Home Locks Who is Emily Ratajkowski dating? Emily Ratajkowski before and after plastic surgery (photo). Croissants and pastries for breakfast

Who is Emily Ratajkowski dating? Emily Ratajkowski before and after plastic surgery (photo). Croissants and pastries for breakfast

The ideal figure of Emily Ratajkowski after plastic surgery attracted representatives of famous brands. And naked photos of Emily made the model famous all over the world.

Emily spent her childhood in California with her parents. Dad is a talented artist, and mom is a famous writer and English teacher at the university. As a child, the girl studied well at school, traveled a lot with her parents.

Emily's family instilled a love of art. Mom introduced the girl to the stories of ancient Greece, where there was a cult of the naked body, and dad, an artist, often painted nude models.

Emily Ratajkowski before plastic surgery

When Emily was only 14 years old, she signed a contract with the famous modeling agency Ford Models, where she began her modeling career. And when I had to act in underwear, it was not difficult for the girl. As the model herself admits, showing a naked body is not a sign of sexuality, but of freedom. Emily's parents must be very proud of their baby girl.

In the list of magazines where Ratajkowski is filmed, there are such well-known ones as Nreats, Sports illustrated. Emily advertised youth underwear brands Forever 21, Kohl, Nordsturm. And after a successful collaboration with the Fredericks of Hollywood brand, she received the Model of the Year award.

Photographer Jonathan Leder, a well-known provocateur in the world of photography, contributed to Ratajkowski's fame throughout the world by making a number of outrageous and erotic photo shoots. In 2014, the model took fourth place among the sexiest and most desirable women on the planet.

Actress career

When Emily gained popularity thanks to her outrageous pictures, she began to be invited to shoot in clips, films and TV shows. If earlier these were quite episodic roles, then after the collapse of fame they began to offer more impressive, and even the main ones. So, in 2014, David Fincher's thriller Gone Girl was released with Ben Affleck in the title role.

A lot of noise was made by the clip of the famous American artist Robin Thicke, where Emily dances naked. They even tried to ban the clip from being shown on the YouTube channel. But for the glory of Emily as a nude model, this played into the hands.

In Russia, few people knew the model Emily Ratajkowski. In our country, fame was brought to her by joint shooting in a video with Dima Bilan. This time everything was within the bounds of what was permitted - Emily was dressed. The video was filmed in Los Angeles, where Dima flew in with his producer Yana Rudkovskaya. The shooting itself took only 12 hours and took place in strict secrecy.

Critics began to prophesy great fame for her. And according to the stories of the producers, Emily turned out to be not only a very beautiful girl, but also a very positive one, with a good sense of humor.

Emily Ratajkowski plastic surgery, before and after photos

When Emily Ratajkowski became famous, suddenly everyone was interested in the theme of curvaceous girls. What is it? After all, there are no obvious signs of plastic surgery, and the breasts are large. Evil tongues talk that Emily still resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. Yes, the girl already had forms, but small ones harmoniously sweetened what was given by nature.

Experts in the field of plastic surgery, looking at Emily's photos in her youth and now, claim that even then it was noticeable that Emrata (this is Emily's nickname) is a happy owner of large breasts.

There are no obvious signs of an operation. What we see in the pictures was emphasized with the help of Photoshop and the right underwear with a push-up effect.

The only thing all Emily's fans agreed on was plastic surgery on her upper lip. But this is more of a cosmetic procedure performed using special fillers.


The beauty of Emily Ratajkowski can be envied - nature endowed her with beautiful features and an impeccable figure. But you can also envy an excellent metabolism, Emily does not adhere to any rules in food. She is a meat eater, loves sweets, high-calorie croissants and cakes, allows herself to drink a glass of good wine or even beer at dinner. Diet is not about Ratajkowski.

And as the girl herself says in an interview, she does not consume small portions. Perhaps sports training helps the model to be in such great shape. Specially selected exercises make the figure slim, toned and sexy. The professionalism of the photographer also plays a role in creating successful photographs by choosing the right angle and pose of the model.

Sports and a professional beautician doing their job - Emily is a rising star in the modeling business

Personal life

In 2018, Emily Ratajkowski suddenly got married. Her companion was the actor and horse producer Sebastian Beer-McClard. For fans, this was a surprise, because the couple had only been together for a few months before. The wedding took place in the circle of the closest people. From their marriage, the couple did not make a show and dedicated this solemn day to themselves and their closest friends. Emily didn't wear the traditional white wedding dress. The registration of the marriage took place at the New York City Hall, passed modestly and without pathos.

Instagram Ratajkowski

Emrata constantly pampers her fans in swimsuits or even without, covering her naked body with her hands. She recently supported Kim Kardashian after being criticized for her "naked selfie". This photo blew up the net.


Emily is still quite young and she has a lot of photography and paintings ahead of her.

Emily Ratajkowski is a sought-after model and actress, the owner of the title "Most Desirable Woman on the Planet in 2014". She gained popularity among moviegoers after playing the main role in the film, as well as after participating in the TV show Project Runway.

Emily was born on June 7, 1991 in London. The girl's parents are Americans, but Emily has Irish, Polish, German and even Jewish blood. Shortly after the birth of their daughter, the parents moved to California, where Emily spent her childhood. The girl's mother is a popular writer, professor of English. The daughter speaks of her as an intellectual and a feminist, although Ratajkowski herself does not consider herself as such. The father is a talented artist, so the craving for beauty is inherent in the girl at the genetic level.

Since childhood, Emily has traveled a lot, lived for some time in Ireland and Spain. Frequent travel and life in new countries did not prevent the girl from finishing high school well. After graduating from an educational institution, Ratajkowski entered the University of California, but studied there for only a year. Emily decided to focus on her modeling career, especially since the start was already given.

Modeling career

Not every aspiring model is as lucky as Emily. At the age of 14, she was offered a contract by the Ford Models agency. With the signing of the contract, the model biography of the girl began.

Emily immediately began to collaborate with the youth brand Forever 21, as well as with the brands Kohl and Nordstrom. Shooting in swimsuits and underwear did not bother the young beauty at all. Emily Ratajkowski once admitted that she considers the nudity to be the norm, and even more so, she is not shy about showing it if the pictures are taken by a professional.

The girl was lucky for professionals. Emily worked with Tony Duran. Thanks to the photos of the master, the editors of erotic gloss drew attention to the appearance of the young model and offered Emily a photo shoot. Readers liked the girl so much that in 2012, Ratajkowski's candid photos graced the cover of this magazine. After the photo shoot, the popularity of the model increased. Emily became the face of advertising for Carl's Jr, collaborated with Nikon.

The whole world started talking about the beauty when she starred in the Robin Thicke video. Ratajkowski appeared naked in the frame.

Then there were erotic shoots for the cover of GQ and the Sports Illustrated calendar. In 2014, Emily took fourth place in the ranking of the sexiest women on the planet. In the same year, Ratajkowski was named the most desirable woman.


Emily Ratajkowski dreamed of acting in films. As a teenager, she even participated in several performances and realized that she liked it. The girl went to auditions and screen tests, but everywhere she heard the same thing: you can only act in the role of a bitchy teenager.

Emily was sure that she was capable of more, and did not give up. At first, the girl played a cameo role in the short film "Changing Andrew", because she had to start somewhere. In 2005, the actress starred in an episodic role in the TV series Year and Day.

Then she was offered the role of Tasha in the sitcom "iCarly", where the model appeared in three episodes. Emily believes that it was the sitcom that became the impetus for her further acting career. The film is about 13-year-old girl Carly (Miranda Cosgrove), who decided to create an author's channel on the Internet, where she uploaded clips of schoolchildren filmed at home.

In the second half of the 2000s, Emily went headlong into the modeling business. With the participation of Emily, the "Project Runway" was released, where the girl took a place among the models advertising the products of 12 designers who entered the fight among themselves for the main prize - $ 100 thousand to promote their own fashion business. The author of the competition was a supermodel with a worldwide reputation. The competition was attended by American designers Laura Bennett, Michael Knight, Jeffrey Sebelia. After each round, one participant was eliminated. Models at the same time also became contestants.

The next time the girl appeared on the screen in 2013 in an insignificant short film, but a year later she already gave fans a meeting in the full-length thriller Gone Girl, where she played the heroine Andy Fitzgerald, the protagonist's mistress. The girl was lucky to work on the same set with and who played the spouses Nick and Amy. The film was positively received by film critics and viewers and grossed $ 370 million at the box office.

A year later, Emily played herself in the comedy Entourage about actor Vince (Kevin Connolly) and friends who challenge Hollywood. In the same year, the model appeared in the cast of the mini-series Trophies Before Death, a comedy about jazz musicians of the 50s. With the participation of Emily, the youth musical drama "128 Heartbeats Per Minute" was also released, where the model reincarnated as the main character Sophie, DJ Cole's girlfriend ().

Personal life

Emily Ratajkowski had several novels. In 2013, the girl was often seen in the company of creative director Andrew Dryden. True, already in early 2014, the couple broke up. The young people did not comment on the reasons for the breakup.

Emily quickly consoled herself after the breakup. Soon the model was seen in the company of musician Jeff Magid. A few months later, Ratajkowski confirmed that she was having an affair with Jeff. Whether young people still meet is unknown.

Emily is not going to marry yet - she enjoys youth, fame and life.

Emily Ratajkowski now

The model continues to act in films. In 2016, the girl played in the comedy series "Easier than Easy" about the experiments of young friends living in Chicago. In the same year, she visited Russia for filming in the video "Indivisible".

Now Emily is filming the thriller "In the Dark" about the pianist Sophia (), who becomes an accidental witness to the murder. The melodrama “Cruise” and the thriller “Welcome Home” are also being prepared for release, in which the model will appear in the lead roles.

In the fall of 2017, she posted on her own account in " Instagram» A photo from the Inamorata Swim advertising campaign, in which she appeared in a number of seductive swimsuits, as well as. Later, to promote her own line of swimwear, the model, while on vacation in Nicaragua,. On one of the videos, the girl, which caused a flurry of views - in a week the video was watched 6 million times.


  • 2004 - Andrew's Change
  • 2005 - "Year and Day"
  • 2009-2010 - "iCarly"
  • 2014 - "Gone Girl"
  • 2015 - "Entourage"
  • 2015 - "Trophies before death"
  • 2015 - "128 heartbeats per minute"

Recently, the famous model and actress Emily Ratajkowski celebrated her 25th birthday. But if you don’t know much about this girl, we have prepared this material for you, in which we have collected the most important facts of her life.

1. Place and date of birth

Emily Ratajkowski was born in London on June 7, 1991 in the family of a professor and an artist. Initially, the parents were against their daughter working in the modeling business, but at the age of 14 their opinion changed ... The girl signed a contract with the well-known modeling agency Ford Models.

2. First acting experience

Emily first starred in 2010 in two episodes of iCarly, where she played a girl named Gibb. The entire filming process took about two weeks.

3. Filming in clips

Emily became famous after starring in the Blurred Lines video, but few people know what contributed to the successful casting for this filming. Shortly before him, the girl took part in the Somebody video of the Maroon 5 group, where she was noticed by the Robin Thicke team.

But that's not the end of the story! Emily at first flatly refused to shoot, because the script seemed to her, to put it mildly, insane and meaningless. But after Emily's personal meeting with the director of the video, Diane Martel, the consent of the actress was obtained.

Despite the fact that Emily assures that she is no longer going to act in videos, she recently appeared in the new video of Dima Bilan.

4. Collaboration with David Fincher

Emily Ratajkowski played minor roles in the films Year and Day, Entourage, Andrew's Alteration, New Girl and iCarly, but her most striking and successful acting experience was her participation in the filming of David Fincher's detective thriller Gone Girl in 2014.

5. Children's hobbies

As a child, Emily studied ballet, and also tried herself in theater, acting, and even football.

6. Advertising campaigns

In collaboration with the Ford Models agency, Emily took part in advertising campaigns for the brands Forever 21, Kohl and Nordstrom. Later, the girl starred in advertising for the Carl's Jr fast food restaurant chain and the Nikon brand. One of Emily's most successful shoots is considered to be a photo shoot for the cover of GQ magazine, authored by Tony Kelly.

7. Personal life

Emily dated businessman Andrew Dryden in 2013, but the couple broke up in February 2014. At the end of 2014, the girl entered into a romantic relationship with a little-known musician Jeff Magit, whom she is still dating.

8. Options

Emily Ratajkowski's parameters are close to ideal, for which the girl was often accused in the past of resorting to plastic surgery. The girl assures that the secret of her excellent figure lies in ballet classes. Her parameters: height - 170 cm, weight - 54 kg, chest - 90 cm, waist - 61 cm, hips - 86 cm, chest size - 4, foot size - 39.5.

Find out how Emily Ratajkowski wears crop tops in

But also one of the most beautiful models of our time. An incredibly slender figure and expressive face very quickly made Emily famous and in demand in the "fashion market", and 12 million followers on Instagram only confirm the public's interest in her person.


Looking at Emily's chic and slender forms, you might think that the model is on all sorts of things around the clock and is engaged, which allows her to stay in good shape. However, for sure this girl sold her soul to the devil - since there is not a strict diet or exhausting classes in her schedule.

How does Ratajkowski manage to maintain his attractiveness?

Croissants and pastries for breakfast

Somehow, the model admitted that she was very lucky with, so she can afford to eat for breakfast, which gives her a good mood and energy for the whole day.

I go to Blacktop Coffee every morning and with my black coffee I indulge in a cookie called kouign-amann.

Proper nutrition without buffets

Despite the fact that Emily does not follow, she does not eat food in incredible quantities, limiting herself to salad and sandwiches for lunch. And in every possible way avoids the buffets that are organized on the set. just afraid to break loose and gain extra pounds.

It can be easy to go crazy with this - they know how to feed you.


Despite the fact that for many years they have been proving the harm of meat and practicing "non-meat" diets, Emily will happily eat a couple of steaks and will again be slim and healthy.

I really like eating meat. My body needs iron, so I'm definitely not the kind of person who only eats salads. I like to keep my own body in balance and supply it with energy at the right time. This is the key to good health.

Little weaknesses

It's no secret that if you forbid yourself something too violently, you will need it even more. In anything - chocolate, red wine and so on. And this can lead to extra pounds, which will simply refuse to leave under such pressure. Therefore, Ratajkowski very often allows himself to relax and allow himself too much. Kind of a balance of power.

I wouldn't say I'm the kind of girl who can't live without chips, but I love to have a muffin or a croissant in the morning.

Drink water and sleep a lot

Despite the fact that few people in Russia know who Emily Ratajkowski is, American and European students are crazy about her Instagram, trying in every possible way to achieve the same appearance, imitating her in every possible way, copying her style and lifestyle. Emily herself is very ambitious and completely devoid of complexes. By the age of 26, she managed to achieve great worldwide fame, becoming one of the most sought-after photo models in show business.

Bold and daring character, bright features and a graceful figure, which she was not afraid to show naked in the scandalous video of Robin Thicke "Blurred Lines", helped her to take her place among American celebrities.

Emily Ratajkowski is still very young, but has already had plastic surgery for breast augmentation. After this step, her career advanced markedly. Fashion stores began to ask her to become their face, and magazines asked her to take pictures on the main covers.

How did it all start?

Emily Ratajkowski has never known a lack of fans. From an early age, she got involved in various romantic stories and was always in the spotlight, especially among men. The girl still loves to emphasize the femininity of nature, she does everything to be captured in a beautiful pose and with a beautiful expression on her face.

The small breast size at first did not bother her a little, since the girl was completely carried away by the modeling career, and later they began to invite her to the cinema. She was satisfied with her appearance, as well as her employers. But later, when shooting began in magazines for advertising swimwear and underwear, her agent hinted at the need to do mammoplasty.

Models with a small breast size are “drawn” with volumes in Photoshop. If Emily was originally curvy, that would solve the problem and make her even more popular. In a competitive environment, this is very important.

When was the operation performed?

“I like Kim Kardashian,” Emily says in one of her posts on social networks, “I like her face, her figure. But I will never become like her, because even plastic surgery could not help me with this. Because the human body is individual. I am also an individual. Kim's forms just don't suit me. I have completely different proportions and parameters.

Emily did not deny the ideas of her representatives, because she herself was aware that she needed breast augmentation with implants. But the girl always saw herself as a bright and extraordinary personality, so she did not follow her idol Kim Kardashian, preferring small endoprostheses.

What was the result of breast augmentation?

Emily Ratajkowski has an example of a successful plastic surgery for breast augmentation. This is exactly the case when all individual body proportions, anatomy features are observed and taken into account, while not the largest possible size of implants is chosen (many surgeons make such a mistake), but the most optimal option, which only emphasized the natural femininity and naturalness of Emily's figure.

Emily is incredibly happy with her new forms, because there are no more problems with swimsuits and candid photography. The girl is increasingly called to act in music videos. She recently starred with Dima Bilan.

What does Emily Ratajkowski look like today?

Emily Ratajkowski has a great future ahead of her, but her star has been on fire for a long time. Crowds of admirers and imitators admire her ideal forms, after her someone is already doing plastic surgery with surgeons.

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