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Where is UNESCO based? UNESCO. Exhibitions and various events

This organization is well known today: we quite often come across social advertising under the auspices of UNESCO and other references to it. What is the meaning behind this abbreviation? What does the UNESCO decoding mean? Of course, we have all heard about it in general terms, but not every one of our compatriots is truly deeply knowledgeable about these issues. Let's try to figure this out now.

UNESCO: abbreviation decoding

And this is exactly the abbreviation. And in English in full it reads as follows: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. So, in Russian, the decoding of UNESCO would sound something like this: a UN structure dealing with issues of science, education and culture. Indeed, this organization is one of the subsidiaries of the UN.

Prerequisites for creation

The idea of ​​​​creating this type arose during the Second World War. The well-known Allied conferences in 1943 and 1945 played an important role in this process. By the way, in fairness it should also be noted that such an organization, designed to resolve things peacefully, had already existed since the Versailles agreements after the First World War. We are talking about the League of Nations. However, she demonstrated her complete failure. At the peace conference in San Francisco in the spring of 1945, the UN was created, which actually replaced the League of Nations.

Deciphering UNESCO as an organization: history and objectives

In the first months of the UN's existence, its structure was formed. In November 1945, the next conference of this organization was held in London, where UNESCO was created, a kind of department for various cultural, educational and scientific issues. Thus, decoding UNESCO as an organization implies that it is engaged in specific issues in these areas. In 1945, 37 states from Europe and North America joined the organization and signed its Charter, which provided for the start of activities in November 1946. Then, in November 1946, the first general conference was held. Today, UNESCO unites 195 states from all over the planet.

Objectives of the organization

Today, UNESCO’s main goal is to promote the strengthening of security and peace throughout the planet by strengthening international and cultural ties, expanding cooperation between different peoples in the field of science, culture and education, as well as promoting mutual respect, justice and human rights, regardless of gender, race, religion, nationality, language and so on.

UNESCO's definition of its own tasks fits into five main functions:

  1. Prospective scientific research.
  2. Promotion of knowledge, its transfer and exchange on an international scale.
  3. Regulatory activities in the field of science, culture and education.
  4. Facilitating the exchange of specialized information.
  5. Providing the services of various kinds of experts for the development of member states of the organization.

UNESCO - what is it? Decoding, definition, translation

(emphasis on “e” or “e” when pronounced “UNESCO”) is an organization with UN, responsible for international cooperation in the fields of culture, education and science. This organization, founded on November 16, 1945, consists of 195 states. UNESCO's headquarters are located in Paris.

The English abbreviation UNESCO stands for The U nited N ations E educational, S scientific and C ultural O rganization, that is, “Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of the UN.”

The main goal of UNESCO is to strengthen peace and security through international cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture. One of the most famous UNESCO projects is World Heritage List, which includes the most famous buildings that are of particular value to world culture and therefore subject to protection. This list includes, for example, the Great Wall of China, the Moscow Kremlin, St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, Lake Baikal, Stonehenge and Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

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UNESCO logo. Public domain

UNESCO(from the English UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is an organization at the UN that is responsible for international cooperation in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.

The organization was created on November 16, 1945, becoming the successor to the League of Nations' International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation and its executive agency, the International Institute for Intellectual Cooperation. The charter came into force on November 4, 1946. The first session of the UNESCO General Conference was held in Paris from November 19 to December 10, 1946, and was attended by representatives of 30 states. The USSR became a member of UNESCO in 1954.

What are the goals of UNESCO?

According to the first article of the UNESCO charter, the goals of the organization are to promote peace and international security through the development of cooperation between states and peoples in the field of education, science and culture. The organization also aims to ensure compliance with the rule of law and universal respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms for all peoples without distinction of race, gender, language, orientation or religion.

UNESCO works to ensure that every child and adult has the following rights:

What does the organization do for this?

UNESCO's activities are presented in five program sectors: education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information. There are also cross-cutting themes that cover all areas: since 2008, these have been Africa and gender equality.

In implementing its education strategy, UNESCO organizes various programs to increase access to education and also publishes books and reference materials on education. In the field of natural sciences, UNESCO's achievement was the creation of such international projects as the European Center for Nuclear Research and the International Union for Conservation of Nature. In the field of social sciences and humanities, the main goal of the organization is to implement the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is also implemented through projects to create and support independent media expressing different points of view. The cultural mission is focused primarily on the protection of various forms of intangible cultural heritage, masterpieces of oral creativity, and the preservation of cultural objects in zones of armed conflicts. One of UNESCO's activities in the field of communication and information is the preservation of digital heritage: the organization develops standards for the preservation of information and digitizes documents.

Thus, UNESCO's activities have a wide scope and include the elimination of illiteracy, combating discrimination in education, the study of national cultures, assistance in training national personnel, problems of the social sciences, geology, oceanography and the biosphere and other areas.

Who runs UNESCO?

The highest body of UNESCO is the General Conference. It meets every two years and includes representatives of all members of the organization. Also participating in the work of the General Conference as observers are states that are not members of UNESCO, as well as intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and foundations.

The executive body of UNESCO is the Executive Board, which is elected by the General Conference and governs the organization between its sessions. Also the governing body is the Secretariat, which is headed by the General Director. Since 2009, it has been the Bulgarian politician Irina Bokova.

The headquarters of UNESCO is located in Paris. In addition to it, UNESCO activities are carried out from regional, cluster and national UNESCO offices.

UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Photo: www.globallookpress.com / Chen Yichen

How many members does UNESCO have?

Currently, the organization includes 195 member states and 8 associate members: territories that are not responsible for foreign policy. On October 12, 2017, the United States and Israel announced their withdrawal from UNESCO, but, according to the charter, they will remain full members of the organization until December 31, 2018.

Any state that is a member of the UN can become a member of UNESCO. If its membership in the UN is suspended, it automatically leaves UNESCO. Non-UN states and territories can also become members of the organization if they receive a two-thirds vote at the General Conference. Territories that do not control their own foreign policy may join the organization upon the application of the state responsible for foreign relations.

Each Member State has the right to appoint a permanent representative to UNESCO. It was used by 182 states, including Russia. On September 19, 2016, he was appointed permanent representative of the Russian Federation to UNESCO Aleksandr Kuznetsov.

abbreviation for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, an intergovernmental specialized agency of the UN system. Created on February 16, 1945. in London; sets as its task the fight against ignorance, for the free exchange of thoughts regardless of state borders, for the creation throughout the world of such prerequisites that would enable everyone to equally benefit from the achievements of science, culture and education. The UNESCO Secretariat is located in Paris; The official organ of UNESCO is the Courier magazine.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESKO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), a special agency of the UN, the world's largest intergovernmental organization on international issues. cooperation in the fields of education, natural and social sciences, culture and information.

In accordance with Article 1 of the UNESCO Constitution, “it sets itself the task of promoting peace and security by expanding the cooperation of peoples in the fields of education, science and culture in the interests of ensuring universal respect for justice, the rule of law and human rights, as well as fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter for all peoples without distinction of race, sex, language or religion.” Established in November 1945 in London at a conference of ministers of education of 44 countries (the Charter has been in force since November 4, 1946). 184 states are members of UNESCO, 3 have the status of associate member (October 1995). The USSR joined UNESCO in 1954. Since December 1991, the USSR's place in UNESCO has been occupied by Russia. Representatives of Russia take part in almost all major events. events of the UNESCO organization has regional offices, bureaus and institutes in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, Africa, Latvia. America, to Arab. state-wah Headquarters - in Paris There is a UNESCO Office in Moscow The total number of employees is 2.1 thousand people.

UNESCO works closely with the UN, the Council of Europe, Europe. Union, international banks, African Unity Organization, American State Organization, etc.

587 int. non-governmental organizations have status with UNESCO. Among them are the International scientific council Unions, Int. Council of Social Sciences, Int. Association of Universities, etc.

Ch. UNESCO's governing body is the General Conference (GC), which consists of representatives of member states. The GC decides the issue. on membership in UNESCO, changes in the Charter, determines the general line and basic. directions of the organization’s activities, adopts medium-term (six-year) plans and two-year programs and budgets of the organization, develops international legal acts in the form of conventions, declarations and recommendations and reviews reports on their implementation by states, approves the organization’s budget and its distribution, elects governing bodies and General. director. During the period between sessions the governing body is the Executive Council, consisting of representatives of 51 states (including Russia) and meeting at its sessions, usually 2 times a year. The permanent working body of UNESCO is the Secretariat, headed by the Director General (since 1993 Federico Mayor Zaragoza , Spain).

UNESCO's budget consists of a regular budget made up of contributions from Member States ($502.7 million for 1996-97) and extrabudgetary appropriations ($290.4 million for 1996-97).

In accordance with the UNESCO Charter, national (general) commissions for UNESCO are created in the Member States. Commission Ross. The Federation for UNESCO is an interdepartmental body designed to ensure interaction and coordination of cooperation with UNESCO. state institutions, public associations, as well as persons with recognized authority in the area of ​​competence of this organization. More than 150 states (including Russia) were established. Permanent missions to UNESCO, which have the status of embassies in Russia. Federation branches of the Commission for UNESCO were created in Vladivostok, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk and other cities, 10 international ones were formed in the Russian Academy of Sciences and a number of universities. UNESCO departments, there are 60 associated UNESCO schools (1995).

About 200 conferences are held annually (3-4 in the Russian Federation) both at the ministerial level (education, science, culture, information) and at the level of small expert meetings. About 200 scientific publications are published. studies, brochures, reference books, statistical and other publications, international documents. conferences and meetings, a number of journals, which accumulate world experience in the field of education and training, natural sciences. and social sciences, culture and information.

The General Conference of UNESCO accepted and operates more than 60 international. conventions, declarations and recommendations, including the Convention and Recommendation against Discrimination in Education, the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, the convention on the mutual recognition of courses, diplomas and academic degrees in higher education. education and many others. etc., UNESCO monitors their implementation. UNESCO documents are an important international instrument. law and order, the source of national legislation in the humanitarian sphere.

In accordance with the decision of the 28th session of the General Conference, the UNESCO program and budget for 1996-97 provides for the following chap. areas called Major Programs 1 Towards lifelong education for all 2 Science at the service of development 3 Development of culture, heritage and past 4 Communication and information

Periodicals: “Sure” (about the daily activities of UNESCO), “Nature and Resources”, “Perspectives”, “Museum”, “Copyright Bulletin”, “International Journal of Social Sciences”, “UNESCO Courier” H M Kanaev

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

On November 23, members of the UNESCO Executive Board elected the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to UNESCO, Eleonora Mitrofanova, as their chairman - for the first time, Russia headed the leadership structure of the Organization, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports from the council meeting.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) was created on November 16, 1945.

The UNESCO Constitution was adopted at the London Conference in November 1945 and entered into force on 4 November 1946 after the deposit of instruments of acceptance by 20 signatory states.

Currently (October 2009), 193 states are full members of UNESCO. 6 states are associate members.

The USSR became the 70th member of the Organization in 1954.

The organization has 67 bureaus and divisions located in different parts of the world.

Headquarters is located in Paris, France.

UNESCO's fundamental purpose is to contribute to the promotion of peace and security by promoting cooperation among peoples in the fields of education, science and culture in order to ensure universal respect for justice, the rule of law and human rights, as well as the fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, for all peoples without distinction of race, sex, language or religion.

In order to fulfill its mandate, UNESCO performs five main functions:

Conducts forward-looking research into the forms of education, science, culture and communication needed in tomorrow's world;
- promotes, transfers and exchanges knowledge, relying primarily on research, training and teaching;
- carries out regulatory activities: preparation and adoption of international acts and mandatory recommendations;
- provides expert services to Member States to determine their development policies and develop projects in the form of technical cooperation;
- exchanges specialized information.

Governing bodies

General Conference includes representatives of all member states of the Organization. The General Conference meets every two years and is attended by member states and associate members. States that are not members of UNESCO, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and foundations are also invited to participate in the work of the General Conference as observers.

The working languages ​​of the General Conference are English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.

Each Member State has one vote at the General Conference, regardless of population size and the size of its contribution to the budget. The General Conference determines the direction and general line of UNESCO's activities, adopts UNESCO's program and budget for the next two years, elects members of the Executive Board every four years and the Director-General.

CEO elected every four years (previously he was appointed for a six-year term). The Director General heads the Secretariat.

Director-General of UNESCO - former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria Irina Bokova.

Executive Council- the main working body of UNESCO. Acting as an administrative body, it prepares the work of the General Conference and is responsible for the effective implementation of the decisions of the Conference.

The functions and responsibilities of the Executive Board are mainly defined in the Constitution and Rules of Procedure or in the Directives adopted by the General Conference. These regulations are supplemented by resolutions of the General Conference. Every two years, the General Conference assigns specific tasks to the Executive Board. Other functions are determined by agreements between UNESCO and the United Nations, specialized agencies and other intergovernmental organizations.

The General Conference elects 58 Council members. Candidates are selected taking into account, inter alia, the diversity of cultures they represent and their geographical representation. The Executive Council meets twice a year.

Chairman of the Executive Board- Russian Ambassador to UNESCO Eleonora Mitrofanova.

The Secretariat is the executive body of the Organization. Under the leadership of the Director General, elected for a six-year term, the Secretariat staff implements the program adopted by Member States.

UNESCO awards international prizes in their areas of competence. Among them is the Peace Prize. Felix Houphouet-Boigny and the L'Oréal-UNESCO Women and Science Prize.

UNESCO also celebrates international days, years and decades, and takes part in the celebration of the most important memorable dates for its Member States.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

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