Home wheels You have to make a wish, it came true. How to make a wish so that it comes true: advice from psychologists. How to make a wish so that it comes true

You have to make a wish, it came true. How to make a wish so that it comes true: advice from psychologists. How to make a wish so that it comes true

The ability to dream seems simple and natural, but many people do not own it. This will happen for various reasons, including low self-esteem, lack of imagination, depression. How to make a wish to make it come true? You need to turn on emotions, believe in the possibility of fulfilling any dream and react in time when the time comes.

How to make a wish to make it come true?

1. Own or someone else's?

2. Acquisition or disposal?

Dreams should be fun. No need to make a wish that involves deliverance, removal, deprivation. For example, one really wants to move to another city, and a person curses his small homeland, formulating a dream “I want to leave Mukhozavodsk”. The desire may come true, but the new place of residence will turn out to be even worse, in fact the dream came true, but did not bring satisfaction.

Here are examples of how to make wishes correctly and incorrectly.

The brighter the thoughts and the more, the sooner the dream will come true.

3. You can only influence yourself.

An important question is what wishes can be made. There is a concept of ecological dreams. It means how safe it is for a stranger. You can’t guess that a particular person will love you or treat you better. First, it is not always useful for ourselves. It is worth remembering past connections, for sure you want to say about some of them “and how I just got in touch with this person.” Secondly, people have the right to decide for themselves whether they like you or not.

But it's all about wording. If you think "people love me", this will be an attempt to influence someone else's. But if you formulate “I attract the love of the people around me”, this is an influence on myself.

How to make a wish?

Before you start dreaming, you need to understand what you really want. To do this, there are a few simple techniques.

1. Automatic writing.

You need to take a piece of paper and a pen, relax, you can turn on the music or sit in silence, light candles or just dim the lights. It is important to simply create an atmosphere in which nothing will distract from the dreaming process. Next, you need to turn off and concentrate on the subconscious. Let desire come from within, bypassing censorship. Desires can seem reckless, unrealizable, stupid, wildly simple.

When the list is ready, you can analyze what has been written. This contributes to a better understanding of oneself.

2. Perfect day.

This exercise can be done in writing, orally or mentally. Everyone does what is convenient for him. Details are important in this technique. You need to think through to the smallest detail how the day would go. What time does a person wake up, where, with whom. What does he do after that, where does he go. If for work, then what kind, what exactly does he do there, what will he do after work. Little things like food, the number of rooms in the house, even the cup in which there will be morning coffee are important.

To make it easier, you can make a questionnaire for yourself, which will take into account all the nuances. And then arrange an interview for yourself.

To bring even more benefits, the exercise must be done in writing, at the end of it you need to analyze what needs to be done so that each item from the ideal day comes true, and then try to translate at least some of them into. That's why the details matter. A person can change jobs on the same day and will not be able to, but to start drinking tea in the morning instead of coffee or to arrange evening jogging is quite.

3. Meditation.

This technique has two varieties:

  • Listen to yourself. This technique is more complicated, since you don’t have to visualize anything, you need to completely and ask your subconscious mind to show your true desires. This technique can take a long time, as not everyone will be able to catch the right wave quickly.
  • Talk to yourself. You need to ask yourself leading questions, as in the “Perfect Day” method, only here everything is concentrated on the images. You need to mentally create a space in which it is comfortable and be in it. Try to smell, texture, hear sounds.

4. Recharging.

Before you make a wish, you need to think about whether there is energy for its fulfillment. For example, I really want to become a marketing director and proclaim a department of 10 people. It will be difficult to do this when your head is full of thoughts about children, an unsuccessful personal life,. If energy is wasted on solving problems, turmoil or other desires, you need to make up for its losses. You can do this in several ways:

  • Connect to egregore. It is necessary to divide desires into those that can be fulfilled independently and those that require the help of the Higher Forces. Who it will be depends on faith (God, the Universe, the spirit of the deceased grandmother). Whatever one believes in will work. This is a very useful technique as it helps to let go of desire. For example, you want to get married and build a career. You can give marriage to the will of providence, but for now do advanced training. How to make a wish so that it will definitely come true? Clearly formulate that you do not refuse it, but give it into the hands of the Universe.
  • Make yourself a weekend. For a busy person, this is a luxury, but worth a try. It is better to leave the city, after warning relatives that you will not answer phone calls. Complete isolation and relaxation. It is important at this time not to think about work or personal life, you need to completely reset.

When thinking about how to make a wish to make it come true, you first need to make sure that the dreams are environmentally friendly and belong to you. Next, you need to choose the way of dreaming that is most suitable, and.

A thought process is constantly carried out in the head of each person. Every second there are a large number of different desires. What chaos would be created in the world if they immediately came true. Therefore, in order to realize what you really want, you need to try. A person highly appreciates the realization of the goal for the realization of which he had to fight. How to make a wish to make it come true?

Often an individual has a large number of desires, and he wants to realize everything as quickly as possible. However, it is necessary to choose one of the most important things for you from the entire large list and ask for its execution from.

This is necessary so that the higher forces focus on it, and not waste time and energy in vain. It is also necessary to figure out for yourself whether you truly desire this, or is it a fleeting whim that will quickly pass.

Try to make a wish in accordance with the lunar cycles and rhythms. For example, on a waning moon it is better to want to get rid of something, but on a growing addition.

A good help in achieving the designated goal will be the daily reading of prayers. Each person, in accordance with his confessional affiliation, can do this.

It must be taken into account that if you have undertaken the work of daily prayer practice, then you need to carry it out daily, never interrupting, until you get a result. Thus, your body tunes in to certain vibrations of the Universe, changes from within and helps you get what you ask for.

Fundamental rules

Before you start formulating and realizing your dream, you need to learn the following rules:

  • the wish must be clearly stated

Your goal must be reflected on a piece of paper. Before you begin this process, you need to clearly formulate the essence of what you are asking for. No need for ornate phrases and vague expressions. The universe loves specifics, because the essence is hidden behind the play on words.

Fifteen words will be enough to write what you want. If you write less, then your plan will not be fulfilled exactly, if you write too much, then it will take years before what you wrote is realized.

Approach this ritual in a good mood, use only what you like in creating the wish list. You can even decorate it, use colored paste or pencils.

  • should only be in first person

Do not shift the responsibility for realizing your hopes to someone else. Thus, you put yourself in a dependent position on - something and block creativity. For example, you need to write "I'm moving up the career ladder" instead of "I'm being promoted." Both expressions display the same result, but they are different. In the first case, the person himself achieved his goal, and in the second he was waiting for help.

When an individual gets something in his life through hard work, then it is greatly enhanced. He does not test before making a decision, and is little dependent on the opinions of others. Therefore, you should formulate what you want in the first person.

  • must use present tense

What you want to receive must be written in the present tense. For example, "I'm buying a new apartment." In this way, the Universe will understand that you are in the process of fulfilling your aspiration, and will help you. If you write a wish in the present or past tense, then this can be regarded as the fact that the action has taken place, or you are postponing its execution to an indefinite future.

The universe is an ongoing stream that you can join with the right wording in your desires. For example, the entry “I will lose weight by my birthday” will be incorrect, it will be correct, from the point of view of implementation, to write “I am losing weight and becoming slim and beautiful.”

  • exclude negation

Higher powers do not perceive the particle “not” well. Or rather, they do not perceive it at all, so do not use it in the formulation of your wishes. For example, the expression "I have no problems with money" is understood as "I have problems with money." Therefore, in order not to provoke a negative result for yourself, the dream form must be rephrased, for example, “I am rich.”

The “not” particle automatically begins to attract failures, so do not use it when referring to the Universe with innermost desires. Otherwise, it may create problems.

  • you can't tell the universe a certain time frame

Higher powers know better when and what to give you, based on the needs at a certain stage of life. We can write out our life in the form of a plan on a piece of paper. However, what we write there will not be necessary for us at a certain life stage in the future, but will come in handy sooner or later. Therefore, you should not drive yourself into certain limits, as the saying goes, "we propose, but God disposes." Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that life will make its own adjustments to this very plan, maybe easy, or maybe cardinal.

For this reason, when you write down the request on a piece of paper, then sign at the end "at the right time in the right place."

  • the principle of "do no harm to others" must be observed

If you write down a desire, and you yourself imagine how neighbors or relatives will envy a new car or a beautiful fur coat, then it is better to leave this idea right away. Also, you should not wish for something like “let me marry successfully, and my friend Masha remain single.” The negative that you want to happen in other people's lives can happen in your own. For example, Masha may marry late, but successfully, and you will divorce and be lonely until the end of your days.

It is better to wish others happiness and well-being, as no one lives without problems. People are attracted to positive and benevolent personalities like a magnet.

  • express your thoughts specifically

When formulating your dream, try to specify what you want to receive. To do this, you can specify the color, size, cost of the item or describe in detail the desired situation in the future. For example, if you want to buy or build a house, then describe it in detail, how many floors, what is the area, color, etc.

However, when drawing up a desire, you should not get too carried away with this and paint it on a whole sheet, going into small details. Otherwise, the execution of the plan may take not a single dozen years.

  • the universe needs your help in the implementation of the plan

In order for the request to come true, it is not enough to write it down and put it on the desk, it is necessary to make efforts to implement the plan. In this way, you will help the Universe to speed up the receipt of your request. For example, if you want to become a famous musician, then you need to learn musical notation, and practice every day to improve your skills. If you just sit and wait until the glory falls on you by itself, then you can never wait for this.

You also need to consider that you need to set goals that you can realistically achieve. For example, if you have poor health, then it will be impossible to become an astronaut, or if you have weak muscles and joints, then the path to ballet is ordered for you. Dreaming about the unattainable is not worth it, this can lead to deep depression and disappointment in life. Better consider other more affordable options where you can prove yourself just as well.

Conditions for the fulfillment of a wish

Before making a wish, it is important to learn the following conditions that will help for its further realization:

  • wish must be written down

Thought, which is written on paper, takes on a material form. Thus, we send a message to the Universe for the fulfillment of our plan. It is best to do this with a red pen or felt-tip pen, since this color has powerful energy and will allow you to quickly activate the necessary resources of the Universe.

Then wrap the note in red paper or cloth, put it in a closet and try to forget about it. This is necessary so that you do not interfere with your thoughts to the higher forces to fulfill their plans.

When the dream comes true, you need to burn the note, thereby you will give a signal to the Universe that nothing else needs to be done, and the goal has been achieved. Also, this procedure must be done if the note is stale in the closet and the desire is still not fulfilled. Fire can help activate stagnant energy. However, it is necessary to analyze for what reason the requested is not fulfilled, and what you are doing wrong. Perhaps you will eventually come to the decision that you do not need what you have planned at all.

  • don't tell anyone about it

All people are different, someone will support in this matter and throw a couple of tips, someone will laugh, and someone may envy. It should not be that the mental energy of other people interferes with the plans of higher powers to realize their plans. By telling the ill-wisher, you can interfere with the Universe in the process of fulfilling the desire and greatly delay its implementation.

When it comes to subtle energies, you need to be careful and not tell anyone until the plan comes true. However, if you have like-minded people, you can try collective making a wish. As practice shows, this method is quite effective, since the energy of several people is involved at once.

  • it is necessary to write down the requests in the light of day

It is better to turn to higher powers in the light of day, because at night the dark energies begin to activate, which can also hear and fulfill your request. However, the lord of darkness never does good to people out of principle, so be careful.

  • use the automatic writing method

When it is difficult to decide on a desire, the automatic writing method can come to the rescue. This method will allow you to isolate the main idea from the stream of consciousness and focus on it. To do this, you will need a piece of paper and a pen, some use a special table for this purpose.

Relax your body and try not to think about anything, “keep your head empty”, try not to control the movements of your hand, let it automatically display the thoughts that come to your head on paper.

Among the recorded phrases, after, you can highlight the main idea that worries you.

Also for such purposes, the method developed by the famous psychologist Jung, which is called associations, is suitable. A person is told one word denoting an action, an object, a living being, etc., and he answers what sensations he has in connection with this. Then, from the compiled table, you can highlight the main life aspects that concern the individual, and decide on the desire.

  • use prayer practice

In order to enlist the support of higher powers, read prayers daily. They produce a great beneficial effect. Thus, you constantly begin to feed on positive energy, health improves, interesting ideas come to mind by themselves. You begin to clearly understand how and what to do to implement your plan, or you can completely abandon this idea.

Persistence is important in fulfilling the sacred. You should not give in to the first difficulties, overcoming them, you gain experience and become one step closer to your desired goal.

Each of us has a cherished desire that we crave to come true. By following simple wording rules when composing a request, we can get what we want much faster. The universe is generous and abundant, you should not limit yourself to the concepts “wealth is not for me”, “I have been for many years, there will never be love in my life.” With such expressions, you limit the flow of grace into your life and delay the receipt of the desired goal. Be sure that your desire will surely come true, and actively work towards its realization.

Despite the fact that we have been writing about the fulfillment of desires for several years, questions still constantly come up why desires do not come true. We have discussed overestimated importance, environmental friendliness, barriers in the head and so on many times, but it turned out that many people do not understand how to make wishes correctly. And I decided to talk in more detail about what desires it makes sense to make so that they come true in the foreseeable future.

Now we will not talk about how to correctly formulate a desire or what techniques to use (and whether it should be done), but about the general adequacy of your dreams, your real possibilities.

For a long time it seemed obvious to me, but recently there have been especially many questions and indignant letters with grievances, demands, bewilderment why wishes do not come true. And when I read the New Year's Wall of Desires and the description of the perfect day in a year, I realized what the problem is: many make absolutely incredible wishes and expect their fulfillment in the near future. And of course they are disappointed.

I'll tell you more about the example of one of the letters. A woman asks why in the two years she spent on the site, she did not have a single wish come true, not a single one at all.

I asked for an example of the wishes she made.

The list looked something like this:
- a five-room apartment on Frunzenskaya (this is a rather expensive area in Moscow, I don’t know the order of prices, but I assume that such an apartment will cost at least 20 million),
- three-storey house of 200 m per floor and 50 acres of land
- expensive car
- to marry a faithful, generous, handsome, wealthy (the list is much longer) man
- become the owner of a premium-class salon in the center of Moscow. Etc.

I have corresponded with this woman before and I know that now she has a rather ordinary life with the usual problems: complete lack of work experience and lack of work as such, divorced, children are already adults, no capital or income, serious problems with money.

What do we see in this story? A huge gap between the current state and the bar of claims.

I asked her then what did she do to achieve her goals? She answers that she kept a “Notebook of 100 days” and carries a handkerchief with a knot for a wish.

Friends, well, it is not enough to keep a notebook and do esoteric techniques with such a gap between the desired and the actual. If you don’t do anything in life, don’t develop, then even a generously wealthy man is not so easy to attract. And even meet...

How to make a wish?

1. If you want your wish to come true in the foreseeable future, say, within a year, that is, set an approximate date, then make an adequate wish that corresponds to your real capabilities.

Now I constantly meet fantastic desires. For example, a woman of an age without the experience of a serious relationship, having read "50 Shades of Grey", thinks to marry a rich handsome man in six months. Or they write down “I get 500 thousand rubles. per month”, having currently 10-15t.

Friends, lower the bar of claims.

Just think of meeting a man with whom there will be a deep mutual feeling, maybe he will offer you to marry, but describe it within reasonable limits. Do not make too big money requests that exceed your current income by 20 times.

Let's say you earn 50 thousand a month, but you want 100 thousand.

Ask yourself, do you believe you can earn that much?

Suppose your profession is in demand on the market, do you cost more, do you believe in yourself and your strengths? If yes, then guess 100 thousand.

It is quite real, I had such an experience.

But if you don’t believe, don’t think that you can get 100, think of 70 thousand. If you reach this amount, increase it.

Otherwise, one disappointment turns out.

2. What about cottages, expensive cars and all that? Isn't it necessary to dream about it?

Why, no problem, you can and should, if you really want it.

Just don't set deadlines.

Well, the truth is, there is little chance of a five-room apartment in a year or even two, if now there is no housing and income at all. Theoretically, maybe you will meet a man with such an apartment, but still it will be his apartment.

But if you do not set this goal for yourself as a short-term one, but put it in the future, and very, very actively go towards it, then in a few years it is quite possible to achieve.

In general, in order for any complex desires to come true, you need to change. In order for changes to begin in the outside world, changes must first begin in your inner world, thinking, behavior, and actions. You need to learn to overcome fears, get out of your comfort zone, do something new.

Maybe start helping out at the hospital as a volunteer. Maybe get carried away with yoga and start practicing for two hours a day, meditate. Maybe go study. Find a job in another area. Open your internet project.

Why is it necessary?

And then. First, through action, your thinking will change. It is impossible to do something actively, involved and stay in the same place.

Secondly, you will begin to communicate with new people who will open up unexpected opportunities for you.

And thirdly, most importantly. So you get energy, strength, and this will also help you get closer to your goals.

Why then make a wish at all, you ask?

You can only rely on your own strength and not hope for "some help from above." Set goals and go towards them. What is the desire here?

Well, first of all, desire is a declaration of your intention.

When you make a wish, and even use different techniques, you give a signal to your subconscious, your psyche that you really want it.

You tune in, and you are given energy to realize your desire.

And it is very important not to waste this energy in vain, into chatter, into doubts and fears, you need to immediately put it into action.

In addition, by keeping the focus on what you want, if the importance is not overestimated, you open up to new opportunities, literally begin to see them. And here suddenly comes the very “help from above”, when circumstances mysteriously turn in your favor, the right people appear, and sometimes something incredible happens, and everything works out easily.

We have never said that it is worth writing desires in the Book of Desires, as everything will come true by itself. Yes, sometimes it happens, but in complex desires, your efforts are also needed.

Let's summarize.

How to make wishes?

1. Make real wishes that can be fulfilled in the foreseeable future.

And start taking some action, esoteric or the most practical. In this case, something happens that helps your wish come true.

Personally, I am generally against any deadlines, so the question “why the desire is not fulfilled” usually never arises for me. The time will come and it will be done.

The only exception is desires that are more or less under your control. That is, you know that if you do this and that, you will get such and such a result. For example, look well-groomed, change your wardrobe, lose weight, etc.

2. If at the moment the desire is difficult for you to realize, then you can’t set a deadline!

You can and should wish. Apartments, your business, some complex love desires - all this can and should come true.

But you need to understand that such desires take a lot of time. And not just a lot of time (usually one year is not enough), but also your willingness to have it. Until you change in something (thinking, behavior, working through fears, etc.), then nothing changes for the Universe, which means that your life remains the same.

But what about a miracle? - you ask.

After all, there are miracles, for example, when you suddenly get an apartment for free. Or pregnancy occurs after 15 years of infertility. It happens, I know real cases.

Yes, sometimes miracles happen in our lives. But it is always something unexpected, spontaneous.

There will be no miracles if you persistently wait for them, worry that you don’t have it, demand it. Or write angry letters to me that your wishes do not come true)

The opposite will happen.

While you are waiting and sad, you are broadcasting a need, that you do not have it. And desires are not fulfilled.

If you don’t wait for a miracle, don’t demand, don’t be offended that it doesn’t exist, but simply keep in focus a desire, even a very complex and unrealizable one, and do everything possible to make it come true, change, but not cycle on one goal, but develop different areas of your life, then most likely a miracle will happen. Or maybe not, but you yourself will achieve what you want. Only a little later.

And finally, a funny 5-minute cartoon about what would happen if all our desires were indiscriminately fulfilled immediately (as many want).

Where do desires lead?

In the article you will learn:

How to formulate desires so that they come true

Hello dear friends!

Happy New Year!

Recently, I have been writing a lot of articles about wish fulfillment and wish cards. Probably because this topic is close to every person. I associate it with childhood and the feeling that everything in this world is possible. You can make your dreams come true if you know how to formulate desires so that they come true for new year, birthday or just because.

They have some advice on how to formulate desires so that they come true, but not all.

This article will give you specific information exactly about the wording, because the next two sentences (which we will consider as an example) have a completely different message.

Example: “I have a black BMW and I can smell the black leather on the seats and smell the apple scent of air freshener as I drive home in a state of calm and happiness.”
"I want a car, but not a red one"
Who do you think will make their wish come true faster? Who can more clearly define their dream, set a goal and strive for it?

First rule:
Form a wish in the present tense, as if it has already been fulfilled

After all, you can spend your whole life in a state of desire or desire. Avoid in your wording words like

  • Hope
  • Wish
  • Instead of "I want to travel around the world on a cruise ship" write "I am sailing on a cruise ship, enjoying the delights of traveling around the world".
  • Instead of "I want to be on good terms with my mother," think "I have a good relationship with my mother"

In this way, you affirm your intention. This is very similar to creating affirmations - positive attitudes for the future.

By the way, I advise you to make wishes on significant dates. For example, on a new moon, a birthday or a new year. Backing this up with visual material such as wish cards. Often the general energies of wishes and good mood (like in the new year) will help the desire to be realized in your life sooner.

Second rule:
Forget the particle not" in your desires

The universe does not recognize a particle no. She captures the essence of the wording. Therefore, when you formulate desires so that they come true, avoid particle "NOT" .

  • Understand what you want and concentrate On this.

For example, instead of thinking “I don’t want to smoke anymore”, you need to formulate your desire like this: “I am free from the habit of smoking and lead a healthy lifestyle”. So it will be more correct.

Third rule: Don't limit yourself specific dates

  • The universe needs time to prepare your desire for fulfillment with the best possible conditions.

Therefore, do not rush it, you do not need to formulate something like: "I got married on 05.02.2018". After all, most likely you will be disappointed. In order for this or that event to happen, it is necessary that the correct settings appear for all participants in the event and that some circumstances have changed.

So guess: "I am happy and loved married." Anything with specific deadlines is a goal, not a wish.

Fourth rule:
Execution desires should not harm people

  • No need to fill the world with negativity through bad desires.
  1. First of all, it will backfire on you. On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built.
  2. Secondly, most likely such a desire will turn into a complete failure.

Example: If you formulated a wish: "Nikita left his wife for me", get ready for difficulties for a long, long time.

This is desire is not "environmentally friendly" causing pain and suffering to other people. Our desires should be simple, pleasant and for the benefit of us and others.

Fifth rule:
Use your feelings instead of detail

Many people believe that if they are exactly down to the smallest detail describe their desire, that is, there are more chances that it will come true.

In fact, this is not entirely true, because in order to provide you with such a complex order from the Universe, you will have to work for quite some time, and you will have to wait.

  • Lbetter imagine and visualize your feelings.

What will you experience when your wish comes true? Just remember to speak and write it in the present tense.
"I happy and satisfied that I'm pregnant"

Sixth rule:
Do not use specific people in your desires

  • If possible do not include in the formation desires of specific people.

Of course, often this cannot be avoided, since our innermost desires are connected with the people we love. However, the fulfillment of a desire should not go against the will of a person, so add the phrase at the end of the desire:

"if it is consonant with the subconscious desire of this person."

These 6 rules will help answer the question "How to formulate desires so that they come true" and at the same time make them fast execution, easy and accessible to everyone.

  • Most importantly, look around carefully and do not miss your chance!

After all, the Universe provides us with so many opportunities to realize ourselves, our desires and goals, and if the right formulation of a dream will help you become happier and more satisfied- then go ahead!

  • Take a piece of paper and start shaping your future!

Personal example

  • I used painting, lists, simple phrases, wish cards, rituals on holidays and much more so that my desire was certainly heard.

As a result, from personal experience, I came to the conclusion that the most consonant with me and with the Universe were those rituals and formulations that included emotional message and visual pictures. Because when I just wrote down a wish, it didn't always come true. More often not. And I loved to paint a lot of details about the subject. Which, as you already know from point 5, is not very good.

What about you? How do you like to formulate and send your desires the most?

I'm waiting for your answers

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