Home Rack Sergei Mironov heads a political party. Sergei Mironov. Years of study and military service

Sergei Mironov heads a political party. Sergei Mironov. Years of study and military service

- Russian politician, head of the Just Russia faction in.

Photo: http://president2012.ru/kandidatyi/mironov.html?p=3

Biography of Sergei Mironov


In the 9th grade, he entered the Industrial College in the direction of "Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of minerals." In the first year of study, he left the technical school and went to travel to Siberia. In the summer of the following year, he again entered the technical school. At the end of the first course, he went on his first expedition to the Kola Peninsula.

In my second year, I volunteered to join the army. He served in the airborne troops. In the last year of his service, he was elected to the first elective position in his life - an assessor of the military tribunal of the Kirovabad garrison.

After the army, he continued his studies at an evening school, while simultaneously working as a master of industrial training at the Pushkin Higher Command School of Radio Electronics of the Air Defense of the country.

Entered the geophysical department of the Mining Institute.

In my second year, I transferred to the evening department in order to work. As a student, he began working at NPO "Rudgeofizika", in the sector where they were engaged in the search for uranium raw materials. 1978-1986 - senior engineer-geophysicist of NPO "Rudgeofizika" (now FGU NPP "Geologorazvedka"), then - geophysicist of the Zelenogorsk expedition of the USSR Ministry of Geology. In 1980 he graduated from the institute.

In total, Mironov has five higher educations:

  • geological (1980, Leningrad Mining Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov),
  • economics (1998, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University),
  • managerial (1997, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation),
  • legal (1998, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University),
  • philosophical (2004, Faculty of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University).


From 1986 to 1991, in the direction of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR, he worked as a senior geophysicist of an air party in the Mongolian People's Republic. Prior to that, since 1981, he went there annually for six months.

He began his political career in 1994.

From 1994 to 2000, he was active in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg as a deputy and deputy chairman.

In 2000, he was deputy head of the election headquarters of V.V. Putin in St. Petersburg, in the presidential elections of 2000.

In March 2004, he ran for the 2004 presidential election, declaring that he also supported another candidate - the incumbent President V.V. Putin. In the elections, Mironov took the last place, receiving 524,324 votes (0.75%).

In 2006, Mironov participated in the creation and led the political association A Just Russia, designed to become a competitor to United Russia in a potential two-party system in Russia.

On May 18, 2011, at the suggestion of the United Russia faction of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, he was recalled from the post of representative of the Legislative Assembly of the city in the Federation Council, thus losing the post of Chairman of the Federation Council.

In December 2011, at the continued VI Congress of the Just Russia party, Mironov was nominated to participate in the 2012 presidential election.

According to the results of the presidential elections on March 4, 2012, he received 2,763,935 votes (3.85% of the total number of voters), taking the last place, but at the same time improving his result by 3.1% compared to 2004.

Her hobbies are reading books, collecting stones and fishing.

Personal life of Sergei Mironov

To date, Sergei Mironov is in his fourth marriage. His wife, Olga Radievskaya, is a journalist by training. The couple has a son, Ivan.

From his first marriage, Sergei Mironov has a son, Yaroslav.

From the second - daughter Irina.

In the third marriage with Irina, the chief adviser to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, there were no children.

Sergei Mironov has two grandchildren.

Awards and titles of Sergei Mironov


  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (February 14, 2008)
  • Jubilee medal "300 years of the Russian Navy"
  • Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" (2003)
  • Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan" (2005)
  • Chain of the Order of Honor (Peru, 2005)
  • Order of Honor (South Ossetia, October 9, 2009)
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st class (ROC, 2008)
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree (ROC, 2003)
  • Order "Commonwealth" of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS
  • Medal "For Combat Commonwealth" (, 2005)
  • Honorary badge "For merits in the development of parliamentarism" and Honorary Diploma of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • Badge of distinction "For merits in strengthening cooperation with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation" (2006)
  • Medal "For outstanding contribution to the development of collections in Russia"
  • Order of the Holy Archangel Michael, I degree (2014, Donetsk People's Republic) - for merits in the formation of statehood in the DPR, as well as providing humanitarian assistance to the population of Donbass and supporting the activities of the charitable medical organization "Fair Help"
  • Six times awarded with firearms: Makarov pistol, PMM, Vector pistol, GSh-18, Yarygin pistol and Nagant revolver

honorary titles

  • Honorary Doctor of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky (2005)
  • Honorary Doctor of the Bashkir State University (2006)
  • Honorary Doctor of National Armenia
  • Honorary Doctor of the Russian State Social University
  • Honorary Doctor of the Mongolian State Scientific and Technical University (Mongolia)
  • Honorary Doctor of the Far Eastern State Transport University
  • Honorary Doctor of the Moscow State Forest University
  • Honorary Doctor of the Slavic University of Moldova (2007)
  • Honorary Doctor of the Khakass State University named after N. F. Katanov
  • Honorary Doctor of the Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University
  • Honorary Professor of the North-West Academy of Public Administration (2004)
  • Honorary Professor of South Ural State University (2003)
  • Honorary Professor of Perm State Technical University
  • Honorary Professor of Bryansk State University
  • Honorary Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University (2007)
  • Honorary citizen of Makhachkala (2006)
  • Laureate of the national business reputation award "Darin" of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship in 2006.
  • Honorary Doctor of Moscow State Forest University (2006)

Sergei Mironov - Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and politician, head of the faction of the Just Russia party.


His parents met during the war years in the Novgorod region. His father, Mikhail, remained in the army after the war, and his mother, Galina Varlamova, worked as an instructor in party accounting.

Education and military service

He graduated from high school number 410 in Pushkin. Already in elementary school he dreamed of being a geologist.

As a ninth-grader, he decided to realize his childhood dream and entered the Industrial College in the direction of "Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of minerals."

In the first year of study, he left the technical school and went to travel to Siberia. In the summer of the following year, he again successfully passed the exams, and at the end of the first year he went on an expedition to the Kola Peninsula.

In the second year of technical school, he volunteered to join the army. Served in the airborne troops. Where he was elected to the first elective position in his life - an assessor of the military tribunal of the Kirovabad garrison.

After school he entered the geophysical department of the Mining Institute.

In 1991, in St. Petersburg, he was enrolled in the Faculty of Foreign Economic Activity, from which he graduated under an accelerated program in 11 months (second higher education).

In total, he has five higher educations: geological (1980, Leningrad Mining Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov), economics (1998, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University), management (1997, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation), legal (1998), philosophical (2004, Faculty of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University).

Labor activity

Upon his return from the army, in parallel with his studies at the evening school, he worked as a master of industrial training at the Pushkin Higher Command School of Radio Electronics of the Air Defense of the country.

As a student, he began working at NPO Rudgeofizika, in the sector where they were engaged in the search for uranium raw materials. In 1978-1986 he was a senior geophysicist at NPO Rudgeofizika (now FGU NPP Geologorazvedka), then a geophysicist for the Zelenogorsk expedition of the USSR Ministry of Geology.


From 1986 to 1991, in the direction of the USSR Ministry of Geology, he worked as a senior geophysicist of an air party in the Mongolian People's Republic.

Party activities

He began his political career in 1994, was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the 1st convocation from the All Petersburg bloc. In the same year, he became the executive director of OJSC Construction Corporation Vozrozhdenie St. Petersburg.

From April 1995 - First Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, and from April to December 1998 - Acting Chairman. In 1998, he became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the 2nd convocation in the 12th constituency, receiving 70% of the vote (the best result in the city) and became a member of the Lawfulness faction.

In 2000, he became deputy head of Vladimir Putin's campaign headquarters for St. Petersburg in the 2000 presidential election.

In June of the same year, he was elected deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the second convocation, and in September he became chairman of the political council of the St. Petersburg regional political public movement "Will of Petersburg".

In 2004, he wrote the book 10 Years in Politics.


In 2006, he participated in the creation and headed the political association A Just Russia.

On June 8, 2011, he was registered as a deputy of the State Duma, and on the 14th he became the head of a faction in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Member of the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technologies.

On December 4, 2011, he was re-elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the 6th convocation, head of the Just Russia faction in the State Duma, member of the State Duma committee on housing policy and housing and communal services.

In December 2011, he was nominated as a candidate for the 2012 presidential election. According to the results of March 4, 2012, he received 2,763,935 votes (3.85% of the total number of voters), taking last place, but at the same time improving his result by 3 .1% compared to 2004.

As a result of the elections on September 18, 2016, the party he leads in the State Duma of the seventh convocation received 23 mandates (5.11% of seats).


For his long political career and social work, Sergei Mikhailovich was awarded many awards, including the Order ("For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree, Honor, St. Sergius of Radonezh II and I degrees, St. Archangel Michael I class., "Commonwealth" of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS ), medals (commemorative medal "300th Anniversary of the Russian Fleet", "For Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Collection Business in Russia", "In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg" and "In Commemoration of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan") and other insignia. Several times he was awarded with firearms: pistols - Makarov, PMM, Vector, GSh-18, Yarygin and the Nagant revolver.


He is fond of geology and collecting stones. The politician has 18 field seasons behind him, during which he managed to collect more than one and a half thousand copies. Favorite stone is agate.

Family status

Married, has three children - Yaroslav, Ivan and Irina, as well as two grandchildren.

Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov is a Russian politician. Previously, he held senior positions in commercial enterprises of the Northern capital.

For 10 years, the politician headed the Federation Council, for seven years he was a member of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, twice he was a candidate for the post of head of the Russian Federation. At the moment he is a member of the Duma, the leader of the parliamentary faction and the founder of A Just Russia.

Psychologist Ivan Karnaukh attributed Sergei Mikhailovich to the category of statesmen who are sincerely convinced of the need for the chosen kind of activity and emotionally react to erroneous, in their opinion, decisions. As speaker of the Senate and head of Spravrossov, he expressed disagreement with the social initiatives of Vladimir Putin, the prime minister and leader of United Russia, which caused a conflict between the factions, which was actively discussed in the press. In some media, he was called the most unpopular politician among the heads of parliamentary parties.

The childhood of Sergei Mironov

The current head of the Social Revolutionaries was born into a military family on February 14, 1953 in the city of Pushkin, Leningrad Region. His mother was on party work, was an instructor in personnel records. After the war, my father remained in the ranks of the army and continued to serve.

At school, Serezha was a Komsomol class organizer, sociable and friendly. According to classmates, he was once able to convince his fellow students that it was unworthy to write off a Komsomol member, and everyone stopped doing it. Most of his peers considered him an incorrigible romantic.

Perhaps that is why he decided to become a geologist, having passed the exams at the Industrial College. Not having studied even for one year, the young romantic went to Siberia. Then he entered the same educational institution again, went on a geological expedition and, interrupting his studies, went into the army.

The beginning of the career of Sergei Mironov

After serving in the armed forces, the future speaker completed a ten-year course at an evening school and in 1974 entered the Mining Institute of the city on the Neva. In his second year, he switched to evening studies and began working as a geophysicist. Mironov was also engaged in Komsomol work, was deputy Komsomol organizer of the institute, but he was not enrolled in the ranks of the CPSU - a rare case in the biography of modern Russian officials.

After graduation, Sergey went on long expeditions to the Mongolian People's Republic (MPR) - he was engaged in exploration of uranium deposits. In 1986, the 33-year-old geologist left for the capital of this republic and lived there with his family for 5 years.

Returning to the northern capital just before the collapse of the Soviet Union, he received an accelerated program for a second, economic specialty at the Technical University. Then, for about three years, Sergei Mikhailovich devoted himself exclusively to business, holding senior positions in commercial structures - Garant-Service, the Russian Chamber of Commerce, STR, and the Renaissance of St. Petersburg.

Political career of Sergei Mironov

In 1994, Mironov was elected to the St. Petersburg government body, the following year he became the first deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

In 1997 and 1998, the parliamentarian attached two more documents to his two diplomas - on graduation from the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the head of state and the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University, respectively. Not stopping there, in 2000 he entered the Faculty of Philosophy of the State University of the Northern Capital (on a correspondence course), was elected vice-chairman of the Legislative Assembly, deputy head of Vladimir Putin's city election headquarters for the presidency.

In the summer of 2001, Sergei began to work in the Senate, representing the city on the Neva, and in the winter, on the recommendation of Putin, he became its speaker.

The first of the proposals for the new position of Sergei Mikhailovich was an initiative to increase the presidential term of office to seven years. Putin considered such a change in the duration of the powers of the leader of the state to be inappropriate.

Politician Sergei Mironov: Happy New Year 2012!

Since February of the following year, the head of the Federation Council headed the Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS countries, since 2003 - the "Party of Life".

In 2004, he announced his candidacy for the presidency, but received less than one percent of the vote. During that period of time, he received a higher (fifth in a row) philosophical education and published the book “10 Years in Politics”.

Sergei Mironov and A Just Russia

At the end of 2006, the politician became the chairman of a new left opposition party, formed by the merger of three political forces (the parties of Life, Pensioners and Motherland).

Spravoross again spoke in favor of increasing the term of office of the leader of the country, supplementing it with a proposal to change the constitutional norm on three, instead of two, terms for the head of state, as well as for the unification of Just Russia with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. However, the communists categorically did not recognize the association headed by Mironov as a left-wing political force.

In the Duma elections, for the first time in the recent history of the country, the Socialist Party of the SR received the status of a parliamentary party. In 2010, in the State Duma, A Just Russia and United Russia signed an agreement to support the course of the country's leaders - President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Sergey Mironov about Russian paratroopers in Ukraine

In 2011, at the fifth congress of Spravrossov, Mironov announced his resignation from the post of head and was again elected party leader, taking the post of chairman of the Council of the Chamber of Deputies created during the congress. In May, the Legislative Assembly of the Northern capital announced the recall of Mironov from the Federation Council, thereby losing his post of its chairman.

Personal life of Sergei Mironov

Mironov is married for the fourth time. He first married at the age of 24 to Elena, a cousin of a former classmate. They had known each other since childhood, they started dating after Sergei returned from the army, and got married only after Mironov entered the Mining Institute. She received a technical education, knew several foreign languages, and worked as a guide-translator. Working in the company "Intourist", she often traveled. In 1979, their firstborn Yaroslav was born, who today works in the IT field as a programmer. He gave the parliamentarian three grandchildren.

On a trip to Mongolia, he met his second wife: the geologist Lyubov from Yekaterinburg. About a 5-year affair with her in 1984, he confessed to his wife, and they divorced. He spent 5 happy years in Asia and 15 in St. Petersburg with Lyuba and his newborn daughter Ira: twenty years of marriage. The daughter of a politician trained as a lawyer.

Then he had an office romance with Irina, the secretary of Zaks. She captivated him with her erudition, style of dress, excellent manners and common interests. After the politician was elected chairman of the Federation Council in 2001, he moved to Moscow with her, and not with his wife. At first, the wife did not give him a divorce, after two years she nevertheless agreed. In 2003, he nevertheless officially married Irina. She supported him in his political career. But family life went wrong after the loss of the speaker's chair by Mironov. The couple had no children.

Mironov's fourth wife is Olga Radievskaya, a 29-year-old TV presenter of the Vot channel from St. Petersburg, whom he married at the age of 60 in 2013. The couple is raising Olga's son Ivan from a previous marriage. The politician made a declaration of love and a marriage proposal to his future wife in an original way - by writing them on a billboard under her window.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky about the wedding of Sergei Mironov

Mironov was engaged in collecting minerals. He collected about one and a half thousand specimens of mineral species, which he donated to the Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Sergei Mikhailovich loves outdoor activities, fishing, books, theater.

The leader of the Social Revolutionaries was awarded many awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree, the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, I and II degrees. Six times he was awarded firearms.

Sergey Mironov today

In 2011, the politician was registered as a State Duma deputy and subsequently headed the SR faction. He was also nominated for participation in the 2012 Presidential Elections, as a result of which he received 3.86% of the vote.

In 2014, Mironov was included in the list of persons under EU sanctions in connection with the events in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a criminal case against the parliamentarian on suspicion of assisting the militia in the south-east of the country.

The politician, together with Sergei Naryshkin, Vladimir Vasiliev and Vladimir Zhirinovsky, initiated the adoption of a bill to postpone next year's elections to the State Duma from December to September 18. On July 15, 2015, the document was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In mid-2015, the head of the “Pravorossov”, who defined his main life task as the desire to do good to as many people as possible, proposed how to solve the acute housing issue in the country. Namely, to introduce, as an alternative to a mortgage, available only to one in ten Russians, the practice of building savings banks, which are successfully operating in many countries of the world. These institutions will allow borrowers to transfer construction contributions to their accounts and, if they accumulate up to half of the required amount, receive a loan at a small percentage (about three) for the missing amount of funds. The faction of the SR also prepared a draft law on the suspension of the collection of money from the Russians for major repairs, considering it anti-people.

Sergei Mironov on the problems of tourism in Russia

The parliamentarian defined the credo of his political force - "Fair Russia" - as the adoption in conscience of legislative acts written by decent and intelligent people.

Debate: Sergey Mironov VS Gennady Zyuganov

He is a significant figure on the political Olympus of Russia. Colleagues in the shop call him a bright representative of the systemic opposition. Heading one of the leading factions in the national parliament, Sergei Mironov (A Just Russia) is trying to provide real help to people when it comes to lawlessness and arbitrariness. Once he even put forward his own candidacy to participate in the presidential elections - his political ambitions were so great.

Today, Sergei Mironov (Fair Russia) continues to actively fight for the Russian voter in order to implement party tasks in practice. What was his path in his political career and what was noteworthy in his biography? Let's consider these questions in more detail.

Childhood years

Biography of Sergei Mironov ("Fair Russia"), no doubt, contains many interesting and remarkable facts.

He was born on February 14, 1953 in the provincial town of Pushkin (Leningrad region). The father of the future politician worked at a local military school, and his mother was a party accounting instructor.

Young Sergey learned to count, write and read at the Leningrad school No. 410. Having matured a little, he gravitated more towards the humanities, but the exact disciplines were worse for him. As a child, Sergei Mironov ("Fair Russia") was a sociable and sociable child. During this period of his life, he decided on the choice of profession, declaring to everyone that he wanted to become a geologist. The boy's interest in this field of activity developed due to the fact that at his leisure he liked to collect beautiful stones and some specimens were even sent to the Mining Institute. Sergei Mironov (Fair Russia) was proud when he learned that the stones sent to him were part of one or another collection of the institute.

Years of study after school

Having received a matriculation certificate, the young man successfully passes exams at the Industrial College, having previously chosen the faculty of "Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of minerals."

However, after studying for several months, he doubted the correctness of his decision and left his studies for a while. A year later, Mironov Sergei Mikhailovich still returns to the technical school he left. Shortly thereafter, the young man goes on an expedition to the Kola Peninsula.

Service in the Armed Forces

As a sophomore, Sergei Mironov ("Fair Russia"), whose biography is interesting to many, makes a cardinal decision - to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Despite the fact that the students were entitled to a deferment from the army, he went to the military registration and enlistment office of his own free will. The choice of troops was small: construction battalion and radio engineers. Choosing the second option, the young man, by chance, ended up in the Airborne Forces. Yes, at one time the leader of the Just Russia party was a paratrooper. Mironov Sergey Mikhailovich subsequently himself was surprised at how, with such a “mediocre” physique, he was assigned to the elite of the Soviet army. However, soon his physical data, thanks to his service in the landing troops, became almost ideal. The current leader of A Just Russia, Sergei Mironov, partially served in the Lithuanian village of Gaizhyunai. Then he was transferred to Kirovobad. The future politician, over the years of serving the Motherland, has proven himself exclusively on the positive side, unquestioningly fulfilling all orders and showing maximum diligence in studies. He returned from the army as a senior sergeant.

Back to school and work

Having repaid his debt to his homeland, Sergei Mironov (the Just Russia party) decided to continue his studies by enrolling in the Leningrad Mining Institute, where he sent stones unique for the collection in his youth.

Comprehending the theoretical foundations of geological science, he tried to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. To do this, Sergei Mikhailovich got a job at the NPO Geofizika, where he helped to search for uranium ore. After some time, he moved to NPO Rudgeofizika, whose management entrusted him with the position of a geophysical engineer. The current leader of the Just Russia party, Sergei Mironov, at the beginning of his career, actively participated in a number of geological expeditions. He continued to work at NPO Rudgeofizika until 1986.

Jobs in Mongolia

In 1986, Sergei Mikhailovich went to Mongolia, where he had been searching for uranium ores for a long time. Some time later, he took the position of senior geophysicist, and he is transferred to Ulaanbaatar. Here he works until the moment when the coup d'état took place.

The collapse of the Soviet system put an end to the career of a geologist. The officials who came to power significantly reduced the financing of the industry and did not pay salaries to researchers for months. Seeing this state of affairs, the future chairman of the Just Russia party, Sergei Mironov, immediately goes to his homeland. Upon arrival in Russia, a graduate of the Leningrad Mining Institute thinks hard about what he will do.

In the early 90s, he got a job at the Russian Chamber of Commerce CJSC (Pushkin), where he was subsequently entrusted with the position of executive director. Some time later, Mironov receives a paper from the Russian Ministry of Finance, which says that he has the right to engage in brokerage activities with securities. This direction of activity also interested him.


It is noteworthy that the head of a large faction in the State Duma has as many as 5 diplomas of graduation from universities. He is a geologist (Leningrad Mining Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov, 1980), and an economist (St. Petersburg State University, 1998), and a manager (Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, 1997), and a lawyer (St. Petersburg State University, 1998), and a philosopher (St. Petersburg State University, 2004).

Political career

Sergei Mikhailovich came to power structures in 1994, when he became a parliamentarian in the Legislative Assembly of the city on the Neva. His candidacy was nominated by representatives of the All Petersburg bloc.

In the spring of 1995, Mironov already holds the position of first assistant to the head of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, and three years later, the speaker.

In 1998, Sergei Mikhailovich again ran for deputies of the regional legislative body and won, securing 70% of the votes. Soon he decides to become a member of the parliamentary party "Legality".

At the beginning of the 2000s, Mironov joined the election headquarters of Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg, he was appointed deputy head of the above structure.

In 2001, the legislators of the Northern capital nominated Sergei Mikhailovich as their representative to the Federation Council. Six months later, a graduate of the Leningrad Mining Institute took the chair of the chairman of the upper house of the Russian parliament.

Participation in projects

In 2003, Mironov became the head of the political structure "Russian Party of Life". The politician deliberately does not participate in the gubernatorial elections in St. Petersburg, supporting the candidacy of Valentina Matvienko.

In 2004, the future leader of the Just Russia party, Mironov Sergei Mikhailovich, tries his hand as a candidate for the presidency, but this time his ambitions failed to materialize.

Creation of a party

In 2006, Sergei Mironov already had a significant status in domestic politics, and the Just Russia party he founded was another proof of this. He himself headed the created offspring, which appeared in many respects so that United Russia would not become the second CPSU.

Soon Sergei Mikhailovich was once again elected to the post of speaker of the Federation Council. Mironov, with the support of party members, came up with an initiative to extend the presidential term from 4 to 7 years, and a person could hold this high post three times in a row.

One way or another, but, supporting the internal political course of Vladimir Putin, the chairman has repeatedly stated that he will act as an opponent of the United Russia faction.

Deputy position

In the summer of 2011, Mironov becomes a member of the State Duma and actively participates in the meetings of the Duma Committee, whose competence includes solving problems related to science and technology.

The "Fair Russians" at the next congress spoke in favor of Sergei Mikhailovich continuing to fight in the presidential elections scheduled for 2012. However, the second time Sergei Mikhailovich failed to win, he received only 3.85% of the total number of voters. In the last elections, the head of A Just Russia became an outsider.

Until now, he has been engaged in legislative activities, being a "servant of the people." You can write a letter to Sergei Mironov ("Fair Russia") through the Internet reception (http://new.mironov.ru/internet-reception/).

Personal life

Sergei Mironov is a happy husband and caring father. He has three children and two grandchildren. Unfortunately, he hardly has time to spend time with his family. It is noteworthy that he tied the knot four times.

He became friends with his first wife Elena at school. But a real romance broke out a little later, when Sergei Mikhailovich came from the army. Having entered the institute, Mironov and his fiancee submitted documents to the registry office. The wedding celebration was modest. Elena gave birth to a son. However, family happiness came to an end after Sergei Mikhailovich began to periodically leave for Mongolia, where he started a relationship with a girl named Lyubov. She was also fond of geology, so against this background they became very close.

Sergei Mikhailovich courted for a long time, giving his beloved rare minerals. In the evening he sang serenades, accompanying himself on the guitar. The second marriage lasted almost two decades.

For the third time, Mironov married his assistant when he was engaged in lawmaking in the parliament of St. Petersburg. It was a kind of office romance. His new chosen one, Irina Yurieva, eventually grew from an ordinary secretary to the chief adviser to the head of the Legislative Assembly. She was inseparable from Sergei Mikhailovich, accompanying him not only on business trips, but also keeping him company on vacation. Mironov proposed to Irina in 2003. The idyll came to an end after the head of the Righteous Russian Federation left the post of speaker of the Federation Council.

For the fourth time, Sergei Mikhailovich married when he was sixty. His choice fell on the twenty-nine-year-old TV presenter of the St. Petersburg TV channel. Beauty and youth won.


In his free time, the chairman of A Just Russia prefers to read literature. He enjoys going fishing, listening to songs on military topics, sometimes he himself performs the compositions he likes. And, of course, Sergei Mikhailovich does not forget about his passion, which he "fell ill" in childhood. We are talking about collecting rare stones and minerals. Mironov's favorite stone is agate. Even the leader of the Righteous Russians called his pet cat “Agate”. And Sergei Mikhailovich is an avid theatergoer. He also likes to collect mushrooms, which he himself prepares for his family.

Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov was born on February 14, 1953 in the city of Pushkin, Leningrad Region. Father, Mikhail Emelyanovich Mironov, worked at a local military school. Mother, Galina Fedorovna Varlamova, came from a family of Novgorod peasants. My paternal grandfather was shot as a kulak in 1937.

He has higher technical, economic, legal, philosophical education, as well as higher education in the field of state and municipal administration: in 1980 he graduated from the Leningrad Mining Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov; in 1992 - St. Petersburg Technical University; in 1997 - with honors from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; in 1998 - Faculty of Law with honors, in 2004 - Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University. Applicant for the degree of candidate of legal sciences.

After graduating from school in 1969, Sergei Mironov enters the Industrial College at the faculty of "Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of minerals", but was expelled from the 1st year. After that, Sergei Mironov again resumes his studies at the technical school, but in the second year, it is possible that, anticipating the imminent re-deductions, he is in the military registration and enlistment office and is called up for service in the Soviet Army.
He served in the airborne troops, made 25 parachute jumps. After "training" in the city of Gaizhunai, Lithuanian SSR, he was sent to the city of Kirovabad, Azerbaijan SSR, where at that time the 104th Guards Airborne Division was stationed, nicknamed the "wild division" by the paratroopers (due to the specifics of the training of personnel), in 337th Guards Airborne Regiment. He retired to the reserve with the rank of senior sergeant.

Although at the institute Mironov was deputy secretary of the Komsomol for ideology, he never became a member of the CPSU - an extremely rare case in the biography of a modern Russian politician. Mironov, by his own admission, “was in line” for admission to the CPSU, but in the geological department it was longer than for getting an apartment, and by 1989 the turn did not reach him, and after (when they began to accept all) he no longer needed it.

In 1978 - 1986 he worked as a senior geophysicist at NPO "Rudgeofizika", then as a geophysicist for the Zelenogorsk expedition of the USSR Ministry of Geology. In 1986 - 1991, he worked as a senior geophysicist for an air party in the Mongolian People's Republic on the direction of the USSR Ministry of Geology.

Until 1993, he worked in senior positions (manager, director, executive director) in small St. Petersburg commercial firms, of which, perhaps, only Garant-Service is noteworthy: he was most likely a subsidiary of Garant a large business structure by St. Petersburg standards, owned by Ilya Baskin, one of the first St. Petersburg entrepreneurs. In parallel, Mironov received a second education, graduating from the economics department of St. Petersburg Technical University.

At the end of 1993, Mironov became the executive director of the construction corporation "Revival of St. Petersburg". It was a construction plant in the Dzerzhinsky district, privatized "according to Chubais": its shares could be obtained in exchange for a voucher.

"Revival of St. Petersburg" belongs to the Molchanov family - father Yuri and son Andrei, a close friend of Sergei Mironov. Yuri Vyacheslavovich Molchanov is the same vice-rector of Leningrad State University (LSU) for international relations, whose assistant was appointed in early 1990, KGB Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Putin, who returned from Dresden.

In 1990, Yu. Molchanov and V. Putin organized a joint venture between Leningrad State University and Procter & Gamble: for 1% of the income deducted to the university, the company commissioned one of the Leningrad State University mansions on Universitetskaya Embankment for the sale of American soap and washing powder. This operation marked the beginning of a successful consulting business of the St. Petersburg company BusinessLink (Yu. Molchanov, as well as Stanislav Yeremeev, also a prominent university administrator, and since December 14 of this year - chairman of the political council of the St. Petersburg organization of the Union of Right Forces). Y. Molchanov and recommended V. Putin to Anatoly Sobchak for the post of adviser on foreign economic relations.

At the end of 1993, when A. Molchanov became the general director and S. Mironov became the executive director of the "Revival of St. Petersburg", V. Putin had been heading the committee of the St. -mayor - in fact, the second person after Sobchak in the northern capital. The Molchanov-Mironov Construction Corporation has connections and interests abroad, so Mironov's personal acquaintance with Putin most likely happened no later than this time.

In 1993 he received a certificate from the Ministry of Finance of Russia for the right to work on the securities market. In 1994 - 1995 - Executive Director of OJSC "Construction Corporation" Revival of St. Petersburg ".

Elections to the city (now legislative) assembly of St. Petersburg were scheduled for the spring of 1994, and St. Petersburg business rushed into politics. The business community of the northern capital took part in the creation of two electoral blocs - "All Petersburg" (or "Sergey Belyaev's bloc") and "Democratic Unity of St. Petersburg" (DEP, or "Alexander Belyaev's bloc"). The first was organized by City Hall officials and businessmen closely associated with it, while the second was organized by democratic circles semi-opposing the City Hall (DemRussia, Russia's Choice) and less privileged businesses. "Revival of St. Petersburg" distributed its forces: A. Molchanov ran from the DEP, and S. Mironov - from "All Petersburg".

Together with S. Mironov, in the “All Petersburg” block there were such people as Valery Golubev (head of the administration of the Vasileostrovsky district, who helped solve V. Putin’s housing problems, Putin’s former colleague in the Leningrad KGB), Alexander Bespalov (head of the mayor’s office for public relations , the future deputy of V. Putin for the NDR of St. Petersburg, and now - the chairman of the executive committee of the All-Russian party "Unity" and "Fatherland"), Dmitry Kozak (then head of the legal department of the mayor's office, and now - deputy head of the presidential administration).

In the elections in March 1994, S. Mironov beat his communist rival in his district, but the elections were declared invalid due to poor voter turnout. For the same reason, only 24 out of 50 deputies were elected to the city parliament. All Petersburg and the DEP actually lost the spring elections, and the Favorite City bloc (the future St. Petersburg Yabloko) won a relative victory, having received five mandates.
In 1994 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the first convocation, since April 1995 - First Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. From April to December 1998, he served as Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the first convocation.

In June 1994, S. Mironov and A. Molchanov were invited to the party of Gaidar's supporters "Democratic Choice of Russia" (FER), which was then being created - Molchanov accepted the invitation and participated in the Moscow founding congress of the FER, while Mironov declined. In the fall, both of them participated in by-elections to the city assembly. In the fall by-elections, the DEP, All Petersburg, and the Far Eastern Republic created the Unified Democratic List, in which Molchanov lost the elections in his constituency, and Mironov won, defeating in the second round the same communist with whom he competed in the spring. In general, the victory in the autumn by-elections was shared by the Communists and the "Beloved City", and from the "All Petersburg" Mironov was the only winner.

In the AP of the first convocation, there was a centrist-democratic majority, divided, however, by the lobbying interests of bureaucratic cliques and commercial structures that strongly influenced the deputies of the centrist factions. Around S. Mironov there was a centrist faction "Mariinsky", the most loyal to the mayor's office and personally to the mayor Sobchak (as well as to the vice-mayor V. Putin). Many “centrist” deputies (i.e., principled supporters of the “party of power”) who migrated from faction to faction gradually reoriented themselves from Sobchak and Putin to another vice-mayor, Vladimir Yakovlev. Nevertheless, in 1995, the factions agreed among themselves and elected the leadership of the "package": the speaker was Yuri Kravtsov ("Beloved City") - from the democratic opposition, the vice-speakers - S. Mironov (from the solid Sobchak-Putinites) and Viktor Novoselov (from situational Sobchakists, future Yakovlevites).

The "Mariinsky" faction, in addition to being a pro-mayor, especially distinguished itself in protecting the corporate interests of the inhabitants of the Mariinsky Palace - deputies. At the initiative of Mironov, the salaries of deputies of the Legislative Assembly were increased in several stages, overtaking the salaries of deputies of the federal parliament. At the suggestion of Mironov, a regional law on deputy "reserve funds" was adopted. Not without the benevolent mediation of Putin, the law was signed by Sobchak.

Since then, each deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly has received annually a very large amount of money intended to solve the urgent and unforeseen needs of his constituents: this amount can be simply stolen with some skill, or can be used to develop business, culture, repair roads and housing infrastructure in his electoral constituency and thereby secure re-election for the next term.

In the spring of 1996, Vice-Speaker S. Mironov was forced to come into conflict with the deputies. A. Sobchak wanted to postpone his elections from June 1996 a month earlier, so that his rivals would not have time to "unwind". Sobchak instructed Putin to process the deputies in the right direction. Meanwhile, almost half of the deputies supported one of the vice-mayor V. Yakovlev, some of his colleague "Yabloko" Igor Artemyem, some Yury Boldyrev. They did not go to the Mariinsky Palace or went, but did not register for voting. Previously, always calm and correct, Putin once broke down and yelled at the deputies right in the style of Sobchak.

The last decisive day has come when it was still possible to push through the legal postponement of the elections. Speaker Kravtsov (then a supporter of Boldyrev) was absent, and the meeting was chaired by his deputy Mironov. When the registration showed the absence of a quorum, Mironov announced that he would count the deputies actually present, whom he sees in the hall, listed everyone by name and stated that in total there were 33 deputies - the necessary quorum. The vote gave a majority in favor of the transfer.

When later the curious people counted the names listed by the chairman according to the transcript, it turned out not 33 (quorum), but 31 (not quorum). So the vice-speaker of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Mironov lost his good name, but instead earned the inescapable gratitude of the vice-mayor.

Subsequently, Mironov admitted that he made a mistake that day (without specifying - arithmetic or some other). And the deputies forgave him: who is without sin? In addition, this falsification did not go to the benefit of the one for whom it was committed: Sobchak still lost the postponed elections to Yakovlev.

The next conflict in the AP was around speaker Kravtsov, who committed some petty financial indiscretions. These indiscretions did not get away with Kravtsov: supporters of Governor Yakovlev, communists and democratic purists-"Yabloko" opponents of financial indiscretions united against him. On the basis of the struggle around Kravtsov, almost all the old AP factions disintegrated and new ones formed.

S. Mironov defended Kravtsov to the last: only nine deputies decided in February 1998 to record their solidarity with the speaker in writing, and among them was Mironov. In April of the same year, the deputies, instigated by the governor, nevertheless deposed Kravtsov. The "Mariinsky" faction, which had existed in a stable composition longer than any other, also fell apart. Mironov did not join any of the new factions. As vice speaker, he became acting. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, but did not inherit the place of Yu. Kravtsov in the Federation Council.

In November 1998, during the election campaign for the election of a new legislative assembly, S. Mironov participated in the creation of the "Civil Anti-Criminal Front" - together with the St. ) and "Northern Capital" (the bloc of Galina Starovoitova, who was killed during the campaign). A declaration on the creation of an "anti-criminal front" was signed by 70 candidates, mostly opponents of the governor V. Yakovlev. S. Mironov was not the only "anti-criminal" candidate in his constituency (he had a competitor from "Consent"), but he was officially supported by the "Northern Capital" and semi-officially by "Yabloko". On December 6, 1998, he was elected to the new LA in the first round, receiving 69.33% of the vote.

Between the first and second rounds of the elections, the three "anti-criminal" deputies who won the first round (S. Mironov, "Yabloko" Mikhail Amosov and the independent Nikita Ananov) published an expanded - at the expense of the Boldyrevites and independents - a new "anti-criminal" list, now called simply "Civil list” (43 candidates for 44 vacancies). The pro-governor's mass media declared the "Civil List" "Moscow": they say, these are nominees of "Moscow" parties. In opposition to him, three other deputies who also passed in the first round (V.Novoselov, Konstantin Serov, Oleg Nilov) published the "Petersburg List", which was an explicit list of the governor.

In the second round on December 20, 1998, the bloc of Mironov, Amosov and Ananov was actually defeated: 19 from the "Civil" and 28 candidates from the "Petersburg list" became deputies (though several people were on both lists).

After the elections in St. Petersburg's LA, a stalemate developed: neither the governor's supporters nor the opposition had a solid majority to elect their speaker. V.Novoselov and Sergey Tarasov, who were at odds with each other (the pro-governor wing of the Legislative Assembly), Anatoly Krivenchenko (Yury Boldyrev's Bloc, which won a formal victory - 16 deputies, claimed the post of speaker, of which half in the second round went as "civilian", and half as "Petersburg") and S. Mironov, who at first did not join any of the factions, but was supported by the democratic factions "Yabloko" and "Center", as well as the minority of Boldyrev's bloc.

In the autumn of 1999, he was killed with a plastic bomb. Deputy Speaker V.Novoselov is the most consistent supporter of a “package” compromise between “criminal” (“Petersburg”) and “anti-criminal” (“civilian”). But in the end, everything came to the same “package”: in the summer of 2000, S. Tarasov (the pro-governor bloc “Petersburg Districts”) became the speaker, and S. Mironov (the “Legality” faction) became his deputy. The historic compromise was preceded by the election in March 2000 of Vladmir Putin as President of Russia, for whom both “anti-criminal” and “criminal” agitated in St. Petersburg. Mironov himself in that campaign was the deputy head of Putin's campaign headquarters for St. Petersburg (headed by the rector of the Mining Institute Vladimir Litvinenko), and the Renaissance of St. Petersburg was the official sponsor of Putin's campaign.

After the victory, Mironov hung in his office a framed letter of thanks from V. Putin and several photographs from the series “I and Putin”. In September 2000, S. Mironov and other former confidants of Putin in St. Petersburg (including A. Molchanov and V. Litvinenko) established the regional party "Will of St. Petersburg". Among its political goals is the election of Vladimir Putin in 2004 for a second presidential term and the extension of the presidential term from four to seven years.

The first proto-party project of Sergei Mironov was the regional movement "Will of Petersburg", created after the presidential elections in 2000 by a group of Vladimir Putin's confidants. The movement "Will of Petersburg" was established in September 2000, S. Mironov was elected chairman of the political council. It was supposed to create the movement "Will of Russia" under the slogan of supporting President V. Putin. After the election of S. Mironov in December 2000 as the speaker of the Federation Council, the post of chairman of the political council of "Will of Petersburg" was taken by the deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, Igor Matveev.

At the end of 2000, the St. Petersburg prosecutor's office charged Mironov under Art. 171, part 12 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
"abuse of power or official authority". The charges were brought as part of the investigation into the "case of Kravtsov" (chairman of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly in 1996-1998), which the prosecutor's office began in December 1998.
"Neva time", 01/22/2000
"The city prosecutor's office decided to refuse to initiate a criminal case against Deputy of the Legislative Assembly Sergei Mironov. Earlier, he was charged as part of the investigation of the case against the former chairman of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Yuri Kravtsov. It was launched in December 1998 due to , in the period from March 1996 to April 1997, Kravtsov single-handedly allocated interest-free loans from the city budget to the Smena publishing house on behalf of the Legislative Assembly.The amount of these loans amounted to 400 million rubles in 1997 prices.
During the investigation, it was established that one of the documents was signed by S. Mironov, then Kravtsov's deputy. The damage from his actions was estimated by the investigation at 100 million rubles in 1997 prices. Last fall, Mironov was charged under article 171 of part 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (abuse of power or official authority).
However, at the time of completion of the investigation, the debt on the loan in question had been recovered. In this regard, the Prosecutor General's Office, checking the materials of this criminal case, canceled the decision to bring Sergei Mironov as a defendant.
The prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg decided to refuse to initiate a criminal case due to the absence of signs of a crime in Mironov's actions.
In May 2001, Governor Yakovlev received a signal from the presidential administration in St. Petersburg: to delegate Mironov to the Federation Council from the legislative branch of power. Yakovlev reluctantly outlined the assignment to Speaker Tarasov. The speaker tried to intrigue. At first, a rumor was spread that the president himself called the governor about Mironov. Mironov fell for the bait and also began to hint about it. Then the rumor was refuted with disgrace for Mironov: the president himself did not call. But then, although not from the president personally, but as if from the Kremlin, confirmation came: the president wants Mironov. Gritting his teeth, Tarasov carried out the necessary voting procedure in June.
"Change", St. Petersburg, 2001

"Sergey Mironov was one of the "supporting" deputies of Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak. With the support of the then city administration, he was elected deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly. After the election of Vladimir Yakovlev as governor, Mironov's relations with Smolny deteriorated. At the same time, Mironov worked closely with the current prominent Kremlin official politician - Secretary of the General Council of the Union "Unity", "Fatherland" and "All Russia" Alexander Bespalov.
In terms of his political coloring, Sergei Mironov is the best fit for the current Kremlin. Sergei Mikhailovich has always been a born centrist in politics, and in the Kremlin centrism is now in great fashion.
On June 13, 2001, he was elected a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - a representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Since June of the same year, he has been a member of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial and Legal Issues, a member of the Federation Council Commission on Regulations and Parliamentary Procedures, since October 2001, he has been Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial and Legal Issues.

December 5, 2001 S. Mironov was elected Chairman of the Federation Council. 152 members voted in favor of this decision, 2 against, 4 abstained.

On January 15, 2003, he was re-elected as a representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

On January 29, 2003, he was elected Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for a second term.

Since February 2003, he has been Chairman of the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States, since April 2003, Chairman of the Russian Party of Life.
As the Kommersant newspaper wrote, in a little over a year of its existence, the Russian Party of Life has spent over $10 million. At the same time, a little more than a million was spent on statutory and administrative activities, while the rest of the money simply vanished into thin air. The mysterious disappearance of such large sums surprised even some party leaders, such as Rafgat Altynbaev. And there is nothing particularly criminal here: just why is it trivial to steal money from the party, when there is a much simpler and more legal way - “to master the budget”. And in this, the structures of the RPL, which were responsible for the promotion of the party, succeeded very well, even setting a kind of Russian record ...
The most phantasmagoric find of prostate cancer technologists was the movement in defense of Russian desmans. As soon as idle wits were not sophisticated, no matter what hypotheses were offered by independent PR people, everyone tried to answer only one question: “Why exactly a muskrat ?!” The result of all this disgrace was summed up by the deputy head of the government apparatus Alexei Volin, who originally declared after his dismissal: “Having learned that the Party of Life was going to protect the muskrat, I thought, can I protect at least one muskrat? I realized that I couldn’t, and I quit.” In a word, the circus - and nothing more!
You will laugh, but in the leadership of the PC, all these gossip around the muskrat was perceived with inhuman seriousness. And the very "candidature" of an unremarkable animal was approved for a long time and carefully. The choice fell on the muskrat because, according to those same semiologists, it is this word that contributes to maximum citation - it gives rise to too many associations. As a result, the fact that the Party of Life is fighting for the life of a muskrat was said by everyone and sundry during the summer political lull. In the RPL, they desperately rubbed their hands, rejoicing at every such mention. And, of course, PR consultants couldn’t help but rejoice - according to rumors, the muskrat brought them over $ 100 thousand ... (by the way, they say that the nickname “bearded desman” stuck to Mironov)
Less sensational was another summer action of the RPC - the signing of a contract with the sports society "Spartak". Here, the "vital" political strategists again decided to blindly copy the Italian experience: at one time, Silvio Berlusconi made the most popular club in the country, Milan, his ally in the same way, remaking the motto of its fans "Forza, Milan!" in the name of his movement - "Forward, Italy!" Deciding that the brand "Spartak" suits them completely from a semiotic point of view, the RPZh agreed with the "red-white" team: in exchange for pre-election support, it was promised to invest about half a million dollars. However, here again there was a blunder: the “pezheshniki” did not take into account that in Russia the popular football and hockey clubs have nothing to do with the main sports society, but nobody is interested in it in itself. As a result, solid funds simply “went into the sand”.

On October 28, 2006, a uniting congress of the new political party "Fair Russia: Motherland/Pensioners/Life" was held, created on the basis of the Russian Party of Life, the Rodina party and the Russian Party of Pensioners. Sergei Mironov was elected chairman of the party.
Vladimir Pribylovsky

"In March 2002, an initiative group of the Russian Party of Life (RPZh) was formed, headed by I. Matveev, a member of the Federation Council Rafgat Altynbaev, as well as businessmen Nikolai Levichev and Alexander Podlesov, under the informal patronage of S. Mironov. Deputies took part in the creation of the party Council of the Federation Andrey Vikharev and Valentina Petrenko, as well as the President of the RTS Stock Exchange Ivan Tyryshkin.The notice of the establishment of the organizing committee of the RPC was adopted by the Ministry of Justice on March 21, 2002 (the authorized person of the organizing committee is A. Podlesov).The founding congress was held on June 29, 2002. 230 delegates took part in the congress from 71 regions. Most of the delegates to the founding congress of the PCW are members of the movement "Will of Petersburg", the dwarf party "Million Friends", the union of public associations "Russian Ecological Congress", the socio-political union "Women for the Health of the Nation", as well as the international association "Green cross", of the Russian Red Cross and the International Confederation of Services saved and I. 7 co-chairmen of the party were elected: R. Altynbaev (member of the Federation Council), I. Tyryshkin, N. Levichev (confidant of Sergei Mironov), Valery Chereshnev, Ekaterina Nikanorova, Sergei Bozhenov, Vladimir Shuralev. A. Podlesov was elected the chairman of the executive committee, V. Petrenko was elected the deputy chairman of the executive committee. On September 9, 2002, the RPC was registered and on September 23 received a registration certificate in accordance with the law "On Political Parties". At the end of February 2003, the Speaker of the Federation Council S. Mironov applied to join the RPZh, on March 12 he received a party card under N7777 and announced that he would agree to become the official leader of the RPZh if he received such an offer. At the same time, there was a rumor about joining - or forthcoming entry - into the RPL as an ordinary member of Lyudmila Putina. At the beginning of 2003, the co-chairman of the Tatarstan regional branch of the RPZh, professor of Kazan University Midkhat Farukshin called the President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev a "political dwarf" in the newspaper Vechernyaya Kazan. In April 2003, M. Shaimiev recalled from the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation the representative of the executive power of Tatarstan, one of the leaders of the PC R. Altynbaev.

On April 19, 2003, the 1st Congress of the Russian Orthodox Church took place, speaking at which S. Mironov said: "We are the party of support for the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. And this support will consist in the fact that the Russian Party of Life will direct all its political and civil resources to the re-election of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin President of Russia for a second term. Changes and additions to the charter were adopted, S. Mironov was elected chairman of the party, R. Altynbaev, N. Levichev, A. Podlesov were elected as his deputies, A. Podlesov was elected chairman of the executive committee. Expanded (up to 119 people) the National Council (including member of the Federation Council from Tuva Lyudmila Narusova). In May-June 2003, a youth organization was created under the PC - "Energy of Life" (chairman - Yuri Lopusov), whose leadership included the former Miss Universe, the host of the TV show "Good night, kids!", Police Captain Oksana Fedorova.

In the summer of 2003, the RPZh put forward the slogan "saving the Russian muskrat." On September 6, 2003, S. Mironov and the leader of the Russian Renaissance Party (PVR) Gennady Seleznev at the pre-election congress of the PVR announced that for the upcoming December 7 elections of deputies to the State Duma of the PVR and RRP will go in one electoral bloc. In September 2003, the II Congress of the Russian Party of LIFE took place at the Moscow International House of Music. On December 7, 2003, in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the bloc "Party of the Revival of Russia - the Russian Party of Life" did not overcome the 5% barrier, gaining 1.9% of the vote. January 4, 2004 III (extraordinary) congress of the RPL unanimously nominated S. Mironov as a presidential candidate. Explaining why the party of Putin's supporters is nominating not Putin, but another candidate, Mironov said that he was going to the polls, wanting to "show that the president is not alone." "When a leader who is believed goes into battle, you can't leave him alone, you have to stand by." On March 14, 2004, in the presidential elections, S. Mironov took the last, sixth place, gaining 0.8% (or seventh, if we count the candidate "against all", for whom 3.5% of voters voted). In August 2004, the PCW supported the law on the monetization of benefits.

In March 2005, a political union was announced between the RRP, the SLON party (leader - Vyacheslav Igrunov) and the Workers' Self-Government Party (leader - Levon Chakhmakhchyan). Shortly after that, L. Chakhmakhchyan joined the RPL. On March 26, 2005, the next 4th congress of the RPW was held in Moscow (more than 400 delegates from 83 regions of Russia); amendments and additions to the charter and program were adopted, the governing bodies of the party were elected. S.Mironov was re-elected Chairman. On May 25, 2005, members of the RPJ voted in the Federation Council together with United Russia for the transfer to China of the islands on the Amur and Ussuri rivers in the Khabarovsk Territory (only two communist senators voted against the ratification of the treaty with China).

July 25, 2006 S. Mironov announced the forthcoming merger of the RPL with the Rodina party of Alexander Babakov.

On October 28, 2006, a uniting congress of the new political party "Fair Russia: Motherland / Pensioners / LIFE" was held - on the formal basis of the charter of the Rodina party. A few hours earlier, the RRP and the RPP held extraordinary congresses, at which they were transformed into social movements (in particular, the RRP was transformed into the "Charter of LIFE" movement). Sergei Mironov read to the delegates the solemn address of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II. The congress of the new party was attended by 166 delegates representing the central governing bodies of the united parties and their regional organizations. The governing bodies were elected: the Central Council (165 people), the Presidium of the Central Council (32 people); Sergei Mironov became party chairman, Igor Zotov became secretary of the Central Council, and Alexander Babakov was elected secretary of the Central Council's presidium. The congress adopted the Manifesto and program statements of the new party. It was announced that the next congress was scheduled for no later than March 11, 2007.

January 23, 2007 faction "Motherland" in the State Duma decided to rename; new name - "Fair Russia - "Rodina" (People's Patriotic Union)". On February 8, the State Duma committee on regulations approved the renaming. In late 2006 - early 2007, deputies Evgeny Roizman, Olga Dmitrieva, Viktor Pokhmelkin, Valery Zubov joined the faction; three of them (except O. Dmitrieva) also joined the Just Russia party. On February 26, 2007, the first (in parentheses - the eighth) Extraordinary Congress of the political party "A Just Russia: Motherland/Pensioners/Life" was held in St. Petersburg. Before the opening of the congress, the central council of the party considered applications for joining the "Fair Russia" of several State Duma deputies, actors and athletes, all applications were satisfied. State Duma deputies Yevgeny Roizman, Oksana Dmitrieva, Gennady Gudkov, actors Igor Starygin and Yevgeny Zharikov, hockey player Alexander Yakushev and director Yuri Grymov became members of the party. The meeting was attended by 299 congress delegates out of 328 elected in the regions. "In 2008, I will not run for president," - said Sergei Mironov at the entrance to the party congress, answering journalists' questions. According to him, now the task is to form a full-fledged faction in the State Duma. The composition of the central council of the party was expanded. It included the former leader of the People's Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Gudkov, the former leader of the party "Development of Entrepreneurship" Ivan Grachev, State Duma deputy Oksana Dmitrieva, People's Artist Rimma Markova. Alexander Perminov, one of the leaders of the Leningrad regional branch of the "SR", was elected to the composition of the central control and revision commission.

Elections of autumn 2006 - The greatest overall success was achieved by the coalition in Tuva, where, taking into account the single-mandate constituencies, the RPL (to which a significant part of the leadership of the republican parliament of the previous convocation passed before the elections) received more seats than the United Russia. A protracted conflict of elites began in the republic: the courts canceled the results of elections in 4 single-mandate constituencies, providing the United Russia with a relative majority. The RRP boycotted parliamentary sessions, demanding the restoration of the selected seats. The case ended with the resignation of the head of the republic, Sherig-ool Oorzhak, and a change in the leadership of the regional United Russia. Spring campaign of 2007 For the elections on March 11 and April 15, 2007 "Fair Russia" for the first time came out as a single entity and achieved what it wanted - it entered the top three winners of the elections, almost everywhere ahead of the Liberal Democratic Party, but in most cases losing to the Communist Party (one 1st place, five 2, seven 3s, two 4s, including one losing). The greatest successes were in the Stavropol Territory (37.64% and first place) and in St. Petersburg, where they managed to deprive United Russia of the absolute majority of seats in the Legislative Assembly. As a result, a power conflict occurred in Stavropol, comparable to that in Tuva, but with a reverse distribution of roles: United Russia tried to disrupt a meeting of the regional State Duma, whose speaker was elected Righteous Russian. The governor (a defector from the Communist Party) was expelled from United Russia. The mayor of Stavropol - the leader of the regional Just Russia and one of the main creators of the victory - was removed from office at the end of 2007 and put on the wanted list.

After the unification of the parties, Sergei Mironov joined the legislative process in the State Duma, and his signature often began to appear under factional bills submitted jointly with A. Babakov and I. Kharchenko. Among them - bills on the transfer of days off from January 5 to May 2; on the ban on the membership of two or more members of any election committee in the same political party; on the ban on receiving donations to election funds from manufacturers and wholesalers of tobacco; on the prohibition of outdoor advertising on historical monuments and in the historical centers of cities. A number of projects on pension issues were submitted by S. Mironov together with Oksana Dmitrieva, who joined the faction. The first and so far the only bill that Mironov personally came to present at a meeting of the Duma was the introduction of a 10-year residency requirement for members of the Federation Council (the law was adopted). Other faction initiatives include the introduction of a progressive income tax, a luxury tax, and the restoration of an inheritance tax.

During 2007, four more political parties joined A Just Russia: the People's Party of the Russian Federation (the last leader was Gennady Gudkov), the Socialist United Party of Russia (Vasily Shestakov), the Entrepreneurship Development Party (Ivan Grachev) and the Russian Constitutional Democratic party (Vyacheslav Volkov). In 2007, independent single-mandate deputies moved to the Duma faction SpRos "and in 2007: Evgeny Roizman, Oksana Dmitrieva, Viktor Pokhmelkin, Valery Zubov; three of them (except O. Dmitrieva) joined the Just Russia party. Actors also became members of the party I. Starygin and E. Zharikov, hockey player A. Yakushev and director Y. Grymov Sergei Mironov apologized to voters for his vote in support of the monetization of benefits and in some cases began to vote differently from the United Russia majority of the Federation Council: he did not support the abolition of the column “ against all", objected to the removal of the hammer and sickle from the Banner of Victory, voted against Russia's joining the Bologna process (accepted on the second attempt).

At the pre-election II Party Congress on September 23, 2007, Sergei Mironov spoke with the ideology of new socialism (Socialism 3.0), opposing it to modern European social democracy, "which gave rise to a class of social dependents", and the Soviet experience of directive socialism. “Socialism is not just a way of life, it is the age-old desire of people for a harmonious world order, a dignified and safe life,” Mironov said. Sergei Mironov proclaimed Plato, the first Christians and all European revolutions to be the forerunners of his party in spreading the ideas of justice. The federal list of the party was headed by Sergei Mironov, an independent deputy of the State Duma, in the past - vice-speaker of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and the State Duma from the communists Svetlana Goryacheva and leader of the youth movement "Hurrah!" former party "Motherland" Sergei Shargunov. The latter was excluded from the list by the decision of the Presidium of the Central Council of the party of October 19, 2007. The congress was attended and included in the federal list of the party by recent Yabloko members - State Duma deputies Sergei Popov and Galina Khovanskaya, former co-founder of Yabloko Yuri Boldyrev, former communists Elena Drapeko and Alexander Kuvaev , people from the Union of Right Forces - Elena Mizulina, "Narodnaya Volya" - Anatoly Greshnevikov, and Nikolai Pavlov, LDPR - Alexei Mitrofanov and Yegor Solomatin. The party's election campaign consisted of ads against poverty and corruption. Sergei Mironov and Oksana Dmitrieva criticized the government's social policy at the debate. In one of the videos, the speaker of the Federation Council exclaimed: "Before you is the senior sergeant of the airborne troops Seryoga Mironov!" The party program provides for various social reforms, expresses support for young people, advocates the abolition of the unified state exam (USE) and the adoption of the UN Code of Justice in International Relations.

The result in the elections on December 2, 2007 - 5.383.639 votes (7.74%, fourth place), 38 seats in the State Duma of the 5th convocation (head of the faction - Nikolai Levichev, deputy head - G. Gudkov). On December 10, 2007, the leaders of four parties - Boris Gryzlov (United Russia), Sergei Mironov (SpRos), Vladimir Plotnikov (APR) and Mikhail Barshchevsky (Civil Force) visited President V. Putin and "recommended" him the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev as a successor to the post the President of Russia. As M. Barshchevsky told the press, the initial agreement on this candidacy was reached at the meeting of S. Mironov with B. Gryzlov on December 8, and the APR and the SG were invited to join it. On December 22, 2007, the decision to support D. Medvedev's candidacy was made by the Central Council of the party.

On April 26, 2008 in Moscow, in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the III Congress of the Party was held, which approved the Program of the Party "A JUST RUSSIA" and a new version of the Charter of the Party. In accordance with the new version of the Charter, the governing bodies of the Party were elected. On June 30, 2008, at the Congress of the Socialist International in Athens, the party "A JUST RUSSIA: MOTHERLAND / PENSIONERS / LIFE" was admitted to the Socialist International. In July 2008, the Party of Social Justice (leader Alexei Podberezkin) announced its desire to join the JUST RUSSIA party. On September 25, 2008, the "Party of Social Justice" (PSS; Alexei Podberezkin) at an extraordinary congress in Sochi decided to terminate its activities and join its members in SpRos.

In 2008, the Russian Ecological Movement Greens called on its members and supporters to join A Just Russia (during the transformation of the Greens party into a movement at the XV Congress, on November 21, 2008, the XV Extraordinary Congress of the Russian Ecological Party Greens was held in Moscow ( leader - Anatoly Panfilov), at which it was decided to transform it into a public movement of the same name and join (individually) the ranks of the party "FAIR RUSSIA: HOMELAND / PENSIONERS / LIFE". / P / J. The official name was shortened (to simply "FAIR RUSSIA", the Party Program was adopted, a number of changes were made to the party Charter.

Of the 54 regional campaigns in March 2008 - March 2011, the Just Russia party put forward lists in 53 cases. In the Yaroslavl region, the court did not allow the party to participate in the elections, recognizing the protocols of meetings for the nomination of delegates to the regional conference as fake. In 44 regions, including the "difficult" Chechnya, Ingushetia and the Kemerovo region, SpRos brought candidates through the proportional system, in 1 region (Karachay-Cherkessia) - one single-mandate. True, in the Kemerovo region, Just Russia did not overcome the 7% barrier and received only a “consolation” mandate as the second-placed one (federal legislation establishes a “floating barrier”, in which if only one party enters parliament, the mandates are divided proportionally between it and the runner-up party, regardless of the percentage of votes it won). In 8 cases, the SR party did not get into the regional parliaments. These are Bashkiria, Kalmykia, Mari El, Tatarstan, Amur, Rostov regions, Sverdlovsk region (2008) and Moscow. At the same time, A Just Russia did not lose any of the 26 campaigns of 2010-2011. Already by the end of 2009, the SR party surpassed the Liberal Democratic Party in terms of the number of seats in regional legislative assemblies (5.5% versus 4% of their total number), but still lagged behind it in the number of regions where it was represented (49 versus 57). By the summer of 2011, the SR is represented in 63 regions, while the LDPR is only in 60. And if you add 6 regions where the RPP and / or RRP are still represented, you get 69 versus 60. The total number of regional deputies from the party is 265 (6, 71%), and with the addition of the deputies of the RRP and RPP - 292 (7.4%). The number of municipal deputies from the SR party is about 4000, mayors - 135 (as of April 2010).

Until April 2011, S. Mironov remained the chairman of the party. The congress is the supreme body of A Just Russia. Between congresses, the leadership is carried out by the Central Council (chairman - Sergey Mironov, first secretary of the Central Council - Alexander Babakov, until May 2011), within which there is a Presidium of the Central Council of 41 people and a Bureau of the Presidium of the Central Council (secretary of the Bureau - Nikolai Levichev). Auditing functions are carried out by the Central Control and Audit Commission (Chairman - Vladimir Burakov). On April 16, 2011, the V Congress of the JUST RUSSIA party took place in Moscow. N. Levichev was elected the party chairman at the suggestion of S. Mironov. Mironov himself was elected Chairman of the Council of the JUST RUSSIA party established at the Congress of the Chamber of Deputies. A new composition of the Presidium of the Central Council and the Central Control and Audit Commission of the party was elected, changes were made to the party Charter, and the draft Election Program of JUST RUSSIA was adopted as the basis. In May 2011, S. Mironov was not re-elected to the Federation Council (deputies of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly) and lost his speakership as a result; after that, a significant part of the SR's assets defected to the All-Russian People's Front (ONF) and the United Russia (including most of the SR faction in the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly; State Duma Vice Speaker A. Babakov, a number of State Duma deputies). In the 2011 elections, 6 deputies of the 5th Duma from the SR party, who defected to United Russia (ER), ran on the ER list (A. Babakov, E. Glubokovskaya, I. Kasyanov, M. Starshinov, V. Shestakov, E .Vtorygin).

On September 24, the VI Congress of the Just Russia party put forward a list of candidates for the Duma of 600 people. It was headed by Sergei Mironov, Nikolai Levichev and Oksana Dmitrieva. In the top eight (and not the top ten!) - deputies Alexander Lomakin-Rumyantsev, Ivan Grachev, Elena Drapeko, as well as political strategist Leonid Levin and chairman of the organization "Gardeners of Russia" Andrey Tumanov. In total, there are 33 deputies of the current Duma from the SR party on the list (the remaining 5 are on the United Russia list), as well as Jamaladin Gasanov, a deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party (2nd in the Rostov region). Almost all deputies from the SR? those who did not fall into the federal elite head the regional lists, the exceptions are Valery Chereshnev (2nd place in half of the Sverdlovsk region) and Semyon Bagdasarov - 5th place in Dagestan). There are two senators on the lists - Hovhannes Oganyan and Alexei Lysyakov, ex-senator Galina Buslova. The St. Petersburg group is headed by the former head of the party's regional branch, Oleg Nilov, three Moscow groups are headed by deputies Gennady Gudkov and Galina Khovanskaya, as well as Alexander Ageev, chairman of the charitable foundation. The SR party put forward lists in the regional elections on December 4, 2011 in all 27 regions, but in Mordovia did not apply for its registration, citing pressure from local authorities.

Among the sponsors of the Just Russia party is Alexei Chepa, junior business partner of the Israeli-Angolan arms dealer Arkady Gaydamak, previously the main sponsor is Alexander Babakov, junior business partner of Roman Abramovich.

Until the second half of 2009, the leadership of A Just Russia almost unconditionally supported the executive branch and President (later Prime Minister) Vladimir Putin, not differing much in its political line from United Russia. However, in the SR and its Duma faction there are and play a prominent role figures with their own views - left-socialist (in particular, Oleg Shein, Ilya Ponomarev) and left-liberal (Oksana Dmitrieva, Galina Khovanskaya). In the apparatus of the Duma faction of the SR, supporters of the former leader of the Motherland party, Dmitry Rogozin, retain significant influence.

In PACE, deputies from the SR party are members of the Socialist Group. The party is an observer in the Socialist International.

The party's ideology presupposes the establishment of a socially oriented economy in Russia. A Just Russia stands for the search for a unique Russian path. The official main goal of the party is to develop "the Russian socialist idea so that it meets both the tasks of the 21st century and the spiritual tradition of our people, our culture." The party declares the building of "new socialism" to be the future of Russia. The parties make claims of imitative nature, mimicry of social democracy.
Often, the SR party found itself at the center of unpleasant scandals.

"A grandiose scandal is expected at the meeting of the faction" Just Russia - "Motherland" on Monday, September 10. One of the issues of the meeting will be the acceptance into the ranks of the faction of a new deputy and a newly minted "Socialist-Revolutionary" - a Zhirinovite with 16 years of experience Alexei Mitrofanov.
Orthodox deputies (Andrey Samoshin, Alexander Krutov, Nikolai Leonov, Nikolai Pavlov, Natalia Narochnitskaya, Yevgeny Roizman) categorically oppose the admission of Mitrofanov, “an outright pederast, pornographer and organizer of the May gay pride parade,” into their ranks. Friends of Dmitry Rogozin (himself, Andrei Savelyev, Sergei Chaplinsky, Oleg Mashchenko, Boris Vinogradov) are in full solidarity with them. To the accusations of "pederasty" they add the fact that "people like Zhirinovsky and Mitrofanov have for many years discredited and undermined the Russian patriotic movement from within." A staunch socialist, Oleg Shein, charges Mitrofanov with "advancing and supporting the most disgusting anti-people and anti-social bills initiated by the government." Deputies Sergey Glazyev and Kaliningrader Vladimir Nikitin agree with all these arguments (Orthodox, patriotic and social). Finally, for Valery Zubov from Krasnoyarsk and Svyatoslav Nastashevsky from Novosibirsk, this will be a good reason to express their dissatisfaction with their non-inclusion in the electoral list. The dissatisfied also hope for the support of Alexander Chuev, who has always declared himself Orthodox (who is also dissatisfied with the fact that he was transferred from the Yaroslavl list to the Vladimir one).
... up to 18 out of 33 deputies can vote against the admission of Mitrofanov to the faction. And the very entry into the Socialist-Revolutionary faction of a prominent Zhirinovite can fail miserably. In the event that Mironov insists on the arrival of Mitrofanov from the Just Russia faction, up to 12 deputies are ready to leave with a scandal - Samoshin, Savelyev, Rogozin, Krutov, Leonov, Chaplinsky, Mashchenko, Vinogradov, Zubov, Nastashevsky, Chuev and Denisov.

However, the scandals associated with Mironov's party did not end there.

"A State Duma deputy from A Just Russia, a party proclaiming an orientation towards socialism of the 21st century, is credited with the authorship of a racist, anti-Semite ringtone. Note that although representatives of one of the parties that became the basis of the Socialist-Revolutionaries were reproached for nationalism, a significant part of the nationalists" got lost on the way", and Adnan Abdulaevich was not included in the "Motherland". The party of the speaker of the upper house picked him up a little later.
Until the “killer ringtone” was distributed, in which a man with a voice very similar to Muzykayev’s voice promised heavenly punishments to the Jews of the whole world, few people knew about Adnan Abdulaevich. But now they paid attention and were surprised a lot.
It turned out that the citizen, who for most of his career held positions in state and municipal structures, is a very, very non-poor person. Moreover, it turned out that it was with his name that experts associated a significant part of the funds of the “Socialist-Revolutionary” electoral fund during the Duma campaign of 2007 (according to unverified information, more than 3 billion rubles). The positions he held were not small, but they were not supposed to promise significant legal commercial benefits: member of the Commission of the Security Council on the problems of the Chechen Republic, head of the Inspectorate of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation for control over the disposal of federal property, member of the Government Commission of the Russian Federation on the restoration of the Chechen Republic, etc.
Since 2003, Muzykaev has been going hand in hand with the leader of the Socialist-Revolutionaries. At first, Senator Muzykaev simply supported the head of the Federation Council in everything, then, when Adnan Abdulaevich was asked from among the senators, he became Mironov's adviser. And he was such until the day he was elected to the State Duma (for some reason, not from his native Chechnya, but from Tatarstan).
It is not even surprising that as soon as Muzykaev headed the National Badminton Development Foundation, one of his first actions in this position was to invite the same Sergey Mironov to the post of Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Trustees.
While the entire Internet is discussing the specific views of a person with a voice similar to the voice of Adnan Abdulaevich, the leader of the party that “brought up” such a figure simply keeps silent. This is strange both because Sergei Mironov is known as an advanced Internet user who maintains his blog, and because the leader of the Social Revolutionaries quite recently spoke quite clearly: “What really needs censorship on the Internet is the anti-social, criminal participants that are widely present on the Web, porn sites, sites of drug addicts, sadists, pedophiles, sites of totalitarian sects and extremist, racist and nationalist organizations.”
It is difficult to say what this silence means - a manifestation of corporate solidarity or whether it is about obligations arising from the amounts received by the party, which positions itself as a bulwark of tolerance and internationalism. In any case, the damage to the reputation of "21st century" socialism has already been done."

On February 1, 2010, Sergei Mironov said on Channel One that he no longer supported Vladimir Putin and that this was outdated information. According to him, this happened due to the fact that Vladimir Putin headed the opposition "Fair Russia" and unacceptable in ideology the United Russia party. In response, United Russia leaders Boris Gryzlov, Vyacheslav Volodin and Andrei Vorobyov expressed outrage and recommended Mironov to resign.
On February 8, as a result of consultations in the State Duma, Sergei Mironov and Boris Gryzlov signed a coalition agreement, which was to support the course of Medvedev and Putin.
Sergei Mironov has been repeatedly accused of violating the law and the constitution by not letting unwanted representatives into the Federation Council.
In 2011, at the initiative of United Russia, Mironov is recalled from the Federation Council by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and loses the post of chairman of the Federation Council.
Lenta.ru, July 12, 2011

"The head of the Bryansk branch of Just Russia, Lyudmila Komogortseva, announced her withdrawal from the party. According to Interfax, she announced her decision at a press conference specially convened for this occasion. Komogortseva noted that she would remain a deputy of the regional Duma until the end of her powers, which expire in 2014.
She accused the party leadership of selling seats in the top three of the regional list. According to her, the leadership was going to include Vyacheslav Rudnikov in the top three of the "Moscow moneybags" without agreement with the department.
According to Komogortseva, Rudnikov's nomination was explained to her by the party's lack of money for a regional campaign. “You are sending a Moscow moneybag. He has nothing to do with the party, but he has 120 million rubles, which he promised to deposit or has already deposited with the top party leadership,” she read out an appeal to party leader Sergei Mironov.
According to RIA Novosti, Rudnikov is a native of the Bryansk region. The businessman owns the KM.ru portal. Judging by his interview with the Zavtra newspaper, he adheres to nationalist views.
So far, the list of "Fair Russia" has not been formed. It will be approved at the party congress on September 24.
Previously, "Fair Russia" has already been accused of selling seats on the lists, but past cases concerned regional parliaments. In January 2010, information appeared about the purchase by a businessman of a passing place on the party list in the elections to the Sverdlovsk Regional Duma. The mandate was estimated at 40 million rubles.
In addition, in March 2011 it was reported that Vera Skorobogatova, the leader of Just Russia in the Komi Republic, was going to sell her place on the list for three million rubles. Then Sergei Mironov came to her defense, accusing some party members of provocation.
In July 2011, Leonid Karagoda, head of the protocol department of the apparatus of the Just Russia party, was arrested in Moscow. According to investigators, he, along with Vladimir Myasin, an assistant to a deputy from the "SR" Konstantin Beschetnov, offered a certain man a seat in the State Duma for 7.5 million euros.

In June 2011, he became a deputy of the State Duma, taking the place of fellow party member Elena Vtorigina.
He was nominated by the Just Russia party as a candidate for the presidency of Russia in the March 2012 elections.
According to the results of the presidential elections on March 4, 2012, he received 2,763,935 votes (3.85% of the total number of voters), taking the last place, but at the same time improving his result by 3.1% compared to 2004.
Since July 11, 2012 - Member of the State Council of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2012 No. 946 "Issues of the State Council of the Russian Federation", the heads of factions in the State Duma, ex officio, are members of the State Council.
On March 17, 2014, Mironov was on the list of persons against whom the United States and the European Union imposed sanctions in connection with the situation in Crimea.

Has awards:
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (February 14, 2008) - for a great contribution to the strengthening and development of Russian statehood and parliamentarism; Jubilee medal "300 years of the Russian fleet"; Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" (2003); Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan" (2005); Chain of the Order of Honor (Peru, 2005); Order of Honor (South Ossetia, October 9, 2009) - for a great contribution to maintaining peace and stability in the Caucasus, active support in upholding the independence of South Ossetia and its international recognition, assistance in restoring the destroyed economy of the republic; Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st class (ROC, 2008); Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree (ROC, 2003); Order "Commonwealth" of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS; Medal "For Combat Commonwealth" (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005); Honorary badge "For merits in the development of parliamentarism" and the Certificate of Honor of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Badge of distinction "For merits in strengthening cooperation with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation" (2006); Medal "For outstanding contribution to the development of the collection business in Russia"

He was awarded six times with firearms: Makarov pistol, PMM, Vector pistol, GSh-18, Yarygin pistol and Nagant revolver.

He is an honorary doctor of the Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, the Bashkir State University, the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, the Mongolian State Scientific and Technical University, the Far Eastern State University of Communications, the Russian State Social University, the Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University, the Moscow State Forest University, Slavic University of Moldova, Khakass State University named after N.F. Katanov, Honorary Professor of the North-West Academy of Public Administration, South Ural State University, Perm State Technical University, Bryansk State University, Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Honorary Citizen of Makhachkala .
Laureate of the national business reputation award "Darin" of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship in 2006.

Sergei Mironov is married with a 4th marriage: the first wife was called Elena (she was a guide-translator), she gave birth to a son Yaroslav, the second - Lyubov Ivanovna (geologist), gave birth to a daughter Irina, the third - Irina, chief adviser to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, fourth wife ( since 2013) - Olga Radievskaya, journalist.

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