Home Engine What does the name Savva mean for a boy? The meaning of the name Savva. Interpretation of the name. The most successful combinations for Savva

What does the name Savva mean for a boy? The meaning of the name Savva. Interpretation of the name. The most successful combinations for Savva

According to Higir

The name Savva is of Hebrew origin. Means: bondage, captivity.

Little Savvushka usually grows up strong, neither his health nor his behavior cause any problems for his parents: he is a cheerful, kind and calm child.

The name Savva is warm, soft, and its owner is also generous with the warmth that he gives to family, friends, and just strangers who need this warmth.

Savva is, first of all, an integral nature, a spiritually pure person. He is alien to pettiness, intrigue and squabbles. He is drawn to knowledge, early on he shows interest in literature, but not in action films and cheap detective stories, but in the one that gives food to his mind. He maintains his integrity in marriage, without wasting time on fleeting affairs. Savva's sons inherit the character of their father. The uncompromising nature of these men and their loyalty to principles often turn out to their detriment - their careers never move along the well-worn road. Where it would not hurt to bend down so that the thunderstorm passes by, Savva will stand at his full height.

Savva has one more feature that sets him apart from others - a craving for loneliness. This is not a “choir” person. In a large noisy company, secluded in a corner with his transistor, he may seem somewhat colorless. In fact, his inner world is rich and colorful.

Savva receives a good education, but cannot fully realize his abilities.

Among men with this name you can find doctors, architects, translators, and actors.

These are harmonious people who live in harmony with the world around them.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Elder" (Aramaic)

Energy of the name and character: The energy of the name Savva is distinguished by independence, determination and strength. Despite its balanced hardness, it is nevertheless capable of endowing its wearer with sufficient impulsiveness. It will not be surprising if Savva’s character has some eccentricity and explosiveness. Outwardly, he may give the impression of a fairly balanced person who knows how to control himself, but behind this calm mask, strong emotions are often hidden.

In general, Savva is very characterized by colossal self-confidence, in which one can often detect a hint of consciousness of one’s own superiority. He is very proud, but hardly feels a very strong need for self-affirmation; at least, the main reason for his eccentricity is not so much pride as his passion for character and desire for leadership.

In communication, Savva is usually quite open and, alas, does not always try to restrain his emotions. In some cases, he can really control himself, but sometimes he is ready to succumb to the first blissful idea that comes to mind. Often this can seriously complicate his life, sometimes Savva is capable of suddenly being rude to someone for no reason or simply making a person laugh, without really thinking about the consequences, but he is usually saved by the fact that he rarely shows persistence in a conflict . It seems that, having released his emotions from the bottle, he immediately loses interest in them and is even ready to go to peace. His sense of humor also helps.

It happens, however, that life treats Savva quite harshly, and more than once, having been burned by his eccentricity, he loses his inherent self-confidence and, on the contrary, begins to be overly cautious, but this does not happen very often. In general, he has a good chance of achieving success in life, including in independent business, and, perhaps, the only thing he can wish for is to be more attentive to others and especially to his loved ones. A little more warmth and care will not harm either them or Savva himself.

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Savva, it is advisable not to forget about his unpredictability; sometimes he himself does not know where he will be taken next. However, you can avoid conflict with him by simply trying to show restraint and not lose your balance yourself. Typically, what Savva values ​​most in people is independence, sobriety of mind, accuracy, and a sense of humor.

The name's trace in history:

Savva Mamontov

They say that the rich have their own quirks. Undoubtedly, the most encouraged fad of the rich is patronage of the arts, a symbol of which, in turn, was once the main shareholder of the railway and the owner of several factories, Savva Mamontov (1841–1918).

On his Abramtsevo estate, Mamontov created a “pleasant type of life”, surrounding himself with the best artists who did not feel like “wedding generals” visiting a fastidious barchuk - on the contrary, everyone recognized Mamontov’s exceptional intelligence, his sincerity and unostentatious generosity. In Abramtsevo, artists “found it easier to breathe and create more freely”: for example, it was there that Vrubel painted the famous painting “The Demon”, and Vasnetsov almost finished “Three Heroes”.

Mamontov's inquisitive nature was attracted by everything beautiful and harmonious - fine art, music, literature, but he assigned himself a very modest role in this as a generous rich man. Nevertheless, Mamontov’s creativity was obvious to everyone except himself, and it was not for nothing that many considered him their teacher. Among these people was Stanislavsky, who readily admitted that in directing he was a follower of Savva Mamontov.

Short form of the name Savva. Savvushka, Savka, Savko, Ava.
Synonyms for the name Savva. Sava, Sabas, Saba, Shaba, Savvas.
Origin of the name Savva. The name Savva is Russian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Georgian.

The name Savva has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Savva is translated from the ancient Aramaic “sava”, “saba” means “old man, elder, sage”. According to the second version, the name Savva is a short form of the name Sabbatios (Savvatios, later Savvatiy), meaning “Saturday”.

The name Savva is a diminutive address for a man with the name Savely. There is a spelling of the name Savva with one letter “v” - Sava. Also, Sava (Sava) is a shortened form of not only male (Savely, Savvaty, Saveriy, Savinian), but also female names (Barsava, Savella, Savina, Savvatia). Name days will be indicated for the full name Savva.

The Georgian name Saba is derived from Savva.

There are different name day dates for the names Saveliy and Savva. Savva's Catholic name days are April 12, April 24, May 25, December 5. The remaining dates indicated are the Orthodox name days of Savva.

A gentle and sincere man named Savva does not know what pettiness, squabbles and intrigues are. Savva’s character is somewhat eccentric and quick-tempered, but outwardly this man looks calm, balanced and somewhat “colorless.” Savva is very self-confident and proud, he has a developed sense of self-esteem. He seeks admiration from the people around him, dreams of having awards and all kinds of honors, wants to be the center of attention. Makes decisions carefully, afraid of making mistakes. Savva is a responsible and fair person who loves solitude very much. Savva successfully hides his restless inner world, raging with passions, under the mask of balance.

As a rule, Savva has a good education and has many chances to build a successful career thanks to a developed sense of duty and responsibility. Savva will make an excellent doctor, translator, architect, and actor. He can become a successful businessman. When communicating with colleagues, Savva should be a little more attentive and caring. However, the careers of these people rarely follow a well-trodden path; Savvas behave too uncompromisingly and principled in their interactions with colleagues and superiors.

Savva does not have fleeting affairs; in marriage she shows herself to be an integral and devoted person. Savva loves his children very much; his sons, as a rule, have the same character. In his spare time, Savva loves to read, especially books that give him time to think about. The inner world of this person is full of colors and events, so you definitely won’t be bored with him.

Savva loves to be alone. At parties and festivities, this person does not stand out from the crowd so much that he looks a little colorless. However, he is an open person who does not always know how to restrain his feelings. Savva can unexpectedly be rude to a person or laugh at him, but he does not think about the consequences. However, Savva is a non-conflict person; he does not show persistence in an argument, but immediately agrees to a compromise. Those around you should not forget about Savva’s unpredictable character. Friends should behave with restraint and calm. Savva values ​​such character qualities in people as a sense of humor, sobriety of thinking, independence and specificity.

Savva's name day

Savva celebrates his name day on January 14, January 25, January 27, February 1, February 21, March 5, March 15, April 2, April 7, April 10, April 12, April 15, April 24, April 28, May 7, May 19 , May 25, June 26, July 21, August 2, August 9, August 23, August 25, September 9, September 10, September 12, September 20, October 1, October 11, October 14, October 23, November 13, 14 November, November 25, December 5, December 16, December 18.

Famous people named Savva

  • Savva the Sanctified ((439 - 532) Christian saint, Abba, creator of the Jerusalem Rule, used to this day in Orthodox churches; revered among the venerables)
  • Saint Sava (one of the most revered saints of the Serbian Orthodox Church, a famous religious, cultural and political figure of his time; the first Archbishop of Serbia, considered the patron saint of Serbia)
  • Savva of Storozhevsky, Savva of Zvenigorod (Reverend of the Russian Church, founder and first abbot of the Mother of God of the Nativity (Savvino-Storozhevsky) Monastery in Zvenigorod; Zvenigorod Wonderworker. One of the most famous Russian saints, spiritual ascetic of Russia, “patron of kings” and “defender of Moscow”, healer, seer, “refuge for all sinners.” Considered one of the “first” (in time and position) disciples of St. Sergius of Radonezh.)
  • Metropolitan Sawa ((born 1938) in the world - Michal Grycuniak; Polish Orthodox bishop, Primate of the Polish Orthodox Church, professor of theology, brigadier general)
  • Savva Vishersky ((d.1460) founder of the Savvo-Vishersky monastery, known for his feat of stylite, canonized at the second Makaryevsky Cathedral in 1549 as a saint)
  • Savva Brodsky (1923 - 1982) Soviet artist, book illustrator, architect, sculptor and poet)
  • Savva Morozov ((1770 - 1862) Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist, founder of the Morozov dynasty)
  • Savva Morozov ((1862 - 1905) Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist)
  • Savva Mamontov (Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist)
  • Savva Purlevsky (merchant, author of “Memoirs of a Serf”)
  • Savva Raguzinsky-Vladislavich (Russian diplomat)
  • Savva Derunov (Russian poet, prose writer, ethnographer, folklorist, public figure)
  • Savva Kokovtsev (1st rank captain, participant in the Chesma naval battle)
  • Savva Kulish (Soviet film director, screenwriter, cameraman)
  • Savva Mavrin (Governor General of the Kazan and Vyatka governorates, member of the secret investigative commissions investigating the Pugachev rebellion)
  • Savva Matekin (organizer and one of the leaders of the Avdotino-Budyonnovskaya underground group during the occupation of Donetsk by the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War)
  • Savva Terentyev (Russian blogger who gained fame after being convicted of incorrect statements on a blog)
  • Savva Tetyushev (Russian merchant who founded a salt pier that eventually became the city of Sterlitamak)
  • Savva Chaly (Haydamak Vatazhek)
  • Savva Chevakinsky ((1709 – 1774/1780/1783) Russian architect, representative of the Baroque style, worked in St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo)
  • Savva Yakovlev ((1713 - 1784) real name – Sobakin; Russian entrepreneur, breeder, philanthropist, elevated to hereditary nobility)
  • Savva (Savely) Yamshchikov ((1938 - 2009) Russian restorer, art historian, publicist; discovered the genre of Russian provincial portrait of the 18th - 19th centuries, brought to life the names of forgotten Russian artists and icon painters)
  • Savva Dangulov (Soviet writer)
  • Sava (Sava) Grujic ((1840 - 1913) Serbian military man and statesman)
  • Sava Damyanov (Serbian writer, literary critic and literary scholar)
  • Sava Dimitrov ((1919 - 2008) Bulgarian clarinetist and music teacher)

Every Orthodox Christian is given a name at baptism. He goes through life with it, unless he wants to radically change it at some stage. Desiring a monastic life, a person changes his name, proving his readiness for complete spiritual rebirth. All peoples of the world know that a change of name means a change of fate. That is why pagan peoples had a taboo against a proper name being replaced by another name. But the question is: what happens when not the whole name changes, but only part of it? How does such a change affect your future life? And does it have any effect at all? Or maybe such a change is just a statement of the fact that life has already changed?

These questions have been bothering me for a long time. Ever since I read in the Bible: “ This is my covenant with you: you will be the father of many nations, and you will no longer be called Abram, but your name will be Abraham, for I will make you the father of many nations."(Gen. 17: 4-5). And further: " And God said to Abraham: Do not call your wife Sarah, but let her name be Sarah; I will bless her and give you a son by her; I will bless her, and nations will come from her, and kings of nations will come from her."(Gen. 17: 15-16). True, the Jewish Encyclopedia gives a slightly different interpretation of the names: “God commanded that from now on Abram be called Abraham (the elevation of this name in the Bible to Av Hamon Goyim - “father of crowds of nations” is in the nature of folk etymology), and Sarai - Sarai, and so that " all the males in Abraham's house were circumcised." Be that as it may, the hitherto childless forefathers became the founders of the clan to which the covenant was given: “ I will be your God and your descendants after you"(Gen. 17:7). The beginning of a new dynasty is marked by a change of name - a turning point for the entire history of mankind.

The turning point for Russian history was, of course, the schism of the Russian Church in the 17th century. Anyone who sets out to study the schism sooner or later becomes clear that it cannot be perceived only in a religious sense. Mosaic studies on “book justice”, decanonization of Russian ascetics of the faith, reform of the hierarchical structure of the Church under Peter, etc. the facts form a “masterfully” executed mosaic. The picture put together from pieces of events suggests that in Rus' not just a church reform was carried out, but a large-scale reform to de-Russify our history and culture.

One of the mosaic aspects of the reform is the sphere of onomastics - the science of proper names. Previously, we had to write about the cultural differences between the names Nikola and Nikolai, about the distinction between these names by Russian people. However, the problem of different spellings and pronunciations of proper names is much deeper than it seems at first glance. In the Acts of the Holy Apostles there is a clear phrase indicating to Christians the importance and meaning of the Savior’s name: “... and there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."(Acts 4:11-12). This apostolic saying became the starting point for the heated controversy that unfolded around the name of Christ. Let us recall Archpriest Avvakum, who was already quoted by us in another material (“”). In the chapter “On the change in the splendor of the church and on the corruption of books,” he writes: “Not only the holy books were changed, but all the speeches, powers and names were turned into strange proverbs. They say Jesus Christ - “Jesus”, Nikola the miracle worker - “Nicholas”, Great Martyr Paraskovia - “Paraskeva”. Yes, they changed and changed the names of many saints, so that Christ may endure the light and St. Nicholas [the creator of miracles] for them until the day of judgment, then the whole decree will be for them.”

The doubling of “and” in the name of the Savior is a literal translation of the Greek name. When transcribing, the reference workers were guided not by the oral tradition of the Greek language, not by pronunciation, but only by spelling, which also did not take into account the norms of the Russian language. Not to mention the fact that changing the name of Christ entailed a tempting interpretation of the words of the prayer. Some supporters of the old faith believed that Nikonians prayed to “the Lord and Jesus Christ,” hinting that the Antichrist had become their “lord.” Xenos spoke out against this in his “District Epistle,” written against “blasphemous wisdom.”

Without deifying the name of the Savior, the sensitive ear of our spiritual ancestors caught the deceitful policy of book reference agents, recklessly violating the basic laws of their native language. But for contrast, here is a positive example. In Alexander Blok’s poem “The Twelve,” observing the rhythm and norms of the language, the poet writes:

With a gentle tread above the storm,
Snow scattering of pearls,
In a white corolla of roses -
Ahead is Jesus Christ.

Sergei Yesenin has a poem called “Baby Jesus”. I think similar examples can be given.

The assimilation of new names that came from non-Slavic languages ​​began immediately after the adoption of Baptism by Russia. In ancient Russian writing there were variants of the same name and its different readings. There is no reason to assert that in medieval Rus' there were mandatory lists of names, “canonical” calendars, because they were constantly edited and supplemented. Researchers A.V. Suslova and A.V. Superanskaya believe that the history of the so-called calendar names reflects the interaction of the Russian folk language and Church Slavonic, the official language of the Russian Orthodox Church. This process manifested itself in the transformation of personal names, in the adaptation of “Christian” names to the conditions of the Russian linguistic environment.

The turning point in Russian anthroponymy was the 14th century, when the formation of a centralized state began. At the same time, the influence of the church on all spheres of life increased, which could not but be reflected in the names. Thus, “second” names that had pagan origins gradually disappeared. Andrey Kobyla and Fyodor Koshka are a thing of the past. Gradually, an opposition arose between the folk and literary forms of names: Avdotya - Evdokia, Nastasya - Anastasia, Efimya - Euphemia, etc.

In the middle of the 19th century, I. I. Sreznevsky published the monthly Menaions of the 11th-13th centuries. They prove that the ancient Russian copyists of liturgical books were well-educated people who recorded the most acceptable variants of names in the exact spelling that corresponded to their living sound: Katerina, Nester, Demyan, Kupriyan, and not those recorded in later church books: Catherine, Nestor, Damian, Cyprian etc. The assimilation of new names in the Old Russian language proceeded through the rearrangement of vowels and consonants, the replacement of some sound combinations with ones more familiar to the Russian ear, which corresponded to the peculiarities of our language, as well as the formation of diminutive and affectionate forms. For example, the Hebrew name John (Iōḥānān - Yohanan) receives the Russian form Ivan, and in common parlance it is shortened to Vani.

The split of the Russian Church became the next stage of language reform. Along with the “editing” of liturgical texts, calendar names were changed. As a result, the pronunciation and spelling of many personal names turned out to be as close as possible not to Greek, but to southwestern church traditions. In addition, due to the speed of the “book right,” Nikon’s publications had typos. “Thus, the tradition of pronunciation and writing of calendar names that had developed in the Russian language was destroyed by law in the 17th century.” Those names that were abandoned by the Russian oral tradition were forcibly returned to church use.

For the sake of truth, it must be said that at that time a certain “oscillatory process” associated with the development of new lands was still felt in the linguistic forms of names. Previously, in business correspondence, writing a name incorrectly or in a derogatory manner could lead to charges of dishonor. Therefore, on March 25, 1675, a decree was issued, which prescribed: “if anyone in his petition writes in whose name or nickname, not knowing the spelling, instead o a, or instead and about, or instead b b, or instead iь e, or instead and i, or instead OU, or instead y o, and other names in letters, similar to those, due to the nature of the cities where someone was born, and according to their habits of speaking and writing out of habit, do not put him in dishonor and do not give judgment for him and do not look for him.” However, this decree did not have a cardinal significance for the approval of new language norms in proper names.

According to the above-mentioned researchers, the norms of Russian pronunciation of names that developed by the 14th century were preserved mainly among the Old Believers. In these norms there were no double vowels and consonants, as well as double-vowel combinations: Philip, Isaac, Avramy, Ivan, Fedor. As a result of the corrections of the 17th century, the dominant church, on the contrary, began to use the forms Philip, Isaac, Abraham, John, Theodore, which did not correspond to the norms of the living Russian language. So, when looking at the development of domestic onomastics, the accusations of the Old Believers of adhering to the “letter” rather than the spirit of the law look more than odious.

In the 18th-19th centuries, under the influence of borrowings from Western European languages ​​of words with double consonants (for example, German. Official), the reverse process began. Consonants began to be doubled in those names in which there was no doubling initially: Hilarion - Hilarion, Sava - Savva, etc. The turning point in the unification of names was the publication of the calendar by the St. Petersburg Synodal Printing House in 1891. A decree was sent to the dioceses of the Russian Empire. It strictly ordered that those baptized be given names only according to a given month. In the article “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate” No. 12 for 2006, it is noted that at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, the Church published only month books, but not calendars: “To this day, the following three are legalized church months books, published with the blessing of the Holy Synod: 1 ) Months of All Saints celebrated by the Orthodox Eastern Church. St. Petersburg, 1891; 2) Christian monthly book. M., 1900; 3) The faithful monthly book of all Russian saints. M., 1903". I draw your attention to the word “legalized”.

It is trite to talk about Western influence on the Synodal Church. Onomastics provides interesting examples of such influence. The Modern Dictionary of Personal Names provides brief characteristics of each name. For example:

Sava rus. 1) orf. v-t im. Savva; 2) abbr. to Savvaty, Savely and others.

Savva* rus. [from Greek Sabba(s) truncation im. Sabbation cm. Savvaty; until the 17th century written with one V] .

It is obvious that the name Savva is a translation from Greek, without taking into account the norms of the Russian language, which shortened the name to the name Sava, which is easy to pronounce. Or: Hilarion* rus. [from Greek Hilarion< hilaros весёлый]; орф. в-т Илларион; разг. Ларион; ит. Ilarione Иларионе; рус. сокр. Лара, Ларик; Wed Ilarius. Hilaire fr. cm. Ilarius. Note that doubling the consonant in a name is only a spelling variation. Initially, even in Greek there was no double consonant!

In the middle of the twentieth century, the acoustic theory of speech formation was formed. One of its founders was the Swedish acoustic engineer and phonetician Gunnar Fant. The theory uses technical characteristics of the frequency of the fundamental tone of human speech and other things that are poorly understood by humanists. When I became acquainted with this theory, the concept of the “acoustic body” of a word was etched in my memory. It is fair to conclude that a person’s name has its own acoustic body. It is also logical to conclude that the system of Russian names that had developed by the 17th century fully corresponded to the acoustic characteristics of Russian speech. And there is no common sense in writing and pronouncing church names in a foreign manner. And if the soul of the people is in the language, then breaking the language is an attempt to transform our souls. You can change a Russian dress into a German style, but you can’t change the Russian language into “German”. And it is not for nothing that the word “Germans” itself comes from the concept of “dumbness.” Archpriest Avvakum warned: “It is not proper to despise your language, but to adorn your tongues with strange ones.”

Savva is a pleasant, erudite man with a rich inner world. He does not tolerate gossip, intrigue and lies, he likes to be alone, using this time for self-development. As a rule, his life proceeds calmly, without serious life trials, but secrecy and caution prevent him from opening up.

The legend of the name tells about Savva Stratelates. From childhood, he was brought up in the traditions of the Christian faith, helping those in need, and often visited prison prisoners. The saint had the gift of healing and the ability to cast out demons. He was tortured for his faith, placed in prison, and then drowned.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Savva translated from ancient Aramaic is “sage.” The ancient Hebrew interpretation of the name translates it as “sagittarius,” and the ancient Greek refers to the name Sobbatius, which means “Saturday.”


The name Savva makes its owner shy and withdrawn during childhood. He usually prefers to play alone, avoiding his peers. The boy is not inclined to show emotions; you should not expect wild delight or hysterics from him. He is calm, and his unchildish self-sufficiency leads to the fact that he does not want to interact with other children at all. Little Savva is not worried about the lack of friends - his developed mind makes him bored when communicating with his peers. He is curious, hardworking, but slow; it is important for parents to teach him to overcome his shyness.

The meaning of the name Savva for a teenage boy gives him a calm, non-conflict, diligent and hardworking character. In his studies, he succeeds much more than his classmates; he is not only smart, but also well-read. The guy prefers books to cartoons, TV series and computer games and likes to philosophize on important topics. He is a very creative person and tries to express himself through clubs and sections. He is responsible, tries to get a good education in order to take his place in the sun in the future.

Savva has developed intuition and a wild imagination; he is able to easily infect those around him with an interesting idea. The guy knows how to understand people, respects strong and self-sufficient individuals. He is responsive, will always come to the rescue in word or deed, but expects the same attitude for himself. He is very worried if his close people left him alone in difficult times, this leads him to disappointment. Savva is gentle and good-natured, he will not lie, gossip behind his back and is not capable of betrayal. Sometimes he can flare up, but quickly returns to a state of balance.

Having matured, a man named Savva usually receives a very good education, but his reluctance to follow the lead of the system prevents him from realizing himself. A leadership position does not look attractive in his eyes; he likes the role of an observer much more. He excels as a performer, but at the same time he can easily realize himself in the field of his own business. His actions will be calculated several steps ahead, and innovative thinking will be the key to success. The adult Savva still has a love for books and loneliness. He strives to develop his horizons and erudition. Noisy companies are not for him; Savva would rather spend time in the cinema, theater or outdoors.

In love relationships, he shows himself to be an independent and passionate partner who does not tolerate restrictions. A man is honest with his beloved and is not inclined to cheat. He is attracted to girls who are as self-sufficient, self-sufficient and independent as he is. But the companion should not be persistent and demanding, otherwise he will immediately stop any communication, especially if the woman suddenly decides to talk about the wedding.

Savva hesitates for a long time to have a relationship with the person he likes, but then completely surrenders to the feeling of love. He will marry a self-sufficient, caring girl with a good sense of humor. The love of freedom is perhaps his only drawback as a spouse. Savva will do her best to make the relationship look like a fairy tale. He is not interested in fleeting affairs and mistresses, but his closeness prevents him from showing feelings. Children are the meaning of his life, and he tries to become not just a good father for them, but an example. He will give his son all his experience and knowledge, and will make his daughter a little princess and indulge her every whim.


Savva’s character depends on the zodiac sign:

  1. Aries is purposeful, persistent, always gets to the goal, knows how to prioritize. Difficulties do not stop him, no matter how large-scale they may seem.
  2. Taurus is a hardworking, assertive, sensitive, trusting man who is loved by luck. Strives to realize himself in his profession and achieve material well-being. Becomes a good husband and caring father.
  3. Openness, sociability and delicacy - these are the traits Savva, born under the sign of Gemini, possesses. He loves to have fun and be the center of attention, he will always find entertainment for his friends.
  4. Cancer - does not accept other people's opinions, stands firmly on his own, pays attention to little things. Persistent, persistent and demanding.
  5. Leo is an unconditional leader and a good organizer; his ability to manage people makes those around him respect him. Self-development is the main goal of his life.
  6. Virgo is a taciturn, reserved man who often does not feel the joy of life. Does not like parties, is open only with close people, is afraid of being deceived, and is afraid of the unknown.
  7. Libra - a flexible mind allows Savva to easily adapt to changing circumstances and communicate with different people. Able to manipulate others and gain trust.
  8. Scorpio is sincere, touchy, vulnerable, and reacts sharply to any comments. Outwardly, the man is reserved, but emotions are boiling inside. A carelessly spoken word can provoke a state of depression.
  9. Sagittarius - loves travel, adventure, and is very adventurous. Loves fun and meeting new people. Selects easy-going girls.
  10. Capricorn is vulnerable, sensitive, impressionable. Touchy, difficult to cope with difficulties, unsure of himself. Needs a strong and active companion.
  11. Aquarius is a good-natured, tactful, delicate, cheerful man. He loves to communicate and is always polite, carefully choosing his friends.
  12. Pisces - taciturn, shy, unpredictable. A devoted friend and a good listener, but prefers solitude, which is not burdensome.

Name day

Savva's name day:

  • January 14, 25, 27;
  • February 1, 21;
  • March 5, 15;
  • April 2, 7, 10, 12, 15, 24, 28;
  • May 7, 19, 25;
  • June 26;
  • 21 July;
  • August 2, 9, 23, 25;
  • September 9, 10;
  • October 1, 11, 14, 23;
  • November 13, 14, 25;
  • December 5, 16, 18.

Name color

Savva's lucky color is gray. It expresses distrust, self-doubt and changeable character. “Greys” isolate themselves from people and do not succumb to the influence of others.

Name flower

Savva's talisman flower is edelweiss. It is considered a symbol of a man's love, beauty and youth. According to legend, a young man went looking for this flower to marry his beloved. Years passed, the search did not stop, and the girl had already turned into an old woman, but her lover, who was young, knocked on her window. Taking the flower in her hands, the old woman turned into her former young beauty.

Church name

Sava's church name is unchanged.

Translation of name in different languages

The male name Savva in English is written using transcription - Savva. The same spelling is preserved in Czech. In Belarusian and Serbian the name Savva is written as Sava. The Polish version of the name is Saba.

Full name, shortened affectionate

The full male name Savva has the following affectionate and abbreviated forms:

  • Savvushka.
  • Sava.
  • Savka.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

The patronymic name of Savva for a boy is Savvich. Names for son:

  • Andrey.
  • Kirill.
  • Nikita.

The name is Savva, the middle name for the girl is Savvichna. Name for daughter:

  • Anastasia.
  • Snezhanna.
  • Irina.

Name compatibility

Savva is ideally compatible with:

  • Anastasia.
  • Angelina.
  • Evgenia.
  • Lada.
  • Lolita.
  • Tatyana.
  • Snezhanna.
  • Elloy.

Good compatibility with:

  • Elena.
  • Irina.
  • Maryanna.
  • Olga.
  • Julia.

How to incline

Declension of the name Savva:

  • In the nominative and accusative cases - Savva.
  • In the genitive - Savva.
  • In the dative - Savva.
  • In the creative - Savva.
  • In the prepositional form - Savva.

Often mom and dad cannot decide the difficult question of what to name the child. Before you begin the procedure, you should find as much information as possible about the options you like most. Often, a naming can describe in detail the character and fate of a person. If parents are expecting a boy, then it is worth considering the beautiful and sonorous - Savva. The meaning of the name can tell a lot of interesting things about the boy’s future life.

Some people believe that Saveliy and Savva are one name, but different forms. In fact, this is not so, because the names Savva and Savely are different, independent.

Researchers claim that the meanings and origins of the names also differ. The name Savely had roots in Jewish culture. It has such an interpretation as “unpretentious” and “simple”.

Savva comes from the ancient Greek name Sabbas, which arose from the Aramaic word “sabba” - sage, old man. However, there is another version: this is a shortened form of the ancient Greek name Sabbatios, the root of which is “Saturday”.

If the interpretation and origin of names are different, then the characteristics of the bearers will be different. Thus, the meaning of the names, characters and destinies of Savely and Savva will diverge in many ways.

Derivatives from the name

The confusion in the names of Savely and Savva arises from the fact that Savely is called Savoy for short. However, if the young man’s passport contains the full name Savva, then it has nothing to do with the Saveliy form.

Often you can hear short and affectionate words from relatives and friends: Savochka, Savushka, Savonka, Savchik. When baptized in Orthodoxy, the child receives the name Savva. Name days are celebrated 32 times a year.

At birth, male children acquire patronymic names: Savvich, Savvichna.

Characteristics of naming

For a boy, the name Savva means that from childhood the child is self-sufficient. Often his parents will see him playing alone. Savushka seems withdrawn and shy, and this is true, because it is almost impossible to see him in the company of his peers. The boy is distinguished by his balance and calmness. He never gets angry or reacts to events emotionally.

Little Savva can do without company at all, because he is independent and always knows how to keep himself busy. Often, mom and dad notice that the boy develops much faster than children his age. He is always thoughtful and curious, loves to explore the world, so he can walk alone for a long time. Savushka can be unsure of himself and timid, as well as slow. Parents need to pay attention to emerging character traits and try to make the child more sociable in order to avoid many problems in the future.

Savva the teenager is distinguished by his hard work, perseverance and diligence. He usually achieves great success at school, often becoming the best student, which is why parents and teachers are delighted. The guy does not spend his free time on games or pranks, but tries to read as many educational books as possible.

Usually in adolescence, Savva shows creative talent. He can independently enroll in a music or acting club. A young man often does not neglect sports, so it is easy to see him in the swimming, athletics, wrestling or football sections.

Savchik understands that the education he receives will play an important role in his life. Often a young man enters a prestigious higher education institution, which he graduates with honors. The Savva man strives for leadership positions. He works hard on himself for this, but often his natural tendency to loneliness takes over and puts him off a leadership position.

In communication, a man can be rude, but in general he is a kind person and ready to sympathize with his neighbor. Will support a friend in trouble. He himself gets very upset when there is no one to ask for help.

Savva really likes independent personalities with a subtle sense of humor. He is endowed with intuition, which helps to understand people and their actions. A man loves to argue and prove his point of view. Sometimes, in a fit of eloquence, he can offend his interlocutor, which is why he repents after the incident.

In business, Savva is disciplined and knows how to obey when necessary. Often in need of praise, in the depths of his soul he dreams of awards and universal admiration. He treats any undertaking responsibly and tries to be fair in every situation. May choose a career as an architect, designer or journalist.

The man has a gentle disposition. He does not know how and does not want to discuss acquaintances or weave conspiracies. Outwardly he is always calm, but can flare up if he doesn’t like something. Self-confident, selfish.

Traits depending on the season

For the boy Savva, the meaning of the name and fate largely depend on the time of birth. The time of year gives a person unique characteristics:

Horoscope for Savva

The formation of Savva’s character is greatly influenced by the exact date of birth. The zodiac sign gives unique traits and qualities:

Love relationships and marriage

Savva is not capable of deceiving the girl he loves. He is always sincere and tries to achieve the same from his partner. A man is a freedom-loving man, however, having found “the one,” he will forget about everything in the world and will devote every minute to her. The spouse must be independent, emotional and sensitive.

Usually Savva’s partner cannot complain that he is a “cracker”. A man, having gotten to know a woman better, reveals his rich inner world. In bed, he never hides his emotions and understands well the feelings of the fair sex.

In marriage, a man strives to provide for his family and surround his wife and children with care. He will not stare at other people. He will pamper his sons and daughters, he will try to give them everything they need, because they are the meaning of life.

It is important for Savva to find a worthy girl to serve as his wife, so he should pay attention to compatible names:

  1. Alexandra.
  2. Veronica.
  3. Margarita.
  4. Varvara.
  5. Ella.
  6. Evgenia.

Must be remembered that the name Savva is independent. But for Savely, the meaning of the name and fate are different. The formation of Savva’s character usually occurs under the influence of many factors, such as environment, upbringing, time of birth and zodiac sign. Each person with an unusual name is unique.

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