Home Locks Family ring. Marriage line on the hand: photo with transcript Family line on the thumb

Family ring. Marriage line on the hand: photo with transcript Family line on the thumb

FAMILY RING As you know, the thumb is very informative and modern practicing palmists are paying more and more attention to the lines on the thumb. Not only its position on the hand, size and shape, ratio and shape of the phalanges, but also the lines carry enormous semantic information about a person, his lifestyle and events. Mallika rekha or family ring is one of the most informative lines on the Thumb. It shows not only the life of a person in his parental family, but also carries information about how things will be with his parents even after the person begins an independent life. The Family Ring in its ideal form should have the shape of an even chain and be free of breaks and defects throughout its entire length. Then we can say with confidence about a prosperous environment, harmony in the family, commitment not only to family traditions, but also to the traditions of one’s clan. From early childhood, a person’s life was surrounded by care and love; the person received a good upbringing in family traditions, based on respect for his parents and grandfathers. A family ring in the form of a smooth, beautiful chain shows that the person himself respects his parents and his ancestors. Most likely, he will not only continue the traditions of the family, but also raise his children in the spirit of respect for his relatives, traditions based on love and mutual respect. Unfortunately, this form of Mallika Rekha can be seen very rarely on the hands. More and more, the shape of the Family Ring resembles irregular links in a chain or does not have a chain appearance at all. Any violation of the correct form of Mallika Rekha must be considered individually. (In photo No. 1, of course, Mallika Rekha is not the most ideal, but throughout her life, from childhood, this person’s family had very warm relations, her parents still live together. Since childhood, she was instilled with love for her roots, respect for relatives. She followed in the footsteps of her parents - she became a teacher). A family ring in the form of one straight line invariably indicates that in the parental family one of the parents devoted little time to his upbringing or there was no time at all to raise him. This Mallika rekha is very common on the thumb. A person not only strives for independence and independence from his parents, wanting to find his own path in life, but will also resist in every possible way the parents’ imposition on him of the “correct” life path in their opinion. Everyday life, which takes up almost all the time, a career, possibly associated with long business trips, and sometimes simply the inability and unwillingness to raise children will invariably affect the flow of Mallika Rekha - on the child’s hand it will be deprived of chain links. Often in this case, you can notice that the line of Mind and the line of Life at the beginning of their joint course have an island or broken appearance, which indicates that such a situation in the family caused a person emotional suffering and dissatisfaction with his life. (In photos No. 2 and 3 there is a fragment of the hand of a woman in whose life there was no full-fledged family; in fact, she was raised only by her mother, her father was like furniture in the house. From childhood, this woman, seeing relationships in the family, tried not to repeat her mistakes parents, she opposed the way of life in which she was brought up) A family ring in the form of two non-intersecting lines (not in the shape of a chain) suggests that in a person’s life from childhood, although both parents were present, he was not deprived of attention from them On the other hand, they tried to give him a good upbringing and maybe even in the spirit of tradition, but the lack of harmony in the family affected the form of the Mallika Rekha. Most likely, each parent had his own idea of ​​raising a child. This also happens quite often - the mother tries to educate in the spirit of the traditions of her parental family, investing the child with love and respect for her relatives, the father, for his part, for his own. The family ring in the form of two non-intersecting lines will certainly affect the attitude of an already adult person towards his parents. Most likely, out of gratitude or unwillingness to cause them trouble, he will treat them well, but will build his life only based on his views and concepts. Those life values ​​and priorities that his parents - each for his part - tried to instill in him will be in vain. Often such Mallika Rekha can be seen in the hands of people whose parents are of different religions, nationalities, as well as in the hands of people with a large age difference between their parents (15-20 years). (In photo No. 4, the girl grew up in a family where her father and mother saw her upbringing in completely different ways. Her father still treats her with more love and understanding. As the girl herself writes, they are completely different from her mother and have never understood each other friend. Moreover, the mother still treats her with some disdain, in childhood she was subjected to mockery and punishment from her mother, while the father tried in every possible way to encourage his daughter’s initiative, her opinion, brought her up in the spirit of his vision of the education process) DEFECTS OF THE FAMILY RING AND SIGNS ON MALLIKA REKHE The family ring in the form of a chain can be interrupted. After breaking, the Mallika rekha ring is restored again and has the same shape. This sign indicates a person’s temporary absence from the family due to a long stay in another country. If a line extends from the broken ring of the Family towards the Mount of Venus, then this indicates that one of the parents was forced to temporarily be away from his family. When a family ring in the form of a chain suddenly turns into one line, a person becomes disillusioned with the ideals and traditions of his family or, after starting an independent life, breaks off relations with his parents. For example, a man got married and went to live with his mother-in-law, who imposed her own rules and orders in life on him. A torn straight or island Mallika rekha, which has one or several breaks or islands along its length, speaks of a person’s constant tossing and turning in life. It is very difficult for such a person to live in his parents’ family; he is torn between his mother and father. On the hands of children left without parents from an early age, in addition to the broken family ring, you can notice a cross or a lattice at the beginning of this line. (In photo No. 5 there is a fragment of the hand of a girl who loves her parents very much, despite the domineering and tough, selfish character of her mother. This girl’s father is quite flexible and balanced. The mother, seeing her daughter’s better attitude and her craving for her father, tries to blackmail to attract attention - focuses on her health problems, tries to impose her will and her desires on her daughter, her idea of ​​​​life and life values, which contradicts the views of the girl herself) On the Mallika Rekha straight line you can see a short line that is directed towards the hill Venus. This suggests that one of the parents has left the family or does not actually take part in family affairs, living for his own pleasure, which causes very strong problems for all family members. Such lines can be seen on the hands of people whose father, for example, does not take part in raising children, being only a father and husband on paper. His family is indifferent to him and his children do not perceive him as a father. If a line joins the family ring from above (from the Rati Rekha side), this indicates that a new person has come to the family - a stepfather or stepmother. If after this Mallika Rekha takes the form of a chain, a person’s life in the family improves, he feels his family is complete, full of harmonious, friendly relations both towards him and between his parents, and most likely he will perceive this person as his own mother or father. (Photos No. 6 and 7 show the father’s departure from the family in early childhood, followed by his tragic death. But it didn’t affect this guy’s life in any way. This man did not perceive him as his father. The life of the parents before the divorce was extremely unfavorable - the father drank and beat his mother. Then you can see how the line from the side of Rati Rekha flows into the ring of the family - the appearance of a stepfather in the family. But although his stepfather treated him well, he practically did not take part in his upbringing. Subsequently he started drinking. Currently, the parents live together as lodgers. Because of his stepfather’s daily drinking, the guy had 2 serious conflicts with his stepfather) A line extending from the family ring and directed towards the Life line that crosses it speaks of the loss of a family member. But you need to be extremely careful and careful before making such a conclusion, especially if you are far from palmistry. It’s very easy to confuse the signs, and it’s as easy as shelling pears to “wind up” yourself emotionally! If such a line also crosses the line of the Mind and the line of the Heart, the emotional shock will be too great. Dating - according to Mallika Rekha. A line extending from the family ring, crossing the Life line, which is then interrupted - the death of a parent will change the person’s way of life. If at the same time it breaks the line of Saturn (Fate) - the loss prevents the achievement of life goals, the aspirations and expectations of a person collapse overnight. Such situations can be seen on the hand when a person’s life, financial situation, and career depend very much on their parents. Dating - along the line of Saturn. (In photos No. 8 and 9 - the death of the girl’s father after a long illness turned the life of the family upside down. He was literally the breadwinner. His death was a great shock for all family members) A small line in the form of a fork extending from the Family ring towards the Mount of Venus, indicates that betrayal or betrayal of a spouse will cause a breakdown in relationships or have a negative impact on family life. (In photo No. 10 - the girl’s mother cheated on her father and gave birth to a child from another person. Relationships in the family have deteriorated greatly. She would like to leave the family, but financial interests do not allow this) Of course, general signs and interpretations of Mallika Rekha’s behavior are described here . To understand events in life more accurately based on the Thumb line, it is necessary to take into account both Phala Rekha and Rati Rekha. Rati rekha can more accurately tell about the relationship not only with a partner, but also about the influence of relatives on the family, the relationship between them. Phala rekha can also tell about the fate of a person and his family. For example, the Wheat line in the form of a ring indicates that in life a person will not need to worry about his well-being and position. Many people believe that a Phala Rekha with a grain means that a person will be rich and will not starve, while a straight or broken one means need and poverty, a meager life full of deprivation. This is not entirely true. I have seen many rich people in whose hands the Wheat Line had no grain. It is much more correct to interpret such a line this way - a person will always fight for his existence, for his position and place under the Sun. He will always need to achieve and defend his positions in life. from the network.

There is hardly a person who refuses to look into the future and slightly lift the veil of mystery about his destiny. Perhaps this is the reason for the widespread interest in palmistry. This version of fortune telling allows you to find the marriage line and find out when a person will get married. The stripes on the hand can tell whether this marriage will be happy and how long it will last. In addition, an experienced palmist can answer the question about the number of children in a person’s life. So, how to find the marriage line on your hand and understand what it says? What lines on the palm tell about love adventures in life?

Basic rules of palmistry

The rules of fortune telling based on the principles of palmistry have some peculiarities. With the help of a photo with a transcript, even those who have never tried to penetrate the secrets and meanings of their destiny will be able to understand all the intricacies of fate and love affairs. The main thing is to take into account some of the features of this fortune telling.

So, it is very important to take into account that in palmistry any marks and lines on the palm cannot indicate the inevitability of certain events. Everything is being adjusted! Moreover, each line, mark or hill indicates only what could happen and will happen in a person's life.

To obtain the most reliable information on the hand, it is believed that it is optimal to evaluate the information on the palms of both partners. The photos offered here will help you find out the meaning of marriage and love traits in the palm of your hand. However, it is extremely rarely possible to make such an interpretation on both hands - husband and wife.

What else should you remember when looking for a marriage line on your hand? The ideal marriage line is clear, long, smooth and straight. It’s great when there are no islands, breaks, splits at the end, hills or points. However, this happens very rarely.

Where is the marriage line on the hand?

Before you begin fortune telling by hand and interpreting the resulting values ​​of traits according to the rules of palmistry, you need to correctly find the marriage line. Where is this line located? Finding a mark on the palm that speaks of family, love, marriage and children is quite simple. It is recommended that you first find the long heart line on your hand. To do this, it is worth determining the location of the marks and lines under the little finger. The marriage line is located between the heart line and the little finger itself. Usually there are quite small horizontal lines there. Very small stripes may extend from them, indicating the number of children. The photo will help to find everything correctly and give the correct meaning of these features on our hand.

On a note! The Indian technique of palmistry considers the marks that are located under the thumb to be marriage lines. Their interpretation is carried out in exactly the same way as in classic marriage fortune telling.

Decoding marriage lines with photos

Since the marriage line on the hand is special in each case, there are several options for deciphering this mark. Through descriptions and photos, you can independently delve into the intricacies of this art and slightly reveal the secrets of your destiny, life, and heart.

General values

If the marriage line on your hand is distinct and long, then the love with your partner is strong and strong. However, this does not at all talk about the official marriage. Not a single palmist will tell you when a person goes to the registry office. The whole point is that marriage lines indicate exclusively long-term and serious relationships in the life of any person, his intimate relationships, including the so-called civil marriage and simply long-term romances.

If the stripe that talks about love fades gradually and the love trait seems to dissolve on its own, this indicates a fading of feelings. If this line reaches its end almost to the little finger, then the relationship will be good, and love will be real. When the mark at the end forms a kind of loop and rounds, reaching the line of the mind, then you should not expect harmonious love. Most likely, there will be violence in the relationship.

The upward direction of the end of the marriage line indicates a low probability of the end of this relationship through official marriage. This feature of the mark may indicate a refusal to stamp the passport due to some principles. Also, some consider such a sign to be evidence of the impossibility of love or failures in relationships and life.

The downward direction of the marriage line (while it resembles a “C”) is a sign of widowhood or an overly emotional break in relationships throughout life.

You can also determine a break or divorce by your hand. This is usually indicated by the bifurcation of the marriage line under the little finger. An interesting fact is this: it is believed that the presence of such a mark or feature on the palm indicates the initiative to complete the connection coming from the owner of the sign.

About divorces

It is equally important to remember about the so-called forks, which are often found on the hand. This sign has several interpretation options. This mark on the marriage line indicates problems arising in the relationship. The fork at the end of such a line is represented by a small bifurcation. This sign may indicate:

  • lack of coincidence of morals in life;
  • different household habits;
  • disagreements;
  • differences in life principles and views.

Usually, completing a marriage line with a fork indicates separation and divorce in a person’s life. It is important to consider the width of this fork. The wider it is on the line of marriage and heart, the more painful the separation will be, and the stronger the disagreements. The initiator of the termination of a marriage or relationship will be the person on whose palm there is such a sign.

What other marks on the line of marriage, heart and love indicate divorce and separation? Pronounced islands. However, it is worth considering that such a mark is much stronger and more powerful than forks and similar features. As a rule, it indicates inappropriate behavior of the other half, enmity, squabbles, intrigues, ugly litigation during divorce, real enmity. It is especially bad if such islands on the marriage line run through the Mount of Mercury and/or the heart line.

About the number of marriages

The number of marriages is another category of questions that can be revealed when fortune telling by hand. But it is important to remember, as mentioned above, the marks on the hand are not only an official marriage, but also any serious love relationship. The number of marriage lines on the hand only indicates the possible number of long-term relationships with representatives of the opposite sex.

To determine the likely number of marriages, simply count the corresponding lines on your hand. Marriage in the life of every person often turns out to be a non-unique event. There are several marriages. Moreover, we are not talking about the official conclusion of an alliance. This decoding applies to any long-term relationship.

However, according to the rules of fortune telling, it is recommended to evaluate and take into account only clearly defined lines (similar to the heart mark). Usually here - under the little finger, where the Mount of Mercury is located - there are several lines. Some of them remain barely noticeable. Such traits are unlikely to become significant events in a person’s fate in the future.

What does the absence of a marriage line mean?

In some cases, the marriage line on the hand is completely absent. It happens. Some palmists claim that this is exactly what the so-called crown of celibacy looks like in the palm of your hand. It indicates that it is not possible to build a relationship with a partner. The absence of such a line indicates the impossibility of marriage.

However, the absence of a marriage line as such is not a death sentence. Often the decoding turns out to be “fuzzy”. There is a version that this is due to the modern understanding of the institution of marriage itself. Accordingly, the line or lack thereof on the hand only indicates the official conclusion of marriage. A person may feel strongly attracted to someone. However, he will rarely come to the point of displaying open feelings, or for this he will need to create special conditions. So the line itself (or the absence of such a line) does not mean a complete absence of love.

What do triangles and other marks on the marriage line mean?

Often, triangles are located on the marriage line or the love line, as it is often called. Such marks on such a line are quite clearly visible. What does the triangle on the marriage line mean? It is generally accepted that such a sign indicates violence. Someone in a marriage or relationship is susceptible to it and suffers. Moreover, violence can be not only physical, but also moral.

When the marriage line goes to the heart line and this is done quite sharply, the mark often indicates the loss of a partner. Such a sign on the hand is deciphered as a lack of perception.

If there is a rectangle or oval similar to the sun on the marriage line, this indicates the presence of an island. Such a sign on the marriage line does not bode well. Typically, such a mark indicates the presence of difficulties and barely surmountable difficulties in interpersonal relationships with the opposite sex.

When there are stars on the marriage line, this can be regarded as possible betrayal on the part of the partner. A similar mark on the marriage line may indicate a relationship concluded for profit.

Interpretation of betrayal

Infidelity through marriage can also be assessed quite realistically. What marks, signs, lines located near the Mount of Mercury may indicate this? As mentioned above, the most common sign of betrayal is the so-called asterisks on the marriage line.

However, that's not all. Are there other marks, evidence of betrayal on the marriage line? In this case, an additional line is located next to the marriage line itself. Usually it is short, small, barely noticeable. She also talks about her partner’s dishonesty. However, when doing fortune telling, some palmists tend to call this short line unimportant. In their opinion, such a line talks about a connection with another partner before or after marriage. Moreover, most likely, this relationship was short-lived.

Truly serious risks to the union can be caused by a line that literally wraps around the marriage line itself. As a rule, this mark is very short, unclear, and weak. However, it is precisely such a wavy line in this part of the hand that is evidence of betrayal and betrayal.

Video: how to decipher the marriage line on your hand

Professional palmists can see key events in life on the hand and predict them with great accuracy. For example, a specialist can easily determine the date of death or the next difficult period. In addition to personal practice, palmists rely on basic knowledge that is available for anyone to study. By carefully examining your palm, even an ordinary person will be able to “read” the fateful signs. According to practitioners, information about the number of children and possible marriages is hidden in the patterns and lines.

How to define family life by marriage

It is customary to guess by using the leading hand (right-handers look at the right hand, left-handers look at the left). The marriage line is very easy to find. It is located on the edge of the palm directly above the heart line.

One trait foretells a happy family life. A person with such a sign on his hand is focused on strong, stable relationships. There can be several strokes, they can be of different lengths and depths. Many weakly expressed features mean frequent attachments that do not end in anything serious. Pronounced lines indicate a long-term relationship that leads to official marriage. This is what practitioners focus on:

  1. A long straight line means a successful marriage.
  2. An upward curve shows that the relationship will be very emotional (1). The downward bend symbolizes health problems in the partner (2).

  3. The fork at the beginning of the line (1) indicates complex relationships at the stage of their inception, a possible difference in class affiliation. An island (2) or a fork (3) at the end of the marriage line is an alarming sign. Such a pattern on the palm means a complete break in the relationship.

  4. There may be other signs on the marriage line. A star (1) indicates a crisis, a cross (2) indicates constant problems, a square (3) indicates physical violence, and a hash mark (4) indicates a loss of interest among partners in each other.

  5. The closer the line is to the little finger, the later the person will get married. So, a stroke located next to the heart line speaks of early marriage.

  6. Sometimes palmists do not find marriage lines on the palm at all. This can be interpreted in different ways:

  • marriage without love (arranged, forced),
  • emotional coldness, inability to experience feelings,
  • a person has a different purpose; he will not be happy in family life.

Characteristics of the line of children

In European palmistry, the number of children is determined by vertical strokes at the beginning of the little finger.

The strokes are believed to reflect the potential number of children. Therefore, partners may have different patterns on their palms. Pay attention to the pronounced lines:

There is such a symbol in palmistry as the hearth ring. On the “map” of the palm, this sign is located on the thumb. But don't think that everything is so simple!

In fact, the ring can look different - a solid ring, consisting of several fragments, or just a single line.

Eastern palmists from China note that often people, in addition to the main ring on their thumb, also have small rings. If such intertwinings take place, then by their number you can easily calculate what life in a row you are currently experiencing in this bodily shell.

So, palmistry suggests considering the family ring in parallel with the line of life and with the line of children. According to Indian palmists, if the ring is located within the Mount of Venus, then in this case it is necessary to pay attention to other rings that are in close proximity. They indicate future offspring.

But if your ring on your thumb is torn or not whole, but there is still an island of lines on it, then in this case you should expect that the birth of a child will occur in an unsuccessful marriage.

Subsequently, most likely, after the birth of the child or even before, a break in the relationship will occur, and the child will grow up separately from you.

Now try to look at the ring of fate from the other side. Try to see the rings in the form of small islands next to it. By being able to count them, you will know how large your offspring will be in the coming centuries. It is a bad sign if the ring breaks - this is a clear sign that the creation of a family will be broken.

A cross can speak of adultery if it is located on the family ring. Pay attention to the curse line. If it originates from your family ring, then in this case you need to be prepared for the fact that there will be frequent discord and quarrels in your family.

The lines on the wrist carry an important semantic meaning in palmistry, therefore, during fortune telling, they are paid attention to first. To see them well, you need to bend your hand a little so...

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