Home Rack Payment using fuel cards. Accounting and write-off of fuel and lubricants using fuel cards. The advantages of using the card are

Payment using fuel cards. Accounting and write-off of fuel and lubricants using fuel cards. The advantages of using the card are

Companies whose operations involve transport have a separate expense item related to the purchase of petroleum products. The purchase of fuel (hereinafter referred to as fuels and lubricants) can be carried out for money, by non-cash transfer or by writing off liters from a fuel card.

The smart card allows you to control at what time, in which terminal, at what cost and what volume of fuel and lubricants was purchased. These plastic cards are in good demand. Therefore, the question of how to competently organize fuel card accounting is as logical as the question.

What is a fuel card?

Previously, companies and individuals used fuel coupons, which allowed them to control their fuel consumption. They had the following features:

  • differed in a specific limit of fuels and lubricants;
  • when refueling a car, liters of fuel were written off;
  • the unclaimed balance of gasoline was reflected.

Today, coupons are used for one-time refueling of cars. They were replaced by more advanced ones - fuel cards with a built-in microprocessor. The chip contains information about the limit of funds intended for the purchase of fuel and lubricants and additional services at gas stations, as well as information about the fuel range and services provided by the supplier.

A fuel card is convenient because:

  • its chip stores data on fuel consumption electronically;
  • allows you to find out the remaining fuel quantity and time of refueling at any time;
  • available for registration to individuals and organizations;
  • speeds up the service process at gas stations;
  • allows you to save due to discounts that apply when registering a large limit;
  • makes it possible to avoid unnecessary paperwork when reporting to superiors;
  • simplifies accounting (all information is contained in the card owner’s personal account).

Reference: The accountant’s work is also simplified by the fact that he does not need to reflect the issuance of fuel cards in accounting and make postings of funds that are not actually issued.

Types of cards

According to the format of restrictions, two types of plastic cards are distinguished:

  • Unlimited– the cardholder is not limited by time limits and can spend the entire amount of fuel at his own discretion. The buyer has the opportunity to limit the discharge of fuel and lubricants to a daily or monthly limit by submitting the appropriate application. When the paid amount of fuel runs out, the card will temporarily stop working.
  • Limited– the buyer has the right to spend funds (number of liters), the volume of which does not exceed the established limit per day or per month. If you wish to make changes, you must submit an application in an approved form to the fuel supplier, and then the card will be reformatted. For example, the limit is 20 liters of AI-95 fuel per day. In this case, the buyer can consume no more than 20 liters of fuel from 00:00 to 24:00 at a time or over several refills. The purchased volume of fuel and lubricants is reduced by the amount of liters written off. Each new day gives the cardholder the opportunity to fill up with gasoline within the limit.

Based on the accounting unit, the following types of cards are distinguished:

  • Liter– a specific volume of fuel is purchased, the delivery of which does not depend on the cost of fuel established on the date of refueling.
  • Cash– funds are credited to the smart card balance, and fuels and lubricants are issued at the market price current at the time of the request, within the amount available for debiting.

Important: A smart card is not a means of payment, but a kind of storage of fuel in liters paid for by the company. So, the buying company transfers money to the settlement account of the selling company (fuel company) and specifies in the payment purpose the number of the card with a chip, where the purchased liters of gasoline are subsequently credited. The fuel card gives the holder the right to refuel using it at the station of the supplier that issued the plastic and at partner gas stations.

A receipt is issued for the cost of gasoline requested by the driver, which indicates the card number, date and time of issue of fuel, terminal number, type and volume of gasoline purchased, as well as the price. But in essence, this is not a cash receipt, since no payment is received when fuel is supplied.

At the end of the month, the fuel company provides an invoice, a delivery note for the goods and a report for the past month, which indicates the card number, date, time, gas station terminal, volume of gasoline dispensed, its brand and price, as well as the available balance on the smart card.

Smart card accounting

A plastic card is usually assigned to a specific employee. To maintain control, you should obtain a journal for recording the acceptance and issuance of cards. Due to the lack of a uniform template, the form of the statement is approved by each organization individually.

The main columns that may be present in the log:

  • model and license plate number of the vehicle, which is entrusted to the driver and also to the card holder;
  • Full name of the employee and his signature;
  • the date the card was handed over to the employee personally;
  • date of return of the card by the driver.

The procedure for issuing and returning cards is not fixed anywhere. That is, management may oblige the employee to submit it every day after a shift, or when circumstances require it (in case of dismissal, going on vacation, etc.). Drawing up advance reports when paying for fuel is optional.

Accounting entries

Important: The procedure for registering cards depends on the agreement with the fuel company.

Free Ownership. Accountants record only those assets accepted free of charge that can be sold in the future to generate income. And since the chip card is assigned to a specific organization and its sale is impossible, information about it is not reflected in the enterprise’s income and expense accounting system.

Receipt on return terms. The purchasing company must transfer the deposit for the card to the supplier. When the plastic expires, the organization will return it, and the fuel company will refund the cost of the card. Since the fuel card is the property of the supplier, this asset should be accounted for separately from the property owned by the purchasing company (clause 5 of PBU 1/2008). Therefore, in accounting, the entrusted document must be transferred to an off-balance sheet account in monetary units. For chip cards, it is allowed to open a sub-account, for example 015 “Fuel cards”.

The procedures for accepting and paying for a fuel card must be reflected in accounting in the form of postings - debits and credits (hereinafter referred to as D and C):

  • D 60 K 51 – the cost of the deposit for the card has been paid.
  • D 009 – the amount of the deposit has been posted.
  • D 015 “Fuel cards” - the card is included in the company’s balance sheet.

When making a return to the owner company:

  • D 51 K 60 – the amount of the deposit for the card has been received.
  • By 009 – the value of the collateral is written off.
  • K 015 “Fuel cards” - the card has been removed from off-balance sheet accounting.

Purchasing a fuel card. In this case, the price of plastic (excluding tax) can be immediately written off as expenses (clause 5 of PBU 10/99), and noted separately on account 19 “VAT on values ​​received,” and the cost of the chip card - on an off-balance sheet account (015 “ Fuel cards").

The accountant needs to make the following entries:

  • D 60 K 51 – card payment.
  • D 20 (23, 26, 44...) K 60 – writing off the cost of the smart card as expenses.
  • D 19 K 60 – VAT accounting.
  • D 015 “Fuel cards” - accounting for a plastic card.
  • D 68 subaccount “Calculations for VAT” K 19 – deduction of VAT on the cost of fuel.

Important: The “smart” card is issued to the employee, who subsequently receives the accrued liters of fuel using it. This operation is not confirmed by debit/credit, since the employee does not receive funds in hand. To use account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons” in this case means to violate reporting.

Fuel accounting is maintained on account 10 “Materials”, subaccount 10.3 “Fuel”. All manipulations are also confirmed by documents. Costs are calculated according to the waybills submitted by the responsible person and the reports provided by the system.

Let's sum it up

Maintaining fuel cards allows you to control fuel consumption and significantly simplifies the work of an accountant.

Documents provided by the supplier company every month: invoice, transaction report, acceptance certificate, facilitate the rapid preparation of financial statements.

If a company uses vehicles in its commercial activities, this implies the need to purchase fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants). The task lies not only in their rational selection and purchase, but also in subsequent accounting. One of the accounting tools in this direction is a fuel card. This article is about how to ensure competent and rational tax and accounting of fuel cards.

Benefits of using fuel cards

A fuel card is a convenient type of payment used by both large enterprises and individuals. Ordinary citizens can also count on paying for fuel and oils using this plastic and receive various bonuses and cash back. In this regard, there is no need to expose yourself to danger by carrying a large amount of cash in your pocket. In addition, the card allows you to receive fuel and lubricants at a discount; its size depends on the specific conditions of the card and the type of gas station where refueling takes place. As for legal entities, they have obvious advantages of using this product:

  1. Full control of settlement measures for a certain amount of fuel at the enterprise. You can conduct observations online in your personal account. As a result, each management specialist can calculate how much fuel and money was spent by the driver.
  2. Convenient payment system. You can refuel using fuel cards at any gas station, and use the fuel that the car needs.
  3. Versatility in solving commercial and economic problems. Thanks to a modern calculation scheme, it is possible to provide a solution to any problems related to refueling.
  4. Economic benefit. The purchase of special plastic cards for fuel contributes to the return of value added tax and a complete reduction in the organization’s budget expenditure.
  5. Rationalization of production cost formation. The enterprise has the opportunity to include the price of fuel and lubricants in the calculation of the cost of the company's product units.
  6. Save money by receiving various discounts and bonuses. Currently, this aspect is more impressive than ever, which is due to the complexity of the economic situation in the country.
  7. Providing full information support from a personal manager. Assistance in obtaining fuel cards. At the same time, they are guaranteed for each company, as well as a professional approach on the part of the employees.

The main advantage of owning a company card is the ability to calculate money spent by an employee (for example, a driver) on fuel or other consumables. The report can be obtained in your personal account; it will contain information about when, where and to what extent the car tank was refilled. As a result, it will be impossible for the driver to hide expenses for fuel and lubricants, and the organization’s funds will not pass the cash register. The current trend is that an increasing number of enterprises are switching to non-cash payments with gas stations and other structures, so acquiring such a card will be really beneficial.

Features of obtaining plastic

In order to obtain this plastic card, you must contact a department specializing in the issuance and accounting of such cards in order to subsequently conclude an agreement. It is important to check that the list of documents includes an application containing a list of gas stations that provide refueling using the card. The amounts that were transferred to the fuel organization represent an advance payment for fuel. You should be prepared for the fact that a certain amount will be charged for the production of the card.

Subtleties of reflecting the purchase of a card in the accounting department of an enterprise

To correctly record transactions that involve accounting for gasoline using fuel cards, you must have an invoice on hand, and at the end of the month the prices are summed up with other expense items. As part of the posting, the following points are usually reflected:

  • the money required to produce and purchase the card;
  • value added tax and its amount;
  • the cost of the card product written off as an expense.

As you can see from the listed features, an employee of the organization will receive not cash, but a card for payments at the gas station. However, maintaining accounting transactions is still desirable. Their organization can be carried out on the basis of a special accounting journal. This type of documentation does not have a unified form, but it is determined by each organization individually. The following points and operations may be reflected within this paper:

  • the date when the representative received the company card;
  • the date within which the plastic was returned to management;
  • the make of the car that is not subject to refueling using the card product;
  • car numbers issued by traffic police representatives;
  • Full name and personal signature of the driver;
  • other parameters taken into account directly by management.

General procedure for purchasing fuel and lubricants

The orders of magnitude are influenced by calculation options and types of fuel sales. The rules for the supply of fuel resources are regulated by special instructions. Thus, according to clause 7.1 of this document, the sale of petroleum products is carried out on the basis of agreements drawn up between the parties, or for cash.

Types and variations of non-cash payments for fuel and lubricants

Currently, if we consider strictly non-cash payments for fuel resources, we can highlight several of the most popular areas:

  • special statements;
  • registration coupons;
  • plastic fuel cards.

The standards under consideration take place in clause 10 of Rules 1442, according to which payments for sold oil products are carried out.

Use of statements and accounting activities

All activities are recorded in contracts concluded between the seller (gas station) and the consumer (company). The fact of fuel supply is subject to reflection in the statement in Form No. 16NP. And the waybill available to the driver must contain information about the volume of fuel supplied and its brand. On the basis of legislative documents, consolidated statements of accounts are issued for each enterprise at least once a month. This paper contains information about the total price of materials based on specific brands.

Features of food supply using coupons

This is another common option for selling products. A coupon is a special document taken under certain conditions. It is a kind of confirmation of the right to purchase volumes of fuel and lubricants. Thus, a coupon is a type of documentation confirming the buyer’s authority to purchase fuel. It is stored at the gas station until it is used to fill the tank of the company's vehicle. A coupon is not a means of payment, but only proof of payment.

Fuel smart cards and the advantages of their use

These products are unique and are plastic that has a built-in chip (microprocessor). It displays information about some key points that are useful for the company’s commercial activities:

  • the volume of petroleum products that can be sold at the gas station;
  • There may also be other information for carrying out settlement activities.

In this regard, we can conclude that this plastic is only a technical accounting tool, and not a means of payment or a credit card.

Keeping records of fuel cards in the accounting department means simplifying the process of accounting activities and helps save time and money for the company’s management. Fuel cards are classified in two areas:

  • cash products– they include information about the amount credited to the organization’s escrow account, and also allow you to purchase any brands of fuel and lubricants and related product items and services within the gas station in accordance with the money limit; traditionally, products are sold at market value, which is established at the time of refueling;
  • liter elements– from these plastic products you can find out information about the number of liters of fuels and lubricants that are pre-paid by the organization, but the supply of fuels and lubricants is carried out not at the market price, but at the cost specified in the contract, such cards are classified by type of fuels and lubricants (A92, A95 gasoline, A95 Euro, diesel fuel).

As part of the agreement concluded between the parties, there is a requirement related to the use and storage of fuel cards, as well as the type of card, the conditions of the refueling process, the procedure for settlement activities, the spending limit, and the list of gas stations that can service this card. It also contains information about the moment at which the transfer of ownership occurred.

What are the accounting aspects

There is no specific procedure for accounting actions on cards. For example, accounting is carried out using accounts "Materials" - 10, "Cash" - 50, "Settlements with accountable persons" - 71. Experts believe that this accounting procedure is not entirely correct.. This is due to several factors:

  • on the 10th account, cards may be subject to accounting under the element “other materials” as an inventory item, and according to the Accounting Regulations, these include assets used by the enterprise as means or objects of labor, which in themselves represent a certain value;
  • on the 50th account, accounting is carried out under subaccount 50-3 “monetary documentation”, and the documents must give the right to receive a commodity item at the full nominal value, certify the right to purchase a service, and contain the amount possible to spend on the purchase of goods;
  • on the 71st account, information is summarized that is associated with calculations based on the amounts issued for reporting, i.e., in fact, the employee does not receive any cash, therefore such accounting of fuel and lubricants on fuel cards also cannot be considered correct.

According to the general rules and regulations of the balance sheet, all costs associated with the purchase of inventories are included in the actual price at which inventories are taken into account. However, reusable fuel cards cannot be associated with any specific fuel shipment. The company can write off their cost based on PBU 10/99 as expenses associated with the classic type of activity.

Possible entries in accounting when purchasing fuel and lubricants

The entries and transactions described within the balance sheet during the accounting process for fuel purchases may look like this:

  • transferring money to pay for a card for purchasing fuel – D60K51;
  • assigning the cost of plastic to expenditure areas – D20 (26, 44) K60;
  • D19K60 – operation displays the fact of accounting for value added tax on the price of cards;
  • posting D68K19 implies the deduction of value added tax;
  • D60(2)K51 – making an advance payment for goods at a gas station, in particular fuels and lubricants;
  • D10-3K60-1 - the operation indicates that the fuel that was purchased has been accepted for accounting measures;
  • D60-1K60-2 – prepayment for fuel resources is credited;
  • D20 (44, 26) K10-3 – an operation characterizing the write-off of spent fuel.

These are the main entries drawn up when accounting for fuel costs using plastic cards. Thus, various errors and overuse of resources are excluded from the enterprise budget, thanks to the use of a system of fuel cards, which are subject to careful and detailed monitoring by managers. Proper use of such cards will ensure enormous savings and the absence of erroneous information in the framework of accounting.

The tool came into use in our country in 1991 and was initially aimed at legal entities with a large fleet of vehicles. Issues of accounting for fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) purchased by bank transfer are relevant to this day.

What are the benefits of ESA cards?

Plastic with electronic media, which stores information about types of fuel and its volumes, is programmed for use for a certain period of time and allows the owner to:

  • reduce fuel costs;
  • reduce taxes by the amount of VAT (18%);
  • reduce cash turnover;
  • prevent theft of fuel and lubricants.

To optimize financial costs for regular customers, we provide deferred payment and a loyalty program (discounts and bonuses). At the same time, the release, payment and accounting of petroleum products is carried out automatically with full control of your accounting department. Daily convenient reports can be printed from your personal account on our website.

An agreement signed with the issuer for the supply of petroleum products and the transfer of a certain amount for the purchase of fuel is the basis for receiving a card (one or more). For convenience, some use 2 types: the main one, where all the fuel of the enterprise will be “stored” and the additional one, where the required number of liters will be transferred from the main one in each individual case.

An electronic product is sold at a certain price per unit and becomes the property of the holder, which is confirmed by the acceptance certificate or delivery note. From this moment on, it is a document of strict accountability, assigned to a specific driver or stored in the accounting department, from where it is issued for use. In this case, a movement log is kept (in any form), which indicates the date of issue and return and the balance after the return.

Regarding the accounting of fuel cards, it is worth noting that, according to auditors, accounts 10, 50, 71 are not entirely suitable for these purposes. Cards themselves do not constitute materials, funds and settlements with accountable persons, as understood by the Accounting Regulations. It would be more correct to take into account the cost of expenses associated with the main activity and keep it on off-balance sheet accounts approved by your own accounting policy.

Nuances of fuel and lubricants accounting

The accounting policy of the enterprise and the working Chart of Accounts will significantly simplify the work of the accounting department and minimize problems with the tax authorities, since they allow:

  • create new accounts and subaccounts;
  • explain why fuel and cards are recorded on these accounts;
  • avoid questions regarding the purchase and write-off of petroleum products at a certain price, the specifics of working with warehouses;
  • determine individual nuances for tax accounting.

To keep track of fuel and fuels and lubricants, the enterprise maintains waybills, approves fuel consumption rates, and drivers are required to provide receipts from each gas station to the accounting department. The report on the card can be viewed in your personal account, where its number, quantity of petroleum products, price at which refueling was made, refueling time, gas station number, balance at the end of the month are indicated. He checks the drivers' reports and receipts received.

The wiring is the same as for fuel purchased using coupons. The arrival is carried out on the last day of the month, but not earlier than the date of the issued documents. Important! As the “warehouse” position, you can use “personal account in the supplier’s tank” (according to the accounting policy). At the same time, we stipulate in the agreement for the tax authorities that this is not free storage. Based on the report, we make the last day of the month a transfer from the warehouse to the “machine tank No...”, which becomes the “warehouse”.

Write-offs are made on the basis of waybills, which indicate the standard and actual fuel consumption, through a demand invoice. The balance of the warehouse (car tank No....) must agree with the data on the waybill for a specific car.

In case of excessive consumption of fuel (standard-fact), the result is attributed to non-production expenses (account 91.2).

Our fuel cards will help the accounting department keep accurate records of fuel and lubricants without unnecessary complications.

Fuel cards are:

  • cash (issued for a certain limit on the cost of fuel and lubricants);
  • liter (issued for a certain limit on the volume of fuel and lubricants).

Advice: in the context of constantly rising prices for fuel and lubricants, purchase liter fuel cards. This is more profitable, since the organization pays for a predetermined amount of fuel at the price in effect on the date of invoice. Until the organization selects the entire volume of fuel and lubricants according to the received card, a possible increase in fuel prices will not affect it.

How to apply for a fuel card

To purchase fuels and lubricants using fuel cards, you need to enter into an agreement with a wholesale supplier or directly with a gas station.

Typically, the scheme for working with fuel cards looks like this.

1. The organization transfers a 100% prepayment to the supplier, which includes the cost of fuel, the price of the card itself (if the card is transferred to the organization for a fee) and the cost of its maintenance. Some oil companies issue cards for free and do not charge fees for their service. Others charge a small fee. At the same time, the cost of gasoline purchased with a card is usually lower than when paying with coupons and cash.

2. After the organization has transferred the advance, it is given a fuel card with a pin code. When the driver fills up the car, he presents the card at the gas station.

3. Every month, after processing the data, the fuel supplier (card issuer) provides the purchasing organization with:

  • invoice;
  • acceptance certificate, which indicates the volume and cost of the selected fuel;
  • a detailed report on all transactions on the fuel card. It includes information about the receipt and expenditure of funds, as well as the amount of fuel and lubricants supplied.

Fuel card logbook

As a rule, a fuel card is assigned to a specific employee (driver). For control, you can create a log of receipt and issuance of fuel cards. There is no standard form for this document, so the organization has the right to develop it independently. The procedure for issuing and returning fuel cards is not regulated. In practice, you can oblige an employee to hand over the card either daily or if necessary (at the end of its validity period, upon dismissal, when going on vacation, etc.). There is no need to prepare advance reports when paying for fuel using fuel cards.

The accounting procedure for fuel cards depends on the terms of the agreement with the fuel supplier.

Accounting: getting a card for free

In this case, there is no need to reflect the card in accounting. Only property received free of charge is accepted for accounting, which can subsequently be sold and receive income (clause 9 of PBU 5/01). It is impossible to sell a fuel card, since it is assigned to a specific organization.

Accounting: acquisition with return condition

In this case, the organization must pay the supplier the collateral value of the card. When the card is no longer used, the organization will return it and the supplier will return the security deposit. Since the fuel card is the property of the fuel supplier, such property must be taken into account separately from the organization’s own property (clause 5 of PBU 1/2008). Therefore, in accounting, reflect the received card on an off-balance sheet account in a conditional valuation. For fuel cards, you can open an additional sub-account, for example, 015 “Fuel cards”.

When paying for and receiving a fuel card, make the following entries in accounting:

Debit 60 Credit 51

- the deposit value of the card is transferred to the fuel supplier;

Debit 009

- the issued collateral is reflected;

Debit 015 “Fuel cards”

- the fuel card is accepted as balance.

When returning the card to the issuer:

Debit 51 Credit 60

- the deposit value of the fuel card was received;

Credit 009

- the issued collateral is written off;

Credit 015 “Fuel cards”

- the fuel card is written off from off-balance sheet accounting.

Accounting: purchasing a card for a fee

In this case, the cost of the fuel card (less VAT) can be immediately written off as expenses (clause 5 of PBU 10/99). Record the VAT amount separately on account 19 “VAT on purchased assets.” To control, consider the cost of the card along with the balance. For example, on account 015 “Fuel cards”. In addition, for more detailed control, it is advisable to reflect the receipt and movement of fuel cards in the logbook for the receipt and issue of fuel cards.

Make entries in your accounting:

Debit 60 Credit 51

- paid fuel card;

Debit 20 (23, 26, 44...) Credit 60

- the cost of the fuel card is written off as expenses;

Debit 19 Credit 60

- VAT is reflected on the cost of the purchased card;

Debit 015 “Fuel cards”

- fuel card is taken into account;

- accepted for deduction of input VAT on the purchased fuel card.

Tax accounting for fuel cards depends on the conditions under which the supplier provides them (free of charge, on bail, for a fee), as well as on the taxation system that the organization applies.


If the supplier provides the card free of charge, there is no need to reflect this transaction in tax accounting. In this case, the organization does not have any economic benefit (income) (Article 41 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If the supplier pledges the card, its receipt and return are also not reflected in tax accounting. This follows from the provisions of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 251 and paragraph 49 of Article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

If the supplier provides a fuel card for a fee, then its cost can be included in other expenses (subclause 49, clause 1, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation ).

An example of how to reflect the acquisition and write-off of a fuel card in accounting and taxation

On June 4, Alpha LLC entered into an agreement with the gas station for servicing a cash fuel card. On the same day, the fuel card was paid to the supplier from the organization’s current account. The cost of the card is 118 rubles. (including VAT - 18 rubles). On June 5, the card was issued to manager A.S. Kondratiev. On August 1, Kondratiev resigned and handed over the card. Both transactions were reflected in journal of receipt and issue of fuel cards .

The following entries were made in the organization's accounting.

Debit 60 Credit 51
- 118 rub. - paid fuel card;

Debit 26 Credit 60
- 100 rub. (118 rubles - 18 rubles) - the cost of the fuel card was expensed;

Debit 19 Credit 60
- 18 rub. - VAT is reflected on the cost of the fuel card;

Debit 015 “Fuel cards”
- 118 rub. - fuel card is taken into account;

Debit 68 subaccount “VAT calculations” Credit 19
- 18 rub. - accepted for deduction of input VAT on the fuel card.

When calculating income tax for January-June, Alpha's accountant included the cost of a fuel card (100 rubles) as an expense.

Input VAT in the amount of 18 rubles. presented for deduction from the budget in the second quarter.

simplified tax system

If the supplier provides the card free of charge, there is no need to reflect this operation in the income and expenses ledger. In this case, the organization does not have any economic benefit (income) (Article 41 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If the supplier pledges the card, its receipt and return are also not reflected in the accounting book (clause 1 of Article 346.15, subclause 2 of clause 1 of Article 251, Article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Situation: is it possible to include in expenses the cost of a fuel card provided for a fee when calculating a single tax? The organization applies a simplification and pays a single tax on the difference between income and expenses.

Yes, you can.

The list of expenses for the maintenance of official vehicles, given in subparagraph 12 of paragraph 1 of Article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, is open. However:

  • such expenses must be economically justified and documented;
  • a company car must be used by the organization in activities aimed at generating income.

If these conditions are met, the organization has the right to include the cost of the fuel card in expenses when calculating the single tax. A similar point of view is reflected in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 22, 2004 No. 03-02-05/2/40.


The object of UTII taxation is imputed income (clause 1 of Article 346.29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, the cost of purchasing a fuel card does not affect the calculation of the tax base.


If expenses for fuel and lubricants (purchase of a fuel card) simultaneously relate to the activities of an organization subject to UTII and activities under the general taxation system, then such expenses must bedistribute (Clause 9 of Article 274 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Expenses for fuel and lubricants (purchase of a fuel card) related to one type of activity of the organization do not need to be distributed.

The VAT amount allocated in the invoice isdistribute according to the methodology established in paragraphs 4 and 4.1 of Article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The amount of VAT that cannot be deducted should be added to the resulting amount of expenses for the activities of the organization subject to UTII (subclause 3, clause 2, article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Example of fuel card cost distribution. The organization applies a general taxation system and pays UTII

LLC "Trading Company "Hermes"" sells goods wholesale and retail. For wholesale operations, the organization applies the general taxation system (income tax is calculated monthly) and pays VAT. In the city where Hermes operates, retail trade has been transferred to UTII.

On May 4, Hermes entered into an agreement with the gas station to service a liter fuel card. The cost of the card is 118 rubles. (including VAT - 18 rubles). The card is intended for refueling a car that is used in two types of activities at the same time.
The accounting policy of the organization states that general business expenses are distributed in proportion to income for each month of the reporting (tax) period. To distribute the costs of purchasing a fuel card between two types of activities, the Hermes accountant compared the income from wholesale trade with the total amount of income.

The amount of income received by Hermes from various activities in May is:

  • for wholesale trade (excluding VAT) - 26,000,000 rubles;
  • for retail trade - 12,000,000 rubles.

The organization did not carry out operations exempt from VAT.

The share of income from wholesale trade in total income for May was:
26,000,000 rub. : (RUB 26,000,000 + RUB 12,000,000) = 0.684.

The organization’s activities under the general taxation system include expenses for the purchase of a fuel card in the amount of:
(118 rub. - 18 rub.) × 0.684 = 68 rub.

When calculating income tax for May, the Hermes accountant took into account the costs of purchasing a fuel card in the amount of 68 rubles. The amount of VAT that can be deducted can be determined by the Hermes accountant based on the results of the second quarter.

For information on how to write off fuels and lubricants purchased using fuel cards, see How to record the purchase of fuel and lubricants using fuel cards .

What are fuels and lubricants. How to keep records of fuel and lubricants using fuel cards (gasoline) in 2019. What are fuel cards? Features of accounting for fuel and lubricants in non-profit organizations and budgetary organizations

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The work of any enterprise consists of many processes, each of which ultimately leads to profit.

They may involve means that directly or indirectly relate to the production process, provision of services and performance of work. But sometimes the question arises of how to take them into account correctly.

Basic moments

All work of the enterprise involves the use of various resources. One of them is gasoline.

The purpose of its use is determined by the type of activity of the enterprise. It may or may not refer to inventory.

For example, for a transportation company, it refers to inventory.

If an enterprise is engaged in the production of food products, but at the same time independently delivers its goods to points of sale, then it relates to non-production costs, but is taken into account when calculating financial results.

If gasoline is used as a means of ensuring the movement of a person who has a specific assignment related to the needs of the enterprise, then such expenses are taken into account, but do not affect.

Please note that gasoline can be used as fuel not only for refueling and driving vehicles.

It can be used to refuel working equipment, such as a gasoline trimmer or file.

In this case, it may relate to general business expenses if this equipment is used to improve the surrounding area.

But in the case where these devices are a means of generating profit, it relates to production costs.

As you can see, this issue contains a lot of nuances that are worth understanding in more detail.


This article will use a number of terms that are not related to the financial sector, but are directly related to the issue under discussion. Let's consider their meaning.

For what purpose is it carried out?

Fuels and lubricants, in particular gasoline, are materials without which it is difficult to imagine the operation of any enterprise today.

The use of gasoline may be directly related to the production process or used for indirect operations. In any case, it is necessary to keep records of it.

Depending on the purpose for which the material is used, it can be classified as industrial, which will reduce the tax base, increase the cost of production and correctly calculate the final price of the goods supplied by the enterprise to its consumers.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that accounting for fuel and lubricants, as well as other materials, is carried out for the purpose of correctly calculating financial results, carrying out financial planning, as well as settlements with the budget in the form of tax payments.

Legal basis

When working with fuel and lubricants on fuel cards, the following regulatory framework is used:

Accounting rules and a chart of accounts are also used to maintain records.

Accounting for fuel and lubricants using fuel cards

We have already given the definition of a fuel card in one of the previous paragraphs. Let's look at what types there are.

They are distinguished by the presence of restrictions:

Another method of classification is the accounting unit. On this basis they distinguish:

Using fuel cards is a convenient and profitable way of payment. Therefore, it is often used by legal entities. At the same time, it is important that the company maintains correct accounting of funds.

To do this, use a chart of accounts, as well as a developed one, which should contain information about:

  • cost of fuels and lubricants;
  • method of accounting for fuel and lubricant costs;
  • on methods for adding cards to the balance sheet of an enterprise;
  • creating a special accounting journal;
  • name of the fuel and lubricants storage location.

Special sheets are used for accounting.

Which transactions are displayed?

Accounting for fuel cards is carried out on the basis of a fuel supply agreement or a delivery note.

For this, account 10.6 – “Other materials” is used. But before the amount is deposited into this account, it is necessary to carry out a number of business transactions.

Let's take a closer look at what transactions are used to account for a fuel card:

A card for use is issued to the driver, who must receive assigned fuel and lubricants using it. It is important that this operation is not confirmed by accounting entries, since the person does not receive funds in hand.

A common accounting error is the use of 71 accounts in this case, which is unacceptable and leads to a violation of reporting.

Gasoline itself is accounted for in account 10.3 “Fuel.” All operations are also documented. Expenses are calculated on the basis provided by the person.

You can see what operations are carried out before writing off materials as expenses in the table below:

Debit Credit Operation Document
60.2 51 Transfer of payment for fuel and lubricants to the supplier
10.3 60.1 Acceptance of fuel and lubricants for registration ,
19 60.1 VAT included
68 19 VAT deduction Invoice
60.1 60.2 Prepayment accounting Accounting information
20, 26, 44 10.3 Writing off the purchase of fuel used on the card Accounting on the right



Accounting and write-off of fuel and lubricants on fuel cards must be documented. It is manufactured by a company that supplies gasoline.

But the costs associated with this operation are borne by the customer. The basis for accounting is a bank statement.

The cost of the card is indicated in the delivery note. If one is used. The cost of the card, like any product, is paid.

An invoice is used to calculate it, and a purchase ledger is used to deduct it. All costs incurred by the company in connection with the production of the card are included in the expenses recorded in the accounting certificate.

The card is issued to the responsible person against signature. Accounting for materials that rely on it is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  • invoice;
  • packing list;
  • monthly transaction report.

You can see exactly how they are applied in the table presented in the paragraph above.

In addition to accounting, the enterprise must keep tax records of fuels and lubricants and fuel cards. An enterprise, as a consumer, pays VAT on goods such as a fuel card.

The deduction is made if the transactions for which the card was purchased are subject to VAT. This operation is carried out after the card is registered and received.

Fuel can be included in consumables and its value will reduce the tax base if it was used directly for the purpose of generating income, which is documented.

Emerging nuances

The example of fuel and lubricants accounting presented above is used for most commercial organizations and enterprises.

But for certain types of organizations, slightly different accounting is used. Let's look at this in more detail.


Non-profit organizations do not provide for income generation. Therefore, they carry out accounting using slightly different methods. NPOs do not pay income tax, therefore, they do not keep tax records.

But since the organization’s balance sheet has income and expense parts, it is imperative to keep financial records.

To solve many problems, NPOs can use fuels and lubricants. They, like other enterprises, are accounted for in account 10.3.

Video: accounting of waybills and fuels and lubricants

But since their consumption is not related to production, the use of gasoline is reflected in account 26 - “general business expenses.” Otherwise, the wiring is the same as for commercial enterprises.

Budgetary institution

A separate issue is the accounting of fuel at state enterprises, which are referred to as budgetary organizations. A different chart of accounts is used for them.

The procedure for accounting for fuel and lubricants using fuel cards in a budgetary institution is presented below:

Debit Credit Operation
Reflection of the cost of purchased fuel cards
120822560 120105610 Reflection of cards issued to branches
110503340 120822660 Displaying the cost of materials for which advance payment was made by cash card
110503340 120822660 Displaying the cost of materials paid with a liter card
140101222 140101272 110503340 Transferring the cost of fuel and lubricants to current expenses
110601310 110503340 The amount of funds used to conduct the company's main activities is reflected.

Having examined the table, we can conclude that accounting for fuel and lubricants at budgetary enterprises differs significantly from private ones.

Since it displays the use of the card depending on its type, as well as the issuance of payment funds in hand in the accounting documents. What standard accounting transactions do not provide for.

Fuels and lubricants, namely gasoline, are one of the products that are most often used in enterprises.

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