries not to notice. The horoscope of Sagittarius, born in the year of the Dragon, is distinguished by a special passion for power, but also a willingness to help his subordinates.

Outwardly, he can be calm and serene, in any case, he does not provoke conflicts. However, if you anger him, he will become belligerent and dangerous!

Character of the Dragon-Sagittarius

In ordinary life, the Sagittarius Dragon is cheerful and active. He is able and even enjoys doing several things at the same time. He easily switches from one activity to another, feeling the need for new impressions, to change his places of stay.

In business, the Dragon-Sagittarius prefers to lead: give valuable instructions, make an impression - play the role of a respectable boss! He takes his work seriously, but does not always complete what he starts, leaving it to someone else to complete the work he has begun.

He likes to show off, show off, he can say something caustic or “in the hearts”, but people rarely take offense at him. The Sagittarius Dragon does everything from the heart and never keeps a stone in his bosom, so he is respected and appreciated.

In love, the Dragon-Sagittarius is very in demand, so to speak. He is the soul of any society: he knows how to entertain, behaves relaxed and friendly, and therefore has no problems communicating with the opposite sex.

Dragon-Sagittarius Man

The Dragon-Sagittarius man is very dynamic, but with all his thirst to prove something to someone and be sure to reach significant heights in society, he is quite flexible and at times compliant. He simply hides his gentle inner nature, and most likely, he simply does not turn to it very often, trying not to notice. In other words, a man appears outwardly to be more militant and reckless than he actually is. In love, such a man is capable of constancy and seriousness, but more often than not, maturity and understanding come only with age, and even then not for all Sagittarius Dragons.

It cannot be called overly demanding in everyday life. In a woman, he is more interested in external beauty, the brightness of the image that she demonstrates. “Simple” women are unlikely to attract the attention of a man with this combination of signs. It is not so important to him how she cooks or runs the household; for him, common interests, a passion for travel and movement, a healthy sense of humor and lightness, effervescence in relationships are primary, so that there is no “peace and quiet.” It is important to note that the Dragon-Sagittarius man loves to be praised, admired and shown in every possible way respect, if not veneration.

Dragon-Sagittarius Woman

For a woman, this combination of signs is also one of the successful ones. In any case, there are not too many contradictions in it. Its internal nature and external manifestation are quite acceptable and harmoniously combined. She is direct and understandable, because, as a rule, she says what she thinks and does what she says.

In her career, she is given almost everything she aims for - the main thing is to find herself and not be afraid to take responsibility. She can become a big businessman, the leader of a serious project. Her performance is surprising and amazing. This woman will move mountains if the work is to her liking and there is a concrete prospect for growth.

For the Dragon-Sagittarius woman, recognition of her merits is not enough; she needs adoration and brilliance. And in all this splendor, she will be a star of the first magnitude... In love, the Dragon-Sagittarius woman also clearly knows what she wants and does not hesitate to tell men in the eyes everything that she thinks about them. And this is more likely to harm the partnership. If she can restrain her sharp tongue and learn to achieve balance in the expression of emotions, much will improve in her personal life.

The characteristics and compatibility of the Sagittarius - Dragon man are interesting to everyone who was born under the control of these signs. He is relatively calm, very friendly, honest, cheerful and optimistic. This guy easily gets along with anyone, and he has no arrogance. He is not afraid to take big risks. In general, this is facilitated by the luck inherent in all Dragons.

The Sagittarius-Dragon guy is selfless and flexible in solving his problems. He has a rich imagination and a subtle perception of the world. He has a positive outlook on life, great activity and a zest for life as he tries to get the most out of each day. His insight and flexibility of mind allow him to easily adapt to new people and circumstances.

For this man, it is quite easy to establish relationships with any person, just like doing any work. He is attentive to his friends and highly values ​​their relationships. He likes to be alone and at such moments it is necessary for one of his friends to give practical advice and pull him out of loneliness.


The Sagittarius-Dragon man has great potential and has the patience to do the hard work. He especially enjoys working with people and having the opportunity to do something inspiring and meaningful. Therefore, he chooses a profession where his responsibilities include giving advice and helping others - social service, charity, volunteering.

In some cases, this guy puts the interests of others above his own, which can negatively affect their overall emotional state. He will be able to pass this lesson in life only if he realizes that he himself needs to receive benefits in any activity, and not just give. The benefit doesn't have to be money - it can just be a good attitude or the development of a skill. The main thing is to see the meaning in everything he does.

Sagittarius-Dragon is usually satisfied with reality, and he simply does not notice everything that is outside his area of ​​​​interest. A calm character and lack of conflict is the usual state of this man, but if you anger him, everything will not be so positive - in anger he is dangerous and extremely belligerent.

Compatibility in love

The Sagittarius-Dragon man quickly grasps everything and this character trait helps him greatly in love affairs. He tries to put his partner’s interests above his own, not to demand or expect. He will be looking for an energetic and passionate partner who wants to walk in step with him. This character makes this man attractive to many women.

In a love relationship, he focuses on the qualities of his chosen one. There are certain markers by which he chooses girls. He will like a relaxed, lively, interesting personality with whom he will have something to talk about. It is very important for him that in a relationship a woman gives him the freedom to accept him as he is. Of course, he wants to be needed, but not feel obligated. It is not easy for a woman to find a balance in this, but it is possible.

In his relationship with his soul mate, he will build not only love relationships, but also friendships, so common interests and joint entertainment will help build a foundation. If you build relationships correctly from the very beginning, then in the future family life will not seem like a routine. It should be remembered that a couple and a family are necessary for the development of the personalities of the partners, and not for the purpose of receiving pleasure and pleasure. You need to remember that no one owes anyone anything and appreciate everything that your partner does for you.

Character of Dragon women - Sagittarius: These women have wanderlust. Therefore, they can often change jobs, places of residence and travel. Movement is the meaning of their life and if they stay in one place for a long time, they will be overcome by depression and their health will go away. They get along well with the people around them, they can guide them and force them to do things their own way. But this is done not by force, but by special charm and magnetism.

The reason for most of the difficulties in life is their complex nature, which they themselves cannot do anything about. They are overly capricious, use their stubbornness to no purpose and stand firmly in their point of view. They can set goals for themselves and think through them, but they may often lack the patience to achieve them. Therefore, their life often resembles sharp ups and downs.

Dragon women - Sagittarius in love and relationships: These women cannot help but attract the attention of the opposite sex. They are cheerful, noble and know how to care. They quickly flare up and are in love, ready for many accomplishments. But this love has a drawback - it passes quickly and they may lose all interest in their companions. If they constantly put pressure on them and try to change them, then they will soon leave forever.

Dragon women - Sagittarius in finance and career: They have a unique talent to turn all their plans and dreams into reality. All affairs are realized in their hands, they enter into profitable deals and quickly advance in their careers. These are wise women who try to calculate all the moves and are ready to work hard for this. However, they can be overly trusting of others who can use their work and special skills for their own purposes.

Dragon women - Sagittarius in family and marriage: Having made a proposal or accepted it from their lovers, these women understand all the difficulties and complexities of living together. They are ready to take full responsibility and cope with problems. These are devoted women who will never cheat on their companions or leave them alone. But at the same time, it is quite difficult to get along with them, because they focus only on themselves, without taking into account the opinions of others.

Advice for Dragon-Sagittarius women: Their chosen ones should remember that these are overly emotional women. They often make decisions on the spur of the moment, they say whatever comes to their mind and this can greatly offend others. Having cooled down, they understand that they were wrong and are even ready to admit it. Therefore, during a surge of emotions, you should not believe them and be offended by their words. The storm will pass and sweet and loving women will appear before them again.

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