Home Brakes Remove the car from registration if it is not possible to provide a vehicle: is the procedure possible and what are its features? Is it possible to deregister a car without a car and documents What is checked when deregistering a car

Remove the car from registration if it is not possible to provide a vehicle: is the procedure possible and what are its features? Is it possible to deregister a car without a car and documents What is checked when deregistering a car

The question of how to remove a car from the register is of interest to almost every car owner who decides to say goodbye to it for one reason or another. Lack of information and knowledge often leads to significant bureaucratic difficulties and loss of energy and time. The article provides information on how to carry out the official procedure in accordance with the established norms of the current legislation.

This event is required if you had to deal with:

  • theft;
  • transfer to another person upon signing the contract of sale, by inheritance or as a gift;
  • scrapping;
  • change of place of registration or actual residence with the subsequent registration of the vehicle in foreign countries.

In accordance with the innovations, the purchaser has the legal right to remove the car from the register during its sale in person within the next 10 calendar days after purchase, or rather, to re-register it in his own name.

Attention! If you doubt the legality of using the transport you have sold, then you can double-check this information by visiting the traffic police department where the car was previously issued.

And if this is not done, then you can write a statement, filling it out properly and attaching documents that confirm the fact of transfer to a third party on one basis or another.

In the same place, authorized employees will inform you how to remove a sold car from the register, without having a sufficient package of documentation provided for in a particular situation.

What documents may be required to deregister a car and what is the cost of this?

To remove a car from the register, it is important to prepare and send an application to the territorial department of the traffic police at the place of registration in a regulated format and prepare documentation in accordance with the approved list at the legislative level.

When handing over to scrap you will need:

  • the owner's general passport;
  • registration data for transport;
  • registration plates;
  • the statement itself, in which the owner expresses a desire to hand over the car for scrap;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the duty in full.

If you have to deal with the theft of a vehicle, it is important to first apply to the law enforcement agencies. After the crime is solved or the case is temporarily suspended, you can visit the traffic police department to achieve the desired result. The application is accompanied by a citizen's passport, vehicle documentation and an official notification sent from the investigation department.

When implementing a transport, you need the following package of official documentation:

  • contract of sale;
  • payment, indicating the payment of a certain amount of state duty.

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If you plan to move abroad for permanent residence, then the car will also have to be re-registered.

To do this, you need:

  • general passport;
  • documents for the vehicle;
  • individual taxpayer number;
  • in addition, the state duty will be 1 thousand rubles.

Many drivers have an idea of ​​how much it costs to remove a car from the traffic police register in 2016. The cost of removing a car from the traffic police register in 2017 directly depends on the amount of associated payments - transport, tax collection and the amount of services provided by an independent appraiser.

What is the procedure for deregistering a car without it?

Nowadays, the question often arises as to how to remove a car from the register without documents and without it itself. And it is relevant in almost any circumstance.

To implement this activity, you should go to the MREO to submit an application. But keep in mind that if you can cancel a registration without a car, then without legal documentation for it, there is practically no, with the exception of some cases.

Since 2017, the re-registration procedure has been significantly simplified.

Now the sales contract is allowed to be drawn up upon transfer of the vehicle directly on the spot, which saves you time and money. The procedure is given 10 calendar days, after which the previous owner can deregister the vehicle that was sold. This will save him from unnecessary costs associated with paying tax contributions and penalties.

As noted above, it is quite possible to remove a car from the traffic police register in 2017 without a car if it is not operated due to a faulty technical condition.

Important! If you do not know how to fill out the form provided, then you should use the provided sample or consult with leading specialists by calling the hotline.

When is it allowed to rent a car without documents for it?

No matter how sad it may sound, there are situations when you do not have either the object itself or the documents for it.

Accordingly, the question arises of how to remove the car from the register in order to prevent possible adverse consequences, such as the new owner getting into an accident, or extra costs associated with paying fines for traffic violations, transport and tax charges.

To this end, you should contact the territorial department of the traffic police to initiate the process of getting rid of a car that you actually no longer own.

So, after implementation, you only have a purchase and sale agreement in your hands. With it, you can go to court with a claim for scrapping, attaching evidence that the car belongs to another person.

After all the formalities have been met, it is recommended to contact the traffic police in person, since official documents are not always sent by department employees. As a result, the operation of transport will become illegal and lead to rather serious negative consequences.

The procedure for removing a car from the register in the event of its sale

One of the most urgent questions today is "How to remove a car from the register when it is sold?"

To carry out the procedure for terminating registration or removing a car from the register, you must contact the traffic police department with an application and a regulated list of documents. The list of papers largely depends on the reason for the deregistration at the traffic police, so it is necessary to clarify in advance what exactly is needed for the event. How to fill out the application correctly, how much it will be considered by the government agency and what other documents are needed, we will tell you in this article.

When is the procedure required?

The process of removing a car from the register will be required in the event of theft, moving to another country, disposal of the car or transfer of the car to another person under monetary policy, inheritance or as a gift. When a car is stolen, it is necessary to remove it from the register at least in order not to pay taxes and possible fines. When the car is found, you can register it again. When you change your place of residence, you will have to remove the car from the register in Russia and register it in a new place.

If the owner has decided to dispose of the vehicle, deregistering the car will exempt him from paying taxes. In the case of a purchase and sale agreement, the buyer has exactly 10 days to re-register the car himself. After this period, the previous owner can remove the car from the register. You can check the information about the status of the vehicle on the official website of the traffic police and on the portal "Gosuslugi".

List of documents

The procedure for terminating registration actions provides for the submission of a full package of required documents to the traffic police department. The final list depends on the reason for the procedure. So, for example, in the event of a car theft, the owner of the vehicle must provide a letter from law enforcement agencies with a note that an investigation has been started under Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The standard package of documents consists of:

  • Vehicle owner passports. If a proxy is involved in the process, you will need a general power of attorney and a copy of it;
  • Statements of the established form. You can get it directly at the department or print the form by downloading it from the official website of the traffic police;
  • Sales contracts (if the car is sold);
  • Vehicle passports. This document is drawn up at the time of buying a new car and contains basic information - data of all owners and a list of the most important changes (if any);
  • Certificate confirming the current registration of the vehicle. This document is issued to every new owner of the machine.

When the owner decides to sell or donate his car, he also needs to pay a state duty, the amount of which varies between 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Its size is regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 333.33). The receipt of payment must be attached to the main package of documents, but in fact this is not necessary, since there is a single interdepartmental electronic database that gives traffic police officers the opportunity to check the fact of payment.

Application rules

When filling out the standard form, which can be downloaded from the link, you need to correctly and slowly enter all the required data. Blots, corrections, strikethroughs are not allowed in the document. Fill out the form by hand with a blue ballpoint or gel pen, or using a computer set. On the front side of the document, the owner of the car (or his authorized representative) fill in the following points:

  • Information about the owner of the vehicle. Full surname, first name and patronymic, date of birth, citizenship, passport data, residence address, TIN (if any), gender and contact phone number;
  • Information about the vehicle. VIN and body numbers, vehicle type, manufacturer data, engine and chassis numbers, color, registration certificate number, registration number and series, vehicle weight, engine power and displacement;
  • The column "Representative of the owner" is filled in if the owner is replaced by a proxy. Information about the representative is indicated.

At the very bottom of the front side of the document, the date and personal signature of the owner of the car are affixed. You need to indicate exactly the date when you plan to carry out the procedure. The reverse side of the document "Service marks of the traffic police" is filled in by the traffic police officer who inspects the car before removing it from the register. The verifier indicates the following data:

  • Actually identified body, engine and chassis numbers;
  • License plate numbers;
  • Vehicle model;
  • Manufacturer data.

The traffic police inspector will also have to indicate on which bases he checked the vehicle ("Autosearch", "Search", "FP-Notification" and others). Below there will be a list of documentation received from the car owner. There you can also see a list of securities that will be issued to the owner after the completion of the procedure. The completed sample application for car deregistration can be viewed at the link.

How long will the process take?

The process of collecting documents usually does not take much time. An exception can be considered cases when the owner will be represented by a trusted person - issuing a general power of attorney takes time. You can fill out an application in advance by downloading and printing a form of the established sample. When visiting a traffic police department, the application process can be delayed - it all depends on the presence of queues. The process of inspecting a car by a traffic police officer can also be delayed. Engine or body numbers are often difficult to read and sometimes require removal of the air filter to access them. As practice shows, the procedure takes at least 4-5 hours, so you should prepare the car in advance (wash, clean) in order to prevent violations of the existing regulations.

The rules governing the state registration of cars, including the removal of vehicles from it, remain unknown for many car owners until the question of carrying out this necessary procedure arises. Every year, the rules regarding the accounting of vehicles are becoming more gentle and advanced. In this material, we will describe in detail how to remove a car from the register, in what situation car owners may need to carry out the procedure, and also consider other nuances.

There are several most common situations in which the owner of the car must, without fail, initiate the procedure for removing the vehicle from the register. These include the following.

Most often, the removal of a car from the register is carried out when purchasing a car. Thus, in the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, information appears that a particular car no longer belongs to the old owner, but has become the property of the new owner.

In this situation, the buyer of the transport is obliged by law to carry out the procedure for removing the car and re-registering it, however, if he does not do this within 10 days from the date of purchase of the "wheels", the seller will be responsible for the first element of the procedure (deregistration). ...

The procedure sought, first of all, should be of interest to the old owner of the car, since if the car is not re-registered to the new owner in the traffic police database, then when the new owner commits, for example, a crime on the road, questions will first of all be addressed to the former owner.

The second common case in which you have to remove a car from state registration is the transfer of the car for recycling. Typically, the recycling of old vehicles is carried out under a government program. In order not to continue paying the transport tax, which is mandatory for car owners in almost every region of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to contact the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and remove the car from the register.

One of the reasons for the removal of the car from the register is the failure of the "iron horse"

Drivers of new and relatively new vehicles may not think about carrying out such a procedure for a long time; most likely, after some time they will exchange the car for a newer and more powerful one. However, citizens who initially purchased an old car or received it, for example, by inheritance, may well face such a situation and dispose of the vehicle before it is removed from the register. Although, in this case, not all is lost, since the car can also be canceled for state registration.

If your car has been stolen, you also need to suspend registration until it is found. In this case, go through the bureaucratic procedure for withdrawing in the interests of the car owner himself, since without it, tax charges will continue to be collected on the car. It is good if, in the end, a vehicle is found, but it also happens that the owners never see their own car again. However, they pay taxes on transport on it, the amount of which, among other things, is very unpleasantly reflected in the wallets of ordinary Russian citizens.

As soon as you find that the car has been stolen, immediately contact the law enforcement agencies and file a report on theft. When the fact of the crime that happened is confirmed, ask for an official document proving your unpleasant situation. Only on the basis of this certificate, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate will give you a positive answer to your request to remove the car from the register.

If you are leaving for a permanent place of residence or temporary, but long-term, residence in another country, and take a car with you, you will have to deregister the car on the territory of the Russian Federation. As a result, this is necessary in order to:

  • not pay tax on transport;
  • be able to register a vehicle in another country.

A car cannot be registered in several countries at the same time. To get the right to drive your own car in another country legally, while living there, and at the same time not to become a malicious tax evader at home, you will have to go through this procedure before moving.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons for removing the "iron horse" from state registration. Now let's take a closer look at the procedure of interest to us in the context of each of them.

How to deregister a car for recycling

The vehicles that have served their due time (and sometimes much more) are sent for recycling. In order not to create "graveyards" from completely intact machines, they undergo special processing under the press and the so-called scissors, the size of which exceeds the size of the machine itself.

To carry out this procedure with a vehicle that has served you correctly, first of all, you must revoke its state registration. To do this, you need to collect and submit to the traffic police the following package of necessary documents:

  • the main identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • technical passport related to the vehicle;
  • certificate of passing the state registration procedure by the car;
  • it is also necessary to remove (preferably also wash) the plastic plates with numbers attached next to the bumper from the front and rear of the car;
  • it is necessary to draw up an application for disposal.

In addition, it will be necessary to hand over to the specialists of the service a paid receipt for the state duty for car license plates.

As soon as you collect all the documents listed above, you will have the opportunity to dispose of your vehicle along with all the units built into it. After submitting the papers for verification and receiving confirmation that the data in them correspond to reality, you will receive a certificate from the automobile inspector working in the traffic police about the possibility of recycling.

If you decide to transfer the machine for processing, while removing the units from it, you will need to carry out the following procedures:

  • check the numbers of the units you are looking for;
  • order a visit to an expert, whose tasks will be to inspect vehicles and the subsequent issuance of an appropriate conclusion;
  • pay during the disposal procedure a certain amount for those units that will remain in your possession and will not be destroyed;
  • hand over all the official papers received to the automotive inspector, who in return will give you a certificate of ownership of the unit you are looking for;
  • pay the state duty for recycling and the issuance of a certificate of its implementation, the amount of which is only 200 Russian rubles.

Once again, consider in the table what actions will need to be performed when saving aggregates and without them.

Table 1. Recycling cars

If the machine is destroyed with aggregatesIf you have saved some parts of the car
  • it is necessary to collect a package of documents;
  • remove and provide license plates to the traffic police;
  • pay a state fee;
  • get a certificate of destruction of the car.

  • rewrite the numbers of the stored technical elements;
  • call an expert for inspection;
  • submit all the above documents for inspection to the traffic police;
  • remove and provide license plates;
  • pay a state fee for a certificate of disposal, as well as give money for saved technical equipment;
  • obtain a certificate of destruction and a certificate of ownership of units.
  • How to remove a car from the register in case of theft

    If your car has recently been stolen, do not rush to apply for the removal of the car from the register. The fact is that without real evidence that the owner of the car does not know where his actually stolen vehicle is located, the traffic police will not carry out the procedure for canceling the state registration. Only another official state body can provide such evidence, your words will not be enough.

    Having found that you do not know anything about the real location of your car, the first thing to do is go to the police and file a statement about the theft of a vehicle. After its consideration, a criminal case will be initiated against the offender who stole your car. The basis for its initiation will be the theft of a car.

    When it turns out that the car can not be found temporarily or in general, you will receive a letter from law enforcement agencies notifying of the situation. Take the letter you are looking for and go to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Present the document you have in your hands, and declare your desire to carry out the procedure for removing the car from the state registration register.

    To carry out the procedure, in addition to a certificate from the police, you will need the following papers:

    • vehicle owner's passport;
    • technical passport of the movement device;
    • written statement.

    Sale of a car and its removal from state registration

    To stop paying tax levies on transport when selling a car, the owner must appear at the traffic police department and submit the relevant documents for verification, as in all other situations. After contacting a government agency, your car and the papers offered to it will be reviewed and analyzed by the competent employees of the system. If at the same time you apply for new numbers, he will write out a permit and give the go-ahead to deregister the car.

    In order for everything to work out as planned, you need to contact the same department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in which the car was originally registered. You must take a package of the following documents with you:

    • owner's passport;
    • the same document for a technical device (your car);
    • an agreement concluded between the former and the current owner of the car;
    • a check from a paid receipt issued in the form of a document for a state fee, the amount of which will vary depending on many different factors.

    Let's give an example. If the car was originally purchased on credit in a dealership, it is important that at the time of its removal from the register all debts on credit payments have been repaid. In the event that there are delays in payments, the car is not considered fully owned by the previous owner, therefore, it cannot be deregistered and registered with a new person.

    After the check is fully carried out, representatives of the state system will give the car owner a list of payments that he will need to make. Without the transfer of the required funds, it will not be possible to deregister the car from the register. With one hundred percent probability, you will have to pay for the changes made to the passport of the technical device.

    After all the procedures have been completed, the car is examined by the representatives of the traffic police for the last time, all parameters of interest to it are checked by them, and an inspection certificate is issued to you. Together with him, you will receive:

    • technical passport of the car;
    • a card with information about registration;
    • various receipts for payment;
    • if the numbers have changed, then you will be given their new samples.

    All the procedures described above are carried out quite quickly, if you hurry, most of it will be completed in one day.

    We would like to draw your attention to a very important fact: since 2013, the procedure for selling a car associated with its removal from registration and re-registration has been simplified. Now the car can not be withdrawn from the bases of the state system, but immediately re-register to the new owner. This allows you to avoid a large amount of time spent, and also reduces the number of payments made during the re-registration process.

    Video - How to remove a car from the traffic police register

    Removal from the register when moving

    If you change your place of residence, according to the letter of the law, you have the obligation to re-register the car at a new permanent registration address. To do this, you need to carry out the following steps.

    Bring the following set of documents to the place of the current registration of a motor vehicle (traffic police at the new place of residence):

    • the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • vehicle registration certificate;
    • certificate of assignment of a taxpayer identification number to the owner of the car and of his tax registration;
    • a statement written by you stating that you want to make some changes regarding the registration of the car;
    • insurance document for the car;
    • vouchers for payment made for state duties.

    In the past, the place of registration, they carry out the necessary procedures related to the cancellation of the registration of your car, and then they send you a notification with the appropriate content, which must be delivered to the local office of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. This will re-register the car at a new location.

    If you are an individual entrepreneur or a representative of any legal entity that has decided to move abroad with a faithful iron friend, then it will be important to get transit numbers on the territory of Russia when deregistering from the register, paying a certain amount for them in the form of a state duty.

    To deregister a car without a car

    Many car owners are wondering if they can go through the procedure for removing a car from the register, while not being able to provide the car itself for inspection. We hasten to answer this question in the presented section of the article.

    To remove a car from the state register, you must contact the employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate directly, like all previous times. In this case, it does not matter in which of the departments the car was registered, you in any case cannot present it.

    In what situations it may be necessary to carry out such a procedure, we have already mentioned earlier. These include:

    • disposal of an obsolete vehicle that has lost its ability to fulfill its own technical task;
    • car theft committed by third parties, confirmed by the police;
    • premature transportation of the car to other countries;
    • if the buyer of the car has not re-registered the vehicle on himself.

    In all the cases presented, circumstances may develop in such a way that, despite all the desire, the owner will not be able to provide the car. In a situation with theft, this will happen with one hundred percent probability, since the car will be absent not at all due to the fault of its owner, who himself would be eager to return it.

    The same applies to the last situation, when the former owner of the car is forced to independently initiate the procedure for removing the car from the register, even by agreement with the new owner, they did not re-register, and he also did not go through this procedure within ten days after the purchase. The previous owner will have to do this on his own, otherwise, no longer being the person responsible for the car, he will continue to pay:

    • tax levies on transport;
    • fines already earned by the new owner.

    When scrapping a car, as we have already said, two options are possible: full and partial, without units. In any case, if the car is already not on the move, the driver will not drag it with him to its destination (traffic police department), like a barge haule. You will have to carry out bureaucratic procedures without the participation of the "iron horse", however, in the case when you save the units, an expert specially invited by you will still have to inspect them and the entire "body" of the machine. We would like to remind you right away that an additional fee is charged for this.

    The same applies to the export of the car abroad. Every citizen can do this independently, there are no legal obstacles to this, especially since today in Russia transit numbers when moving "over the hill" should be received only by those persons who are:

    To go through the deregistration procedure without a car, you must submit the following documents to the employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate:

    • application for the termination of the car's state registration;
    • the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation belonging to the owner of the car;
    • certificate issued when registering a car;
    • technical passport related to the vehicle being removed from the register;
    • receipts or bank checks paid for the relevant state fees;
    • if the car is sold, then it is also necessary to provide the contract concluded between the first and second owner;
    • if the owner of the car cannot appear on his own, a trustee is sent instead of him, presenting confirmation of the legal basis for his own participation in the procedure - a notarized power of attorney.

    Nuances when drawing up a statement

    Depending on what was the circumstance for writing the desired statement, it is necessary to take into account specific features.

    1. So, if the car is exported to another country, it is necessary to indicate this nuance in the application for removing the car from registration. The wording may be as follows: in connection with the movement of the vehicle outside the borders of the Russian Federation. "
    2. If you give the car for complete disposal, you must indicate this in the application. However, if it is decided to free some of the units, the following points must be entered into the application:
      1. "Deregistration is carried out in connection with the disposal of the vehicle";
      2. "It is necessary to obtain a certificate for such and such a detail (for example, an engine)."
    3. If you have sold a car, and the new owner has not removed it from the register within ten days, and you doubt that you will remain safe in this regard, indicating in a statement that the car was sold, therefore you remove it from state registration, do not being more of its owner.

    Remote car deregistration

    Today, many citizens of the Russian Federation are accustomed to carrying out all official procedures related to government agencies via the Internet. The fact is that government structures have united in a single electronic Internet space, creating a service of state services of the Russian Federation.

    A citizen can access it from absolutely any computer connected to the World Wide Web. On the platform you are looking for, you can find out everything that interests the car owner:

    • the number of fines available;
    • whether his vehicle is registered, that is, whether it is registered;
    • other, very important nuances.

    The site can be used not only by motorists, but also by people who do not know how to drive, since in addition to the State Automobile Inspectorate, all state bodies that provide any services to citizens are located on the Internet site.

    Through "gosuslugi.ru" you can not only find out any details about your own car, but also deregister the car, while you do not even need to get up from the table, let alone leave the walls of the apartment.

    This can be done as follows.

    1. In the category of services on the website "Gosuslugi", you must select the item "deregistration".
    2. Among the reasons for deregistration of the car indicated on the page, you must choose the one that suits you, and click on the link with the mouse.
    3. You will be taken to a page containing specific columns specially created for entering information from specific documents, such as:
    • the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • vehicle passport;
    • insurance certificate;
    • other papers.

    When all the information is entered into the columns specially existing for them, the system will begin to process the request and send it directly to the traffic police. You will learn that the service specialists received your official "message" from the electronic notification that appears in your personal account on the portal. If all parts of the questionnaire are filled out with information that matches reality, most likely you will immediately receive a positive result. Soon, government officials will contact you personally, no longer through the World Wide Web, but through your phone, home or mobile, depending on which of them you indicated in the electronic questionnaire.

    If you are denied the removal of the vehicle from the register, you will also receive an oral and / or written notification from the employees of the State Motor Transport Inspectorate, the reasons for the refusal will also be explained in detail.

    Why is it advantageous to use the remote method of transmitting information? Everything is very simple:

    • you save time by not standing in a live queue directly at the traffic police, but you are at home at a computer, or even at work, while simultaneously doing your own business remotely;
    • through a computer, the procedure can be completed in less than an hour, while live, sometimes there is not enough full working day, this greatly affects the psyche and keeps it calm;
    • through the website of public services, you can get a solid 30% discount;
    • if you cannot be in your city on the day you need - it's not scary, interacting with all the necessary authorities is now easier than ever, and this is done remotely.

    Let's summarize

    Removing a car from the register is not at all as dreary and complicated as a large number of modern drivers think. Of course, if you haven't done it before, this may seem a little more problematic than it really is. Be sure that you will succeed, do not hesitate to consult with representatives of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, in each department they have specialized personnel who provide free consultations.

    Your main task during the passage of the desired procedure is to remain calm and attentive. Collect the necessary package of documents and prepare it in advance so that you do not frantically search for the missing paper at the last moment.

    Five years ago, a law was passed for motorists to simplify the registration and withdrawal of a vehicle. Now it has become possible to deregister a car without a car, and there is no need to deregister a car if it was sold. It is permissible to make a direct re-registration to the buyer. But only in some cases is it allowed to carry out the procedure without a vehicle.

    Performing the actions suggested by the system step by step, at the end the user gets the desired result:

    1. In the application form, it is necessary to indicate the purpose of the appeal - the removal of the car from registration. Taking into account the location of the user by geolocation, the system immediately offers him the closest and most convenient territorial authority for contact, indicates the mode of his operation.
    2. The electronic application filled in with the personal data of the car owner and his car is sent to the appropriate department of the state body, where it is processed.
    3. If the information was given correctly, a positive answer will be sent to your e-mail.
    4. After that, the car owner should be called back within three working days for further advice on the actions. If the answer is no, the applicant will be notified of any mistakes. In case there is a problem with documents, it can be easily eliminated.

    Already millions of motorists have used the advantages of the State Service website to solve the problem of deregistration of their former "swallow".

    The most obvious of these benefits are:

    Naturally, acting in the classical way, you can get all the same, only by standing in a queue of those who do not want to come, more than once, bringing new documents.

    The State Service Portal is multifunctional.

    You can even remove a car from registration in several ways:

    1. If the vehicle is disposed of according to the state program. There are two types of utilization: full and partial. In the first case, the car is completely broken and cannot be put into operation. In case of partial, only some parts with an individual number are given for destruction. As a bonus, after participating in the program, the car owner will not be sent tax receipts.
    2. The car is hijacked. If the car is lost or other illegal actions have been committed against it, you must immediately write a statement to the traffic police in order to deregister the stolen property. This is one of the most frequent cases when a car is removed from the register without a car. If the loss is found, then it is registered again.
    3. If the car is taken out of Russia. If the car owner is going to leave the state for a long time, he must re-register the car, and before that deregister it. Only a legal entity or individual entrepreneur can receive a transit number today.
    4. The new owners did not re-register after the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement. The law gives ten days to register a sold vehicle. In order to prevent a fine, the former owner can carry out the procedure himself without a car.

    After the car is sold, the whole procedure for its re-registration is assigned to the new owner.

    If the new car owner did not bother to re-register the car for himself, the former owner will have to deregister it himself. To do this, you need to contact the authorized body, which is the territorial division of the traffic police.

    In what cases do former car owners most often apply for such a service?

    1. The vehicle was hijacked.
    2. The car was taken out of Russia to the permanent residence of its new owner.
    3. The buyer did not exercise his right to register the car within 10 days after obtaining the ownership rights.

    Why is the re-registration of cars especially important in such situations? Mostly because the former owner, having got rid of the annoying model, does not leave its sale from the problem of paying taxes. If the new owner does not recognize the car as his own, the seller will pay traffic fines and taxes.

    Required Documentation

    Depending on the reasons for the deregistration of the machine, the corresponding papers are submitted.

    Mandatory list:

    • owner's passport data;
    • statement;
    • confirmation that the car is registered;
    • technical passport;
    • confirmation of payment of the state fee.

    If the documents contain incorrect data, a notification will be sent from the State Service portal about this.

    At any time, the documentation can be supplemented or corrected.

    Writing an application to the authorized body has a standard structure. A lot of information is not required.

    Enough basic information:

    1. Identification information about the car.
    2. Owner data.
    3. Grounds for de-registration.

    The correctness of the spelling of the last paragraph is important, where one of the reasons is indicated: sale, border crossing, hijacking, disposal.

    If the reason is hidden in the need for full disposal, it can be noted that there is no need to obtain certificates of the production of this procedure. They won't come in handy anywhere. If the disposal is only partial, then an application will have to be made for each such detail.

    If the car is stolen

    Before contacting the portal of the State Service regarding the removal of the car from the register, the car owner must submit an application for theft to the authorized body in order to initiate a criminal case on this fact.

    The order to initiate will then come in handy both in the insurance company and in the traffic police. You need to come to the traffic police with the following package of documents:

    • theft statement;
    • passport data of the owner of the car;
    • information from the police;
    • technical data of the vehicle.

    Make copies of the originals before going to the traffic police. As a rule, due to your busyness in queues and clarification of issues of momentary importance, there will be no time to look for a copier, or this service, due to its high popularity, will be disproportionately expensive.

    To go through the disposal procedure, you need to collect a small list of documents:

    • a statement from the owner or official representative;
    • personal data of the owner of the car;
    • technical information on the car;
    • receipt for payment for obtaining a new number;
    • data on license plates.

    If it is assumed that the disposal should be partial, then it will be necessary to call a specialist to inspect the machine and those of its elements that will be handed over for disposal.

    When the car owner considers it necessary to sell the rest of the car, he will need this certificate issued at the end of the partial scrapping procedure.

    It happens that the owner of the car needs to move to another country for permanent residence or temporary residence. And he makes such a voyage in his car. This case is directly spelled out in the legislation. You don't need to invent anything. Before leaving, you only need to deregister the car.

    All papers are submitted to the territorial subdivision of the traffic police at the place of former registration on the territory of the Russian Federation:

    1. Passport data.
    2. The fact of registration of the vehicle.
    3. Identification code.
    4. Request to re-register a car.
    5. Insurance.
    6. Receipt for payment of the duty.

    Next, the state inspector inspects the car, a notification is drawn up at the address of the previous state registration.

    After obtaining permission to remove the car from the register, it is presented to the registration authority at another official place of residence.

    When selling a car

    Selling a car is always a hassle. It is necessary to prepare the car for the new owner, clean the body, bring the documents into proper form. Sale is the most common reason for the removal of vehicles from the register.

    The car is presented for inspection, the traffic police check its documents, only then it is removed from the register.

    During the verification of documents, it may turn out that the car has encumbrances from the bank. Encumbrances mean for the seller the need to resolve all agreements with the bank, close the credit history.

    At this stage, the traffic police identifies from the database a list of unpaid fines for various violations while driving. The car owner must also pay off these receipts, solve problematic issues with the Bailiff Service, which is conducting enforcement proceedings in relation to his debts.

    Checking the car itself includes diagnosing its malfunctions, a description of its real technical condition. The inspection report is presented to the owner of the car for examination and signing.

    After the completion of these procedures, the car is immediately removed from the register.

    The standard package that a motorist must submit includes the following list of documents:

    • technical data after inspection of the vehicle;
    • confirmation that the car has been sold;
    • confirmation of payment of the state duty, at a cost calculated depending on the purpose of the application.

    Almost all documents for the car, its numbers pass into the possession of the new owner.

    The owner of the car applies to the traffic police, as this is the only way to fully competently remove the vehicle from registration. For the same purpose, you can contact the State Service portal.

    This is a fairly convenient service for online application submission:

    1. Passport data of the car owner, indicating the address of the place of registration.
    2. Car passport with technical characteristics.
    3. Proof of payment of the state fee.

    If an application is submitted from a trustee, then a power of attorney must be attached as an addition.

    The power of attorney must only be notarized.

    If there is no car owner

    The power of attorney in the case of deregistration appears quite often. As a rule, motorists are busy people who value their time, so the solution of routine issues with documents is often entrusted to their friends or lawyers.

    The law allows the owner to be absent when his car is deregistered. The main thing is to use this opportunity wisely.

    Issuing a power of attorney is always an additional expense. But the owner should consider not only their size. When instructing the principal to carry out his instructions, he must carefully read the text of the power of attorney, which he draws up in order to give himself an account of how much authority he gives to another person.

    If there is no passport or other data

    It is also a fairly common situation when the former owner needs to get rid of an unnecessary car, for the right to own which, he must make periodic mandatory payments, but, at the same time, he does not have access to the car itself.

    In addition to the vehicle itself, the owner who applied for deregistration may not have a vehicle registration certificate. This is not an obstacle. You just need to contact the nearest territorial division of the traffic police with a statement about the disposal of the car. To fill out the application form, only the owner's personal data will be required. Then they will look for the car in order to deregister it. But the owner himself gets rid of the need to pay penalty receipts or taxes that came to him before that day.

    Deregistration, unless, of course, it was associated with the complete disposal of the car, does not put a final cross on the car. Documents on it can be restored. True, for this the car itself must be available. You will have to present it for inspection. Traffic police officers must pick up all the information on the car from the accounting database, verify them with the real car.

    If numbers are missing

    Two years ago, changes were made in the legislation that reduced the amount of documentation required for deregistration.

    Currently, only the passport data of the car owner is required to apply.. Therefore, if there is no state number plate, the car owner is still given the right to deregister.

    To carry out this procedure with a personal car that does not have a state number, in addition to the usual application, an explanatory letter is written to the MREO department. This document should describe the reasons for the absence of the number.

    Under such circumstances, it is possible to remove a car from the register, it is only necessary to logically and clearly explain how it could happen that the license plates are missing. If the employee's arguments seem unconvincing or unsubstantiated, the numbers will be required to provide. Thus, the standard procedure, which normally takes a minimum of time, threatens to be delayed.

    At the moment, deregistering a car is not a prerequisite, because when the new owner performs registration actions, this is done automatically. But what if the new owner did not register the vehicle within 10 days and how to remove the vehicle from the register?

    Often, dishonest buyers are in no hurry to register a vehicle and there can be many reasons for this:

    • savings on transport tax (and the higher the tax, the more likely the client will try to delay the registration of the vehicle);
    • savings on fines because when shooting violations with automatic cameras, they will be recorded on the seller, who will have to pay.

    In this case, after you rent the car, it is possible to go to court against the person who was supposed to remove (the buyer) and recover the losses incurred in court.

    Self-withdrawal by the seller

    If the other party to the contract does not re-register the vehicle for itself, then the seller will independently need to withdraw it after the sale. In order to remove a car from the register, the seller needs to prepare an established package of documents:

    1. vehicle sale and purchase agreement, which was drawn up no earlier than 10 days ago;
    2. a statement of the established form on the removal of the car from the register upon sale;
    3. applicant's passport;
    4. copies of the transport documentation (without them, it will be difficult to remove the car from registration - that is why, before selling the vehicle, it is recommended to make copies);
    5. a receipt for payment of the state duty.

    After the application is received, the authorized employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate consider the application and make a decision - to deregister or refuse.

    A refusal by the traffic police officers can be made if an encumbrance or arrest is imposed on the car.

    Buyer's responsibility

    The legislation provides for bringing the buyer to responsibility if he, within the established time frame (10 days), ignores the registration actions necessary in these cases. It is important to take into account that not only individuals, but also legal entities can be held liable. The amount of the fine for persons who did not remove or register a car within the established time limits committed an administrative offense is different:

    • for citizens - 1.5-2 thousand rubles;
    • for organizations - 5-10 thousand rubles;
    • for officials - 2 - 3.5 thousand rubles.

    As you can see, the fine for untimely removal and installation of the car is quite impressive, which is why we recommend that you take actions to register it in a timely manner.

    Buyer's self-withdrawal

    As mentioned above, the buyer does not need to first remove the car from the register - this happens automatically when the traffic police registers it. In order for the car to be registered (and automatically removed from the seller), the new owner needs to contact the State Traffic Inspectorate, attaching the following documentation:

    1. citizen's passport;
    2. vehicle passport;
    3. CTP policy (CASCO optional);
    4. contract of sale.

    When registering used vehicles and new ones, there are no big differences except one - in the second case, transit numbers will be required. But the salon that sells the car usually provides them.

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