Home brakes What is the probability of getting pregnant on the second day of menstruation. Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation? The likelihood of conception on different days of the cycle. Should I make love during my period?

What is the probability of getting pregnant on the second day of menstruation. Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation? The likelihood of conception on different days of the cycle. Should I make love during my period?

Every young girl, woman or even an accomplished mother is concerned about the topic of pregnancy. For some, pregnancy is desirable, and they try by any means to fulfill their dream. Others do not need pregnancy, there are always enough reasons for this. Sooner or later, many people have a question - is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation?

Is it worth trying to get pregnant during menstruation, and what are the possible consequences. Is menstruation a guarantee of the absence of unwanted pregnancy. These questions should be answered in more detail, clearly understood, once and for all.

Menstrual cycle

It is worth starting with a reminder of the processes occurring in the female body. We will talk about the menstrual cycle - a special reproductive process in the female body. The beginning of the menstrual cycle is considered the first day of menstruation.

The main culprits of "favorite" periods are the hormones estrogen and progesterone. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the body produces a large amount of estrogen, which, in the company of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones (FSH and LH), stimulates the growth of follicles with an egg, and the endometrial layer also begins to grow.

In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs. A corpus luteum, a special gland, is formed in the ovary, which begins to actively produce progesterone, the main hormone during pregnancy. The task of progesterone is to prepare the body for possible fertilization. The formed endometrium is preparing to receive a fertilized egg 1.

If during this period the egg meets the sperm, then fertilization occurs. In the future, progesterone is produced by the formed placenta. If conception does not occur, then the unnecessary layer of the endometrium, the egg and the corpus luteum come out in the form of blood secretions.

The female cycle may vary in duration, but should be regular. Each woman has her own individual regularity of the cycle.

Cycles are usually divided into short, long and standard. The short cycle is 21 days or less, while the long cycle starts at 35 days or more. Accordingly, the normal time value of the menstrual cycle is the interval from 21 to 35 days. The average value is determined by the duration of 26-29 days 2 .

Ovum and fertilization

The egg goes on its personal journey between days 7 and 21, taking into account the average length of the menstrual cycle. With non-standard values ​​of the cycle, this period increases or decreases.

Suppose a woman knows exactly when ovulation will occur and menstruation will begin. Logically, you can't get pregnant during your period. However, there are many cases of such a pregnancy, which is also logical, given the unpredictability of menstruation, the unusual behavior of the egg, or the survivability of sperm.

The reasons for pregnancy during menstruation can be as follows:

  • Different duration of the menstrual cycle. With a short cycle of 20 days, the best days of conception almost coincide with the onset of menstruation.
  • Sperm survival. They are extremely active, and especially strong ones are able to survive for several days and even a week. If even one sperm survives to ovulation, then there is a high risk of conception.
  • Disturbances in the rhythm of ovulation. This is possible after an abortion, childbirth, during premenopause and in other cases. With age, the chance of a problem increases. You should never rely on the calculation of ovulation as a contraceptive.
  • Spontaneous ovulation. In such cases, two eggs mature, which, accordingly, increases the chances of conception. An unusual phenomenon is possible due to an irregular sexual life, heredity, a strong hormonal surge, or a particularly strong orgasm.
  • Impaired use of oral contraceptives. If you stop taking pills before menstruation, then the chance of pregnancy during menstruation increases. Such tablets should be used strictly according to the instructions - monthly indulgences do not give 3.

The period with the smallest chance of conception is the beginning of the menstrual cycle. For most people, sexual intercourse at this time is unpleasant, but some use this state as a natural contraceptive. In the first few days of menstruation, an aggressive environment is created, a strong blood flow simply sweeps away all sperm in its path, and if someone manages to gain a foothold, then the chances of survival are extremely small.

But, even having decided to have sex in the midst of menstruation, it is worth remembering about real contraceptives, because the chance of conception, albeit small, remains. Moreover, at this time, the risk of infections is extremely high, because the blood is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, and the uterus is not protected by a cervical plug. It is necessary to carefully monitor hygiene, both for a woman and a man.

Of particular risk are the last days of menstruation, especially protracted ones. There is practically no discharge, menstruation is still formally passing, but the spermatozoa are already ready to wait for their egg. If pregnancy is not desired, it is best to always use contraception in the form of condoms or other contraceptives 3 .

Sex during menstruation - who likes it?

Most people simply do not understand where in general a person has a desire to have sex during menstruation. But in practice, this happens quite often, for example, among young people who care about the process itself, and the rest is simply not important. As a rule, these are loving couples who trust each other so much that periods from their position are regarded in a completely different way. Quite often, men insist, because they do not want to miss the opportunity to have sex. No less often, women themselves insist on sex during menstruation, whose sexual desire reaches its climax these days. That is why questions constantly arise regarding pregnancy during menstruation.

In general, there are no special restrictions on sex during menstruation. Of course, it is desirable to have a permanent partner, to maintain hygiene and protect yourself to avoid infections, even if pregnancy is desired.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation using contraceptives

The best contraceptives are still considered condoms, hormonal drugs and the intrauterine device. When used correctly, such products almost completely eliminate the possibility of pregnancy, in addition, condoms significantly reduce the risk of infections 4 .

Given the fact that during menstruation, by coincidence, it is possible to become pregnant, the use of contraceptives is very desirable. Contraceptives do not provide 100% protection against pregnancy, but they minimize the risk.

  • 1. Radetskaya, L.E. Mechanisms of uterine bleeding in health and disease / L.E. Radetskaya // Protection of motherhood and childhood - 2007 - No. 9 - P. 54-59.
  • 2. Savelyeva, G.M. Obstetrics / G.M. Savelyeva, V.I. Kulakov, A.N. Strizhakov // "GEOTAR-Media", - 2011, - P. 50-62.
  • 3. Sumyatina L.V. Modern hormonal contraceptives: new possibilities of choice / L.V. Sumyatina // Problems of reproduction - 2014 - No. 6 - P. 46-48.
  • 4. Savelyeva, G.M. Obstetrics: national guide / ed. G. M. Savelieva, G. T. Sukhikh, V. N. Serov, V. E. Radzinsky // 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: GEOTAR-Media - 2018 - S. 1088.

What is the chance of pregnancy during menstruation? There is a fairly common opinion that gives a negative answer regarding pregnancy during menstruation. But this opinion can be safely equated with a myth. The risk of conception, especially unwanted, remains even at this time. Why can this happen in principle and what are the chances of getting pregnant during such a period?

What is the probability

The body of any individual woman is individual. Circumstances that can affect general well-being and cause, for example, high hormonal activity, are also individual. With this in mind, in one case, the risk of pregnancy is zero, in the other, even if it remains in a small percentage.

According to the statistics of various studies, doctors have long concluded that there is a chance of pregnancy during the monthly cycle, which is approximately 4-6%. This can be influenced by various factors, both external and internal. Moreover, sex during menstruation increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, so it is impossible to refuse to use various methods of contraception at this time.

Can a woman get pregnant during her period

The question of probable pregnancy during this period appears for at least several reasons. For starters, a few days before menstruation and during its passage, the girl may feel increased sexual desire. Also, many women note that an orgasm during menstruation reduces painful syndromes, and “critical days” pass more easily.

Must not forget that the possibility of getting pregnant is different, taking into account what day of menstruation sexual intercourse occurs:

  • 1-3 days of menstruation is the safest. This is due to the fact that the spermatozoa that enter the body of a girl cannot survive in these conditions. Abundant bleeding at this time closes the passage to the fallopian tubes, thereby reducing the possibility of a subsequent pregnancy;
  • starting from the fourth day, the risk of getting pregnant increases. The longer the “critical days” for a woman, the shorter her total monthly cycle, the higher the chance of pregnancy becomes.

Why is pregnancy possible during menstruation

The chance of conception is highest during ovulation, as well as during the day after the release of the egg. But you need to take into account the fact that spermatozoa can survive in a woman's body after sexual contact for up to one week. Given this reason, the possibility of pregnancy may persist throughout the cycle of menstruation.

Factors that directly affect the likelihood of pregnancy on "critical days" can be divided into:

  • external causes;
  • internal or physiological causes.

There is a variant and an incorrect assumption that conception happened during menstruation. This is true if unprotected sexual intercourse, during which the egg was fertilized, occurs a certain time before spotting. In this case, such discharge is not menstruation, but is called “implantation bleeding”. A woman who is unaware of her "interesting position" may mistake them for meager periods.

Physiological causes

Let the body of any woman be individual, but at the same time, all the basic physiological processes are similar. With this in mind, it is possible to single out the immediate reasons due to which a girl during menstruation can become pregnant:

Any woman can face almost any of the above reasons. Therefore, there is still no full guarantee that it will not work during menstruation to become pregnant.

External bases

Certain circumstances that appear in life can provoke internal failures in the female body, thereby causing either changes in the usual menstrual cycle or forcing the pituitary gland and ovaries to work in an enhanced mode, disrupting the harmonious hormonal background. Because of these external influences, the likelihood of becoming pregnant during unprotected sexual contact also increases.

What situations can negatively affect:

If any of the above reasons are combined with certain physiological factors, then after unprotected sex during menstruation, the possibility of getting into an “interesting position” is quite high.

When feeding

Most young mothers, who have just learned all the delights of motherhood, decide that they need to have another child no earlier than a few years after the appearance of their first child. This makes a certain sense, since it will be difficult for a mother to cope with two children, and the financial situation does not always allow acquiring several babies at once.

But not everything always goes according to plan. Already 2-3 months after the appearance of the first child, a young mother may notice signs of a second pregnancy, so the question often arises: “Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation?” In the case of feeding, it is not always the absence or presence of menstruation that the female body is not ready for the subsequent reproduction of offspring.

Special hormones released during feeding should theoretically prevent ovulation and the normal monthly cycle, so there should be no fertilization. In fact, many breastfeeding mothers start their periods later than those who do not breastfeed, but this does not mean that their start coincides with the end of lactation. Certain women feed children up to 3 years, but the menstrual cycle is restored anyway in 1.5 years.

Another question is also relevant: “Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding during menstruation?” In fact, the restoration of the monthly cycle indicates that the reproductive system has returned to normal, therefore, in the absence of proper protection, the possibility of becoming pregnant is very high. It is for this reason that all women who have recently given birth to a child are still offered by doctors not to refuse contraception, it will never be superfluous. It is necessary to think over all the points in advance, because if the pregnancy is confirmed, then the feeding of the first-born must be completed, since the resources of the mother's body to meet the needs of two children at the same time may not be enough.

How to determine

Is there a chance of getting pregnant during menstruation, we have already found out, but how to determine the fertilization of an egg? If pregnancy occurs, then the content of chorionic gonadotropin increases in the female body. What proportion of it is in the blood, you can find out with the help of a blood test.

Another reliable way is a pregnancy test. You can use this method no earlier than 2 weeks after fertilization.

The possibility of conception while breastfeeding exists and should not be discounted. If you really want sex, then by all means use a condom.

Despite the fact that on “critical days” it is only possible to become pregnant with a five percent probability, girls who do not plan a child do not need to refuse to use contraceptives during menstruation. This will certainly help to avoid unwanted conception, as well as protect against various diseases and inflammations that are sexually transmitted.

The menstruation calendar is most often looked at by women who are either afraid of an unwanted pregnancy or are trying to conceive a child. Both those and others are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation and how realistic it is.

Those who protect themselves try to choose the safest days for sex. They believe that the beginning of the cycle is the most suitable period for unprotected intercourse.

Those planning a pregnancy want to maximize their chances. They are interested in whether it is advisable to have sex at the end of menstruation, and how much this can increase the likelihood of conceiving a child.

There are those women who, through negligence, had sexual intercourse without a condom at the end of menstruation. They are afraid that they might "fly". Therefore, they are looking for information regarding the likelihood of pregnancy during menstruation.

Sexual contact during menstruation

Most people try to avoid intimate contact during menstruation. This is due to several reasons:

  • due to bleeding, the couple cannot fully enjoy intimacy;
  • soiled bed linen and clothes;
  • the risk of infection increases, because pathogenic microorganisms can enter the uterus.

But some women still have sex during this period. They worry about whether it is possible to get pregnant if the sexual intercourse was unprotected. Let's try to clarify this issue.

Normal menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle has 3 phases:

Follicular phase

It starts on the first day of the menstrual cycle. That is, from the day when menstrual bleeding appears. Then the dominant follicle in the ovary begins to mature. By the middle of the cycle, a mature egg will appear in it. Initially, there are several follicles. But only one will reach a sufficient degree of maturity. The rest will be reverse-engineered. That is, they will decrease in size and disappear.

It is in the follicular phase that menstruation occurs. They normally last from 2 to 8 days. That is, even if menstruation lasts up to 8 days, it is still considered normal, and not a symptom of any disease.

The follicular phase can have a different duration in different women. Moreover, it varies significantly. It is the follicular phase that determines the duration of the entire menstrual cycle. Because the rest of the phases have the same duration for all women.

Ovulatory phase of the cycle

This is the middle of the cycle. It begins with a sharp increase in the level of luteinizing hormone and ends with a rupture of the follicle. After that, the egg is released from it and can be fertilized by the sperm. These are the most dangerous days in terms of the risk of pregnancy. The ovulatory phase lasts about 3 days.

luteal phase

The corpus luteum phase occurs after the ovulatory phase. It lasts about 2 weeks. The duration varies within narrow limits, differing in different women by 1-2 days. In this phase, a corpus luteum forms in place of the follicle. It secretes hormones. These hormones are supposed to support pregnancy if it occurs. But if there is no pregnancy, then the fetus does not secrete the hCG hormone. It does not support the corpus luteum, which in this case ceases to function. As a result, menstruation occurs: the functional layer of the endometrium, which the embryo was supposed to accept, begins to be rejected. This process is accompanied by the release of blood.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation

Now consider the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation. Pregnancy can occur during such periods:

  1. On the day of ovulation - with a probability of about 35%.
  2. 2 days before ovulation - with a chance of about 30%.
  3. 4-5 days before ovulation - with a probability of 15%.
  4. 6 days before ovulation - a chance of about 10%.

As we know, before ovulation, a woman is in the follicular phase of the cycle. It is during this period that the follicle matures. And how quickly it will ripen depends on the level of hormones. In most cases, you cannot get pregnant during your period. Because menstruation ends much earlier than the middle of the cycle. That is, before ovulation begins.

But sex during menstruation cannot be called completely safe. Because:

  1. In different women, the follicular phase has a different duration. For some, it is quite short - the follicles mature quickly.
  2. Different women have different duration of menstrual bleeding. Even normally, it can reach 8 days.

Thus, with a short cycle and long menstruation, a woman may well become pregnant in the last days of menstruation.

How high is the risk of pregnancy?

The risk of pregnancy during menstruation is minimal. This is not difficult to understand if you calculate how long the most dangerous days fall. Let's take averages. In women, on average, the follicular phase lasts 14 days. Menses last 4 days. If the period ended less than 5 days before ovulation, the risk of pregnancy would be present. But, as we can see from the above figures, in most women, menstrual bleeding stops 10 days before the rupture of the dominant follicle. These days are completely safe. Moreover, even in the next few days after menstruation, it is impossible to get pregnant.

Of course, the probability of conception at this time is greatly reduced, but there is no guarantee that everything will happen as you plan. Therefore, many are mistaken as to whether it is actually possible.

But this does not mean that there is no risk. We do not recommend having sex without a condom even during menstruation. Because the duration of the follicular phase in women in our calculations was indicated as average. But it differs significantly in different women. This phase of the cycle normally lasts from 7 to 22 days.

Of course, if the maturation of the follicle lasts 20-22 days, there can be no talk of any pregnancy during menstruation. But with a short duration of the follicular phase, if it lasts only 7-10 days, pregnancy is possible. We have already said that 5 days before ovulation, you can get pregnant, albeit with a not very high probability. It may be day 6-7 of the cycle. We also talked about the fact that menstrual bleeding can still continue these days. And in this case, getting pregnant in the last days of menstruation is really possible.

How to find out how high the probability of pregnancy is?

Calculating the risk of pregnancy during menstruation is not so difficult for a woman. But for this you need to know your cycle length. In most women of reproductive age without gynecological diseases, it is stable. On average, the cycle lasts 28 days. Using this example, we will calculate how high the risk of unwanted pregnancy is with unprotected sex during menstruation.

So, we don't know how long your follicular phase lasts. You can find out for sure only if you do an ultrasound and track the maturation of the follicle. But we don't need it. Because the duration of this phase can be calculated. After all, all other phases have a stable duration.

So, the cycle lasts 28 days. The luteal phase, as we know, has a duration of 12-14 days. We will play it safe and take the maximum figure. We subtract 14 from 28 days. And it turns out that ovulation with such a cycle will take place on the 14th day. That is, exactly in the middle of the cycle. Similarly, you can calculate the approximate day of ovulation for any length of the menstrual cycle. For example, if it lasts 24 days, then ovulation can take place already on the 10th day.

On the other hand, you need to know how long your period is. But the main thing is on what day of the cycle you have sex. We repeat: the first day corresponds to the beginning of menstrual bleeding. You can not live sexually 5 days before ovulation. That is, the first 5-6 days of the cycle are definitely safe. The next few days are safe for most women, but for some women with a short cycle, intimate contact on these days can already lead to pregnancy.

There was sexual intercourse during menstruation: what to do?

Let's say you have a short menstrual cycle. And the periods are long. And you had sex in the last days of your period. However, they were not protected. The man's ejaculate got into your genital tract. You are worried that you might become pregnant. Are there any reasons for concern?

With the combination of all of the above factors, there are certainly reasons for concern. However, you need to understand that even in this case, the probability of pregnancy is low. A few days before ovulation, sex leads to conception in only 10-15% of cases. That is, even having sex on dangerous days, you are unlikely to get pregnant with a probability of 85-90%. Agree, this is quite a lot.

Thus, a single sexual intercourse at the end of menstruation is unlikely to lead to pregnancy. Another thing is if you are going to do it all the time. Some women use the calendar method of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies. But such an approach is doomed to fail over time. If one sexual contact has a risk of only 10-15% of ending with the conception of a child, then by doing this every month, you risk getting pregnant sooner or later. It's like a lottery: if you buy one ticket, the chances of winning are minimal. But if you buy them for years, sooner or later you will be lucky. Or, at least, the probability of success is greatly increased.

Why not use the calendar method?

Let's say you know for sure that your cycle time is long. The follicular phase lasts at least 14 days. Ovulation is still a long way off. Why not have sex without a condom?

At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to get pregnant in such conditions. However, this statement is valid only if we assume that each of your cycles has the same duration. And this, unfortunately, is not so. Few people scrupulously keep a calendar of menstruation. And the one who leads knows that even at a young age and in full health, hormonal disruptions occur from time to time, which disrupt the duration of the menstrual cycle. There can be from 1 to 3 such cycles per year, and this is quite normal, not indicative of any diseases.

That is why the calendar method of contraception is the most unreliable. It's not worth using it. Moreover, today there are a lot of methods that will protect you from unwanted pregnancy with a 99% probability. These are oral contraceptives, and intrauterine devices, and the good old condoms. Even if you try to avoid dangerous cycle days, the cycle itself can change.

Using the calendar method of contraception is like wandering through a minefield. Sooner or later, pregnancy will definitely come. Therefore, consult a doctor and choose the method of protection that suits you. In this case, you will not need to worry about whether pregnancy is possible during menstruation.

So, let's summarize briefly. In at least 95% of cases, pregnancy with unprotected sex at the end of menstruation will not occur. At the beginning of menstruation, the probability of conception is zero. Only occasionally, when the cycle has a short duration, menstruation lasts a long time, and the egg matures quickly, it is possible to become pregnant. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and use condoms. They will protect not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from infections, the risk of infection with which during menstruation increases.

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Many representatives of the fair sex believe that critical days are not a reason to refuse to have sex, especially since during them women often experience strong sexual arousal. And also, most women believe that during menstruation it is not necessary to protect themselves, because the risk of becoming pregnant is zero. Is there any basis for such a belief and what is the probability of conceiving a child by making love during menstruation, and is it even possible to have sex these days?

Menstruation: what is it and why do they happen?

To answer the sensitive question - is it possible to conceive during menstruation, you must first figure out what is menstruation and why do women have these menstrual bleedings.

As everyone has long known, in order for a woman to become pregnant, a sperm must fertilize an egg, which is produced by the ovaries.

The period of egg maturation is called ovulation. The lifespan of the egg itself is quite short - from twelve to twenty-four hours. If conception does not occur at this time, the egg is rejected by the ovary and a period called menstruation begins.


The period of monthly bleeding has a duration three to eight days and depends on the individual characteristics of the female body.


Most women and girls lead calendar of your monthly cycle , thus calculating favorable and unfavorable days for conception. Keeping a calendar is very important, because thanks to it you can timely identify not only a comfortable time for conception, but also disorders in the reproductive system, such as hormonal failure or inflammatory processes.

If menstruation has become irregular or during critical days, severe aching pain in the lower abdomen annoys, then this is a serious reason to consult a gynecologist.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation

Given the peculiarities of the monthly cycle, the chances of conceiving a child during critical days are almost zero.

And, according to statistics, very few women were able to get pregnant during menstruation. But this applies only to those representatives of the fair sex, whose menstrual cycle is regular and passes without failures and delays. At risk of becoming pregnant are those women whose monthly bleeding occurs irregularly or with a long delay.

Although the risk of getting pregnant by having sex during your period is minimal, you should not rely on chance and take birth control to be safe or use condoms.

Why can pregnancy occur during menstruation?

Considering the possible causes of conception during critical days, it should be noted that this possibility may occur due to a surge of hormones, stress, or violation of the rules for taking birth control pills.

Pregnancy during menstruation is possible if:

  • If instead of one, the ovaries produce two or more eggs . The reasons for this pathology can be different - the irregularity of sexual life, heredity or hormonal failure.
  • Stress is another reason that during menstruation a girl can conceive a child. As you know, stress has a rather negative effect on the female body, so it can cause a malfunction in the reproductive system.
  • Among the possible reasons, not the last place is occupied by hormonal surge. Due to a malfunction in the hormonal system, a violation of the monthly cycle can occur, as a result of which pregnancy is possible during menstruation.
  • Taking contraceptives , you should strictly adhere to the indicated dosage and observe the time of taking the drugs. It is highly undesirable to take contraceptive pills lightly, because even one missed day can cause a malfunction in the hormonal system.

As can be seen from the above, the possibility of getting pregnant during menstruation is negligible, but it cannot be discounted.

Is it safe to have sex during your period?

Many people, having heard about having sex during "special" women's days, are likely to wrinkle their nose in disgust. Indeed, sex, when a woman has these days, can hardly be called pleasant and exciting. But besides the aesthetic side of the issue, there is also the question of the safety of partners. Why is sex dangerous? during menstruation and is it worth doing it at all?

Vulnerability to infections

During monthly bleeding, a woman's genitals are especially vulnerable and susceptible to various infections.

The fact is that during the period of monthly bleeding cervix opens , and blood secretions are a breeding ground for various bacteria and microbes. Therefore, in addition to an unwanted pregnancy, a woman also risks contract dangerous diseases, including venereal ones.


Sex should always be not only pleasant, but also safe, so do not forget about condoms, especially when making love during menstruation.

Summing up, it should be noted that the chance to see two stripes on the test after making love during menstruation is very small and, according to statistics, they can conceive a baby during this period. only 2% of women . But do not tempt fate and assume that menstruation is the most reliable natural contraception. You should always remember about your own safety, so that later you do not go to the doctor, trying to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

Video about whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation

It is possible to get pregnant during menstruation, but the probability is small. During menstruation, the endometrium is shed, which is brought out along with the unfertilized egg.

Even if late ovulation occurs and the sperm overtakes the female cell, the embryo will have nowhere to implant.

Possibility of conception

In any female body, the timing of ovulation is different. What is ovulation? This is the period of the cycle when the egg matures, must meet with the sperm and be fertilized.

Is it worth having sex at all during this period?

Of course, there are couples who consider having sex during their period the safest in terms of avoiding unwanted pregnancies and enjoy it.

But not everything is so good:

  1. Firstly, during menstruation, in a woman's body, the risk of sexually transmitted infections increases, as the defenses decrease.
  2. Secondly, there is a risk of reflux - when blood coming from the uterus back into the abdominal cavity. And this is fraught with the growth of the walls of the uterus.

Therefore, from a medical point of view, it is believed that during red days it is better not to have sexual intercourse.

All information is presented for informational purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

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