Home Chassis I dreamed about bulls, what does it mean? Why did you dream about the bull? The Dream Guide by David Loff

I dreamed about bulls, what does it mean? Why did you dream about the bull? The Dream Guide by David Loff

In many cultures, the bull is a symbol of fertility, material wealth, and longevity. Thus, our subconscious associates this animal with a positive side, but at the same time it evokes a certain feeling of fear, respect for strength and power. Therefore, the interpretation of the question of why a bull dreams in a woman’s dream will be somewhat blurred and ambiguous.

If the dreamer did not experience any memorable emotions in his night dreams, then the interpretation of the visions is carried out based on generally accepted associations. Otherwise, it is necessary to pay attention to the emotional coloring of the dream and other remembered details.

In the dreams of a young unmarried girl, the animal in question can predict an early marriage or at least positive changes in life. For business ladies, a well-fed, healthy horned beast promises a successful business trip and significant profit.

The appearance of a reliable, faithful man in life should be expected by those women who were lucky enough to watch in their nightly dreams how bulls drink clean water. It is not necessary that an intimate relationship will begin with this person; he can simply become a loyal friend, always ready to support both morally and financially.

In general, seeing a lot of bulls is a good sign, provided they are not aggressive and look healthy. They promise success in business and increased wages. In night dreams, looking at animal skins or eating their meat means family well-being or improving relationships with relatives.

Important! In order to correctly decipher dreams involving horned animals, decide whether the place where you saw these creatures is familiar to you and how exactly your meeting with them ended.

Dreaming of a charging bull

Do not worry about night dreams in which you were attacked by an aggressive bull. For young, unmarried girls, such a dream promises a meeting with a person who will offer her his hand and heart. In this case, the animal is associated by the subconscious with male strength, and its power and pressure with serious intentions on the part of the stronger sex.

For married ladies, identical dreams predict a clash of interests with their other half. Most likely, when resolving some important issue, neither you nor your spouse will be ready to compromise, which can lead to conflict. In this case, it would be better to postpone making a decision, for example, until the next day. A pause will help you either convince your spouse that your decision was correct, or you yourself will understand that you were not entirely right.

A vision of an animal attacking strangers should be considered as a warning. In real life, you may encounter a situation that you cannot influence. As a result, you will have to act as an observer of how your acquaintances and friends get into trouble, but they can only help themselves. These night dreams can be interpreted somewhat differently - you should not interfere in other people’s affairs, this will not be appreciated, moreover, the possibility cannot be ruled out that the blame for what happened will be placed on you.

Those ladies who saw an attacking animal in their dreams need to prepare for the appearance of a strong rival, while the dreamer has no doubt that the animal is trying to kill and maim. In this case, the opponent will act extremely aggressively and assertively. Extreme caution should be exercised by those women who saw blood in a dream in combination with a bull. A situation may arise in your destiny that disrupts your usual way of life.

The beast is chasing the dreamer

Usually, night dreams in which a large horned beast is chasing a woman should be considered as a kind of warning about the need to concentrate, to gather all one’s strength, talent and financial resources into a single fist. Soon you will need all this when solving problems that arise. If you follow this advice, then the critical situation will no longer be so critical and relatively easily solvable.

These dreams have an alternative interpretation; you are probably trying to hide, get away from problems. You should not do this, as troubles will still overtake you. Therefore, it is better to prepare for them and solve the problems once and for all.

According to psychologist Freud, scenes with a bull attack are seen in their dreams by those ladies who subconsciously consider themselves a victim and do not even try to resist pressure from the opposite sex. Such women will silently endure harassment, ridicule from work colleagues, and the subconscious indicates the need to stop tolerating the current state of affairs. Very soon something bad may happen to you, unless, of course, you change your behavior, become firmer, and listen less to outside opinions.

If in your dreams you saw a young calf running after you, while it clearly mistook you for its mother, then this indicates that you are tired of the routine of life. It's time to relax, do something fun and not entirely reasonable. It will be great to take a vacation and go somewhere far away from home.

Advice! if you want to get married or meet a person who can take care of you, then night dreams should be considered as a favorable sign indicating that your wishes will come true, and an ocean of happiness and a sea of ​​love awaits you ahead.

Dreaming of a black or white bull

When deciphering dreams involving bulls, it is quite important what color the animal was - white or black. In the first case, the dream can have the following interpretations:

  • a white animal lying among its relatives of the usual color symbolizes the dreamer’s leadership qualities; the more animals there were around the albino, the stronger the will of the woman;
  • to see an animal peacefully nibbling grass in a meadow - for girls this promises the fulfillment of a small desire;
  • running away from an albino is a warning from the subconscious about the need to start showing more initiative; if you continue to be shy and embarrassed, you will not achieve anything in this life;
  • running away from a herd of white animals - for a woman it means changes in her personal life; the more animals are chasing you, the more significant the changes will be.

Night dreams about black bulls predict the following events:

  • seeing an animal sitting next to you means achieving some important goal;
  • hiding from a black beast in the thicket of a forest is a warning dream; in everyday life it is necessary to be careful both in statements and actions;
  • bathing, cleaning the skin of an animal - a fun party;
  • running away from the black beast means life’s trials, which will not be easy to pass;
  • dreaming of a herd or group of animals - to financial problems;
  • pulling the tail of a dark bull - to gossip, envy from close friends;
  • killing an animal means a new acquisition or a new relationship.
  • sleeping next to a black bull is a proposal that will seem insignificant at first, but will ultimately bring significant benefits.

Bull according to Miller's dream book

If we interpret the type of dreams under consideration according to Miller, it will look like this. If you see a well-fed animal clearly happy with life, then this indicates that you have achieved significant success in life and in the near future no problems or unexpected worries will happen. Those who in the same dream observed fattened bulls in a meadow with lush grass will expect success in society or you will become famous in a certain circle.

Dead horned animals, according to Miller, are seen with a certain sadness. An event will probably happen in your life that will stir up not the best memories. The possibility of meeting an old friend, or receiving information “from the past” is not excluded.

Young ladies who are lucky enough to watch animals drink clean water should expect a quick marriage proposal. Moreover, this will happen even if you currently do not have any relationships with young people. They will definitely appear, the romance will develop rapidly and its ending will be family happiness.

The animal is being stroked

If in night dreams an animal tries to pet the dreamer, then this is interpreted unambiguously - someone is trying to reconcile with you. Most likely, you recently broke off a relationship with a man, and he cannot come to terms with it. Pay attention to what feelings you experienced in your dream, this will help you understand whether you are ready to renew the relationship, or whether you consider it impossible.

For those women who do not experience problems in relationships with the opposite sex, such night dreams promise reconciliation with an old rival. She herself will go for reconciliation and your task is to establish exactly what goals she is pursuing. If these goals are plausible, then it will be better to extend a hand of friendship, otherwise you should refrain from further contacts with this person.

For representatives of the fair sex who see in their dreams how they are stroking a bull standing on a leash, Miller promises a marriage proposal from a man who has loved them for a long time, but who previously did not dare or could not say about his feelings.

Attention! Since the bull is a symbol of masculinity, for an inexperienced girl its vision promises love and happiness, and for more experienced ladies a quarrel with her lover and husband.

Seeing a bull with horns

As you know, bulls have clearly visible horns, and depending on their shape and size, the interpretation of a dream can change dramatically. Dream Interpretations recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • large horns are a symbol of superiority and indicate that the dreamer has great influence among the people around her, or will receive such influence soon;
  • to see broken or tiny horns in your dreams means that something will happen in the near future that will bring you fame, followed by one of the most prosperous periods in your life;
  • huge horns belonging to an animal with black skin - to independence in all respects, you are able to solve all problems on your own, and are not inclined to give up when difficult life situations arise;
  • to see curled horns - to some positive event.

It should be remembered that in dreams about bulls it is not always possible to discern the size of their horns or, in general, to see them. Therefore, those who could not see the horns should not try to remember them, just skip this detail.

Big bull in night dreams

Observing large, fattened bulls in night dreams is predominantly a favorable sign. So, if you saw animals grazing, then this promises quick recognition of your merits, which will be followed by an increase in social level. New opportunities will open up for you, you will be able to use greater resources. But, it should be remembered that as rights increase, so do responsibilities; are you ready to take on even more responsibility than you currently have?

If you dreamed of a well-fed, but clearly young bull, then in real life you can hope to receive a new, albeit small, but constant source of income. But seeing the corpse of a huge bull is an unfavorable sign. Big troubles await you, and they will come from an unexpected direction. Therefore, it makes sense to accumulate all the resources you have, only in this case will you be able to resolve future problems with minimal losses.

Why does a woman dream about a bull? Such a strange dream can have different meanings. The authors of some dream books believe that a dream with a bull portends success in society and career growth at work. If the animal is black, this indicates the girl’s leadership qualities. If a bull grazes in a beautiful green meadow, expect financial replenishment. If the bull attacks, the interpretation is no longer so rosy. Let's try to figure out why the fair sex dreams of a black bull.

Important: remember the plot of the dream in detail. It’s better to write it down so you don’t miss any details. Then you will be able to make the most accurate interpretation possible.

Meanings of dreams about a bull in popular dream books

  • If a woman dreamed of a huge bull with big horns, this bodes well for her future. The author of Miller’s dream book states: a meeting with a person who occupies a high position in society will soon take place. He will become a life partner and change the girl’s life for the better.
  • Freud argued that if you are attacked by an aggressive animal in a dream, this promises the emergence of a new sexual partner. Soon a woman will meet an interesting man who will win her heart. He will become her life partner, the father of her children. The bigger and angrier the bull in a dream, the better the chosen one will be.
  • Do you see a furious bull that is beating its hoof and is about to attack? To interpret the dream, remember your emotions at the moment. Have you tried to tame and calm an animal? Expect signs of attention and beautiful courtship, great love. Are you running away and trying to defend yourself? A new relationship will not bring joy, you are not yet ready to seriously change your life

Let's summarize: the authors of most dream books believe that a bull in a dream promises changes in his personal life if it appears in a woman’s dreams. Moreover, despite the aggressive nature of sleep, these changes will be favorable. The larger and angrier the animal, the more happiness will come into life.

What if a man dreams of a bull?

Sometimes representatives of the stronger sex also have dreams in which the main character is a bull. In this case, interpretations may be as follows:

  • The animal attacks, hits with its hoof, tries to win. This means that in real life you are quite confident in yourself, have good physical shape and every chance of success. Now is the peak of your form - a great time for new achievements and making fateful decisions.
  • A scary huge animal that makes you feel very afraid when you look at it,- a sign of high risk in current affairs. Your emotions can get in the way. Try not to conflict, get angry or argue. Your rage can influence the outcome of affairs, making it extremely unfavorable for you.
  • Nostradamus believed that if a man dreams of a very weak and tired bull, but trying to attack at the same time, it is worth giving yourself a rest. You are overworked - try to take a break from work.

As can be seen from the interpretations, sleeping with a bull is unfavorable for a man, unlike a woman.

Interpretations from other dream books

There are also less popular interpretations that can also be considered:

  • Black bull with huge horns portends some offer that is beneficial for you. If you agree, life will change dramatically for the better. The proposal may concern both financial matters and changes in personal life. Be prepared and don't be afraid to agree.
  • The most unpredictable interpreter Vanga believed that a dream about a bull promises tremendous financial growth, career success, perhaps even in politics.
  • People dream about a white bull who do not find pleasure and satisfaction in their sex life. Especially if the animal does not have horns. And if the bull also attacks, it means that subconsciously you are ready to look for a new partner and reciprocate the advances of a worthy gentleman.
  • Esoterics It was believed that a bull attack in a dream is a symbol of sexual aggression. The girl better be vigilant - it is likely that she will be attacked by a rapist.
  • Fighting a bull in the arena dreams of idle gossip and implausible speculation. You will be covered by a wave of public contempt - your ill-wishers will try their best.

Public recognition is what a dream with a black bull promises. This animal is a symbol of prosperity, financial well-being, health and love. Therefore, it is joyful to see such a dream. In most cases.

If you are being chased by an angry bull in a dream, you will wake up in a cold sweat of horror. And then you will start to worry, thinking all day why you had a nightmare. Almost all dream interpreters are unanimous in the opinion that the bull is a symbol of strength, power, and energy. If he has found a victim and rushes towards it, then this dream may portend danger. But there are many other explanations, depending on the details and details of the dreamed plot.

Danger warning

You dream of a meadow in which a herd is grazing peacefully, and suddenly a huge bull separates from it. You rush to your heels, but the strong animal is not far behind. Freud, describing such a picture, believed that the sleeper subconsciously behaves like a victim. And therefore, there will be a hunter who will actively and brazenly seek intimacy.

A conflict is brewing in the team, which the dreamer will witness, this is what the whole story is about. At the beginning of it, a certain man teased the bull, and then when the animal became furious, he ran away from him. The Dream Interpretation strongly advises not to interfere with outsiders in feuds. It's better to pretend that you don't notice anything. A vision in which a bull rebelled against a shepherd predicts that one of your comrades will find himself in a difficult situation and will ask you for help.

Urgently find time to communicate with your children! They now really need your attention and protection, advice - this is what, according to Miller’s dream book, they dream of a black buffalo chasing a child.

At the mercy of emotions

In a dream, you became a participant in a bullfight, rushing down the street, and behind you, who was also deliberately teased? Miss Hasse recommends that you restrain your negative emotions: rage, aggression. Now, for the benefit of the matter, you need to learn to be softer, more lenient towards your family and colleagues.

A dream in which you admire yourself as a bullfighter, gracefully moving around the arena, escaping the rage of a hunted bull, suggests that you are actually very tired. You need proper rest. You need to disconnect for a while from the frantic rhythm of your everyday life.

If you just watch young bulls running briskly somewhere, then, most likely, in reality you are dreaming of something bright and unusual. There is only one obstacle to their desires - your indecision and fear of making mistakes.

You have endured for too long, accumulated negativity in yourself, this is what the bull dreamed of throwing the matador over the side of the arena. The time has come to slam your fist on the table, otherwise a nervous breakdown is possible.

About victories and defeats

Watching a mating game in a dream, during which a young buffalo chases a heifer, means contacts with strangers. Moreover, Miller’s dream book states that these people, unknown to you so far, will do something that will bring you joy.

Spiteful critics are not asleep, but are inventing new tricks against you, that’s why you see in a dream how a dark bull is chasing a light relative. But if a light animal victoriously drives away a dark one, then you are out of competition. The dream book promises you success in all your endeavors.

If you had to quickly run away from a bull in a dream, then in reality you will be punished for frivolity and recklessness. The dream book will help you correctly decipher the dream plot and understand why it is most often dreamed about.

Keep calm!

Did you dream that you were running away from an aggressive bully? This means that your own irritability and excessive persistence will lead to serious trouble. The dream book encourages you to remain calm and avoid any, even minor, conflicts.

Why do you still dream about an angry bull? It symbolizes an important problem that you can solve only with the help of a high-ranking official.

Think about it!

Did you happen to run away from a bull in a dream? Be careful: in your close circle there is a person who feeds on your energy (most likely unconsciously) or uses it for his own purposes.

Happiness or illness?

Did you dream of a bull beating the ground with its hoof? Expect material or moral losses. But if in a dream a young, quite friendly bull is chasing you, then the dream book promises profit or even an inheritance.

Why do you dream if you happen to run away from an adult and angry bull? With equal probability, you are destined for a long illness or cloudless happiness.

If you couldn’t get rid of the persecution, then get ready for tough and merciless competition.

What did you do?

In addition, the dream book advises you to remember exactly how the meeting in your dream ended for you.

  • The bull knocked you down - intrigue at work, possible dismissal.
  • Hit in the stomach - someone will take your place.
  • Raised by the horns - you will receive strange fame.
  • Trampled - failure, misfortune.

Miller promises

If a young girl dreamed that she had to run away from a bull, then her lover would propose to her. For everyone else, Mr. Miller promises good luck and prosperity.

Be extremely careful!

Why does a man dream of escaping from an angry bully? The Dream Interpretation advises to exercise extreme caution when concluding a transaction or signing documents.

For a woman, running away from a bull in a dream literally means that a man who once underestimated her will return to her. At the same time, the plot is a sign for a woman of an affair with a very cruel and aggressive subject.

Another interpretation of the dream hints at sexual persecution, and even rape, for both women and men.

Great period!

Did you dream that you were lucky to run away from a white bull? You are destined for great happiness and a stable income. Dreamers of both sexes can see a white bull before a close marriage or the birth of a child.

The dream book reminds us: a well-fed and well-groomed cattle in a dream promises good changes and prosperity, skinny and sick, on the contrary, promises difficult times.

Hold on!

Did you dream about getting away from a black animal? You are in grave danger. If the bull had horns, then your enemies will not stop even at physical violence.

Why else do you dream of escaping from a black bull? You will be entrusted with some difficult task, which will ultimately bring significant profit.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a well-fed bull means that you will become a leader in your circle and women will seek your company.

Seeing fat bulls on a green pasture promises you success and a high position in society, which you never dared to dream about before.

If the bulls lean towards the grass, this means that your fortune will decrease somewhat, and your friends will turn away from you.

If you see selected purebred bulls, this portends a happy marriage to a wealthy bride or a union with your former, faithful lover.

Seeing a dead bull is a sign of sadness.

If bulls drink water from a clean pond or stream, a sweet and devoted woman may appear next to you.

If a woman has such a dream, she will accept the proposal of her devoted lover. A particularly happy dream in which you see a white bull.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Freud's Dream Book

The bull is a symbol of male strength and attractiveness.

Identifying yourself with a bull indicates your excessive faith in your sexual irresistibility.

Bull hunting means the desire to get rid of sexual competitors.

Fleeing from a bull - symbolizes that you can become the object of sexual harassment, including the homosexual type.

If you tease a bull, you are indiscriminate in your choice of sexual partners.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

To see a bull - be careful; to be attacked - happiness in love; to slaughter - to learn patience; kill him - avoid danger.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Family dream book

If you saw a well-fed bull, you will become a leader in your circle and will enjoy success with women.

A dead bull is a sign of sadness.

A bull drinking water from a clean pond or stream will bring you a meeting with a sweet and devoted person.

White bull - dreams of great happiness.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A bull in a dream is a clear symbol of assertive, purposeful energy, perseverance and courage.

Seeing a peacefully grazing bull in your dream and not being afraid of it means that you have the makings of a leader, you are full of strength and can achieve success in any of your endeavors.

A tired or dead bull is a sign of your exhaustion. Such a dream encourages you to rest to restore your strength.

The aggressive or frightening appearance of a bull in your dream portends that you yourself risk becoming a victim of your own stubbornness or rage. The dream encourages you to be more restrained and calm, avoiding conflicts and disputes if possible.

Why do you dream about a bull?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Ox - the emergence of an important problem that will have to be solved with the involvement of many people holding responsible positions.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Spring dream book

Seeing a bull means fear; if a bull chases you - to a long illness; riding bulls - to a good economy; to kill a bull means to betray your family.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Summer dream book

Seeing a bullfight and an angry bull chasing a bullfighter means a renewal of your feelings.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Autumn dream book

Seeing a bull peacefully grazing in a meadow in a dream means calm.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream a huge bull appears to you fighting a bullfighter, it means that in reality you will gain well-deserved recognition and many of those who recently treated you with lukewarmness will begin to seek your company.

Seeing well-fed bulls in the pasture means your position will reach a level that you never dared to dream of before.

A bull digging the ground with its hoof - you will suffer losses, both material and other, for example, the loss of friends.

A herd of dirty bulls wandering along a dusty road is a chance to get married successfully or to get back the confession of someone who once underestimated you.

Seeing bulls at a watering hole on the river bank on a summer day is an opportunity to find a true friend and lover in the person of a man who is impeccable in all respects. For a young girl, this means that she will accept her lover’s proposal.

Seeing a dead bull means sadness and adversity.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

To see a bull - be careful; being attacked by a bull means happiness in love; cut (slaughter) - learn patience; kill - avoid danger.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Esoteric dream book

An aggressive bull is a new sex partner.

Enraged, attacks - the danger of being raped, becoming a victim of a maniac.

Wild - you are not satisfied in your sex life.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A well-fed bull portends profitable deals and unexpected profits.

A herd of bulls - dreams of achieving success and a high position in society.

If you are being chased by a bull in a dream, expect serious, tough competition.

If a young woman dreams of a bull, a marriage proposal from a long-time admirer awaits her.

A white bull in a dream means fatherhood or motherhood.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Azar's Dream Book

bull - to great fear

a drawn ox - an ungrateful act on the part of the person who saw it, it is against conscience

vol - obtaining conviction in the execution of your business

being attacked by a bull - happiness in love

bull led to slaughter - criminal charge

cutting a bull - victory over the enemy

slaughter a bull - learn patience

kill a bull - avoid great danger

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Ox - illness, sadness; pursues a bull, a calf - to an inheritance; white - big income; raised his horns - unusual glory.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Modern dream book

Bull - a) danger, enmity; b) illness, sadness; c) death in the family; d) hard work (for a man); e) sexual satisfaction (for women).

For a man to see a fattened bull in a dream means to seize leadership in his environment; harnessed ox - to commit an unseemly act; to lead a bull to slaughter - to court charges.

A white bull or buffalo is a big income.

If a bull is chasing you, you will receive an inheritance; the bull raised you on its horns - unusual glory awaits you.

Fat bulls on green grass are a wonderful dream, it promises success and a high position in society, but if the bulls bow their heads, your friends will turn away from you.

Selected bulls - a happy marriage; bulls drinking clean water - the appearance of a faithful friend, a loved one in your life.

An attack by a black bull is dangerous.

A hornless bull is a symbol of victory over the enemy.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Eastern dream book

For a young woman, a dream with a bull promises a quick marriage proposal. However, this may not be the best option. If you dreamed of a bull chasing you, get ready for problems in business provoked by the envy of your competitors. A dream in which a bull tries to gore a person foreshadows failure associated with the unreasonable use of someone else's property. Seeing a white bull in a dream means elevation above those who mindlessly follow fashion and profit.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

danger, hostility and dispute.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Bull - You dream of a big powerful bull - for your business - a green street; all your transactions concluded in the near future will be very profitable and bring profit; you will be a leader among your friends, many will seek your favor - as the favor of an influential, authoritative person. You see several bulls - in reality you were striving for only one thing: to do the task entrusted to you well; as a by-product - a transition to a different quality, your current high position in society; your business is your locomotive, which pulls and pulls you up the mountain. It’s as if a bull is chasing you - new competitors have appeared in your business, but you don’t see them yet; Strengthen your business in every possible way and do not let those you have reason not to trust get close to it. If a young woman sees a bull chasing her in a dream, let her prepare for the fact that her longtime admirer will finally dare to propose to her; this woman should think about it: maybe her long-time admirer is not as boring as she thought, maybe he is precisely the basis for her happiness? Seeing a white bull in a dream is a sign of happiness; you will be marked with this sign; another interpretation of the dream: there will be a new addition to your family. Dreaming of a dead bull - get ready for sadness; your affairs will be limited by hopelessness, your prospects by hopelessness.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see a bull - to experience vague volitional impulses, not to know what you want / a feeling of the heaviness of your own flesh, discomfort from this; attraction to sensual life.

To be pursued by him is a bad chance in competition / a warning against carelessness.

Leading a bull to slaughter means some criminal investigation will somehow affect you.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Combined dream book

A bull seen in a dream can portend danger, conflicts, or illness and sadness. For a woman, such a dream promises sexual pleasure.

For a man to see a large, fat bull in a dream promises to achieve a certain position in the society of close people; to see a harnessed bull - perhaps you will act rashly; leading a bull to slaughter - to court proceedings.

Bull or albino buffalo - financial profit.

If you are being chased by a bull, you will receive an inheritance.

A bull without horns - you will defeat your enemies.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

You dreamed of a Bull, what is this for? The aggression and strength of a bull is often associated with masculinity. Accordingly, dreams about bulls may express a subconscious desire to discover the masculine aspects of one's personality or, conversely, to avoid them. Jung argued that the bull represents a person's true character, and the accompanying animal instincts are hidden behind many layers of consciousness.

Positive value

A bull in a dream may represent an important figure in your life.

Negative implications

A charging bull in a dream could be a warning that someone you consider a friend may be talking about you behind your back.

Often the main content of a dream about a bull is the ability to harness or bridle the animal. The ability to do this speaks to how well you can integrate the “animal” aspects of your personality.

Sacrifice / bull in a china shop. Sacrificing a bull indicates victory in the past or future. The image of a bull in a china shop suggests the need to be honest with yourself when choosing a direction in life. Battle of two bulls. Two fighting bulls can mean rivalry among brothers or sisters - hidden or open. Think about your position during the battle, and whether you could influence its outcome. Bullfight. Such a battle may foretell the need to act to resolve some unpleasant problem.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Animal Dream Book

Bull - has a double meaning.

Usually the bull personifies the male principle, the solar regenerative force dedicated to all heavenly gods, as well as fertility, male productive force, and royal origin. In other cases, it symbolizes the earth and feminine natural power.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Interpretation of Happy Omens

Ride - ride on a lion, white horse, elephant, bull, bear (complete success in life!).

Why do you dream about a bull?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

What does the Bull mean? A dream about a bull symbolizes the ability to conduct business, indicates a wealthy and serious owner. Bull skin (or tail) - to receive an inheritance. Buying or selling a bull is good luck. Seeing yourself in a dream sitting on your own bull - this dream foreshadows that a high person will turn to you with an assignment. If your bull is black, fulfilling the order promises considerable benefits. A yellow bull entering the courtyard is a favorable dream, but if you suffer from melancholy, it is unlikely to dissipate soon. Owning a large number of bulls means getting a high position; prepare for the fact that a fair number of people will serve under your command. If the bulls are well-fed - to great wealth. A lot of bulls on the street - a boost in your career. Bulls digging the ground mean incredible enrichment. A bull raising its horns at you or throwing it from its back straight to the ground promises intrigue among your colleagues and possible dismissal. A bull goring you is a sign that a certain person with useful connections and acquaintances wants to get our place. Following a bull into a luxurious mansion or palace means great wealth. Slaughtering a bull in a dream and then eating the meat with it means acquiring someone else’s property.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Modern dream book

Bull - Danger

Why do you dream about a bull?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does it mean in a dream? The Ox is associated with patience, as well as the desire to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Bull - In men's dreams - rough sexual impulses. For women, it is a reflection of fear in relationships with a partner. Seeing an angry bull means being punished for your own recklessness.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Russian dream book

What does a Bull mean in a dream - for men - rough sexual urge, for women - fear of a partner.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does a Bull mean in a dream - stubbornness, self-will. To be afraid of a bull is to hook a quarrelsome person. To be attacked - you will be pursued by a persistent person. Peaceful-looking bulls: thin - means high prices, well-groomed, well-fed - all acquisitions will be affordable. Riding a bull means coping with a difficult, risky task. Seeing an angry bull means witnessing unbridled aggression.

Bull - see also Animals. 1. In dreams, the ox represents the masculine principle and fertility. It can also mean our attitude towards male sexuality. 2. A bull appearing in a dream may indicate the dreamer's stubborn behavior. 3. The Bull is associated with the gods of the Moon and is also the zodiac sign of Taurus.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Women's dream book

Bull - A well-fed bull portends profitable deals and unexpected profits. A herd of bulls dreams of achieving success and a high position in society. If you are being chased by a bull in a dream, expect serious, tough competition. If a young woman dreams of a bull, a marriage proposal from a long-time admirer awaits her. A white bull in a dream means fatherhood or motherhood.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a Bull mean in a dream - caring for the family; sexuality; a lot of work. Aggressive bull - disappointment if caring for family or sexuality is not sufficiently appreciated; killed bull - suppression of desires to have a family or take care of it; a bull sacrificed - selflessness; harnessed ox - harmony between spiritual and natural needs.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Seeing a bull in a dream - soon you will encounter difficulties in mutual understanding with your beloved person, the cause of which will be jealous and envious rivals.

If a young woman meets a bull in a dream, in reality she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which should be rejected, since the marriage will be unhappy.

If you see a bull attacking someone, expect trouble in your personal life due to your own frivolity.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream book of catchphrases

BULL – “take the bull by the horns” - grasp the main thing; “like a red rag to a bull” is the cause of anger; "stubborn as a bull." “Cuckolding someone” is treason. “Staring like a bull at the red gate” - bewilderment, surprise, anger; “bully” - stubborn, angry.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It denotes a stereotype of a woman’s strength and aggressive position, imposing her negative dominant role.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

This is an image of aggressive force. Someone aggressively influenced you, and perhaps even fed on your energy, being an energy vampire. These could be people from among your close relatives. Perhaps someone is using you for their own purposes, making you dependent, and you do not yet have the strength to get rid of this addiction. The dream suggests that the time has come to free yourself from the ties that have burdened you and stop sacrificing yourself and your vitality to someone else’s interests.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Old Russian dream book

illness, sadness; pursues - to inheritance.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Muslim dream book

If someone sees a bull in a dream, he will receive benefits according to the growth of that bull, and if he sees that red and brown bulls come to a city or some area loaded and without an owner, an infectious disease will come to that area.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Idiomatic dream book

“Take the bull by the horns” - grab the main thing; “like a red rag to a bull” is the cause of anger; “stubborn as a bull” - you will encounter a difficult person -; “to cuckold someone” is treason; “stared like a bull at the red gate” - bewilderment, surprise, anger; “bully” - stubborn, angry.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream book of the past

The bull is an image of aggressive force. Someone aggressively influenced you, and perhaps even fed on your energy, being an energy vampire. These could be people from among your close relatives. Perhaps someone is using you for their own purposes, making you dependent, and you do not yet have the strength to get rid of this addiction. The dream suggests that the time has come to free yourself from the ties that have burdened you and stop sacrificing yourself and your vitality to someone else’s interests.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

The bull is an image of aggressive force, a negative maternal role (a kind of psychological vampirism on the part of the mother).

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream book of relationships

The bull is another ancient Indian symbol. He personifies male creative power. Quite often the bull is depicted as a man with the head of this animal.

Ox - can subjugate all sensual and erotic impulses; in dreams he controls unbridled feelings. In other words, the bull is a symbol of the predominance of the stronger over the weak, of men over women.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Online dream book

If a young man dreams of a bull, the dreamer will soon have some sexual adventures. If a woman dreams about this

A herd of bulls in a dream symbolizes luck and success in all endeavors, as well as profit.

If you dreamed about the skin of a bull or part of a tail - wait, someone will soon inherit something.

According to the dream book, buying or selling this animal in a dream always brings joy and luck.

If in a dream you are riding on top of a bull, some task awaits you from a very prestigious person.

You are gored by a bull in a dream - the dream promises you trouble from some person who has great connections and good friends. Be careful, this person intends to take your place at work or in life.

A dream in which there is a hornless bull promises you victory over all your enemies.

To see a bull grazing in a dream - the dreamer will experience unexpected wealth and income if you see him locked in a stall

If you kill a bull in a dream, you will be rich and very famous in the future.

If you dream of a thin bull, the dreamer will face a very difficult future.

If you dream that you have to kill a bull, your enemies will not be able to stop you. Lack of competitors and obstacles to the implementation of plans.

If you dreamed that a bull was attacking you, your enemies are not asleep; beware of dishonest friends, traps and deceptions. This dream may also indicate your own negative qualities, excessive aggression.

Angry bull - beware of the maniac. Be wary of strangers, do not walk the streets alone in the dark.

Running away from a bull in a dream means there is a high probability that they will try to seduce you. You also risk becoming an object of desire for a homosexual.

Red Ox - you are too persistent in your desires to have a partner, moderate your ardor so as not to scare your soulmate.

A dream in which a bull is chasing you - ill-wishers are plotting against you, try to stay away from them. Don't deal with people you don't know.

A herd of bulls in a meadow - people will have a high opinion of you, you deservedly enjoy the authority of others. Success in any endeavor and their high profitability.

The white bull, according to the interpretation of the dream book, means income growth, improved health, solving the most difficult cases.

A large black bull - enemies do not sleep. Be on your guard and don't let them interfere in your life.

According to the dream book, the one who is gored by a bull will have difficulties related to housing. Losses and unplanned expenses are also quite likely.

Why do you dream about a bull?

American dream book

The bull is a great force; power; power.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Egyptian dream book of pharaohs

If a person sees himself killing a bull in a dream, it means that his enemies will be killed.

If a person sees a dead bull in a dream, it means seeing the defeat of his enemies.

If a person sees himself cutting a bull with his own hand in a dream, it means that his (own) opponent will be killed.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

Ox - you will become rich and lucky.

A black bull with large horns warns of the violent nature of your enemies.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Solomon's Dream Book

Bull - danger, enmity, dispute.

Why do you dream about a bull?

An old English dream book

Seeing a herd of bulls in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity and success in business; it is especially good to see bulls in the pasture: such a dream means quick enrichment, honor, and receiving a title. For lovers, this dream foreshadows a happy marriage and receiving an inheritance from a rich relative.

If a bull is chasing you in a dream, this means that you will have an enemy or rival who will greatly annoy you.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Dream book of lovers

If a man sees a fat bull in a dream, it means that he is spoiled by female attention.

Thoroughbred bulls promise marriage to a rich bride.

Bulls drinking clean water mean the appearance of a devoted life partner. For a woman, such a dream foretells receiving a proposal from a loved one.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Medieval dream book of Daniel

If someone sees that he is following a plow or harnessing an ox, this means that he will experience fear.

To see bulls grazing or standing - to pleasure or to a trade deal.

Seeing a mule or a bull means deception.

Seeing fat bulls means good times.

Skinny bulls mean hard times.

Seeing sleeping bulls portends deceit.

Seeing yourself sitting on a white bull means an honorable position.

Seeing a bull means danger.

Seeing bulls means great excitement.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

A bull climbs the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck.

Blood on the horns of a bull predicts the achievement of the three highest positions in the state administration.

If you kill a bull, it foretells wealth and nobility.

Killing a bull and eating its meat portends commercial profit.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Ox - sexual passion as creative energy or more often in a negative aspect - blind rage.

Killing a bull is leading an adult who has subdued his instincts into the world of maturation.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

A bull in a dream symbolizes the ability to conduct business and indicates a wealthy and serious owner.

A bull's skin or tail - to receive an inheritance.

Buying or selling a bull is good luck.

Seeing yourself in a dream sitting on your own bull - this dream foreshadows that a high person will turn to you with an assignment.

If your bull is black, fulfilling the order promises considerable benefits.

A yellow bull entering the yard is a favorable dream, but if you suffer from melancholy, it is unlikely to dissipate soon.

Owning a large number of bulls means getting a high position; prepare for the fact that a fair number of people will serve under your command.

If the bulls are well-fed - to great wealth.

A lot of bulls on the street - a boost in your career.

Bulls digging the ground - to incredible enrichment.

A bull that raises its horns at you or throws you from its back directly to the ground promises intrigue from your colleagues and possible dismissal.

A bull goring you is a sign that a certain person with useful connections and acquaintances wants to get our place.

Following a bull into a luxurious mansion or palace means great wealth.

Slaughtering a bull in a dream and then eating the meat with it means acquiring someone else’s property.

Why do you dream about a bull?

Assyrian dream book

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